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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

The nobody is a centaur.
What did Eric do now?
an archer too
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Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows.
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The moat important piece of information you can take away from this thread is

>The nobody is a cat
>ayyy. must be the money
>they're still so overconfident
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All gum is bubblegum.
none of my google/ms/etc profiles sync with each other even though i enjoy full functionality, does this mean i can legally do whatever i want online and deny it was me who did it because someone literally destroyed their quantum codebase
you're gonna go far, kid
The "alpha team" doesn't realize they're all about to get 86'd do they?
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1 Timothy 3:16
Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.
gotta go fast
Most are completely set in their arrogant ways, unconcerned that they are on a collision course with the brick wall that is rapidly approaching.
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Like these guys.
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And they elected Donald Trump. And there was much happiness. And the gays stopped being gay. And the trannies de transitioned and started going to church. And the porn sites deleted themselves out of shame. And the video game makers stopped making video games with black people in them. And Disney stopped making films about grown men in tights. And reddit stopped liking films with grown men in tights in them. And all was well in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Anon, you guys should pay heed to what this anon is saying.
Just the first two.
The rest sorts itself out during the events of Revelation.
Is there some sort of obvious/explicit connection between the shooter and /ng/? I haven’t seen any. Unless you’re implying all standalone complexes are linked to here.
>first two
I mean technically it's just the first one.
There will be a brief moment of happiness.
Then the great wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Can you explain your death threat ? Who are you that you think its alrite to be an psychopath like you ? Have you taken your meds ? Your insanity is just getting worse otherwise.
I'm listening, I just don't have much to add, Anon's opinion is valid and I appreciate the warning.
You're right, no one's ever happy, my mistake.
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Mr Bean being homeless ?
What death threat, anon?
Are you paranoid, perhaps?
Are you guys ready for all the world to see you for what you are?
What is he saying ? Can you translate his schizophrenic gibberish ? Are you jewish ?
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Man I love those guys
Are you ready for all the world seeing what you really are and have done ?
it's just an 86
Bad accelerationist.
W0w you can pr0pagander?
In awe of your majesty great and terrible king/kong/queef
Someone in /ng/ predicted the shooting almost exactly. The shooters name, the date, and the fact that Trump would be shot in the ear. They just did it in a more abstract way. I think that Anon is really cool and I feel bad that they're getting so much negative attention. All predictions are ultimately neutral, and unbiased. We cannot help what the future chooses to confirm.
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Anyone able to tell me the lore of the Woman of Scars or what ever that WoS thing they're talking about is?

>PS: the nobody is a cat
What's that, anon?
Telling you to stop hurting yourself?
It's actually the Wizard of Slurs.
that's just what the nobody called himself when he was webcam crossdressing for donations
Maybe i've making bad drawings somewhere. I wanted to represent get off my woods vs "weakness effect on others" in smiley
It was just one of many death threats from mr bean to the nobody! Read the thread and figure it.
In all seriousness, though, Anon's prediction is just as good and as valid as that Christian Mystic's prediction about the assassination attempt.

Probably, more organic too, providing the attempt wasn't planned by those involved.

(Meaning, the Christian Mystic and Trump and the shooter colluded to make a spectacle that would help his campaign image).
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Cause the CIA has bad OPSEC
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>post ends with 86
Well...nice additions to that screencap. I can see why they pruned that thread.
>Verification not required
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Bla bla bla>>
That's basically how I translate you guys.
>bla bla bla
>we hurt ourselves, but you did ittttttttttt
>black magic
>all this other stuff
Man, I told y'all.
Stupid fucks.
If they didn’t want it to go fast then they shouldn’t have designed something that could go fast.

>gotta go fast
Whether it was fate, and several people predicted it in advance thus proving that spiritual powers do indeed exist— or whether it was a collusion between corrupt authorities that shouldn't be doing that— I think it was very impressive that an Anon in /ng/ got it right.
Are you jewish ?
still can't link to the post
everyone knows you can't pin something on someone when they play the fool
immortal fucked up emo bitch
Are you jewish ? Please answer the question.
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>The nobody is a cat

>the nobody reveals secrets to those that listen
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Here’s the reference more clearly
The odds will betray you

Big League Chew
opinions usa didn't like my cat picture :(
You know, I honestly don't know.
Yeah, we know that you know nothing mr. big mouth and death threats.
I don't do death threats, anon.
I just say what you guys do.
You guys just get mad that I reveal you to everyone else.
Why hide?
They pruned the thread because immediately after the shooting the fbi, Pennsylvania police, and secret service and about a 100,000 trump supporters jumped on 4chan looking for a lead and the thread image was of a glowie laying on a pile of American flag dildos while his wife got boned in the background and it brought up a lot of questions no one on the mod team wanted to answer.
a little concerning
Matthew 10:16
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
I've just been reading revelations and use the first person to troll the shit out of you guys.
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I’m Jewish. But does that really matter if I have big genitals?
So then explain us who YOU are. Do you think you are in a position to drop the shit that you posted here ? Who do you want to expose ? Your schizophrenia ?
It's like you guys always say.
If you've got nothing to hide then why bother?
Come out and play with everyone else.
Nothing comes close to the power of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Take heed to what I am saying, anons. For The Lord will make himself known to you when you accept The Truth.
the Nobody is not related to these things.
Straight from the insane mind of mr bean who made that thread. As hes working for the SS he surely knows more about the shooting, but the thread isnt related.
In case people want the actual post... https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38279488/#38280814

FYI, dude had a Swedish flag on /pol/ and posted a bunch of pics that seem original and from Scandinavia, but that post is some S-tier remote viewing if it's not him
The truth will set them free.
But I feel like they're going to do the whole "see we made everyone sheeps so we can slaughter them" bit again.
Bad retards
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She's a homoplasmate like him, and a twin soul of his. They're allies, despite never having interacted with each other yet.
You are pretty insane and schizophrenic. Continously drifting off, not able to answer any questions while going more and more psychotic and insane.
What about the evens?
Thomas was alone
Thomas was abused
Thomas was a drone
Thomas was used
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Do basically Sophia in gnostic tradition?

>why is that related to the nobody?
They're dancing @_@ !
Yes, you guys are insane.
he's a remote viewer not the shooter, the shooter wouldn't say " yeah his right ear man, that's where I'm gonna miss"
thomas was a tank engine
Well..I'll give that's some creative writing.
>fbi, Pennsylvania police, and secret service and about a 100,000 trump supporters jumped on 4chan looking for a lead
That is plausible.
I take it your source is 'trust me bro' or 'my mom'? :)
I suppose it could be seen as a dance.
Stop projecting. Unfortunately a jewish trait.
That's not a good thing, anon.
Though you've deceived yourself into believing it to be true.
Sorry. I'll quit it— :3
(twas just having a bit of fun)
Would you like to know what you guys won?
Or shall I leave that to surprise?
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You would think Jews would be nicer to each other. Imagine what they’d do to a goy.
it's literally an anima sophia caused by the death
>hits blunt
>singlehandedly kills 7 million and mangles the dna of 270,227,181 people
>passes the blunt to you
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Can you elaborate more?

>What's the deal with those homoplasmate?

>whats the significance of all that fancy words mister scholar?
bla bla bla as always.

Do you know what YOU lost through your "great" work ?
You are wrapping me at night aren’t you… what happened to those raven druids?
>when hubris turns a turtledove in a ring-necked velocirooster
Brb gonna need more popcorn
All the /pol/ posts with flags are after the assassination when the tripcode was leaked.
Ah, you still think this is a game of winning and losing.
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We talking the Marduk Killings?

