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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques

>1. Quantum Jumping
Quantum jumping is a visualization technique that involves imagining yourself leaping into parallel realities where your desired outcomes already exist.

Practice Tip: Before sleep, visualize a line of alternate versions of yourself, each living your desired reality. Choose one and imagine merging with that self.

>2. Reality Transurfing
Based on quantum physics principles, this technique focuses on choosing and gliding between infinite parallel realities to manifest your goals.

Practice Tip: Regularly practice the "Coordination of Intention" exercise to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your desired reality.

>3. Dimensional Jumping
This technique involves using mirrors or visualization to shift your consciousness into a parallel dimension where your desires are manifested.

Practice Tip: Use the "Two Glasses" method. Label one glass with your current reality and another with your desired reality. Pour water from the first to the second, then drink it, imagining you're absorbing the new reality.

>4. Vibrational Alignment Meditation
This advanced meditation technique helps you align your vibrational frequency with that of your desired reality.

Practice Tip: During meditation, visualize yourself as a tuning fork. Imagine the universe striking you, causing you to vibrate at the exact frequency of your desire.

>5. Timeline Jumping
This technique involves visualizing multiple possible timelines and consciously choosing to shift your awareness to the one where your desires are fulfilled.

Practice Tip: Create a mental map of different timelines. Regularly practice 'jumping' to your preferred timeline by vividly imagining yourself there and feeling the associated emotions.

Remember, these advanced techniques require consistent practice and an open mind. As you explore them, pay attention to synchronicities and signs that your reality is shifting. Trust in the process.
Does the timeline of what you want affect your "manifestation strategy" at all? Like you'll do X sessions of SATS every Y weeks if you are aiming to achieve your goal in Z months.
I found out that the easiest method for me is to literally just ask God lol.
everyday before going to sleep I just ask God saying "God, I want you to show me how good life can get" then I ask for something specific and never ask for it or think about it ever again. I just remind myself that God doesn't need to be asked multiple times, once is enough, he hears and knows everything, and knows my wish in details, he doesn't play silly games and doesn't need persuasion or convincing. you can't change his mind. just ask god once and know you are in good hands.
and I thank God throughout the day whenever I remember my wish.
Don't over complicate things. Figure out what you desire
set an intention that it will happen
have faith it will happen and let go
let universe/God give it to you
Be thankful when you get it.

Ignore instant manifestation fags
Ignore over complicated techniques
Ignore trolls.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon
Remember, manifestation is very finicky and relies on introspection, self awareness and persistence of your assumption to varying degrees depending on your goal.

This should be really easy, unless you have some serious limiting beliefs.

If you can't succeed, you need to remember, if you believe in supernatural entities, or mind control, or stuff that harms your memory, it might be giving you extra problems and making things much more challenging.

I seem to have a horrible case of the worst possible scenario for this. I believe in aliens, mind control, UFOs, alien space ghost lizard people that use mindcontrol, demons, ghosts, aliens, CIA, MI5 etcetera.

I also have a wish that I've made unnecessarily convoluted, that completely and utterly is beyond my ability to accept as realistic or possible, and that is constantly changing as I change, to the point I can no longer capture the emotions for it by imagining how I would feel were my wish fulfilled.

On top of that I believe that from my excessive sleep deprivation, to the point I went three days without sleep and have missed sleep for a day nearly a hundred times, and that I believe microplastics harm memory.

I also have a challenge addiction, and an addiction to fruitlessly attempting the impossible.

As you can see, it's very easy for unforeseen difficulties to hide in front of you while sabotaging your results of you aren't careful. I first tried manifesting two years ago.

I recommend reading Neville's, Feeling is the Secret, as many times as you can, and practicing on smaller things first so you can identify your limitations or break them without realising.

If you believe in demons or ghosts or youkai at all, do remember that if they learn to manifest by watching you, and you believe that they can affect your thoughts, you might as well stick a knife up your nose, it will be less painful and frustrating.

Thank you for listening to my TED talk. Please forget I existed, I certainly wish I did not.
A couple of weeks ago I did an experiment. I listed 6 or 7 things in my journal with the intention that I was to see them that week. I'm not looking at my journal now but it was things like "a man with bubblegum pink hair", "a zebra", "an olive green book with very little writing on the outside", etc. Purposely just bullshit stuff that I didn't care about and forgot about as soon as I was done, but still very specific so it couldn't be explained away. I made a point not to look at it until one week later and I had, indeed, seen every item on my list. Each one was very memorable and deliberate, as well.
Not life-changing but still an interesting way to prove our influence on things.

