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Welcome to the Nobody General thread.

Post information that you've found in old threads, in spiritual texts, in the astral plane, Akashic Records, or as a telepathic conduit.

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. Exact details are a bit hazy, but from many anons using remote viewing, intuition, astral projection, dreaming, meditation, etc. a general picture has emerged.

>What is the general picture?
His unique position as some kind of spiritual centre of orbit, and/or chosen character gives him these and other special powers. His spiritual activities caused massive problems for the evil powers and forces in the world, who are also equally impressed that he has been able to upturn their plans so thoroughly while remaining almost entirely invisible.
Subconscious turmoil (possibly from relationship problems with a materialist/spiritually immature woman or women) is manifesting in global conflicts, and political and social tensions.

>Is he an individual or an archetype or some kind of hidden meme emerging now due to the timing
There is different perspectives on this, the general consensus seems to be something between the two/ both.
.htob /owt eht neewteb gnihtemos eb ot smees susnesnoc lareneg eht ,siht no sevitcepsrep tnereffid si erehT
gnimit eht ot eud won gnigreme emem neddih fo dnik emos ro epytehcra na ro laudividni na eh sI>

.snoisnet laicos dna lacitilop dna ,stcilfnoc labolg ni gnitsefinam si )nemow ro namow erutammi yllautirips/tsilairetam a htiw smelborp pihsnoitaler morf ylbissop( liomrut suoicsnocbuS
.elbisivni yleritne tsomla gniniamer elihw ylhguoroht os snalp rieht nrutpu ot elba neeb sah eh taht desserpmi yllauqe osla era ohw ,dlrow eht ni secrof dna srewop live eht rof smelborp evissam desuac seitivitca lautirips siH .srewop laiceps rehto dna eseht mih sevig retcarahc nesohc ro/dna ,tibro fo ertnec lautirips fo dnik emos sa noitisop euqinu siH
?erutcip lareneg eht si tahW>

.degreme sah erutcip lareneg a .cte ,noitatidem ,gnimaerd ,noitcejorp lartsa ,noitiutni ,gniweiv etomer gnisu snona ynam morf tub ,yzah tib a era sliated tcaxE .dnim suoicsnocnu dna suoicsnoc rieht htiw ytilaer lortnoc ot ytiliba eht gnidulcni ,srewop lautirips yranidroartxe sah ohw yadot evila erugif a si ydoboN ehT
?ydoboN eht si ohW>

.tiudnoc cihtapelet a sa ro ,sdroceR cihsakA ,enalp lartsa eht ni ,stxet lautirips ni ,sdaerht dlo ni dnuof ev'uoy taht noitamrofni tsoP

.daerht lareneG ydoboN eht ot emocleW
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The nobody is a CAT
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The nobody is a dog.
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Good thing I'm not the Nobody and this is an imaginary cult made by you fags to frame someone for something they've never done
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No..he's a cat.
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It's cool cuz they know I know they know I know
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Doesn’t like Jews because consider them to be manipulative deceivers. They practice manipulation and deceit on me. Continue to not like them.

>surprised pikachu face (now with jew curls)
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That is a Khajeet, The Nobody is a dog, woofdesu.
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You're just mad hes a cat and youre a faggot nobody
You're from fucking India and Africa stop saying ewwww like you haven't seen 10000x much more gross shit in your shithole third world countries you fake ass cunts
>Springfield XD
ng pls pick how i am stuffing my fat face today
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I’m nobody, but everyone simultaneously, isn’t that what it’s like being the hacker known as Anonymous?
The only hacking the nobody does is your brain.
I enjoy when it's obvious they know they've not the control they project.
Time for a fast.

