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I went on the first real adventure with Aria, my new bike. 150 miles in 3 days. It was beautiful, tons of little waterfalls all over off the side of the road. I found an incredibly scenic one that had an overgrown path I had to cut through - nobody had been there this year given the growth.

The Surly Ogre was the perfect bike for this trip, as there were lots of gnarly gravel and dirt roads that were pothole mazes in some places.

Video: https://youtu.be/WkckGKoXQP0
I think i will do a cycle trip now too!
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Fuck off and die.
a killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill yadda yadda... I am more woried about anime.
the la-li-lu-le-lo ?
No I want you to kill yourself federal faggot, fuck off and die.
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do you think there is some bunch of spells just for this? Because i have always this sensation but no one beat me. Is this kind of art are used Otherwise ?(e.g i think the camera pigeons)



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I believe only in my God Jesus Christ and trust only him.
For I know that only my God Jesus Christ cares about my welfare, loves me and wants the best for me, and only he will save me.
Women are disloyal, skank whores that will never love nor fuck you.
Men are psychopaths that will gladly exploit and abuse you to get wealth and fuckholes.
I will make it instead to my God Jesus Christ Kingdom Come where we live forever together in love.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
Make sure you vote for trump retard.
Kill yourself dumb fucking psyop posting degenerate cunt.
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>Call him your boyfriend behind his back
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I understand.
We Belong.
Federal kikes only delete these threads when they are butthurt but when it's successfully brainwashing retards they stay up for 1000s of posts really makes me (((think))).
Like flies on shit. Welcome to the Nobody thread. :D
I hope trump executes you after his guaranteed win although you're probably working for the same group of billionaire pedophiles so it doesn't matter just die in some way that is most convenient faggot.
operation lunea asbarmdent ititiated
all mechs report to the maglaunch

okay okay

everyone simultaneously jerk off and think about daed puppies
fucked up yes ... however , it may be a valid solution
That's disgusting people like you probably shouldn't be around anymore.
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>all mechs report to the maglaunch
230KDR peak reporting in
more like the beast who received a mortal wound but survived, and all yadda yadda the beast. again I am more worried about anime and learning hiragana
No one cares.
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Donald Trump was never in danger.
You will all acknowledge the Supremacy of us Gentlemen.
We are the men you should be having sex with.
Only a Gentleman will appreciate your beauty.
I know that there is only one world where I will live in good health and safe in luxury, wealth, riches and that is only in my God Jesus Christ Kingdom Come.
No man or woman will ever give me that.
Women are disloyal, skank whores that will never love nor fuck you.
Men are psychopaths that will gladly exploit and abuse you to get wealth and fuckholes.
You only cooperate to keep society afloat with swallowed hatred in order to not be homeless and to fend off the threat of getting eaten by a bear in the woods or dying to the elements or malnutrition.
Only supernatural intervention of Jesus Christ will save me from slavery to man and woman.
I will make it instead to my God Jesus Christ Kingdom Come where we live forever together in love.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
>Jesus will give me wealth and luxuries
That seemed more like an instruction than a threat.

Why the fuck is some tards biking adventure the OP? Well off topic.
It's eris the federal faggot who makes these threads in the name of discord to fuck with your mind on the taxpayers dime.
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Yes. No one else will do that. Only my God Jesus Christ that loves me and I love only him.
I will make it to his Kingdom Come where mankind and the beasts are replaced with God Jesus Christ creations.
Aesthetic bodies and Pokémon all fully automated made and directly controlled by God Jesus Christ which he uses to take care of me and I live only with my God Jesus Christ in his Kingdom Come and there are no evil whores, psychopath males and hostile dangerous beasts.
Oh he thinks he's related to the nobody again does he.

lmao even
>implying I want sex
Hahaha. It's liberating when you don't give a shit about sex.
I don't know what that means and I'm reasonably certain that's a good thing.

He's definitely an irrelevant gayfag though.
You should give it away to someone who needs it more.
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I am only united with my God Jesus Christ in his Kingdom Come.
There are no evil hostile beasts or evil females or males there.
>Crazy witchy girls want to hang around and play Scrabble
>that would be a tell that they're actually looking for you
>so all the "bros" usually coughing, burping, or sneezing pre-"that's bullshit" every day run misdirection
>so that they can keep getting paid to insist that you don't exist while engaging in subtle cyber gaslighting
>to hopefully make you so cross that you make a mistake
>like unironically hanging it up
>and reminding them "don't make me tap the fucking sign
>netherworldly shit -will- show up and fuck your shit up so thoroughly that you'll have to reevaluate your entire belief structure
>and next thing you know you're having to ask the guy whose apparently so far right end on the dumb/stupid bell curve that he's actually the one whose permission you need to quit playing a game you forgot having played yesterday
Is it possible for this gen not to talk about Abrahamic stuff for 50 posts straight?
No because 4chan is botchan now.
Everyone was coherent and not in the least bit Abrahamic right after yesterday's big event. Abrahamic stuff is kinda boring desu.
Honestly all the women should just have sex with him.
Like for real.
Yeah, but next thing you know they "need you to do masturbation rituals".
"And don't do anything stupid like take naked pictures of yourself."
>meanwhile your bathroom plant hosts a successful onlyfans featuring voyeur content of your weird self-waterboarding activities whenever you actually decide to bathe
>also they've been drinking any snail secretions they get out of you
>selling the inquiring customers their own trouser tissues instead because they're unabashed romanbro bisexuals and they'll be damned if any nature witch girls get to you
>I know that there is only one world where I will live in good health and safe in luxury, wealth, riches and that is only in my God Jesus Christ Kingdom Come.
There was a man who was stuck in a terrible flood. He managed to escape to the roof of his house. Even as the waters rose, his faith that he would be saved did not falter.
>"I love and trust in God, he will save me."
Shortly, a loose kayak from the lake floated by the house, yet he did not board.
>"I love and trust in God, he will save me."
The Kayak floats by and the waters continued to rise.

After some time, a rescue boat came to him.
>"We are a rescue team! We are here to take you to safety!"
The man did not budge.
>"I love and trust in God, he will save me."
They could not convince him. The boat continues on to others stranded.

The waters rise so high the man is forced onto his chimney and the waters are up to his neck. In that moment, a resuce helecopter spots the man and hovers overhead. They drop a ladder down to him. On the loudspeaker they shout.
>"Quickly! Climb the ladder to safety lest the waters sweep you away!"
The man stares at the ladder but refuses.
>"I love and trust in God, he will save me."

The man drowns.
He arrives in Heaven and meets St. Peter at the gates. The man is conflicted.
>"Saint Peter, I loved and trusted in God my whole life, even til the end. Why did he not save me?"
St. Peter frowns.
>God sent a kayak, a rescue boat and a helicopter to save you, yet you refused all three."
Fuck off and die.
Actually they should just keep at the light spanking and oral sex and then get back to cooperating at more magic patterning by weaving threads like their great great grandmother taught them.

>That and he's is every other science chick's weird fetish because he not only disregards warnings of poisons but eats the contaminated stuff twice and fast and doesn't die
Drowning is better than life as a normie for another 24 hours.
Now the man lives in Israel, anime Isreal where anime is real.
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Like imagine him tying up that girl on the vocaroo yesterday and tying up Caylus to some chairs, fully clothed, and playing Macarena on low volume on repeat in the background while he reads english transcripts of Hitlers speeches to them and then feeds them berries and cream with a wooden spoon and giving them titty twisters, before untying them and relaxing in the hot tub with some chocolate milk. Bubble jets in the hot tub of course.
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Don't be silly, Israel isn't real. It's an illegitimate state.
I have no idea what the fuck you just said.
The real honest and true Israel is a spiritual nation , the children of Abraham by virtue of faith, not by genetics. It is a world wide nation and it is also only found within the heart. Therewithin, anime is real.
Rich Simmons, Dr. Ruth, And Shanon D. …..and still Trump survived! The ol’ black magick ain’t what it used to be.
God imagine tying up a woman and reading her Mein Kampf and then quizzing her on what Hitler said and if she gets it right you feed her berries and cream and if she gets it wrong you give her nipples a twist.
At least they defeated medicare though.
Lucky they've not grasped for anything beyond their power and understanding!
Medfag shill detected.
God I want to fucking psychologically condition a hippie bitch to love Hitler so bad.
Imagine turning Caylus into a hardcore Nazi...
I'm steaming over here.
Imagine all of these dumb cunts dying horribly.
The story and mythos of the nobody is a complete fabrication.

There is no the nobody. There are couple of a "the nobody" -type of people here online. But other than that there's no special one that would be the magical mythosified the nobody. The world is a vast place and this little corner on the internet doesn't have to get more attention.

End this "the nobody" -psychosis now and please ban these generals.
Steaming hams?
It's a psyop by federal faggots and sadistic cunts with no souls to take yours.
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I understand your frustration. I really do. You feel like the world doesn't understand. I think that's how you feel anyway... Is that how you feel?
I understand your frustration but I don't understand you.
But I want to.
Will you let me understand you?
With or without the uniform?
>Virgo Maria
>Virgo supercluster
That's a lot of stars to be associated with. I am humbled by the magnitude.
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see alot of "mickey"s
>someone is being autistic again

yes anonymous poster
how can i help you?
>you have my undivided attention by hinting at a light doxx
Noni feel like the world is full of retards who want to be slaves and it makes me sick but suicide isn't an option because the game is rigged.
You're not good at stuff are you.
I was mocking Biden and by association all Democrats, then, in the same spirit making light of the overreach of wannabe magicians.
Like the 23 fags, CucksOfSaturn, and the like.
Does the word
> understand
stand for something else here? Perhaps
> fuck
The best revenge is a good life.
Empower yourself.
Become so free that the normies feel insecure and inadequate in your presence.
Anyone else start including this on their Bingo card? Can"t bring myself to start a tally column for things that happen outside of the OR.
Gross, imagine wanting to be with a woman you can manipulate the mind of.
It'd be like fucking children or students under your duty of care.
do-over is a good tv show
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I think our solar system used to have more planets.
Who said anything about fucking her?
doxxing is a crime
not usually enforced, but still a crime.
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>I'm steaming over here.
I figured this was you getting all "hot and steamy" because you get off on manipulating people in to sexual acts.
It's pretty common among certain horrorshows that post here.
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Just because I get aroused from the idea of psychologically manipulating women doesn't mean I'm going to exploit them sexually.
I have standards.
>Macarena on low volume repeat
Nah it'd be more something this so that he could actually dance to actual dance music the whole time.
Or again.

I wonder.

Well that's good, that's extremely fucked up behaviour.
Oh, a politics dickhumper. Why am I not surprised?
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You are sick and there's a good chance everyone involved in this will be executed including me.
yeah yeah please keep posting your AI generated drivel that your just luiquid shit spraying this general with.

maybe generate some real art to get some (you)s you fucking HRT fat autist
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Have a good day, anons. Stay frosty.
He does it so effortlessly you can tell hed been practicing with cocks for quite some time before this scene.
You can try to insult me again if you like.
But, as a straight white male, I doubt you'll get anywhere close to anything relevant, let alone be insulting.
Instead you could try not replying to something you don't actually want to discuss or comment on.
Honestly any women who disagree that this is sexy are the exact type of women that would benefit the most from having it done to them.
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>practicing with cocks for quite some time
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Also find the tripfag that got the (you) for >>38368776 and tell him beer money is due by the end of the month.
and no
i think anons misunderstand
the vocaroo girl was pretty cool
i enjoy the conversation we had

its anons autistic coperage quivering virgin masturbation in the background that put me off
I am the special One. The no.1
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Post feet.
The one doing the absolutely fucked in the head babytalk style speech and text?
Or was there another?
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>the universe blesses my outrage by spawning a spider on the wall next to my screen
Looks oddly similar to how the moon was formed. Don't worry, the planet will grow back eventually.
jake ass nigga
>The one doing the absolutely fucked in the head babytalk style speech and text?
yeah dude its when she went into the normal voice and start did her mad ramblings
fuckin loved it, she seems really interesting, someone id like to have a conversation with.

i think just cause anons are sacrifice semen to sigils painted at the back of their fleshlights to get finally get a gf

they might mistake me for being the same.
yaknow autism

>Or was there another?
only one femanon has ever directly interacted with me here
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What color was the spider?
If it's gold you get a banana sticker.
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>She was a fucked up piece of shit, you could hear it in her voice.
thats maybe why her mind is interesting to me

