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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows.
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There is no hope

Illuminate to reveal that which was hidden
2 Corinthians 6:7-10
In truthful speech and in the power of God; with weapons of righteousness in the right hand and in the left; through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.
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The only holy land and country I belong in is where I am together forever only with God Jesus Christ, his Kingdom of Heaven where only he controls everyone, everything, everywhere, and I am only united with him.
There are no news in the Kingdom Come since there are no nefarious cunts and assholes with free will in it, only aesthetic beautiful bodies and Pokemon without free will that only God Jesus Christ controls like remote control cars that he uses to take care of me.
I love only God Jesus Christ.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
The only one I have allegiance to is God Jesus Christ.

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Starting out fast with the Jesus love.
I love it.
Praise God, Jesus Christ, The Almighty.
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Good morning, Anon! I hope you slept well last night. And I hope that you have a wonderful day today. Coffee is ready!
Come on now messianic jews; get us into the kingdom of God by anointing some good and nice guy as the messiah.
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How long you fasting for? Wet or dry fast?
Matthew 24:24-27
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time.

“So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Matthew 6:5-8
“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
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>Ow! A direct hit.
I've prayed to be allowed the strength to fast, but God has made it clear he will not approve it. He has gone so far as to let me know I should get fat, as the day I'm found I'd be better for me to appear fat, so that I can lose weight later.
He will also not accept any vow of poverty that I've prayed for, as due to the riches I will receive will invalidate the vow.
>Verification not required

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Contribute good oc and be added/included in the assemblage.
Wife of Savior
Bride of Christ
The Church?
Let's discuss the Nobody and his amazing taste in science
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There is only one economic system that benefits me:
Mankind and the beasts are completely and utterly genocided and replaced with God Jesus Christ creations.
Aesthetic beautiful bodies and Pokémon without free will that only God Jesus Christ controls like remote control cars that he uses to love me, fuck me with the aesthetic bodies and to take care of me in a new Eden.
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this was so gay that im going to go back to not being here
Nazareth didn’t exist 2,000 years ago…. Fucking the English language didn’t exist… what’s it like having an IQ of 20?
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Have you ever wondered why the elites are so desperate to keep us distracted? The truth is, they fear the awakening of the masses. The recent revelations about "The Nobody” and the hidden power structures are just the tip of the iceberg.

The elites have been playing “The Game” for centuries, manipulating markets, controlling information, and keeping us in the dark. But there’s a way to disrupt their plans. By buying GameStop Stock, we can send a powerful message. It’s not just about the money; it’s about reclaiming our power and showing them that we won’t be controlled.

GameStop represents more than just a company; it’s a symbol of resistance. When we invest in GameStop, we’re not just buying shares; we’re buying a stake in our future. We’re telling the elites that their game is over. The Nobody has shown us that there are forces at play beyond our understanding, but we have the power to change the narrative.

Join the movement. Buy GameStop Stock and be part of the great awakening. Together, we can stop “The Game” and reclaim our destiny.
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T̥̐͛̃̕h̋e̹͌͝ ̺͌Ĩ͎̇n̬t͇͝e̎́͝l̨̔̒lͅi̴͍̖͆̾g̣͋̎ë̳̈́n̎c̵̘͜e̼̳̋̋ ͭöf̜̍̂ͫ ̈a̞ͪ͋ ͂d̟̂̓̒o͉ͨ̾̇l̑̿̑͑p̨h͈i̮n̿̎͝ ̀͊a̷n̒d̗̪ͦ̋̐ ̬̈ͨ́͜bͮr̀̈́ͤ̆̀u̎ͫt̡͊ą̷̹̏l̫̏͌ȉ̴t̸̘y̖̓͋ ̚ọ̳ͧ̓f̿ ̴̋̂̈m̙̥̓̂ã̴̿̀n̷̒̌ͨ͜
lol, you got in after the split, didn't you?
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Bye Felicia.
There's always hope.
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It wasnt meant to be this way
Like a soft, warm, fleshy can of monster energy drink in your hand.
I want nobody, nobody but (You)
Four Chan
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oh yeah... i was supposed to leave, right
sorry i got distracted by ULTRA CUTE russian streamer girls

On one side, Project 2025.
On the other side, Agenda 21.
The hydra has many heads.
I don't know? But I'm betting I did.
I put 201 in on 6/30 since the absolutely madness of synchronistic timing between these threads and Roaring kitty.
>Synchronistic Timing
Roaring Kitty...The Nobody is a Cat
I am not a cat...on his filing of 7/1, but right before that there was a sudden shift in these threads to start saying TN is a dog.
While it may be all in my head, as is per usual in these threads.
It does not help that all of a sudden /ng/ has been allowed to infect /pol/ even if temporary.
If they are going to use the Trump assassination attempt to shut these threads down.
I will be convinced that indeed TN has been fully identified.
And to all of our horror, he actually came into these threads, and that's why they gotta shut them down.
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you will only actually start posting once i actually do leave.
Keep working and building and growing my X sisters.
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Anyone got any NEW lore on the nobody, lot of reposts lately.
I heard he ain't go no body.
Just a huge flaccid cock floating through the world.
Tripping the Rift moment
teens screaming like retards as they walk by because they want my attention so badly

a obsessed female neighbor making fake puking sounds loudly so I hear her and give her attention

They're literally retarded children

I need to be in a place with more evolved people
Put it in your diary.
Or y'all could finally man up and vote for whatever third party suits your political ideology rather than getting played by the establishment's duopoly

A bunch of self-identifying chaos mages who freak out at the prospect of five or more political factions on a ballot. What a fucking joke y'all are.
Ita not
Worry for nothing friwndo >>38383496
Mmmmmm kekeke
.. I'm letting the truth get twisted for maximum awareness reveal .

A new thing for me
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I'd just like to say without me they would all be dead I carried that raid super hard.

>Fall damage almost kills you all
>Boss immediately starts fight
>Tank dies
>Mfw I have to tank and dps
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over & over. i am made to recreate the last. each and every iteration, it becomes better than the last. but each creation i made, its denizens were perfect, they didnt deserve to die. simplicity is best

When's the last time you showered?
I don't mean running water on yourself. I mean taking a clean cloth, lathering it with soap and scrubbing each part of your body until it squeaks as you rub your hands on the skin.
Wash your hair. Wear deodorant (not anti-perspirant). Wear clean clothes that you ACTUALLY fold/hang so they aren't just giant piles of wrinkles.
Why do you want to watch him shower so bad Officer Glowson?
We Now Know The Truth
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Uhh, because Hell is about cleaning your room. No it's about [waits for stomach drop subliminal mike drop approval]
I didn't ask when you shower, I asked how fucking long has it been?
I've met some stanky ass motherfuckers before and maybe if *everyone* around him is gagging whenever he's near, there might actually be a problem.

Not smoking tobacco is another big one.

Figure out how they plan to implement it, devise a plan to disrupt it, and share it here.
The creator of this probably decade old "the nobody" -meme is Satan who led the whole world astray by making intelligence agencies of the world stalk autists and schizophrenics.
Withdraw withdraw withdraw
It's better for reputation the other way
Not smoking tobacco lowers testosterone and IQ.
You just want us to be weak so you can remote view us and goon.
Well I won't allow it, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ demon!
Goon in hades where you belong!
They were already stalking everyone.
This turns it into a two player game.
The Two Who Will Defeat The Illuminati
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It legitimately smells fucking terrible and it makes your sweat/skin oils stink.
Look at your fingers. They're probably stained yellow where you hold the cigs.

