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I have to put my dog down in the morning, i've done this one other time and I held him when they did it. I feel like I need to be by his side, but I know it'll damage me, if i'm not with him i'll feel like I should have been. What is the right thing karmically? I wanted to get better and do more things with him but i'll never get the chance. You never have as much time as you think you do, you think you'll have time to work it out but you won't unless you act now. For the past few months he's been looking at something and growling, like he's seeing a fly but there is no fly, I just had a feeling this would happen, I was hoping my gut was wrong. Anyway i'm just rambling, if anyone could share their thoughts that would help, what would you do?
it will be hard, but you have to be there with him. make sure you give him a good treat, cheeseburger, raw meat, whatever you know he would like beforehand. He needs to be with you and he needs to know how much you love him in the last second. Please don't let him think he's alone. pet him. scratch his ears. tell him he's a good boy. show him the love you've been growing over the years.

it's incredibly hard but separate your feelings from it and take solace that his last moments on this plane are in the arms of someone he knows he loves and not spent in a panic searching the room for you.
He hasn't eaten for 4 days, he won't even drink water. He went downhill fast and I know he's in pain. I'll be there, this sucks.
just make him as comfortable as you can, then. as long as he knows in the last moments that you love him, then you've done the right thing. I'm drunk and crying in my living room for you right now
Had to say goodbye to my friend two years ago and you made me feel for him again. You should be there for him even if it hurts.
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I feel for you. I've been there. And you have me tearing up. You have to be there, not for you but for the pooch. Don't let him die alone. He needs you more than ever right now, do not abandon your friend at a time he needs you most. It's not easy. ~Peace to you and please do the right thing.
He's been crying all night, and when I hold him I can feel his insides spasm, I tried to lay him down and he just gets up but then lays down again repeatedly. I'm trying to block the cries with headphones, it's too much for me. 2 and half hours left till his appointment. He always came to me when he was scared of the thunder or fireworks, I can't do anything to comfort him. Every time he cries I want to run away, but there is nowhere to run. I just want him back, I cannot cope with this. My dad died of cancer years ago but I wasn't there when it happened, this is the worst pain i've ever experienced and before this I was barely hanging on. Everything I do will always remind me of him, will I always hear his cries in the back of my mind now? I know he couldn't live forever, but I didn't want it to happen like this. I hope he knows that he didn't do anything wrong, I hope he doesn't think somebody did this to him. I just wish he would go to sleep, I wish I could go to sleep. When I said he was my friend that wasn't really right, he's my family, and my family keeps getting smaller. Why do we have to go through this? Where is the silver lining?
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I'm praying for you and pup, stay with him, be there for him. Hold him in your arms, let him know you are there for him.
He was always terrified of the rain, the pitter patter always made him shake and pant for hours, he would hide in the shower every time, even after a light sprinkle. It started to rain a few minutes ago, he finally stopped crying, hes looking out the window. 2 more hours.
You could try feeding him baked chicken, not fried. Sick dogs like it.

Don't give up hope, all victory is secured by Jesus.
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be with him bro, we only live once
atm I’m outside chillin below a tree with my dog and I know I will be with her till the end
Talk to him, let him know you love him and that he is a good boy.
I've tried everything, I made him steak, chicken, he refuses to eat. He has a very bad infection in his mouth that is widespread, his breed is prone to it. He's too old for anesthesia so there was not much we could do.