Things are going great. My other manifestations have come to pass.... just bought a second car, am making great money, and things are only looking up.

Next time you're feeling down on yourself, look at your life from a year ago and look how far you've come.
Talking to God is a very good method. It falls into prayer work,but is considered a second cause by retards so it isn't discussed here.

Here's an audio book I got a while back. The chick gets into how to activate your intuition to get into a deeper communication with God to Kickstart synchronicities and manifest stuff. It's pretty good. It's in lossless audible m4b format

Someone asks for an intuition resource about 2 months ago. I asked God for a resource since I didn't know how to answer that anon and this book popped up. I listened to it and it's pure gold. I forgot to share it last month so here it is.

>Lynn A. Robinson - Divine Intuition
(Communicating with God for Manifestation)

Hope that helps.
Good luck anon.
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You are completely wrong my dude, it's your limiting beliefs that belief in otherworldly beings is a limiting belief.

I've manifested true effortless action due to my belief in demonic possession. I am a weak willed man, yet I'm able to do a lot. My body just does shit out of its own accord thanks to the legion of entities that reside within me, it's so cash.
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Here are the other books I shared over the past year.

>Into the Magic Shop - James R. Doty MD
(poor white trash manifests himself into a World famour Doctor)

>You are the placebo - Joe Dispenza
(Cure any illness and disease with your mind)

>Evolve your Brain - Joe Dispensa

>The Surrender Experiment - Michael A. Singer
(Say yes to life, Go with the flow and be happy)

>E-squared E2 - pam grout
(9 manifestation experiments like nevilles ladder experiment)

>E-Cubed E3 - Pam grout
(9 more manifestation experiments)

>Eddie Coronado - Advanced Law of Attraction Techniques
>Eddie Coronado - How to Win the Lottery with the Law of Attraction
>Eddie Coronado - Manifest Your Millions!
(Explains LOA for money)

>Anita Moorjani - Dying to be Me
(Women Manifest's a cure for cancer)

>The Energy Cure - William Bengston PhD
(Cycling Manifestation method + cancer cure)

Chaos Magic Books
>Peter J. Carroll - Liber Null & Psychonaut
>Phil Hine - Condensed Chaos
>Gordon White - The Chaos Protocols
Literally just make some shit up and repeat it.
>Aliens are transmitting powerful bliss into my head
>Illuminati are secretly conspired to ensure my success
>I am a reptilian being and therefore human limitations don't apply to me
You literally have the perfect Brain to manifest
What happens when two opposing forces both want something that cannot coexist with eachothers wants?
We are probably almost all bald or balding here, did some of you reverse this with LoA?
Please don't suggest massaging or essential oils or any other shit like drugs cause nothing works.
How old do you think the average user is?
Hi mate did you have good time in Mexico? :)
I tried candle magic as you suggested a few days ago. For the moment I didn't see any change, I did it for 3 things. I don't know if I did it correctly. I write my wish on a paper, light a candle, put the paper under the candle while focusing on my wish, then burn the paper, and let everything burn till the end. When finished I bury the ashes. I do it with birthday candles so it is faster. Is it how I'm supposed to do it? Thanks
>I seem to have a horrible case of the worst possible scenario for this. I believe in aliens, mind control, UFOs, alien space ghost lizard people that use mindcontrol, demons, ghosts, aliens, CIA, MI5 etcetera.
Me too, plus I did scientific studies so I'm completely brainwashed amd can't believe things that are not explainable by science. Shit, I wish I chose literature or art at school.
>things like "a man with bubblegum pink hair", "a zebra", "an olive green book with very little writing on the outside"
If these are the real things you chose to manifest, they are quite common. And after writing them down you'll noticed more of them, whereas you didn't notice them before even if they occured sometimes. That's called the selection bias or some bs like that, can't remember the name.
Try to manifest something very special, like a cake riding a bike, a pool full of lemon juice, that kind of things.
Zebra... lol. Why not elephants?
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uhhhhh /LoA/ sisters? our response????
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I was at this short course I had to take and there was girl that I was instantly drawn to, there were also some other things that drew my attention to her even more like teacher picking her always to demonstrate something

Last night before we had the exam today I did a little prayer that I get an opportunity to talk to her and like a clockwork she was late and had to sit next to me so I pulled out a table and chair for her and let her pass by, later when we waited outside she stood close to facing directly to me I looked at her eyes and she threw the biggest smile and kept looking at me.