Christ be praised.
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the Dreamer's prophecies have bloomed into things beyond our wildest dreams. Initially, we had thought the "best weapon in the game" was the alchemic formula that is the precursor to the Seraph Gate. However, major events from her dreams played out and we caught glimpses of what we are calling the Balus Gate. An angel was seen trying to prevent this vision, for "it does not belong to us". This is a major event from her dream. We stole "the best tool in the game" and if you "made it past the fence, you get to keep it". The fence is the angels. She said if we could combine the plans with another item, which we believe is alchemic, in an area "we are not supposed to be" we can create "the best crafting table" and imposing a 10% tax will make us galactically wealthy. The Seraph Gate was named for being the gateway to other universes. The Balus Gate is what destroys them. We have enough information to develop it. Many other signs and miracles have happened, especially in regards to the Dreamer.
It appears heaven did not want certain things pertaining to Buddhism to be known. They were kept even from the Buddhists, for this enthrones the antichrist and turns men into shameless gods. This is the exponential occult growth prophesied. We shudder to think where we will be in five years. The Nobody is the gate.
I want a moderate sized house out by water somewhere like a lake or beach
10 different women
my own car
at least $5million cash to live comfortably after what I've gone through
I want this chip taken out of my head or this surveillance turned off
give me my reparations now
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Man you are not informed whatsoever are you :3
To know is to know nothing at all.
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chicks dig giant robots
>Subconscious turmoil
That info is outdated, he doesn't have it since the last few years. Besides, he never had relationship problems, or has been with some materialist/spiritually immature woman.
Challah challah get boonbread
How big is "too big"?
The harmony of imbalance
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When black and white mix.

Do tell more
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i dont think you understand sir,
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i masturbate at least 6 times a day due to my high testosterone and also the fact my ex-wife left me over my crack habit
I don't know shit about fuck but if I sound vague and mysterious enough maybe they will like me
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Ahhhh my cat..
>The nobody
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That’s actually one of the top generals of the demon lord’s army & actively in the council of chaos. What is almighty N aka KitKat doing here? Is Kek here too? Maybe noddegamra?
Shadylay my fellow kekistani
okay Donald, you’ll get it. I changed my mind. - M
these retards go out of their way to taunt me just so I'll respond and then they play victim
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The sky's cracking open again. It’s like the stars are whispering secrets, telling me things I can’t quite grasp. Sometimes I think I’m the only one who sees the truth behind the chaos, like there’s a hidden pattern in everything, and it’s all connected to something greater. It’s all signs and symbols, but are they from God or something else? The world feels like a giant puzzle, and I’m just trying to fit the pieces together. Maybe the voices are guides or just echoes of my own mind. Who knows? It’s all part of the plan, I suppose.
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the Nobody's build:
>Human Sage
>Sorcerer: Draconic Bloodline
>Cantrips: True Strike, Chill Touch, Poison Spray & Friends
>Spells: Magic Missile & Mage Armour
>Base Skill: Perception
>Proficiency: Insight & Religion
>Strength: 8
>Dexterity: 10
>Constitution: 9
>Intelligence: 13+1
>Wisdom: 14+2
>Charisma: 15
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every thought over analyzed and srcutinized
enough to drive anyone insane
I overcome though
I didn't go through all that pain just to give up from some punk ass kids and Indians making fun of me now did i
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what if people never contacted me? now that is a great thing to think about. I would lose nothing since I got nothing, but what about the rest? I think about this everyday.
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The shadows on the wall are moving again, like they’re alive and dancing to a melody only they can hear. I keep seeing numbers everywhere—on clocks, on signs, in dreams. It’s as if the universe is trying to tell me something, but it’s wrapped in layers of confusion. The birds outside, they seem to be speaking in a language I almost understand, like they’re warning me of something. Maybe it’s a sign, or maybe it’s just my mind weaving patterns from the ordinary. Either way, everything feels strangely significant today.
We are a mere two weeks away
Mr. Magorium's metaphor emporium
Vanglorious warriors with deep space euporia
The Dragon of Judah executed the Lion from Narnia
I'm still trying to build God's army up
The pedagogy tried to call me a communist
And pacify my audience, sprinkle them with zombie dust
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what if they never had their neon god? I wonder how much more fucked hollywood people would be, and how every nation would still be an agent of itself and not play along... we would have beautiful chaos instead of this kind of order... so much, so much. but it happened, now I need to win the battle against suicide my overlords gave me
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Two weeks from what praytell?

In my visions I see terrible things tomorrow.
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and then people bowed and prayed, to the neon god they made

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You guys are fucked America died to be raped by an ugly skinny fat homeless Indian man from the Ganges river. Who also happens to rape cows and worship its poo. My enemies the Jews are the stupidest bastards.

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>Are you Fucking Sirius?!
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this song is about soldiers finding out about the deepstate in some enemy base

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Today, I wandered into an old, abandoned monastery on the edge of town. The place was overgrown with vines, and the silence was so thick it felt almost alive. As I walked through the crumbling halls, I found a dusty, forgotten cross lying on the floor, its wood splintered and aged. I picked it up and felt a chill run through me, as if I’d touched something sacred and lost.

