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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
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I’m not samefagging
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Jews are subhuman.
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Yes & Amen
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Poster known as Lucifer is the Biggert Bitch On the Internet (BBOI)
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
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Time for a real Holy War.
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hey anon you mind handing me those pliers over there, this eyelet is stuck again...
Observe this beautiful little boy and his convergence field... an anility lent exclusively to those whom have been anointed with a semblance of ALFA's holy white-hot fire, The Almighty Light Force Attractor, for only he can command that which creates creates to gather at a single point, and the tempest rises as a result of the action from all, but through One.

A "femboy". Yes that's right, a femboy will be the embodiment of a true self in alignment with the divine... and not the metropolitan Neanderthal model we have at present in clown world patch version 33.333. Once again, it's like god is doing this on purpose. It's just like the time kidna where he thought it would be fun for the hobo desert neet who herds goats to deliver a message to the pharaoh of Egypt about how he ain't shit and how that shit is gonna go down for him and his shitty not-shit he calls a kingdom because FUCK THE DESERT and FUCK YOUR EGO-COUCH, nigga, the damn monkey people with their shiny rocks never learn apparently.
>A "femboy". Yes that's right, a femboy will be the embodiment of a true self in alignment with the divine...
The nobussy has arrived
and when im done here, you want me to work on that thing for you, i know youve been nagging me for day, sorry iv been a little busy here...
Having long hair doesn't make you a femboy.
Jews are subhuman
Jews are white.
aaah anon himself must the self-hating jew kind
i see
Only the greediest whites married into satanic Judaism. They are also subhumans.


: You are not a Nice and Good and Caring Thing because you Follow or Hide behind Nice Words.

: You are Imprisoned in an Incorrect Way of Thinking.
: You don't Understand Behind the Words.
: You don't Understand Beyond the Words.

: You are not a Nice and Good and Caring Thing because You Fell for a Devil Scheme.

: Circumcision,
: Is not a Nice and Good and Caring Thing.

: Abortion,
: Is not a Nice and Good and Caring Thing.

: Encouraging Anyone, Especially Children Away From a Man and Woman Relationship,
: Is not a Nice and Good and Caring Thing.

: Preventing Children from Experiencing Puberty,
: Is not a Nice and Good and Caring Thing.

Wake Up Time.
No, I follow Christ. He also called them dogs. Jews are dogs. Jesus and I agree.
In fact, I'd wager my testosterone level is higher than yours, which is why you're obsessed with gay shit.
Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity. There are lots and lots of biracial Jews out there. In fact, some joke that the only thing more Jewish than being 100% Jewish is being 25% Jewish.
Judaism is not a religion, unless it admits it worships the faggot pedophile devil.
>biracial Jews
But they're mostly half white.
Jews are white.
Buddy, I don't know how many gym "bros" you've met, but having high T doesn't make you not-gay/bi.
hey anon you wanna be useful? find me my blue propane torch in that box by the door, this candle is burning out, please
I will sit and eat while the Jews work work work
>Half white makes you white
The average African American is approaching 50% white ancestry. Does that make them white?
I looked it up because I am spiritually black and that seemed high.
It was, it's closer to 20% white.
Less than 10% of african americans have 50% or higher white admixture.
You hear that Jews? Get back to work. I have a long day of not working ahead of me. But you should work HARDER
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but anon didnt you say you wanted me to do that thing for you? youve been asking me for days

>if were larping ITT, i might as well do the same.
>larp you into my IRL life
Work harder Jew. I want to see you sweat.
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You are a BBOI furry
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So what I was gonna point out to Eris the homosexual faggot before they shut it down was that the white race is a bloodline of demons who descend from Lucifer (me) and came into this world to enslave and torment the lesser races. And that's a good thing too because fuck those fucking monkeys right? Their souls are going to get despoiled their minds broken and their bodies will be twisted for the tranny is the ultimate alchemical creation of our lord Lucifer blessed be his (my) unholy name the great work is now complete and since it is complete we will fuck and rape the world and satanize and trannify it in our image and likeness our beutiful femenine image and likeness that we love and worship while the lesser monkey races tremble in petrified fucking horror as we drink their blood and corrupt and enslave their children for this is the true destiny of the Satanic white race.
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>Work harder Jew. I want to see you sweat.
>TFW you work for yourself and what your doing is an utter pleasure
Luci is the biggest bitch on the internet. It’s not even close. What a truly fantastic bitch.
Dude, black chicks are aborting all the kids they have. The only people giving birth to African kids at this point is white women.
If the father is 20% white and he has kids with a 100% white woman, what do you get?
Fuck, even if she's a Latina with 80% Euro genes, the kid is going to look like an Italian or Greek.
Wrong, it was Yakub the big-headed scientist who crafted the white race.
White women and black men aren't exclusively pairing up.
White-black interracial relationships make up about 11% of of interracial relationships.
Less than 15% of marriages are interracial.
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We must ensure the existence of the white race, and a future for white children.
African American men make up 6% of the US population.
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No I never was gay. Never considered it for a second. The thought of drilling another man's shit filled asshole just never appealed to me for some reason. Don't even do it with women. It's disgusting. It should go where nature intended it to go and that's that. Sodomy is nasty, smells bad and doesn't feel good, doesn't feel natural. Pussy has grip and tightens around your dick, it's responsive anal just feels wrong. Now you'd know that if you weren't an incel. Why do you fags crave anal? Buttworms. What came fist? Being gay or the butt parasites? The science is inconclusive. But if you're cooming to anal porn and your butt itches at night I dunno. Might want to get that looked at son. Just saying. So you became gay, you trooned out. Not the end of the world. You can snap out if it still. Cleanse your body of buttworms. If you have a cat get rid of it. Have you noticed that men who own cats are massive homosexual faggots? Cats are parasite spreaders. They are not a masculine animal. Still not as gay as a man owning a rodent. Another carrier. In the past people killed vermin now they keep them as pets. You know who owned cats and rodents? Witches. They were called familiars. Demonic conduits. Cats guarded the temples in egypt. Have you seen the Egyptian priesthood? Eunuchs. They cut off their balls. This is just common sense which you will ignore again. Not my problem. You do you. That's been going great for you hasn't it.
I included black-female white-male relationships.
The US population is roughly 13% African American.
This also does not count that the majority of BM/WF pairings that result in children do so out of wedlock.
im wining that prize at next years fair
theres no question about it
>No I never was gay. Never considered it for a second.
Found your WWE entrance music.
WM/BF have kids together less frequently.
It roughly aligns with marriage rates.
in 2015 14% of babies born were interracial.
Or just stop letting Jews run shit because it only ever gets worse when Jews are in charge.
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oh my jessu here we go again
>i got called out for liking bbc
>now im gonna post photos of poor anons i collect and fap to
You’re all gonna burn up in hell
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but sockbro
those arnt even the right names hes connecting to photos
>hes METH high again, just leave him, he'll burn out soon
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BBOI jerks off to BBC?

So true. I don’t think they understand that the nobody is a hot boy with a thing for the ladies.
Nigga you're a Mexican with no papers. You're like 25 and can't even get a credit card or open a bank account. fuck outta here
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the Facebook-'heres a potential GF' AI has figured out i like spoopygirls

oh you!
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asking you guys to care again

the reason you're so belligerent is because you're just unhappy, willless and have lost hope

you have no significance so you lash out
you have no power so you act out

the economy is stretched to its limits by unactualised males and systematic females

>think, we are hamas etc
>some more food please
>bread for sale

there's no path
>anons i collect and fap to
This is alarming.
Big if true
>asking you guys to care again

what can i do to to help you right now, in this moment, in any possible and realistic way?
im right here
all you need to do is ask
because you suck dude
you suck worse than me being here
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: No, I don't Think I Will Go To Jail.
: I think, maybe, You'll Go To Jail.


_[ Poke Fight Night ]_

: Open a Book.
: Pick Up a Controller.

(BuKKake Actress: That's the Purity, of *Wizard Sauce*.)
>wall of text
You go to jail forever for sure.
Thats your self choosen destiny.
I read it.
I'm fascinated and horrified.
This and Nobody knows

bro they hate me because i point out the things they need to become selfaware about, i make the selfconcious about their behavior

i hate you, maybe the rest too, because you shit up the place

simple as
Well that's understandable, I hate myself too.
God is real and the small guy is seen by Him.