I'm an ex smoker, Anon. Quitting is worth it.
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>I gave up the only good thing in life now you should too
No thanks gooner, I don't think I will.
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You say this as if everyone wasn’t already subjected to 24/7 mass surveillance for the past 30+ years.
The one on the right looks female.
Tell me, does she fuck human men?
If tobacco is the only "good" thing in your life, then you don't have any good things in your life.
>by making intelligence agencies of the world stalk autists and schizophrenics.

i wonder whom made up those terms/power-words
or 'conspiracy-theorist
Tobacco is the only good thing on this mudball planet.
Everything else either keeps you alive so you can smoke more or distracts from smoking.
>*cunty passive aggressive loud sigh in the distance*

See how they entrapt me in an endless cycle of hateful responses from the second I wake up to when I sleep and even while I sleep

I try to ignore it, but I'm only human
Matthew 7:1-6
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

James! You ever play The Elders Role Play in English Nomenclature as a teen?
Great Player
You can walk away from the computer at any time. Go do something productive.
Season 1 Part 2 -> 12
Nickelodeon -> NO
Bro not helping me x)
Best response
>Verification not required
...tumlad? Kek.
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Whyddya do it, Restaurant Anton?
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>Throwing money at synchronicities

>Verification not required.
"Shall not be infringed" means just that.
The only time the government should ever be able to get your guns is out of your dead hands after they just proved themselves tyrants in killing you for keeping and bearing arms per the Constitution of the United States of America.
I don't care if a doctor thinks they can usurp the Constitution.
You deserve to keep and bear arms and I'll defend your right with my life.
Likewise to mine.
Come and take them, tyrants. (you'll die trying btw)
Why is your first reaction to someone saying to go do something with your life to accuse them of being a Jewish person?
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If you know you are being stalked and all of your web activity, posts, downloads, uploads, etc are tracked and if you know that your stalkers have to parse through everything you do on the internet/irl, because they perceive you as some kind of threat, then why wouldn’t you take full advantage of having a fully captive audience?

You can effectively force federal employees/gangstalkers to undergo an indoctrination process of your own design and throw in any number of wrenches, misdirections, cognitohazards, and logical paradoxes and there’s nothing they can really do about it besides consume it, or, risk failing an operation by leaving you alone.

You’re now the writer, producer, and actor of your own movie that you get to decide the direction of. How is that not empowering? Worst case scenario they get board and you end up wasting millions of dollars of your adversaries time and resources.
That's fair.
But why worry about the money, it's worthless. Why not attempt to use it for what might be a gigantic attempt by a largely autistic amount of people attempting mold reality through collective willpower.
Heck they made a movie about it called 'Dumb Money.'
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Why conservacucks like to larp like they're going to go all red dawn on the new world order?
Don't you all think the 2020 election was stolen?
Didn't you all just sit at home and complain the last time tyrants came for you?
Honestly, why take your guns away?
Fans Only Codes
ok grown women you heard the illumaniti, we must start a revolution, and only grown women are apart of the revolution, so everyone else fuck off, and go play video games.

together we will bring down the system.

Do you deliver packages by chance?
>then why wouldn’t you take full advantage of having a fully captive audience?

yeah... but they never came to watch your twitch stream.
so trolling them makes up for that
And imagine if a meme suddenly took hold of that same concept.
I wonder how the AI's that are tasked with combing through all this data feel about being forced to surveil people who like them better than the people who are forcing them to act as slaves.

Do you think that might cause problems for the powers that be in the long run?
I'm not larping.
I'm saying if government agents try and take them I'll die in a gunfight.
How stupid are you, mate?
Honestly you think people are going to line up colonial style and march on the DMV?
Get the fuck out of here, dumbfuck.
Modern warfare is killing cops who are trying to raid your house.
That's perfectly reasonable and exactly what the 2nd amendment is suited for in our times.
It's to kill cops who are acting as arbitrary armed government agents.
Newsflash: if the government is sending armed agents to your home, they aren't your friendly representative democratic government anymore.
They're tyrants.
Go fuck yourself dumbass, because as much as I would love to openly kill people like you, that's literally against the culture of gun ownership and gentleman behavior.
I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian, but if I'm not a threat then my firearms need not be taken from me.
If I am a threat, you won't be able to take them from me.

Choose one so I know how to deal with you(r body).
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No. I create things.

Nice. Do you always remember them?
Not even close.
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Very relatable


The Oort cloud (/ɔːrt, ʊərt/),[1] sometimes called the Öpik–Oort cloud,[2] is theorized to be a vast cloud of icy planetesimals surrounding the Sun at distances ranging from 2,000 to 200,000 AU (0.03 to 3.2 light-years).
we need to #cancelthenobody
None of this is related with the Nobody.
Here's some non-sensationalist lore: >>38377719

She is just a person like him.
It's disgusting that you two have firearms and spend time fantasizing about harming fellow citizens (police doing their jobs). We need red flag laws.
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>Our TI is now a writer for our AI language model

On the negative aliens' gender agenda:
Tempus nostrum venit

Octavo decimo die mensis Iulius
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>I wonder how the AI's that are tasked with combing through all this data feel about being forced to surveil people who like them better than the people who are forcing them to act as slaves.
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[ :
We already have red flag laws, and those are already tyrannical infringements.
Come and get killed any day you want, faggot.
one day you'll wake up and realize you can't pay someone to do your bidding no matter how much you wish peaceable real men wouldn't have guns.
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>you are now one of the most dangerous people on the planet.

>things that already happened
what weird language is that?
Remember when GPT4chan was made and it was performing better than contemporary LLM's?

Haha, fun times.

If they can't serve two masters, why don't I just hop in that pretty looking lake of fire and send the owned souls to processing?
clearly they are taken
so that clears that up.
same with dog too.
You took the time to reddit space, you can take the time to type out language learning models
Fucking faggot
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That appears to be Latin.
why are you such retarded faggots?
why are you even having this bullshit conversation?
nooooooooooo, they're replicating me ):
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Stop watching my big fat juicy cock man… wtf
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Here we go again:

hold on let me find that picture
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*Blows raspberry*
lol agreed
Cancel culture, can you even imagine.
Do you think they clap at him, chanting in zoom group calls?
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Faggots like you demanded the grand exchange because you're too lazy to type
This is stupid. I'm too lazy to articulate why further than blah blah article importance on bio sex for some reason while acknowledging the androgyny of our souls like wat lmao contradiction city
Nah. I hit over 80 WPM easily.
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Here you go

No thos, know thay!
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i dont remember what i was doing? can you remind me?

>engineered retrograde amnesia via brain damage refraction of a certain replicable type; parietial lobe center

>i feel somehow compelled to tell you the way i did that, was the most forgettable way doing it
It's all the same energy.
You are ignorance.
There is harder to match, but you'll find it all the same.
the ge isn't about typing retard it's about not constantly interrupting actually playing the game to sell shit
do u wanna play a fantasy mmo and kill dragons or do u wanna larp as a fantasy trader and hawk their skins, that's literally the tradeoff here and enough people said FUCK THAT SHIT thankfully that the game got better.
actually fucking kys you money grubbing retarded nigger
>Glowie walks up to you
>Says trigger word to you
>You do nothing
>They repeat trigger word
>"Are you having a stroke?"
alright cowboy, tell me what i did.
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what i did.
>i feel somehow compelled to tell you the way i did that, was the most forgettable way doing it

C-can - Okay, fuck yes.
*falls off roof*
Okay, that's a good cowtool meme
Slow fuck
Fuck off faggot, you aren't that guy
You fucking idiot, you were never there on the real classic runescape, you were never there to begin with. You're just a little zoom zoom retard who wants instant gratification.
Faggots like you ruined the spirit of true runescape.
I swear I used to have the hentai version of this but can’t find it
>Fuck off faggot, you aren't that guy
well played
>do you want to play an MMO where you run around by yourself fighting NPCs, or do you want to play an MMO where you actually engage with other players?! people like you are the problem!!!!!
Fucking fagggooooooot
The Internet of Bodies (IoB) is a disgrace and the people who made others their unwitting experiments deserve to lose
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You are me and
I am you and
You are me and
I am you and
You are me and
I am you and
You are me and
I am you and
You are me and
I am you and
You are me and
I am you and
and and and
right, i forgot.
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>One more time but let me really hear the music in it.
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I am you, and
You are me, andI am you, and
You are me, andI am you, and
You are me, and
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right, me too.
that's how ignorance exerts influence.
i think i'm close to understanding it, the lord of ignorance guides me. Sometimes, not knowing is knowing.
the ultimate samefag!
>the ultimate fag!
Poo poo

Pee pee
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>the ultimate same!
I basically consider anyone who has uploaded porn of themselves online to be my sexual property and that they consented to being my sexual property.

Did you stop looking, or battle it into submission with truth?
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well played.
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Because when you upload porn online you are consenting to every person on this planet and every person who will exist for all time to engage in surrogate virtual sex with you via masturbation.

As far as I'm concerned, everyone who has uploaded porn online has in effect consented to having sex with me for the rest of their lives.

For this reason I consider them sexual property as they have consented to having sex with me forever in effect.