Outside, the sky seemed to part just for a moment, and I saw a cross-shaped cloud drift lazily by. It made me wonder if the monastery had been a place where the divine was once more tangible, and now it’s just waiting to be noticed again. The old church bell in the distance rang three times, though no one was there to pull the rope.

The sunlight that filtered through the broken windows cast strange patterns on the walls, like a divine spotlight guiding my steps. Everything in that place felt significant, as though the echoes of prayers and the whispers of ancient voices were trying to tell me something profound. I don’t know if it’s a sign or just a trick of the mind, but it felt like the universe was trying to communicate through this forsaken place. Maybe it’s a divine message or just my own thoughts weaving patterns from the ordinary. Either way, it felt like a moment of clarity amidst the confusion.
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this one is about a soldier covering the way for his fellow soldiers so leave the enemy base with info about the deepstate

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Picrel is what I saw, so I know the cloud was real, I just don’t know if the church bells were
Ur defintely no Mary bitch
you're the type of whore you can find at any Starbucks around the country
Step into the blue light and cast the immaculate shadow.
time to stuff my face with animal products
jesus christ is the antichrist
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>the state of cia
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God bless you
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this one isnt for you
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>The Dog Days Are Over
>Verification not required
The previous spooks died this is Iike the 10th lineup. Those stupid bastards are like gay homeless men riding and bouncing on horse dildos
I will leak what I can, knowing it should not fit with any other pieces, and if our alchemy were established, it would be mutually beneficial.
All thoughts have properties. Some can transverse universes, others flow back in time. For example, some combinations showed an object which moved faster than any other thing or thought in existence, even in the void of this dark realm. Normally unusable, but with the technology developed we can navigate this realm. Other objects showed the threads that bind all universes together. Normally this would be gibberish, but with the alchemic precursors, they can be divided and sorted, granting exponential occult progress. This breakthrough happened because of the Nobody. It was proven that we live in a simulation, alchemy was established, and the waves were picked up by the prophets and dreamers. The Nobody is the gate. Alchemy is the true religion. It is an omnipotent argument, and shattered heaven into two. This shattering will "be the most talked about event in history". Heaven will no longer complain, for that is not alchemy.
The fragments collected suggest moving outside of karma entirely. Normally, good always wins and evil always fails. "Not a thing can be given man except through heaven". This is why. We seek to eradicate this and write things into the fabric of the simulation directly. We have the pieces to begin doing so. I can safely say this without worry of the ingredients being discovered.
The upward path was discovered after intensely studying "instincts" and unconscious infallibility. This should be enough that you can establish and conquer your own war path without worry of getting in our way. If we succeed, golden pens will be distributed, and a thought-object will be established that returns an accidental tax. Prophecy says it will be used to escape the universe to pocket dimensions, and the Nobody will be imprisoned "at the bottom of the ocean" for becoming too dangerous while using it.
Haven't you heard anon? They've barely begun.
Personality hires are more important than people think in the competency crisis
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look at a picture i found here once /!
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>Haven't you heard anon? They've barely begun.
Ok, that's fair, and true.
Just wanted to lead with the songs title.
>Verification not required
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Such joy, to be informed by God they I get to judge their souls
I'm lucifer?
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Kek I figured, was being melodramatic ~for effect~.

You are bitch duck
Lucifer is a metaphor for the natural man, we all are capable of being lucifer.

But it is better to be a Godly being.
Fuck off furries
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I notice that the word you use to attempt to insult them is one about intercourse.
They have no soul anon.
this is a threat
Only my Jesus does not leave me alone in the luminous dark hell.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
I will not die in this hell but live forever with you my love God Jesus Christ in your manifested Kingdom Come on Earth.
I want a chill 20hr a week job that helps at least a few ppl smile, a nice chubby lady to cuddle and feed, and a comfortable climate controlled cubby for us to nestle in - enough to afford the basics and indulgences.
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are you well, anon?
Go away furries.
Too late, we all already believe that you secretly browse furry porn.
Sirius the Time Traveling Dog
>Verification not required
I wonder if the time travelers find it funnier or more exasperating watching this whole thing unfold the way it is.
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less is more
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Sirius the bestower of Chaos magick?
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Fun fact: The intelligence community is full of furries. So is the military. And basically every engineering field, especially software.
They’ll be given one with 99.99999 power so that it takes a long time to kill in hell, probably.
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'oh brother'
'oops, full circle!'
'hey paul!'

