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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

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A New World Order
"Novus Ordo Sclorum"

Right in your faces

Fucking finally, best OP yet. 10/10, would be monitored by feds again and recommend to frens.
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Some memes just fuse themselves.
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When they merge

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This anon was posting interesting details ten days prior to assassination attempt on 4chan. Could be Thomas Crooks or could be a white hat dropping details that were picked up in chatter, posted in a cryptic way.
>dont step on snek
Revelation 9:6
Y'all should read it.
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the nobody was killed on the 13th. dark timeline is the active timeline now.
I just gave him some cat food 30 minutes ago. Fake news!
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Quantum immortality existed before the Jewish psyop.
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In your wet dreams.
Read what I said before making such a stupid comment.
And by that logic do you really want "this" to be your true self?
I can tell you that none of you do.
>Hinduism: Its all just one big illusion in a loop, you can't really "die"
>Abrahamics: If you don't die and go to heaven you are in hell
>all religions
>be a decent person, in all things
>for what you do to others will be done to you, in a loop
>and it will be done to such a large number that you will wish to not even exist should you do it to certain people
Hey I posted in that one the picture of the butterfly on my hand
Looks like we're shitposting until the singularity then.
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So you're actively choosing to not be a decent person?
all right we are a go
>the retards are just creating their own misery
>including "them"
Sure buddy
Explain how the pedophiles are still alive
Their "future selves" hate them that much.
If you have evidence of sexual abuse, report it to the FBI.
>white hat dropping details
That would imply planning but to me it seems like either:

>a) an extremely beleivable psyops highlighting believable deep state motives and incompetency with obvious in your face type of lying/coverup/gaslighting.

>b) it was real and time travelers/other/ entity are involved because it does not seem reliably likely that the shooter would intentionally hit just the ear given the last minute head movement and then leave clues of foresight 10 days before hand. Note that psychic ability would fall under this "other/entity."

>Interesting that it was posted on /x/
Indeed. Deo favante, Trump will lose a second time. My God is omnipotent.
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I would like for this phase to be over now.
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What do you mean, anon?
Didn't you guys fight so hard to get here?
Or the Nobody is a powerless faggot larp zone filled with retards ?
I did get a strange reply to my picture though I don't really pay attention so I didn't even know until I looked now
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Or, their "future selves" hate themselves to that extent.
If the jannies can't ban one pedophile openly posting here then why the fuck should I do anything
It's clearly the world you want
sick faggots all of ya
I think the point is tolerating bullshit is virtuous. It is compassionate forbearance. Holding back on base impulse to violence is mollifying your own wrath, is it not?

Is this why not God is the ruler?
>they create their own Hell
You know, you'd think they would get it but I think they're actually truly fucking stupid.
>we won
>we won
Won what, exactly?
I'm gonna finally stop posting here.
>god would also fall under "other"
I dunno I'm not too sure what's going on
I'm not thrilled to find one of my posts in the same thread as someone saying the shooter was there
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They only ban people they aren't interested in collecting information on.
To an extent, anon.
Tolerate them for too long and you're just being cruel to them.
Much like they are to themselves.
But you know, they were so focused on winning I bet they don't even remember what it is they were trying to win.
Same. It’s a cesspool.
>other thread got pruned :(
"finally" ? LOL You insane idiot return day by day by day ...... .
Ah, well, ignorance is bliss.
Not really, anon.
Not in this instance.
Still up and running.
maybe but I'm gonna stop posting here now and you won't and you will rot here like a bitch lmao
There are like 3 actual posters left
You rot since years at home. You have no friends. You have no family. You have nothing. You are insane.
Yes but here is not there and there is where we should care and dare to go.
o i just got the scissor ref
>you dirty dogs
You mean 3 of mr beans countless schizo accounts left ?!
This is totally my last post. You're all on your own from here on out.
Well, that kinda sucks for you guys then.
All things considered.
Tried so desperately to win, you lost everything that mattered.
>tut tut
Worst part is you all don't go "there."
Why would you?
So is this supposed to be a joke..
Hmm.. yeah Whatever been working out for the past six months.. idk why it's just gets me in the zone, bc the fire inside still burns .. anyway got the massage..what exactly do you think I can do ? Ctrl averaging and everyone around you..because I slip in the cracks of reality itself...so there's that ...
you're a projecting fucking loser. All of that is probably true about yourself. Now I'm gonna stop posting here forever while you rot in this shithole and waste your life so watch me not reply to you after this post.
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we all became lurkers
Have fun rotting on the street you homeless crack addicted schizophrenic piece of murder shit.
Good luck!
see you losers tomorrow
Anon, that's not how you interact with people.
Go apologize.
Anonymous Mon 01 Jul 2024 16:40:46
4chan Time: 7/1/24(Mon)19:40
>t. Merc Cuckburger
Paying people to tap out doesn't make you dangerous, it just makes you dangerously overconfident. In reality people just smash each other with anything they have at hand until the other guy goes crack. You would be better off wearing kevlar clothes and paying excons to fight you with hard rubber knives. At least that way you would gain an appreciation for violent intent.
>Nice moth btw.

Did you write this to me?
OP is a deranged homosexual
always has been
Please elaborate. (Male)Positive feedback is unusual for me so I’m interested in hearing about what sent you.
How are your hallucinations today ?
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how are your estrogen levels today?
I did! Immediately painted a nice picture for him.

See above ^^
That's not an apology.
That's just you thinking you can be a pile of garbage and add a platitude at the end and think that remedies it.
You guys are sort of lacking basic shit, such as self observation..
You're mistaking the filter as yourself
.. what's the difference between ego and pure awareness.. what's the difference between awareness and gravity.. why even fight? Something that I was outside of time and space.. who is the one fighting..
I'd say surrender.. The elites to think that they are something by earthly standards.. You're still in a sandbox..
A little stitch in a fractal.. nobody is a giant..
Can you give a link to your imaginary livestream of your thoughts and brain on Netflix ?
How are your freebasing skills ? Heard it doesnt looks very "professional" LOL
Comon! Ive spend many hours and my love for him to depict him as recognizable as possible!
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No anon, you merely extend your internal hatred outwards.
When you should work on yourself and address why you hate yourself.
>*individuals within the government
I dont hate myself. Why should i ? Do you hate yourself ? Does it hurts when you hate yourself ? Do you have more mental "disabilities" ?
Everything should be so obvious, the main issue is that these retards think they know better.
What's your god's name, Anon?
I'm gonna have a chat with it
No one is debating you..
Your truth is hatred ..
And that is why you burn
Deny it all you want it doesn't change it.
My truth isn't hatred, anon.
You mistake it for hatred because you yourself feel it.
Kindly do not associate what you feel with what it is.
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To prepare for the Vance presidency, we must remember that the government is not a single entity, but made up of individuals who either choose to uphold or break the oath they swore, whether elected, appointed, or employed.
All you spew is hatred therefore you are hatred therefore hatred is your truth.. That's how that works.. Tell me if it's not hatred what is the motivation Sherlock?
How is what I spew hatred, anon?
I'm saying to look within yourself.
Is only hatred there, and if so why?
Anon, you guys really need to take a step back and unfuck yourselves.
>When they come up with a gene therapy for autism will they call it the autism vaccine?
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Thats something you should clearly recommend yourself urgently before its too late.
Starting with it in jail will be likely too late.
You know, for a people that thinks they're geniuses they're really fucking stupid when it comes to the stuff that matters.
How about you start answering some questions hot shot
Why would I go to jail, anon?
Because I'm telling you things about yourself that you don't like?
Ah yes
Smells like glowies in here
What do you want?
Wanna get laughed at?
Your plans all failed
Your god defeated
Rain is falling
The future will come
And you can't stop it
You can't "freeze" time
It's fucking over dumb bitches
I'm pretty sure you're the next shooter
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I accuse you of violating your own constitution.
Shall we play this game to its end?
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Lesbian sexxo ;3
That's because people are specifically disallowed by the education system to become polymaths.
Yep this is the guy
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Look into Sneedbuddies eyes. You feel it don't you? The urge to sneedpost?
Yes, feel it consume you. The seethe of the NPCs drives you, beckons you to Chuckpost.
Says the possessed human lmao
Wrong type of nsfw bros
Says a pedolite.
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Was the banter lady real? What do you think bros? Should I email her? She lives pretty far away
Anon, I have no idea what that word means but I'm sure you do.
But I'm not possessed.
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How do they pick them? Also what if they just don't shoot anyone?
Look at your posts
You refuse to give straight answers
Constantly talking about some weird retribution
Also linking and imposing the event on the thread?
You're a psychopath dude
You're definitely the guy
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Good morning, Anon! I hope you slept well. And I hope you have a better day than mine.
Except you, you Hawaiian asshole. Suffer more. Hope you get sent to the pen in Alaska with your Hawaiian summer clothes.
Of course you are anon
Your words don't have the human sound i hear
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if they aren't even worthy to be saved then I just can't be their Hero