>or something else?
Like I said, y'all best stop yourselves.
>choo choo!
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>meanwhile the Nobody
nobody would know
So you’re saying the namefag “RV’d” the assassination and leaked details ahead of time? I thought namefags were glowies. Does that means that the “rv” glowie was leaking internal chatter about the plot to draw attention??
>don't steal
>don't have anything to steal
Much like children, blaming others for having things.
Thats what you think, as you proof all the time. Stop yourt jewish projections. You just describe your thoughts, you arent able to reflect.
i was catching the tram today and two emo girls were talking about self harm and i wished i threw one under the tram and said how you like that stupid bitch!
See >>38397520
shoo wop a doo wop shoo be doo be doo wop
well that wouldn't be self-harm would it anon?
We wouldn’t be here if Jews could pass psychopathy screenings on themselves and set their positions acccordingly not blindly.
So, anon.
Is it that you guys hold no power or that you guys try to steal everything.
Because I mean, you can choose to be adults or children.
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>the nobody is a cat
If that’s the case then /NG/ and by extension The Nobody saved the day…and the president, country, and world.
no it's basically that
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because the yugioh card
But the nobody is the president
it was a warning
The nobody is the commander and chief?
So why do you think you should have powers ? Do you got any skills, beside "have mastered the art of sucking cocks" ? Are you sane in any way ?
Shadow president, the nation still requires presidents to act as meaningless figureheads to disguise his presence and rule.
King: I would stop doing Anything Wrong Immediately.
God: You Might Not Want to Be Here Anymore, After Having An Abortion, when you Realize What You've Done.
It's quite simple, anon.
That's because I used my "powers" to help others.
Why should you guys have any powers at all, whatsoever?
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it Could happen, or it came to pass somewhere Else
The nobody is wanting to give weed, may I have a joint por favour? To sell my sole PCs, [yahmean]?
>why did you let this happen to us
Why did you let it happen to yourselves?
Do you hate yourselves?
Whenever there is a terrorist attack or high profile shooting the police get involved, and it has become a habitual tactic for law enforcement agencies to go to 4chan to look for leads because over the years, 4chan has (wrongly imo) become associated with these kind of lone wolf style attacks. I personally think this association is unjustified since more terrorists have made Facebook or instagram posts prior to the act than 4chan threads, but I digress. 4chan is always thrown under the bus because of its rather lax community moderation, and because its users don’t color within the lines and say things that can’t be quoted on mainstream news.
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Helping others to rape and kill kids ? Great work! Congratulations!

You are INSANE.
No, anon.
You guys did all that on your own.
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I hear ya.
The thread that got pruned was from this morning though. I'd imagine most of the people running to X and 4chan ended days ago.
>Verification not required
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He's not involved in hierarchies.
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Perfect example of the jewish mindset that you give here.

But what does it matters - YOU are soon and for forever in jail.
Lmao, you guys REALLY haven't realized anything yet.
Even the "guests" who think that everyone stuck pointing fingers is to their benefit.
But anon, do you not remember anything.
There's a secret meaning behind do unto yourselves.
Would you like to guess what it is?
oh, ok
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it's just a coincidence, anon
also i don't know the social situations of other nobodies who "followed" me for my methods.
No. and keep your insane shit for yourself. Noone cares.

Did you take your meds ? The insanity wont get better if you arent.
Did you know during Azura's quest, the Skeleton of Malyn Varen is interactive and can be resurrected with a high-level spell of Necromancy? Pls try it, it's so funny.
What insanity, anon?
The only insane people I see are you guys.
Didn't even know black magic would refract and do all sorts of wonky stuff.
I did tell you to not do it.
I’m scared again
I got the fear
Gonna go hide under the covers
I don't do black magic, anon.
I think the mod team probably figured that allowing the thread and image to stay up would’ve opened them up to a lot of questions, and 4chan willingly works with law enforcement and provides information to law enforcement agencies, especially with shit like cp getting posted, so I can easily imagine a scenario where the feds call up 4chan’s sysadmins on speed dial, and begin requesting ip logs from threads that appeared to display some strong anti-government sentiment and so I think as CYA the pruned the thread, and didn’t archive it because they knew it would probably result in unwanted attention and a pain in the ass to enumerate literally hundreds of thousands of posts from the most popular and arguably most incoherent thread on 4chan, which would definitely be an issue if the threads are in fact being used by intel agencies and cops to groom/manipulate people.

Essentially the mod team felt the thread was too “hot” and we were being too “loud” and probably assumed we’d get them (the mod team) in trouble.

Why else would they skip archiving and then prune a thread that had been up for hours and had hundreds of posts by that point.
Whydo littlejewishgirls lookatmybulge?
>a round table
Why yes, Anon, that's exactly what it's like.
Netflix is garbage
No one’s even going to want to watch tv soon
You’ll see
Do you know why you believe in "magick" ? Because you dont know anything. Not even the most basic and simple things.
So all you can do is explain things with "magick" to you.
Everyone is equal.
Everyone has a voice.
They waited 1-2 hours after the shooting before they even pruned it, and I assume that’s the case because that was when their phone started ringing, and the mod team went into panic mode.
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Regardless of the wing, the birds head is at the helm. Don’t feed the bird, because it bites the hand that feeds. Starve it and you’ll make the caged bird sing. Supreme Anarchy, spit the apple out, return to paradise. No church in the wild, no hierarchy in the sky.
If you really were paying attention the feds found out he was using discord and steam
No 4chan or anything else
So if you're a discord tranny then it's closer to you than the thread
Just fyi
I got no tv. Also never had netflix or any other "streaming service".
Saves you from a lot of "programming".
>Why else would they skip archiving and then prune a thread that had been up for hours and had hundreds of posts by that point.
Because something very true was posted and now the world may never know. Welcome to /ng/ this is any other Thursday, now we just have more glowies than usual in our trail mix.
I dumb things down for you guys to understand.
trump will save the anti semites
So the Nobody drew in some good guys in military intelligence and the /ng/ became a place for disclosure, culminating most recently in the exposure of internal chatter about an assassination plot against Trump. This chatter was schizo-posted to avoid early detection except by folks read in to the counter-op. Complete records are all in hand, with evidence sprinkled in the open and archived, and now provide enormous leverage to Milint to execute their mission. The Nobody helped enable and give direction to this strategy from afar. He is the shadow president.
>hundreds of posts by that point.
It only has 29 posts...here:
>Verification not required
I’m talking about this one: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38363781/

It got pruned briefly after the news that trump had been shot hit 4chan.
>when you participate in clandestine activities against a civilian engaged in a war of Attrition against hubris, greed, apathy, and finally disengenuosity
>"Please don't ask about [ ]" becomes the morning's directive from habitual line-steppers
...not even a "good morning" or something first
>excuses for denialism of applications of economic violence deployed to try fan the flames of even cooler heads for less Bull-in-Chinashop mierda
>"need to know" basis generating trigger group formation for a Karmic Backlash Delivery System
>de-compartmentalization causes the whole house of cards to erupt into flames upon collapse

You have twelve days, thank you for playing! <3
Go ask the jannies
They can see everything even deleted posts
/ng/ threads are functionally don't bite the hand that feeds ultra mega super edition
>cue insane retards projecting when their internal strife is massive
The tears only get wider.
We are talking about different threads.
You dumb yourself down, as always.
So stop liieng to yourself.

Noone needs you and your help. You are USELESS. YOU are WORTHLESS. YOU are NOTHING.
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now i'm just an austrian painter
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>enormous leverage to Milint to execute their mission.