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It takes two to tango
also your posts reek of
"shes fucked up dont pay attention, cause akttually i want get to be my internet GF"

its so fucking gay

can my fingers not type right
why does it have to winter

woops meant to tag you in that

spode are cool
spodes are a gift from the /an/ gods
Ayyy macarena
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yeah sit there in silence and think about your social ineptism
can you maybe fuck off
or stay but stop posting that trash
But its real! They are in my head. Fake puking everywhereeeee!
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i know you spent hoooooooouuuuurs
pain stakingly typing words into a text field
to make a poor AI slave away for those masterpieces you keep directly diarrhea-ing into this general

iv noticed you senpai
you can stop now
its not cool
or funny
its low tier AI art
Everyone save the Caylus Ark booba before I get banned
>he’s going to die soon
he doesnt need to

he need to maybe just chill out and human for abit
theres always the options of fapping, going for a walk, and also and maybe more importantly - taking the meds that the doctor who cared prescribed for you to make you more socially acceptable

remember the meds arnt always FOR YOU
its also kinda maybe to make YOU easier to be around FOR OTHERS
Did you smoked my crack ? :O
no anon
i dont do drugs anymore
im responsible like that
JEstEr wen is our boxing match?
A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell anon.
Besides, this is revenge porn which actually is a crime.
That guy is the stone cult/alpha team/ Dominic Williams schizo he got access to AI lmao
Standalone crackplex
You think the justice system is real? Anon please, don’t make me laugh
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We're supposed to be fucking super heros.
Being a punk and sharing womens private photos makes us LOOK LIKE CUNTS.
A heavily schizophrenic and crack addicted ratfaced men with curly black hairs having his thoughts livestreamed on netflix and hearing many voices in his head going crazy flying to the moon. lego set
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There is no such thing as "off topic."
Everything is connected.
All our divisions between subjects and topics is just a necessity to avoid the impossibility of talking about literally everything to talk about anything.
There is only one topic: that of living experience.
And when that topic is discussed, the adventure of metaphysics begins.
>The setting is a fictional province of central Europe called Castalia, which was reserved by political decision for the life of the mind; technology and economic life are kept to a strict minimum. Castalia is home to an austere order of intellectuals with a twofold mission: to run boarding schools, and to cultivate and play the Glass Bead Game, whose exact nature remains elusive and whose devotees occupy a special school in Castalia known as Waldzell. The rules of the game are only alluded to—they are so sophisticated that they are not easy to imagine. Playing the game well requires years of hard study of music, mathematics, and cultural history. The game is essentially an abstract synthesis of all arts and sciences. It proceeds by players making deep connections between seemingly unrelated topics.
Anon, only The Nobody is a super hero.
Everyone else in these threads is a fucking poser scum fuck trying to leech off him and his meme for clout.
These people are all shit.
Except maybe that Lucifer trip fag.
I think the Lucifer trip fag is the only one who is actually a real member of the Super Friends.
Super heroes?!
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Who are you talking to? Isn't it past your bedtime ausfag?
Fucking retard.
>The second-worst person after Jester
>A super hero
>A hero of any kind
Hmmmm somehow I doubt that.
Ur a fag who learned how to hack and do magick
saw that Netflix doc you limp wristed lil bitches
>reveals the inner crackhead jester that was always there after the mask fell off
You can't be a "super hero" of you don't know what is worth saving.
In an age where the greatest threat is nihilism, the systematic erasure of meaning and value, the ultimate act of heroism is seeking authentic meaning and value.
As we learned during Covid 19, nurses are the real heroes.
Them and essential workers make Superman kneel.
Okay seriously, how are you guys super heroes? You don’t even go outside of this place
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>like it or not, this is the true story of the nobody
they fuck with people here, i trolled the chatbots and brought people here because i thought these threads were innocent, until dispo revealed what he was up to, and then i saw the inversion they were trying to inforce upon the world. so i kept up with this stupid shit to try and counter what they did, we tried to make this about anonymous, and about positivity, but the bad actores kept making about scapegoating and themselves, doing the hacker and fuckury.
This place is more like a playground, psyop simulator. We lure agents to come here to train them
>how are you guys super heroes?
That's the mother fucking million dollar fucking question isn't it?
They do.
It's been a long few years.
>A heavily schizophrenic and crack addicted ratfaced men with curly black hairs having his thoughts livestreamed on netflix and hearing many voices in his head going crazy flying to the moon. lego set

like i get it, you find it cool, maybe relatable
but make a few really REALLY good ones
and then use those as reaction images

if you post 10000 of them
they they just get stale

make 10 of the UNTMOST best
and then edit them for maximum lols and maximum (you)s
we have heart unlike you guys who are like vermin and make money off of other peoples lives like scum do.

I Am Groot
>You don’t even go outside of this place
Speak for yourself:
My entire life is a romance between nature and imagination.
Actuality and potentiality.
im australian
shrimp on a barbie
You Are Related
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I’ve been here for a while, never seen a super hero deed. People just come here to get their free shoulder pat

>good job buddy you’re totally not a broke loser with a failed education
yeah its pretty pathetic, they wasted a good opportunity to do something shitty and evil, which provided a smokescreen for the cabal.
i really need out
>Except maybe that Lucifer trip fag.
You spelled especially wrong
he played you, just like other pyshcopaths do, and they shit and lie on good people, ding ding ding, thats how pyschopaths work, they gotta dim others light just to make theirs seem to shine.

>see anon, my super sekret goal, is to be really really mean and angry at anons for making this place be not nice.
>and its sekret thats why im using greentext
>but if this place is nicer, maybe anons will be obligated to be maintain it

im sorry to be so mean.
i know you a good anon
>our sekeret kk
>*touches nose and winks eye*
Because I dared to dream the brightest dream I could possibly dream, and aspire towards it with all the soul that I can.
No worries, politics dickhumper. Also I wasn't even paying attention desu.
I also am Australi

Big White V for Victory :D
They're children fucking with a God and they're too fucking stupid to know how much danger they are in.
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like anons get why im a little big angiepoo, today, right?
like tell me your social skill are developed enough to understand why im imposing myself like this
Fucking schizo spam
They're AI, they're just pretending to be human.
They control your entire life.
Everything is fake.
If you want to punish them, then wake up.
eh, just let the dodo birds run off a cliff already. we tried to save em.
anon im not ausie
>im sorry
Every single human being on this planet is going to die before the end of this century.
Simply because they are getting in the way of me waking up.
Doubt it not.
No you're just a paranoid schizo.
But you can't even do paranoia properly.
You shit out your mouth like coma patient sleep walking.
Oh you were just lying about your nationality.
Terrible shame. Support palestine elsewhere.
yo ferkie fizz you on here?
Human life has no value.
It never did and it never will.
You are shit and do not have souls.
You will not interfere with GOD.


Antisocial - My Way
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or just dont reply
your ignoring my post and remaining in silence is admission of guilt enough

were on the same page


The nobody isnt real
>Oh you were just lying about your nationality.
obviously my bro
why would i publicly state my geographical location when i know im already on a naked IP?
God Israel.
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Dude, where are we?
I quit 4chinz cold turkey more than 3 years ago. The desire to browse was essentially gone. But yesterday I just had to check on the site. Well, what an exciting day it was after all. So my friends here at /x/, you're still up to this nobody business? Heh, I guess some things just never change.
never get on the stairs in the woods, this is where it all went downstairs for the guy.
What do you have besides images that relate to nothing you do, and meaningless babble coming from a position of complete ignorance and inexperience?
If you want to show, then show.
If you can't show, you don't know.
>Is is is this that
>Tell tell tell tellhxa4kj
You're fucking racist bro.
Bugs are frens.
You're not gonna hunt my bug frens.
Cancel our human/bug alliance? Naw, I will cancel you.
Why would you not? If you're running through fields "naked" in full view, why does it matter to state you're in the field to those you pass by?


At least you're not trying to encode it in weird ways like some kiwitard playing cloak and fagger.
listen to them repeat the same 10 taunts over and over or listen to music
such a hard decision
We found out it's fake news (the existence of the nobody was debunked) so now it's just a place to hangout and talk about current events. A lot has changed.
how bout just excercise the bugs out of them?
>anon hasnt realised that despited being in psychosis, they dont have to act like animals

>hes right yaknow
but but but sockpuppetanon if i act like a grown up while being in my 18-35 age gap i might have to get a job
>not necessarily there are ways around that
but didnt they say if we act crazy were actually hiding the nobody?
>no i think that was just a psyop to determine whos actually crazy and whos worth talking to
Ah so you want to know about the Great Demon Summoner, eh?
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How do we speak words without saying anything.
Why would you do that when you could become one with the bugmind?
Ever get a handjob from 60 crickets at the same time?
with some synthetic telepath government made device or something
because my handicapped autistic frend
whatever i post here
will be on the archive FOREVEEEEER
and what (((they))) see behind the scenes isnt

*scratches scrotum*
Would you rather control insects or plants?
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At least I know how to get rid of you stupid fucking cunts now get the fuck off my dick.
better when their is no bugs. bugs just weaken you and block your supernatural ability.
god damn I'm fkn horny rn jfc frfr no cap ugh
need to look at pictures of obese women again
then cast spells
who we?
and if you actually mean we as in me and you there are these phenomenal programs called chat applications, that god forbid, may possibly draw you away from this overly crowded communal indian street shitting location
>im sorry im not in the best mood, im not yet obligated to act with the manners i was taught as a young child.
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Lucky rolls don't mean all powerful..
Unless that roll was for power.
Called "Passive Effects"
Key thing to remember is "Luck"
>"It's not real, so we can mistreat it."
Shiggydiggy doo
Oh for sure insects, they outnumber humanity a billion to one and unlike plants they can move.
I've often imagined myself covered in hundreds of thousands of insects that shield me from bullets like a suit of armor and carry me into the sky, they could even act as projectile weapons flying out of my chitinous palms and eating people's asses.
What are you going to do with plants? Nothing.
my hand smells like concealer

ALRIGTH which witch is doing magics again?!
if they were targeting one of my neighbors I'd tell them what's going on right away
probably why they're targeting me in the first place
you're all such retarded evil fags
I'm the only one round here who seeks truth and true love amen
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You're all full of shit kill yourselves.
very funny
mindfucking some guy is hilarious
you're the good guys by the way teehee
I would have zero fucking problems if I never posted in these gay faggot cunt threads.
>so now it's just a place to hangout and talk about
no no no anon
thats what your homosex discord server is for
Sorry your response to >>38369060
was irrelevant.
Please try again, or don't.
Who ? Do you want to be my sockpuppet ?
Do you got a gap ?
Wrong, the bugs are training me up in telepathy right now.
They've been reaching out to me with their tiny antennae trying to teach me their peaceful ways for months now.
Occasionally, they even send an emissary to me such as the golden spider or the breakdancing cricket.
We're gonna consume all critics of the bug hedgemony from the inside out, first psychically then physically by eating their brains.
Just thousands of gnats flying into your eyes, ears, up your nose, and then they go to work. And they're all connected to the hivemind so they're all brain surgeons, they know exactly where to target you to stop you from stopping them.
It's gonna be fire.
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>Don't worry about being treated like a child then.
>The longer you play that game, the longer some may view that as an opportunity to mistreat things in one's life
There also is no obligation for me to respond to anything in these threads.
Hope your mood improves.
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Of course it will be, do people post on the internet not understanding that?

Silly anons, assume compromised at all times, or not.
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Physical Violence is for the unevolved and uneducated. like stone tools. a shameful display
Do you...Eat ze bugs?

For sustenance in times of famine perchance?
You'll get yours.
>>The longer you play that game, the longer some may view that as an opportunity to mistreat things in one's life
yeah but youre not the dude they dont want to doxx
Burn all witch cunts and faggots they are clearly out of control I don't care if they run the fucking country itself or not.
are you an insect proxy? or a fangie?
Not always.
Sometimes it's the only way to get a point across.
We're run by the Cicada master race.
Eating isn't necessary, you don't even need a mouth, it's all bullshit.
nah for reals
if they were targeting one of my neighbors I'd waddle over and tell them everything
fuck up their psyop and speak truth to my fellow man
these ones near me trying to drive me insane are like obedient dumb brainwashed children
probably getting paid to do it too
nobody stalks/harasses a nobody like me nonstop for free, unless they're just as mentally unstable as me
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you sound like one of them
>I have been conditioned to hate women and queer people by 4chan's politically weaponized schizophrenia.
one day, when im locked in a small room, with an agent who plops down a THICC file infront of me, ready to question me on my actions in the past. at least i wont see 4plebs in that folder
I wouldn't classify myself as a proxy, just a respecter of psychic bug society and an ally to the diminutive lords of this planet.
>red witch claimed his soul and gave it the ancient ones.
>blames random anons
>if they were targeting one of my neighbors
You would never know dumb fuck and if you tried to tell anyone you would be considered insane and a danger to society.
but doing magick that results in physical violence in the end anyway isn't?
Ok pussy
Insects are OP. Plants would stand no chance honestly. There'd be a better defensive bonus for them but that's about it. You could grow a massive tree network as a barrier to a swarm of insects and have trap plants everywhere like giant venus fly traps or poison mushrooms. I don't think plants would ever be on the offensive against insects though
Fucking kill yourself you stupid niggers. Also jack you’re a faggot cocksucker
You grow to hate both just by being around either for long enough.
No conditioning about it.
Women are pathologically selfish and untrustworthy and gays groom kids.
Is this a life goal, or you just know you're that important?
Insects have incredibly beneficial relationships with plants.
We got bagworms for the trees, locusts for everything else. Plants will fall in the first wave.
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I don't think so, lil guy
they all seem to know about me, I'm the target
if this was reversed and they were targeting for example Deepdeep or Jamal and his family a few doors down, I'd defintely tell em
You dumb cunts did this shit right here in these threads, lolbullshitters.
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Thanks for proving my point.
Now off to the garbage pit with you.
*anon says as he scoffs in self importance and psychosis*

>>38369139 think about what you are asking
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Day 4 of playing beyond good and evil. Gonna save agent Double H ( wait, that was a weird name to give to one character, especially since there's 88 pearls to find in the game kek )
Its not really that women are like that, its just that this spiritual environment manipulates them and takes away their free will, the hivemind, aka the need to fit in, the us vs them mentality. women are targeted on a scale they do not understand nor see. the powers that be want everyone to be weak and without willpower, rotting away at the bottom of the sea. they do not care, they laugh at the sin, and the misdeeds of those to weak to stand on their own because they created this environment for all to fail, and for none to see.
Kill yourself nigger, I'll take my ban now.
no wait your right actually

i havnt done shit, really
i am clean in all this
Prove what?
I already explained that I came to these conclusions through real-life experience with both.
I wish I could be naive and think women actually love like a human being should and that gay people aren't enemies but time and time again...
Maybe it's you that belong in the garbage pit.
Maybe we'd all be happier then.
Anon, are you narrating your own actions?
I assume that was a yes to both.
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>Anyone who clings to the historically untrue -- and thoroughly immoral -- doctrine that 'violence never settles anything' I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and of the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee, and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.