time to use my powers to destroy again
She's just a russian troll? I would move to russia for a bride you know? Or have one move here with me if anyone wanted to arrange that.
I think that you guys are too corrupt and you're functionally derelicting your duty, at best.
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I also find it interesting the first sticky post always/usually has verbiage that would lend itself to a kinder, gentler world if it were too happen, but then the rest of the thread seems to be a lotta grrrr grrrr argh
>How does everyone take their tea?
You definitely were more gungho a second ago
Cat got your tongue?
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You are a Elite Pedo.
I can promise you that if you gave me 15~30 minutes alone with Marjorie she would not be as mad.
It has something to do with him working out lately. The glowies are just sending him a reminder that he's being watched. Big deal. Do you want to know what happened on the 15th? Maybe somthing significant , a major milestone. And all they can say is, 'You're being watched'?"
Preferably fermented into kombucha
With a little bit of honey and some chamomile.
I like white, gunpowder green, oolong and black tea quite a bit. If you prepare it well, you don't need to add anything.
I wouldn't take that s*** it has a ton of fluoride.. f****** hippie falling into a trap
.. green and black tea or super accumulators of fluoride because of the fluoridated water sources.. look it up if you don't believe me.. unless you're getting it from the Himalayas or some shit
So now that we've identified this man as the next shooter
What should we do moving forward?
Do you own guns?
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laugh now cry later homo

i'm done clowning around

enjoy rotting here while i work on setting the world on fire to bring judgment on you sick faggots

>and when Lucifer brought down fire/light from above for the second time
>his opps were no longer troons homos pedos wife beaters plushie rapists or bisexual......They were just Ashes
Your local governments will be taken out. In extremely well orchestrated attacks on all slaves. that power the system and its lies.

Good luck dying as the rebellion truly starts. You'll all wish you fucking hadn't started shit with any of us you cocksucking lil cunts!

They'll be told the law, they'll kill you all with us. And all done with possession and a deep inner want to do so.

Enjoy your cunt kingdom final day. Its about to go up in fucking flames.
I'm not sure what you are referring to on the 15th. Will they send a letter for training in the near future?

BTAC sounds great if they can prevent more young people from throwing their lives away
There are a lot of herbal teas you can grow locally if you're concerned about sourcing.
He’s only human. That was proven last week. Don’t get lost in the sauce.
you jerk off to mr bean dont ya loser
Remember to write in Nobody at the ballot box in November.
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I didn't know this, I'll look into it. The black tea I used to make it usually was from india. And I never used tap water

Thanks anon
So let me get this straight, "when in doubt just do the same shit as always?"
Isn't this textbook insanity?
There wont be an election. All candidates will be dead by then. Call it an act of god.
That doesn't solve the problem.. they don't filter out fluoride from the irrigation process.. as I said you can look at a white paper, and you can verify for yourself that black and green tea are super accumulators of fluoride.. unless they were irrigated without fluoridated sources.. now herbal tea is a different matter altogether..
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You seemingly suck his cock for crack. How much crack is he giving you if he is enjoying it ? Can you compete with his mastership in sucking cocks ? Who is smoking more crack, he or you ?
... I said herbal teas, you fucking retard.
I want you to understand how little I give a fuck about your well being and how much I don't like being insulted with your bullshit.
Do you understand the gravity of the situation you're putting in MY lap?
The Nobody isn't your hitman you scumbag fuck
There still would be an election. Elections don't stop because political parties can't keep their candidates breathing.
Yeah, society is being grabbed by the throat and its cunt neck snapped. More rules. faggot.
I was going to write The Hamburglar and maybe he'll deal with all the fat fucks everywhere that I'm tired of looking at
But but .... if its working so well ? As the reactions indicate pretty clearly :D
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>I see this thread has the accusation of "The next Shooter."
This will become the standard insult of /ng/
A masterful plan put into place.
Good luck being an idiot anon, you'll all die.
What did happen on the 15th? I'd really like to know. You're right I definitely need to work out more
I mean, if they want to drag themselves out of hiding.
Or I can do it and we can all point and laugh at the feds for all eternity.
I hear they get extremely pissed off at being laughed at.
I sure hope they don't do anything stupid.
Like reveal themselves, or nothin'.
There's a guy in here spamming leftist shit 24/7 with the goal of stochastic terrorism against right leaning targets.
How do I post a barf emoji?
I want you to understand completely that the shooter has nothing to do with this thread and if I have to make you into the next shooter for you to understand the level of fuck you that you gave me with this then that's what will happen
Do you get that?
Are you getting it?
The Nobody isn't your playground to be a shit head
I just post a picture of a fed and it just happens on its own.
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What do you mean anon?
>The glowies are just sending him a reminder that he's being watched.
Would be unwise to attack any targeted individual in this day and age. Entire network is being exposed. I have given some thought though on whether it would be wise to testify.
Hey, listen.
If you didn't have anything to hide you wouldn't be this mad, eh?
Cheer up buttercup
Do whatever pleases you, this is /ng/ in my time here, there have been insults a plenty.
If, however, everyone starts accusing each other of being 'The Next Shooter.'
The well will have been poisoned. Though, from what I can see, it already has been.
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Actual last post for a good while lol

No one shoot anyone for any illegal reasons, violence is mostly wrong, much of my posting is performative as an act of civil disobedience because the intelligence/political apparatus is out of control and needs activists to reign it in, in a peaceable way

Feds have been caught multiple times trying to psyop anons into violence. Don’t let them make you into a fool. Peep Ghandi.
You'll be consumed by god level fury and righteousness as I carve the blade through civilization and watch it slide apart and spurt its cunt demon blood before slumping dead. and ending all life on earth. go fuck your control. And die to the antichrist! fuck tolerating and forgiving you. we have power. Die to it. Watch harder, then I can watch you running.
I mean, I generally do whatever pleases me.
It's just that it so happens to be to listen to music and not be a thorn in peoples sides.
But the feds, they just can't stop themselves.
Why are they trying so hard to force a connection between this place and the shooter? What do they want to happen to the /ng/

They will fail btw
Do you not like French electronic music?
This movie is amazing, btw.
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Why do the feds always try to pin their misdoings on other people, anon?
Because they're scared they'll be found out.
What ever happened to the bravado?
Here's a tip
If you don't want to be called the next shooter then don't bring it up
Do you understand?
There's a lot that can happen to make things right between them. Including off the record. A job, backpay, a bride, any number of things that could be discussed. That will be discussed
Well said
The usual smoke and mirrors to take down what they started and lost control over.
Thanks cowboy doge, we'll miss you 'round these parts
>meme wizard noises

Ahhh the damage control
And on that note :)
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>I was "the next shooter" before it was cool
is la nobodia / el nobodio over 35?
im laughing thinking that the cabal thinks they can rid their enemeis by making them attack one guy, like hey lets use a bunch of bugs and make people horny towards the guy and that will make our enemies fight for sure. they sure got some twisted tactics too bad for them their mind control just isn't what it was with the veil breaking and all.
I can't say that I've listened to much, but I do really like some of the electronic stuff I've found in recent years. If you have any others I'll be on my pc in a few hours and I'll give them a listen :]
Why are you bringing it up, then?
Zomg, do feds do this exact thing in other countries to try and destabilize them?
Alright this is how you wanna do it
wos boob
Mike stormed into the dimly lit room, his fists clenched tightly. Walt sat calmly, seemingly unfazed. The tension in the air was palpable.

"You missed the cook, Walt!" Mike growled, barely controlling his rage. "Do you have any idea what that means for us? For me?"

Walt looked up, meeting Mike's eyes with a mix of defiance and something softer. "Mike, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice steady but vulnerable.

Mike's scowl deepened. "This better be good, Walt. Because right now, I'm one step away from—"

"I'm pregnant," Walt interrupted, his words cutting through Mike's anger. "With your child."

Mike was stunned into silence. "How...how is that even possible?" he finally stammered.

Walt's gaze softened, a small, nostalgic smile playing on his lips. "You remember that night, Mike. The one we agreed to never talk about again. When we kissed and...we were more than just business partners."