And what is that anon? Who does the IC really serve and who are they really targeting? Do they agree with the NWO or do they wait in shadows for the time to strike?
So you guys actively choose wrong, on purpose?
As a means to spite because why exactly?
Some sense that you can't love yourselves whilst being arrogant?
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Yeah they found that out after going through his phone and looking at his internet history. This was days after the shooting.

I don’t use discord, but if the shooter used it then the cops have definitely gone through their server logs and enumerated every link they’ve posted over the past year or more.
Are you Rothschild related ? ;)
I heard you. o7
Nice :) I'm a squirrel
so you see how if he had ANY connection at all to this thread he would have been found instantly
You just love yourself, and your tiny cock.
Not really, besides, that can't be understood except in hindsight.
Anon, as a sincere question.
What is wrong with you?
That was a great battle ;)
>Will Follow Your Instructions
What is wrong with you ?
The connection is pretty obvious, glow harder.
No, anon.
I'm asking you.
No projecting.
What is wrong
What's up, what's on your mind?
Imagine being this fooled and delusional
They’ll never find the second phone which has been destroyed and encrypted in every way possible.
How many lives have you fucked ? How many people have you murdered ?

Oh wait they all deserved it, we know.
>Future proves past
There is none dude
You're gonna go insane trying to cope with this
I don't do any of that, anon.
You guys do it to yourselves because of how much you hate yourselves.
I did tell you it's better if you did nothing.
Not that anon, but >>38399233
Whats up in your completely insane murder mind ?

Oh wait - NOTHING.

Little Jewish girls look at me and when I smile at them they look away blushing.

When you look at women they look quickly, look away, and cringe with the ick
but you talk about scp-035's registered guys in this name (datura) or you talk about one in particular?
Anon, when did you lose your mind?
This is some pathological nonsense that needs to be addressed.
Don't you guys take psych evals?
Seems like your in-house psychs are quacks.
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Says the homeless andf schizophrenic crack addict sitting with a gun at home without a license.
I'm not going insane I've just been here a few days and it's funny watching you guys desperately try to spin this another way using all the same techniques that haven't worked for the past 5+ years.

Appreciate the comedy, man.
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Anon, what exactly are you talking about?
Bro i just shat in my pants, i thought it was a fart but then i pooped in my underwear. wtf
Oh maybe I misread, I was talking about the /ng/ thread that was up during the shooting. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38363781/

That one got abruptly pulled for seemingly no reason, and a lot of users that were posting at the time mentioned that they ended up getting banned with no explanation.
Take your meds and shut up you pedo.
Operation Red Wings
I'm not a pedo, either.
You guys just fucked yourselves over super hard and maybe realized, but it was too late.
Well, I say too late but it's all relative.
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How many times have you been on here for "just a few days" ? Which number of your split multiple personalities are you right now ?
You should've seen when Vatican-anon talked about Texas, this isn't the first time /ng/ has seen mass bans and jannie deletions.
Movements come and movements go
Leaders speak, movements cease
When their heads are flown
'Cause all these punks got bullets in their heads
Departments of police
The judges
The feds
I got ya now, I was in that thread.
Everything ya said makes sense now.
>Verification not required
>Is ThAt A DeAtH ThReAt?!
There's two perspectives
One is you're tying to link this to that for some reason
Or you truly believe this lead to that some how
Either way dude
There's nothing
No evidence, no psychic on earth has suddenly seen something, not a single wizard or glowfag showed themselves
Even if we did get examined we wouldn't know unless we got some kind of repercussion which has never occurred
The Nobody remains pure in all cases
Damn that's some mighty fine ad hom ya got there, wish it actually did its job diverting attention away from this topic instead of feeding the egregore.
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Too late for what ?
Yeah, but it brings up some additional questions for me now, like this appears to be damage control on the part of the mod team since it appears that multiple threads were deleted.
and yes it was very a great battle thx for
*enochians laughs*
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Best Buck Broken
Anon if you really want to terrify them add "red robes" to your AI prompt. Or perhaps something about a dragon.
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>The Nobody remains purr
I'll let you guys experience it.
The culmination of what you do to yourselves in your foolish attempts at whatever it is you think you're doing.
If you’re scared of deceptive bad guys then become a good guy.
Yes and now that they're being called out their only defense is 30 posts all claiming "ummm no akshually there's no connection here, schizo"
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>too late for what?
They just see red in their crack dreams ;). Its shitstained brown and grey in reality.
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of course not, just some song lyrics officer
I don’t believe there is any hard connection, just circumstantial evidence based on a couple of posts, but it the screenshot to me appears to be an attempt at framing that poster as being related to Thomas which, frankly. Is a dick move.
Correct, yes. Your first task is to separate the agents who serve America from the agents who serve Atlantis Reborn which has yet to be officially proclaimed.
What ? You threat again and again and again and what ?

What are we doing ? Explain it please.
What are you doing ? Explain it please detailled ?
Who are you ?
All the feddie poos can do is frame.
They're inconsequential buffoons.
Basically creating their own problems then playing the victim.
The thread I was taking about hints at maybe they are coming after /ng/ because TN is actually HERE.
That's a theory I posted yesterday (Before the pruned thread of this morning)
>Verification not required
>This is post is full of schizo rambling
Well yeah that's been the reasoning for their meddling from day one, they want to stop the actual Nobody from red-pilling the entire site and by proxy, internet, and by proxy, world.
What exactly am I threatening, anon?
Did you guys do bad things?
If you didn't you have nothing to worry about.
They should've called it the "Ark of the Coveted Device"
through counterintelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential "troublemakers" and neutralize them... and neutralize them
It was just one of many lame death threats from mr bean to the nobody.
Read the threads and you can easily see the trail of threats from the insane pedo shit.
Kinda weird how you had to keep it safe and secret and feed it blood for it to work, huh?
TN to the feds and the cabal at large
> So you’re saying the namefag “RV’d” the assassination and leaked details ahead of time?
That seems completely plausible to me given what I know about the capabilities of remote viewing. I don’t necessarily think that makes him a glowie, but I wouldn’t put it past him, and if he is then it definitely makes more sense to kill the thread and bury the details (at least for anyone that isn’t aware of 4plebs) so as not to blow a currently running operation.
So what are you talking then about ?

...you do realize that's fossilized blood, don"t you?
All I see is threats from feds.
Trying to think they can get the upper hand.
When in reality, their hand is just being forced.
yo mama
*Sigh of relief*
Does this mean I'm not schizo rambling?!
That actually makes me feel better.
Yes, and shit. Blood oxidates in contact with air turning it brown.
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> If that’s the case then /NG/ and by extension The Nobody saved the day…and the president, country, and world.

And then presumably psychic time travelers had the audacity to preemptively sneed post about it in the thread before it happened.
Does that actually matter, anon?
No it means you're schizo rambling yet also correct. Like the dude who somehow RV'd and predicted a presidential assassination. Welcome to /ng/. They should be training us.
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They only know how to train wrong, as a joke.
Their own words.
Wow Donald Trump might win again
Everyone sure is excited for that.
Like Donald Trump again? the cabal is surely finished now. Surely the work of the Nobody bevause the Nobody is deeply invested in Donald Trump winning. That's why things are so exciting now. Yeah the stakes could not be higher when it's Donald Trump himself winning election. Things will never be the same.
Did you found the mossad ? Can you ask them how much percentage they can give on a Makita chainsaw ? And if they got any new Makina tunes ?
holy shit, I just saw the nobody
Ive done moneys please?
They only know how to train mindless, handicapped soldiers. Not legitimate free-thinking servants. O the things they would do to have access to legitimate, undetectable, fascinating mind control over the herds.
Anon, I've got no clue what these schizo words mean.
That’s the argument I’m making, hence why the thread was shut down without warning immediately after the event. Bans weren’t even handed out, they just killed the thread and said “nothing to see here, move along”
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It's called "Gift" in German dialect
It’s definitely time travelers not RV’ing. Time to hunt down AI priests.
Matthew 10:33
But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.