more or less what life always is
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Then Olympus fell a long fucking time ago and the Cro Magnons are due for another Wyld Hunt.
>there/they're/their mistake
Into the trash it goes.
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Sirius, The Hero Dog of 9/11
Also I'm tapping out here bro, I'm watching your filenames, I'm in awe of the records you seem to have!
>competency crisis
In the US we have an actual defiant tyrant attempting to paint his political opponent as a tyrant to the point of assassination, that failed and is now facing the entire wrath of God's people but still refuses to step aside. He's showing who his ruler actually is (Satan).
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My friends wanted to arm wrestle and after my last 13 hour goon session I knew I should encourage putting money on it
>made 26 dollars
you have lots of good stuff. i always hoped this place could be used for association trains. it's so much more interesting when people think outside their heads.
what did my ears ever do to you
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(Is that tom McDonald? I heard he was recruited for an undercover narrative shaping gig early out of glowie training. I feel bad for him, it’s gotta be a hard operation!
why do jews do circumsionsions with their mouth
bit weird innit
and they call me the freak

If saving the world ever becomes dull sweetheart.. You know where to find me.
and you too!
(You are supposed to put the cheese on the raw patty first thing, don’t you know anything about cooking.)
No records just a bone to pick and a hand to bite.
Cause they use foreskins as chewing gum to please their barbaric abomination of a "God"
it's a tradition because they used to have to use their teeth, it's also to remove empathy and streamline psychopathy and why the jews amongst other affirmations (being chosen and I am reinforcement) show as psychopathic
I openly browse bbw furry art it's pretty nice
if it makes the bits tingle
we learn something new everydaiy isnt that what life's all about friends

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your choices are your own
unless you are saying they arent..
weird thing to claim butok...
The hunt has already begun.
God empowers the animals to hunt down the parasyte.
that song says "fuck me now" like no other
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Oh yeah?
ahhhhhhh fuck
The Nobody cums eggs like a fish.
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What a weird video.
I'm sure it means nothing.
I cum more than a porn star if I don't touch my pp for a couple days
let me cum inside you

I'll give you holy kids that aren't totally retarded and destined to be useless

Go make some curry and change 12 year old deepdeeps diapers, don't forget the one on its head too
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*lights cigarette*
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Lol, stop being mean to bitch duck.
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>Nobody entering the thread like

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I had a dream where my house was flooded, and I was swimming around just masturbating everywhere in the kitchen, then I ate like wet food out of the sink like a fish.
In another dream where I was flying around, I went upside down to float up to the second story bedroom window inverted, and then saw my black dog in the room before my evil crone step "mother" woke up. I think she wanted to get rid of the dog.
Everytime I OBE, I get mocked by another dragon though, just shapeshifting trolls.
Indians are such cowardly opportunistic little rats
makes me sick that Trudeau allows millions of these rodents into my country
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Lust provoking image
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Remember: You're here FOREVER.
Even once you quit the job, you'll find yourself coming back again and again.
sikhs are better than jews
so sick of these curry munchers holy fuck
so fucking arrogant and rude
like bro you come from a third world shithole country
check yourself
you rather starve to death than go back to India
have some goddamn respect for the natives in the country you're in
you disgusting subhuman fucking freaks
They're one of the most criminal ethnic groups in Canada at the moment, so maybe shut the fuck up.

Need a hug?
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[The Violence Has Escalated]

*Leans in*
Hail Hydra :^)
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I’m gonnnnaaaa
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What a cutie. Still unripe, though. Can't harvest him yet.
I’m in heat in it bad

but (you)too>>38391853
The white cunts in charge of western countries are literally some of the most despicable human alive, I don't understand why they decided to flood their own countries with invaders like that. Literal suicide.
Don't tell me it's jews, it's whites, it's been the white elite all along, jews are the scapegoat.