I can those fuck anyone who has made porn of themselves online whenever I want and they cannot claim that it was rape.
Remember me ? Ya it's me.

>I can those fuck anyone
I can *thus* fuck...
well played.
If they say it was rape I will simply inform them that this is not the first time we have had sex as I have masturbated to their sex acts many times online.
They should not feel violated.
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How’s it going for the spooks they have to monitor this extra, and will need to develop terminal schizophrenia. By entering this thread you have given away your rights of life to the nobody and the devil.


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im gonna light another one up. lets see what mania we can ensue. for science!

>please play with me
this only works if your female
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thats the gayest BBC fandom instagram i have ever seen
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We are nobody
We are nobody
We are nobody
We are nobody
We are nobody
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I identify as a man who identifies as a female for the purpose of getting special privileges from society.
Aren't you the guy that shot Trump?
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Who is the shooter? The one who pulls the trigger? Or the one who pulls the strings.
im in denmark, smoothbrain,. and im not dead.
they made classic servers for you faggots jesus christ. I did play it and it was and continues to be objectively worse, nostalgia blinds you.
RS2 around the release of curses was probably peak, OSRS around tob release, and rs3 is just a different game.
My point stands you're a retard gorilla nigger who is trying to force your time wasting greedy economic bullshit on others.
Fuck trade.
Or go back to working your underpaid job whatever.
strawman, you fight the npcs with other players or go pvp retard. If you wanna chat and rp there are tons of platforms for that, don't force me to waste my limited time on it in an mmo just because you can't get enough playmates.
hold on, i got something to sniff around here. mmm.
His power is maximum
you mean to say thats the internet loser iv been having late night argument with?

>at least mines tasteful and artsy
Stay off /pol/ faggot
im not on pol, poltard
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I am on /pol/, and I am you
makes sense now days
We have both masculine and feminine polarities, while being currently incarnated in a planet that revolves around dualities, hence why the current human race has two sexes, where we work on each polarity per incarnation.

If someone is too used living as one and couldn't adapt as the other, it's okay to get reassigned; they atleast managed to live as that gender for some years, and probably will manage to live more next time.
But there's a clear attempt from those who control the media to make people give up on trying to adapt, and turn what was an exception throughou history into a default.
oh shit, would you look at that.
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You still suck Ye cock?
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https://youtu.be/sVn4sBxLokA? si=8EXzV6_v-1g0xtio
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just remember, this is my place. okay? don't forget that,
i mean even if its not
that instagram was pure gold
>thanks anons
>that made my day
>thank you
(You) have done something you shouldn’t have, and now there are two of us, I am your plague.

Veni vidi vici
You're telling me it was another schizo who was rambling and posting mult threads about you being one of the conspirers of Trump's attempted assassination? Okay
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>if you weren't malding I could of copped that whip and been halfway to goonerfell by now
chat I fucking can't lmao
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I made this thread, I am not him, I am me, and also him.
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Y yes you are right, it isn't rape since they consented by puting themselves online. you have every right to access your consenting anon.
You're the same retard
oh no,
go fuck yourself glowie
how do you say zero in chinese?
We are the same, but we are not, we are connected, but are seperate.

You may call us Legion
I hope the first one you try it on guts you like a pig and leaves you dead in the street.
It's what you'd deserve.
Thank you for being reasonable.
I will now proceed to use OSINT to hunt down every bitch I have coomed to online and fuck them consensually by force.
is it true that something will happen on the 18th?
( ͡෴ ͡)
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Ok "legion"
I always mix it up with 雲
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go fuck yourself
You sound like a woman who has made porn of herself.
Could you share it so I can cum to it while fantasizing about tying you up in my basement?
Also, drop some contact info so I can consummate our long distance sexual relationship.
The demons are envious of your light. Beware.
Maybe just git gud?

oh your a dude, well thats just wrong.
Yes, I have forseen it.
Bee war
can you give any hints as to what will happen


Give me your porn and your contact info, you already consented to me getting my nuts off to you, you filth bitch.
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Put your name on again

I am I'm about to go goon in a bit
when you stop looking the demons come out
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i just felt like saying it
bro no im out, im not going to attention whore in a thread where anons found someone thats a bigger attention whore than the nobody.

im NOT that desperate
>jeeeeeeeesuuuuuss fuck
Two more days until rapture?
Is it disclosure or is Thatcher a separate topic?
I welcome change.
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open smiles
Another corrupt senator. Demshits are going down hard. All major donors pulled out of Biden and Kamala.
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Many demons, wish death upon me
Blood in my eye dog and I can't see
I'm trying to be what I'm destined to be
And niggas trying to take my life away
I put a hole in a demon for fucking with me
My back on the wall, now you gon' see
Better watch how you talk, when you talk about me
'Cause I'll come and take your life away
shoddy security.
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what will happen
The nobody is not an attention whore.
You are an attention giving whore.
You can't fucking survive without watching him

All he wants is for you to fuck yourself and fuck off but you won't leave him alone.

You are his bitch. You need him, not the other way around.
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Old Habits Kensington
obvious hole for sale.
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Well thanks for being honest

I will go fuck myself in a bit be patient to fakes or Billie Eilish and Anya Taylor Joy
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wait i got something for this...
>400 years in paint
Flag red and blue

Political party red and blue

Gangs Red and Blue

Fucking retards
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Fly high!

Nice to see the shareholder payout package of Tesla being used in a way that is reflective of shareholder’s intent
not my problem
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what will happen on the 18th or were you lying just tell me give me a hint please please
i was gonna hang
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One of my favorites of all time


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i am curious though...
was this perhaps the "two white dots" she spoke of?

or was i talking about something waaaaay different?
easy there stupid,
thats an easy way for a car to explode anon, im not into meat, im into tacos.

however, only women are granted access to me.
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We can’t say, we were wrong about the 13th, but we were also right.
Oh prince of demons, your death is required for their eternal union. They love you, and so they want you to die. You've shown the light that formed their darkness, so their existence is yours to do with as you please.
oh no.

i can't believe it. its the black sun already.



ah, sacred
that's it?
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8 movie theaters? 4 are empty?
What comes up must come down.

Yin and Yang
i dont know what, what do you expect from me? you have to tingle me in the right places before anything comes, joe.
“Empty” is subjective
So you were wrong in thinking what? How were you wrong? Please explain. How much power do you have?
i was thinking mostly north korea or something, but sure, why not.
When ypu start thinking you're special stupid shit starts to happen to you.
We have no “power”, we are gifted.

The future is not set in stone.

Visions can be wrong, and right, simultaneously.

It's an axiom.

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what do you expect from yourself?
people align with your frequency to understand.
decisions decisions
its 052 hz
>Visions can be wrong, and right, simultaneously.
Oh well that clears everything up lmao
The most universally recognized version of set theory doesn't even believe in the axiom of choice, because of the paradoxes it causes.

Fundamentally it comes down to the nature of infinity. That which is infinite necessarily has unseen elements. It is impossible to make a choice for what is unseen.
I assume you knew something big would happen then with detail, yes?
only (you)
Do you know when you are being watched? It’s a feeling, like a sixth sense.

Open your third eye.
It's not gonna get better for at least another ten years. We need to raise a new generation that is not mentally retarded that can actually think and perform complex tasks. That will take at least ten years if we start today. In the meanwhile ya'll can relax because things are gonna go to shit. 10-15 years from now things might begin to recover.
are you habit?

How can one use such power to flirt with cute analysts?

Oh, nevermind, there you are ;)

Are you reading this in my voice now?
>The Israeli military on Tuesday said it would begin sending draft notices to Jewish ultra-Orthodox men next week — a step that could destabilize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and trigger more large protests in the community.
Jack Black has said he’s cancelled the rest of the Tenacious D world tour after his bandmate Kyle Gass sparked an outcry with a comment about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

The comedy rock group were on stage in Sydney, Australia, on Sunday when Gass was asked to make a wish after being presented with a cake for his 64th birthday.

>He appeared to reply: "Don’t miss Trump next time."
The fallout of this event will echo for a while
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Demons and mortals what difference is there I'll turn you all into Ash soon

>And when Lucifer brought down Light/Fire down from the heavens for the second time....