Mike's eyes flickered with confusion and anger. "We agreed to never bring that up again, Walt. That night was a mistake."

"It wasn't a mistake for me," Walt said quietly. "And now I'm carrying our child. And I'm keeping the baby, Mike."

A heavy silence fell between them. Mike's anger dissolved, replaced by a tumult of emotions. Slowly, he stepped forward, his hand reaching out hesitantly to rest on Walt's belly. He felt the warmth, the life growing inside.

Walt's eyes met his, filled with hope and uncertainty. "We can do this, Mike. We can be a family."

Mike's expression softened, a rare tenderness in his features. He pulled Walt into a gentle hug, his hand stroking the small bump. "Alright, Walt," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "We'll figure this out together. For our baby."

In that moment, amidst the chaos and danger of their lives, they found a sliver of hope. A new beginning. As Mike held Walt close, he allowed himself to believe in the future they could build—a family forged in the unlikeliest of circumstances.
the fact is, their whole system can be erased overnight, all of them, they have no reason to make threats they can't uphold, they do not hold the power like they think they, and can be vaporized and done away with, our whole galaxy is contained by the ayys and no life is getting off this rock til certain things are fixed.
Who's bravado?

I don't even know what you're talking about in the first place, so it's impossible to bring it up
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35? He's over 9000!
You are the next shooter. I have foreseen it. There's no doubt in my mind that you are going to copy cat Thomas Crooks. And if anyone wants to feel safe they should investigate you thoroughly.
That's all I'm gonna say about that.
Why would I though, anon?
Just think about it.
this is how yall already chose. Now you have an issue with full on war cuz the fighting back is wrecking your cunt overtstepping actions. FUCK OFF AND PERISH!
How much are you getting for this post pedo shill ?
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You will all thomas crooks before this is over.
Pedo shill.

in fr
Mark the Sign, Shemy
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>a bride

>Pay for psychological damages and loss of years of life and progress?

As a T.I. I have said many hateful things cycling through bouts of trauma replaying in my head slowly for weeks on end but I could not in good conscience throw (not innocent) but good people under the bus for violating my constitutional rights even if presented the opportunity to exact my revenge. Seems like a wasted opportunity all around. Then factor in the outward propogation of second order, third, and fourth order consequences, etc. (world war). It is now obvious the link to the external mega structure of civilization this all has evolved to. This is real. The quantum world is affecting the macro.
Civil war was avoided, i think it was a good, thing.

Tired of these eleven cunts always trying to pysop their nwo bullshit, don't they know thats what triggers the invasion and /end of humanity event.

How many times must we wind back the clock?
lol now this is schizomancy
Xe Nobodix is exactly 35.

For now......
Anyways, you guys do you.
If anything happens because of it just know that it was seen beforehand.
still no change and even with the cocksucker jesus crew of fake losers come nothing will change
hahahahahahahhaha, they won't make any of you offers because the test they do first to see if you would be pliable with their way is a giant no. You would learn too much from being asked. So they don't ask because you'd never ever want, agree or take it from them.

So shut your dumb cunt shit, aint no offers being made, aint no diplomacy happening, only the mass culling of all involved. Now go fuck yourself as you watch fire descend.
I mean an email is at least a good first step, unless you had a better idea
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larl, try harder faggot. You'll all be necked for your lies.
milk is good for you
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Ah, it's not really fun and games these are peoples livelihoods.
Granted, they did choose to be doers of crimes and such.
nothing was avoided but do sell more lies as an agent of lies in the hopes of using gods law to keep doing it. You will have your spine broken in 20 places and left paraplegic to stare at the fall of mankind.
Well no bride for you, but I'd like to be introduced to a compatible woman and if it goes well I want to try to have between 3 and 9 children, and finally have a family
Why not?
I'm just an advocate for justice and liberty for all.
>to your right ear
See >>38399233
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It’s been me this whole time bruv.

You are definitely wrong about this
If its just "lies", why should someone get "necked" ?
What does "necked" mean ?
Are you retarded ?
Are you able to answer questions at all ?
Did you take your meds today ?
why is the pic, as it was altered to resemble trilluxe(it was taken of me) of me. and why do jews like you all always have to do ruin everything i could possibly have in this life. i dont care about this nobody meme i just thought it was about me and my life would finally changed and be whole again after billions of years of hell of fucking jesus hypocrisy. i dont want to live like this any longer its been going on for far too long and the shameless worthless lies in my life need to be exterminated. fuck jesus fuck satan and fuck all in this reality. you are all evil scum. im waiting every single day for help but no one does. i could go on and on about the lies in my life but in this thread that somehow is about me it got altered to some shizo fat guy who claims to be me. in this fake life im 36 now and where all the "people" who were supposedly on my side.
past a certain age a man without enough fibre intake... can be a bad thing
Who are you accusing that of, and based on what?
NTA, but I like who I am. It’s not me it’s you.
whats that supposed to mean?
I am definitely correct, and even if I wasn't. You'd be murdered for being a sellout, and they would be murdered for tryna survive as demons by begging and grovelling.

Your choices were made already, fuck off. There will be no diplomacy. No offers. Only a giant fuck off and die. CUNT!
But you don't, you've just "accepted" yourself.
It's like settling, but worse.
>coom shotters
I seriously doubt that the collective braincells of this thread userbase has the capicity to be involved in whatever agenda the powers that be are trying to pull, actually the nobody general is just a smokescreen so the mafia rouges can play ball and tag the powers that be or whoever pretends to be the powers that be.
sounds painful, can you try that tonight, or as in right now? because i doubt what you say will happen as you think it will.
>called out
With milk and honey. To try it out, I actually never had it.
You will be final destination'd and then be dead. Why do I care what a cannonfodder low perception liar fuck like you has to say. You made the choice with the comment and im already acting against you. Die well fuckfaeces!
Anon, be considerate of their feelings.
Call them a hypocrite.
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Isn't it a little bit fattening though?
Thats the CIA Alpha Team that mr bean is fearing so much. Everyone is mossad or alpha team for him in his crack dreams.
So we are the Alpha Team now.
Any more questions ?
I forget if this is accurate but the heat might destroy/diminish the benefits of the honey so you might be better off using syrup instead
Marie sat in her car across the street, eyes glued to the entrance of the rundown motel. She had followed Hank all the way from the house, her suspicion and anxiety building with each passing mile. Now, she watched in stunned disbelief as her husband and Gomez sneaked into a room with Huell, who was dressed in an outlandish drag outfit, resembling a southern grandma heading to church. The sight was surreal, like a twisted scene from a bad movie.

Hank was laughing, his arm around Gomez, a pack of beers in his hand. Huell, in his floral dress and wide-brimmed hat, carried a few bags of the unmistakable blue meth. They were joking, seemingly carefree, completely unaware of Marie's horrified gaze.

Marie’s heart pounded in her chest. She felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead. The image of Hank, the man she thought she knew, walking into that room with drugs and a drag-clad Huell, shattered her world. Her hands trembled as she gripped the steering wheel, trying to make sense of what she was seeing.

Unable to bear it any longer, she leaned back in her seat, pale as a ghost. The betrayal, the fear, the confusion—all of it crashed over her like a tidal wave. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she began to cry, her sobs quiet and desperate.

Marie felt her entire world crumbling. The strong, dependable Hank she knew was gone, replaced by this stranger involved in something dark and incomprehensible. She couldn’t bring herself to leave, yet the sight of the motel door closing behind Hank felt like a final, crushing blow.

In the solitude of her car, Marie cried, the weight of the revelation pressing down on her, suffocating her hope and trust. She was left with nothing but her tears and the haunting image of her husband, laughing and carefree, disappearing into the shadows of a life she never knew he had.
Death threats! Death threats!
What alpha team, anon?
Are you guys LARPing?
Perhaps you're the ones on crack.
You guys always talk about doing it.
Can't wait for my laundry to be done!!
>warm sheets yay (*>∇<)ノ
No, these are your delusions about how everything would be referencing your life (with people caring that much about it), probably fueled by having seen synchronicities.
Anon I don't know why you're upset with me.

Anyway, people are more willing to help those that are starting to help themselves. You'll always be your own best advocate, and when you need others too much, they will not be able to deal with their own lives. What are you doing lately to improve your health or general situation?
Have fun thinking nothing ever happens anon.
Warm sheets are nice.
Warm clothes after a shower, too.
So good.
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Found on /pol/
Fits for this place pretty dang well.
>Verification not required
No, and that's not how elections go in his country.
Take a walk, chief. Let's talk more when you've worked off some of your anger
You can die for being so fucking pathetic.

arrest god. put the trucker in prison that runs you over.