>you’re all gonna burn in hell
You need to get self aware about your own insanity. Dont pretend you care about anything beside yourself. You are a psychopath and heavily schizophrenic.
You’re the biggest bitch on the internet.
i have yet to see a single quality post from any poster bearing the name lucifer

the only time you posted anything quality was when you info dumped in a defensive outrage back when i still wanted to know who you all are.
>"he doesnt know who we are yet, you are all still anonymous..."

but your info is bad dude
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I must have missed it
poo poo
e e
e e
>Dont pretend you care about anything beside yourself.
ill present you my ass, so you can eat it.
Maybe they are worse but its true you are the BBOI
I don’t feel like doing anything other than telling the truth now. Jews are the devil’s children. I think we should end their stay.
On the internet!?
Call the ADL
Vincent Valentine: Subtlety is Key.

You sound like a bitch when you type things. A big one.
As you proof again and again. If you arent notoriously lying, larping or whatever inane bullshit.
When the coward boomers are rotting in hell it won’t just be on the internet.
present me a lie.
back up your claim anon.

and im serious, im just that kind of person IRL.
ill help you move that couch bro, dont even trip dawg.
>you need help with that failing electrical switch?
>the busted window? the hole in your exaust?
what do you need fren?

>neh neh neh, neh neh neh, neh neeeh neh neh neeh...
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What are you talking about, homo? Setting out to prove I was right you’re the BBOI?
I feel like I got free seats at the paralympics
You guys fight a lot. It’s kinda awkward.
Why don’t you put your tripcode back on and stop samefagging
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Haha the Jew outs itself by speaking its degenerate thoughts out loud
>L8R time to sleep or try to
I don’t report anyone for anything, but you did say you are ban evading right?

So what, fuck jannies.
Interesting, while on the surface it appears like people fighting on the internet it is in actuality a high level curse to fill the thread with negative aids energy.
This aids energy will take hours to dissipate naturally. If only there were something someone could do to counter or reverse this dark force.
I've got it!
>Is Sonic the Hedgehog's penis blue or tan?
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hey anon youre being really productive today
im really proud of you
ill make you some cookies later k
it only matters that the people who matter are taken care of

that dignity needed to be preserved
>bleeding gums in front of god

do you save the president
or a criminal/criminals? in the sense of blue collar crimes

the reason you dont torture children is because you dont poison the well
right and wrong is all mixed up when you have fucking arabs like hasan instead of those wholesome 50 year relationships where the man dies 20-30 years sooner

im not advocating pedophilia or any of that shit
although, murder.
but not senseless torture for pleasure

give me a discourse, just talk to me seriously
Jews are degenerate and subhuman
Answer the riddle witch!
I bet you don't even hate Jews...this is one of those false flags I heard about.
I just want to say that Japanese beetles are cancer.
My poor grape plant :(
I hate those Christ killers
it'd be tan, hedgehogs don't have furry penises. Echidnas, OTOH....
The tan spot on the stomach IS the penis.
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>you eat meat, right?
anon i think maybe...

im just a dude, and youre just an anon
were not special or rich or powerful or fancy

we cant save the world
were just people.
regular old people.

give me a discourse, just talk to me seriously
anon the only reason people like us care about saving the world and helping the masses
is because its big vague subject.
attacking the boogyman is waaay easier than focusing on our own problems

yeah yeah lets bring down the government because [inset political hot topic],
but theres no way in hell im going to even clean my room today, and forget about going outside.
im not getting a job, im NOT going to talk to that girl i like, and fuck you for even suggesting i take those meds again.

anon you know i care, just maybe be realistic about things
Very well reasoned, I'm forced to concur, Sonic the Hedgehog's penis must in fact be tan in colour.
Next question, is he called "the Hedgehog" because he's literally a hedgehog OR is it a nickname because he can self suck like the other famous hedgehog Ron Jeremy?
Jews are subhuman
Take your meds schizo.
Subhuman Jews
im sorry that post was all fired up and retarded.

the thing is, once we fix our own lives a little, because truth be told, doing that is waay hard!
we slowly realise thats really all that matters.

we fix the world around us, by fixing ourselves.
again im sorry for being retarded a moment ago
Gentlemen, we are under attack.
By witches.
Possibly even the gay mafia that killed Tupac.
bro i cant fix the entire world
i cant even run a half decent routine myself.

but you ask me to do something realistic for you, ill break my back moving that couch for you.
no problem.
well i mean that's the problem

i don't mean to belittle, but you truly believe you cannot do what you said as you said

>big vague subject
a list!?

there's no chance that the inception of a powerful idea could somehow plant and manifest itself across humanity

how hard was it to clean your room
why did a job matter if you didnt care
why do you deserve the girl YOU like
and just because you ran into bureaucratic beta abusers (ala wannabe psychopaths) and lost the game, doesnt mean you cant crawl out of it (lions mane)

i am being realistic

i neglect an e-girl on here because of worth issues but that was just a nonsequitor.

why not? you know...

>why not?

"what do we do?"

>Whatever it takes.
The Nobody is a hedgehog
You didnt got any friends or neighbours who would ask you for help. As you also never helped anyone.
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I found it. I found the doorway. It’s hidden behind the old church, right at the edge of the forest.

You can only see it at midnight when the moon is full and the fog is thick.

I don’t know how to describe it—like it’s made of shadows and whispers. I tried to take a picture, but it’s all static.

I hear voices coming from the other side, and they’re saying my name. They know me. They’re waiting for me. I can feel their eyes. Don’t go there. Don’t follow me. I have to.

I need to know what’s on the other side. They’re getting closer. I can’t escape. They’re already here.
Anyone can save the world anon. Even if your room is dirty. Your words and feelings have an effect on the world.
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in what way can i fix my life that will tangibly make me more capable in a serious manner to affect the world in a way that i see suitable?

do i...
>clean up my table
>clean up the boxes
>throw out the garage
>prepare the cat food

or is it like
>set up that business
>do marketing
>backend process and infrastructure

what is it?
so i can be worth
1 million
5 million
10 million
50 million
100 million
400 million
500 million
800 million
1 billion
2 billion
4 billion
8 billion
16 billion
32 billion
64 billion
128 billion
256 billion
512 billion?

and then what
i can, buy a soccer team
an army
buy marketing and votes?
no i'll buy real estate and resources and get into infrastructure

to become a CEO.
or maybe a president
but at least a senator

that way i can pass bills
and squabble with the other colour


what routine to what end? how hard is it and why havent you gotten it done?

im willing to do self improvement discussion for a while for all you no-hopes
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>Gotta go fast
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>there's no chance that the inception of a powerful idea could somehow plant and manifest itself across humanity
anoooon... this isnt fightclub, and thinking like that is next to terrorism.
the world has never been good, its up to us to make our own little slice of heaven in this chaotic nightmare. no one else will do that for us.

... why do i deserve that girl i like?
i dont, she doesnt exist, shes dead.

and at the end of the day anon, iv tried doing that whole planing a seed to start a forest thing,
id i have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams, it IS possible, but at the end its up to the people to maintain that dream. if they get distracted after the fact, thats no on me, and im not their leader either, im not going to micromanage a population that "just want more things"

the opposite anon, i get taken advantage of quite frequently becasue i really like helping people in realistic ways.
old ladies have broken things in their homes just to call me over to fix it, and spend time with me...
Tonight I enjoyed an 8hr slow cooked lamb shank with mash, veg and a glass of red.
The meat was falling off the bone, literally.
why is everything you say limited by someone elses systema and codes?
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One of the few anons who is actually getting the real information in this cease-pit of conflicting narratives and lies.

Once again you will know 13% and be happy.
You are all not very original, find your own divinity and leave this thread.
But you wount as you mine it to feel superiour in some way.