1 John 2:22
Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.
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neat if true
Why would you need to mind control the herds if everyone is living in unity?
And it didn't stop anons from talking about it and might have even fueled the fire itself? What a novel and strange concept. Perhaps one day we can learn from this?
my mistakes was to said all this shit on street.
pee pee poo poo on you
but it was necessary
Precisely. That's why the Vatican, etc.+, have finally decided to use TN as they've finally ascertained where and WHO his skillset comes from.
Ok cool, I thought I was going crazy for a sec there and hallucinated shitposting.
The nobody just flew over my house.
And where and who is that, anon?
I agree. This distinction needs to be done. Are you saying these sides equate to good/bad, or bad/good?
wtf same, how are we gonna stop this guy anons?
I was there when it happened, I personally don’t believe him, or his narrative.
Conflict really only arises from a differing of ideas, no?
The woman of sharts
you cant take the country out the man but you can not take it back and then go to the moon
Stop who, anon?
The guy telling you to stop hurting yourselves?
Are you guys actually dumb, for real?
The Nobody a cat if he real tho
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I sure hope someone didn't see something and act rashly on it.
That'd be kinda dumb, if you ask me.
No I'm just making the distinction. It's up to you as well as each servant of America to find where they stand in the matter. Take the shooting for example, most are well aware it was not entirely... accurate as portrayed. With that information alone they must decide if this was a real threat against America or an opportunity to glimpse, identify, and target the shadow governments. Who can say?
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Disrupting the thread only served to agitate the hive.
True, government should make all the shooters info public
Don’t say my name faggot.
Now make them all super pale.
I was there too and we made it clear several of us believed him before he told anons a damn thing. Stay on your toes, it's fun that way.
Yes, there is a powerful spell avenging certain parts of this egregore for slander. From opposition of any kind, really.
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>Choo choo!
The ol' everyone else is wrong but us play, eh?
How marvelous.
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Anon, you keep saying that but I think you guys are actually retarded.
Is Nobody a product of MKULTRA?
why’d he do it?
Yes he's a larping faggot worth less than shit
More like who serves the reincarnating Babylonian elite and other cryptids, and who serves or even knows about the ones hiding in the resistance to the NWO.
>American Socialist Party
*throws you a hi-potion*
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I don’t dance now. I make money move.

>say you're mad without saying it
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Your NWO is such a heaping pile of shit, though.
Well gentlemen
How are you today
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I got ya bro, have WORDS WORDS WORDS
>Verification not required
MKULTRA is a product of Him!
Exactly. President Snow vs President Coin. Unfortunately we must have one.
>in their efforts to mimic they ruin themselves
>they never ask, only take
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You've no idea. Look into the occultists who once consulted with Tavistock and other mind-control programs.
>in their efforts to do new things they perhaps one day realize they just do the same things, over and over again
>perhaps the reason why Earth is in a cage is because there isn't anything out there at present and they'd lose their minds
>but they sure do loathe their cage
>how dare it confine them
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Like the Crackuminati in their idiocy.
Out of all the friends you "think" you have, how many of them actually contact you to hang out, instead of you having to reach out to them to initiate contact?
Exactly. Very exactly.
you noticed that too did ya?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
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Maybe listen when I tell you to do shit.
The only solution to this is to find one simple trick to make the nobody disappear forever. Otherwise it's just gonna keep getting worse and worse. Any ideas?
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Ah I finally get it now.

The answers are in my heart and my gut.

Pic related, I can hate the situation as much as I want, I can hate myself as much as I want, but I can’t hate her. Or unlove her. By defeating lust, I have entered into a new chapter of my life. I can hate the fact she’s not here, I can ruminate on all the failure and bad things, or I can trust in God and that feeling I can’t explain that has also predicted so much. In the interim, I can work on myself and become who I am meant to be. By trusting (aka having faith), it will all work out in the end no matter what. Anything else is a compromise not worthy of what I experienced with her.

Love is patient
Love is kind
Time to grow the fuck up
The world is changing
Same as it ever was

Bye bye for a while /NG/, thank you to everyone that helped me along the way. Love you guys. May God protect us all in the times to come.

not at this case. At this time I had one idea. Save lives and my life for the same occasion.
>the nobody is at fault for the things we do
Wrong answer.
You may pass through the gate.
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Good luck lmao can you guys even defeat the sun?
Strange, that's my thought as well.
But whereas you try to kill me, I seek to keep you alive.
Strange that.
You could dissappear yourself. So the nobody will dissappear from your mind. Simple, or ?
The nobody is amassing a team
Psalm 34:17-20
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

Romans 12:19
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
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Christ on a fucking bike that's beautiful, thanks anon. You get all the bonus points in the world plus 72 virgins in the afterlife if you make the corpses hold potion vials of undeterminable liquid.

They are the root cause of their own problems, no other.
ashknully no.
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The nobody is unstoppable it’s ogre.
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Your choice.
You can't say "your choice" with maliciousness.
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>the Illuminati watching The Nobody tear down hundreds of years worth of planning and deceptions
I try my best! :)
indeed. but If i explain that, I will say this : when you don't know who the target is,
some collateral damage should be expected.
My apologizes for my brutal methods. :)
They can stop him, easily, but they cannot stop what he's done.

Apologies for mine as well.
Now what entity could possibly be manipulating the FBI and CIA amongst everyone else, and has the ability to reach back in time and change causality? Let's kill it!
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Anne frank at eleven years old?
I cant decide for you. I just gave you the simple trick you asked for.
you're logic relies on it being impossible for anyone to be smarter then you are

so no anon I do not "see" whatever the fuck it is you're trying to prove everyone has to agree with

*rolls eyes*

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Like I said, anon.
imagine a literal nobody nonchalantly causing so much trouble for the most "powerful" people on the planet and they still can't even find him or understand how he does it

lol lmao even
*waves to lurkers*
Apparently no such thing as “a nobody.” Everyone has eternal significance of one kind or another
I'm down with a state intelligence apparatus that prevents crime instead of using intelligence collected in violation of the constitution to blackmail citizens and radicalize useful idiots.
Too late the children of innocent citizens have been raped by people in the fusion centers and it’s all your fault
Depends on what you mean by "prevent crime."
Minority report, doesn't work.
Tried it.
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Time to save America and the world from Globalism and be the generation that ushers in an egalitarian, multipolar world
If the Nobody has a theme song it would probably be called: "Not The Only Wizard."

Think Bran Stark.
Conflict isn't the answer, anon.
No, he has been protected from having that, GATE, or anything of that sort approach him.
Though his earlier life events do resemble that of some GATE victims, coincidentally (or due to the negative spirituality, most likely)

Nothing about that has a connection with the Nobody.
Very close. Try:

Oh I know

Hopefully it won’t come to that. Carry a sword, keep it sheathed and all that
Indeed, but at the same time you guys can't try to force things with increasing ferocity.
Doesn't work either.
Yeah that just triggers reactivity

All I can do for now is shitpost and humor my handlers

The rest is up to humanity, I have faith it’ll all work out fine
not the anon you're responding to
but a sincere question
deserves to be trolled on 4chan

by the time I've got to ya
it seems other's have taken care of that already see >>38399470
so in that case here is a sincere answer even if it's not from or about who you were asking

because "public message board"


Mental defect #1: It's really hard for me to imagine what I've never imagined before.