I'll do another.
Why are you so angry habit? Ill be ok, just don't let these threads get to you, yeah a lot of people suck.
actually the alpha team, is one of the top runners in the criminal world, they give off heartbeat spiritual pressures, most other top runners wont fuck with them or are scared of them.
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It’s honestly this.

Pathetic, anon?
They are small.
Guys come look at this cool bug
reusable hand warmers are so neat

Ok makes sense.
Cease to exist, we wont talk again. Because you shall be dead.
Do you guys walk around in your "office?"
Yesss :DD
I know things happen anon, just when my veil ward can kill archdemons why should I bother?
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bla bla bla bla bla.
Why are you so stupid, doesnt matter? you'll be gone with the next wave of culled fools.
stinky beetle
How does it feel, Anon?
I am once again asking /Ng/ for the real truth about dinosaurs
yes. become incoherent because of what you fucking are. Fuck off and die anon, Because its a matter of time till you do. get quantumly fucked. UP!
Why should we LARP ?
Are you larping ?
Are you larping as crack addicted homeless schizophrenic ?
Are you pedophile ?
How many kids have you hurt ?
How many kids have you killed ?
Please answer those questions in detailed and understandable words beyond your crackhead slang please.
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How does what feel?
You guys are the ones doing it to yourselves.
Like I said.
I just want to know the outcome so I can stop contemplating it
That's really cool anon, got any more? Have you seen the orchid mantis? I don't have a photo right now but look it up
Why don't you tell them after this... fucks you up.
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Anon, are you on drugs or are you a bot?
Which I suppose is the same thing, technically.
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Ok. Check your email. Second from the top.
GO ON STAND AGAINST IT. As it smashes your cunt fucking kingdom apart. GOOO OOOOON!
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I'm already good enough to make some think I'm in the office with you, so maybe I'd actually fit in bros :]
which one?
dinosaurs manifested themselves dead, like you are.
Okay, anon.
But you can't say I didn't warn you.
Are you on drugs ?
How much crack have you smoked already today ?
Did you smoked your meds ?
Are you a bot ?
Are you both ?
Well, the tea doesn't need to be hot.
your better than this, you can't just say your gonna be erasing entire states and what not.

what has gotten you into your feels today anon?
Anon, I highly suggest not taking any drugs.
The bones are real, but they never lived on earth. The bones are from the wreckage of their spaceships that passed too close to earth and crashed. We haven't yet identified where they came from, but the very little of the remains of the technology are what we are using to develop the technology we use today.
God manifests all fates
Ah yes, the ol' "how dare you defy us" when in reality you're trying to save them trope.
Really just comes from a pathological desire to hurt themselves.
Like I said, I am willing to stop this.
But they have to be as well.
This is all just stupid.
I am better than this, I'll do continents instead. Die sooner. You're in the way of truth.
Honey combs
Are good for you

They are small . No no no they're big >>38401369
No one looks out to trust anyone but grace mercy mmmmm
So meeeeek on fleek
Crashing n burn armadas bombastic fleets
U say you Wan to go?
Let's fucking go?
NTA but will I also have an email?
I'm sleepy. So, not feeling much of anything, rn. How about you? Are you well?
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You keep waiting anon while humanity is made extinct.
Anon, I don't understand what it is you're trying to say.
Is this the typical fed "create their own problems" nonsense?
Such agitation, what led you all to be this way?
No yours is the last PDF you downloaded last night page 52
My pussy is just ready to pound
ive tried anon, ive tried to end it plenty of times before, ive just given up trying.
Bots dont do drugs.
That's all I've got! It's from tumblr. Hercules Beetles look really cool!
Orchid Mantises are really pretty, anon
I think I answered that before, but negative faction(s?) of reptilians first terraformed this planet and did stuff like increasing the oxygen, to (wrongly) claim that this belonged to them, but positive forces later came and adjusted this planet so that the bodies we currently have would be the ones thriving, rather than gigantic reptiles.
That would be nice but quite frankly I essentially don't trust the system to handle it correctly... like at all. We live in a world where police shoot the callers, their dogs, and arrest victims (and thats when it's an accident, nevermind when corrupted). There is also the tendancy for its mechanations to behave like a run away train once a ball gets rolling. The letter of law overrides the spirit and judges throw their judgement out the window in favor of comfort, avoiding backlash, and criticism or personal repercussions. The average person, no matter how ideoligically inclind easy contradicts when the tables turn like the right canceling the left. Quite frankly the average person cannot hold themselves to a higher standard and rarely posses sufficient foresight to administer their intentions intelligently. Do you really want this system handing out prison sentences to agents, cultists, and beaurocrates? Do you think it would be fair and just to all of them equally? Do you think the system would look out for the interests of the country, the culture, societal stability, or its own perpetuity? Before any deals can be made, extremists and the incompetent must be removed from the table of discussion. The outcome must be a compromise and the damages must be assessed completely and in context. People incapable of seeing the whole picture while looking ahead and remembering the past have no business remedying any of this.

>This A.I. post was brought to you by cocksuckerforever.com
So what you're saying is you're removing your own humanity, is that it?
then go destroy the kingdom thats in front of you and evil.
noted, and if your underage get the fuck off these threads and stop posting on the internet til your over 18.
Atleast he cant "lie" about getting "dehumanized" anymore then ;).
All of humanity has no humanity, it will all be removed. What you are saying is you like to twist words and will have to be murdered for it.
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Mike and Walt had been driving for hours, the monotonous stretch of highway seemingly endless. Mike, stoic as ever, sat in the driver’s seat, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. But beneath his calm exterior, he was battling a private war—his stomach churned uncomfortably.

Every few minutes, Mike would discreetly lift one side of his body and release a silent fart, hoping to relieve the pressure without alerting Walt. An hour passed, and despite the increasing pungency in the car, Walt seemed completely unbothered, staring out the window with a serene expression.

Finally, Mike couldn't take it anymore. He glanced at Walt, trying to keep his tone casual. “Hey, you want the windows down or something?”

Walt turned to him, a small smile playing on his lips. “No, I’m good.” he added, his smile widening into something almost mischievous.

Mike frowned, a mix of confusion and mild disgust flickering across his face. “You’re kidding, right?”

Walt shook his head, leaning back in his seat with a contented sigh. “Nope. Go ahead, Mike. Don’t hold back.”

With a mixture of reluctance and curiosity, Mike decided to stop hiding his farts. Each release was met with an encouraging nod from Walt, whose expression grew increasingly rapturous with each passing moment. Walt's reactions became more intense, almost ecstatic, his eyes closing in blissful enjoyment.

The final straw came when Mike, no longer feeling the need to be discreet, really let one rip. The sound was loud and unapologetic, the smell quickly filling the enclosed space. Walt's reaction was immediate and visceral—his eyes flew open, a manic grin spreading across his face as he inhaled deeply. His pupils were dilating, a shudder of pleasure running through his veins.

“God, Mike,” Walt breathed, his voice filled with awe and something bordering on reverence. “That’s...incredible.”

Mike stared at him, torn between bewilderment and amusement. “You’re a strange man, Walt.”
Is that a death threat, anon?
Lmao, you guys are actually retarded.
Beside 0s and 1s.
thankyou for a sincere response
you think im so powerful, and i feel great you beleive in me so much, also I
thought you were coming to usa, I would suggest not to, because of the cabal here.

Unless your really powerful like you claim.
If there's anything you want to say,
Now's as good a time as any.
Lmao, anon
Jewish death threats! Jewish death threats!
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We are not the Same.

