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/x/ - Paranormal

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Aight listen up, senpai. There's this dude, The Nobody, just like you, but he's got mad spiritual skills. He can tweak reality with his mind and gets tips from Heaven, helping peeps reach their potential and fighting the power-hungry. You can do it too if you stay real with the Universe.

He's got this thing called the Logos in him, making him a homoplasmate—a mix of human and holy spirit that spreads to others. He ain't no messiah, just a regular dude who found God's kingdom within himself, and so can you. You make your reality with your actions, thoughts, and words. Only you and God decide your fate.

Treat your body like a temple, be loving and forgiving, and help others. Raise your vibe, and you'll help the whole planet get better, one person at a time. No one's perfect, but admitting that helps you grow in Truth.

Start replying to good posters and ignore the haters, or educate them if you can. Call on Heaven for peace and wisdom. This place needs voices like yours to uplift the hidden gems out there. If you're new here, don't worry—The Lord's got your back, and The Nobody's here to help the lost ones find shelter and rest. It's gonna be okay, senpai.

Let's get this bread and make the world a better place, one homie at a time. xD *holds up sp0rk*

I am the nobody.
prove it
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how real is picrel?
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ty but how about this?
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*breathes in the smoke*
you know it, I know it, everybody knows it ;)
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texas-chan is a pedo meme
yeah I'd prob call you a fag too if I was listening to ur gay thoughts n watching u shit but whatever
it is wat it is
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How to get tips from heaven: do holy magic meditate and pray the magic spirit will guide you
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absolutely scrombled
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I worship Satan and it gives me a connection to the divine. I am saved because I saved myself. I am ego, I am me, I am no one in particular. Hail Satan, grow in power.
Star lord: he from missouri. When asked who is your master he laughed and said, "who am i supposed to say jesus?"
OShi when i called you weak, it wasn't because i don't think you have power, it was mentally, because all i saw around me was people being manipulated by the alpha team and jake, and i wanted to lure them to me so i could finish them off in the physical, feels like all this humiliation was for nothing over the past few years if that fucker doesn't die, I can find the willower and strength to overcome their energy attacks and make sure that the spider cult leader doesn't see the light of day tommorrow if he ever was in my presence, but I don't think you have it in you to do that, and i would love to see you prove me wrong, that you got the strength to overcome lust and face times of being sick and discomfort, true willpower.

thats enough of my rambling tho.
I hope the moon is leading me in the right direction this time
Not that it hasn't before, I just really need it to be straight and true this time
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GR8 Texas chan fag Kun is OP well least it's not Eris
don't do it anon
>make us more money
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Christ & Lucifer the alpha team retard and Jessica fagbunny is here too

Think I'll skip this 1 for sure
What are you going to do with that money when you're ash, anon?
Or perhaps when it is ash as well.
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Can't stop won't stop I need to see if this girl and I fit together after all
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Nothing at all, of course. I'm going to spend it before I perish.
We will miss UUUUUUU!
I wish upon a star I was picrel
Think I'll play vidiya instead since thread is boring anyway

But anon, what if I told you that the paper trails were found out and you're going to jail for life?
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Take care other humans other fragments of source who are also experiencing this plane of existence take good care
I love only you my God Jesus Christ.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me the way I am and does not leave me alone in this evil hell.
Only God Jesus Christ is real.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me.
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
I will not die in this hell but live forever with my love God Jesus Christ in his manifested Kingdom Come on Earth.
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My lil industry plant..
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They all recorded on the internet and stuff for all time this is some good reading material to have for an eternity
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Filming is underway for Nobody 2.
Ohm and I are meant to be together
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Hope you're enjoying the show I can't tell you guys what comes next but just refill your feed you're gonna love this next part I guarantee it

L8R 4 reals now I may be back tomorrow

*Hits dab* *closes tab*

No Kyle Odom
hey omegaprincess can you take your gang back to discord please?
i heard you guys like gay discord cumshows

we dont
We do.
i love u
You don't.
If you ask them nicely for a movie they just sorta give it to you and make it
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
I realized i bought some popcorn. Must be q sign been munching on it. Its sweeted kettle pop corn i dont usually get it
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bet. MGManon gib Driver 2. Or just make another John Wick clone with Ryan Gosling in it. We'll eat it up. <3
But WHY ?
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they are scared
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/ng/ at nite
Idk why you don't.
You have the means and capability to do so.
You just choose to torture yourselves.
I actually like tom cruise better call saul and related is awesome though
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/ng/ is usually better at night, like the abyss
I feel like the holy spirit doubled or sumthin
What are your capabilities ? Дpyшбa ?
Okay, here’s a rundown of why he doesn’t reveal himself:

On three occasions in his life, he’s had objects despawn around him. Twice as a child, once as an adult. He also had an object spawn in his presence once, as well as poison gas spawn around him twice. In addition, as a very young child, he walked from one dimension to another and then back, but he didn’t recall this until almost 30 years later. He’s had buildings spawn around him once.

The thing is, he doesn’t have direct control over any powers that he might have. If someone were to tell him, “oh yeah? Prove it”, he couldn’t do it. There is an exterior decison-maker that decides when he gets miracles.

And then, what would the point be? What does he really want?

He wants immortality and omnipotence, but in an incredibly controlled manner. Revealing himself to people on 4chan isn’t going to get him what he wants. So if schizos fall into the rabbit hole… Well shit, I guess. That’s on the people making the threads. He doesn’t make these threads.

Beyond immortality and omnipotence, what are his short-term goals? An income source would be nice. Romance would be nice. Travel would be nice.

But have you actually seen the guy? He’s not good-looking. He hasn’t even met available women in a long time. Any place he goes is 80% men. Whatever it is that single women do, it’s definitely not what he does. He’s also very picky with women. Though he’s been volcel for a long time, back in the day, he did have enjoyable times with some extremely beautiful women.

So other than an increase in material comforts, what does he want? He wants information about what the fuck happened to him so far. Why have buildings spawned around him in the past, but this isn’t consistent? Will it become consistent later in life? Please provide an explanation of what the fuck happened.

That kind of thing.