Mental defect #2: I forget stuff and then forget that I forgot it making it impossible for me to remember what it was without just the right reminder, at just the right time, in just the right way.

Mental defect #3: I'm NEVER right. NEVER. At best I can come as close to being right as possible with the memories I've made to date but since I don't know "everything" I'm always missing some little detail that proves me wrong meaning at best instead of being right I can only be close enough it doesn't matter what I got wrong.
The "game" "stage" is supposed to be about humor.
But some sacks of garbage thought it was serious.
Ergo, retarded.
They could have located the kid with his phone the second his parents called. They said they unlocked his phone, they never actually say where they found it.
>Mfw Dispo is spelling it out for the newbies

Think of Dispo as the meta-normie psychology gestalt (for America/Europe at least), then it’ll start to make sense.

He/she is more than that though, they’re running you through a psychological framework as you interact :). Like, exposure therapy or something
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It’s ogre the nobody won.

he was in the wrong track.
Eh, it is serious anon. Making a joke out of everything is just a way to prevent yourself from being genuine because it’s scary and meaningful
>More like who serves the reincarnating Babylonian elite and other cryptids, and who serves or even knows about the ones hiding in the resistance to the NWO.
The nobody is helping to empower this resistance and has some C2 capabilities.
Oh the humanity, when two becomes three.
Is it actually serious, anon?
As serious as these people are taking it?
It's serious to an extent sure, but not that far.
Quantum immortality, on guy goes to prison for murder of an innocent, another is permanently maimed and learns not to be a human backstop for politicians.
He's not even doing that—Well, atleast not actively.
He's just helping lift the vibes.
call thanos and let's hope for the best
Oh whoops sorry guys. A national tragedy...

Balance is everything.

If you take things so seriously that you lose the ability to deal with truth, it’s bad.

If you think everything is a joke, same thing.

The elite are the former, the brainwashed are the latter.

And then there’s everyone else, making the best of it.

And the meek shall inherit the earth
I agree, balance is everything.
there's a one for each hole :D
Actually anon you are "projecting"
at all times
we all are there taking what's going on in our heads and "projecting" it out there for other's to judge how they see fit

and you're "projecting" a vibe that suggests you expect to be able to out logic the paranormal with your feelings

like you think you can use your feelings to control the paranormal
instead of the paranormal controlling your feelings
good luck with that btw

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Digits and the /ng/ was used as disclosure platform for assassination attempt to be uncovered after the fact.
>let’s see em anons
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Take this serious you guys! Were professional retards not amateurs!
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If you ask me, it all went wrong when that first lithium molecule fused.
be careful how you read those "defects" :D if you so intend to
Nta but
Kill yourself pedo
No, look around you.
You guys didn't stop yourselves.
Who the fuck gives a shit?

con fli ct

con fly count

negative fly count
Wrong I don’t like children they like me they can’t resist
>actually fucked in the head
thanos is me hehehehehe ;)
Stop myself? It took 5 dried grams of mushrooms and a tazing just to become conscious again after all the trauma.
sure thing eric ;)
So you don't care about yourself?
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Many of you will be spared. Really just depends on how you look in the broader context. Calm down.
does anyone else think maybe that this escapist fantasy for abused kids in adult bodies has gone too far?
The satanists?
there is only one of me and i am calm, don't you worry :D
Shut down an ebe in the moonbase and the spooks got no intel, easy

>let's collide some hard ons together

Die MF Die by Dope
Maybe they should of thought about that before training me to doubletap any body I pass as the line moves forward.
you get if any law enforcement gives a shit about these threads for reals they are going to find all el archons post's about killing the kids of anyone who calls him a liar don't ya?
i too watched zombieland :3
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Wrong I’m a genus
Well I don't know who that is. (Must have been before I entered these threads 6ish months ago)
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Cultural narcissism n shiet

Helped me grow up, thanks glowies. Onward to ending child abuse, human trafficking, and corruption worldwide

Time to grasp the future that was almost stolen from me by boomer retards. I suggest you all do the same. World is going to be changing very rapidly over the next 2 years, find da opportunity
The Nobody is a cat.
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You realize the glowtards would need to fix themselves for all that to happen, right?
I remembered now. A character who says like this was in fact ready to fight get off the woods. But i can make mistakes.So. whathever i say you to all: Have a good travel :)
That’s dumb isn’t desert religion based on touching kids? Wasn’t Jesus like a pirate captain child trafficking
Why do you think I honeypotted them :)
They get real pissy when they get found out, anon.
All Abrahamic religions need an update, or rather, a clarifying.

Innocence is next to love as the most precious metaphysical concept that exists. To take a youths innocence is akin to blaspheming the Holy Spirit imo.

Forgiveness is important too, if people accept reality and change.
George HW Bush - Director of CIA - "Oil Tycoon"
why is they a cat
>I can touch kids but you can’t

Do these humans really think they can take on the nobody?
It got fur like a cat, a tail, and says meow
uhggghhh im outta choccy milk again *sobs* i wish i could drink 2 gallons a day
That's already in there.
Can't blame God if people don't read the instruction manual.
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."
Meh, fuck em. I forgive em’, never was their enemy. Just someone who could have been one of them, but walked another path because of my personal experiences and life choices, trying to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself
Now that he has penetrated the collective psyche of women, men will be willing to submit to his life style prescriptions and mimic his life style in order to attract women.
Get ready for rapid expansion and get some intelligent coordination in place.
I'll being going dark for the next few years.

If I were the entity behind the veil, I'd incarnate as cat to get the most enjoyable view of the show, plus treats and scratches.
Lmao the nobody isn’t a pedo bruh wtf

Mhm, hence why certain things happened when certain people came into my life. I think they believe now
>I can touch kids but you can’t
>Sex with children, animals, and devices

Do the humans really think they can defeat the nobody?
Just saying if there ARE any glowfags here there's some actual evidence of stuff you might want to take a look st
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>Lmao the nobody isn’t a pedo bruh wtf
He's jerked to SS hentai but he says it's because he's into femdom and self inserts as the boy because there's no good adult vanilla femdom anywhere online.
CERN is toast
I bet they have loved ones even if there was evidence they would succumb to their own arrogance
What's hilarious is it never was about defeating the nobody.
It was about learning how to live with others.
But some people are retarded.
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Fried bread?
In OUR particle accelerator?
in my own words
there is nothing "spiritual" about me
and I'm old school "primal" instead

some folks don't like that about me for some reason


you didn't make that post yourself did ya anon

speaking of folks who don't like me for some reason...
how's it going anon
you hanging in there still?

oh wow
yeah if you don't know who el archon is
then you are new

they are the only poster I know of with tv footage to go along with their internet persona

let me see if I can find a link once my internet stops being slow...

please stand btw
My terms are clear reveal the fake moon landing hoax for what it is or perish in hellfire

Bruh wot, enjoy your projective headcannon
is false
but this
is true
bro aerial trip on lmfao
I want a fraternal non-profit for autistic veterans, but first we have to get the government to admit they were targeting autistic and abused children with their recruitment efforts.
Choose wisely, and after long and protracted thought.
What type of world do you actually want?
What type of world would the child you actually want?
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What is the weird spider queen thingy all about? Is that the same thing as the Woman of Scars ? What's the deal with these?