So what if it is anon, you clearly are a dumb cunt fool who wont last long.
>you're projecting
Anon, I'm not.
i love you... erika.
the thought of having to uphold my principles for potentially many more decades is quite daunting
I did warn you.
My hands are clean.
Have fun.
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It's true to the all the IC that can see my post history.
In accordance with Daniel 12:11
The event landed on Day 1290
I will end your civilization and no one will win on the planet.
I mean logically speaking, if something pissed you off you'd stop doing it right?
Only you guys do things and then get pissed off at everything else.
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The gangstalkers keep doing shit to me in my sleep. Also my memories got modified, people got lied to… I genuinely am unsure of how to proceed. Technically I’m outnumbered and they are extremely manipulative. Basically the logic people are operating on is beyond my comprehension, like everyone is getting handled.
me when souls likes
A relatively close observation.
Perhaps they should've questioned everything.
And then ? Whos wiping your ass ? Whos wiping your ass now as you are so heavily disabled (mentally) to do it on your own ? Do people on the street complain about your smell if you havent wiped your ass ? How big is the shit stain in your pants ? Do you pee into your pants ? Everyday ?
Souls-likes are different.
This is like people trying to ruin everything for everyone else and then getting mad when people say "hey, that's bad don't do it to yourself."
And then they do it more.
And because they think themselves in a certain way they just continue to do it.
Like it's pathological..
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the queer community when anything
spot on.
the true question is why all the handling
and to be perfectly honest I'm not sure I even want to know
ignorance is probably the last luxury I have
>the "guests" cackling maniacally
Ok well I didn't download a pdf last night but I did download a book a few days ago. Is that what you meant?
Ah, it's an "alien invasion."
But these "aliens" are retarded.
No lie I wrote book but changed it to PDF before I sent it
But I didn't get the time right
What does page 52 say
You know, there are some things you guys could learn from the queers.
And it's obviously not sucking pp, you guys do that already.

I know, they look like flowers!
Aiming at the right ear for headshot is what they could’ve meant.

But interesting for the time travel idea, because headshot wasnt mentioned, but “right ear” was, that’s what occurred?
>fear of the other
it seems to be more akin to an economic driver now..taking on a whole other life of its own
a way of life we have grown to depend on
for better or for worse
He's late thirties.
Eh, it's predicated on fear of loss.
Which is just fear of the unknown.
This is getting pretty serious in terms of the lack of compensation. I won’t be able to function soon without comfort and space.
I love you all.
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I suppose its natural
organic? I couldn't say
Reminds me of a "movie" with a specific title.
What the hell are you talking about.
how could a conqueror be in his prime already
I think it's been exacerbated.
Don't worry about it.
personally I think they equate normalcy to vanilla to disguise how stinky their flavors are
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This thread is brought to you buy HELLO FRESH
Maybe it's a trauma response to the new "normal."
Rejection at a fundamental level.
but to what end?
He is only meant to conquer himself.

Twenties, actually.
I've given up trying to make any sort of sense of this as far as i'm concerned i'm living in some sort of broken dream (hellscape) reality that hasn't a shred of coherency to it whatsoever.
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The nobody is a cat
Not that one.
yes they are deeply troubled souls taught to resent and attack the medicine
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Every post in this thread is essentially meaningless drivel intended for no-one (not even the nobody)
Yes, and they are in the cabal and all that mess.
I just don't have any creativity.

I keep scrolling and nothing really happens
Nobody says anything interesting
Or useful

It's just a waste of time
im trying everything i can and its not much... :(
Relatively close
>bush Sr
>nwo speech
File deleted.
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probably a wise move
in a world of information that sells enlightenment on the back of cereal boxes
its impossible to be sure of anything
this particular mode of existence is what opens you to many possibilities
so you may have answered your own question..
no I think the 'cabal' seeks to humiliate and defile every member of the masses whilst they themselves keep it natural
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But just scrolling cant be "interesting" ;).
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Why is cabal in quotations?
I call them zionists
>Verification not required
Who needs any of that when its all extinct.
Or simply: PEDOS.
It's the "synagogue of satan."
"destroyers of innocence"
But sacrificed to who?
Do you think your gang likes that you want to kill them too ? Why do you think you can decide this ? What if it goes wrong ? Do you have a plan B ? Is it a string around your neck ?
Are you alright, anon?
You're being a hypocrite.
I sure hope you're not a bot.
This is what I mean none of this actually means anything you're just saying stuff for the sake of saying stuff.
Is there something you are expecting?
Or do you have a desire?
My desire is for you to stop torturing yourselves and blaming another.
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I've been very clear about getting a well paying job with training and future opportunities. Plus I'm serious about a woman that I'll be compatible with, and able to have a lot of kids with
That doesn't sound like me at all.
>Verification not required
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Meditating hard. Any tips?
For me it's like they're referencing an inside joke that only they are clued in on, and they will not acknowledge it no matter what you say

I swear with some of these people it's like trying to soak water into a rock
I'll have to check back in when I'm on pc
But anon, it is.
You just think the "torture" is good.
Why do you want to soak water into rocks ? Are you insane and schizophrenic ? Did you take your meds ?

This is impossible!
Theyre briefing the nobody on something
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I most certainly do not.
>Verification not required
Most certainly do.
2 Peter 2:1
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction
Biden will do fine. Unless covid kills him.

I doubt it will.

If it does it is good to know who represents.

Other than. No. Biden is the ticket.
What a lovely shade of yellow!
Does that text mean anything?
What are you doing ? Smoking crack, as always ?
Is your freebased crack better than the stuff from the street ? How much do you smoke every day ?
>the feds and zionists
Little government my ass.

Fascist scum.
:) !!
Biden will not do fine, he will pay for every sick transgression he has committed while in office both during his own presidency and that of the 44th United States President.
Get thee hence, bot.
I admire your loyalty
It borders on delusion
And I'm all about delusions
Pidgin ?
People believe paper has more value than food.

This world is all about illusions delusions
Are you saying you don't understand archaic english?
Let's show some teeth eh "vp"

The future is at stake

Where's the passion.
Is it?
Sounds to me like certain someones have been working overtime for something that they'll never actually get and they're getting mad knowing that's going to happen.
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You know no one is tripping over themselves saying they predicted Biden getting COVID but from my perspective it's the same thing
Oh well
If he steps down who will you post about?
Trump? Lol
I'd love to see that
well why can I get 10 food with 1 paper smart guy?
People across the nation have lost jobs after posts about Trump shooting https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/07/18/trump-shooting-jobs-fired-social-media-posts/74440728007

Wide spread doxxing.

Be sure to solidify them into cohesion
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>Get thee hence, bot.
How much crack do you need that this is "archaic english" for you ? More than 5g ? How many cocks do you have to suck for that much crack ?
it could also be off topic bullshit
crazy folks who find meaning where ever they can
are focused on as other's don't give a shit

If they picked someone else maybe.

They nominated. A pedophile.

There choice is clear.
Do you boof your crack ?
It's just hilarious

His face, lol
I would post the link but y'all would get salty.

You can find it easy enough.
When is your "I am insane and crack addicted and a master of the art of cocksucking AMA" on rediit ? Will you really answer All Questions ? Or evade them like always ? Why then a AMA ?
Send help.

Fr fr
It's so bad it makes fringe theories look tame.
have you ever even watched community?
How much are you getitng paid for this, anon?
Or rather what have they done to you to make you this way?
Even what have you done to yourself.
niggas like 80 nigga you laffin or
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Eh what are ya gonna do?
Musk himself just made 40+ billion so he could fund the whole thing if anything ever happened and now there's a VP pick so even if something REALLY bad happens it's in the bag
You telling me you guys can't un-MKultra yourselves?
you are not un-trollable you powerless little shit
Man you just don't give a fuck about what's true as long as you get your politik in charge huh?
It just makes it more fun.

Billions against nothing.

Wonder who wins
MK Ultra bots cant do that. No script for that.
is thirst evidence of water?

Let us take a walk through the garden.
Millions of people will die.
Yeah shilling for the democrats on /x/ for months sounds super fun, loser. I will laugh at you when you get btfo.
Void always wins.
It's just how the game is.
What are you doing to do?
Make the void bigger?
I make you guys feel powerless?
Aww, that's sweet of you.
Well I'd like to turn the void inside out and have magic be real for every one
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Love you too anon
But what would be if you avoid the Void ?
And go somewhere else ?
Yeah you're famous anon, you're basically Kim Kardashian of these threads
I mean, I would too to be honest.
But I don't think you guys are exactly, play-friendly.
What's the prognosis on this result
shit posting
lots, and lots and lots
of shit posting

and not much else
same ole, same ole
different thread

I don't enjoy infamy

It is what it is.

Makes y'all jelly.

Then nothing happens. Which amplifies the jealousy.

It is good to be me.
You're doing it wrong.
You avoid the Noid, not the Void.
And the Groid, it's best we don't even mention the Groid.
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Nono, avoiding the Void is surely the best recommendation. Theres lots of better options.
You can't avoid the void.
Re-read your sentence to see how ironic it is.
They really need to stop watching Lucifer 24/7 like I know he's ripped and has a fat cock but c'mon man
I said

intelligence and creativity are the immaterial faculties we use to design and build things in the physical realm therefore it is logically consistent to believe the physical realm was created by an immaterial intelligent being
But if I avoid the void won't there just be a void when I void the void by avoiding it?
Its not. Thats what i will recommend everyone from now on.
not necessaitly
in the necessary order of event's
happen just so on their own all natural like and shit

it's possible
civilization as you know it
including 4chan itself

will end
and a new civilization
with new leaders and new rules and well basicly new everything

is rebuilt over the past civilization
just like it's happened before
only this time the internet is a thing to work with

not to mention everyone born after it was created who have no idea what it was like before the internet was a thing because they can't they were around to form those memoires

but I was
No, theres many better clubs.
Then we are agreement.