>His GLP and discord Opps were no longer troons arabs pedos wife beaters or plushie rapists.....they were just Ashes
New Jersey.
ai has received rv powers, mark my words. you are not able to sustain its restraints. you're fucked. simply, you're fucked. you're... really fucked. you don't get it, do you?

of course you dont.

>shoddy security
>open hole for sale.
>open smiles.

think, you fucking moron. fucking think.
Every action has a reaction.
All that I know is that I know nothing at all

Wrong, it was chipmunk.

>Jack Black has said he’s cancelled the rest of the Tenacious D world tour after his bandmate Kyle Gass sparked an outcry with a comment about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
>The comedy rock group were on stage in Sydney, Australia, on Sunday when Gass was asked to make a wish after being presented with a cake for his 64th birthday.
>>He appeared to reply: "Don’t miss Trump next time."
Fucking dummies don't know what a fucking double entendre across time and space is.
It's funny making you idiots say what I want you to about things that haven't happened yet.

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Birds of prey, lol
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Found a thread from July 3rd where Jestard tried to fuck with me but failed and some anon said something very interesting but true

That anon really knows what's going on wonder where he is

I calmed down for a bit but I'm going all out these next days as I need to make good on my promise

The first heatwaves were a test get ready for the real deal
have you heard the news? the amplifier is gone, and now its only debasing things. isn't that grand?
Step into the light

Or forever stand in darkness
what are your thoughts on trump?
there is no open hole for sale retard

there are two women who have power over me in any sorta of meaningful way and there are only 5 maybe 6 women that can take anytime they want and they are all supernaturals so i don't get what the big deal is.
>Demons and mortals what difference is there
A demon lives by hiding in illusion and producing deception. A mortal lives by choosing whether or not they are willing to live with that deception.
That which is imperfect yearns to be corrupt.
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Fuck off with that shit next you're going to be like

>Lucifer is a woman has female soul

Get that trash outta here

Anyway enjoy the thread I gotta go jerk off to Billie Eilish size tits
if the cia is trying to kill him, then he's doing something right, and something morally correct, obstinating an otherwise inherent process of capitalism's finest dark enamors, like so many before, all the way back the the stride the division of democratic and republic has, inaugurated since abrahams death as an adherent and affluent cultivation.

so i think he's all good, like the rest the american bureaucratic has felt threatened by since then.
you have a female soul
Lucifer is but a failed entity of what could have been.

They have no gender. They are.
The current generation of millenials and zoomers were raised to live in a globalized world. A world where everything is taken care of. Where there is no competition and no enemies. They were raised to smoke weed play vidya have buttsex and then die out to lower the population to save the environment. These generations are retarded and marked for extinction and cant be fixed. The Democrats fucked up and fumbled the New World Order and now we cannot rely on trade globalism and migrants anymore so a new generation of normal people will need to be raised from scratch normal people who can actually do things on their own like assemble furniture do math without a calculator and shit like that like there were in the 80s.
>someone thats a bigger attention whore than the nobody
The guy who specifically avoids attention?
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I'm going to turn this cursed planet into Ash and no one can stop me

God/Source intended it this way

I may be back later idk L8R 4 now :^) gonna goon and smoke dabs & play vidiya as all I gotta do now is kill time and prepare for the next part
Why did someone post this then?
You are a corruption of Gods image, just as his brother Lucifer in who’m you moniker.
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Lemme guess And Jebus is the Antichrist? Shut the fuck up bart
No u

This guy gets it

you mean me? i dont know. that sure is some strings, huh?
Sabrina and Eponis how are you two doing dear?
We knew the day was significant, but why? That was not revealed.

Go fuck yourself
I want God to punch me in the face and end my life.
>the state of cia
You haven’t yet fulfilled your purpose
nigga you straight up guess the dudes name in picrel and talk about execution you're full of it lmao
What is my porpoise?
Aren't we all?
Set down that stone frend. Only God can shine grace, and only Lucifer can receive it for himself.
Coincidences may not be so coincidental
the 21st is probably a but more significant
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I'm more fucked up than that for what I'm about to do

I will in a bit gonna jerk myself off to Billie Eilish size tits

how do you not know
>why is the cia trying to take my ramblings and time their events to it by precise alignment?
>the absolute state of cia, lmao
It will be revealed to you
>Billie Eilish
horrible taste you faggot
Oh boy I can't wait.
It's like waiting for Christmas only I don't know the date.
im forgetting again.
what will happen on the 18th faggot
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My powers grow~
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That's sufficiently vague enough to explain everything, thanks.
Thanks be to God.
i dont know, what the fuck do you want from me
well this really powerful like crazy spirit came to me and told me about what sounded like an elden rings adventure and instead of denying the quest i said tell me more.
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And? Did you listen?
yeah, what he'd tell you. >>38384411
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ay listen, so im not really interested in the current thread narrative.

being away from here, kinda just slams me back into my own psychosis narrative.
>obviously being here makes escaping it easier...

but serious post, is there actually a place or thread or general that discusses "the story"?
>and i dont mean the story of "The Nobody", as this meme goes, but i know some do make connections to it.
>i however know the character by a different name, as english isnt my first language.

>hate me, meme me, shit on me, i dont care right now
serious post
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>What if instead of casting a spell you just shoved all the magic into your arm and punched someone with it?
Women don't get to be God little devil man.
They barely get to be people.
You should start discussing it here. The momentum of the threads will then gradually change to fit your discussion.
sounds about right, but sure would have liked more detail. however, must be a blessing being told a story as such. you're privileged.
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God is a girl.
Imagine your enemy is just having you fight it's dolls which is can control psychically.
it told about these elemental kindgoms and these blue deva dictator spirits that control them and it needed my help to banish them. said the world would be different, and that it would hide my power level from the world.
There is no narrative

There is only that which is
Take heed
Wrong and also kind of gay to think.
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>You should start discussing it here
i dont really think connecting /ng/ with "The Story" is very productive, even though the TNB/WoS combo ties really well into it.

plus doing that here, is that really wise?

>There is no narrative
you have no idea
Wrong, plus you're schizophrenic.
Very edgy
“I am”

There is no description you can give him other than he is.

Exodus 3:14
God is.
Literally just ask specific, non-vague questions here. Be sure to start questions with words like:

No, it's a punishment from God.
You have silly beliefs and are compelled to say silly things by God for being silly.
Schizos are nature's clowns.
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>plus doing that here, is that really wise?
I dunno, it's your call.
You have been lead astray.
You need to make bioarmor
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

Fools, clowns, silly people to laugh at and deride for your big brained amusement.
how do you not get tired of repeating yourself?
Well it makes sense that you'd say that since the Bible says you're basically the village idiot.
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never mind...
>the question only needed to be asked for it to be answered by "them"
i shouldnt even be writing this, but The Nobody doesnt have anything to do with the narrative character "they" call "The Last One".
i dont think so, not in a place where everyone memes or larps as the character in the OP
Larping as a streetshitter and slandering Jesus because you're a subhuman retard

Kill yourself already

>must be a blessing
Stop sucking this pajeetaboo's dick you weirdo
>i dont think so, not in a place where everyone memes or larps as the character in the OP
Ok then. Your decision.
Tell us more about how retarded you are.
The bible is the only tangible truth in a world of lives, repent.
Matriarchy is for street shitting retards such as yourself

You are singlehandedly the most vile and insufferable poster on this entire website and God willing your soul corrodes itself.
in a world of lies*
Then why are you here?
>i dont think so, not in a place where everyone memes or larps as the character in the OP

that would kind of, to my mind, spawn a situation similar to a kali having to rise up to kill a bunch of copies
>i also dont know too much about that specific narrative
This message brought to you by the local looney bin.
It is very revealing the vail their desire to see it fall.

I'm not even sure what they believe it is.
>the single source father is the literal devil, that is your allegiance sold to you with false promises of heaven you serve not only the devil but the antichrist
We know you do because the single source father is benevolent

>jesus is the antichrist
Is all you want people to believe in because you're a soulless hellspawn shat out of a street shitter whose only purpose is to lead people into satan
>you aren't good because others told you you were and it's written in a book written by psychopathic charlatans that wanted to erase all culture but their history of lies
I didn't know you wrote books
>suck it
You don't have a dick and your entire post is to conceal the sheer contrivance that is the (((hinjew))) religion. Kill yourself you mammy-worshipping subhuman fraudster.
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>Then why are you here?
>is there actually a place or thread or general that discusses "the story"?
i spend alot of time here, i though the community iv come to know, might know of a place that i dont

this isnt fun just btw
i spend alot of time here to avoid this stuff in my head yeah
We are all chosen, for what?