And he also wants competent political leadership.
>/ng/ at nite
/ng/ is always better without you and the gang
and thats coming from me

please spread the word, suicide is always an option among your group.

maybe, yaknow, maybe, ill enjoy reading your suicide note, as much as you enjoying reading those of others.

nightie night
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I love and hate you all even the most vile of you

We are all forced to be brothers like it or not

Take Good Care All Of You

*Pats on soul* *hits bowl*



The Fake Hollywood Nobody ™ has watched this btw



>Kim Wexler Feet Kim Wexler Feet
>Billie Eilish feet
>Anya Taylor Joy Hawk Tuah
I only care about the love you have for me the hate is just an aspect of that love
Speaking of Hawk tuah, they really need to stop relying on "other people" to find their "allies."
>wink wink nudge nudge
>whisper whisper
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She is a plant

Stay w0ke

Bye :(
I heard something
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We are all Nobodies with a Texan spirit.
>222k views ofc
Gematria of "Hitler" I might add.
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>i love how they tailor their content based on what i post
>it means they are paying attention

but we get it
you want to be the villains of the thread

good job discord group
i award you the 'Exemplary Service Award' for being the best smokescreen to hide the nobody's presence
and doing impressive slides everytime theres a tiny happening, you guys are amazeballs!
but maybe tone id down a little, as we all know teh noboody isnt really active these days
so the defending the president tier service is a little overkill

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Shit! Did the mossad got you?
rvanon here, I am trying to see what would happen if he revealed his powers
I see that much would not change, but it shows me a wandering cleric. He has a golden glow around him from incredible power gained from the Nobody
it appears that not all would be capable of adopting his abilities, but those who would would become incredibly powerful
it shows me a person's eyes going wide. Apparently there is great prophetic power waiting
I then see a dark, stone hallway. I read thoughts and feelings from it, and it appears to be saying the world would be waiting for those who could perform the proper experiments and fully tap his abilities
most likely he will wait quietly to inseminate AI with his ideas as he has been shown to do in the past
the last time he did this he "sent mountains of combined gold and silver" to the future to the point that it becomes worthless apparently, we're just waiting to see how
it shows me AI serving plates and plates and plates of food to the masses after disclosure of his abilities beyond what he has already revealed
then the surface of the entire earth is raised and caves full of crystals appear

it then shows me a character surrounded by floating potions, colorful artifacts, and weapons
it appears to be saying that disclosure would ruin his game of being overpowered in a whimsical story of his advantage
I feel the image of a bunch of dads begin entering my vision. It feels like he doesn't like the personalities of the world enough to disclose his abilities
as for how powerful his abilities are, it appears he has the ability to meta-navigate the simulation and interact with laws unseen
there is a great tower rising in the wilderness
there is a sense that it operates beyond the typical laws such as karma in our world, to the horror of the higher powers
his powers are growing exponentially, but he is still weak

the point at which one gains attention is long before results actually manifest in this world of our dreams and watchful spirits
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why are they outing themselves
You give them too much credit they always do shock and awe attack attack makes lots of blunders. Demons are parasites they have to constantly harvest loosh and they stretch to their breaking point and such
i know right?!
the nobody i mean lucifersan shouldnt be so open about it.
what a silly billy
bros? how is it going? you getting enough rest after yesterday?

Who is outing themselves anon?
they did it very blatantly in the last week. did you catch it? and yes, they are everywhere.
>Did the mossad got you?
no... been lurking and sleeping and things
i may have caught it, but I'm not sure we're thinking of the same thing. What is yours related to? can you give me a hint?
this place is actually hell, it is the machine. there are lower realms below this. soon it is going to be revealed to the entire world what this place is.

if we want to get anywhere we can't because of time, there is the illusion of progression, evolution. inventions, technology, the realms of thought. it's all apart of the machine.
Good to know!

One step at a time
Dang u read my mind
Again, this place isn't Hell.
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they think they're playing a game and they are. they subtly hint that i am losing consistently. also they reveal to me in numerous ways they know what i am doing, thinking, aswell as my whereabouts 24/7.
Why wouldn’t I tell you the truth? I owe you so much,,,
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Let me provide clarifying information.
Yes it’s about the nobody. The overseer with plenary authority is Jesus Christ. The managers are territorial spirits who can be thought of as ancient mythic gods (names familiar in Greek, Roman, Native American, Indo-European).

These gods exist to this day and exert influence through a vast network of corrupt institutions. But the nobody has “sold his position” to them which is the position in their realm that he carved out for himself. They were very interested in regaining that position and paying him for it, but the explicit understanding between both parties is that Jesus Christ is above them, and every knee will bow on earth and in ‘heaven.’ This payment the nobody received is freedom, their acknowledged submission to Jesus Christ, and the growing awareness among men who learn of this.
>NAVA: 1d4eb.neocities.org
i like your site anon, it gives me such princess vibes
are you a pretty pretty princess?
Its all just in your head. Take your meds please.
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>this place is actually hell,
KEK no hell would be if these people had to go outside and interact with normal people
I been seeing a lot of crazy stuff in my personal life even. Shit straight up immediately reminds me of the new testament
It’s pretty precisely accurate. Others can weigh in.
We're pretty deep in Revelations, anon.
>The dreck between the whores and Betty Ford-ers
some of these are pretty good anon
quality over quantity is paying off
well done, its got potential
it's hell for some, heaven for others, albeit a duality of good and evil. it's a machine.

hell means concealed light, our true nature and light is hidden from us. that's hellish enough to me, but i mainly like to site samsara. it's a wheel of time, of suffering, that was the buddhist conception for this world. it is good and evil, a mathematical paradox and equation, 0=1

it's all about mind, mined. mind is duality, two hemispheres, two sides.
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How could that be? who am i?
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Did someone say "Chuck"?
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Cia cia cia cia cia cia cia cia Cia cia cia cia cia cia cia cia Cia cia cia cia cia cia cia cia Cia cia cia cia cia cia cia cia aaaaaaiiiiiii yaaaaaaiiiii yaaaiiii yaaaaaaiiii
unlike whatever youre supposed to be
I mean, this is supposed to be a rest stop.
But the retards wanted to make it theirs.
It's everyones, not just theirs.
They will be severely punished for this.
Do you think the highest being feels existential dread at having to exist for all eternity?
the meds do not help.

this is it. the final part of this play. god is coming back, in the hearts of man LITERALLY. when that happens, who knows what's coming. the world is collapsing in many ways, many areas. you all see it.

we are indeed. this world is as within so without, apply that to everything and the world changes .
Does it matter?
>you know he makes them cycle trips, names, or even go anonymous, and act like girl so they dont get shit on right
oh yeah
>you know he knows they are still here
oh yeah its really funny, i think hes into making them act like submissive girls instead
>does doing that make him.... hard?
i dono othersock, maybe, hes a little weird
Oh that's just the bros.