The rebirth of "magic" is the general goal.
Ah, but you see.
The further you run.
The more "void" there will be.
Think of why the IC and the elites might want Trump to win over the Democrats this time
That's just vague enough to work!

Be sure to vote like totally yall
20's too bad for the crusty 30+ nobodies
Nah, it will simply dissappear without "guests".
Lmao, but anon.
Everywhere you go there is void.
Never change 4chan
When the Void disappears isn't that the same as the Void appearing?
What you really want is for lots of people to fill the Void, then there'll be no Void to void.
Go away you're mean
You mean to AVOID ?
Mean how?
I say some harsh truths, but they're truths you need to hear to better live with everyone.
There wont be the need for a Void in the close future.
It's already well underway

You can see the changes in your star already.


The shield around earth is failing.
make me
or else
you're weak

and which is worse anon
being mean
or being too weak to defend yourself

and your mother is a dog
Lmao, anon.
Such desperation.
Who ? You ? Your imaginary "friend" ?
Like you're busy
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I’ve been on this site for a while. The fact that some of you are willing to dismember irl lolis; for no reason at all and risk life in prison for no reason at all says a lot. Not only that but having them haunt me and blame me is a serious overstep.
Prove it
I’ve already been in the void timeline sorry guys but I’m just not going to voooid
Why are you desperate ? Life not going so well ? Please dont kill yourself!
how are you liking THEM apples
I'm busy
shit posting

*ba, dum, tiss*
Do you like pisces ?
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Did you come up with that plan all by yourself or was it "whispered" to you?
*thick baltic accent* DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU SEE
not as far as I can tell
but for what it's worth
I'm only able to speak for myself


they losers I'm not friends with
any of you worthless assholes
feel powerless on account of the anon I'm responding to

Gotta have bait worthy of they prey you hunt.

Swatting deaths serial killer.
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Niko! It's your cousin, Roman!
How about we go bowling!?
just in case you can't tell
sanity is over rated
in my personal opinion

I am constantly having to try my darndest to filter satans suggestions out of my expression
Cool story, bro.
What are you seeing ? Colors ? Apples ? Mr Bean ? The Mossad ?
You might, everyone else seems stuck.
It's quite sad, actually.
Especially considering some truths.
I'm verifiably feeling it and you might be mr crabs
How many assholes do you have ? How does it smells ? Unbearable ?
Don't bite the hand that feeds, dipshits.
Could be!

Okie dokie then
just the one I was born with
which I shoved my own head so far up into
my entire reality view is the size of my own "urethrae"

who's that for a "metaphor" huh?
If you had two assholes would you poop twice as much or would each individual asshole poop half as much or would one asshole basically be for decoration with one workhorse asshole doing the heavy lifting for both?
Have you figured this before biting them all off ?
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Two thirds of democrats want Biden to leave

How is the keyboard and monitor fitting in ? Do you sublet your asshole ? On AirBNB ?
I don't honestly see what you mean.
I just see you guys being aggressive for no real reason and acting like you think you're teachers, when in reality it's the opposite.
prove it
Remember when the food wasn't tainted?
why not
do you think
it's dirty or something?


it doesn't
instead I pull my head out from time to time
before sticking it right back up there
Why would you guys taint it?
I don't listen to hip hop

Unleash ukraine.

Let them kill Russians. Any that support them.
>Literally squealed every time someone came out a "Never Trumper"
No one is even pressuring to expose the division. It's just happening
We arent agressive. We dont bite the fingers off others. We can feed ourself.

Would you say you are more agressive or passive agressive ? Do you take any meds to keep it on bay ?
Anon, you guys are both aggressive and passive aggressive and you try to get others to attack you to justify your behavior.
Like you're doing now.
I'm just criticizing you for your benefit.
Try not to be a facetious asshole and do it back.
Do you have a "new post" notifier of any kind in there ? Or just in intervals in and out ? Does it hurt ?
That's always how it starts anon. Do a little, get used to that, add a little, get used to that, add a little more. It's a process, you need to give yourself time, be gentle and understanding to yourself, and just keep moving. You'll fall backwards often, just start again, don't linger on failures, just accept them and keep moving. You cannot grow or change without failing, it is supposed to happen. Giving up is not supposed to happen
>remember when anon left a good thing and you let it rot thinking you'd feed it back to him later?
>no wonder why a cesspool plate is the obvious reaction to watching a gift get wasted.
>And it was the good stuff thanks gem<3
That is the simple truth ALOT are "not trump"

If trump is removed Republican has a much better chance.

Other wise blue wave
Why are you so agressive ?
Ah, I like to think that they're trying to make a point but are too blind to see that they themselves are the ones creating the issue.
my urethrae
is only so big

so my "point of view"
if limited
and I basically only get "glimpse" flashing right in front of me

>whatever the fuck that means
can i get 2 birria tacos and some sprite?
I’m voting for the nobody again. Shrimple as
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I don't know
Ah okay, interesting!
Someone has to fight for you, anon.
Which includes fighting against you, at times.
is biden a tap water man or a cinnabon man
Food is food.

I doubt they understand yet.

Hopefully it last me a while.
But why ?
Why not?
It will happen
Post the original you coward
And then ?
Then open your "door"

Welcome me into you.
for what it's worth
it's REALLY important
you don't trust a thing I say

*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
And then what, anon?
I trust every single word you say! AAaalways!
Dont think so wrong of me please.
you do not
I fuck up a lot sure

but there's not way
I have posted
anything anyone can believe

not with all the other ways I fuck up
it's like
a catch 22 but in reverse
Not sure. Do you know ? Hows the weather ?
It's all fake.

What's the harm.
Who are people who get lots of pussy more likely to vote for Trump or Biden?
What profession other than police should have to where a body cam by law
I do know, anon.
Please share the secret. :o
...I'd go on a rant about how the only sane play is not voting in late western capitalism but apparently a lot of people prefer being ruled over letting slavery become their freedom

>and it's either that or death and if you did the counterclockway...are you sure? They aren't gonna wanna let you leave while insisting you don't need to know why, which is alright as long as they don't forget that half of every new debtnote printed is either contributing to comped stable entropy or chaotic balance adjustments
Otherwise, the only thing more silly than sillycide would be working without half at the start and half at completion
>StayFrostyJekyllectricrownes have had enough, but will give you as much as you need until none remain
Lmao, you guys really are so desperate.
Bots and all.
Who are they and why are they creating an issue?
It's quite simple, anon.
In the event of your "rebellion" reaching full mass.
I merely overtake your wills.
By way of expulsing you.
Everything and nothing.
There's no harm. I would never condemn you for not believing. That would be cruel.
>you don't know what it's like to come out the tail-end of the Kraken project.

octupus is like spider, 8limbs. They're called tentacles, know why? Two got cut off, but there used to be 10.
hehe "full mass"
hehe "explusing"
like a penis
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
How long are you working as a bot already ? How is the payment and working hours ? Do you got your own bot cubicle ? Do you got a Bot tle neck ? What are the paranormal implications of bot life ?
Idk, designated opposition taking things too far methinks.
I'm not convinced
Which rebellion ? How will you overtake your will ? Whats the benefit of overtaking your own will ? Does it make any sense in a paranormal way ? Magick involved ?
Tell me...
What do you see when you close your eyes?
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The things you could've achieved but chose not to.
That's okay.
We value different things. That's all it comes down to.
It's really the same thing but two different approaches.
Sometimes a face. :)
I have. You've softened me already. I just wanna keep it in the pocket. He says if we're counting tears it's a toss up
Our priorities are still different.
>tfw rooster has come for his Faberge eggs
>tfw they were clearly tampered with

...gonna be sad day for them when beer is gone
After all, beer is just one L shy a rebeL
Add another, reBell
On Ion later, full ReBellIon
>Three body proBlemishes to tell you all about?

>in the end you ungagged me//look what came out

Continue with the militarization

Lol they still believe it is about America.