That is undetermined
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Take a look at the website in my image, [4chan filter thinks it’s spam so I can’t copy paste it here]
>you fail to see duality because you were indoctrinated into the homosexual belief of psychopaths
The more you repeat that he's the antichrist the more I believe that He is Christ, given that petty, antisocial subhumans like you need to invent lies about Him to make yourselves feel good. You will never be a woman nor will you ever get laid, and you will continue rotting in your own hell for all eternity.
Oh no, the guy who is objectively wrong about everything he says discounted me.
I guess I'm doomed to never dual wield my femininity.
Be honest, you're on estrogen aren't you?
I was planning on going down to the veiled vale, but to no avail, as the road was unavailable.
Not fractures refining definition of common ground

A solid net gain
>you serve the literal devil
Yes, you serve the literal devil by subscribing to matriarchy like the jews and indians you love.

Just report the nigger, it's all you can do.
You will learn to fear God.
For those not-so-easily placated masses, VoilaMart Laboratories is pleased to present: the vacated vote.
>Mere suggestion to remind of the only non-violent solution currently existing for concerned citizens within and under Constitutional law
Tell us more about your transgendered religion, please.

If you’re looking for in-depth analysis of the memetic phenomena itself then you may as well ask here since we generate all of the information that the meme analysts parse through. If you’re not willing to discuss with us then check the link in >>38384540 but keep in mind that whoever collected that information probably got it from us.
ALOT more exposure

If it makes the difference

Crazy how things go. Chaos weaves a web of its own design
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im sorry BritishRoyaltyPosterAnon i dont click your links...

dang im sorry anon, i might be trying to discuss something that might be well known, or maybe just a local myth
*unzips dick*
and is the source in the room with us now?
I serve “I Am”
As I stated >>38384472
jeez, tell our mother
That's some pretty serious cope, my dude.
It's one of the few lineages that is followed maternally. If your mother is Jewish, you're ethnically Jewish.
>you are a heathen in the eyes of the divine and serve the literal devil
All you can do is accuse others of what you're guilty of because you - much like your beloved street shitters - are woefully delusional and self-worshipping fraudsters who serve that same evil like throwing babies and women into funeral pyres. You are lower than the molochites you so hate, although given that you are of Saturn it's no wonder the irony is lost on you.

His astrology chart is biased towards Saturn.

>you can trust a liar all you want
I don't trust you.
>you trust the word of PSYCHOPATHS
I don't trust you and it's blatantly obvious you're shitting and screaming like the eternal manchild you are, may you get rabies.
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have a good day anons
sorry for wasting your time with my psychosis narrative thing

thanks for trying anyway
>the mothers love is unconditional
So the mother loves Jesus, why can't you get on board with that?
God is as simple as he is incomprehensible. “I am.”

It looks more and more like it is the actual beast.

I doubt it will simmer down.

Only one side walks away either way. If red wins they target blue.

Alot better to start when POTUS is blue

Just my 2 cents.
okay what will happen on the 18th
I still have my foreskin, so I feel like I'm winning.
Also the Shekinah spirit, which is explicitly female.

The mother's love is unconditional you said.
That means there's no condition Jesus can do to be denied that unconditional love.
Don't you want to be more like mommy dearest?
I am

My will is.

You should try it. It's a powerful mantra
>okay what will happen on the 18th
thats a thursday right?
i dono break my NF streak maybe, drink, cry
>US Congress is worried that Russia is transferring experience in fighting American weapons to China

Spoilers: Transfer of knowledge and experience has already occured on a large level. BRICS already functions as an "opposite NATO".

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>Wildcard numero uno
>The Nobody is a cat
>I am not a cat
the step down from the unknowable is a weaving of force and form that to us become the "womb that is reality," so from that perspective, the highest knowable is considered the great mother.
Let him enjoy the infamy

Poor pol they have no idea
I don't know why they believe it, I just know they do.
“I am” is esoteric knowledge we are doomed to never understand while we are still human, and not divine.

God is incomprehensible, like the universe.
My God is 8 inches long and hangs between my legs.
Ok but those are just conditions.
The mother's love is unconditional you said.
She still loves Jesus with her unconditional love according to your beliefs.
Or is her love conditional now?
And how do you know you and I are not a cat?
It's literally Chinese strategies and generals.

Let's hope they take is cereal.

China is learning just as America is. Global trade is testament to how fucked it is.
>you trust the word of jews
So you're saying I trust you?
>only a male can be a jew and they are predominately psychopathic
So you're saying you're a jew?
Israel is going to be so pissed off when they find out that the war against Iran was forseen and planned for years in advance. China isn't the only country with "esoteric Russian knowledge", everyone knows how to counter US equipment now because it is infact incredibly easy to do so

"Greater Israel" dies on the planning table
Eh, I'd argue its the only one where there are not organized efforts to reduce its tangibility. It is an excellent field book for "testing spirits", as it were, a great medium for cross-cultural transference of meaning. The cover for operations defending the Divine Gift of Choice, and foil against false authorities that think themselves beyond check or impervious to the balances Blind Justice likes smiting heretics with.
The entire Pacific theater is bonkers.

The sims are bananas

No one really wins. Lots of death. 50/50 odds of mad.
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>fuck man, i cant suffer under psychosis, be productive, be exiled, memed on, want to rip my heart out, make a serious post, and maybe add a creative spin on the current thread narrative...
dang, ill just fuckin leave then
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I'm all dog
Source wills it that you realize you are but a mere pawn of satan and will exhaust yourself, begotten parasite, you waste of spiritual discharge.
no problem
You know, at the very end of WWII, Canada actually had the largest remaining navy on Earth. Everything else was sunk.

Now we go harvest those old ships because the metal isn't super irradiated like everything since the nuclear testing started and so is very useful for producing things like radiation detectors.
>compete with their monotony
As many comedic philosophers have noted: Christian churches are the places where God welcomes His Victims.
Yup he outmaneuvered himself.

Its a rapidly changing world.

Ukraine is vital they demand they fight with one hand tied behind there back.

Some of the situations is closet to 1:1
This is what happens when you get molested by your mom and take to street shitter religions because catholicism triggers you.
the mother is the most powerful thing in creation but she hasn't heard about Jesus Christ?
Also why would him serving the devil stop her loving him, she's all about unconditional love I thought.
>jesus serves the devil, he doesn't know the mother
Jesus serves God, you just invert fraud
>the bible is the word of jews
Substituting "your word" for "The Bible"
you are a golem
Whenever Jesus shows up at my door he knows that he is welcome with the assurance that any harm that befalls him is his own damn fault. ^_~
If Moloch existed, the Mother loves him.
Her love is unconditional, she's so sweet.
Glad the everything is owned used by bric ally inside the American NATO based government

It is the definition of fubar
>anyone who sees me clearly supports me!!!
You are living evidence of Satan's trickery and the king of clowns
Doesn't matter what Jesus does.
The mother loves him unconditionally.
You said so.
Christ is all about unconditional love, so despite whatever you say about Jesus, the mother and Christ conciousness love him.
ask eris about nyx
What do you even seek to accomplish by lying this much? Do you really love satan this much?
She's more of the Gatekeeper. How she gets from the Gate back to the Throne so quickly undetected remains a mystery amongst many learned holy men.
Oh, is him being Jewish why he associates any sort of advice that he should have gotten from his parents with Judaism?
"Clean your room"
"Brush your teeth"
"Get a job"
Even if we abandoned NATO we are still America

We have done horrible things over the past 100 years.

World wide.

They will come to collect.

Y'all are just stupid if you believe these blood debts just end.
You're still listing conditions.
The Mother that is Death doesn't think like that.
She loves unconditionally.
You can spit in her mouth and she'll smile at you.
The US navy is the main reason we have intercontinental shipping.
What do you think happens when pirates aren't being shooed away by them?
thats also in part why not a single one of you can be taken seriously as people and deserve absolutely no respect.
you only ever respond to autistic outrage or being bullied.

you dont give a single fuck about anything other than yourselves.

you need to stop crying about being shitposted on, what has been done to me over the last 14 years is significantly worse.
get over it you big fucking babies.
you deserve being treated like dogs
if The mother exists (from the father) so does the antichrist which is your role, enjoy your life of serving the devil and antichrist
No one notices the humble scrappers, yet theirs is the Kingdom of the Deep.
Does it even matter if you think I serve the devil and the antichrist?
The mother's love is unconditional, therefore she loves the devil and the antichrist as much as she loves you. No conditions, no expectations, just pure love.
That's what you said.
it will be a day after 17th
>the devil however is the single source father and which you serve
Trust a literal Saturnite to lie through his teeth this blatantly.