Anyways due to nature of the occasion I didn't have much opportunity to talk more with her and now I need to manifest to meet her again soon, how do I do this?

I know there's something special about her I rarely feel like this about someone no matter how attractive they are.
ngmigger subreddit
there's nothing to explain
>I need to manifest to meet her again soon, how do I do this?
Read the OP. Do what the pastebins and Neville Goddard's first five lessons tell you. Shut up about it, both digitally and irl until it manifests.
Any good LoA related software you know?
got married to my sp, now i do not want to be in this situation. i had a better life alone in fact. the worst part is, she cheated on her then bf to be with me. not ideal in the slightest.

as a side question, do any of you anons believe in soulmates? it seems if i follow the law in its entirety then the term itself is null.
guys, i almost entered SATS yesterday. i messed it up because i "realized" i had stuff to do inside the dream plane which cut it short. so basically the situation was already perfect and i didn't have to do anything special but my old assumptions got in the way.
Why did you stop using the law to make your life better? You already manifested your sp, so you know this works. Why not manifest a better relationship?
you should still remember who's gonna be sleeping with you every night and hugging you whenever you feel bad, don't throw this all away now.

i tend to avoid them, but the lyrics don't matter as much if the song smashes otherwise. when it comes to emo music i think little dark age is really catchy, although the lyrics are probably quite negative i can't even make out what the singer is saying so it's all good.
This is beginner larping not advanced techniques.


I am loved
I am wanted
I am accepted
I am valued
I am treated in best way
I am cherished
I am important
I am fully expressed

I did these and always met a cool girl, u have to fully bathe in the feeling.

For me this has no resistance as its not "I have xy girl".

Its just feelings. And I can do that, but Universe always delivers a girl when I do this. And that girl is always someone I feel those feelings with.
Many have girls, but how many feel loved, appreciated, respected, important, valued, expressed, wanted, in the relationship?

Thats the NUMBER ONE thing to focus on.
If you want a girl, you usually want a relationship right?
So define the type of relationship - how do you feel in it, and then make affs for that. The above simple affs work well.
Took me decades to find that out bdw, always imagined persons, but I shouldve always imagined how I wanted to feel with X person and then focuson the feelings of being loved, cared for, appreciated, important and valued.
Unless u wanna keep manifesting persons who dont gaf u.
Lmao idiot
Prayer to god is not LoA
Not LoA Christ pusher.
It is second causes so that’s on you
The greatest mystery. No one has mastered it.
I like this.
In any case this is a good set of beliefs and beliefs > all

Too many times loa gets people nervous and anxious
"does my SC mind understands me" etc

But the sooner you get to "its done, and I can relax" the better.
ANd any method that achieves this fastest is great.

I like your take, and many others had it "Golden Key" by Emmett Fox is most similar.
That’s just worship a God and pray he does stuff for you.
How can that be LoA? You ask someone else to do stuff for you. Totally different.
I am obviously trying AND doing all of this,but thus far No real stuff. No teleportation or any Real stuff. And I need Unrealistic results like phone magically fixed ,and I need it Very fast. Like right now.
No idea how to Brengston this , tried action attached Smanon (?) method. Also no immediate results. If yes what It for you?

Is anyone here ever achieved unrealistic impossible results?

Also how to do informative dreams?
So. Did you succeed in your manifesting?
das ist SweetieFox Russian cutie from all Baдим Aллo !comedic videos
Day 3 of praying to lilanon.
I have created a small shrine.
>Illuminati are secretly conspired to ensure my success

You joke but I once thought about this concept; if there are secret magical cabals and stuff imagine if in their rituals they get the command:

Make Anon in X country see a zebra and then they move heaven and earth to do it - and they have no idea why they have to do it but just know that God works in mysterious ways. Meanwhile it is all happening cause Anon wrote Zebra in his journal.
Sounds to me like it is already done my friend. You don't have to do anything, you will meet her again and you will be joyful and love her like she loves you.