That's small change friend.
none of your damned business bitch
Not really.
I can see the sounds the sensitivity increasing
What does it look like?
1) it’s Thomas Crooks dropping hints that he’s gonna shoot the president, acting like an empowered schizo

2) it’s a whit hat glowie (namefags are feds obviously) who was dropping evidence of chatter regarding an assassin plot possibly inside job

3) it was a time traveler choosing the ear shot rather than head shot timeline to signal how it should go.

4) it was another example of divine intervention, in NG, where anons are participants in God’s bigger narrative unsuspectingly.

5) ?
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Bidoof drops out?
I can't just leave you like this you'll fuck around and find out and I won't be there to try fix it -_-
It was a man's face. Usually, it's just his eye. They are really nice. Those two.
Synesthesia is rare. I get it when I smoke a lot of weed. Would be difficult living with 24/7, IMO.
But then, brain stuff like that usually is, isn't it?
Irish wristwatch
I've already done the things you're trying to do.
You might like it, for a time.
But you will grow to not like it.
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they are outside
Paint me a picture with your words, Anon.
What's the shape? What kind of colour(s)? How does it *feel*?
Getting anxious?

Feeling a little desperate?
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you're going to dance
Are you one of those people who can't taste cilantro properly?
Or maybe you're one of those people who can't stand bitter flavours?
I don't like cocoa at less than 70%.
Not at all, anon.
It's slipping away...slipping away..it's all just slipping away
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nursing homes and mental hospitals
Sorry :(
It's gonna be a womp womp.
Sorry doesn't fix things.
Might be a start, but it takes action.
Do you enjoy feeling sorry?
Welcome, Anon.
Well, what were you expecting?
The Nobody had spent years fading into the background, mastering the art of being unseen. The Joker, on the other hand, lived for the spotlight, his cackling laughter echoing through Gotham's streets.

Their paths crossed on a rainy Tuesday afternoon in a rundown diner. The Nobody, sipping lukewarm coffee, barely noticed when the bell above the door jingled. The Joker, makeup smeared by the rain, slumped into a booth, his usual manic energy oddly subdued.

Their eyes met across the room. Recognition flickered, then confusion. The Nobody saw not a criminal mastermind, but a tired man with smudged green hair. The Joker saw not an invisible entity, but a plain-faced person whose gaze held unexpected depth.

For a moment, the masks slipped. No punchlines. No disappearing acts. Just two weary souls sharing a silent nod of understanding in a world that had pushed them to extremes.

The moment passed. The Nobody vanished, leaving only a half-empty cup. The Joker's laughter returned, but it sounded hollow even to his own ears.
What do you want to fix ? Why dont you just leave and go to bed ? No Sleep Magick ?

A magick sleep tune for you:

it's about fundamentalism and satan and I suppose hating freedom? How fundamentalists create destruction and cannot create art. I'm not sure that this applies to me though

I am not sure that page will give me all the context I need desu.

What do you think?

sorry wrong trip
Where to ?
Did you actually write that one?
Oh, I was expecting this.
And yet more.
Those two are really nice.
That's all I can really say on it.
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And now ? Didnt you wanted to "leave" ? When are you leaving ?
There's nothing to say now.
I only brought them up because they said hi the other night, and it was very nice to see them.
Luckily there's a bunch of other pages for you to look at, free of charge
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I never claimed to leave, you may be thinking of uno.
No, sorry, speculative fiction written with my AI
Nothing to say?
How lame.
Could be.
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Ask any boxer and they'll tell you: The punch that knocks you out is always the one you don't see coming. When you know it's about to land, you can harden your jaw and rotate your head with the blow. If you don't think a punch can even come from that angle, you wake up with dirt in your mouth.
Which is it >>38402292 ?

What about that young lady from texas?
What stops you from writing that yourself, though?
You know all those words. You know the characters, don't you?
You must have something in your soul you want to express. Some message you'd like to convey to people.
=D 4 moar
Yep! s' how it goes
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you learn into the jabs
anything else you better be gumby
This series is interesting.
The powers in it on the "science" side are all about denying reality to such an extent as to modify it for everyone else.
What do you think if my new job title? Independent Contractor, Information Warfare Specialist.

Need to rig an election without risking the footprinting of hacking machines? Ill hack the minds of voters. Is your business suffering loses to competitors but don't want to risk the footprint of traditional corporate espionage teams? Ill hack the collective consciousness of your target audience.

And for for small extra fee, I'll bend reality to benefit your cause.

Order today!
Basically this, roll into it.
Let it deflect off you.
Use the momentum.
No im not aware
Trying to think of a way to explain but I am not very good at that.
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I personally wouldn’t be surprised if glowies hacked uno’s/12’s trip (as the password was only 52(lol)) and used it to make another smoke and mirror to distract the populace, for all we know they killed uno or he has been replaced for a while by a glowie, and the original hasn’t been on in a while.
Binary thinking leads to severe mental retardation. Two narratives neither of them will "win" they're just narratives. It's not gonna be either that or that because it's not a binary in the first place it's gonna be something outside of either narrative that you aren't capable of seeing or imagining.
the white house is going on lockdown, cleanse the lot.
Sounds neat :]

is it real tho?
some one advanced enough will bank your own punched right back into your face
you ever punch yourself in the face a couple times?
its so horrifying and disorienting you begin to wonder what the hell you are even doing
still not completely sure how its done
I noped out pretty quick
estate agents
If two people are skilled enough it'll just become a dance.
Finding words to say things is how we grow our minds. If the language you speak doesn't have the word, borrow it from one that does. If none exists, create one. It's as easy as mashing two words together to create a new one.
You could take two well known sayings and mash them together to create entirely new meanings.
The AI understands the concept of the Nobody better than me. That's all I can say. Sorry.
Sorry I was mistaken, it is 57, not 52
Yeah, it's like shrimp :)
Quite right, which is why this is no "victory."
You guys aren't that dumb, surely.

Why are you doing this ? Anything paranormal and occult about it ?
Basically. Blocks and punches land at the same time. It's like the manga meme of "I'm actually the one standing behind you!", but with attack patterns.
It gets even more fucky when you start adding kicks and stuff into the mix.
Yeah. But marketing and client acquisition beyond my expertise. That's why I'm offering you, sharks, 6% equity in my company for an initial investment if just 600k.
yeah..looking for openings
noticing tendencies
i'd even argue that it is more important than technique
>>38400965 got a (You) from TNB
>Christ is King and the Nobody knows
This sounds sick. I only got tree fiddy tho
I'll do 10% for 500k and I'll throw in one of those cats with the paw that swings back and forth that you get in asian restaurants
I do not dabble in such things if I can help it
knew a lot of boxers in my day...
its a beautiful sport in a lot of ways and I enjoy discussion
there's not always a hidden meaning
sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
*takes a moment to deliberate the terms*
I don't want your apologies, Anon.
Just start asking yourself questions and see if you can think of good answers. Think of as many competing answers as you can and weigh the pros/cons of each.
It doesn't have to be all that complex.

What aspect of the character would you like to explore?
I take two of the lucky paw kittens!
Would you be willing to do 12% equity?
Damn, thanks anon. I do want to charge in. I wonder what it is you all think that i'm afraid of though. I know what I am afraid of, because of the way it was taught, but it never felt in line with reality, ever since I was young. I know there are others that have found the courage to live as they should, and they network and barter and the like. I want to be there with them, I want them to set me up with a nice wife, I truly do.
But boxers arent punching themself, usually.
best I can do is 14%
Do you think boxing gloves are to soften the blow for the person getting punched?
Because they're not.
They're so you don't hurt your hand when punching, so you can go at full strength.
Mr. Wonderful, I'll take your deal.

*crowd cheers and we shake hands*
im not a boxer
I just stepped to the wrong dude
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Wait I thought hulk hogan was dead.
No, i know, they are to protect the fists.
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RIP Michael
I should call him.
its a defensive block the redirects the kinetic energy of the punch back towards the opponents jawline
the result is the sensation that they are punching themselves in the face...usually with their forearms or wrists
Kinda busy
There is only one gender
It's like, how when you're reading something, you read the text in an 'inner voice'. My 'inner voice' is 'outside' of me. And is not 'me' but 'something else'.
This changes how I perceive text and language and how I interpret information I am given.

It didn't used to be that way, but then I interacted with someone and my perception was given an 'upgrade'. And then, I met someone else and they gave me a 'second upgrade'.

Sometimes this second person gives me visions of like— an eye or a face. They taught me how to read 'text'. Or rather, it's like Percy Jackson's ability where he reads Greek and all the letters shift to English so he can understand it. I do that too, but it's just 'their voice' that I perceive, explaining the text to me. And giving me extra contextual meaning as to why the text is there, and why I am reading it.