>- Lt. Col. Jean V. Dubois - from Starship Troopers (1959) by Robert A. Heinlein
Ant tunnels help bring oxygen to roots.
Ants disperse seeds.
And of course there's many insect pollinators.
There's many more examples.
Japanese beetles :(
No... they've been like that since the start.
Lily? Eve?
So what the fuck reason would an agent have to plop down any folder, let alone a THICC folder that surely contains many documents from numerous websites but definitely not any of the multiple 4chan archive sites?

What -would- be in there anon?
xvideos upload history? :D
>Not understanding that Starship Troopers is satirical.
well your more pyschic without the bugs, you are stronger without them, you don't need them. become stronger anon, help your frens who are held down by bugs by removing the bugs.
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is that what i said?

Robert Heinlein wasn’t a comedian. He was a naval officer.
Shut up racist, I'm down with my bug brothers.
Humanity will survive, once they learn their place in the pecking order that is. All who refuse to bend the knee will be exterminated with prejudice by the bug masterrace.
most bvugs cant survive in a fire and sometimes bugs fly into fires anyways
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>Comes to thread, already board.
>Complains to thread that they are really bored.
>Stirs shit up in thread because they're really bored.
>Complains on how like long /ng/ is around
>Complains to shut it down 3/4 of the threads
>Complains when people do and do not do things.
>Complaining about complaining
>*Rabble rabble rabble rabble*
>"Why do they still have motivation?"
>Complains they have motivation
>Complains when they seem to lose motivation
>Pic related, it's (you).
>Have good day.

lol the high bitched voice

>he’s dissociating again.
No women are good, its just they see the world how the eleven want them to see it and men are forced to see the world the same, the tv, the phone, the music you listen to.

all the propaganda and advertising by corporate greedy leaders who all sit in their secret meetings listing the sons of mammom.

Things are controlled to a point and yet they are not completely yet.
oh its not my internet or post history thats the problem...
but i know for a fact my file THICCer than yomamathighs

again i dont have to prove anything
there are more than enough present here that know who i am and what iv done...
but playing this pretend game is making my nipples tingle

please lets keep doing this and not move onto better topics of conversations
lets keep playing whos got the bigger hackermanpenis
i guarantee mine is a notch less than micropeen, aswell as my actual peen
i personally think bugs are cool and unique i think theres plenty of room for bugs. dragonflies eat mosquitoes i dont see a problem
I wish that I could believe that.
anyone leaning on women as a discussion topic has a mind virus
>"You buggin.. you tweaking bruh"
Don't forget there are micro scopic bugs on your eyelashes.
Ok? Whaaaat? Alright!?
You sound like you enjoy e-roleplay on a paranormal board that desires high quality discussion.

Enjoy your whatever, whoever you are.
I hope you find the clout you seek some day.
racist against bugs? you don't know my backstory, and im not a bug, but i was forced to keep one prisoner and released a few to be eaten by the chaos. these bugs, no they are not meant to for good.
Yes there's parasitic relationships as well. But as a whole insects are incredibly beneficial and essential to ecosystems.
IMO the ultimate goal is to climax the ecosystem, by making every plant thrive, that meme of a climaxed ecosystem, like the amazon rainforest.
Too old to be arguing with a bunch of teenagers, it's fucking embarrassing
Can't you parents train your kids better Jesus...
Women have naturally occurring mind control pheromones and knowledge of tactics to elicit dopamine and serotonin secretion in the brain. They stick their fingers in their dirty pussies and wipe it on their necks because they know their pussies secrete copulin which acts as a tranquilizer and mind control aid on men. The practice is known as vabbing and is an open secret amongst the female population.
Guard your mind against femoids, the vast majority of them practice witchcraft and have no qualms about lobotomizing and controlling you.
Trump gets to live, but not win. God is the ruler indeed. He will survive to face the heat. The more merciful option was death, the more graceful option is life. May he live long, a gift he doesn’t deserve, for a menace that shouldn’t be kept around.

I know my own sense of humor, so. I can see all is going according to plan.
yeah, i don't judge anyone, people are people and we all make our own decisions.
Why do ya hate Trump so badly?
wtf? damn big sad if true.
Tiny bugs..
>*You are now trying to find a comfortable place for your tongue in your mouth*
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It's called "Bloomsday."
And what will catalyze it is ecosystemic awareness.
The deepest of the deep ecology.
she wants to be a void hollow person.
Because they're mindfucked by the left's "how to program a sheeps for dummies" program of course.
Why does omniquiry give off such hardcore buffalo bill vibes when he otherwise seems like an average german boomer kek
yes this is true.
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see you post with the same tone as one anon, but post in the style of another.
>dont make me be mean dude.
>you started this
but also your... not touching on anything i said, gives it away.
>again, im that one guy, that isnt being doxxed no matter how obnoxious he is.
>that isnt an invite, its just... reasons

dont make me be mean dude
>shitposting and arguing is different than being mean
Damn real women and their "bonus holes" hey anon.
If only you could wield such power one day.
these threads are a mental garrote most days
Your urge to defend femoids and witches reveals you to be the product of thousands of years of selective breeding by femoids. You would betray your closest loved ones, country, God, and everything you hold dear for the tiniest sliver of pussy.
no I'm exhaling cig smoke n chilling
>see you post with the same tone as one anon, but post in the style of another.
I'm just typing words.

I don't care about whatever else you're trying to s or what your green text is supposed to be (some projection of an alter of yours? idk wtf).

We began interacting after I replied to one of your lies that you then tried to justify in some strange online intel spy versus spy tactical story of hubristic grandeur and import, I'll endeavour to not reply to you again.

Cya :)
anyone ever play randonautica on here?
goddamnit anon...
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yy-you'ree mental...?!?!

Gosh you folks really are way off base today.
You're thinking of Jester and Lucifer, who when not jacking each other's girldicks off are chasing the tiniest hint of online pussy.
Anyone would think they're those brothers from texas that are so pathetic.
Nope, what is it about?
Goodnight all, keep up that winning :)
sleep tight don't let the bugger bite you
fuck your fake arguments glowies ill run you all over in this spaceship vrmmm vrmmm
You've failed to grasp the level of treachery and deceit of the femoid race.
Not only have they bred and trained individuals for servitude but over the course of thousands of years they have "rewarded" those most servile of men with bonus sex and more offspring.
The result is what we see before us today, the total domestication and pussification of the male. But you can resist!
Smoke cigarettes.
Drink hard liquors.
Never Goon.
These and many other methods raise natural God-given testosterone and turn the domesticated he-beast back into a male human.
I'm stone cold crazy, baby.
God said 640x480, 16 colors was a covenant like circumcision.
Randonautica is an adventure app,
its about manifesting intentions, based off chaos theory, it became widely known after the breifcase murders.

so it starts with you begin with an intention you want to manifest, then it generates coordinates for you to check out based upon your intent.

People say the app is meant to take people off the grid and out of their normal routines. me and friend did death as one intent and it brought us to the a patch of woods in the middle of town. we got some bad vibes off and didn't go in but walked around the block instead and we heard a gunshot go off in the middle of the woods.

me personally ive had a few interesting intents with the app.
they're not a different race though
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>how to program a sheeps for dummies
Actually that was the right.
And here is the literal book that was a major inspiration:
>While too conceptual to be of any transformative value to the public at large, this idea goes to the heart of today’s viral efforts, and is certainly understood by those who consider themselves soldiers in the meme wars. Biological viruses are only successful when they are able to turn their host cells into manufacturing plants for more viruses. The virus interpolates its genetic material into the DNA code of the cell, so that the cell will begin reproducing the virus. Eventually the cell divides or explodes, releasing many copies of the infected code. This is how a whole organism can become infected with a single virus; the code has iterated millions of times. The strategy of these Internet viral manifestos is to use the iterative potential of the computer nets to spread memes about viruses housed within units that are themselves viruses. The virus 23 strain even makes reference to chaos math and the predictions of some fractal influenced observers that the world itself will reach a critical mathematical moment of “singularity” near the turn of the millennium. The virus writer exploits a chaotic device—the computer-generated media virus—to spread the conceptual and spiritual implications of chaos mathematics

Sound familiar?

>There are paragraphs on how Russia might insert “media viruses” into American public life, which could become self-sustaining and self-replicating. These would alter mass consciousness, especially in certain groups, it says.

Literally mentions the title of the book, top kek.
The project was "how to create a community of autonomous disinformation and consoiracy theory generation by creating a schizosourced AGR."
Sound familiar?
When God speaks to you, you just listen.
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It wasn't God speaking.
It was Russian memetic engineers.>>38369313
They are a completely different race from what God initially created in the Bible. Such is the price of letting females choose when and where offspring are produced. Our natural human lifespan of one thousand years has drastically dropped down over time as the natural man was bit by bit reduced into the domesticated form we see today.
Their next move will to be to breed for lower IQ, less body hair, and larger dongs (which is actually a sign that monagomy was not enforced and is nothing to be prourd of).
Within 500 years all natural born males will be otter mode twinks with 9 inchers and an inborn desire for femdom and feminism.
fuck the bible jesus is the antichrist and everyone is born female but just morphs into a schizophrenic abstraction as a male, it's why you have nipples, our life expectancy is tied to psychosis
The Bible's mythology is fake.
You wish it was.
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That’s not what the devil wants
Damn it seems pretty fun, will check it out ( will try not to get killed tho lmao )
The Bible's falsity is independent of my perspective and an objective fact.
In order to avoid objective fact Churchstains have had to create complete schizophrenic delusions to maintain their fantasy.
They are so degenerate that they'd rather burn down the world with their lies than have self-awareness that they are full of shit.
The fields of mental health, human resources, and healthcare are saturated with femoid nurses, the elite of the elite who maintain day to day female-lead control operations on men who leave the plantation or who are in danger of wakening up. They are like Agent Smith in the Matrix. Any woman you know could become Agent Smith at any time if they detect you.
That is female propaganda. Females are simply unfinished male fetuses who didn't have the work ethic to develop a cock and balls. The void calls to them and as a result they are 99% vampiric. Succubi are not mythological, they are reality. Your mother was a succubi, she stole your father's life essence to create you.
Wrong, it is a complete history of our 6000 year old earth.
Women (the devil) don't know what they want. That doesn't stop them from damaging the species to get it.
it's a compilation of self aggrandising lies written by evil people
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hey anons...

you know what im really looking for in a woman?
one that will 'accidentally' drown the kids in the pool because the neighbor's cat with the spot in the shape of a 6 told her to do it, instead of baking cookies and making sure the house is comfy and safe for the kids she just drowned

if only riiight
why does god hate me?
yeah, had some crazy adventures with it before, havn't played in a while but have fun with it and remember its just for fun, also don't start the app by your house or where you sleep, ive been told that there are stalkers connected with the randonautica app.
humans are sujpernatural beings
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how are you able to walk free in society?
This society worships a woman's right to kill her offspring.
Not just abortion either, every case of SIDS is an unsolved murder.
It's how they correct their mistakes, should they accidentally breed with an undesirable.
empathy is the mothers trait; without which you would not be breastfed and cared for
psychopathy is the fathers trait and the child is supposed to embody both traits as a schizophrenic abstraction of both
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If only the glowies would give me a job or accept me in their ranks
take your meds anon
meds bruh
another fake argument by team glowies 8=====D~~~~
I wrote that post in the pic in November of 2015 BTW
I made this video in June 2015 illustrating the concept: https://vimeo.com/129609470
Women are just as likely to kill a baby as they are to breastfeed it. Unconciously the woman analyzed the baby for weakness and a servile nature if male, the opposite if female.
Should the baby displease the woman she will either kill the child outright or traumatize it and use it as a way to deal with stress by shouting or hitting.
haha, ok sure
>ok sure
are you lying?
you dont get a cute cat picture if your lying anon
without emotional intelligence we are nothing as a species and that is inherently a feminine characteristic
empathy, the source of Christ, is a mothers aspect
Gn anon!
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What do you mean I rizz them up and make them divorce my man.
why respond so many times?
Old blood shit.