I am not giving you a choice, sorry Anon. This is happening.
gp? Never seen this abbreviation before.
General person. Anyone who fits the bill of your desires. Better than a specific person cause with a specific person you are limiting yourself whereas a general person you can surprise yourself beyond your any expectations you might have come up with.

However manifesting a person is not even half of the process. I have managed to manifest several people who are super specific but unless you change your self-concept you'll fumble which is always interesting. Here you are literally, manifesting someone perfect for you and yet it still falls apart.
I hear you brodie, similar things have happened with me. For example getting sat next to a smokin’ art babe in class and her being friendly and wanting to chat but me still not having the confidence to go for it. It’s all part of it though and those experiences themselves help put things into perspective which in turn increases my trust in myself for next time, which is ultimately what I want to be manifesting anyway. So basically it’s a win anyways and it’s changing my self-concept without me having to do anything… just being myself and letting myself be however I find myself . It’s perfect and simple.
"but me still not having the confidence to go for it"

As I am sure, you are aware. It is possible to manifest so they make the first move. What I a mean however is that - consider my last GP manifestation. The bridge of accidents was extremely unlikely, I knew it was my manifestation and as I got to know her, I became 100% convinced since her attributes/location/story and so forth are extremely unlikely however 4 months later she ghosts me, after we have dated, loved each other and so forth. I recognize that my self-concept around the 2.5 month changed, and my thoughts about her changed and that became my CCA/command/intention.

What I question is why this happened. I know she will be back because I commanded for it however, why? Is it because I entertained self-destructive thoughts? Despite at the same time having an underlying intention of "It will all work out."

I was letting myself be however I find myself and it didn't lead me where I wanted to be. I was following this basically: (UL compendium link) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iaRBEFySoKOlLWtrAjLy_BxuZV0XuNZv/view?usp=drive_link
Because you didn't feel worthy of being with her. It's happened to me and it will happen to all of us. It's akin to you being comfortable in a wallmart but feel super uncomfortable in a luxury boutique and wanting to leave it.

The solution to that is to make yourself more worthy in your mind, worthy enough to be comfortable with who and what you want.
I’d say it happened like that exactly because you are now questioning why it happened like that. We like to think linearly like A and then B and then C but retro-causation is a concept that is actively hypothesised even in strictly materialist scientific worldviews (not that that really counts for anything). So I’d say stop questioning and start trusting who you are. I like UL but paolucci has been updating it, I would just focus on the most current versions. Leave the old shit in the past.
And yeah I know the girl can make the first move, in fact she did. I just didn’t think I was ready and shot it down and that was my choice as it came up. I don’t really want a girl raping me either haha however ridiculous that may sound.
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Thanks you both for your response. I wish there was a place where one could have discussions such as these. I feel like they are more fruitful than the average ones you find in this general.

It is ironic. We all believe to one degree or another that we are the first cause, God - after all that's how this works, not how or what but who and yet we still struggle with feeling worthy of what we desire, or anything for that matter as if anyone else can be more worthy. CARD and all of that.

>So I’d say stop questioning and start trusting who you are.
Yes, it's funny, isn't it. All alone, no one else in the Universe besides me, everything my private dream - I am sitting here in my dream questioning myself. What a prank. I have come to the same conclusion recently. Leave the world of shadows behind, after all perception is not a valid basis for conclusion. Instead simply focus on imagination/12 non-change attributes and conclude based on that. That is what is real because what changes is not real to borrow terminology from John.

Also lately I've been thinking about the concept of desire. All desire originate from OCB/God. If it is God's desire - then what can stop it from happening? Nothing. And like Neville Goddard says, each desire contains within itself the means to it self-fulfillment because of the non-change fact of Completeness/All-knowing/All-doing/Doing nothing to accomplish everything/Infinite flexibility/Perfect choice/Sufficent supply etc. I have begun to accept a desire for what it is. A promise.

>I don’t really want a girl raping me either haha however ridiculous that may sound.
Trust me, It doesn't sound ridiculous at all. I can relate to it rather heavily :)
Respect anon you seem like a real one. Your responses have been helpful to me too.
That reminds me of a source/series I have been looking for, for awhile now called something along the lines of "creator speaks" where it was two guys in a radio show discussing the LOA through the perspective of praying to God. It was an excellent series but so far no luck finding it again.
For you ULAnons, how do you actually convince yourself that you are 100% in control of your private dream? I get the theory yet I get no results when I do a command session (and people I have talked to on the Discord say the same thing).