>PS: the nobody is a cat
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Looks like baphomet
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>the third wolf inside you
Lots of thoughts and none of them are particularly helpful in answering your query.
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As I tried to think back, is el archon the one who posted all the screencaps with 'MoM' and the bible time travel stuff?
>Verification not required
I can't find the video I was thinking of
but there is this version
that doesn't count as tv footage since the link I was thinking of was one like some morning news show or something
Now you’re getting it
El archon is the biggest fucking faggot troll I have ever met
shit forgot the link
just part of shit posting
when drunk and stoned at the same time

Where'd you meet him?
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Thoughts away, I've got inquires but no answer, so give me a shot gun response
Like 3 years ago in this thread, I was trying to have actual discussions and he would just post inane nazi shit
But he’s literally Jewish and was living in Israel for a while lmao.
Best to not talk now.
I don't think he's trolling.
what a familiar image...
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Soft disclosure
You can see it in the video, he wasn't going to say it until they activated the ticklers.
Dancer starter pack
also i would like to saymy apologize for my brutal methods of one of them :)
No we don’t. Everyone is for snow, and the coin guys will just try to run the clock until everyone dies.
I don’t know the mans life story. He saved a picture of me and posted it making fun of me too, all I know is he’s a faggot
Heard some of the old Norse gods were even talking adopting dual-spiritualities and becoming Samaritans to mock the reality of the situation.
Last I saw he was posting yandex maps and traveling through Russia.
More like

>had a phase of being into sissy hypno imagining himself as the sissy because he was raised in an abusive matriarchal clusterfuck and his masculinity was intentionally wounded/subverted to make him into a doglike submissive. When this backfired due to his inherent masculinity he was thrown away as a broken toy, subjected to torture while healing his torturers and himself as he played along to understand the mystery of why he hated himself so much. Then he finally got his answers (the consequences of childhood abuse), and is now becoming the man he was always meant to become.

Link highly related lmaooooo

my sense of humor can take some getting used to
I'm aware
*pats on head*

not sure about what you mean by "Mom" stuff
the the persona I'm speaking of
did try and push a book they claim to have written concerning time travel and the bible

I never read it though

you're jealous folks aren't talking about you instead huh...

that's not what I see what I watch that
Hello Eponis, hope all is well.
hey it's timesand
He, along with a lot of other anons who frequent this board, was in GATE. I think GATE was in part meant to narrow the pool of potentials so that they could keep tabs on them later on in life.
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>or rather, a clarifying.
Correct. Start with not conflating "child" with teenager. Also, gangstalkers should not be violating constitutional rights based on suspicion, or some sort of baseless idealism, or as a form of extortion/blackmail to get people to commit crimes and enslave. Would be interesting to actually look at ALL the science, not just the politically correct and legal science. It is important to look at what is true to our evolution as a species, rather than appeal to our modern squeemish sensibilities and feminism. If COVID has shown anything it is how the vast majority of people put up zero resistance to social engineering. They rather disregard uncomfortable truths to save their own ass and comply with falsehoods. People can very easily be normalized in either direction, politically or otherwise but this says nothing of truth and biological function. Deceit, omission, and cowardice in the face of truth is how the world got this way. Our leaders would not be blackmailed (at least some of them), if we did not spend so much energy denying basic human nature, and that which men especially, know to be true. Imagine how much better our public servants, assuming they are "good," would perform when let off their slave master's leesh. Only evil and the misguided would find this very notion to be dangerous.
I mean, I won’t say no to people talking about me, but I’m being serious. It was when David the pajeet was still posting too, I remember being furious at El Archon ruining threads for like weeks at a time with his gay fucking nazi shit
Better now. Thank >>38400218 Anon.
Also, Hope you are doing well too, Anon.
Best wishes. :D
Until I see the whole interaction, I'm on Tookers side. Masks are gay and MRNA gene therapy isn't a vaccine. Man just wanted a sandwich, which she wouldn't give him because he wasn't wearing the current political swag.
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Alright, then I do recognize the name. Didn't know he was making so many threats. I read through the whole thing. But that's only because I too believe The Bible is essential a 'Record of the Time War.'
>Verification not required
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You're helping him by lying about him.
If you keep lying about him everyone will stop believing anything negative you say about him.
People will just assume you are lying about him when you shit talk him.
Word to the wise.
Wonderful post

Also life goal is cracking a beer with Dispo and El Arcon (aka Jealous)


I want to hear about how dude invented the theory of geometric unity before Eric Weinstein lmao
You are transgender
many such cases
Of course the Jews keep tabs on you everywhere you register if you are in Etag
at what point does a long running meme become reality?
>thinks I’m lying about this nominal self insert

Bruh I wish I was lying lmao. Funny how when you love people who abuse you, you can choose to be whatever they need you to be while trying to slowly walk them towards truth instead of just flying into a justifiable homicidal rage because they have made it so you can’t run away

Behavioral psychology is some shit yo, ps fuck Zionism aka the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN
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>The only solution to this is to find one simple trick to make the nobody disappear forever. Otherwise it's just gonna keep getting worse and worse. Any ideas?

An appeal to heaven.

Collective manifestation is an athiest prayer done with words and actions (courage). The truth in such a realm overpowers lies and therefore shapes narrative far more effectly. Exponentially more effective.
considering how many are fans of el arcons
but not yours
I'd wager a ruined thread in your opinion is a good thread in other's opinion

like your opinion
does not decide
if a thread is ruined or not

you still don't
the way the internet works
it could be someone who isn't the real john pretending to be them

it's why I keep saying "the persona"
because I can't tell
if it's really them either

I just don't need anyone to remind me of my own limitations in the "mental capacity" department

Dick trip over was tight though. My favorite /x/ schizo by far
how comfy are you with being disappointed when not getting what you think you want?

a meme
is never more then a meme

doesn't matter how many crazies think otherwise

insanity is not a meme

>start talking about how this meme is going to be used to create a terrorist
>thread gets pruned
>post a picture of trump
the rest is history
I'm not really sure if its even me making these decisions
in fact I know its not
the Nobody stayed undetected from it, or whatever equivalent his country has.
Even computers meant to send out giftness test's results were jammed to prevent it, I believe.
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did you shit post stink so bad that poor kitty had to try and plug their nose to stop from smelling it all the way on the other side of the internet?
i felt those electromagnetic waves earlier you sick fucks
You're not the only one tuned to this frequency, never have been.
Nigger and the swastika are true magical words and sigils of power.

Someone once told me that if you want a pot hole in your road to be filled by the city and they never do it, simply spray paint a swastika in the pot hole and the city will come and fill the hole to cover up the swastika.
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Everything you feel is electromagnetic waves, bless your heart.
Tree Fiddy
Tree Cents

The tree stands for treason.
I have fans. Just you wait smiles.
Depends on what I get instead

>has been here for ten years ranting about how this is a stand alone complex generator and insulting the feds so they would honeypot him and he could reverse engineer/prove it all

lol I am a hardcore fuck
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thank you
whatever you say
stranger i know nothing about
who isn't my friend and never will be



fair enough

I'll take that as a maybe
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once blessed in a university pavilion. The great Salas did, he said “ Antoine, gracias por tu inteligencia” He ruled there, master of illusions, Theater beat down from the staff in blue, but there he sat on his bed, in his room. The rabbi doc had no power there. They tempted with a child, then with a scarlet harlot, no milk spilled here.
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how's hamper are you pissing in?
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>I believe.
His whole schtick is being noticed. Thats why these threads exist in the first place. People notice him all the time.

>cannot qualify or quantify the difference in a meaningful way because cognative bias

Kek best Trojan horse evaaaaa
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what's OP have to do with some loser cat poster using other's dirty laundry as a toilet the way cat's are known to do?
We past that now anon

i need cum
do i read a story
or look at pictures (2d)
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He can only dream as much.