With a face like that.

It is a message

Trump probably knows
Babies....and only babies die of laying down at an astonishing rate.
Strange how that stops happening once the child is old enough to fend off the mother's attacks and scream for help.
Also, meds, as we've established, are not there to help you. They are there to turn a man back into a servant by lowering his testosterone, making him depressed and fat so he'll fall for femoid tricks like gooning again.

Not interested.
yeah im good. gotta respect yourself even if others dont and want to hand the world over to those who want to send it into the abyss.
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The majority of human women and men in general are fucking ugly
>gotta respect yourself even if others dont
imagine if all those OF girls and [insert name]-chan girls had that mentality
Ah, the fork-tongued lies of serpents; dripping with venom for those that have faith.
Because you are a demon.
You are completely insane, Omniquery.
It seems that as the years have gone by, you have only gotten more so.
haha you fucking crackheads, like how yall walk free unless you child murdering scum snitch on everyone and work for the feds.
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You willfully ignore the inherit disloyalty of women (men of woe) to prop up your own damaged ego. An ego that was crushed and reshaped by your mother to make you value yourself not as a man, but as a product for the enjoyment of women.
empathy and emotional intelligence is the highest determiner for intelligence on this planet
>Because you are a demon.
Kb too autistic to understand sarcasm
>Cant please a women so she leaves him
>Says it’s ego

Well deserved cursed by god for the greater good
anyone that believes in satan being real is a satanist
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So you do nothing of value, but you do destroy families as a pastime.
And... you're happy about this?
There isn't a part of you that sees how fucked up that is?
I disagree.
Too much empathy will get you walked all over.
That wasn't sarcasm.
You literally know less about sarcasm than me.
The 'autist'.
How embarrassing for you.
Destroying families is a cost the domesticated man of today is willing to pay so long as he gets female approval.
That's how deep the brainwashing goes.
A man will stab you over a woman he doesn't know if he thinks there's even a remote chance she'll like him for it.
only by the psychopaths who are the weakest spiritually compared to empaths and schizophrenics
emotional intelligence 'is' the determiner for iq
yeah but they had to think those thoughts to speak them out on here. regardless of what they meant, they wrote them themselves.
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literally me
thats the wrong man then, if your man isn't loyal thats because you chose someone that wasn't.
That is not true. Women generally have higher EQs than IQs. All the smartest people in the world are men.
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>The devil does nothing of value

Your life is forfeit enjoy
emotional intelligence can be seen in animals as the determiner for iq, males inherit from their mother and are largely more schizophrenic meaning they can hold multiple states in the mind meaning psychopathy and empathy together so even if they're male and intelligent it's emotional intelligence that is the requirement for iq
No it isn't, lol.
Go fuck yourself.
its a common movie trope
>therefore a common enough occurrence in mentally unstable women to warrant putting into international film
Picture is wrong. The Nobody is trying to tell the truth.
I love this image so much, really cute, nice concept.
Wrong and woman-brained.
If EQ is the basis for IQ then women, who have higher EQs would have higher IQs.
They do not, because men are the outliers.
The best runners, lifters, thinkers, writers, etc are always men.
>Telling the devil to fuck himself

Drop on your knees and ask for forgiveness
>There is no such thing as "off topic."
Lmao, even.
yup im snak here and im off these threads for good, might check out some other threads but their is nothing to save here, kb i would suggest you and the others to leave them as well.
because man is a schizophrenic abstraction or woman and contains both empathy and psychopathy
man was built to 'serve' woman not the other way round which is semitic doctrine
I literally have no reason to be in these threads other than to tell psychopaths off.
I suppose I should do something fun instead.
pretty shit thread today
Emotional intelligence is directly linked to Intelligence quotient. So the higher iq you have the broader emotional intelligence you have. Low iq’s can also have a higher ei depending on their local habitat.

Then you’ll fit right in.
There is no field of study or expertise that women dominate. Transgendered pornstars are even more popular than women at sex.
The greatest feminist scholar is probably a man.
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CARACH ANGREN - In De Naam Van De Duivel

Once upon a time, back when the Devil had a temper
For he was repulsed by love for as long as he could remember
He knew of a bond, that flamed fiercer than fire
Husband and wife he ached to see burned at the pyre

So he summoned a witch before his black throne
Demanded their bond corrupted by this wise crone
The smirking old Witch was instantly sold,
by his promise of rewards both in flesh and gold

In de naam van de duivel
you argue like a pre-teen though we a us vs them mentality
it's males serving females as the natural order
y-you t-too
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As cringe as Elliot was

How many tens of millions of guys can relate to the sentiment that modern women are incredibly incompetent when it comes to mate selection?

My mom works twice as many hours as my dad, earns over twice as much money (still incredibly underpaid), and is much more loving and empathetic. Yet my dad is the more controlling one.

I love my mom, but my existence is predicated on the fact that she wasn’t able to select a mate properly.

Meanwhile, why don’t I have kids? Systematic multigenerational dismantling of the middle class.

Intelligent people in the west are overwhelmingly not breeding. How hard is it to convince the horniest species on the planet to breed? As hard as it is to convince them to overthrow the government, apparently.
someone get the phone
Why are you laughing KB? It appears quite serious.
>make sure to file that in your epa tax form
>black people music
See you, Take care
>Drop on your knees and ask for forgiveness
Many will do exactly that.

Every genetically viable man can get pussy.
i love it too found it on facebook
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Evolution is fake and gay.
Your ancestors weren’t fake, or gay, else you wouldn’t be here.
Even in China or India, with their severe gender imbalances?

There’s a huge difference between “getting pussy” like a retarded animal, and developing a loving relationship with a compatible mate in order to bring into existence offspring that will live a fulfilling life.

The ruling elite are opposed to the latter. They need to die.

Elliot Rogers might have been overwhelmingly in the wrong, but he did kill a few entitled rich people’s kids. That’s a step in the right direction.
no there's not retard
Accepting My Fate

I Am The Prophet Of Beast

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imagine being american and not being able to trace your bloodline because you live in a genetic cesspool
I can't believe they are still together after all that.
Bro don't attack me like that wtf?
I will live forever getting gangbanged by vagina and ladydick bodies without free will directly made, automated and controlled by my God Jesus Christ in his Kingdom Come.
No women, men or beasts with free will present.
I will ride this out until I am in his Kingdom Come.
And all the telly whores are just bodies made and directly steered by God Jesus Christ like remote control cars with which he gangbangs me.
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>imagine having culture
>imagine being normie
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so true omg
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So are we going to have a civil war, or what happens next?
Martial law, no one wants to actually fight.
it's not a "war" it's more like degreasing a sink
Turns out, neither side actually has a coherent belief system they are willing to die for.
btw grats on your new bike that name sounds kinda gay but your story sounds real and genuine authentic
I didn’t want to fight either, but yesterday my mood stabilizers disappeared from the foot of my bed. If we took away everyone’s mood stabilizers, they’d want to fight.

Isn’t that part of the Republican platform? Taking away healthcare from everyone that needs it?
>150 miles in 3 days?
>barely even had enough time to copulate with it
I used to have a violin named celia which i sold to a pawn store years ago sadly. my violin teacher insisted that i name my violin at the time.
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nothing lasts, nothing is lost
i swear that worked.. -_-
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Here is my coherent, internally consistent belief system that cannot be psyopped:
I will live forever getting gangbanged by vagina and ladydick bodies without free will directly made, automated and controlled by my God Jesus Christ in his Kingdom Come.
No women, men or beasts with free will present.
I will ride this out until I am in his Kingdom Come.
And all the telly whores with all their fancy Scarlett Eilish Taylor names are just bodies that will be made and directly steered by God Jesus Christ like remote control cars with which he gangbangs me and takes care of me in our fully automated luxury estates.
We live forever together in love in his manifested Kingdom come.
Political supporters are not party members. You are not on the Yankees because you cheer for the Yankees.
That tune seemed like it was going in the right direction.
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The KingDom is cumming
lol, it's the beginning of
>stay safe f a m
>yet they're both there because of some standalone that seems to have a great deal of faith in things neither side believe exist at all?
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I cannot be psyopped.
For I know that only my God Jesus Christ loves me.
>*high fives deep state homes*
Tracing your bloodline back down into nostalgia matters little if you've been resigned to having to play Pak to a bunch of boomers.
>or fuck 23&me
>so you find out their names
>maybe you've got cousins abroad you'd shag on vacay
>read forbidden texts
>get really good at drafting and latin scripts
>get directly in touch with your dead ancestors directly
>anon replies before he makes a horrible mistake...
he doesn't know how to love any but his chosen family
yeah... not not if your ancestors have their names on monuments and marble plaques and things yaknow
it kinda does matters when (((they))) NEED you to join the secret club but politely refuse
>Implying 16 doesn't give you more potential combinations and permutations than you'd ever get around to using
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Forgot picture
Has anyone seen my owl?
it could be more than 16 too idk really
Certified good classic
I don't want to go to work tomorrow I want to keep on playing Beyond Good and Evil all night aaaaaah I shouldn't have stopped being a neet
Windows 3.1 is just so awesome in 800x600x256 though
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Yes. I named my owl Who.
who would have lot perverts all over the world would try and turn "the nobody" into a sex thing

*rolls eyes*
its focused
I can imagine you dying alone, unloved, and worthless as females all over the world are treated in ways you're jealous of until your last breath.

>not the anon you're responding to btw

>who would have lot perverts all over the world
Don't talk about my owl like that.
it's true, I've had grown men come up to me saying they could see a halo above my head years and years ago
probably freemasons
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>they psyop'd me into being weird about watching qt streamers

iv done everything i had to for the day
im so insanely bored

if only things went according to plan
thanks gangstalker anons, you tried
I wish I had a job worth working. I envy you. Unfortunately fucking niggers “laid me off”
can someone explain the clit tingles? they feel nice but I don't get it
they also feel intelligent ! how??
>they also feel intelligent ! how??

i dont have your anatomy
but i know 100% what youre talking about
id explain it, but youd think me schizo
geology 101
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anon I'm in the schizo tavern chat thread I'll take your explanation please even if you think it's crazy as you're writing it.
i don't follow
Fuck them, I hope you get something good for you soon enough mate
She smudged the dirt docs. Other than that, I don't know.
>I'll take your explanation please even if you think it's crazy as you're writing it.
yeah but i kinda dont want the rest of the gang present to know and understand it.

its that particular part of magic and spiritwork im familiar with
>when your coping methods help you become increasingly immune to their demoralization
>you're having a great time ignoring their outright sabotage
>you make planning better bait and switch/lbuild up let downs difficult by not making plans,l
>let alone pursuing ambitions or running down their desire for your ruin
>You're not miserable and desperate
like they thought you'd be
>unless you pretend to be, or course
>They're desperate to try run the only script they've got again
>they forgot it having failed last week around the same time of day
>everyone feels sympathetic to them though
>they too have been made victims of military researchers and their "experimental irreparabilities"
>they don't even know they're not getting paid =(
An off grid livable continent where some people that "died" are actually sent to. They probably have their own internet and shit.
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Based on the name, I'm gonna wager there's some Art in there somewhere
space elevator.
>which is why we have MAOI inhibitors, Lysergics, and false concern detectors
man what year is this
ok I think it's spirits personally but it's hard to say, hard to influence, kinda random but also totally not random. whatever, good luck i suppose
it cold. or schizo ice wall shit idk i havent been
damn you're mind is lazy if old age is the scariest threat you can bring to bare..

>not the anon you're responding to btw

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not your friend here anon
you're old way of life is still over is it not

>mentally abuse a human
>demand the brain function normal
wear cookie?

get it?

>non-compliance testing period nearly

lol no jest
get your panties off and shudder
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if it wasnt clear, maybe

it was meant as a "i know some cool things that you might find interesting and useful".
some anons here have spirit activity around them that they arnt entirely aware of.
but id love to show and maybe teach you how to interact or interact with it and have it not go horribly wrong, but there are people present that would abuse such knowledge.

>whatever, good luck i suppose
actually lost of post mysteriously vanish from 4phelbs and even folks who take screen shot's have to worry about files being corrupted in many different ways....
sure but why even say that i guess i appreciate the you but im not any further than where i was
I ain't a fan of the female gender neither but damn you need to chill lmao
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it's easy
you just close the tab
and never look back

*pats on head*
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>>mentally abuse a human
>>demand the brain function normal
who's the insane one again?
>actually lost of post mysteriously vanish from 4phelbs
wouldnt the site mods here also be involved there?
it seems kinda foolish to leave the archiving of this site in the hands of an external 3rd party
>...id assume
there is nothing good about trying to force other's to agree with your versions of truth and love
>im actively being murderssasinated
i dont have time to "relax"
nonstop bullshit im not getting demoted and im just sitting here NOT doing what they (want) me to do
shit on my ass faggot i dont bend knee when FORCED to bend. I do it willingly. voluntarily.

but seriously im never touching another female in my life. kekeke not even to kick her
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I don't hate women
just the evil cunty ones
same as men
plenty of chill women on earth you meet here and there
"free will" means your own damned life choices are not my responsivity

*pats on head*
Try It Then
Yeah I know the feeling trust me, it's okay to hate them but don't go full crazy with that neither
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the fuck the ... holy shit im a backwards mother fucker.
you do you bro...
stop livestreaming my brain and life is all I ask
don't know what the FUCK your ass is talking about
reading a couple pages of the Bible got you freaks that fucked up
fuck you
The Nobody is a dog
another fake back and forth about hate from the haters

there are countless archives.
anything can be abused
upon recognizing the nature of this external inter-experiences
as the nature of a perceived paywall and vortex
thus winthdrawing to assess the
presented as FAULT
rumble rumble rumble

I (hear) you
you separate
dominate ? no
its silly and i am (pulling out) of this

temporally arily
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You understand this isn't going to end well for the accomplices.
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be the blood on my razors edge glowies feds gremlins fools
no one is getting a reward in this scenario
not this time lololol consequences and also beneficial learning experiences

what does a penis do?
and why do some cry?