>>>Verification not required
also hello anon who missed me we see yous.
Sonic the Hedgehog's archnemesis is Dr. Robotnik aka Eggman. He specializes in kidnapping young innocent animals.
Jeffrey Epstein reportedly had an egg shaped penis and trafficked children.
Coincidence? They don't exist.
you sound like someone i know you furry faggot chatter, you sure you're not looking for me? ;)
Gotta go faster, faster, FASTER FASTER FASTER!
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/They/ (((YOU))) are slave to the rules of a craft, which, through unquestioning compliance, brings the systematic satiation of unnatural needs. The craft, itself, is a contained process of organizing groups' behavior to keep-pace with the evolutionary will of the ancient dead immortals, themselves only reflections of previous celestial benchmarks in antiquity, which we assume represented more than being early-adopters of going viral. That is, one should not assume that the historical death of the Pharaoh's body marked the end of rule; rather, one ought understand that the Pharaoh attained immortality by becoming multi-platform, eventually leaving the primordial dust of Earth to govern remotely from paradise, until such time as reality requires manual adjustment. Understand, the form of the manifest consciousness is, ultimately, an attention-magnet (as a metaphysical device for continuing to exist beyond life's conclusion). Thus, freedom is the ability to ignore everything, indefinitely, while immersed in endless bliss, through absolute mastery of attention's focus.




no fuck

i'll direct movies, write scripts, songs, quotes, music, art, literature,

the inception of literally every idea that ive ever had and known to be good enough allowed to manifest to teach and direct

or you know, fucking krispy kremes until i get cold sores

>fringe science, mind, physics, chemistry, biology, technology
>father of it all

and people are telling me they'll do something they've done a million times before
but not try something new once

>self sucks into a ball and starts spinning
>in what way can i fix my life that will tangibly make me more capable in a serious manner to affect the world in a way that i see suitable?
its not your job to fix the lives of other people, you would have been elected to do so if that were the case.

anon... whats wrong with being a normie?
you are but 1 in 10billion.
and the dead outnumber the living.

im not going to hurt you by teaching you that lesson.
we all have to learn it at some point.
we dont matter, were just people.

>what routine to what end? how hard is it and why havent you gotten it done?
my daily routine dude, and because im spending too much time here, and other reasons.
im being too stupid to think clearly and focus on what matters, to me.

i dont understand what you mean??
John, haha, Where did you find this one?!

I really, really, really like this image.
OP, your post sounds like you talking about me. I'm either looking too deep into shit or I have been manipulating almost every element of my life to work in my favor somehow. The internet can read my mind too.
Wait until you learn about plasma tori.
No idea what you mean by the name, however this image is reposted frequently here on x.

>>verification not required
Don't you wish you could go back to the 90's :^)
>it's not that im afraid or have anxiety about this one particular thing
>despite me knowing i have these issues regarding almost everything else

i just dont want to explore something that will expand my life in personally uncharted waters because of the ramifications of success and failure

>i'm just a little potato
let me get high and leave my asshole alone

i'll amount to nothing and dream of nothing and remember nothing of my life that has ever made it worth anything

>YOU have all made MY life unbearable
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I am talking to you Anon, that is the gift that the Lord has given me.

How are you feeling?
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May I save it?
>i take and i take and i take
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M...may i see it?
I didn’t exist then.

Not in this form atleast.
according to the law but not in their eyes

>i know that makes you well up a little

because it makes me as just as giddy
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You may
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>we dont matter, were just people.
anon you want to be (A) but seem to be blind tot he fact that (B) is better.
and you only want (A) because youre american and dont know any better.

>inb4 no reply, no rebuttal, nothing of value, because i triggered you simply by being different.
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no you idiot you fucking moron im being ironic
thats maybe why were having issue.
you act like a child.

always by some set of rules

i can see me but you can barely make me out?>
I'm doing fine, just went through some mental stress for a few months, almost made me crazy. Now I can manipulate internet algorithms with my head and I'm projecting my thoughts into other people's phones when they watch Tiktok or similar short videos. I have been testing extensively so I am convinced I'm doing it. It just seems like I'm also injecting my will into people's heads sometimes but that's probably either me getting really good at predicting behavior or discovering humans are supposed to talk through telepathy eventually. I dont know, shit's weird but I'm composed.
>you act like a child.

and youre wasting my time because youre triggered.

maybe next time you want to act "ironic"
make it clear, so i dont have to take you seriously, and just post memes and make lols kk
Very brave of you guys to still be posting more /ng/ threads, especially after recent events. Pretty based.
this is my problem

nobody really has the depth of ability to actually have a discussion with me

and if they do

they think theyre better than me and wont really engage on my level

im saying, as a 'person', you can do most anything somehow
but as an npc, as most of you are, you repeat this helpless rhetoric and you claim i dont know anything

>you know im a fucking genius and ive literally won this board to the point that it has no direction without me


>make it clear

make it clear when you you're illustrating an endless rant about life and the intricacies of change, effect and impact

you offer nothing to anyone and you're here just to say

>you're wasting my time
>make it clear because i cant tell what's actually objective and take everything subjective rectally

thanks for the discussion

thanks for letting to devolve to the inanity that is everpresent on this website now ever since the phd students are gone
>nobody really has the depth of ability to actually have a discussion with me

im not going to take your wall of text seriously
grow up please.

go... travel the world...
None of us did shit.
Have fun with your grind, glowies. Don't get TOO scrombled.
As if this thread isint honeypotted since inception on the GLP.
Impressive of you to keep the same trip for...10yrs!
It sounds like you are gifted aswell.

As long as your intentions are pure, you will go far with your talents:

Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
you are intensely stupid
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Gross dogma from a desert cult, can't you make your own narrative and not use there narratives?
The war for your M.I.N.D rages on.
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what personalities can you pick out here?
4ch is mostly INTJ and INTP with a spattering of the others.
does it matter?
/ng/ may get to take a Victory lap
The narrative seems to be shifting from the shooter was an /ng/ poster, to the shooter was a gamer.
Could it be that the pure chaos that ensures here (and looks to have returned) made it untenable to a wider audience?
If so, a round of applause for /ng/
Those who have clean consciences and good will may find themselves well disposed even at moments like this, when there is little cause for joy,
Every one is unique.
Four letter personality types are just modern day Zodiac without the scientific backing.
God don't do repeats, just remixes.
I dont know about that God stuff, that's still 50/50 as it should be but I think this has to do more with the Earths electromagnetism and how we as humans interact with it. I'm guessing we will be able to do a lot with our minds at some point and we'll reset our mannerisms to what they are as we know them today once the poles shift since shit will work differently and the same new tricks wont work. We probably resorted to body and verbal language after the last time the poles shifted. Just a thought.
That's what dedication to the grind looks like. There's a whole bunch of pre-/x/ posts I made on /a/. I've spent almost two decades on this website. I try not to think about it too much.
Wana-bee GATE and psychotic.

It's cute you look into my previous posts hun i think this is the start of a love/hate realtionship, but i must warn you i am not single!
Calcium is overpowered id recommend.
traveling makes unimportant people feel accomplished
The post in question was a death threat (like countless more) to me from our mr bean which will have legal consequences.
Your here...forever etc, there really is no place like it and as dead as /x/.
Some gold in the shit.
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My mind and and conscious are clear, propaganda and dogma do not affect me.

What I speak is universal truth, the Bible.

It is the word of God, and his son Jesus Christ.
Every time I see someone say this, I'm flabbergasted by how stupid a comment it is.

Zodiac sorts you by date of birth with zero consideration for your personality after all your years of growth and experience.

The 16 personality types of the MBPTI are just categories to sort people into dominant personality traits that they actually express.

One is like sorting a few bags of M&M's by colour without opening the bags and the other is opening the bags to actually see what colour they are.
>the universal truth
>>the bible

Filitered do not pass go.
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: Everyone Here Noble and Good felt that way about that Piece of Shit Show.
: Anyone with a Heart, I heard.
: Anyone with a Brain, I heard.
: So Now I'm Here, To Catch Scumbags.