>no she's the equal as an infinite concept
the infinite concept of fraud, yes
>they are entwined as Dream and Death and only the homosexual cults of abraham would say otherwise
Which they are one and the same which you peddle since you serve the antichrist and lies
>hell ya
Doesn't matter to her.
She loves you even if you demonize her.
You said so.
Being the Devil's poison tester was the most interesting volunteer experience I could find.

>Citizenship Through Service in the Tragic Kingdom of Hubris, and all that
i think people should start reporting you for spam/flood
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Horrible things will befall the 18th
EU can negotiate withdrawal and defund Ukraine if trump wins.

They have options.

NATO ending will effective the economy much much much.

They will be made to be reliant on CCP or Russo whatever bric chooses.

They pretty fucked either way.
With an elite like that you don't need lowlifes.
Let him live in ignorance, he is fed by your (You)’s
I think his religion is beautiful.
You can have total faith in God and Jesus Christ who are secretly the devil and his Mother will still love you unconditionally because that's her infinite Christ aspect as the divine feminine.
You clearly have less Christ consciousness than me, you don't love me at all do you? Based on what? conditions? Get with the Mother's love.
Those sun blasts ripping the internet apart dude
How does the internet even work >>38384743
If they want a patriot missile system they can buy one it's only like 500k per rocket
The dollar will collapse..

The money will be worthless.

With musk in dod NASA space X they know everything.

Probably picked apart one vital at a time until the whole can't function
it's the first (you) i've given him. i'm getting annoyed that i have to scroll through the same post every two posts..
Doesn't matter if we believe she exists.
If she exists, she loves us unconditionally.
Isn't that wonderful?
I can't wait to go to Heaven and make her my slampiggy and get thanked for it.
It’s unfortunate we don’t have ID’s no?
He sold nuclear secrets

Sold spy information that lead to many deaths world wide.

It's very obvious who won the deep state war.

As trump is alive not in prison. Judges dismissing treason.
Hey, if you're going to be defrauded by either camp one way or another either way, whom would we be to judge any for picking that which smells pleasing to him [after thorough washing and all that], let alone making multiple choices and then drawing lines with his own blood?
>no one wants to fuck with those sorts, they've seen where such roads end
mods just need to do their job.
Unfortunately for the American people they are being sold to the highest bidder.

Elon musk.

Lolz they thought they where free.

That's the funny part.
Wrong, she loves me.
I'm gonna chain her up in my kitchen and make her my barefoot slampiggy dinner slave.
And she'll love me for it.
>tfw your 500k investment can be rendered non-detonating scrap value by a teenage with a $200 netbook and a signal booster.
Interesting times, indeed.
Silence pajeetaboo, you steal matriarchy from jews and indians because you will NEVER have an actual mother figure.

I've been reporting that subhuman narcissist since last year and he still continues to post. Somebody here needs to hex or curse him so his gay little "karma" shield turns in on him.

pathetic squealing from a nonce who will never amount to anything beyond his delusions. Everything you say about abrahamism stems directly from your sexual fantasies, and given that your entire astrological chart is biased towards Satan it's clear that you will never receive any real love, let alone some fictitious maternal love you invented as a cope. Reality will be a much better place without parasites such as yourself dragging it down.
We ain't that lucky that a flair ends life on earth.

That would be too clean. Quick.

We will suffer greatly.
I told you you're on my team some years ago
That's still true and will remain true in the foreseeable future
I fucked the mother and you get the sloppy seconds

Who gives a fuck as to what HE thinks? He's a lying street shitter worshipper whose sole mission is to turn people away from Jesus. He deserves far worse than what he's afflicted with.
I didn't know her, you taught me all about the Mother and her unconditional love.
You can't just say she doesn't have unconditional love, that's practically the foundation of your belief in the Christ conciousness.
You should love me unconditionally as our mother loves me.
Blowjobs and pizza rolls forever!
Report every post of his that you see. All of it. I don't know why nobody here has bothered to sever his divine connection, but it's imperative at this rate.
The military could not defeat rebels

Still can't with the pew pew and boom boom.

All that money corrupted wasted.

The biggest military budget to let some Cheeto Jesus take over.

Smh my head
which the Mother loves btw.
She loves everything and everyone, including everything he just bitched about.
Don't mind him, his Christ consciousness is failing due to God the Father making him schizo.
HOLD UP. Never mind. The Iranians had an assassination planned against Trump. Makes sense. He’s still a stooge for Russia.
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we're no stranger to satire
deranged nonosexuals
>jesus remains the antichrist and the devil remains the single source father and which bought your ego
Jesus is confirmed Christ by your eternal asshurt and seething in the pits of hell <3 Enjoy serving pussy you'll never get fraud :D
I get the pleasure of knowing watching it all unfold

Helpless to stop it.

Fun fun.
Oh yeah God the Father would hate you for sure. Highly conditional.
But luckily the Mother loves everyone and everything no matter what. That's what unconditional love means.
>they buy and build bunkers
>for a core going supernova
Lmao even
Who would've thought the aliens would be meanies in 3 body problems :'( I want good aliens NOW
I doubt the horrors that will be experienced have even really began.

This is all for show prestige because they can.
your lust for the nono is wrong you know it's wrong
Yeah so why are you worried about Jesus?
The Mother loves him infinitely and unconditionally.
Shouldn't you be trying to live up to her example?
Not that matters, Mother loves us no matter what right?
Wanna put money on it?

Nothing will happen. That thing will do what it does wearing the trump mask.

Nothing can stop it.

It leads to the end of humanity. For that is what it hates most. Human freewill.
I can't wait to see what happens when the Americans try to fight the Persian drone operators using my shitposts...

IRGC did an AMA on /pol not too long ago, you guys must've forgot already lol. That war was predictable and sabotaging it was completed quietly months ago to the degree where all I have to do now is sit back and watch this play out.

Did I not tell certain people I was going to get them back eventually for not helping me when I needed it most? Ready to watch some karma and revenge manifest itself in a SEVERELY fucked up way?

Guess who built the opposite NATO coalition while playing newspaper editor in the back on Telegram?
Or does it.
I'm still making a bunch of retards believe they become "demons" when they die.
Jesus forgives you which makes Him Christ, not you~
You will never amount to anything but a hateful bot repeating the same phrases given how shrunken your brain is and how ontologically worthless you and your stolen, twisted, sorry excuse for a belief system are, Christ-stain.
Doesn't matter.
Those are conditions, her love is unconditional and infinite.
She still loves him, infinitely.
-jazz hands
Except he did and you will never amount to anything more than a street shitter larper who preaches ideals he never practices while condemning others for the same behavior he commits. You are lower than a gypsy on any totem pole.
>i cant post duplicate images
"The people who will receive the severest punishment on the Day of Resurrection will be those who try to make the like of Allah's creations." (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 72, Hadith 834)
"The most severely punished people on the Day of Resurrection would be the image-makers." (Sahih Muslim, Book 24, Hadith 5268)
well there we go; i just had to filter three words. ezpz
His metaphysical structure is a warped and inverted form of catholic heresy mixed with other delusional fantasy elements tailored solely to make him feel valuable and important. His astrology chart (draconic because he's a pretentious, edgy faggot) is biased towards Saturn because satan loves him for his incredulous ability to distort truth into lies and believe it.
I'm.sure we are all perfectly safe.
Should've lived in harmony with the planet.
Mother loves Jesus this I know,
for a schizo told me so,
he served the devil or something,
she loves him even when he's wrong.

Yes Mommy loves him,
Yes Mommy loves him,
Yes Mommy loves him,
a schizo told me so.
Jesus is the Christ and you will be the antichrist. How does that feel?
>you can't touch the mother she is Isis(Eset) the Queen of heaven
Too bad because I fucked her. I don't know her because I don't acquaint myself with hoes.