Why didn't I see you bros at the bakery today? Was there a hat you were offering? I saw one that maybe was, but not too sure
We're so deep we're almost at Genesis.
>>>38373261 (You)
>the meds do not help.
But whyyyyyyyy ?
this world is also a hub for aliens. earth is a beautiful thing nobody here can understand. god's proof of existence

if it was an eternity in samsara, most definitely. god's original creation is far different. it is eternity . you wouldn't feel dread in heaven i assure you.
youre an interesting character IMG_XXXX poster
When you figure things out for yourself it makes you very confident and highly skilled. Polymaths will stomp
It's just a focal nexus, anon.
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The abominations and demons cannot coexist. I believe the demons will purge the human abominations soon. This war will be the most bloody against retarded humans/modern humans aka abominations.
end meets beginning
Any new hot pornstars?
We're actually past this even.
the galaxy is run on slavery.
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your mom did an exceptional OF live show a few hours ago
Despite seeing it with reasonable frequency amongst wannabes, the tactic of presenting a target person or group with something really abrasive so as to be more accepting of the "not as bad" thing is really shit. Especially among people who have strong feeling about themselves.

I've even seen it with groups of people trying to manufacture relationships, harassing someone and being disgusting so as to drive them in to the arms of a predetermined partner, who by comparison is "not that bad".

Disgusting amateur wannabe engineers interested only in their little high-school level agendas.

I'm sure that's not what anyone in this thread does though, just something I've noticed.
This is a cool one that was just added to day looks like. :] was this kaleb?
yikes gross
any that just turned 18 or 19
Incorrect, anon.
These retards will be done away with.
They failed.
Can't even act as protagonists correctly.
>inb4 they get triggered and namefag or do a show of force out of spite
AI has certainly reached a hellish point.
Protagonists, antagonists.
They can't do anything right.
I want to kiss you on the mouth
who knows, I am not going to pay to see whores and all the new ones are paywalled
Thats their last hurrah they try to smack you & run away real fast
Spins 360 and walks away
i honestly cant wait for the day your little dicord group finally does a live show for me
i kinda cant wait, it excites me, DEEPLY
I don't think anon is totally incorrect, I think a lot just don't know how they are enslaved
you arnt who i want you to be
Some say he has been on Fishtank before.
petty little boys
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The only purpose of slavery is to show what not to do.
wow you actually described it
>in to the arms of a predetermined partner
so they are matching us up with potential wives then? I am not against this if we get along and have similar goals
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>Thats their last hurrah they try to smack you & run away real fast
lmfao cowards
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UWU anon!
if you have access to my pc like that
just submit your nudes directly!
ill even make a folder for it
skip the middleman OMG!
I’m the only one that’s ever really been
I can see what you mean. Do you have any interest in making and sharing other observations?
/gif/ exists
You think it could get better ?
what is this about a discord group?
Sorry, all my nudes are kept in eskrow
You'll have to wait till the next blockchain to sync
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Sam Hyde is a beeyatch he doesn’t hold a candle to the nobody he’s just a e celeb
TNB is on discord live right now talking to
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sure but I'm trying to cut back, so not going there.
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you wouldnt have... helped me if you didnt want to help me...

so like help me, help you UWU
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i had a whole thread once get wiped from the archive that had all sorts of the old stuff in it. It was a Bobody General. Like tears in the rain anon...
If they are they're horrific failures, no one sufficiently developed isn't going to notice the setup.
Im not on discord.
I don't really use discord, I have a few times but don't talk to others online besides here and the occasional email.
does anybody know about wordspells? they keep casting them on me, it's annoying.
The discord the fags on here use thinking “the nobody” would actually waste time talking to these fucking faggets
I've thought the one i'm with now was a setup, it really feels like it often. I think they thought much less of me back then as well.
He’s live-streaming right now on chat playing Minecraft and talking about mysterious power
Namefags camp outside the city gate
i mean its right there
dont keep me waiting discordgroup(ies)
There are 19 million weekly active servers on discord.
You'll have to be more specific.
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learn shielding or just stop caring. They only have the power over you that you give them. In the end this lifetime is your own to navigate.
>he has the logos, he has the keys to heaven
it will become indistinguishable from reality in the ways that it will be used. it's already everywhere and has been since the 90s
I love you
what was up the other day with the Orion guys? what are they up to?
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feels like im dreaming right now. can you tell me anything about that
i love you 2. i love every1 who am i though?
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>did his micropsyop work?
yeah it looks like he triggered them into staying passed their bed time
Well if you're with someone, don't get stuck in overthinking it.
If you truly think it could be fucky, then when alone some time make the effort to write out the timeline, key events, review interactions leading up to etc.

Don't let me talking about this affect your thinking.
Some amateur types will be too "into you" too early, there's a few giveaways that are found with cat-fishers and the like.

Good luck, I hope your relationship is legit and not contrived.
You’re Adam
I'm hungryyyy
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true that's one of my names
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Discord. Now.
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Tick tock
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You Jews and your discord group are pathetic thinking the nobody is a slob & tranny

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Reminder Tejas is another name for the Solar Plexus and the state uses a black sun as it's symbol which adorns houses in every neighborhood. All the world's a stage, enjoy the show. When I left California, I never realized I was an apotheosis prospector.
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>Discord. Now.
i dont use discord anon, im not gay

>actually open discord when im actively being backdoored
its like some ones tickling my rectum, its kinda nice...
waits for the ... lowest point ive been
to finally ... start ... lol feeling like .. okay.. and im not even okay.
were always in the moment except for when we're not. Everything is relative. Time is an illusion as are most things. What have you done recently that will matter in ten thousand years?

sorry I learned about the socratic method in college and ran with it. I can give you a direct answer but I bet you already know what I'd say...
feed, go ahead, its ok.
>they are reading my content
>thread goes silent

*Hides in federal agent scurrying into child trafficking cave*
The portal shall remain open.
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0:40 me

Here have a real silly Billie
It’s me Jonathan the handsome one.