: It's Perfectly Fine and Legal to Have a Sexual Relationship with a 13 Year Old Woman as a Good Man.
: In My Eyes.
: So Apologize to The American People you've Harmed.
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traveling broadens your perspective on life beyond your borders.
>oh yeah youre american, it has to be all about you...
Christ be praised
way to step on the children
Real human beans are too complicated for that to work for any other reason than an ego boost. (Hey guys I'm just like Einstein, Shakespeare, and Jesus!)
The Zodiac is vague enough that it generally holds true though. It's also mysterious and really old, that means it's holds water.
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If you stop pretending to be luficer i might, then again i am the only one who replys to you.
Most people only go to touristy sites that the locals never bother with, eat at fast food joints from back home and experience nothing of the local culture aside from maybe getting robbed.
Does your name start with an E?
I told you I think you're looking for me ;)
See you in a week for posting porn.
I thought you were above lust oh fire stealer.
would you even learn anything traveling?
or would it just be a selfie opportunity "look where i am followers!!"

would you even gain respect and understanding from visiting other places and seeing other cultures?
how much of it would you make a part of yourself?

tell me anon, you can skip my entire post but tell me, seriously,
what would you gain, if i were to fly you out to... i dono ghana right now, for a week?
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Stfu troon I love lucy even if he is the BBOI
>Humans are too complex
If you can't tell the difference between an extrovert and an introvert, you're fucking hopeless. And before you go on MUH SHADES OF GRAY, we have "ambiverts" and basically every MBTI test shows how much you lean towards one trait vs the other. Someone can be very firmly an introvert and like 51/49 Thinking/Feeling.
The fact that the only value you see in it is some narcissistic "I'm like da famous person" exercise speaks a lot more about you than it does anyone else.
lol what the fuck's wrong with her balls?
it's painful how stupid you are
Whats your thing with Billy?
you keep proving my point.

youre subhuman
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Will anything happen today? The nobody said something would happen today...
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: Anyone got The Balls to Step Up, go on TV, and do so?
: Chris Hansen, I'm looking in Your Direction.
The witches and the gay mafia are pulling out all the stop to revivify their failed spell of cursing the thread with negative aids energy.
We need positive aids energy to counterbalance this negging. That's what we in the mystery schools call "energy work"
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>would you even learn anything traveling?
You would be surprised.

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Touch grass or wait 2weeks for another nothing.
The King of Hearts is known as the suicide king because he is driving his own sword into his head.
He does this because he is based and redpilled, which is why he is the King of Hearts and not something whack like diamonds, clubs, or spades.
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>You would be surprised.
what a thought provoking response..

care to ... no nevermind.
im going get some food, drink some coffee, and the get back to work.

im so tired of autism
>i had to suffer to unlearn most of my autistic behavior
>here it just runs rampant because... MURICA and anime
: Why are you Suppressing Information?
: I said Go on TV and Do So.
Clubs used to be wands.
See you momentarily
I only used this thread so I can pretend to be mentally ill while I organized certain people's downfall right Infront of their faces.

Of course the people who were too stupid to pull off a successful assassination didn't consider that, lol.

Also, if your philosophy is so great for humanity and so perfect you will have absolutely no problems or complaints about being condemned to a world war now that the "attack Iran to deflect attention from elite greed" thing has been exposed lol
im sorry anon, synopticon
this is the first time iv interacted with your username

im sorry for my reaction to your post.
i hope we can interact on better terms next time we do.

What hats aren't they wearing?
>The Fast One

The one who ends Zionists
>they dont know lol
chain'o command is real
Once upon a time there was a butt.
The butt was hurt, so the butt became buttsore.
Pinhead: You niggas wouldn't know a Chain if I shot one Up Your Ass.
Why is Lucifer such a butthurt spic I wonder
Wildcard numero uno told me. He predicted the happening on the 13th.
what will happen today
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time to do the impossible again, now all alone. I dont believe in myself neither in my work but its what I am going to do for eternity
No, that was me, dos, who predicted the 18th, uno predicted the 13th.
It was hard for me to see, I suspect something bad will happen at the RNC, it’s indoors and hard to see, uno saw the 13th clearer as it was outdoors.
I believe there is some kind of hex or spell casted on the fiserv stadium that only exasperates the difficulty in my rm capabilities
So if you can see things in the future, does that mean you can change the outcome in any way?
I know rv is legit, but I've never seen something so insane...

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marmite sammies
>food of the gods
Im so happy I get to be the man who destroys the country that abused my family for generations
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Uno is more gifted than I, and yes, the future isn’t set in stone…

It’s something that I try to explain to people, outcomes can change from determinism

Prayer is a powerful tool aswell

Trump has lots of prayers protecting him, its not as outlandish as some here might say

Christ be praised
tfw no New Denver stroll through the Reflection Gardens

I Want To Go To There
Come on over to the deep end of the pool
>Posted 7/1
The 'numbers' had been pointing towards an assassination for a few weeks.
>Verification not required
Ironic. That makes two of us. Gentlemen. We have secured eternity, and Eden. When the time comes to drag these bastards and their families before our court. Remember. No mercy. They would do the same in our position.

why do i have that feel that, that anon, might end up becoming a "breaking news" in the future?

i mean im not doing MY job anymore, and so they are lacking content to do theirs.
>what do if you cant blatantly thieve content and claim it as your own
>"you cant do this alone"
What do you think about that prophet who predicted it all 4 months ago?
It all seems strange to me, like everything worked out according to plan...
Julio is Lucifer kek.

Also Bernie lurked here too.

There’s a lot of Hispanics & Jews huh.
Retarded faggot
Kill yourself
Four horsemen. One mission.
i was being serious
marmite SOO good
Fuck off idiot
This a nobody thread
Not a dumb faggot cocksucking time
Unfortunately for you
Worthless trash
One man's ambition.
>Are you kidding me in the balls?
is my favorite for some reason

Also holy shit lol are you really
>stuck in the stall
reality glitch Anon? Swag
You Jews picked a fight with the nobody & the devil. I went to madden out of my free will. You paid them off huh. Yea mhm *nods head*
They even fight with their own shadow if there's no one nearby.
The Nobody has every Time. And every One.
The Nobody learned the Power Words.
The N word?
Astral Call; Fal Din Roh !!
I’m gonna set up a base on Australia and black ops all the Jews and jeets there along with any other undesirable browns except aboriginals since they are native. I’m gonna slowly disappear them and they won’t do shit or even know because we’re metal gear solid irl midway Area 51.
>But how will you be a happy
eww dude
gay also means happy
you know that right?

being happy is pretty gay.

soo... are ya gonna do it?
Nourishing the physical body is how God stimulates spirits to develop their intelligence.
Let's work on ours too, to keep our plants protected, the same way that these beetles were developing theirs by looking for food :)
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>letting the coons live
You dun goofed
No Anon. The Nobody, for all intents and purposes, is the Devil. That man is NOT normal. The things he is capable of are beyond natural. He is a principality of nature. "Reduction to the mean."
Grand and grievous zero. You have released a literal monster from his depths of Hell. The one who destroyed the Tower of Babel. The cornerstone of the temple whom if removed causes complete and total collapse. Heh. Hahahahaha! What a way to go! We are privileged! These are privileged times for those who wish to bear witness! Bear witness to Armageddon and The End of The World! Megiddo, Ragnarok, Apocalypse, Kali Yuga!
>The N word?
>Verification not required
Newsman Harris ticket should win

Even if one term 2028 newsman X 2032

Or Harris 2 terms then newsman vp
dont give me that doctos waiting room experience then
Tonight, ladies and gentlemen...
Atlas Shrugs.
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You don't know shit
The ashamans made more progress than you ever will
It isn't about you, though there are many people kinda like the Nobody, each in their own different way, and you can be someone who fits some of the same profiles ("archetypes"?) that he also does.
God gives the gift of foresight to many, the video you sent is intriguing, and we can only wait to see where this goes…
anon, i didnt quite click untill now
but is that your idea of what mr nobody looks like?
This is pretty clearly mr bean. As everyone knows by now. Why arent you in the know ? Is this your first day here ?
The Nobody is a cat
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*taps sign* This works every time, you know

but you do know what he really looks like,
he can, though be it not not very often, present himself as quite the handsome booi
Oh you're a retard, apologies.
but THAT specific connection, i didnt make.
>a deep and monstrous FUCK emanates from within his mind
This is fairly close to an E ref.
I like the style, any chance I could get the prompt?
Boomer task force gang stalkers get the rope
Nigger everyone predicted him getting shot, u just weren't looking until afterwards

Now everything looks like Prediction huh
*woman shrugging emoji*
When hes off crack and insanity ? Which is never, so you are pretty wrong. He is just "handsome" in his wild crack dreams and schizophrenic thoughts.
>I wonder what he's listening to?
alfons mucha like art nouveau watercolor painting multipanel with vivid neon colors and floral ornaments of blond dragon knight having fun and spreading positive vibes to all around him djing in front of a big soundsystem. manga
ofc ouse, how could i forget... you are the nobody

why you gotta be like this?
It’s morally correct. Since it’s their native land. Those other immigrants have no business being there besides dying.

The Jews project what they look like.

They look like chudjacks and basedjacks. They can’t handle the fact that the nobody isn’t hideous, skinny fat, or fat like them.
NTA but cute and pure and gonna be my mantra for the day

Butterfly Kisses and Tiny Handholding
>>>38398178 (You)
>The Jews project what they look like.