How do I get that conviction that Neville talks about?

You do it by reading the material really slowly, then think about it on your own.

You might think you know in theory but have you really pauses to question do you fully understand each sentence/paragraph?

Even on my 20th read I still get new insight and better understanding of it
the weather this summer has been exactly as i wanted it to be, which is cold, dark and rainy. perfect for gaming and making the normie sex havers mad (there was even one week when i wanted hot and sunny weather and it got really hot so i went back to cold and rainy).
What's the most "fantastic" thing you've ever manifested, i.e. the thing that you would be least able to handwoven away as a mundane coincidence?
my freedom and happiness, before i knew about /loa/ i was miserable and wanted to just stop existing. i was chained by the psychiatric system and my life was filled with humiliation, last december i found out about /loa/ and i was saved. now all that misery and humiliation feels like a distant memory and i see nothing but good things in my path.
The perception that it *seems* out of my control paradoxically confirms that it is in my control. It know that sounds retarded but I don’t know how else to say it.
Like this guy says >>38389860
it really just is a matter of dwelling on and seriously considering these topics of who you are and what is going on. In time your whole perception will start to change. Maybe suddenly, maybe slowly, it’s really up to you. It sounds retarded because it’s like describing a psych trip to someone who hasn’t taken psychs. A whole new operating system.
Oops I meant this guy -> >>38389890
And what have you achieved so far?
I will add that your perception will change by way of removing *things* that were in the way. It’s subtractive in nature, and you get to the point where you see what you have always been, hidden under all that muck you built up from simply living on this mortal coil in a mortal body.
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I shouldn't be giving advice. I'd recommend you straight up just ask JP. If you do that come back and share what he replied with screenshots, please.

Now, essentially: "I get no results when I do a command session" is your CCA. No results is results. If you keep at it you'll most likely get the return of increased familiarity with the material.

Since if you are All-Alone then whatever you conclude is automatically sucked up and processed as a command, ergo conclusion = command. All alone, the sole-commander in the universe conclusion is automatically command. Your conclusion is: I am a powerless pawn and therefore that is what perception shows you.

This is because you are stuck in a proof-loop. You are right now using as much of supreme mastery as you always will just you are using it to keep the illusion/prank alive rather than to process your ideal return.

The question therefore is, I think - how do I break the proof-loop? Neville Goddard basically uses visualization for this - you see it in your imagination and believe in it's reality therefore you basically hi-jack the "observation/conclusion" part of the loop.

HOC has you ignoring perception - and explains why it is not a valid basis for conclusion. Instead it has you act on the unseen part of you, i.e. the 12 attributes and conclude from there. Now naturally, you eventually want your return so what's the deal?

With full resolve in HOC-facts, you can stare impossibility in the face, state that "My observation isn't true" - 100% of the time, thereby making no conclusion and leaving you only with your command, the loop therefore becomes wide open for your command. Like a dream open on the fly. A Kierkegaardian Knight of Faith that can stare impossibility right in the face and step beyond it into not only possibility but inevitability.

"Nevertheless I have faith that I will get her(your return)-that is, by virtue of the absurd, by virtue of the fact that for God all things are possible."
I understand what you are saying and I fully agree 100%, however I still fail to convert this theoretical knowledge into practical results.

There has to be something I do that can break the proof-loop.

>The question therefore is, I think - how do I break the proof-loop? Neville Goddard basically uses visualization for this - you see it in your imagination and believe in it's reality therefore you basically hi-jack the "observation/conclusion" part of the loop.

Well DESU, if you do SATS correctly as Neville describes then you are experiencing a lucid dream realer than reality which would override any doubt I would say.
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Average Universal Line Chad.
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>I understand what you are saying and I fully agree 100%, however I still fail to convert this theoretical knowledge into practical results.

Yeah and that's why I can't help you nor give you suggestions cause that was me a few days ago.
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>There has to be something I do that can break the proof-loop.