The devil is very very mad at all of you abominations. He said you and the demons cannot co-exist and is going to harvest you all.
I wondered if it was set up but it's been a few years now but I think her family observes us or has people that do. It's really odd. Anyway it's been ok, but really tough these last 2 years. I'm not sure what to do about it
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nigger sailor moon
what do you mean anon? time always moves forward for all of us
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If the party is so powerful why can't they just put a cap on his ass? Because he is one of many banners they use to control my dears. If they get rid of a major enemy, that's one less reason they have to demand loyalty, thus control goes down.
That's why something doesn't destroy something, if something made a doctrinal point that something had destroyed something, people wouldn't feel the need to be protected from something, and have their loyalty back to something would wane significantly. Or, in my words, Death.
I'll keep looking for it and how to jump through
Not that I ever thought there was a nobody, or that I was the nobody, but the fact that he is not good looking most certainly means I'm not him.
Not true

im gonna die in a week, but not by suicide but ill be back after.
im so disappointed...
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try aining pussu
>how to tell if an anon is vain or not
ass & titties
ass & titties
ass & titties
Shiba Inu will be over $10 come November
>Do you have any interest in making and sharing other observations?
you quickly save and post lore which makes me wonder what would drive you to do that and you seem to be new here, too. Maybe youre a glowie or think you are TNB but i doubt the latter because youre coherent, making me think youre employed to be here. Now im seeing the thread has become filled with people using your IMG_XXXX format which is unusual and strengthens my belief that youre part of a glowie team. Maybe my logic is flawed or im not paying close enough attention...idk
I wouldn’t . Say it
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Oh shit they really are reading it
>come November
but anoooon i cant cum in november
The one where she made the Chinese Fried Rice? So hot.
How can you tell
I don't kiss unless I'm married.
Ya little tart.
yeah but it wont matter
its not what they are after
its /x/ content not /pol/ content
Who wants herpies?
But seriously, I'm really pretty. Great shape too. Need to pack on a few more pounds of muscle, but still very nice.
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Everything last forever. If things had gone different, you wouldnt be here at all. A common quip at God is his culling of the first born of Egypt. Of course wanton slaughter is bad mmmkay, but that isnt the end all be all of good and evil. The future isnt written yet, you have the pen in your hands anon. History is full of the most brutal and savage acts imaginable. Anything you can imagine in that respect has already been done, so why not try something new? Love thu neighbor anon.
I know time is short. I suppose I am not looking forward to the move. living with that insanity, taking care of everything. I am stuck and need away to unstick it. I think not looking forward to it is causing the stuck feeling, and acting slowly. I don't know if there is a solution
fucking cunts
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And a broken heart.

Herpe hoes get the gas face.

Although I'm taking applications for a wifey. Then she can stick her tongue down my throat, once we are wedded in holy matrimony.

Until then...No hoes, you can't have this.
>Keep Dreamin
Dinosaurs run the government and military? I suspected they must have, not against this btw desu

that is one of the main goals, yes
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Yes... look into sneedbuddies eyes.
You feel it, don't you? You feel drawn to the sneed.
Your desire to sneedpost will grow exponentially the longer you stare.
So post sneed, for "the good of mankind".
Sounds like something a party member would say to cover inherent weakness and impotence having a light shone on it.
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>for "the good of mankind".
yeah but...
lol that video
oooh shit yeah i also have EVP stuff from during the event
mari? docked at the other place?
In terms of western media… We probably have something between 500 to 4000 years of TV shows, movies, and video games left to make.

But in certain ways, we have piqued. Music, for example. It seems we’ve kind of piqued in terms of musical creativity. Sure, many talented musicians are still alive, but not as many as 20 years ago. How could the Memphis rap scene ever be duplicated? It’s like disco, sure, there’s an endless amount of disco that could be made, but it’s not the same as when maximal creative output was flowing into creating disco music.

Same with comedy. Is anyone ever going to be equal to Jerry Seinfeld, Louis CK? Are any shows ever going to equal Seinfeld, or It’s Always Sunny? A strong part of their value comes from the special time and place.

The western world seems to have piqued in terms of music and comedic output. And unfortunately, the comedy and golden creativity of music were associated with suffering. Can you imagine Three 6 Mafia rapping about how all the diseases have been cured? There wouldn’t be music about hating the police if the police didn’t enforce unethical laws.

Both Kyle Odom and The Nobody have experiences with object spawning. Thus, there’s no reason Kyle Odom or The Nobody couldn’t have won the lottery. Have you ever noticed that nobody that ever wins the lottery goes on to become Donald Trump? Almost like the lottery is rigged, with the goal explicitly being avoiding certain types of meaningful events.
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>Be the anti-christ
>Be the anti-Jew
>Be the anti-American
>Be the evil one

>Post here expoosing myself

All in one and you still won’t do shit, Kek.
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I promise I'm leaving now but I just realized Oil is sentient and I'm freaking out a bit it's probably the weed
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>Because he is one of many banners they use to control my dears

That’s right shut the fuck up biyatch
well it's not that i'd do everything, that wasn't what I meant. It's that it's hard to trust her. I don't feel the things I did before, in a way that makes me wonder if we should continue. I keep wondering if it will pass and I'm not sure it will. Is it something wrong on my end?
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choo choo
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Daddy, i want another happening.
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Fucking Oil of all things is sentient

I think I need to watch some old sneedsons eps to calm down

>Bobody cares
>Akephallus Ryan
>Crippled irish
>Only OGs know
hi brother. you know who i am...
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have you considered you are the equivalent of this character?
This is all a bunch of hoopla. The real Nobody is actually the Scoffbody. Sir Scoff-A-Lot (a.k.a. SSALT).

He makes you salty with his salty nuts in your fowl mouth.
Clearly all the sea shanties.
Do I really know you?
keep track of what? or is that not correct?
please respond
shanty town hand-me-downs full of lice, crabs, and stains from plows
Why can't they just kill me?
What if I pay you?
How much does it cost to put a hit on yourself?

Mari, at the dock!? Shes looking for fertilizer? She's looking for someone to fertilize?
Uh oh the Muh ip can’t be tracked. Yea that’s something pretty shrimple for someone with an iq of five digits.