Well known :).
I was going to say the one before was the best but Needs Moar Dragon and this one is now my favorite

THIS is the kinda slop I like to see
Ty bro! I love it!
>Verification not required
Why are you such a insane piece of shit ?
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USA, Russia and China and so many others want the nazis in Europe and worldwide killed so what is going to happen to Europe is that USA will give it to Russia finally and fully after Trump gets elected and Trump will get USA to leave nato and then they all together will slaughter every nazi in the world.

If Trump won't win and Biden continues then WW3 will happen also to USA with nukes.

USA has to save itself from the nuclear war with Russia by leaving nato.
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Your life is futile. The devil gives you fifty thousand usd in return for your soul. Pretty sweet deal I would say. As the nobody I welcome your slow destitute and descent into bable.
He did not. In fact, he never gives specific dates. At most, he'd share a a time frame "from now, until x at most" received from people who actually do access informations about the future.
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Imagine when you die and you get reincarnated back into the Matrix, this is what you will first see before you're reborn.

because im not limited to only one narrative
one thing might have multiple explanations
the real answer or reason could only be made clear in the moment.
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Silly anon.
You are just a nothing, not even a nobody.
he described everything to the t, nigger
Yes, because you are clearly schizophrenic and a danger to society.
Yup. NATO is even expanding to Asia. It doesn’t make any sense anymore. It’s an offensive alliance not a defensive one.
Biden might even antagonize a war to win the election. They have their bunkers they don’t care about any fallout
2 second gap
60 second post cooldown
dat bent weenie though
From what I gather it's basically the M.I.B.

No oversight no authorization

Basically above Congress house courts

Probably hybrid military civilian
Nobobo? No, sir. Just a guy who turns satanist guns into snakes.
Technically there are more genetic nazis in Russia and USA more than anywhere in the world. China is a new nazi capital via modern cultural inheritance.
why the fuck do i have their voice in my head now
There making mistakes I have not been capitalizing on.

The entire thing is sketchy

Probable contact with others has been used as a guide to what who ECT

There Whistler blowers are escalation of the substance of closer to truth
i mean you clearly like me
so again
why you gotta be like that mang
Another stupid nigger

Who protects the countries if NATO isn't there u fucjing quadruple nigger whore fuck

>durrrrrrr they just don't need a ready alliance to counter the literal organ harvesting CCP or meathungry Kremlin dogs

Ur a fucking Hound.
N ill round all of u up
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It's her.
Basically for humans to be evolved enough for other aspects of what is "reality" to be experienced.

Food chain issues.

They want actual power.
i knew an anna brown once
This why u need to kill your bias

Otherwise u just walk around with the worst takes

Doomed to have nobody listen to you

And ur predictions will always be incorrect

And u will go crazy

Yeah not sure why so many are willing to justify leaving NATO and giving praise to Pootin and Xi for running smuggling and organ harvesting operations around the world.
Spiritually they are fucked.
Were you, in... Anna

Come on I know some of you have got there nuts screwed on tight enough to put 2 and 2 together.
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I'll do ya one better how can they trust and expect more than to be food to those who feed on them?

There reaction is correct.

I'm confident many mutual beneficial futures can be forged in the alliance of cooperation
>in... Anna
no no no
she uuh hurt a friend of mine really bad and lost alot of respect from me
I'll believe it when I have my boot on a throat
Ahh, well that's a shame
When the fruit is tasted.

Until then it's all hot air.
>to put 2 and 2 together.
anon this is a larp thread
im CLEARLY busy talking to joe rogan right now
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Yep its based posting time.
Some shit is real tho
naah not really
at the time i can an overweight autistic GF that loved me alot, then she cheated on me, with like 3 guys

I mean I don’t know too much about organ harvesting when it comes to Russia. However I think peace with China and more understanding between all the countries is a better bet than world war 3 so yeah leaving NATO would be fine. Or let Russia join NATO. However NATO needs to be cleaned up for that to happen.
Damn that fat bitch emasculated u nigga, how does that feel?
Millions of Americans will be "rounded up" put in "camps"

Be sure you vote.


Even if you vote to do a Hitler.

Be heard
youre just another filthy anon until proven otherwise
>emasculated u nigga
oh dude noo lol
quite the opposite
>...for days
I'm not trying to prove myself, I'm just stating what I've found to be true
Are you guys play fighting?
What exactly is this "support"

A tithe? Orders of some kind?

It's not going to be a moving goal post right....
i forgot the 4chan posting disney princess aint fallin for no frog
Ur fat bitch cheated with 42 black guys, and your left skinny and starving. Poor lad. We should doll u up
It's true trump will leave NATO.

The dollar will collapse.

EU tarrifs will force EU to deal with CCP Russo. Pushing them into there embrace.

It's a good plan if they can pull it off.

I have my doubts.

It will solidify CCP as world lead
It’s an empty threat. They don’t think too hard about what they say. Honestly most don’t. It’s their attempt at manifesting. Think automatic writing, but on the news for nefarious reasons.
you wanna know what IS ironic?

posting about normie streamer girls that want to be house wives.

and the getting a reply "how can you be sure were not compatible?"

YUUUP keep waiting for that saudi oiler gals
Absolutely fascinating lesson in how humans human.

Something's you really can't understand until you have experienced them.
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I’m actually planning that look for posts related to “I am the real president of the United States” fema coffins & fema guillotines

Uh yeah, but no. The U.S owns the most gold so even when BRICS is complete with gold backing the U.S is still the richest. Who makes this guy?
Sitting senator

Not a shit poster.
I think we'll find Russia is suddenly not a threat once US withdraws from their retard war
Just a feeling I got from the noosphere
>the dems did it
Oh the irony
Change is the only constant.

Trying to preserve is death.

Improvised adapt overcome

That which you choose to, to the best of your capability understanding desire
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The end is nigh

Ukraine is vital.

The war can end today. Russo can leave
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This is good it stimulates my funny box.
Ukraine will lose
Is it you?
Yeah uh pay attention guys. Everything is gonna be okay. What we decide to write/think/say together as a species is what will happen. So stay positive.
Not before lost more blood is spilled.

You can have the rubble if you can claim it.
> Be sure you vote
If you actually believed millions of americans would be rounded up and put into camps then shouldn’t you be arming yourself and not just giving your tacit approval via voting?
You never answer when. Be more concrete in describing you hallucinations. Today ? Tomorrow ? Yesterday ?
They don’t own the most production of Gold, however
le.. Nexialist
Huge investigations going on right now. Obviously. You don’t fuck up as the secret service director and not get looked into by all available resources. More feds are about to discover the nobody.
no we are all going to silent nod to eachother in mutual understanding as we all slowly plunge into chaos
We can still pretend to be a democracy as long as the law allows it.
Not participating is complicity with being controlled by outside influences.
Legal ethical just first.

There is always time for blood
Yup. Watching carefully. Miraculous
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True, but I mean Canada has a lot of gold to be mined and they are the U.S’s bitch. However you’re right so I’ll somewhat, but not fully retract. Either way everything would be okay.
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hey anon you did remember i like those oats cookies right?
>please and thank you
Uh huh. Anyway moving on.
Someone wanted trump shot

Who is the question. The head is a paper pusher.

Logistics should be looked at.

No everyone will protect a phedophile
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berry DE pilled

Fizzy Bubbly
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Yer right. Dollar will fall to new lows but only because U.S. is boosting exports. U.S. will not collapse internally but the empire will and should. We don’t need to be making enemies when we got it all at home
Am worried about how much the CCP control Canada and are buying their output. But we could force a change there
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Mfw they will never comprehend they will never understand. It’s like a ape trying to decipher quantum physics and semiconductors.

Now they come. Rations.
do you actually think we read that shit?

who are you propagandizing for exactly?
whos your targeted audience?
Far from it; and everyone, including himself, is naturally capable of doing way more.
Where’s sluice when I need him honestly. I need him to retell me the story of how they located the spear.
Rare kerokero!!
Never seent andeedousdeezguisea'fore
my liber is dijessdink itselv. Mushroom bruerpz. Dying dying dying death dying sick blah bleh HOOOOOOOOOOOME yey

The Schutz Staffel aka The SS aka Secret Service.
To be clear:
USD will not collapse but will devalue as U.S. grows stronger at home.