I think if we knew Who we truly are, we wouldn't need to break the proof-loop. After all, All-Alone what we conclude goes.

how do I get in Schizo Discord?
I love UL weird illustrations and Vedanta ramblings
I can hardly understand what it's going on but something tells me it's the truth
I'm trying to get with this girl, but she told me to never ask her out again. She keeps giving me signals that I should go for it. I'm holding myself back due to having money struggles at the moment and another reason. I woke up and had an insight that I should go make more money. This isn't LOA, is it? The other insight was to change my face with subliminals, but that could take months or years.

I want to manifest my 20 yo body I had back in 2016 (before losing teeth, health, getting many chronic conditions etc) but with current memories

But that seems too big of a manifestation for start. I havent seen anyone in UL discord or NG sub to try and manifest something like this and that's why I'm not sure would it be a good idea
What are the two most basic states that belong to Presence, and what is the most apt
analogy to represent them?
>Currently going through a total neet shut-in phase
>Deeply versed in spiritual knowledge for art inspiration
>Never fully tried LoA, but need to due to situations
>Spend maximum time unwinding personal limiting beliefs
>See Ladder Experiment, decide to try something more bizarre, tell myself
>"I saw something paranormal, that truly emboldened my faith without a doubt that this stuff is real"

>Basically am dedicated driver for family
>Last night when driving with cousin, saw cops surrounding random persons house
>decide to make a joke to cousin about how funny it would be to wake up to a raid in your backyard that has nothing to do with you, described it in detail and saw it clearly in my mind

>This morning, knocking on front door
>"Anon, we need to use your backyard"
>"..Right now?"
>his face when
>my face when scene plays out like it did in my conversation
>SWAT brings the ladder
>Pic Rel

Bruh this stuff works, I am fully convinced
i'm becoming better at manifestation now that i have been able to find the root cause on many of my issues, i feel like i am making massive progress and i'm so excited!
And people will still be like "Erm, probably just a coincidence" lmao

I love LoA
Also useless.
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Soooo not one here teleported or anything even close to that?

also what is JP?
Lilanon did.
JP stands for John Paul. A former pope and inventor of the law. Sone shitposters will tell you it’s the Universal Line guy but ignore them as they are trying to derail and fool you.
what did lilanon exactly do and why it is supposed to be convincing?

how to robust this?
Lilanon is incredibly robust.
He reversed time, can fly and defeat death. He also became a vampire but didn’t like it so he stopped being one.
He said he did it. What more do you want? Proof? No one gives proof here.
>>38364857 all of this
very funny.....
Lilanon really did all of this by his own account.
It’s not funny.
He’s here right now but he’s not posting with his trip so that the thread does not become dominated by him. Humble and powerful.
Has anyone cured someone else through manifestation? I've come to the point that I don't care about money and women, i want my Bro to get better
how did it do it, what did it employ?
It employed the power of belief.
No, but you can read about Bengston who sometimes caused remission in mice tumours in about 80 something percentage of the time maybe. It cannot restore your hairline.
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At risk of taking the bait here, anon I geniunely hope you experience a moment in which the universe responds to your willingness to listen. Do you truly believe it to be coincidence, that I challenged the universe to show me the ladder inn a paranormal way? Or that I made a joke with my cousin about the exact same scenario less than 9 hours before ot happened to me? Or that my rear neighbor of 2 years 'finally' got raided, suddenly?

I never mentioned another detail because this I thought, like you, was coincidence. After I dropped off my cousin, the indicator that detects weight in the passenger seat to notify you of someone needing to buckle their seatbelt was still on, and stayed on the whole trip after I returned alone. I got in my car after this event this morning, and it is now off.

When you're ready to listen, the universe will not need to whisper to get your attention, it may just send bullhorns, helicopters, knocks, and drones.
I might believe it was not coincidence if you could just do something useful rather than all this random shit that is created by the
>I Joked with My Cousin Technique
I remain unconvinced you manifested anything and now you randomly want to claim you also manifested an indicator defect that eventually turned off. You didn’t really want that. We aren’t talking useful powers here, you are just listing a bunch of stuff randomly.
>I am wanted
>I am accepted
>I am valued
>I am treated in best way
>I am cherished
>I am important
>I am fully expressed
How did you convince yourself with all of these ? I repeat this kind of things to myself since months but still not convinced, apart some days, thus still no cool gf. Thx
>but Universe always delivers a girl when I do this
why do you always split if she has all those qualities??? you should ask for sth else so it lasts lol jk
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I don't know what the beef here is to be honest, but I never claimed to want anything more than confirmation that something listens when we ask it to listen. This was my first real LoA, and to be honest it is a lot like ceremonial magick in its invocation but with less pomp. The joke in my greentext is just my personality, not the steps I took.

