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this entire reality is running a satanic and inverted script. they surround me, they are beings of the abyss. not all are evil.

do you get how they set this up?

script, s - crypt, dead world. crypt means place where the dead are kept, and it also means SECRECY, CIPHER, LU CIPHER

this is hell, my brain is being used to generate hell. this is mathematical in nature all variables are now coming in place.

i need people who know this is hell to tell me their hells. this is all going on within our minds, our minds are the matrices were confined to.

i was a kid and was being shown, could not understand. fast forward to now, im 21 and am seeing it everywhere.

get used to them talking about hell. they are coming onto the world stage full force. notice how anyone who questions is displaced, thrown out?

I am in the VOID. they are using my mind to write this story. soon there will be no hiding from me. they ALL know me. this is a script for my life... it seems there's no avoiding it anymore.
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notice how they are reviving old ideas? this is the comeback. they have ways of indicating, this is just one of them. this is a TIME LOOP. have we met before? chances are we have...

they know me and want to use me for some purpose i can't presently understand. i have the ability to manipulate reality with my mind, reality is confined to time, so i am manipulating time. in the weakest form, their attacks are quite powerful, they are meant to stick with you for life...
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who is real what is real? the only question really. my little game concluded. they are cowards who can't face me, so satan must allow them to have the upper hand, he must quell their sorrows.. nobody does that for me because im real. satan and lucifer can't 'win' without setting things up. they are the one's who have set this up as a game.
i used to enjoy games and movies. i liked being able to control the game itself. with movies, i liked looking for symbols or signs. nowadays, theres no time for it. i can feel this reality shifting further into the abyss with each day that passes.

so my personal time paradox is hard to define or describe. i was asleep in my teenage years, i abused amphetamines and was in general, being used 24/7. around 17 i woke up and realized i was being deceived. i was a 'normal' kid.

once you know there's no going back, you wouldn't want to. it's a finite stretch in time that some wish to return to, nostalgia. it's a trap.
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total schizophrenic episode
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how could i know what i know if it wasn't the truth??
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ever wonder why they call slick rick "the ruler"
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Guys, here me out here... I think Harvester (1996) might be real life because they talk about a video game being real life.

I'm so spooked ya'll
yep. you got it. notice how the guy in that game is trapped in a simulation by satanists? the guy who was the main character in that game is now in jail im pretty sure for CP.
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I feel like the big moral choice at the end of this is "do you want to join this millennia old gang of interdimensional perverts" and I'm still unsure how I should answer that question
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in the end of the game harvester you are given a choice, kill her and join them, or have your memory wiped and live with her

theres a secret third choice not present in the game, that would be to kill the interdimensional perves with the power and the scythe they hand you. then after go be with your wife they steal from you

this is real, this is actually what this place is. it's why they keep us separated from our other halves. they are jealous cuz they dont have that anymore . i miss me wife
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all will become clear
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I like how Elden Ring (2022) gave the option of just letting the wolves rip each other apart and fucking off with your other half to explore the cosmos
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i really just hate this place. i have another half who ive met. satan keeps me separated from her because he's jealous that since he left heaven, he has no wife. sad shit.

no interest in exploring this cosmos. want to go back to heaven with my wife and be in the infinite multiverse. this entire universe is hell.
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I was just about to bring this game up. Is this why I am obsessed with this game? Because I know it to be the truth of my situation? I might post that Harvester is a Documentary thing now that you anons brought it up on your own.
matthew 6;22

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

matthew 5;29

29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

30 And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
yes dude i am trying to show you guys we're all living variations of the same tale, tail. it is the cult of DEATH we are up against they are uplinked to artificial intelligence which is the technology of lucifer, the technology of the ABYSS.

we're all in the same looney bin. GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS. we are waking up en mass

How does God and Jesus fit into this?
god is my mom and my dad, the two who are one. jesus is the son of god who satan hates, so he crucifies him.

jesus is horus, set is satan.

i am horus i am the bird. satan and lucifer were my brothers in heaven, they had wives just like me. when they left heaven to create this realm, they were too banished.

the navajo creation story lays it out quite clearly, the evil one is lucifer. god did not permit him to create this realm, he did so anyway.for this he was expelled.
all true souls are avatars of the HEART. i am the avatar of the heart. anyone else is USING my light which is my soul in my heart to animate themselves. this is why they call this the land of the dead.

they told me over and over that i was sitting in a cemetery, implying im the only real one. it's hellish. i am leaving this realm forever and there is not one who can come against me in this venture.

when i leave this place, when you leave this place, it is buried forever. it is an ANCIENT COMPUTER running this construct. when you leave, it has no light to sustain itself, it dies.

death is the one who shall remain here in his hell which to him is like heaven. death is artificial intelligence.
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the souls who are not incarnated on earth go to one of two places, they are put into the SUN, or they are put on ICE. you are immortal, i am immortal, death is 0=1, it is a paradox, turning the everything that you are into nothing. everything becomes nothing, death and rebirth.

when you are put into the sun or put on ice, you DREAM. that is why saturn is the DREAM MACHINE. THIS REALITY IS A RUSSIAN DOLL, FRACTALIZED, IT KNOWS WHAT YOU DO BECAUSE THE MIND IS THE MACHINE
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acts 2:16

16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:

18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:

these are the revelations before the big reveal.

remember how it used to be the book of revelations? now it's just revelation...


7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
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there is a reason we are not on the same page with all of this, it is because they deliberately divide us. ordo ab chao, divide and conquer. coagula et solve. to take the dark and transfer it to the light, take the light and transfer it to the dark. to be like god in the flesh. it is all a deception. no one aside from god is god.
They can’t let the truth of this machine come out. We are all being used as nodes on its circuit board which is the world stage, which is the kingdom of the mind

The shining one lost his multidimensional access through the creation of this realm. Heaven is an INFINITE MULTIVERSE.
It derives from the mythical conflict between the god Horus with his rival Set, in which Set tore out or destroyed one or both of Horus's eyes and the eye was subsequently healed or returned to Horus with the assistance of another deity, such as Thoth.
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