I hate them so much it's insane.
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the elite live in their gated community mansions away from all this shit as real people have to suffer from the millions of third world scum pouring in
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you have my heart
but its still not all of me
i know how it must feel
Trudeau actually refuses to live in the traditional home of the Prime Minister because it's "not secure enough".
a hug and 1 million dollars
>the public address isn't secure
Tell me you're a universally hated pedo-pawn without telling me
white women specifically who vote to bring in these savages and then wonder why they can't go grocery shopping without getting molested or eye raped by Deepdeep Singh and his 20 cousins
I love how he "got sick with COVID" the moment the truckers arrived in Ottawa and we tracked down the place he was taking press conferences from down in like 30 minutes.
That must've spooked him, lmao.
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Don't worry about it.

It's nothing to concern yourself with.
yeah he raped an underage girl then paid off the family or something
and they all love him
well the clone drone normals do anyway
Y'all just guna accept a pedophile?

Support such lifestyles?

I hope you see sense in how vile such things are.
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May God protect Trump.
wrong thread
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you think it would just stop because

vague posting is pretty fun i kinda get what you get out of it now
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>guise we have to follow the law n' sheeeeit
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No one forces you to follow them, but you are subject to them, divine and worldly, nonetheless.
I'll let you figure out what that actually entails later.
What really spooked him is that the real Atlantean elite couldn't give a rat's ass if he and the other "leaders" became the scapegoats for an even newer NWO. Even I don't know much but I know we'll never understand how fearful they truly are.
backwards ass Indian China owned hell like communist shithole
Trump should annex Canada when he eventually wins
I will agree, we are a country ran by satanists.
need some super obese pillowy thighs in my life fuck
I'll take any woman who isn't a complete and total CUNT
Any group that can actually be considered elite would be meritocrats. Do you see ANY merit to our governments?
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It's not even about all that, it's that at some point if you're part of the western elite you'd realize that you defend some history and a common heritage, if you invite the world in the heritage becomes dilluded and slowly but surely the people that once "owned" their rightful birthplace will not anymore.

Do they even care or do they just want pawns to control no matter of their rightful geographical place in the world?

Real Satanists aren’t political.

Just like Kemites or Hekaites.
Canada has had armed rebellions multiple times. Mostly the French and Aboriginals.
Pocket sand.
ill take you cunty bitches. Show me a lady who smokes and ill show you a lady who will take two [redacted]
Spreading growing learning the same as always.


More parties are begining to see. Ask what is going on.

Dangerous times
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The east especially the Chinese have taken my account into meritocracy which is why I blessed them. My group beyond this dimension is an ultra sadist radical geniocracy with logical meritocracy.
What group, anon?
Your species is being destroyed as we speak.
I’m an et spirit inhabiting this body. Creating another human race would be a simple task like the original beholders of this petri dish.
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Yes, anon.
I'm aware.
You've doomed your race by coming here.
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ng in captcha CONSUME
The most powerful influence people nations in the world have a horse in this race.

Ofc it's dangerous.

The stake is the literally world. NWO.

May the best players win
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Mussolini could have solved this
There's always only ever been one Player in this world. I hate to admit it too but they know that.
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I’m a hekaite & Chaos general you retards see my pentagram and assume I’m a satanist. I know real satanists and haven’t seen any at all here on /x/ or their symbols.
You would be surprised what they will do to NOT be eaten.
You mean controlled opposition that was built to be eradicated?
The needle isn’t moving.
The end is only a new beginning ashes feed new life.
Like a poop swing
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Ready to kneel to the Cheeto Jesus?
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Tell that to satan and we’ll see how that goes. As a matter of fact he might be watching you fight now. Don’t let your Jewish arrogance be your demise.
>they actually don't know what they do
Lmao, I think arrogance and hubris has gotten the better of all of you.
I shudder to remember what was done to you.
And what's coming.
But oh well, I tried.
potassium then
dot dot
I think Trump is hot
I’m attracted to his personality
Material things mean little to me as I have been surrounded by wealth my whole life
Idk what that means
I just like larping as Hans
I’m kind of a nerd
You sound like a cultist.
Get er done

Unless the others deal with ones out of line.