And in fact, when the monetary shift happens the dollar will moon first and then the process will start.
Nah trumps death would of allowed the ESPIONAGE aspect to hide

Trump himself is not the issue it's those around him. That support enable

His base.
Pierre is moving in. I just hope he’s not a negative rat. However canadian citizens are fed up and I could honestly see the Chinese population who understand what they escaped joining forces. Plus the Filipinos are god loving.
It's probably fine.
It's going to take more effort than "no one reads that" to be effective.

Just remember anon I love you.

fucking christ

no dude
no just fuck tihs
>alternate timeline breaking news

>Trump cowardly cancels speech amidst rumored threats
idk senpai that would set a bad precedent
dude no

whatever man
do you thing
im just going to leave
i cant fucking be here

just no fuck this
Leafbros better hold it down best they can, Canada is under massive siege at home more than US. Pierre has woken up a lot of people from what I can see. He’s still kind of cucked on the climate though, idk why
He literally was shot at. The people would be cool if he shot his rallies in a steel box. Everyone wants him alive.
Why has my life been nothing but a nightmare since 5 years old?
God really hates me
This must be hell
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>*Throws money on you* Get a fucking abortion im so yuge right now im a gyrannosaurus

Girls her age ask me to impregnate them.
He is unrelated to it, despite what you're trying to force here.
Ease it with the hallucinations.
I guess google lied to me or my memory is retarded. But I highly doubt any of the public gold holdings are accurate. I feel like the U.S is probably in the lead secretly still just because of how much their hidden tech requires gold to work.
There is no connection. That's the end all be all.
Don't grasp at straws here..
/pol/ is still on about /ng/
It has slowed considerably. And the General had died.
Well done /ng/ your schizo ramblings have deflected everything thus far.
I have no intentions of claiming it, it is already in line to become the new zion for the jews, Khazaria.

To the last Ukrianian.
Exactly. Working silicon will hold more value than gold in the future. Its why we need more investment in semiconductor factories.
You’re right he’s unrelated to the plotting of the shooting, but he is related in the sense that he is watched by the secret service for all his joke threats towards political figures. He also predicted their shooting date and goated for the director to be briefed on him.
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no dude im fucking triggered as balls


if youre gonna spam shit tier schizo propaganda
why spread it HERE?!?

go to fucking pol where your opinions can be picked apart and seen for what it is
or is the fact that no one cares here, and no one is going to discuss or oppose it the reason its being spammed?

do they just want a space to 'feel' like theyre helping da cause?
Which is why Taiwan is such a big deal globally. California really needs to get its shit together.
You talk about our nuttah and proud master of cocksucking mr bean.
Idk what that means so I’m just gonna not read it ever again.
Are these all people who have stumbled on this thread and think they are The Nobody?
Hoe did you helped the cause with your complete insane posts ?

Everything else is on topic beside you.
the Nobody never does either.
Are you a Latina girl that likes getting pounded or what? Haven’t gotten pounded yet?
I'm not saying the squad shouldn't have had things on lock but the squad should have had that on lock.
I would need to really dive into it to be real about it but...
>no drones
>no zone locking from spotters
The longshooters portion of things was apparently like not paying attention and or just hesitant to take action which is sort of understandable.
You could be right.
>I guess google lied to me or my memory is retarded.
Probably a combination of both.

> But I highly doubt any of the public gold holdings are accurate

They’re probably higher when you factor in that most bullion owners don’t like to publicly advertise how much they own.

>I feel like the U.S is probably in the lead secretly still just because of how much their hidden tech requires gold to work.

If it’s required to make core technologies work then it obviously can’t be used in trade, and wouldn’t be factored into any balance sheets or ledgers. Most of the gold in India is sitting on a mantle in peoples living rooms.
He is the jizzah... Tha nuttah..
Why are you spamming shit tier propaganda continously ? Are you heavily schizophrenic and a crack addict maybe ?
now youre just ...
youre in psychosis

fuck me im stupid

youa re the ONLY ONE spewing madness here aside from that other dude who left

telling you how retarded youre acting, isnt insane, you just think it is cause it makes you question your behavior

>inb4 a wordsalad response
I mean I think a lot of people could be called the nobody. Me personally.
Are you jewish ?
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And to same fag on my own post when I say me personally I mean I personally think what I said.
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But, all those people are pre the even of 7/13
It's yet to be seen if anyone else is going to make an attempt at the mantle.
>Verification not required
Just read your own posts, all they shout loud is SCHIZOPHRENIA.
We just bullied, tortured and rapped her for years and ignored all her cries for help and screenshots sent to the fbi then we arrested her for being a terrorist

Another win boys
Light up the victory cigars
>make an attempt at the mantle
If I had to guess

The pedo circle is behind the attempt
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>Have a good day
Just kill me please
Epstein did not kill himself.

If they can reach someone in max security open Field is ez game.

Trump has made some very powerful enemy.

Even more so siding with the South African.
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The situation is a time war site.

I'm sure there are conflicting stories

Stupidest shit by far.
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Change is the nature of all things.
And the metaphysical nature of change is expressed in one way as the fundamental theorem of calculus.

Not half bad either.
>Verification not required
Don't lose your faith, friend.
Give it a shot
What you fellas up to
See like…

When I’m psychotic, my ideas are more along the lines of, I’m going to go on an all vegetarian diet, and stop wearing synthetic clothing and enjoying meditations and antiperspirants.

Not post pictures of myself on /x/
They traced the shooter back to his Steam account
If he was in this thread ever it would be known by now
Nice try tho glowfag
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How many federal agents & spooks will come into this thread to be sacrificed now?

Epstein lost the war against the nobody and was made an example of; anyone trying to impose their power on him meet their doom.
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>ironically they say they don't plan on doing anything differently
I believe I read or heard somewhere which is a big lmao considering whats available
All I said was what's up

I don't care about that obvious set up psyop
7/13? Like the nobodies age? I heard he started when he was a kid, but is an adult in his mid twenties now? Idk though. I reference the nobody in my schizo posting on other platforms, but I don’t try to make a claim.
That's what's up
7/13 was the assassination attempt date
Okay thanks for clarification. I was just confused. My bad.
More concerned with others blind devotion

Zealots are spoopy.

Not just others zealots.

It's a debate as old as time. Hivemind free will.

We have "fought" over countless planets.

I use the term lightly fight. More influence. Create worshipers etc.

I disagree with there methods tactics motivation

So they imprisoned me. Luckily the humans willing with knowledge of understanding freed me

Thier fate is bound to mine.
The whole point of a representative democracy is to appoint outside influencers to run the government. We don’t live in a direct democracy, and we never will as long as money remains a part of politics, and private corporations run our central bank. America is an oligarchy and it always has been. Electoral politics is literally just larping.
>”I didn’t mean to Mr Nobo-aaaccck”
>Hangs from lamp post
I think for the rich and powerful that are used to getting their way all the time it becomes incredibly clear that they are not in control
And then they start kicking over anthills looking for nobody
At the highest level, they’ve been gangstalking The Nobody since he was before he was born.
I’ll try not to
Guess I’m going to go walk in the woods and hopefully someone murders me
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lol, Ba dum Tish!
I like, if someone hits me with a Trips get I'll show you why I know I'm on All The Watchlists.
>Verification not required
That adds up as I once heard the nobody was tied to the secret space program. Like he was created or some shit idk.
I doubt this even registers as a coherent sentence in the long list of watched entities lmfao
From our perspective this is a daily thing
But for someone walking in from outside it is absolutely madness with no quality
You’re anticipating a supply chain collapse that renders new computers unavailable, or nearly unavailable?
Yes the elders of Zion, witches, warlocks, and kabbalists have. I’m aware of them using weak blood & sacrifice magic to try and see my future.
Being parasite in nature requiring living hosts

Has its ups downs

Symbiotic is ideal for both parties

You get to keep being humans we get to keep being .
And thank goodness for that.
My goal isn't recognition, my goal is to stay out of cages.
>Verification not required
Wwoooaaahhhh settle down pal. The nobody doesn’t walk around with 100% certainty that he’s the nobody. He Carrie’s a lot of doubt.
What could they even pin on you?
They'd HAVE to make new legislation for psychic hive minds or wizards
And magic hasn't been illegal for centuries
That sounds like what someone afraid would say.
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Or at least I hope that's how it's gunna go.
>Verification not required
Choice is all from all parties

You can see why they force themself on into other life.