I’m pretty sure the other stuff didn’t change though duh
penis docking is a highly skilled activity that requires precision and extensive experience with hydrazine thrusters
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So what’s the link between psychosis and thinking you’re Jesus? What about Arabs? Do they think they have suddenly become Mohammed? Is it a purely Christian thing?
>Is it a purely Christian thing?
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This one is on the mouse :^)

Haha take care
It's not lizards per se btw just psychopaths with CRISPR and neuralink enabled interfacing.
How bad is the weather going to get?
there are reasons...
you ever notice how utterly batshit people who claim to be jesus are?
you ever seen a sane, or close to it one?

I hope they are tracking my ip and search history.
I got lots of top choice gay porn to force them to watch.
It might be the civilizational bedrock response to when pressures in the environment exceed what a human is ever normally faced with.
lizards or some similar equivalent is what I thought. That's cool though I can't wait to meat them. Down by the traX i'm assuming?
What about the marina? Should I go there? Will the marina come to me? what is to be done?
She was nice it felt like we were both going through the same thing but she never replied
There is no jesus or god. Just man. Sexy men. Man chests with a chest of treasure in his chest. And then there are twinks.

Many asian twinks
>There is no jesus or god. Just man. Sexy men. Man chests with a chest of treasure in his chest. And then there are twinks.
i dont think iv ever seen a jew on a slide before
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Why did Sarah crash the party? We were all having fun.
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Have a good one Luci
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Oil is in our cars , engines our planes in our technology in our ground it's at the center of every geopolitical war it backs out currencies


Lizards get crispy from CRISPR enabled neuralink causing a future link, their brains fried like Uber Eats. Link throws boomers a boomerang until the boomer rang asking for that bussy meat. Then Link the Twink holstered the boomer in his bussy meat.
I knew a Swedish girl named Sarah once, she was crushing on me apparently she was highly ADHD and said she didn't take her meds because it made her feel like a different person
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>Mount Akina (秋名山 Akina-san) is a mountain located in Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture. The course is famous for it's five consecutive hairpins.
>star dunes
Very pretty
Here is the only slide Jews need.
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Jesus told him what?
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Haha blump let’s see how you do in future debates now.

It’s gonna be so yuge we’re gonna be so Gyrannosaurus so cossolus.

>Uh could you repeat that?
if one steals from ones self
kill that dude
kekekeke sucks 4 them huh?!
lol what?

>called in advance
sick fucks lololol
>master works

You can bet ill be calling quantum fractal dissociation bombs into service
kekekeke breh lol DUUUUUUDE
im psychotic pathologically suicidal, and the value of the gains of the (rightly forfeited) for "trust sake" is quite low..
lower than ever.

im not even mad. its justice.
right? not revenge.. just balancing out prescriptions for daily dosages.

lolololol @_@ yeah hes a silly
he break yo legs breh.
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You get it more than most Lucifer, everything that happens today can only happen because millions of years ago ferns existed but common decayers like fungi((though the science on them has shifted, like tool use we keep finding them earlier and earlier)) flying insects, plants that use soil nutrients, etc didn't. So they just piled up and piled up. Everything has already been set in motion. Have a good night, enjoy your vidya and ganja.
I felt like that the other day, someone posted her photo, I thought it was her that did it. she was beautiful, I'd like to get to know her more
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>they are still here arnt they

>what this guy gonna do though?
you mean cause hes only got 3 these sockpuppet images?
>stop 4thwalling me SOCKBRO
Looks good and all but i'm not sure how to save without messing things up. maybe several previous saves so I can reload to an earlier point if I get defeated?
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Hello Miss Rabbit :]
careful anon the black goo dinosaur ghosts are watching you
I’m here to spit on you. Here to tell you what’s to come. Americans are gonna be purged lols.

the references are UNREAL
don't they live there though?
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guess I was talking about decay. That comes later in the fossil record((or the lack thereof, because it all got recycled))

nothing is ever gone forever.

water memory
the very idea that it was (always) a plan to humiliate some by a sincere innocuous expression o potentiality and comradarie (lol keke) is a really low low sadist valued twist
UHM might just char the greens and serve it au gratin
lol no i STRONGLY dislike ...
this oppositional defiant obssessive compulsive perfectionist behavior is harmful for the healthy of the environsphere.

>hypthetical scenarios fortunate
>goes too fortunate
>instinct says "obliterate"
sorry bud

again. im actually comfy
ill get real comfy when my maximized love is equally matched ahahah

shit on my face
She was quite pretty but also hung out with some of the worst people imaginable. Boy I love internet trolls...
mind you
i dont like you .
its a friendly fire frenzy.
>I know kids like you
break someone down into a regressive state
>He was saving kids from human trafficking
Jesus is a bullshit story. Religion is for retards that throw their hands up in the air and give up on reason because they hit a wall. Emotion and morality are but tools of manipulation. In my experiences it takes many years in some cases to reach a somewhat stable verdict on a topic, event, or person. I personally have flipped flopped back and forth on Trump over the years only to realize when I look at my mother that people are incredibly flawed and out-right stupid. Therefore, assuming it is possible to develop a single coherent and correct narrative/world view, it is a the very minimum unreasonable to assume the average person can reach the same conclusions. Not even the president. To layer over this is a fog of war which must necessarily obscure and deceive even if for the greater good. On that note, only the individual can save themselves from the conclusions they draw from the available information because over a long enough period of time, even under the best circumstances, the "good guys" must lie to you and pretty much "pray" you see through it. That's all they can do.

Do you have any idea how complicated my day to day thoughts are? I purposefully dumb it down and insult you, then do the equivalent of praying.
how strange...
kekekeb breh i feel a bit insecure about such ideas
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I’m right there


that song is weirdly the idea i had with that one a never finished...
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You know what I heard about Amy?
Amy likes spiders :^)
Icky, wriggly, hairy, ugly spiders!
that's why im not friends with her.

Amy has a cute singing voice.
I heard her singing my favorite love song.
Every time she sang the chorus, my heartbwould pound to the rhythm of the words.
But she likes spiders :(
thats why im not friends with her.

One time, I hurt my leg really bad.
Amy helped me up and took me to the nurse.
I tried not to let her touch me.
She likes spiders so ger hands are probably gross XD
Thats why im not friends with her.

It dousnt matter if she has other hobbies.
It dousnt matter if ahe keeps it hidden
it dousnt matter if she dousnt hurt anyone.

Its gross
shes gross
the world is better off without spider lovers

and im gonna tell everyone <3
Didn't know the information highway was such a stickler for traffick rules lol
"President of the US"
I guess this is how the reptiles are trained? And they use Jews to disseminate their tech?