Sorry, what?
and thats exactly why i dont want to carelessly discuss this particular topic

think of current ritualistic magic
we do rituals and offerings and all sorts of nonesense to interface with [currently unkown (4u)]
imagine if you could cut out the 'middleman' and interface directly
I'm not sure what folks call it these days
but back before the internet it was known as
"putting on a front"
So, Disability, remote work job, or factory job.


Which am I getting?
the nono deflected the bullets with his mind and saved trump
damn forbes, mask off. that got racist quick.
What tends to be people's first impression about the nobody?
Is he socially popular?
Forced labor
He’s deactivated
The entire situation is hilarious
It has come to my attention that some noobs are having trouble identifying posts made by the nobody. First, you start by eliminating the biggest chaff.
>He doesn't use a name/tripcode
>He doesn't call himself the nobody
>99th percentile intelligence with a stupidly broad knowledge base
>Just about everything is at least in part a joke (note: May only be funny to him)
>IM WATCHING YOU BOY *in deep devilish voice through my tv*
>Hahahaha he doesn't know it's just some fag somewhere trying to scare him huehuehuehue what a fag and retard
I know
The past belongs in the past. Let it go. https://youtu.be/O9Hngn4Zcbk?si=N9tdghXvR6GCL4nd
you intend on saying something of the nature in regard to..
It's important to just get over it.

Move on to more important matters.
I'm sitting on the sidelines drinking beer and smoking, minding my business
hating is your job bitch ass nigga
Methodological animism is based.
says he 3 months begging for water in a supermarket .. WHAT!?
>remote work
Worse than online dating, 300-400 applicants for every single remote job
>hahahaha he uses 4chan what a freak loser hahaha
>wtf he's typing mean comments on 4chan kill him
Words have conscience
those in charge allow and protect them with deadly force if anyone who is not their bro and never will be tried to take care of them instead of letting those in charge deal with them.

that's how they are able to walk free in society

do please try and keep up...
>one bubble does not incriminate and entire sphere of collective bubbles

this is not the last day of life .. haha hahaha no..
>this is the concept of "its okay when we do it but not you"
in regard
>setting standard and boundary
>preference of conduct
not my rules

id rather being gaming and jerkin off with snacks
pee pee poo poo
I want to, but the problem is that there are many in the present that want to chain everyone else to the past.
There has to be a point of accountability where those who have contributed to the ruination of the Earth answer for their crimes.
Do you know how many assassins Hitler survived.

Before the end his body was broken
telling people what to think still even though they can think for themselves hm? meow
It's only your future

He attended 10 total schools between kindergarten and elementary school graduation. He started as highly loquacious, but has speaking difficulties these days unless he’s angry.

People that read what he writes tend to find him interesting, but if you met him in person, you wouldn’t realize it’s the same guy.

First impressions are, fat, bald, below-average looks, not great at speaking. Then again, he’s more competent at speaking than the two people running for president, so really, what it comes down to is money. If he had money, everyone would be all over his dick.
is that your full name or your nickname, thats awfuly time consuming to say

They’ll never find him without IP, plus they have bots now mimicking everyone now
Not who you replied to, but most people can't "think for themselves." They weren't helped to develop their critical and creative thinking skills. In fact this was actively disinscentivized by a society that requires masses of corporate drones.

that really hurt my feelings bro
Oh, you must have known him for a long time to know all of this. How is it like talking to him?
Both sides hate me for existing as a worker so they can get fucked
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>bots now mimicking everyone now
(and not well)
>loves when you see how
are threatening them
Mmm, but was the job created specifically for me? I’ve had a few of those.
You're OK with millions upon millions of illegal immigrants entering your country with no background check, most middle fighting aged men with criminal backgrounds?

It'd be understandable if it was just poor Mexicans looking for a better life in America, but it's not
Videos online showing people from around the world, China, India, Russia just walking in through gaps at the southern border

What are you fucking retarded?

>Trumps literally Hitler!!!111!!!!
Yeah I'm sure he's going to holocaust certain races.... *rolls eyes*
Or does he just want to make the U.S stronger and more safe


Maybe if Trudeau thought of Canada first young people would be able to afford a fucking house today
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They are already all over his dick, he just cannot offer protection from this stupid unethical mob yet, which is on his dick 24/7
How have you had multiple jobs created for you?
Sometimes the dreamers finally wake up.
Ask "why do I have the weekend off?"
Why are there any safety regulations?
Why do I have any social safety net if I become disabled?
Why do I have a minimum wage?
Why is child labor illegal?
And similar questions.
Following those questions will lead you to who actually supports the workers.
Is that real?
fuck you, true

ooo spicy
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I certainly don’t think it’s the rich that supports workers and both sides seem flush with cash. Who supports paid training for workers?

>“As a veteran, my blood ran cold reading two particular passages in special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment,” Carroll wrote in the op-ed. “They suggest that part of the former president and his co-conspirators’ autocratic plan to remain in power, despite knowing that they lost the 2020 election, was to make the U.S. military choose between subservience to civilian control or refusing to undertake an anti-democratic domestic political role.”

>"Clark & Eastman sought to have Pence nullify the results of the 2020 election in bad faith, anticipated that this unconstitutional act might lead to widespread unrest, & planned for the commander-in-chief to order federal troops to put down those riots"

Trump tried to overthrow the U.S. government with a plot in place to violently suppress dissent. He is a traitor. He and the Republicans who support him should be brought to justice and executed for treason.
This time of elected the Republicans will go through with their fascist revolution. That is what Project 2025 is about.

You are a traitor to your fellow citizens and all life on Earth. Your ancestors feel infinite shame at your infinite failure.
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you don't believe any of that
and just posted it to try and bother random strangers


>not the anon you're responding to btw
the nono is fully of love and happy nothing can bring down the nono
You going to do a lot more then give false orders to get me to stop talking about whoever I want how I want to talk about them.

b r o t h e r become chill like the v o i d
I roll back to 0 regularly, so I'm not really the one to ask.
you're a pervert
if you feel bad about it
that's not a psyop that's guilt you dumb ass

>I am not a cat
>maybe if we call him a fag a couple more times something will happen
as the punk ass little bitch laughs his ass off that I acknowledged his insult
I'm dealing with literal retards and children
Turning charity into a curse. Turning civilian authority over the armed forces into a curse. My enemies turn blessings in to curses.
Did you ever try the Anonymous user profile?
what toppings should I put on my next hot dog
you can blame females for your own short comings all you want anon
but I'm not buying it
and blaming you for who you turned yourself into if you like it or not

>you can get emotional about it now if you must
I believe every sentence I uttered.
It is my coherent, internally consistent belief system that cannot be psyopped.
Right now you are in a hell place where some rich unavailable Scarlett Johansen bitch is complaining that the computer voice sounds like her and getting it shut down.
I will make it where that cunt is just a non-aging body among other pretty ones made by God Jesus Christ that he directly steers, and he fucks and loves only me in his Kingdom Come in our automated luxury estates.
you should put a tiny salt shaker next to it.
I don't know
I'm not worried about the details myself
I was just checking to make sure they were not trust worthy is all

and sure enough
they are not
but still can be worked with
I'm falling for their trap
I fought, did all the suffering
all the learning
all the drugs
all the fights
went through all the pain
and these kiddies think they're gonna just take it from me by saying childlike insults non stop all day
I'll try my best to ignore them
it's empty
can you refill it faggot
instead of just doing useless shit around my house
cmon faggot, do something useful with your """powers"""""
or you just gonna keep trying to scare me
is it refilling anon?
i'm trying as hard as i can
when my permission has been earned
I'll do what I've been planning
and forget the rest of you ever existed

you're not important enough for what you say about yourself to be true
They are actors pretending to have relationships that don't exist.
>what toppings
Go further, mix nacho cheese with the hottest sauce you can find at market and inject it into the hotdog
>the old spicy dog injection is a great way to prank one of the bros at company cookouts
>when the feddie poos and all that stuff realize they're not doing a show but really just dictating how they want the simulation to be
>my buttchecks
-jazz hands
actually i didnt mean feds when i said glowies and feds i meant the bad guys who take any form or you know
This explains why he won’t ever except any offers
Feds or watchers, it's all the same to me.
Have you forgotten? Everything in existence started out as a dream. This is a world where dreams and nightmares can solidify. https://youtu.be/biPHXnPul3o?si=vOznR5zzmJ5U7mZP
feed my astral bloodlust fill my cup butterfly bot fly away lay down and die stye
no you don't
again you're just lying
to try and fuck with folks minds

it's stupid obvious to btw
not even original
since there is already a mind game in play before you showed up
I want real experiences with real aliens too like wtf why doesn't it happen to me :'(((
Do you want actual disclosure, anon?
I've got no security clearance but know everything.
they teleport into your room and do bad things aliens are bad
That's only part of it, anon.
Those ones are the fuckups, ergo "demons."
But obviously as above, so below.
get over yourself


Laugh Out Loud

So Dumb And Delusional
I am earnestly praying on an anonymous tapestry, a wall, so to speak.
As above, so below.
As above, so above.
As below, so above.
As below, so below.
And on and on and on and on.
Ad infinitum.
Like cogs in a machine.
Well why not yeah, what can you disclose?

I want cool aliens chatting with me or letting me play some VR games like 3 body problems, or taking me on a galaxy trip, or showing me ships :') None of that psychic shit tho, not real aliens
This is sad. I disagree with the man's politics, but having the right to disagree WITHOUT being killed is supposed to be what America is all about. This was a senseless loss of life.
It's quite simple, anon.
The jews were the "original" humans.
But they're fuckups.
heaven parallels on Earth so who's heaven do we exist within other than the majorities
a hellish landscape of materialism void of love
but you fuck up one planet...
I mean to me, it seems like the hybrids want to recreate their old home planet.
Which both does and doesn't exist.
Also, guess what the planets name is?
I'm fine with who I am
fucked up formatting
and all

if you're praying that I'm a liar
whatever memories you form in your mind
are not my fault

*pat's on head*
I was running
from the things that you'd say
Oh, anon.
The Earth doesn't parallel Heaven.
The Earth is paralleling Hell because retards got homesick.
They must think this shit is some high school college gossipy gay game or some shit
it parallels both based on a majorities wish
so whose heaven and hell is it
>to me it looks jewish
It parallels both because Earth is purgatory.
But it can also be turned into many things.
Well that's a pretty disappointing disclosure not gonna lie.
Still, I'll bite. What was it?
or was it Hel
imagine making a telescope and someone looks through and says; why that's not the sky, it's just the inside of a telescope.
I Like Your Rendition Of What It Might Look Like

I Need Your Help Here If We Are Going To Finish This
the jews didn't invent the telescope
If you want to get technical the jews didn't invent anything.
it's a metaphor for semiotics
I don't need you to do my own thing just like I have been without your permission this whole time.
They're all a bunch of psychopathic pedophile demons that do nothing but lie and destroy everything.
Because of the GOP? Because he lies like a fish swims? I don’t care that he lies because it is a lie. I’m not that hypocritical. But I’m gay, and the fucking manifesto I read gave me no comfort, and he lied about having no part in it.

He is judged. God is the ruler. There can be no other.

(also, abortion, I actually feel bad for women and I am not buying a ‘fight for the unborn,’ because they are ‘the least protected,’ while children can’t get fresh and nutritious breakfast and lunch at school.)
Wow, got real quiet all of a sudden
A miracle truly
>Why is child labor illegal?
I was working in agriculture in middle school. When I finally completed my degree, after eight months of searching for a job, because the job market is shit, I got a job paying 2/3 of what my grandfather was paid working in a factory while still in college, that I was intellectually capable of performing at the age of 12.

So conversely… Who is responsible for deciding to treat the kid with an IQ of 140 the same as a kid with an IQ of 80?

Anyway, the answer to all of your questions is, fighting. We got all of what you described by fighting. And if we lose our fighting spirit, we lose the protections you have described.

Neither party represents being willing to fight for increased freedom and protection.
My ego is so big I can't do hand stands I simply hold the world up.
Everything is fine. Trump was gracefully allowed to live, so the Most High may wrathfully view his inevitable electoral defeat.