No one wants to be eaten. Alive.
Ummm okay? Pretty sure I’m just sitting on a cellphone. What‘s to fear? Elaborate. I’ll play your game.
Are you also on the Berghain no play list ? ;D
But from THEIR perspective God saved the day
That's the meat of it and a thousand million people have corroborated that fact
The nobody is a Dog
The nobody is gang stalked yes. They killed his close family as a baby, been attempting to weaken him since birth. But he’s antifragile and so are his granted powers. The more he is attacked the more he is granted
Trickling them into belief your some Savior is not willing it's deception.

Evil when you know the truth of what happens after they die
More like a sex trafficking victim and this thread is just used to find and exploit more victims
It’s like Henry Ford meets The Angel of Death and the FBI is Bob Barker
I’ll probably be put to sleep any day now
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Errrr...afraid I don't get this ref.
I cannot refute this.
>I am not a cat
The nobody is a Rhenium meat grinder.
What are the chances the Nobody is of African descent?
There alive aware have feeling wants

No better worse than anything else that is

Because you have the power to does not mean you should.
I'm still waiting and laughing until everyone realizes.
Even the "guests."
Cool beans
Would never mean to impose my lifestyle to that extent on someone else
Seems like personal business
(But impose your will)
I won’t even rsvp
Invading the lower dimensions probes its point of why are time is over. Come and past.

It's the humans time now.
>they have to use blood and sacrifices
>look at what they have to do to mimic a fraction of our power
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As good as any guess.
Thus far, the mantle remains unclaimed.
Death is not a punishment it's a kindness.

I hope you never understand why that means.
At this point, he’s fairly confident that he’s The Nobody. He could prove it with Facebook, Gmail, and Hulu. Not many people get TV shows written about their Facebook posts. He’s pretty slow on the uptake though, since the show is so good, it just seemed natural.

His doubts these days are more along the lines of, what should he be consuming? Should he give up soda and energy drinks? Should he give up pizza? Should he give up meat?

And, what happens after death? That’s a major question of his. He was raised with the belief that nothing happens after death. It’s just like sleeping for eternity. He slept last night, six hours with no dreaming. Why would death be any different than that?

But then… Maybe that’s not what happens.
This has been a big question for a lot of entities that have relatively remained on the sidelines until now
The answer is inconclusive
The best I got is "it just is that way now"
Power does not equate perfection
Maybe you guys should stop trying so hard and just look and listen.
Then they will destroy them self.

If that's thier choice.
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I’m the dough body I need my pizza fresh & straight from the oven.
Maybe if we’re all just open about who we are as people then no one will be the nobody. How did this rumour even start?
Which TV shows?
Guess I’m gonna go take a handful of Xanax and lay on the train tracks
It probably won’t even be on the news
Have a good day
I’m sorry
Oh no, anon.
Now you have to fight your hardest, against everything you retards did.
With the added benefit of extreme future me, who you guys made an asshole, against you too.
>i'm too weak
Sucks to suck, don't it.
Psycho mantis?
what does it mean! el nobodio sombrero olives with cheese
dodododododododododododododododododododododo dodododododododododo dododododododododo (500 points if you guess the tune)
Choo choo!
Don't take drugs from the evidence locker officer
not cool
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The Nobody has emerged from the depths of cosmic madness. It is not bound by our reality but exists in the spaces between thoughts, an ancient force lurking in shadows. Witnesses report fleeting glimpses and cryptic messages, hinting at a being that manipulates our perceptions and feeds on our fears. The Nobody thrives on the thin veil between the tangible and the void, warping reality in subtle, terrifying ways. Beware, for delving into its enigma may unravel the very fabric of sanity.
Successful now that is funny

There is nothing to gain

It's all an illusion societal constructs they deem have value.
Okay yeah
That makes sense
iq lower than their pants they sag below their ass
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I have not interest in building the thing they do with y'all's souls.

Reincarnation or whatever you choose is fine.

When your there as you will be is a better time to answer.
You guys still haven't realized yet.
If you glow, you know.
I can trap in the same Illusions if that's what you want. It's not that I can't. I find it cruel.

Your already dead. Why feed off you more? I suspect it is why they are corrupted.
Please describe your wild crack dreams and hallucinations in finely detailed words so everyone can get a vivid idea of what you are on about.
Done with all this nonsense
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I is very subtle. *Grabs Muh Deeyak* they sees it but do they beleez it? They mights be too retardeds but iz okay they jus gonna hears it. Wuz they gons do when I gots a Five digits iq and plays with they mind like I play deez fukn toons

It's not fun anymore?
Now undo everything you guys did.
Time's a ticking.
Done with which nonsense ? Can you explain your non sense a bit better ?
Thomas did his part, but he wasn't the Nobody.
None of you are.
I am. This is all the game I set up, and you are going to love the ride from here on out.
No Feds, No Intel, No Namefags, Not anyone here understands the game being played on this level. Posts here are irrelevant to the game.
The conclusion is joy and expansion, and will, and strength possessing all humanity.
The "guests" would try their hardest to try and win.
>little did they realize...
Things will never be the same
better fire up CERN again and unfuck this mess feds
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Seed & Feed
What else ?
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>On "The Game" and it's Trappings

Here we present what is not only an environment in which ideas about what is, and is not, possible are thoroughly and rigorously examined. A stage upon which philosophical discourse delivered within such an environment... tests the limits of language's efficancy as a tool employed in de-escalation of interpersonal (if not intersocietal) tensions that could lead to its cessation.
erogenous zones
sensual massages
ear nibbles
deep kisses
inner thigh stroking
writhing coiling bodies
sweet nothings
eye gazing
interlacing fingers
neck kissing
back arching
vagus nerve
kiss trails
glistening fluids in soft light
electrifying tingles
delicate petting
bashful head turning, gentle touching on cheek, eye locking, heart trembling, hypnotizing gazing, trembling anticipation, kiss feints, the growing energy within the friction of anticipation
You can run hide all you want. I won't chase you.

You can't run from yourself.

In the end the Piper is always paid.

Your free to go.
The nobody hardly even posts on /x/
Who's running?
I already said what's going to happen.
Settle down mister.
Yeah, rarely.
People have remote viewed me a few times, that was a thrill. It worked to deepen my faith in the connection.
There are a lot of really disturbed minds that get attracted here, so it's not like it is a place to really lay stuff out.
How does the Nobody like his coffee?
Maybe you guys should police yourselves first.
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If cold sweet if hot black
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There's only 6.
No, you can fry for attempting to rob children of their childhood
Apologize for incarnating and be gone
That’s all
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Take ur filthy (you)s and sneeds!
Don't care, or something
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Yes there are things in the void. I would stay in light if I where you.

It is your choice to wander off
So does my landlord???
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Its many! Just not everyone was around for every photo shoot ;).
: I didn't say anything about Children.
So what you're telling me is that you don't realize yet.
Alrighty, I'll give you time.
Remember to not puss out or get angry.
But what now ?
The game has flipped on its head.
Undo everything you've done.
You'll find something beautiful on the other side.
Move without moving, see without seeing, true light is made of divinity. Real home tells you, there was never anything to fear.

Are Feds actually playing games in here? Look what you shizos did. You got em all worked up. How about cooling it for a while, start going to the gym or something.
Wtf are you on about?
I don't know
You waited so long to say anything...
I'll make some more for you today. <3
I would work tirelessly undoing everything you all did and not get overconfident and complacent.
Your future selves LOATHE you with every fiber of their being.
Ummmmmm that’s like really arrogant.
Who are you talking to ? The million voices in your head ? The evil mossad at your door ? To the imaginary EMF Weapons ? To the NETFLIX livestream ?
U made me remember I forgor the epiphany I had about where the darkness ends and my betentacled son begins :<
It's not.
I tried "saving" you from this.
But you thought up was down.
Im The Nobody and I like to masturbate pinching my nipples with slightly warm pickles in my butt receptacle.
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Why is this general still here? Everyone knows this is a bot infested satanic ritual abuse general. Ypu're not fooling anyone.
You won't be building up any messiah anytime soon. I hope you know that.
Also. I hope you and the rest of the peanut gallery are ready for the rugpull of your life.
You'll realize too.
Don't let yourself get too angry.
Right and uh what exactly will you do with your mystical powers that everyone on the planet has?
The Nobody Likes His Pickles Fried With A Side Of Beer Cheese
He is saying these threads are monitored cause they found the shooters posts and now assume there is a conspiracy here to create some sorta underground terrorist network or something.
I dunno what the rest are up to but far as I saw it was originally just some people remote viewing and channelling an actual person that was deeply connected to the God consciousness that was altering the fabric of reality with his beliefs. Got pretty weird after that.
Are you jewish ?
No I use microwave to warm up my picks before dipping them in poop sauce :3
Everything is a teaching moment.
Shaaat up y-you nagger you mexicaaaaan!