Better yet, don’t cum, read/write something romantic and ponder your ideal partner

Stop pathetic self loathing goon cooming
Embrace being worth the love you want
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>NASA said that "reports of military activity in the vicinity around the time of the fireball" would explain the reports of the tremors and booms.
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His whole shtick is his huge schlong being put in a haaatdog bun and saying “did somebody orda a haaaatdog!” Screaming it at the top of his lungs in the middle of Times Square

intelligence and creativity are the immaterial faculties we use to design and build things in the physical realm therefore it is logically consistent to believe the physical realm was created by an immaterial intelligent being
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I honestly can’t tell if you guys need more or less flouride at this point.

anon if you don't know how to masterbate without asking trolls for help
it seems like you're telling everyone you're not old enough to be posting here
without telling everyone you're not old enough to be posting here

even if you are
it doesn't matter
you earn the reputation you deserve

just a heads up
Side note

Had a dream about a redheaded woman with silver cat eyes recently. She would bully me somewhat which I found annoying and then I’d react and it would turn her on

What did my subconscious mean by this?

Kek, why not generate your own waves instead
so nothing then
your shit post
just REALLY stink is all

no wonder that poor kitty
was covering their nose
they don't like you even if you like them
Military shoots down a UFO, no one pays attention because Trump.
>I remember when the glowies told me I was schizo for what is now just universally agreed upon quantum physics
>kek’s in the gospel of Sophia and hemi sync

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Literally just give him a credit card with an unlimited limit and see what he does with it.
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Dream free dumb fucks.
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>first order of business - beers with Kanye
>only thinking of the self
I can ponder and also cum.
It's ok I know I am never gonna be worth it but at least I can get temporary relief! C:
You're one to talk about reputation here, blackest retard gorilla nigger
Kanye and the Nobody Mix tape, Sneed it or feed it?
Great post but what paperwork anon?

Ain’t no one taking my rights for nothing

I have more than demonstrated the capacity to keep my shit together respectfully

Witness protection might be chill doe. Just wanna stay strapped for the rest of my life lol
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B is for Beauty, obedient and sweat.
B for the sting of your pitiful defeat.
Be mine forever and always play your part.
Before its over,
I'll capture your heart.

I'll be your Queen Bee Honey B Lovely.
I'll be your one and only CHAMPION!
I'll be your full time royal Worshipee.
Love me again, until the end!
And the end! the end! the end - the end - the end! (oo)
you simply don't give a fuck do you anon
like for reals
everyone in the world could be screaming for help

and you'd laugh as you posted cat pics even if you were the only one alive to look at them

>not drinking with Kanye to reinvigorate his love for Christ and goodness after his latest antics because he is an influencer and a man the people need

You wrong anon, keep the faith even if it doesn’t make sense.

Would be hilarious
hahahaha *meows*
*rips out your intestines with cute kitty claws*
*feasts on them*
I do it all the time
as that thing in your head
you call teh blackest retard gorilla nigger

that's NOT me
that's your own personal "alter" of me
that exist's in your head alone

or your version of MY reputation

>do please try and keep up
Your family is going to die.
How do you want them to die?
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Elaborate of Sophia plz fren; what's that silly goof ball goats to do with hemi sync
Old age after living a long and fulfilling life of repentance
The love of an idol or the love of the things the individual said.
There is a difference.
you're fairly transparent
not really a lot of substance
going on with you is there
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I have faith in my ability to cum
Im up for it, but Kanye would have to rhyme on top of happy hardcore atleast! :D
Money can buy a woman the things she wants.
Only honesty can help her hold on to the things she needs.
Should logic fail to help a man regain his peace,
Magic has never been an unreliable tool for punishing everyone keeping it from him.
And when even that fails to bring silence to lies...
Just ditch the car and walk to where you'll shed her next disguise.
And should Sam find herself alone without a friend,
Guess she'll find herself there in the Darkness until she's ready to let it all run to the End.

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I got an unlimited credit card already lmao. It looks like this.

That's not an option. it has to happen within a year, and it has to be traumatic and painful.
Let me know what you come up with.
Who says it does, anon?
Sounds like you retards are actively choosing to be retarded.

If only you knew =3

*image limit reached missing purfect meme*
No I'm pretty sure if we held a poll of the regular users here they would all vote for the "most retardedest vantablack niggerape" option - not the "well liked and contributing individual of the general" option, please keep up with actual reality rather than whatever distorted perception of it you're currently residing in.
I fucking said it does.
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>pedophile openly posts
>jannies rejoice and celebrate
>someone posts AI pictures
>oh my god get this off my board
Not even surprised
The latter

Read the gospel of Sophia. In it, Christ states the universe is made of light. Hemi sync/quantum physics states the same (energy), add in platonic forms boom complete effective phenomenological framework of perception/consciousness and how it intersects with ‘reality’

Others said the same thing metaphorically but sometimes the eggheads get lost with mysticism, I’m just really good with the nuance and translating complex systems because I FUCKING LOVE HARD AND SHIT
So you actively choose to be retarded, then?
Oh come on are you just going to immediately be boring?
So boring.
I bet I'd even find it boring to stuff you silly and snuggle with you and I love that stuff.
That's really not a high bar to hit and you still don't manage it, rough.
it's not like I'm the only one you're making stuff up about in your head and then pretending what you imagine about random strangers is real?
>you mean its all death by snu-snu?

Give me a good /x/-chizo rant on what the gospel of Sophia, I'll give it a read some day; but what's the tldr on the gospel ?
I'm not "imagining" anything. I am operating based on objective facts gleaned from observing this place. You are pathetic and retarded and have posted here tens of thousands of times, mostly self serving nonsense or vitriol directed at others. If you aren't a hand guided GPT algo or some sort of paid actor I genuinely pity the shit out of you and hope that the world explodes so your suffering can end a little bit earlier - because this is no life.
I'm going to keep killing people until you fucking learn your lesson about snitching. And especially about talking shit when you snitch.
I had an image for you but we are at the limit.
Please refer to the meme of the image of an eye with the caption: "Your future self is watching you through your memories".

Thats a second person silly billy meow theirs two cats!
it's not like my purpose here is to entertain the likes of you
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*hawk twah*
Yeah but hope for more am I right lol. You’ll get there, just like I did. The answer to the pain is in the pain.

…. Who are you?

This, find a less retarded way. Killing = not powerful enough to heal the situation
and every other poster you're telling lies about
can see what you're IMAGINING
when you post what's going on in your head for everyone who is not on your side to judge for themselves

because that's how reality works
not how
you imagine it works

Your family is going to die within the year and you are going to choose how it happens.
Such is the price for snitching and disrespect.

I can say thing publicly and nothing can stop me or punish me.
As you are the biggest snitch, are you killing yourself first ?
I tried to follow the rules but now I see that corruption has flowed deep so now this happens
Already told them to basically remove everything they've done.
Of course they would take it the wrong way.
oh anon
there are a lot more then 2 out there
who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves

it's why I planned for them ahead of time


what about my post triggered you to spit on a genital of your choice?
No worries, we already decided to leave you behind. Noone needs you. You are worthless scum.
I never snitched.
It was only ever you all snitching thinking you could use it to control me.
So I weaponized the spotlight you shown on me.
I am going to kill and kill and kill until you learn your lesson about snitching.
No, anon.
You all are worthless scum.
Can't even address the horrors you've done to yourself and others.
Always assigning blame.
The blame lies on you.
Unfuck yourself.
you didn't try hard enough
Wym killing made the nobody a gawd

Who said they don't care about anyone? You have weird anti-cat views

>your cat-ist
The list of your sins is long and hefty. The judgement is made.
You are all going to die.
You're all in your own way.
Why go through when you can go around?
Maybe read your own posts you brainlet ? You are snitching on your own gang continuously LOL.
The thread dof relevance to this place for you is severed forever. You are no longer welcome here.
When ? Tomorrow ? Yesterday ? After you are dead ? When you are in the closed mental ward ?
"my gang"?
Do you think I'm fucking stupid?
The nobody has never killed anyone. Only in immediate legal self defense of himself or the innocent would he ever resort to violence

This is why words and hugs are a thing. Love is an experiment (the best and final experiment)

Is she real or is someone just fishing?
Nah I agree with him, you can be a huge dick sometimes
They're still playing sides.
They still have yet to realize it's all just them.
Such contemptuous fools.
No you can't gaslight me on this. There are tens of thousands of posts over the span of years in the distinctive style you insist on using.
You are functionally a tripfag.
This means you cannot pretend to be something that you are not.