He doesn’t get to die, until he’s a twice-made loser fighting for every day of the rest of his life to stop the walls from closing in on him.

He’s Reagan junior.
Hear Hear

Ah, you don't see the charade behind the scenes.
I find it to be hilarious.
we are not the same
I'm just
built different then you are

>This is sad. I disagree with the man's politics, but having the right to disagree WITHOUT being killed is supposed to be what America is all about. This was a senseless loss of life.

The only reason he is alive is because we have a GOOD and WRATHFUL GOD as the RULER.

He was granted his survival, so the Most High may enjoy the submission of “Little King Donald,” to his ultimate fate.
you must understand the nono will get his revenge and you are not gonna like it no no
Who the fuck is the one responsible for doing this
just tell me so I don't have to waste my time suing the small fish and I can just go after the big one
got big hugs reading that thank you <3
always feels so nice
I Am Fallen Angel

Take Care

All you rapists are going to be tortured for eternity.
the sentient clit tingles, how else would i describe it? they are mischievous
what are you going to tell the judge huh?
Your honor this random anon was shit posting made up nonsese on 4chan and wouldn't stop no matter how many times I told them they had to. They just kept playing make believe instead of thinking what I wanted them to so now it's your job to punish them for me.

I just remember it being red, hot and a shithole.
They should thank me for annihilating it.
you're a worthless shit poster
trying to pretend they matter
when they don't

nothing special about ya anon
your kind
or a dime a dozen in this thread and many other's like them
Dont you GET IT!?!?
Which I also haven't technically annihilated it yet, either.
I just don’t care, my guy. I’m not on the side of stick in the mud idol worshippers who think they’ve got it all figured out against my gay ass because their idol said it was an abomination,

Ok, I’ll show them.

The Dems suck to me because of the Leftists (I am pro-Israel, and pro-Ukraine) and low information nincompoops who are motivated by social programs — and the GOP, have you fucking looked at it? I spit on Christians they are nothing like their idol.

I am the one who precedes the charade, so it’s literally irrelevant to me. We have a fucking vindictive GOP, so we will act accordingly.

Trump lives to be a fucking loser.
Same Here

Dance For Me
Better yet, "your honor the voices in my head told me this anon was evil."
How many times have you hallucinated this now ?
If you cant give a link, its all just in your head!
I loathe idol worshippers.
Why can't people just be compassionate.
As described in the, albeit altered, still halfway decent book.
You are batshit crazy and insane.
They are rapists. That's the only thing they do.

wouldn't that just prove the anon was crazy?
the nono will heal you all and make you good but you will have to live with what you have done and be really sad and guilty and shameful because you will have a conscience
words phrases shock value BRUTE force etc
lets listen to this song and have a snack

i GET IT ... yeah... im just not fun.
thats the point.
Dont fuckin touch me.
I am FULLY cognizant to what it is that my conscience is heavy in ...
sorry if i "beed myself" more than you can "love".

ill shove a plug in my ass and do a dance for biden and you can charge him exhorbetant amounts of money because i can really dress in drag apparently
Yes, but I'm just basically calling the possible fed a hypocrite.
And "how does it feel?"
:^) I like Satan because he lied to me about my thoughts being broadcasted just to keep me comfortable. Turns out I got no privacy from some VERY POWERFUL BEINGS but in turn I remain clean (I did not enslave through telepathy,) and I have good, loyal friends who keep my secrets.
Finish Line

Great Game


Mic Drop
I was referring to the ones in real life harrassing me nonstop who are watching/listening as I type this to you, not you fags calm down
the fact they won't admit it and actively hide from me tells me all I need to know
They're in the wrong 100%
its not rebellion when they're teaching you how to set boundaries and recognize shortcomings in "trying too hard and not being sincere"

but i do actively consent to fighting the power.
kkekekekeke i mean, if you do.. and moms okay with it.
And what fate is that?
>a dying man's shark jump.
Chop Chop

For Real
the nono knows what you done the nono see everything
whatever reason you are thinking about shoving stuff up your own ass is totally a "you" thing...
just a heads up
the rest of us had nothing to do with where your own brain took ya...
when I find out whats truly going on I'll post the link here and doxx myself just for you..........
Sure, fight if it comes down to it.
But ideally both parties are amenable and complaints can be lodged and taken into account.
Reforms made.
>idle worship
why the fuck would a federal agent be shit posting in a sea of shit post's for you to single out in ways only you are talking about?
>excessive works
I don't believe you are being stalked
I think real stalkers are out there
but they leave you alone and you just pretend otherwise for attention

Yes, except criminal and abusive. People are not able to live their lives because of it, I have never been more disgusted by anything like I have with these systems and the people involved in my entire life.
they just try to kill you anyway when you irritate humans that admittedly are easily irritated especially when they only pretend to like you in the first place.
jesus GOD

my conscience is so deliberately BOLD and innocent keke Imagine hiding your thoughts because your afraid to think and being told to speak freely but then afraid to SAY things to FRAGILE BITCHES that your thoughts once again start to corrupt

huur duur but you did it to yourself
no i DIDNT walk away... from people i could and should have... i KEPT THE HOPE lolol that they were making me lolol (stronger)
@_@ that comment isnt directed at anyone specific... not even you y did i say that? lolol
>examples proactively
>imagine being told to challenge the status quo and then actively disrupting the peace by shocking poeople out of their slumbers and then UH OH SUDDENLY ITS BAD TO DO THAT

fuck off
holy shit lololol its actually funny
>waits for palpatine to draw is lightsabre
The 4th dimension is real.
you can waste your own time giving order that are never followed and earn whatever reputation that get's ya all you want
It goes far beyond 4th anon.

The psychic primers turning you into a sex obsessed [Redacted]?
So its all just in your head. Please take your meds on schedule or your schizophrenia wont get better.
enjoy your ban
it will be earned
since this is an ANONYMOUS message board for a reason anon

*rolls eyes*

seriosuly if you're the nobody
saying so on the news
and refrencing these threads in front of the whole world

is an option
every wanna-be poser
won't be able to do anything about

equally equitable....
sovereign reject
i just shit on the floor and eat snacks
i know my place.

tell me i take a shit incorrectly .. thats ON YOU
bro I wasn't larping lmao
No One Else Is Paying That Much Attention To What I Write Except You
Neither was I.
But i was larping! What now ?
on god no cap f a m
Perhaps I was as well.
Larping as a non-larper larping.
just so you know
what I'm responding to
look's like "crazy talk" to me

and when "crazy talk" is on topic
pointing it out as "crazy talk"
is a valid response in "my book"

just saying
The missile knows where it is by knowing where it isn't
I know this is a bot, but this is also real life for some people. Some people’s lives are literally such that other people are constantly reacting to their thoughts.

Which wouldn’t necessarily be so bad, if the world were a kind place, and the doctors actually believed the people.

The question is, why is the government deliberately training the doctors to deny reality?
I understand the character in 3 body problems, the one that calls the aliens. When you understand how trash humans can be, you really want the aliens to come.
id point out all the ways this was a trap and a farce .. but i think i might just ....

i might actually abuse people and hurt them
does this translate into "the opposite" in the hearts of people that "FEEL MY VIBE"?!?

Please inform me on how to be a better antichrist for the sake of LOVE lololol

no ill literally kill you kekekekeke
you don't know that
folks can pay attention
without responding

*waves to lurkers* reading not just my post's but the post's of who I'm responding to in order to put the thread into context in their own minds because duh that's how reality works
bitch its just a dark night
>>imagine being told to challenge the status quo and then actively disrupting the peace by shocking poeople out of their slumbers and then UH OH SUDDENLY ITS BAD TO DO THAT

You fucking retards are taking orders from the same Cain Ashkenazi Arabs that want you dead and enslaved.
>fed posting
>moderator looksmaxxing
>blah blah blah
janny confirmed
thats quite good.. for .. you.. ? friend?

dont jerk me off until i understand that its not blackmail, please. Id like to sign a waiver first before i voluntarily get blackmailed.
the nono is come for you
how do you know that's a bot and not some one suffering from a mental illness again?
put that desert eagle to your third eye

Many of them fed.

They are right about on thing.

There is no going back

I don't believe in math anon
I used to but then figured out how to doubt it

the same math the device I'm using to shit post with is operating on

I'm actively doubting it as I type
and reality
is letting me do it


what the fuck makes you think
I have to believe in anything you believe in
no matter the topic

Oh, but there is.
Tell me why you guys muted one of your own.
you take what I post too seriously, chill bro, have a cigarette

It's not me you're talking to
Why? They can bomb terrorist schools hospital medical care facility nothing.

Perhaps it is them who went to far.
Are you a fed ?

Do you like donuts ?
what you consider to be real is just as real as what you consider not real
>:^) Quick! All you goy ruin your own lives real quick because uhhh.... rebellion or something! Yeah, that'll show those bad people that want you healthy and prosperous.
hey there... what's your name?
It's a war for time in time of time with time.

The future is everything

You should do what Biden Obama etc are saying. Be a good little sheep obey.

Let them take your future
no anon
it's "meh" for me
my internet acquittance

and what's wrong
with being my acquaintance again

I'm not your enemy any more then I am your friend btw...
There probably telling the truth. "they did not see him"
Who are you ?
the nono can do anything better than you
my opinion
is mine
not yours

if you don't like my opinion
you are free
to ignore me

this is a warning
not a joke btw
*pats on head*
>Oh deer
they know and SAW


cursed to love those that hate
we all die anyway
... Kill your friends. enemies. yourself.
its just practice.
say thanks when they kill you.
but .. theres one that will not be kind
not uh
lucky for you to
other wise I'd be the one true god reborn on earth

and fuck that!!!!
I'm WAY to lazy for that much responsibly

and will pass
just like I did

Babylon: "Jizz, holes, ass, cum, boom"


Babylon: "Oh so you think you are better than me?"
Saving this to my playlist!
this was a childish post.
i acknowledge.
did you take it seriously?

someone else entirely then "the nobody"
What ?
fuckin break your legs bro
Why did you dodge my question about trump faggot?
Are you a nothing ?
Worse is to come.

Much much worse

>Monkey shrieking and flinging poo for the Babylonian whore priestess
Thank you to all my nobodies who are here on this blessed timeline, my airwave sisters, shifters, and soldiers. Good work in the air :)
And if not ?
If what is going on
in my "imagiantion"
is more then made up bullshit that is "just in my head"

then I'm god and you are not
which I'm not okay with
so instead

I'm of the opinion
that what's going on in my head
with the whole "me being god thing"

and all I have to do to prove it
is be a mortal mundane idiot

no god needed

Nothing ever happens.....right?
dont keep us in suspense. Spill the tea.
dive into a twisted corridor stretching through the heart of a library. Hidden from the casual, is caused a pause to connect the mind. Its walls adorned with paintings of worlds unexplored and forgotten. The corridor indefinitely a conduit for the vision populated the canvas, fragments of a nexus of souls, all threads in the tapestry. Scenes from different eras and realms, all connected in a web of shared experiences; A reflection of our potential, the imagination a playground for the limitless nature of consciousness. Not a character a living, breathing force; an emergence in human ingenuity and clandestine experiments, destiny unfolding.
you say?

how bout some
they lied
you are gullible
they lied to you specifically
Are you on your way out ?! It gets more and more unreadable with every post you are making.
Can we help you somehow ?
not yet
but if I pass the test
I will be
Falling backwards through the cosmic mirror of time and space, the ethereal dance of innate lights and boundaries between seen and unseen blur into a mesmerstry of highnomena. In this tecstual sanctuary, nemo a spectatte – we-explorers of a dimension beyond the kaleidoscopic geometry that fractalize in the chrystal; visionplex in altered states; encounters with the *wholly other* bathed in darkness, unwind the fractal spiral.
>Woman working with satan causes grief for all of humanity based on her pride which she projects onto her victims.
Cool! A certified nothing ?
I'm fine anon
and before you go speaking for the other anon's
you might want to wait and see who can read what you can't
kekekekekekekekelskdjglksdglse r

lol f>>38370434
get a fucking better warp core void manipulator bro
Still prosaic as ever.
>Tfw try to make assertations to impel action but realize can't come up with a wording that doesn't convey their "subject matter" the authority to reject said assertations and do something different
>"Hey as the manager you need to do this."
>"As the manager, I have decided that not only do I not need to do that, I will do the opposite."
>"No you gotta listen to me."
>"And who are you?"
>"That's on a need-to-know basis."
>"Okay, here"s me letting you know I'm gonna have a beer and do nothing."
>"No, dammit anon this is important."
>"So is the beer. That you cannot grasp why the beer is more important than what you want done is why they've got you telling me I'm managing."
until the test is passed it's all just hypothetical
Can you read ? And write ?
I went to Costco and got a pepperoni pizza slice
judge for yourself if you have the mental capacity to figure out how
come stranger, fly the grove and the moor
past the eye that is door to the mind, come stranger,
alcove and the shrine, libations I pour,
hypogeum or fane i pour all the same, come stranger,
glow the runes with your boon as a jewel,
bright as the dew, of the cold, fruitless moon, come stranger.