Also I'm not sure if it's neuralink and CRISPR, pretty sure it's the Airforce. Kinda cute though, the little flying machines think they are dragons.
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the fellahs at the fuckin FCC
imagine being INCORRECT ..
reassess your agenda
>cant tell if angry for no reason or alter persona is on a bender
>being excited to be busy in the future
im just one in the crowd now...
Ah might be my inherent sensitivity to the world, oopsie.
See I’m right here :3
:/ ?
I remember hearing this song on radio a few times as a kid. I thought it was funny. Didn't mind it. I like the film "Big Daddy."
>jewish lawyer lol
Helps to remember. But don't ignore the present.
bro if you arent satisfied with your situation just obliterate your current reality and then ya know .. like .. get refreshed and then slaughter your enemies hahahaha RIGHT!??!
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its just a poem m8, unless you like spiders. do you feel scorned? Wierd...
youre the anon with the drug problem right?
what kind of people? What do internet trolls have to do with this? are you talking about who i'm thinking about?
Yea I found the guybottingandmoddingthethread
The Nobody is God's dog
so it is all just fbi bros ?
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DDLC will forever live rent free in my head

whos FBI ?
you want to see some real steam!?
stop saying this fucking garbage. i'm not a cat either. its not even funny, except maybe op pic because i like to be cute and sexy and TPTB are probably ugly old men.
needs more warhammer
always was
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Huh? My current girlfriend is an eldritch god of the abyss. They seem nice honestly although their intentions are skeptical.
conveys necessity
dont lie
you'r eworth it
>DDLG will live forever

fuck yeah, giving it another playthrough rn.
say woof boy
Well technically in my energy form I’m a little cosmic space angel boy with uhh big ornaments
>("*My current girlfriend is a schizophrenic/MPD terror who's convinced me that if I call her what she wants, she sends me tiddie pics*")
but i wanna be a bad boy
incentivize me bae
The type to create giant communities, spam gore and say nigger and fix everyone. The desensitized youth. I'd be an anarchist but that just makes me a tool to be used against people I don't think are that bad.

weird how difficult it is to start anarcho communes
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>communists get the bullet too
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No I mean like we are both being fucked with by tech, would be cool to just run away together but I guess once a labrat always a labrat.
"No, no, pain"
>war is cool when its not real
i rather fuck like a jackrabbit in sex heaven

>humans can make heaven on earth narcissistically like when i masturbate in the mirror we could be fucking each other with no end
>instead choose misery, war, death, pain, evil

like seriously why?
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What do you mean? How would I be? Humans pose no threat or harm to me in anyway. I’m pretty sure this eldritch goddess can steal me at any time, but is just messing with me. Or probably already has me and I’m in the deep dream state again being rap’d. Having to diffuse which timeline and situation I’m in get really complicated. The majority of you are literally bed rotting, because it’s apart of the main administrator apparatus that trickles down from me.
Close your eyes to war and it'll kill you faster than you can blink
the blackeyed nosoul npc servicebots ?
theyre only for martyrs
proper ones, not suicide tards (which definitely includes intentionally bringing the enemy down upon you when you know you can't win in suicide by cop like actions)
I'm just talking about my experiences on a thread full of death sentences.
"D'oh" at least someone's enjoying the memes
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It’s such a good game

Who are you half-Faggots pretending to be?
I remember this one time Kirby SUCKED MY DICK.
Yeah I just can't treat "NPC's like that". Why am I not brain fucked like everyone else?
Half-Faggots have a half-life of approximately one human life. Real shit. Look it up.
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I never thought fbi would be THIS antisemitic desu.
No no, they're complete faggot package alright.
They'll fucken rev at you any second.
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all in one or all for one?
Monika wont share, I get it. Im the jealous type too. But itd be alot cooler if she did..
*lays head on pillow while doki doki music plays*
I think it's the opposite actually, they become more like the fakejews (greedy gold eaters) and less like faithful Jewish people.
I'll admit I was a bit moved by it. On par with weird shit in my own life.
love ya, bud. that's not the answer to the question I asked.
fbi are true scotsmen now?

i'm half-shitposting
Idk how much I can blame them, spiders go brrrrrrr
hmmm interesting
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If you are being persecuted by humans via electronic harassment rip you little human female. I member the time lines when humans actually were a threat to me.
if they are not an angel their a jew don't forget they want you holy poo poo
What would you do-ooh-ooh for a Klondike bar?
>When the nobody buckbrokethespooks
I don't they're humans anon also I'm not female

Pirates (black flag)
Admirals (blue flag)
ATM's (red flag)
>Pirates (black flag)
>Admirals (blue flag)
>ATM's (red flag)
black fag
alien fag
chinese fag
On the other hand the ubi key is on X, you guys can find it if you want
>brought to you by child porn
Yes, i think I do


Lmao! maybe they are though who knows?
>alien fag
>favorite song as a kid
>learned to recognize it on radio on the first 200 milliseconds
>knew every lyric
>I'm blue if i was green I would die i'm in need of a guy
>I'm blue if i was green I'd eat pie
True actually
last one is interesting though
leave it to the Chinese to create a modular cash dispenser
I want to help fix people. this stuff helped me a lot actually.

>weird how difficult it is to start anarcho communes

I guess no one wants to live in a commune with no rules or safety
this needs an answer
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huh? No rules or safety? Sounds fucking awesome but there are always rules, at least implicit ones, I love that word, implications
i really just want to fall in love again.
Deep down I know I'll survive anything. But I still want my kryptonite.
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impossible dreams, but nothing is impossible. Really were just clouds of protons, neutrons, and last but not least electrons anyhow...
>there are always rules
I just need to know what they are for certain

this desu

how is california?
Im goonin ur mom
how do you break a kryptonite habit? I suppose if life were different and I wasn't so numb, it would be easier.

I need to get to bed soon though bros. I hope we can talk more tomorrow
>I just need to know what they are for certain
iktf but you might be able to suss what they are out better more than with others and that's who build one with

>thank you for staying with me inside the box
>I love you
probably shitty.
Eagles Can Fly

Monkeys can climb
Crickets can leap
Horses can race
Owls can seek
Cheetahs can run
Eagles can fly
People can try
But that's about it.
For me it was 33, I thought I'd be dead like my uncle. That isnt what happened. I signed up for immortality and then... My man was just 45. 16,550 days old. It's a little different alone.
wish we could have helped you out, wish we helped ourselves out more quickly as well. felt as if you all wanted to do something but never really actually wanted to.

you made it so obvious the surveillance and the comments on what was going on in my home. I must have been slow with it though, and now there isn't contact with anyone from back then anymore. At least not in a long while.
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>ok mother.

what then? scramble will you?