He's deaf or at least he pretends not to hear, I always thought he had some form of dog autism, he's kind of like me, and I think he's really having trouble seeing, I don't know what's wrong with him. All I can do is hold him. He always drove me nuts, he would take so long to go to the bathroom outside, just circling and circling to find that perfect spot. My other girl she goes on command. I took it for granted.
He will feel your emotional energy, he will know that you are there without words, your presence will be comforting to him. Hold him tight, you were his whole world, unconditional love.
Look into his eyes and try to do the Tibetan practice called Showa (I think I might be spelling it wrong). Basically, as he gets euthanized look into his eyes so he can see your face as the last thing he sees, and imagine his soul leaving his body and merging with a pure white light. Who knows if this really works, maybe in the afterlife you will find out you raised you dog to a very high layer of heaven. It doesn't hurt to try, I did this for my dog when he passed and it turned his death into a positive moment of transformation.
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>what would you do?
i will let him die on my arms, i will let him live until his last moments
when he dies, i will make him stay with me as my guardian spirit
as long as you remember him and give attention to the object(s) he is attached with (when he was still alive), he will stay as one of your guardian spirits to protect you
if a living thing has an object attached with all their life and you give it constant attention (energy) after they die, their spirit will never dissipate (they won't get eaten by stronger entities or move on to the version of heaven they are in resonance with)
witness it or imagine it. Eternal life my ass
You have to be with him. Vets don't talk about it but dogs know what's happening and tend to freak out if you're not with them. As hard as it is, you're doing it for him.
You should 100 percent be there with him and comfort him. I was with my dog when the time came and I'm glad I was. He too also stopped eating and would just drop during walks sometimes. A few minutes after he went completely to sleep, they let me out the back door and I just broke down outside. I tear up every time I think about it, but you probably won't forgive yourself if you weren't there for him.
From the timeline you apparently had your appointment with vet. I wish you peace OP, and peace to the pup, I'm sorry you had to go through that and it will be emotionally devastating in the coming hours/days. When you dream tonight or over the next few nights, you will dream about your friend, consider that a visitation as it will likely happen. I get occasional visits from my passed pooches and they are wonderful, beautiful visits. He will find a way to let you know he is okay.
He was wailing when they did it, I don't know if he was scared from the IV they put in or if he sensed something. I looked at him in the eyes, I wanted the last thing he saw to be my face, it was nearly instant. My other two dogs became affectionate in a way that I haven't seen before, almost like they were telling me it was ok when I got home. I let them smell a little piece of his hair I cut, I want to be able to keep his scent. I put it in my pillow so he can be with me every night. I keep wondering if I did the right thing, what if he could have gotten better?

He was 15. His infection possibly spread to his bones, he stopped eating, stopped playing. I didn't have the money for everything he would have needed, but I could have asked a friend to help and he would have. He was a shitzhu, he lost a lot of weight recently, he was only 9 pounds, he was normally about 12-15. I didn't want him to be in pain from the surgery, and he would have lost even more weight. I miss him terribly. What if he was crying because he wasn't ready to go?
I wouldn’t worry about what they knew op. The beauty of dogs is they sort of perpetually live in the moment. Like many other anons said you were there for them which is honestly a better end than most of us here can hope for. Bet 90% of anons will die alone. Your gave your friend a better end than most humans get.

I feel for you though. I barely cared when family members passed. But I know when my dog dies it will be a miracle if I survive the pain.

Not sure if it helps but your feelings are all valid and normal/healthy. I’d just suggest focusing on honoring your friend as best you can.
Lol you should finger his ass while maintaining eye contact. Your dog was a faggot so he’ll appreciate it until he dies painfully of dog AIDS.
Make sure you're there loving him in his last moments. Don't let him die all alone with some random vet putting him down.
I didn’t fuck my dog you sick fuck. Who told you that?
You were both suffering, you did the right thing, he's at peace. It's horrible to watch an animal in pain. You will connect with him, just look for the signs, observe and keep your mind's eye open, hopefully he will visit you somehow, someway.
I wasn't there when my first pup in life was put down, and I didn't know until after the fact, it was cruel. I ran to the vet and managed in time to have him cremated, in which I still have his ashes a lifetime later. I vowed that would never happen again.
It was important for you to be there OP, peace be with you and your best friend. ~Peace.
You did the right thing. It sucks but it was your responsibility to put his needs first. His quality of life was definitely gone if he was in that much pain, so you did the right thing. I wouldn't waste time wondering about alternative options, because it most likely would have resulted in the same outcome but with extended suffering.

Yes, your other dogs know. It's wonderful they consoled you; do your best to keep them from getting depressed in the coming days.

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