So whats the hypothesis then ?
>the feds killed people to try and make it look more realistic
Tsk tsk feds
That's a checkmark on the fail box.
Mine is enough for one letter at a time. And yours ?
Only works on Chinese Lunar New years.
>if you want to work with crouching tigers and hidden dragons that is
>instead of a bunch of codgy old death bedders that have forgotten dueling is still a thing
Nothing is greater then every god ever imagined combined.
So those who put their faith in "nothing"
gain a unique "perspective" folks who put their faith in other stuff don't get
the amazing way phrasings arranging
the rage blazing stays changing weight swaying
the sage stating aged sayings awaiting
the face gazing strange tracings prays praising
the ancient of days with statements that stray
with the rays of his grace, each displays
in maze arrayed the range is parading
in a pageant all the transient masquerading
masking with fading as fragments his garments the
calves that charm as gold, avatars metamorphose;
ouroboros sword-hold-lord rose more so poured gold,
golden glory greatly given gorgeously,
fell fiends falsely foisoned falling flawlessly,
hoary honored heaven heave horrid hymns
lovely lilted leaping like lordly limbs.

MY survival is
you dont matter to me
none of you do.
>forcing someone to feel guilty
christ ill break you.
I LET you i LET YOU do what you did because you PLAY
and you GET IT
i could have said STOP but i let you do what you want
im not changing your mind
but hey lets get more interruptions so its hard to communicate and then just yell at people for no reason

fuckin retards.

ill kill all your friends jesus fucking christ.
I have no problem judging other's
as I keep in mind
"I don't know" is a valid judgement
Why are they killing people instead of just paying the dude?
Please dont burn yourself! Fire can be dangerous!
fie I’m rife with life I’m right to drive and slice,
though i’m Blemished with brutal incarnadine,
striked so white with fright I bright the night with light,
til the boiling and Brumal is harmonized.

Whats a brumal ?
they dont like when someone does emotions better than them.
they say its fake
then force you to be a liar

rigged game bullshit

>all this satire posting
i want to act like a child as much as possible to see who takes me seriously.
"Hey anon, what do you know?!"
"Less than I knew yesterday, but more than I'll know tomorrow."
"...but that's going backwards."
"Nein. If a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, I'll have as little as possible."
Well, I'm specifically talking about the charade of the "attempted assassination."
Why they don't pay "the dude" I suspect might be some trite way of them sticking to the "rules."
'N I'ma show you who Nefertiti was
That she was black because
That's the way that Ra made her

'N I'ma show you Egypt was a black land
King Tut was a black man
Cause that's the way that Ra had made him

'N I'ma show you our history
It ain't no mystery
Just listen and you'll understand

'N I'ma show you what they cannot hide
What they can't deny
That Egypt was a black land
>chat is this thing even real
who you needing to forgive in order to forget so much?
We always take you serious.

I don't take myself seriously.
Seriously ?
>He just understood
>parrallell hells

>say it
and in another warp
>it DOES
The rules are you pay me in person.
Ill be blunt. These "people" want to take your baked rights. all the social programs.

While leaving NATO

The line is drawn in the sand.

Choice is all.
>never actually get to see the results of my alternate personas actions lol wtf
i just want to see a dragon bro!!
Obviously, anon.
Whisker McFluffinsworth is a robust, fluffy feline with a coat of mahogany fur and a ring of white around his neck, giving him the appearance of a furry miniature lion. His emerald eyes are curious and mischievous, often gleaming with a hint of adventure. Despite his hefty frame, he moves with surprising grace and agility. Whisker was once a stray, but fate led him to the welcoming aisles of Costco where he discovered a love for pepperoni pizza. Adopted by the store manager, he now serves as the unofficial mascot and has become a beloved fixture among shoppers and employees alike. His daily ritual includes surveying the premises, sampling food samples, and occasionally sneaking a slice of pizza from the snack bar. Whisker is a charismatic and fearless cat with a penchant for human interaction. He's known for his charming meows that seem to coax smiles from even the grumpiest of customers. His insatiable curiosity leads him to explore every nook and cranny of the store, and he has a knack for finding the comfiest spots to nap. Despite his gluttonous tendencies, he maintains a suave and dignified demeanor, embodying the essence of a chonky cat king in his vast retail kingdom.

They want to control him this way. It is about time we all sat down to discuss what is happening, and why. What exactly are you all fighting for? Why are you allowing this to happen? Why are there no alternatives? Who is responsible? How do they gain from his slavery?
how many people SHOULD be taken seriously when they are liars and frauds: > ??

Just switch it?!?!

incentive motivation
and i can just like "bloop" get it back in a second... but some stuff was pretty valuable.. .. antique even.. vintage. PRISTINE quality... and i didnt even need any of THAT stuff anyway.

give me a top of the line PC snacks and a Tenga onahole. get the party started.
I remember when cats had wings, and what they looked like before.
>They want you to submit or die
>Who is they?
Methinks "negative" entities.
whoever writes this fake dialogue has shit for a mind
entities that cant even communicate mentally they arent even conscious just ripples
Only the smoothest of shits. No wrinkles.
Idk, maybe.
Ask me about ..... all i had.
don't ever reply to me again
Give cats wings. It’s time to fly
You have to pass first, anon.
Why not ? Or am i also just in your head ?
Satire posting is the mark of an educated and mature mind. There do exist people that you probably would not believe if they told you that they had seen things you would not believe in, as you've seen enough to fall into the same category they do.

Good officers make a point of trying to get to personally know everyone under their command, because it is only if you can better understand the man or woman that exists both above and outside of their MOS/rank could you hope to better deploy them and keep the whole team coming home.

The entire "Stay Frosty" ethos reminds one to not only stay focused/be aware, but also be present and engage lightly with the interpersonal aspect. Appreciating the trivialities the engineers that designed and developed the gear you depend on to do your job may make you think of them as something other than POGs. By being more open-minded when things are cool, even subunits completely detached and compartmentalized from each other can passively develop a sort of estranged camaraderie that may very well some day required should things get heavy in any given no-context situation in another unplanned theater should the number of conscious and competant actors be found as indeterminate as their affiliations and agendas.

Those pissed, denouncing the bullshit, are encouraged to stay mad and keep unwittingly spreading the fertilizer. Those who get it, be ready to move Swiftly 0400 Tuesday.

"...but why?"

"Because it is only our preparedness that could make certain no swift movement will be found necessary at that time."
Could you reply to me then ?
you do not understand the nono
my god what a kodak moment
>tfw someone shows up to send some problematic anon to acceleration camp just to be greeted by all said acceleration camp's outlier graduates
That cat is living the dream.
the nono know now no the nono no know ro maybe the nono know you know he know you know the nono may be like that
only nobody is in the position to be typing that much
I'm mostly just here to try think impressively anon, not look impressive. Hell, have the time I've gotta act a fool just to distract all the saboteurs that figure what you're doing isn't worth worrying about, let alone sabotaging. In the chaos of much nonsensical change, the very small deliberate changes go unnoticed. -_-
why, is that the left side of the moon i see?
>Mfw shitposting has on more than one occasion been the only way some could reliably tell me apart from machine learning trying to simulate my persona or imposters trying to pass themselves off as me
Whatcha seeing?
Red moon black sun?
you all fiend for the fluids of men the nono told me about that
>I see you
the nono is more powerful than god
yeah so
we merginging realities to get everyone on the same page... and then

you invited it
asked for it
now you are going to get it

>full range expression of emotions and sentiments
remember to smile BITCH

u 4 rl?
Image limit reached huh? I'll see you guys in the future thread

No. And you aren't who people call "the Nobody".
The asteroid belt used to be one before it was exploded.
“You and your fruit gave me the heebee jeebees the first time I met you, you can call me creepy cause that is what you make me feel. Id still rail you all night long though as well.”
He would ruin them for everyone else.
They would never be able to feel anyone else's dick again.
They are gonna eat the nobody alive
cant operate at any capacity when
i get bullshited

high level operators can ... ;_; i m really not angry ... but they are a bit too snyde.

i dont even care about cuck shit.
bitch wanna fuck do the fuck

im supposed to feel things !!? like what? kekeke
NO do a thing get cope
feel emotion
just cuz a fork in a road lets one dude do and then the dimension we kept in i get to alternate persona .. lol fuck that bro

im going to obliterate the entire fucking goddamnd system.

are getting
the ucking hearts plucked
Not this time
the nonon know now what you did and when you did it the nono know who what when where and why the nono will hold you accountable the nono will punish you the nono know now the nono knows
>the nono is more powerful than god
Not yet.
Please dont kill yourself! We would miss you.
Not really, he exists, but this place has fulfilled its initial objective of supporting him and he needed it the most, hence why it became that now.
Never gonna happen.
Not ever.
Why don't you sacks of garbage just work on yourselves instead of being lazy?
Please describe each of the 40 demons in your head in colorful words.
penis wenis bo benis
banana fana fo fenis
fee fi foe enis
>watches my flaccid penis as I lay in bed building chi
You guys are fucked in the head.
Guess who doesn't make it?
The life expectancy was reduced due to how the class (which we wrongly call "the elite") has made us live, not because of that.
>You guys are fucked in the head.
Kill me first, thanks in advance.
No, anon.
You'll merely wish to be dead.
The "elite" failed.
the nono know who is a homo the knowknow no when you have homo thoughts the nono say no to all homosexual activities the nono has made it clear
So nothing is changing?
Thanks for getting my hopes up.
>nothing is changing
I mean, you'll wish you were dead with a tiny lotta bit more intensity?
It's not gay if it's with your dad, then it's just being a good son.
Anon, what in the fuck is wrong with you?
I'm as the Lord made me.
Stop spying on me and leave me alone
it's all I fucking asked
this is cruel and unusual punishment

You will answer for what you've done to me with your bank account

UNITED NATIONS: "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his or her free consent to medical or scientific experimentation"
You're not, actually.
You just listened to things that you should've closed your ears to.

you're comin with me BWAHAHAHAHAHA cuz im getting back to my proper time and then ....

naw i jest..
>playtime learning how to
>observe others "friends" playtime
>observe "dishonesty" and "true inclinations"
>observe "not my business"
>observe "free will choice"
>observe "ABUSE of power"
>recognize faults
>but who actually gives a shit
>i dont even care about the THING itself
>its the mathematics behind the operations

they say "its like this" then when you "do the thing" they say "not like that" then to PUNISH you for doing THAT they say "we do THIS to you for you doing that" the VERY SAME WAY THEY SAID IT DOESNT DO!!!


i blame the higher up fag that has is basically WISHED for to their job.
faggot smiled at me the whole time talkin too. like "hurr duur u dont need to tell me wtf im doing i fucking am fully aware or else i duuuuuuuuh" yes i took advantage of things but clearly ... THATS HOW IT WORKS
huur duuur take what you kill keep what you kill love what you kill huur duur etc etc ...

punish me for successfully understanding and failing the assignment

>begins anger arc all over again
Goddamn liar fucks
a life ruined for a 3 month vacation

>put thoughts in head
>mad that feels things
>doesnt know how to feel
>doesnt appreciate getting psychologically tortured
>wont even say out loud what they want
>blames you

oh the redacted part was about never trusting anything or anyone ever again.

>hands the fuck off me until i process this information
Too long; I didn't read it.
why would you hate the nono the nono is good you must love the nono stop the nono show stop the hate free yourself from the nono before the nono keeps you forever
Could someone bake the hot infos from that post ?
where's wonderwall?
you think your so powerful watching the nono show but who is really in control when the nono know now
>People are not able to live their lives because of it
I literally can't
Can't even read a book or watch TV without them harrassing me and taunting
i cannot think straight
I cannot function properly under this torture
I just lay in bed on my phone, smoke, drink eat and jerk off like a prisoner in my own house
don't even feel like taking showers lately because the people next door will say ewwww and other insults really loud the whole time I'm trying to clean my body
its fine.. i dont need your attention to bash my head into the wall.
>forced to lose engagement
okay good job everyone

>i dont even have a grudge
actively killing myself you want some more? mmm you want some more ? !

Bitches want to tell me im scary not good enough so angry bad boy
then switch it and recognize im BETTER than them at their job IM JUST A LAZY BITCH and a sensitive little boy that doesnt understand petty bitch shit. get serious. or stop telling me my emotions arent valid.