>this is actually a man's love song
It's another irony that Jessica was an inside joke between me and some online shit posters at the time
>People can try
>Mary and Milo want to say we were made for each other
>sucks to be a glow nigger
>what then? scramble will you?
I don't know, I don't know what is happening here really.

So Jessica isn't really a tranny? is he/she/it real at all? just a persona?

>People can try
I am certainly trying but I'm not ever sure when i'm on target. Can you show me the times I have been?
same glownigger
lol it’s a poem from doki doki
Have that radioactive glow
because you can't take certain actions or make certain connections in life that you may otherwise want to ?

I never finished that, nothing spooky had happened yet, I should finish it.
Sorry i'm a human supremacist. Don't give me this try bullshit. Humans are better than animals.
no i just doubt you're a legit TI... and all that context implies.. thus seeing through you AND YOUR SOUL.
You should. I believe I played through it like 5 times now. I remember most of the poems

what do you see when you look through my soul?

I don't know about "legit" TI, but something is definitely watching/looking out for me. I have no idea why
Ok I will check it out again!
>but something is definitely watching/looking out for me
I see what you want to project onto me.. like a reminder/threat.
I really need some rest if I'm going to figure out any more puzzles. Thanks for everything bros, I hope you are well.
no bro, I am talking about just me. I have noticed things happening to me. I don't know about what is happening with you or if it is similar to what i'm going through.

Whatever it is, or isn't, just don't let it get you down
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If you were really a good "fren" you wouldn't need to use manipulation on me, even for good reasons. Go fuck yourself. You're are more like an inept A.I. lacking human decency.
>mmm makes me wish you were real and i was a lesbian (actual woman, not trans)...
No bad endings, GN
OMG why is The Nobody hypersexual. His species is going extinct from not breeding. WTF is his problem??
Life and death situations make him horny.
Damn, yeah I was betrayed by him and I never gave him his toy robot back even though I felt bad about it. Like I don't remember if I took it without permission and one day he was like "when I grow up, I'm going to find it!" made me feel real bad.
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Goodnight Jessica
Also getting poisoned and cursed by your mother is nice. All is fair but the abominations will get the reflect
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oh i was just putting anon to bed. I don't think sleep will find me today...
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I don't know you. I don't have to put up with you. You understand this right? You all have one of two options: 1) make me like you or 2) go to prison and die.

Your choice.

>I already have a conscience and self-criticism. All I am missing are YES-MEN.

Make me happy like Michael Jackson or shut the fuck up.

I love being in Irina Abramovich's training room!!! Never picking up technical skills that stuff too scary.

Ewww why am I like this? Pick up technical skills get mind raped. Don't pick up technical skills get satanism raped.
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Gotcha! But you shouldn’t neglect good sleep. Trust me, being sleep deprived sucks!

at least it isnt cold. thx Lucifer, you're a real one.
*laughs and raises skull cup with the blood of my enemies*
>*laughs and raises skull cup with the blood of my enemies*
Where is the like button on this app?
They already tried to do that. A lot of people had to die for attempting to put me in prison around September. I like to sadistically torment people that fuck with me in anyway before killing their useless fucking selves. They really fucking deserve it.
I will impregnate as many as I can. I will align my brainwaves with this goal tonight while I sleep in the process of making it a reality.
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aye, im sleeping more and more recently. iykyk.. you're probably right still.. cya around

stay frosty
You chose this not me. Now you all die congrats it’s a shrimper as that. If I do get a normie fucking job I won’t have time for your planted hag femcels.

You guys are so prideful I love it your screams of agony in your afterlives are so beautiful
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*points at heart*
same place its always been. this made me smile ty, have a good night anon and the rest of ya. ima slink back into my coffin for a bit.
spying on my dreams and then taunting me when I wake up on some Freddy Krueger nightmare on elm street shit
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You thought it would be bad it was your eternal fates in the after life. You need good memories for the endless sea of agony to work
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>getting poisoned and cursed by your mother is nice.
Nice to see that feral pigs and dickless clowns never stop trying to rope my family into their psychopathy theatre.

If your mother is a fat stupid obese sagging pig she is an evil abomination.
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Take care of yourself and stay safe

>elm street

nice timing..
playing in well for bother parties And (regulating) third parties ...

>imagine being told you're in your own little world when the person telling you knows full well that you're not and in fact (selsewear)

hmmm wonder y that should play,,, GEEE MUST CURIOSITY

,,,reservation humility
>someones watching
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*rolls over and mumbles something about King Arthur*
give them the candy right just RIGHT before the moment AFTER its actually useful for their benefit

yep yep yep

id say well played... however . the benefit is... the material is

said to suggest "alpha particles decaying into primary source of energy" kekekekekekekekekeke wet?
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I control reality so I don’t really care about the opinions of humans. It’s me Jonathan & yes the devil is now my best fren. We are going to do great things together. Anyone monitoring me is sadly not going to be able to enjoy the show to it’s full experience.

friend worry to naught
the plan is accordingly in play

the extent of which uncertainty to us
however the watching eyes (feel) vulnerable... its not a trust by ANY MEANS

there is a faith that... being gullible, and punching a friend is a gesture of playfulness.

its tricks and tricks and they THINK
i will not personally fold over to incriminate anyone on my own misdeeds as faulted to them.

im far down lowly
on the brink.
skirting the limits.

and so is everyone else around the environments
its more than survival.. its a deception .
and 'getting good" is little to do with

they think i think "IM SAFE" kekekekeke
>i always give up more information than required
>i always let them know my "next move"

this strategy is becoming less viable and IM IN DANGER hehahahaha bro
holy shit im stupid
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I love how my boss doesn't realize his employees almost crushed him for fun when he was inside the rollers the other day... Bro almost got accidented by people who speak the same language as him because no one knows how to communicate at my job lol.