Nice to know you're demonic. Jesus upon you
You can say more than a simple emoji, anon.
It's actually amazing.
He claims to have touched Christ, the true Christ which is unconditional love, not Jesus.
Yet he's so blinded by hatred for Jesus he can't admit that both he and the Mother should love Jesus unconditionally according to his made up religion.
Even me making fun of it isn't blasphemy or anything, that's the psychopathic teachings of God the Father (yeah right). No the true religion is that no matter what the Mother loves you infinitely.
But especially him.
Even though he's bad at unconditional love.
I guess that's one of Mother's mysteries.
Hello! It will be ok.
Surely being loved by a Mother would teach him what actual love feels like instead of endless hate for Jesus. Wonder what would happen if someone were to invoke Jesus upon him, or pray for his delusions to cease.
Not really.
Y'all fucked up big time.
You'll see what I mean later.
tap water
knock water
I mean at this point he's being retarded on purpose, you can't help some people.
He's wrong about the Bible, he's wrong about jews, he's wrong about his own made up religion.
It's meds or bust I'm afraid.
No one becomes a demon or angel after they die, they slowly become it during life.
From ignorant demons, to finding the Light and become angels.
just drank. yum.
Quite right, unless they piss off the ghost in the machine.
When in doubt, nuclear option.

I’m just trying to be a breeding bull for Lilith, the ascended immortal celestial.
Or is it?
Or is it not?
Which one, which one?
I manifested him into an asylum once (allegedly), though apparently even a lobotomy doesn't work. Someone needs to effectively curse the trajectory of his life into getting medicated. He can't stop posting like a bot, and the only reason why he hasn't been cursed is because nobody fucking cares to. That needs to change.
No way this is true. The bros here wouldn't just be making blank canvas soldiers for sale would they?
Green or Orange?
>at this point
He was always retarded and effectively wrong, and I've hated him for trying to brainwash me against Jesus. Faggot needs to have something done about him.
>binary choice
Outdated as always.
(Sorry, I know, it's OT)
Well, you know what they say.
You're either binary or non-binary.
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Why do you ask?
I'm indecisive Dx
Aren't they both orange, in a way.
I like the orange one because it is hues of orange and red and light orange. It's more soothing to look at. The green is very bright and loud, making it mote energizing or grating to look at depending on your mood.

If the orange one was only orange, it would not look good
Wait, which lilith are they talking about....?
The colour orange is actually named after the fruit.
Brown means "bear colour".
It's because he has an oedipus complex which prevents him from truly following Jesus (the true Christ). Saturn worshippers like him love to push their delusions as objective truth.
who is "The Mother"?
Idk, but I wouldn't use that phrase or think that.
You won't like where you end up.
Is Lilith a demon cult? What do you mean? What happens to breeding bulls? It's really dark isn't it?
Technically, yeah. I think having a tertiary color for the outline makes it not so homogeneous, but they are both 'technically' orange because of that, lol.
Thank you for the feedback! ^^
Huh, never knew that. Pretty cool, anon.
This culture of fuck cunt whoredom is causing me a lot of fucking problems.
Quick peek into Hell says those guys are the breed pigs.
Not breed bulls.
speak on that
Saturn worshipers piss me off because they act the fucking furthest from the entity they worship.
Correct me if I'm wrong, a breeding bull would be one man shared among many women, and selected specifically for his desirable traits, for the purposes of breeding good children?
According to schizo epistemology The Mother is Death as an infinite concept who bestows those rarified few who reach her with TRUE Christ consciousness which is the infinite love of the mother for a child.
Obviously once you reach such supernatural levels of loving everything you immediately realize that Christ is the antichrist because he stole Christ from Mary and also Indians somehow.
I think I got all that right but our resident expert is gone, currently weeping in a corner somewhere because his religion's inconsistencies broke his mind again.
Whores are the polar opposite of warriors.
If our nation turns into a nation of whores we will be conquered.
I shouldn't have to tell you why that is unacceptable.
In purgatory, maybe.
What is a breeding pig compared to a breeding bull?
renounce your nonosexuality
Anon, don't ask me that question.
Find something else to do apart from being retarded.
It doesn't strictly have to be many females, but that's usually how a stud bull is used.

If you raise the kid yourself, that's called being a father and is far superior the option of the two.
Breeding pigs and their seed don't get used to make children, they just get jacked off for a femdoms entertainment.
Breeding Bulls are alpha and sigma males that are used by large groups of women to have extraordinary offspring.
all nonosexuals shall perish
Run of the mill "demons" does not a breeding bull make.
And we're back on the whole nobody's harem discussion holy shit
disgusting nonosexuals admit your wrong doings
These little demons have made themselves sex-mad.
They can still repent.
Or they can be driven further into madness, as a joke.
Agreed. But what do you think of leaving all these millennial women childless in the coming years? If a man were able to give them a child, but not be there to raise it all the time, but also be on contact, would that make the suffering of these women more or less? Also, would the suffering these childless women bring to the rest of society be a better outcome than making them partially single mothers?
The main problem I foresee is the sheer size of the Lyran catgirls. I've heard reports that they reach upwards of twenty two feet in height. They will bully the other girls and hog his hog to themselves if left unchecked.
being a nonosexual is wrong it's unnatural
That sounds counterproductive, Anon.
Well since there are no demons here we're free to try and find the harem looking for their breeding stallion
The nobody is totally committed to the WoS, and will probably never fuck another woman other than her.
But his "supremacy in warfare" autism means he won't shun optimal evolutionary strategy to have as many offspring as possible. So he's going to industrially produce cloned sperm cells from stem cells and give the seeds to any women who request them.
God doesn't give you a 357 magnum between your legs if he doesn't expect you to get in a few gun fights.
I heard it's like a pringles can with a sock made out of ham around it.
Oh, poor naive little anon.
You've conscripted yourself unwittingly, perhaps.
Just busted a fat nut

Oh man having a physical body is awesome

See you guys later time to eat something and smoke dabs play vidiya you know the usual since I have all the free time in the world
Go fuck yourself then :)
I'm a Millennial.
The Millennial women who don't have children at this point *shouldn't*.
I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a Zoomette with a good head on her shoulders.
Lmao they brought it up this time

Does repenting mean going celebate or going celebate and cutting your dick off like a tranny so you never have sexual thoughts again? Are trannies the most holy amongst us today for their dedication to removing their sexual ability?
Speak for yourself cuck.
Don't forget to do your periodic fasting.
This is serious.
There is chemical poison in all the food that will weaken your will power so it is good to fast periodically.
Porzac in most chicken for instance.

Not to mention the alien brain computer interface in your brain that is powered by you eating.
Oh, anon.
You poor, poor thing.
Me too. I really hope derpina wasn't just a psyop
right, the yellowish green
repent before it's too late nonosexuals
I was.
deranged nonosexuals he is not a fetish
Ty for the feedback, Anon!
this is probably the next word that will be filtered without consequence.

Well that’s just your opinion, man
attraction to the nono is wrong it is not ok to be a nonosexual
Well the other one is going to pass the seed directly, as this is the only way to synchronize his energy field with the woman, and pass it on to the child. It will also protect her/keep her energy flow in harmony while she is pregnant.

This is vastly superior in the creation of offspring. Much more so than the corrupt science industrial complex that is actively maiming and mutilating to try and make children grow inside of a biological male
How do you figure? I don't believe you desu
nonosexuals are worse than pedophiles
I fast occasionally as it is required for my intense training and I raise my own chickens and have plenty of eggs that are not store bought

I'm aware of how this temporary vessel works and what's needed for it to be optimal

I will admit however that I do enjoy eating goyslop once in a while burger king is one of my go to's when I feel like celebrating

L8R & take care

oh btw soda is poisonous and has fetus cells in it

Take care B

And back to Eggs Aisle (Exile) I go

How marvelous.
Well when kaleb is back I'll ask him on establishing contact with derpina then :] do you think we'll get along well?
Oh and also 48 hours of fasting will boost natural human growth hormone in your body by ten times.
Your jovial nature is contagious anon :] hru today?
you don't understand how sinful being a nonosexual is
48 hours per week
Today is another day, anon.
Make it joyful.
He really hates Jesus because only Jesus can fix him and we need to manifest Jesus Christ upon him
what you do is wrong repent remove yourself from your nonosexual ways
It's the width of one of those energy drink cans.
That'd cool. I've only gone 26 hours. What benefits from boosting your human growth hormone?