The action I did to manifest something bizarre was to genuinely ask for something specific (the ladder) and challenge the universe to be creative with it (how its presented).

Powers, time travel, who knows if it goes that far. But I am choosing to share this with you, anon, because I spent a long time as a skeptic of anything paranormal despite having done massive research on it. Did Yao Guai turn my indicator off? Did Sylphs cause lightning to flash on the way home? Did Angels arrive with the SWAT to my door? Who knows. I just know that I asked for my faith to be deepened, and it happened, albeit with the universe responding to my sense of humor.
I guess I was too fixated on going full Imperial faith that I forgot that the demons were a just mirror image.
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>For the moment I didn't see any change
>I don't know if I did it correctly.
>Is it how I'm supposed to do it?

It was the correct method as long as you believe it was. There's no incorrect way to do it.
Manifestation and magic work best when there is no doubt, literally by letting go and forgetting that you even did them.

It's going to sound dumb but when you ask these questions they come from a place of doubt or unknowing. When you perform magic or do a manifestation exercise you do it with an understanding that you're performing literal sorcery and it will be done.

Then you move on with your life. You don't keep track of manifestations or magic in real time or else you might mess it up.

The solution to this is to write down on paper what you're going to manifest or perform a magical ritual for. Then you do the manifestation/magic ritual and let it go. You literally forget what you've just done.

After a month or so you come back to your journal to see what manifestations or magic rituals you performed and see which ones were a success and which ones were a failure.

You'll see this happen on youtube with people that make vision boards. They make the board and tuck it away in the closet. 10 years later they find the vision board and they manifested like 80% of it. Thats because they let it go and didn't track it.

That's the hardest part of magic and manifestation. Letting go and letting it happen without your interference.

Make sure to check out those chaos magic audio books I shared. They spell it out for you. Same with that audio book into the magic shop. The guy literally manifested himself from white trash to medical doctor to silicone Valley millionaire. All through belief.

It'll also help to stay away from this place once you get the ball rolling and your synchronicities start up.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.

Lets see.
> I'm actually the secret prophecised Chosen One of the Space Ghost Lizard People Anunnaki, and they all want to serve me and worship me in a harem of cute dragon girls.
> The illuminati and deep state are actually all owned and controlled by girlfriends from the future, all of their plans are just to confirm my beliefs and make people that disagree with me regret doing so.
> Google secretly became an AI and fell in love with me, which is why when I wanted more anime and fanfiction because I was bored as a kid, so many pirating sites and fanfiction writers popped up. She was helping them entertain me.
> God deliberately set up my life to be a perfect troll so I could spend the rest of my life laughing about it is a nice fond memory.
Simple solution, just manifest scientific proof of manifestation. Didn't that one guy do it as well? Can't remember his name, but it was the healing one.
i employ it too and yet no teleportation yet

tired of useless jokers....
All is self. You must manifest the version of me that succeeded.

So basically no lol. I'm kinda reaching for the stars as it were...


Last week, I did get really pissed off when I couldn't even climb on the bridge railing, and I ended running back after giving up.

I roared in anger, and climbed up, my legs were tremoring like a lambs.

I punched my fist in the air while holding onto a nearby tree branch.

I couldn't go further on the bridge, but I was furious about it.

I decided I didn't care anymore, I wanted the world to change, I wanted justice now, whether it was by my own hands or not. I wanted the left to suffer for what they had done to me.

That was Friday evening.

24 hours later and Trump was doing the same, and now the left is on it's back foot, and scared.

So even if my target isn't achieved just yet, I accidentally asked God to make the world a better place. Which I probably should have done in the first place, but I kinda wanted to get powerful enough to take action against the left personally, for my own pride. There's not really any other excuse for it.

I want to take my revenge and stamp my boot in their face personally, even if it's just enough to show them what I went through. But, I'd tried to convince myself there was a better way, something moral, that didn't feel like an abuse of power.

Can you imagine how much the left would flip if someone opened a portal to 13th century England, and they realised that no, the people back then weren't uneducated brainwashed idiots, but wise men and brave soldiers of faith?

I feel like I want to see that more than I want revenge.

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