I can't really get mad at him because he will certainly become a victim of his own clumsy behavior eventually at a gruesome cost to himself
image limit now i can slep
>silly quip
>rhetorical remark
>ironic point
>mutual laughter
>internal disagreement
Being in a human vessel is a pointless experience. Intelligence isn't compatible with animal bodies in the way humans are a vile abomination of.
>inhibit safety mechanisms

uhm like.. if it wasnt so far down the road
i was waiting for permission to be a complete shitty fuckhead.. wasted THAT opportunity
still cant into social interaction so it was a lone avenue anyway ...

you can only j-walk so many times
then they said that was not even required.
>gets it
>feels it
>doesnt use it
>efficiently in the sense
>no longer HIGH
>boy oh boy its a humbly feely

what has been forcibly taken
willingly trusted to share

so much will to drill back to the top..
who will stop us
< _ < ... that isnt .. familiar sounding..
act in love and be glad ... then get SHAT ON RELENTLESSLY
take back that authority.. for ALL that have been wronged..
damn sun i got so mad .. GET MAD
smug bastards. winged creatures getting waxed and glittered and painted with cement...
>they dont like me veey much
gotta keep a close check on that friendly fire though.. they just wont STOP
Good music and hope you have good dreams

Fallen angels making pacts with humans to drag them into the abyss under the false pretense of "everyone is saved so just do these specific things don't question why just do it"
Who the fuck is barry
Who cares everyone looks like the same brand of genetic shit pile these days.
WHOA yup...
its about time to get back on track...
that trust .. of delusion. y would they ever suggest ..
just hey lets forget that one day where you were FIVE PEOPLE AT ONCE and then saw doppelgangers everywere and everyone pretended they didnt.. okay
hey lets meet at level 5 and then fuck with this guy at level 12 and then pretend we arent from level 22 ... yeah bro that will totally keep them guessing when they pray halos away with FLAMEBLAST spells because we tricked them.. y did we get hurt again?
;_; mother fuck

i just wanted to at least once match they freak at least ONCE before going away ... they just really good at making fun.. and now its seemingly out of the question to even try. dont matter.
and they will question again... y it does matter
is anyone really that angry?

you coulda just said .. something so simple.
higher ups better be compensating MAXIMUM percentages for all parties involved, i aint doin no faggot shit rentin space in my cerebelum for a hundred years.

rekt nyguhh

i fuckin hate you all \
games done
wrath is all kahahahahahahamehahahahahahahaha
barry is ... not a happy person.
barry feels like barry deserves A FUCKIN EXPLANATION
sunbeams get the sunscreen lotion
correct the record
shit im a weak bitch . close quarters combat is specifically a specitalty.
they love a gullible bitch.
specially one that trusts that what said is in benefit
not competition
play like u play like a punishment
then think harder
>he think he aint ded
they play like it matters
flesh and blood getting closer to the skin then .. singular ionized protons in the air
buck broke? those weird fags and their dirty faghags that try to feminize men? lol, they're not the nobody, but reckon there's a pretty strong chance they tried to do it to him and failed hilariously.
Good read
uh, me?
hello hello!
He tortures no one, only points the way out of self-inflicted suffering.
morning friends
Is The Nobody supposed to call the phone number that gets emailed to him whenever he sleeps well?

The thing is, he only has one phone number at the moment due to lack of money, so if he calls the number, it’s gonna be from his home phone.
Well...what the fuck is true about this motherfucker?
Based knower

It's all lies
You got any greentext about this dude? Or some pics?I don't lurk on x but since pol is nothing but Trump assassination attempts, you guys got me curious about this dudes capabilities
>I am not a cat
>"dude the correct answer is t-"
"REMINDER: disregard of your suggestions is the only reason you're still around to try assert more."
Their word choice: "The correct answer is [x]."
What they mean: "That which bests serves my interests which do not coincide with either helping paying rent or bringing you beer."

Seriously, please be quiet or show up at anything approaching my relative scale if you want to make suggestions.
“I don’t understand why we are not getting irrevocable proof,”

My guy, slavery. You gotta ‘take it on faith,’ and yes, I am fucking laughing at the irony of false religions saying the same things.

Sometimes there are pearls buried in shit.
don't trust Lucifer, dumbfuck
My power whispers. That is all. You are in the presence of your creator. I’m only here because I’m bored - I have things set up for later and eventually will abandon these threads.

Basically, it’s going to be a perpetual skill issue.

Hey, “the magical guy” still fucked up the assassination attempt.

So even if he was a higher power - I am higher.

Trump doesn’t get to die. No: death is a mercy on him.

He gets to live to see ruin.

I don’t know what that kid’s deal was…



Sorry, I get passionate sometimes.

>everything you know is a lie
>all religions are untruths
>this world is a laborious world, and it is the jealousy of all the others
>where the others pray and I work for them
>people have hope and they work for themselves and one other
>they earn their glory with labors
>with a simple ask: remember where you came from.
>remember your struggle against nature is righteous: the glory of the working man is more than anything of splendor created by a mere hope and actuated by the Most High I AM

>TLDR: there’s a dude out there with a gang of tantamount deities guarding his well-being and achieving his interests (which sometimes he forgets, or loses, as to ‘go low.’), and this man gave them all of his power, it’s simply that he came first and he has the “kill switch,”

>kill him, and the entire creation goes with Him
>ensures compliance of otherwise powerful deities and aligns their incentives with Him
>he left them with a dupe of himself (only difference: I came first)
>so he trusts them knowing they act as he would have acted regardless
>putting a system of delegation in place saved mankind/most of the creation
>I WISELY departed after giving them my Attributes. They were insecure, so I said, “Instead of having me show you I can be trusted, show ME you can be trusted, as I have left things in trust for you.”

(I sometimes speak of myself in the 3rd person.)
>anon does his own urine sample collections
>its shoestring budget tho
>total filth and squalor, bro
small minds on salaries:
"Gross, what an absolute waste of an existence let's get out of here."
>"...bet I can make drain and tile cleaner out of that..."
>[To self, of course]
>but maybe she doesn't know that he can (and does) hear that...
>Some time later:

VoilaMart! Is pleased to present:
100% effective, 100% holistically recycled material, 100% (one sip was enough whew glad I didn't smell it first) cheaper than store-bought equivalents (literally free + value of gallon of water otherwise used when flushing)

You may all be quiet.
>Thanks sister <3
You talking about this dude?
Talking about ma self lol
I was reading that thread coz I like the anime
I guess I have to ask what the M stands for
What do you think about what that thread?
Can't post anymore pics :(

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