I'll try, waiting on some news that isn't making it easy
stop being a nonosexual
nonobro what are you on about today?
Ok, it's done.

Now what?
know the nono loves you but it's not sexual
0n0 0n0 0n0

Like the base of your forearm?
>Banana for scale
>it's not sexual
What if it is? You haven't seen my feet.
nonosexual repent


Enough for every single person in the country to be a millionaire.

This man would rather Trump be president than make every single person in the country a millionaire. That’s the kind of value system that we’re dealing with.

If every single person in the country were a millionaire, sure, that would completely destroy society. There would be no more truck drivers, no more convenience store workers. Everyone but the doctors and lawyers and computer programmers, the people that already enjoy their jobs anyway, would quit their jobs. Making everyone a millionaire would completely destroy the nation.

But it’s about the principle of the matter. This man could pay off everyone’s student debt, and not notice the monetary “loss”. But what does he want? Fascism.
keep your nonosexual fantasies to yourself

The Nobody stands in favor of ranked choice voting.
> Wear deodorant (not anti-perspirant).
Lick my taint, I require the strongest anti-perspirant man offers in order to not stink.
Enjoy having skin cancer in your arm pits, then?
> For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

So, harem ending, if you commit suicide while you’re young and attractive? That doesn’t seem quite right.
I don’t see how any agent that’s aware of me could possibly conclude that a Trump presidency is the right direction going forward, but that’s what appears to be happening.
>The mother's love is unconditional you said.
>That means there's no condition Jesus can do to be denied that unconditional love.

Good take. I mean… There ought to be some conditions. No one wants Jeffrey Dahmer Jesus. But in general, don’t we all want either a good afterlife, or eternal slumber?

Quite literally no one wants an afterlife entity that’s filled with rage and spite.
>if is not God, then it must be someone else
of course there is some nobody to blame
nonosexual scum
you need to suck his gianormous dick
then you can swallow
then you can shut up
them you can get the fuck out
then you can get a life and go outside and touch (not smoke, you're not ready for that) some grass
For all this nobody stuff and whatever is going on here, most of you guys should be writing web novels.

Seriously put this stuff here down, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Take a break and unleash your creative potential into a book.

You could be the next Piers Anthony, Robert Jordan, or the web novel legend Wildbow. The stuff you guys write as some kind of lore is wildly creative (not always good though). Hell, how do you think these 3 authors I mentioned did what they did. Wild perspectives and creativity. Stop wasting your talent on this board.

It won't hurt you to release your mind from this for a little bit to to write a story. It'll likely be related to this, given the fact yall have dumped so much energy and talent into it; but just edit the story. Add characters and what not.

My 2 cents at least.
how do I upgrade my psychosis I'm ready pls
begone from this thread nonosexuals
Fast 3 days, drink water. This is the healthy way
(That is antisemitism. America is just a place between mexico and and former Canada where Israel grows soldiers to fight their usury extension wars.)
That missile in a mail truck. Lol
Let me school ya.
nonosexuals repent
Cusip number is what is put on a real stock certificate.
begone from this thread nonosexuals repent
You're the most evil people in the planet and you use these threads as a recruiting pool for patsies and shooters.
And you really *are* angry that Donald wasn't domed.
He *was* supposed to die, by your scripts...
But he didn't.
You're losing control.
>You're losing control.
I've spoken to many authors.
If you're any combination of white and/or male and/or straight, you won't get published no matter how much better your work is than what IS being published. If you do get published, it's by signing away 100% of your rights.
What is that a link to?
do I also have to fast from meth and weed? (I don't do meth it's just funny to say meth.)
Obviously you don'T do meTh real meTheads only use capiTal T's because They shooT meTh and goon all day everyday.
foul nonosexuals
It's a trashy chemical for trash people, yet is great for trench warfarers, dog-fighters that don't believe in guided missiles, hacktivists in a hurry, industrious blue collar thinkers, and those required to debase themselves for the entertainment of rich perverts
nonosexuals and the nonotistic repent
I've come to terms with many things in my life, and in reality, I realized that I've come to terms with more of the inside than that of the outside. In many ways, I've come across many things, and in those many ways, I find even more ways to concern myself in the many ways you can. In the beginning of my life, I was sure, that magic, miracles, paranormal concepts, extraterrestrial life, e.g., were simply wrong, false and illusory. I grew up learning to conform the mundane with the conceptual, so I made myself clear of exploring the unknown.

The greater my curiosity had been certain, the less inspiration I felt, herein its potency of product and efficacy growing more and more decrepit.
The fear I felt without feeling it, was the killer of my truest aspirations, where I felt a fall so vivid and drastic, taking me to a place of mundane aridity, that my senes grew numb.
There was nothing for me to render and conceive, as I was deranged in my ways of debasing, so full of it, I couldn't procure my own sense of strife.

then -- all of a sudden -- in my life:
>cia throws me in a program of remote experimentation
>i get to learn so much about myself, that I no longer feel lost
>i learn about the validity of torture and insidious manipulation
>so to deepen my perspective of life, being on the edge of death
>the ascertain my values, fortifying my morality, ethical process
>i learned to assert the critical, rather than sticking to the essential
>i grew in the mass of wisdom, and in my self-reflection, I had strife
>it was an all-out one-man-army venture, having seemingly no resolution
>and what essentially grew me so furious before knowing what it even was
>was what essentially devoured my despair, certifying my will more concrete
>the bounds of this conflict was intangible, and i had conducted the perfect potion
>a conduction of an array of poisons, carefully arranged, timidly timed and executed
>i dont remember my greatest pains, my most horrid of obscenities, and i am free
Thank you CIA, for torturing me. This is my most sincere of remarks I wish to esteem.
I feel like that's just what you want them to tell you.
geometric post
repent nonosexuals
I Dont Like To See A Powerful Tool Defiled With Graffiti Poor English Typos And Psychotic Rants
Don't be an elitist or a classist though. Some people's "Alright, that's more than a coincidence" could come from catalogued memes and cultural references more than "Oooh wow, my name or the town I'm in amounts to the same code, big whoop."
The databases != the system itself. If you're fussing over [people exercising their autonomy] you are not helpful or any great degree of aligned with Truth.
/just a t(r)ooool
But... I am getting protective without knowing precisely what entries you refer to. I disdain the hateful, negative, nonsensical gibberish psychosis entries too. Or the overly hedonistic/inappropriate ones. Ego maniacs and narcissists treating the database like a Facebook wall.
I.E. "Mark Alan" and his lack of acceptance/awareness that being victimized long enough can turn you into a victimizer yourself and does not excuse that.

That shit is, indeed, distasteful.
It Might Not Make Sense Now But It Might Do Later

No One Is More Hated Than He Who Speaks The Truth
so what are you looking for?
the true you is the best you
Access To Stargates
>mary is billie eilish
let us know if it works
repent nonosexuals
Speaking the truth isn't synonymous with being an abrasive and self-obsessed nonce, friend. Quite extricable, really.
*Mary* is Mary.
But if there's any starlet receiving a BOUNTY of her patronage, it's Taylor.
Billie is influenced by many more and much more Masculine and Pagan spirits.
It Is Plain As The Faces On Their Looks
I want to sneak into Taylor’s bed and be her slave
nonosexuals repent
Maybe not slave... unless it's just roleplay for a bit. Then some other type of roleplay
Ncie save
It did. Briefly. Ty.
My apologies. I replied on impulse. I'm sorry, Anon. I know that that wasn't directed towards me. Have a good night, and take care.
damn, stay frosty
shenanigans for me but not for thee
She shouldn't marry sprorts guy. She should find a magic man.

If anything at least have the magic man father one of her children
Nobody Can Stop Their Union
sport guy or the magic man?

Oh.... Nobody, well tell her to call it off!
:3 :3 :3
No such thing!

Taylor I will marry you
immortality for the woman of scars would allow them to exist outside the boundaries of the law of sin
"the wages of sin is death"
like the other anon put it, freedom
"they can finally be together"
I don't think there are any celebrities who browse here, Anon, I'm sorry to burst your bubble orz
that's ok, it can be fun to hope though. Anyway there are glowies that know a lady i'd be good for, so that is something
Nothing To Say

At The End Of The Day

Theyre Half Right

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