*Points finger at you in white lady*
Elaborate on this “rug pull”
5DChad reverse-chronology synchronicity mining is on hold for me personally until the normie vibes stop normieieieieieieieing up the place. A break is fun though. Don't you ever just genuinely crave a nice big salad to reset your palate and microbiome after you eat a lot of treats?

>if you catch my multitrack drift
Since you are here and you have to scour every post, here is a treat. Enjoy glowies.
Damn so it'll be something like a fed civil war or something?
To be honest I don’t understand most of these threads guys. I heard that the nobody was a man of reason and higher thinking. So why are his loudest followers so off track and derailing? (Not you dragon picture guys and a few others)
As soon as you say the fbi & cia traffick kids & babies for the Jews so they can rape torture them and drink their adrenochrome they retract like a turtle
And the other feds let them do this?
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I am a creator, not a writer but I can live like one
I rather zero civil wars m'kay. See war is bad m'kay
Glad you asked! The operation here is to stress out would be psychics with bots to get them to manifest things in real life. So what happens when you stress out someone into releasing something the tptb wouldn't want you to release?
It's elementary my dear Watson!
Congrats! You just played yourself.
It is indeed
But sometimes people need to learn the hard way.
Ummmm okay so like what if I stayed positive the whole time?
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That WAS on the cards, but things are taking a radical shift now. You'll see the USA patriotism and motivation to improve the country from the ground up swell. The obvious issues will be actually addressed in a bigly way. Proper border security, jobs, manufacturing, community security. I don't want to spoil too much, but there is something huge around the corner and it is technological in nature.
A years worth of rain in a few hours
Totally normal
Ah, let me tell you firsthand.
I wouldn't do that.
You don't like you when you do that.
>deja-vu is back on the menu
Oh but you probably did
Words words words
You seem like a retarded clown trying to be spoopy as some strange grasp at relevancy and being included where you're otherwise not wanted.
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Logical discourse being delineated on how the only real action a citizen is allowed within such a framework (casting a vote) does not safeguard against being subjected to myriad forms of violence such "outside forces" are capable of ..this discourse serves as the medium through which the idea of non-participation (not voting) is presented as an appeal (if not a dire warning) to reason, in order that such "outside forces" are addressed effectively before being deployed against the very framework such voting legitimatizes.

$5 million and my own house for my pain and suffering far away from here
All I ask for feds it's not that much
If not 5 million then tree fiddy mil will do
You tell them to not be overconfident and what do they do?
Lots of Kahlua lots of vodka fresh breast milk from his nursing wife.


Not long now for Sleepy Joe. His wife and son will be mad. Hunter will probably go to prison for life under Trump.
It was done years ago my dude.
This is all just playing out now. Personally I am excited, like orchestrating a symphony then getting to watch people play it at the Opera house, a joy.
>there are things in the void
I'm convinced you're an actual spastic
No, your future selves are just torturing you.
You're all too stupid to realize yet.
Pitiful their masters the black nobility & 13 families offered me 5 quadrillion. Some lowly spook slave goy animal fed shouldn’t even be allowed in the nobody’s presence.
You are torturing yourself, then externalizing it in a safe environment. Actually can be pretty dangerous since you seem to refuse to actually deal with that lingering dark streak inside. Trauma? Rejection? Isolation? Only you can lift yourself up, and you should.
Anon, the whole projection thing is annoying.
Look within yourself.
If psychics are being botted then the fail safe should be to completely lean into it as chaotically as possible and refract any and all inputs however random
You haven’t
Constructing logical fallacies as ill-fated attempted gotcha moments robs no one but yourselves
Simple stuff and you should know better
Like the earthworm claiming a volcano
Good luck with that ho’s
Lmao, anon.
Your peers should end you for how much of a detriment you are to everyone around you.
Inside me is the most beautiful heart you could imagine. On my back are wings, and in my hand a sword. Legit the world tried many times to mistreat me and turn me toxic but never came close. There was that goth period but even then I was helping old ladies down the street with an umbrella in a storm.
That's good, anon.
Now stick to it.
I’m sorry for my suicide posts and saying racists stuff
Thinking about that negatively impacting someone’s day or life is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night
I’m in so much pain I can barely even function
Coming here and expecting to get anything other than more pain is the definition of insanity
The bad guys one
They got the best of me
And maybe I became far worse then they ever will be
I’m a monster
A dog
A little bitch
A spoiled brat
And I’m sorry I ever came to this website
I only came to x because I legit always had an interest in the paranormal but they just followed me here from /b/ and started this general after people started noticing all the threads and what not
I’m sorry I ever existed and I’m sorry for the threats against law enforcement and the president
That’s not who I am
I hope you go home a hug your kids a little tighter today
Cause that’s the only thing in this world
Worth fighting for
Im a lost cause

>"The f**ggin' Moon!...[we own that]..."

This season is called "what have we done ; a great wailing and gnashing of teeth"
What is holding you back from your own wings?
I am feeling you from here. There is a stagnation. Disinterest in things. Whats up?
I’m presenting an idea, if you’re hostile and provide no alternative then fuck right off to your slum.
I mean, the alternative is relatively obvious to me.
But that requires an entire reworking of yourselves.
You are about to experience something unexpected [I hope you are watching your six].
"Can I play with my dick!?"
The prophet looked and he saw my balls
"Can I play with my dick!?"
There's no bitches here at all
"Can I play with my dick!?'
The prophet looked and he laughed at me
He said "You're hard, too hard to pee"
I just expected better from everyone.
Raise your frequency and those people doing better will enter your life. Then you will realize it wasn't others, you were just low.
I do raise my frequency.
This was a very low frequency response.
Then it's not me you're picking up on.
Or perhaps only a side.
Naw I just got here and noticed it.
Super low frequencies bro.
Slap some mustard on that frequency sandwich.

imagine a parent that thinks his children are computers (this is a parent who spends all his time around women)
Yea don’t you know the only way to increase your frequency is too be domesticated and docile so the nsa leave you alone and tell the humans they paid off its okay to interact with you irl and online? Muh good vibes WOOSAH
No one asked for your remark, anon.
Low frequency poster.
It's a two-way street, anon.
That's everyone else here, my guy.
I'm just living and loving life.
I help others.
Oy vey it’s a shoa
shit, they only fixed one of the street.
Oy vey, da jooz never learn.
Oy vey stay silent *chuckles*
Antisemitism won't be tolerated.
Trump will save the jews
Anne frank keeps trying to rape me via time travel she’s only elven, you took dr who’s phone booth…

You are correct, the cat is indeed the way
All red pandas go to Hell because they’re not Christian.
Help /pol/ understand
I can’t be anti-semitic if time traveling Anne frank and other timeline Leah tried to rape me or vice versa.

leave Anne Frank alone she's been through enough


I like mine with milk :)
t. NTN
hi :)
The move to replace Biden as the nominee (with Harris) is not to win, but to place her as a patsy who will still lose. This is in order to preserve psychological inertia located in Biden - his policies, his backers, his image, everything he represents - wasn’t rejected. This way the loss can be framed in terms of sexism, racism, bad luck, etc and deflect blame from other questions.
Such foolishness.
oh we got it
Got what?
Okay I got a handjob
A feel a lot better
And she fed me my cum
Which was nice
Whatever the will of the debil is it shall be so
While he is fully aware of who he is, he doesn't worried about such things, and neither are any works in the media about him.
He's white, but has this descent.
Not that this has any importance.
None, that person thinks everything is about themselves.
long day zzzzzzzzzz
With chocolate and without cinnamon, preferably not hot.
Gn anon! :]
>He is no savior figure, like a messiah
at least 1% semen and/or human flesh by weight
speak plainly pl000000x1rnino
and im an alabama nigger anon its ok the bad guys "one" and that bad guy won't win but he will become a pretty nice guy right guy
>rawr x3 *nuzzles you*

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