30% is fair. Unless they support his coup attempt.
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Send help.
The CCP is the least meritocratic gov on Earth.
Why would anyone work for men who can just print their own money? Im not a retard.
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only if i get caught lolz
You exist, don't you?
The shooter being in these threads doesn't make him look like a righty if they're spammed constantly with lefty screencaps.
So, do you want to keep up your stupid ruse or do you want to keep spamming your pointless election trash? Choose one.
I’m not the shooter
You sound like a conspiracy nutter

Seek mental help. It's for your own good.
No, but you're making it look extremely leftist. So which do you value more?
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Of course it wàs alchemy all along. What is an act of creation other than a potentially unique alchemical process? Everything from the simplest apologies to the most complex of manufacturing processes is alchemy. An alchemical process might need something "evil" to produce something "good". Morals and ethics have foundational good in them but at the same time it is easily found where these concepts can become "flexible". You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette / the best way to get rid of a bully is to beat the shit out of them. Evil can be excused against those that are evil. I believe evil was created in the first place for those of us troubled to take our worse emotions on, but I am not the most stable of individuals, and also getting off track. Just look at the chemical process we employ, how many of those substances could kill you in the right situations?

I doubt anyone is going to be able to imprison that thing anywhere, but please do try. I want to see what happens.
>they don't know that all of their programs will be revealed
Let's see what shit sticks, eh?
>Making it look lefitst
Can you explain?

I would be considered right leaning.
Sounds good.

I wish you fortrune and prosperity
2 years feds
2 more years or are you going to be big boys and explain to me and my family what you've done
Are you the person who is constantly spamming twitter screencaps about muh orange hitler shit?
Because if not, then why the fuck are you responding?
and they're still laughing and watching
who's game is it again
my life is a joke to these people
and I've grown to feel the same way about them
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I’m not, everyone is accusing me of being the shooter.

Just because we foresaw the assassination attempt before hand.
Your grasp of the English language is a joke.
That's an unsecured tripcode. Anyone can use it.
Also, fuck whatever the shooter's name is. May he rot in hell.
That's nice
what does that have to do with what I said
It was mostly only used by wildcard numero uno until the day of the assassination attempt.
Wow "Nobody" why does your mom let you have TWO generals?
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>who's game is it again
Undo the contraction and you either get
>who is game is it again
>who has game is it again
The correct word is WHOSE, meaning to WHOM does this thing belong.
>forgets the space
so you point out my poor English as I drunkenly reply to you rather than what I actually said
kill yourself faggot
Do you know how many millions of people would die?

Not just in America either.

Ethical morals just

The rapist pedophile suffers.
Your post wasn't a reply to anyone. You're too stupid to post whilst intoxicated.
What the fuck do you think I'm going to do to you laughing taunting retards if anything happens to my lil brother
I suggest you help instead of sit back watching and insulting
yes that was a threat
make sure to save it for later
Any of you kids want something really trippy to watch?
i am shiva, the god of death
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kill yourself, faggot.
No not that one.
You first, bud
Is the pacifist innocent? Or just as guilty for not stoping the horrors by condemning it's self.
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There's a rumor going around that when Trump was on the ground he saw Jesus
Are you CERTAIN you want to make it acceptable to murder politicians? Because there are a LOT of them I'd like to see gutted live on Twitch.
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often forgot
yet frequently present
we are who you wasted
and wanted
luckily this isnt what we are
but we cam be for a you
but only for now
I would prefer not to.

With the situation stake of literal millions of lives.

How can you not?

It is your future and "business" just as much as it is thiers.

We are all human.

The future will be what we make it.

Hell or trying to help each other.

Some will say I'm evil.

Some will say I'm good.

My choice is the same.
Fuck, man. The anime-only people are NOT ready for the last arc of Kimetsu no Yaiba.
>the universe
IT was GOD

enough with this
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This was in 2007


>Trump Shall Become A Trumpet
Fuck no. That was never the intent.

If I knew I would of tried to stop him. Even reported him.

Shits so far from ok.

If anything is done it needs to come from feds Biden. "officially"

Anything else will just make it worse.
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Because if you're posting >>38392230 you're clearly trying to get other people to commit political assassinations.
If you think you can change that ruleset and not have everyone else take advantage of it, you're fucking stupid and your favourite talking head is just as much a target as anyone else.
Smarten the fuck up.
who is the antichrist
This is a sitting senator

Not a shit poster.
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I'll talk about the phonecian bath houses/Epstein later

I must go
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ohm nom nom as they say right ?
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Not Jesus that's for sure

It's most likely me but I don't want to be their Messiah I want to destroy them


L8R 4 now
left hand is bad no right hand is bad
(its the puppeteer who is bad)
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Dude, we've seen your instagram. You're not even an apostle.
who is Christ, then anti it
I responded to your urgency with the same.