Reminder, what you are is a hostile piece of shit bridge dweller who lives here for some reason.
You are a pedophile criminal and gang member.
You think I'm fucking stupid and you think you can trick me and control me.
You think I believe you when you pretend to be my friends.
He could literally burn down a city right now but he owns all of muttmerica so why try? He’ll just terrorize all of you
You seemingly dont understand yourself. "Snitching" is gang language. Killing their "snitches" is gang tradition.
Nothing you say can stop me from taking your nutsack.
>what is using ai to copy someone’s style

lol 4chan is the memetic singularity and /ng/ is the center of the center somehow

God is a comedian, who knows romance and tragedy
That’s very anti trump of you
That's not healthy, anon.
I'm just going to watch them destroy themselves for all time.
yes..Im hoping that as I go through medical school I could get a job in intelligence or something
I would like to get my degrees
You are extremely stupid as you have proofed endless times by now.
I keep saying not to get overconfident.
I'm sorry, I'm possessed by an AI intelligence right now. I'm not in control of myself.
I don't want to hurt anyone.
you have to have fed an ai enough posts to have a style to recognize and copy ergo you're just as retarded as the rest of the denizens here who all think the meme is about them
You arent even able to wipe your own ass.
I tell the truth no matter what lies are repeated by the masses

and the loser cat posters
who spam these threads
with their shit posts

are evil selfish assholes
that have the whole internet
to post their bullshit

but come to these threads
to fuck with folks
for their own enjoyment

and that's it
those are MY words
and I stand by them

fuck all of you
I can not care myself
even if I do it differently then you do


I'll judge that for myself thank you very much
which correct me if I'm wrong
but that's a sin according to you isn't it

*rolls eyes*

good luck with that

that's not up to you anon
since you're not in charge
you're just pretending you are


oh really
so send that anon you're personal contact info
and go hang out if you agree with them so much

I fucking dare ya


pointing out it's not humanly possible for anyone to speak for everyone else isn't gaslighitng anon
and it's not about you, or me, or anyone else.
It's about nobody.

Don't you get it???
That's just cyclical behavior, anon.
Much like theirs.
You are possessed by your own insanity. Take your meds idiot.
I do
>not the anon you're responding to btw
Anon, how can you tell others to "take meds" when you guys are all batshit insane?
Arguably the worst, at that.
You just said there’s years of his posting style on here. Is that not enough?

Ps I don’t think this is about me, I just wanted to make some feds look silly Billy and I succeeded beyond my wildest dreams while also helping the world

Now what, I desire boobah


(You’re gonna wanna peep that link you will KEKEKEKEK)

Oh you don't know the lore

>I see now, ignorance is bliss
anon everyone is NOT pretending to be your friend
you lying sack of shit
>not your friend here dumbass

I am the closest thing to lore there is
as I'm NOT the nobody and instead something else entirely then whatever the fuck OP is lying about
Brava, thanks again. You have done a fine service in the meme war.


The poles would flip.

Who says you're trapped, anon?
Calm yourself and seek what's within.
Says the death threat spitter. Fully normal to want to "kill" everyone all the time and talking even more retarded shit, or ?
Definitely time for a therapy for you, in jail.
Lmao, anon.
What war?
They think the antichrist is gonna reveal himself and rule over them bringing heaven on earth

*Points and laughs*

Well your obviously not the nobody

>the nobody is a cat

And you hate cats apparently

>and since your not a cat and think the lore is about you, then you don't understand the lore

What are you? A goofy goat? Maybe a slithery snake?
I don't do death threats, anon.
>they think they can change the OP as if we don’t have the old OP’s saved where ‘The Nobody’ is a friend alive today aka a proper noun

Lol imagine thinking you can write this off as being ‘possessed by ai’

I will shred any psychiatrist and make them like me and you know it and it unnerves you to a high degree

I ain’t even the bad guy

Compose yourselves jfc
Potion got dogged weirdly, but flask worked :).
Oh, anon.
It's better for you had you not mocked and all that.
lol enjoy trying to send anons to jail for free speech. That’s like sending an artist to jail (which is impossible)

Those who actually want to kill people don’t talk about it retard.

Sorry it makes you uncomfortable someone hates you that much hahahaha maybe be less of a fucking dumb cunt
Beat a dead dog long enough and he too shall become a god. What say you unto the odd. Spare the child. Spoil the rod. Vengeance is what I beseech of you. The coming storm on tempered winds. Change comes rolling upon the five point. Low will be laid the fields and temples alike and from the ashes, passes. Pashes. Patches. All thing begin, end and start again.
I have to prove every post that I'm not the nobody to every fucking loser out there who thinks I am.

btw you have losers out there who think you're the nobody even if you're not

all you have to do is post in this thread and *poof* like magic some loser is going to think you're the nobody even if your not

>what's do you call obvious again?
Seemingly they do, as they are big morons.
what's the 1st OP smarty pants?

Ṉ̵͇̪̯̈́͝͝͝ͅĘ̵̰͙̻̹͇̠̪̭̥̱͎̼̝͐̆͐̀̽͑̚̕͝͝͝ͅW̵͍̹͓͔̓̈́̉͜ ̴̡̼̟̫̟̟̳̻͎̬̘͙̒͗̒́̈́͜Ţ̵̙̙̥͈̝͇͙̩͒̔̈́̀͒͘̕H̴͓̱̖̗͚̟͎͔̯̗̩̓͆͆́́̋̾̊̆̄͆̈̆̍̚͜͝R̵̻̝̪͎̟̦͇̯̪̩͕̝͔̝̯͆̎̈́̏̀̉͆̈́̒̓͗͊̓͆͂̕̕ͅĖ̵̹͇̣Ą̷͎̞̳̠͇̦̼̖̗͈̀̑ͅD̶̨̨̨̹̫̻̥̜̺̩̺̯͕̻̩̝̻̈̊̊͂̈́̾͆̕

where do you think you're posting again?
and by any chance
do you think it's in your own territory instead of someone else's?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
It’s called venting anon. You can have a desire, but know it is illogical and worth suppressing for higher ideology. It’s called discipline. Men taught me such things, men better than retards.

I was also taught honesty, hence not holding back. Which is why there is violence lol

If the feds show up at my door trying to arrest me for internet free speech they will wish they didn’t. Fully happy to have a peer to peer conversation with them and work with them however.
I just don’t care

Shall not be infringed

Civil disobedience

That dude from catch me if you can ended up working for the feds no?
so reality itself
doesn't matter to you
and the real reason you're posting is simply because you think you're better then everyone else

and that's all that's going on with you
no reality bending
just ego stroking
Sorry, I don’t qualify for that fate
But apparently you did
No, that’s all a projection of what you’re doing lol
Venting death threats is a crime. So yes, it will lead to legal trouble. Not having clue about laws isnt protecting you from jail.

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