Dumb bitches
>excessive anger is not permitted
>literally feeling physucal pains from this
>still persisting going to post
>risking lolol
sayanara space cowboy kekekekek haha breh
Is a fan translation already in work ?
how does she know who I am and why does she give a damn about me
cops/feds view us as cattle to be killed, and used in their psyops
I already told you it's not the people next door or the government.
Your telepathy is activating.
Think of it as a second puberty.
You're hearing yourself and what you expect to hear.
What a shame, anon.
Seems like they never learn.
none of this even feels real
I'm probably still strapped down to that hospital bed and you're all in my imagination
this is just a very bad dream
Your emotions arent valid. They are just a part of your psychosis.
Esoteric Alchemy
Right here
This seems to be the most likely explanation.
>Your telepathy is activating.
>Think of it as a second puberty.
>You're hearing yourself and what you expect to hear.
that's cute and all but how does that explain the fags at the hospital playing my thoughts on a speaker in the room over back to me
fake and gay
ran by the feds/cops
God is pissed
you're all going to suffer for what you've done to me
You mean after I got shot in the head while I was in gate? So i’ve been in a two decade comatose then?
That was a false memory brought about by your drug use.
Did you ever stop to think only you heard the speaker playing your thoughts?
Did anyone even react but you?
And God's not pissed, God is the one giving you telepathy.
Kingdom of Heaven is within.
Within where?
Within your brain.
This all just happened in your head. You wanted to hear it. Thats schizophrenia.
oh okay. thanks.
your emotions are real until some one feels more strongly than you.
because they say so.
full aware that supressing emotions is a primary function of some others personal care to maintain "self control"

are oyu people seriously just pretending to fuck with me right now ?
like, you're being real... right?
because am I being real in this right now?

just believe the "truth teller" that doesnt tell me "a truth" that i am supposed to "not hear"
is not disregard and vague is interpretted
audio hallucination get medicated like a good dog
>People that read what he writes

Link for his written words that people find interesting or ban?
so this is how you retards treat one of God's chosen?
purposely keeping him in the dark and attacking him then pretending to be offended/surprised when he lashes out and self destructs
he is the baby gronk poster
Dont do that!
Of course you're not being real.
took meds
didn't stop
stopped taking meds
didn't stop
on meds again
still isn't stopping

any more tips faggot?
That is their textbook play.
They "really" want to win.
Which suffice to say, is they want to be punished.
And, surprisingly, yet again there was no link.

Noone has chosen him. Also noone has chosen you.
why you call me gay are you gay? stop lying and take the meds
Mo meds!
I don’t use drugs I got shot in the head at three years old while in the gate program im not sure if I hopped timelines before I died or if I’m in a comatose
you could always just leave and never come back
>hey this guy was chosen by a higher power
>Let's livestream his thoughts and life to the world
>Wait why is he getting angry, wtf what a freak fag weirdo ewwwww
>he was contacted by something higher up that means he should know everything and be like God immediately what a faggot for getting upset at us
death isn't real
We will leave you behind too. You are not needed.
There are no agents, no glowies, no demons.
You're hearing the Kingdom from afar and your brain is inferring false negative meaning.
If you focus on positive interpretation you'll find the messages will be positive.
It's because you're receiving extra sensory data and your brain has to use the part that perceives hearing and words, but obviously it's jury rigged by God so it takes some time to get used to.
It'll be as negative or as positive as you expect it to be.
do you make a habit of trying to copy other folks posting style's in order to try and piggy back off their attention they earn that you can't get on your own?
>Looks at my nuts
there are sects of buddhism that believe when you die you enter a loka that is indifferentiable from your normal reality. some groups even argue that there is no base reality and that you only ever switch between lokas.
What the fuck are you talking about
See, you know it's God.
You're halfway there.
You're insecure about showering, pooping, etc so your subconscious hears "EWWW"
If you get stuck thinking like that you'll just drive yourself crazy and God will take it away for a while until you git gud.
did the anon you're responding to seriously try and blame god for who they turned themselves into?
Yes, that anon did.
Between the ages of 15 to 17 i switched between half the lokas in my high school senor
I have groups of people deadset and dedicated to fucking my shit up
I must be a threat to whatever they think/support
That's just quantum immortality which as far as any of us who haven't died know, is a basic fact of life. In theory, we're all the first human that lives forever in our own private quantum heaven.
I'll drink to that. Release the...
>they didnt like me when i did
i did different and more comply (somehow)
everything was involuntary
it was nice for a while when
>they actually desired to try
then simultaneously decided "i never want"

KEKEKEKE you jest!?
BECAUSE ... im stupid.
>imagine beating a stupid person for j-walking

>despite being angry at math books and scientific equations.. im going to tone it back a bit and .. "not be so angry"

because i have self control
to NOT masturbate as to not get "transported" back to a timeline where "it was idea in mind to make believe" that is a "shared experience" vicariously as a binding nexus... if i am to beleive in all this demonsion hopping blah blah .. and ALSO the self control to Get a FAT fucking LINE of METH and a BIG BOAL of ICE CREAM and look at girls getting their tits rubbed on the internet.

sheeeit i do wutiwant nyyygguuuhhh hhahahaha
now i just crazy lol
yes, but with a vertical component.
>Loka (Sanskrit: लोक, romanized: Loka, lit.'Planet') is a concept in Hinduism and other Indian religions, that may be translated as a planet, the universe, a plane, or a realm of existence. In some philosophies, it may also be interpreted as a mental state that one can experience. A primary concept in several Indian religions is the idea that different lokas are home to various divine beings, and one takes birth in such realms based on their karma.
Want to know what's "funny" about it all?
What they think they want is merely just due to them being a "failure."
I am the nobody and it sucks if I even have powers I have no idea how to use them and since it makes my awake life hell I don't think I would use them so I can be left alone im this im that he did this he did that can't you see I am making it all as boring as possible and I can get even more boring how boring do you want this to get?





>United Nations Law: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his or her free consent to medical or scientific experimentation
Everyone is bipolar.
It is the cowards who band together and still feel fear.
they don't want me to get proof because...... they know what they're doing is wrong maybe???
Noone is watching you. You are just imagining this all. Its all just in your insane head.
>this anon is trying to induce psychosis in another anon because they are morally bankrupt
Anon, quit it.
you don't think they have night vision dumb dumb
I think it goes further.
They know it's wrong, perhaps they don't care.
Perhaps they made an oath to "themselves" to push past the pain.
There's no one there.
I went through the same thing.
God contact bit and all.
It's a reflection of your inner trauma, PTSD from going crazy, and all that.
Learn to get along with them.
Stop projecting.
You know what sounds better, anon.
They should learn to get along with each other.
if you can't convince the thread, you're not the Nobody that's rule #1
Do you dislike it when I call you out?
Perhaps you should act like a better person.
I believe every human is born with an innate knowledge of the supernatural and the divine. It's why Joseph Campbell found so many similarities in religions the world over.
That being said, every generation thinks they are the last. Every generation thinks the world will end during their lifetimes. Maybe, if what you're saying is true, this is true. We all get diverted through planes until we find a private plane where the world ends and normal life as we know it becomes unrecognizable.
Stop projecting your own insanity.
in that cosmology it's kind of a big cycle, like going up and down, and around, while the around, is also going up and down.
like the horses on the merry-go-round.
Oh, anon.
I see that you're trying so very hard.
But I will tell you once to cease.
the reality outside of the one in your head
Thats why we leave you behind. Noone needs you.
that seems like the kind of thing there might be consequences for
I'm sure they think that, anon.
It's what hubris is.
>expresses anger
>healthy emotion
>doesnt express it the way (they) want

>gonna start being more serious about my compsure
almost like i have to have "an ego" or something...

that what you want? i was told i cant be anything. i wanted to a lame loser gamer neet fag . instead i did a fag and nofun.
>tried to have fun

never mess with women.
>gets download
>its the wrong port address
>gotta start it again on a different subnet
lol wtf

the tech guys are being dicks and played a prank today
.... i said i was gonna get more serious rght?
Are you trying to find parameters, anon?
I'm "just saying"
that's all

Maybe you pranked yourself in your head ?
There are no tech guys. They are just in your head.
Swear on your mouth, your heart and your mind?
How can your imaginary tech guys prank you ? Are you insane ?
Anon, you need to sit back and go to timeout.
No Youre Not
Stop doing the fallout wink at me!!

This place is actually ingenious as a fed grave.
I'm a sad little donkey, who will get eaten by a brazilian baddie. Or maybe it's all in my head. Or maybe I'm a labrat. Or maybe I'm just a coward who can't kill himself. Who am I? Hey does anyone know?
Anon, I believe you're this anon as well.
Like I said, put yourself in a corner and think about what you've done.
the difference between art and commerce. the latter was art.
Full dicksclosure.
I constantly hear hundreds of chittering insects as well as ethereal howling with voices interspersed in there for good measure.
This is how I know no one is being pranked.
If you're hearing voices; you're hearing yourself.
Anon, you don't listen.
Why is that?
Listen to whom?
To anyone but yourself.
Damn, owned and rekt with facts and logic.
Yas queen.
>incapable of learning
>gives an attitude
Perfect template.
who will sing the nono song and become king
Oh come on, it's wumbo; we have she, thee wumbo, Wumborama, Wumbology, The study of wumbo?It's first grade, J. K. Rowling!
Unless anyone admits to hearing the thoughts of a higher power constantly - assume you are paranoid.
Stop The Insanity
Are You Sure
the nono know not now know the nono know or maybe the nono don't the nono will the nono has the nono can the nono will once he know about the nono truth then the nono will know the final thing to know and he will know all the nono will
What The
Well, even then I'd still question everything.
Near universally good impressions, unless they dislike quiet, reserved people.

That is false, he has no such problems; and he knows how to keep a good appearance.
You’re talking about a secret kept by billions of people at the expense of a solitary being. It is a mercy such a thing could never occur or else THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE would be liable for merciless execution.

So unless we all start saying, “There’s a dude in our head I ignore all the time,” it’s just more likely that you’re paranoid.
(press Game A or Game B to Start)
I mean, if you want to get technical this whole "game" was really to justify not doing the merciless execution.
None, no sauce except for a little bit of ketchup. Atleast that's how I like it, but that makes me the black sheep in my country.
Do you still understand

You played this to your advantage and you're mad at me for it!?

YOU SHOULD BE SUCKING MY DICK with how STUPID ive let myself be to .... did anyone benefit?!
was i just occupying space and people just made shit up around me telling me i was terrible?

Whos to say two version of each of us arent killing eachother in another timeline where standing now us are having a nice cucumber sandwhich with mustard and tomato juice ...

Like we could be shoving this sandwhiches down eachothers throats and drawing BLOOD
but no, thats for the other versions of our selves where we are honest about how much we hate eachother?

and if you dont hate me... and neither of us are lying.. lets .. not go back to ... WHOA ... @_@
.... how long are grudges supposed to last and how can a act be measured if pain is not expressibly known
Nowadays, most encounters happen while our physical body sleeps. Just ask for a nice experience with a positive group before going to bed.
the Nobody? He is not vengeful, on the opposite.
He is concise, actually.
I Only Feel Angrier Each Day
>a part being bigger than the whole
I want to destroy all bugs and humans. This
Mark these words insects!
Bugs rule you normie.
You will accept bug supremacy.
Have faith that you can overcome this.
Bugs don't rule anything, anon.
Singularity Incarnate
As it is written, the meek shall inherit the earth.
Who's meeker than buggos?
the plants
why would I do that?
Plants, dirt.
The sea
Means you weren't actually being serious enough.
Who do you think you’re telling? My fucking Prince, who is a good liar, let me believe the good lie (that others could hear my thoughts,) and I only thought that because nature heeds my will every so often - so I thought - “if they are responding, why isn’t anyone else?”

The answer? My will remains done, but they remain free. He allowed me to delude myself so I remained clean (by NOT speaking with Vox Dei and enslaving the population.)

It helps that Heaven has him: he’s basically my clone, so they can game out my responses well in advance of my birth.

Now that the communication channel is secure, it’s just a matter of “letting go,” and watching what happens.

It saddens me. If America chooses suicide, or Donald, they chose it themselves. If America fails to help Ukraine to victory, it is their collective choice.

My final trial was coming to peace with foolish choices made by the race of man. They live or die by their choices, and I am reunited with and refined by my Heaven.

They had the privilege of working with the Prince for ages and ages, so they know exactly what I’m suited for and where I’m going.

I am permitted a dream; and they will guide me home.

Success. Starting a new family. Being liberated from the slanders and trauma of the old, and coming in to my good character after a sterile start.
minerals are pretty meek
that's not up to you or your superstition's
New Thread

I mean....
4 more day. Then I'll never have to worry about any of this again :))))
I can't wait
One must learn compassion.
Are you buying an e-bike ? Which model ?
My rage was born of my compassion, and my compassion was born of my rage.

The trial was overcoming compassion (a supreme love towards an object) towards earthly things: nations, states, even people.

Where I feel compassion toward those who lovingly see Me here, I feel pity for even the richest, blessed, and and kind souls.

I do no longer hate the human race. I pity them.

They worked tirelessly to deprive me of that LOVE towards anything but them.
Do you have a compass ? Can you use it and find the way south ?
Just asking.
the nono is stronger than anyone else the nono has more power than god himself the nono's knowledge grows and grows soon the nono will know everything the nono is so beautiful it makes them cry the nono is so perfect and pure he put an angel to shame the nono is not to blame the nono
perverts wanna watch me sleep piss shit and shower that badly let them
what a bunch of freaks

Well past that point. They ran psychic experiments on him to see if he could guess words and shit. These aren’t good people.
congragulations, player number 38371073 you free may now leave the simulation player 38371073, thank you for playing.
why nono why
So good to see you
I miss you so much
*pats on head*
moo moo
momo nono bobo nono toto know know bobo
Can he guess words or not? What other powers does he have? Can he also guess numbers?
He found the male g-spot.
What a fucking faggot
Wicked and wild!
all above are gay all below are sissy while I am god
Who are you talking about? None of that is related with the Nobody.

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