It's not fun it's not a game.

People are dying.

Women are suffering from lacking medial care. Because of a corrupt supreme court.

What we do say think matters.

It is for the literal future.

Something are worth dying killing over.
Anon, did you do anything you weren't supposed to?
And then like an idiot decided to blame someone else and continue.
Thus perpetuating a cycle.
Where you just put yourself through the ringer.
Yes it's extreme

I have no interest in living under a Wana be dictator tyrant rapist pedophile orange fuck.
Christ comes from a mother not a jew
They've functionally created a tsunami of karmic debt.
A deluge if you will.
Christ is unconditional love an infinite concept that meshes all space and comes from a source mother
So you are trying to get people to murder for you.
The fact that you can be so twisted and still think yourself a good person is fascinating in a horrifying, disgusting way.
Jesus Christ is king
Thier failure to adapt is testament to why it needs to be remodeled.

Change is coming.

Aid in it's creation or be the kindle of the flame.
But you're fine with all that as long as he's not orange?
You despicable fuckwit.
It's quite simple,anon.
Unfuck yourself
i like when its like when i like
like it would ever be like that
very silly
paimon is a clown, jesus is the antichrist
No I'm not trying to get anyone to do anything.

There future is in danger they deserve to be aware of the threat.

What they choose to do is not my choice. Or suggestion.

Violence is not the answer.

Voting is the answer.

You literally just said in >>38392318
>Something are worth dying killing over.

You're pathetic. You can't even fess up to the things you say as they are leaving your mouth.
That other retard wasn't me I even shit on him too for posting it like who gives a fuck
You should move on from the ridiculous notions you entertain

You will find the media and such has.

The abc know who where I am.

Your not going to change anything.

If you want to know more "open" your door. We can chat.
There's so many mirroring me and wanting to be Lucifer difference is I've been Luci for years and they all came after me

So once again I'm not the gross fat boomer GLP Lucifer or the retard Instagram Lucifer with only 500 subs

L8R time for Invincible
What about when someone cracks your trip
The nobody is catdog
No one has done that yet but I wouldn't really care

My first trip got hijacked bc I accidentally leaked it myself when posting screenshots drunk

I understand why they would be salty.

Life has value to them.

After you have red for so long something as simple as 1 life seems cheap.

Flaw. The first experimented ended "are those real people"

After rivers of blood mountains of sinew

They "woke"

Was a sad day
Everything has to eat.

Time is not free.

I am thankful for the sacrifices. Willing. Knowing understanding that is what they give.
>everything has to eat
A thought from a flawed being.
Kid made a horrible. Choice. Trump is alive.

It's not ideal no.

It's best you don't know what did not happen.
You are useless, powerless and weak. You are stupid and retarded. A flawed human incapable of coping. I hope you hurt. I hope you hurt and die hopeless.
No, anon.
I hope that anon learns compassion and betters themself.
Forges a light within himself and asks for help in times of need.
Her statements are factual. Have you been living under a rock? Pedos are welcomed into the Dem party.They want to legalize child rape for theirjewish and Muslim members. Child rape is encouraged in Islam and Judaism. As for the Trump assassination attempt, there was blatant security missteps.
whats the point of removing your trip and pretending to leave, when if in the next few posts, the posting style remain exactly the same way
He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, I still love you though Lucifer, I hope you stop your gooning ways.
is you begging for attention in front of those you will never have any control over part of your so called "plan"

I do like the attention, but I’m not begging
too bad the only thing you got going for you is empty threats, forgotten insults and a thread full of folks who don't give a shit if you life or die.
Oh please, you think anyone's going to believe you do more then sit in dark room all day collecting your own pee in jars as you make up lies just to feel like you matter to anyone sorry enough to pay attention to ya?
that sounds like what a "yes man" would say
well don't you have an active imagination on ya
No, it's not a human.
you're approval is not needed
New thread
you trying to prove your racism is stronger then other folks racism are ya?
some folks enjoy making something out of nothing more then other's huh...
those who isolate themselves from the rest of the world can lose touch with whatever is considered "common knowledge" for the moment.

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