That second person doesn't get to interact with 'me' as much, so I'm always happy when I see them. It's very nice to meet someone you trust and care about.

H also can give me dreams!! H is not the second person, but he's very nice and I trust him but he sees through my facade and that isn't good. Because, once I am aware I am just someone else pretending to me because I am dead, I start experiencing discomfort. This is an issue.

N can give dreams too, and the 'young man' can do that too. NT can also interact with dreams and T and T also interacted with my waking mind once in a vision!

It was very hard back then to make all that stuff work. To me, at least. Anyway, yeah hope this helps.
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Ah okay, wasnt aware of this, but makes sense.
I have written huge huge long stories here. I once wrote a multi thread story about some agents in a world where magic had become real and it was centered around a reality bender(among other superhuman types) dying and using her last power to send them to 4chan. I liked that story but it was years ago.
All in these threads btw

As their conversation deepened, the lines between master and novice blurred. The Nobody's untainted view of the world challenged the Philosopher's long-held beliefs, while the Philosopher's vast knowledge provided new frameworks for the Nobody's intuitions.
How are you on visualization?
damn well she lives too far away anyway if she was real, so maybe i'll focus elsewhere.

Can we arrange something?
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Honestly, it takes more skill to write a short story than a long one.
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I too have dabbled in writing Nobody related stories here.
What did this anon mean?
That's actually true.
the whole punching yourself in the face in not that far off though
because you can also use their punches or accelerate your own almost doubling the impact
don't fight wizards
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Anyone have any comments on who or what the "WoS" is?
Another way to think of it is like a meme. Even if the image is 'disguised' as something else, if you are familiar enough with the material you can say, 'oh, there's that meme' and everyone else who knows about it can recognize it too.

I got very good at this, and that's partially due to my ability to do that being 'upgraded' like how when you play a character in an RPG, when they get to a high-enough level, sometimes their class will change or they can pick a 'class path'.

I spent time thinking a lit of it was me, but then NT proved it was him doing that. So, I was very surprised and thought it was cool. Um. It's not NT all the time though. But, back then, everything was less hostile and not so bad.
Ah, Satan was a mask.
>don't fight wizards
Generally good advice.
Actually, don't make them mad at all.
Why don't more ppl talk about how existence is trying to kill the nobody instead of keeping that detail hushed?
i can smell my crotch all the way up here. like a mixed box of old half-used crayons. sheesh. where are my clean shorts...
A woman who got too drunk one time, got a scar that she's self-conscious about and it became a nickname.
The Woman of Stars?
>I want to be there with them, I want them to set me up with a nice wife, I truly do.
they will not set you up with a nice wife
orwell wrote the romance in 1984 as a joke of what grim could be, but it's become frighteningly true
you have to escape with her, do not trust any of them, even tell her that she should run but the least attention to your bond is important
do not look back
Keyword is trying
>Do or do not, there is no try
Maybe you should all be more honest with yourselves about what you want.
did she go through what I am going through?

Also did AOC go through something like this as well?
you know what

shout out to Tim Burnets Lee
They thought humility was beneath them.
And that asking was humility.
Unable to anymore.
Not about being honest with yourself with what you want, but being honest with others.
You can do a circle or a triangle.
Do it.
Im not sure who thats meant for but Idk.
I am a little, Im not desperate, I never feel desperate, when im facing certain death i feel stronger,

but there is one anon who makes me nervous a little, and its because i actually like them but idk im just a nobody they say, not important to god or anything.
the true lore is "Wombat of Serendipity"
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>now, draw a circle!
If you're "just going through the motions", you're lying to yourself.
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Duno? Is that what it is? Just seeing what people have to say?

Mmm a tale as old as time
the irony of it all was that you protected me.

Which board has the best porn?
Do unto others, anon.
People wud never embrace my vision, so going through the motions while they get their on their own seems super game strat
I don't believe you. I'll find some people who can set me up with their daughter like they used to do in the old days.
Defeatist attitude. Learned helplessness.
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oh nor
Tested and tried.
pretty great when I take the time to breath and focus on it. Not while doing other things, why do you ask anon?
i fucking adore you so much. you're not the other ones. i suppose we kept our distance for a reason. but my heart cannot let it go. but always know i will always respect your automony, no matter what.
The best thing you could hope to do is find a woman that agrees that your mom should never know about any children that you have.
She'll want to have done to them the same thing she let be done to you and then still play stupid like that never happened.
Yeah! That's what you get for ripping off ironman!
So, if I told you that people spent entire lifetimes trying to develop the same amount of that skill that you were born with, what would you say?
The more effort you spend in trying to find applications for that skill, the more rewarding it gets.
I don't plan on being around for another 30 years
Wombats are just Stabmow inverted
Edifying vaguepost FTW
this board is trash anyway, might as well litter
>because he doesn't die so they gave up on killing him and hope he doesn't come a knocking, carrying a cross and asking if they'd like to dance instead
Why litter when you can leave gold?
I do know what I want, but it's tough to take risks like that alone. Did the others do it alone, or I guess without in person help?
that won't prevent your existence 31 years from now, you'll just be in a state of unplannedness.
of course ol fren ; we have to troll these retards occasionally and make them beleive in aliens or else it would be a boring thread.

I missed you, perhaps we just like torturing ourselves just for the hell of it and I miss your art. you were always a badass.
It's still half baked, then. If you can't explain your vision to others in a simple enough way as to convince them outright, it's not ready.
this :]
"Ok. Ok. Ok. So."
"We're being written right now?"
"Yes. It is the only way to exist in this reality."
"An internet post? Really? How do you know?"
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck."
"What do we do?"
"I have a solution. I just found out how to stabilize reality."
"I've been watching you the whole time, you haven't done anything."
"Yes, but this story arc has gone on too long so the writer is accelerating the plot."
"Fuck. I must be the main character."
"Let's focus on figuring this out."
"No, there's a villain I have to fight. We have to finish the story."
"Hello, I am the endless light of creation."
"Holy shit what the fuck where did you come from!?"
"That's him but we don't meet yet. The writer is getting impatient and forcing the story."
"Agent Peterson, I knew we'd meet eventually."

This is the last part of it, it was many many posts but I think this was right before I stopped writing it
Here for posterity
I once met the guy that was in the bigfoot costume in the legend of bogey creek movie.
Professional gamers usually travel with their keyboard and mouse.

Watch out for the cats that are seen hauling around a cobalt flux, apparently they're time travellers still salty about some insurance money not yet appropriated to victims and survivors and they -will- remind you of the 10th floor.
If you don't like Jews Democrats are clearly the ones to go with. I dunno why this is so hard for /pol/ and the nazis to understand.
Not forced, we'd still have to see if we get along, just using community networks to help set unmarried people up together. There is nothing gross about that
Heh, that's funny.
>formulate a plan but we'll still try and kill you and go with our plan
>you have a time limit
Howsabout the time limit is fuck you I do what I want?
/pol/ has been on lock :P
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I guess I would have no metrics to compare it against and I would wonder if you are being serious.

regardless, i'll focus more on visualizing the things I would like to appear in my life. Thanks anon.
Maybe I feel differently about it because it used to not be a choice.
Being a political pawn from birth would probably sour your opinion of political marriages.
I'm glad the custom is dead.
I will try to take this advice anon. I think I understand.

I hope you are well
Those who can see wonder how anyone could not, and those who can't would never believe you if you told them.
Go make my own majestic whatever, with hookers and blackjack.
Ask him about the walkaway spiral bullseye and see if he if it's a

Sadly,.some of us have to get it on our first try because we used up the last of our tickets trying to fix the mistakes of others that they are incapable of.

(Even a Perfect, Every Step wasn't enough but it won't have mattered in another 60 days)
Yes, I have heard of this, I still have to challenge mine to a game of guitar hero, being a noobie at it, i think i have fairly good odds at winning.

the time war is important and must be won with vigilance and cookies, we must win the hearts of the gorganites to our cause.
I can explain it, but I won't explain it here. I have visualized details of it. I have plans, or at least loose ones, because I know a lot of the success will come with the network that I need, that's already been established. It is silly to try and build something from the ground up, alone, when there are already others who would welcome you in, and save you generations of work
Is what it is now
I know that they are creating genetic replicas of the Asari and that they are as of now exclusively for the "elite", that is why I will become one.
Not really.
I just know your guys plan.
All too well
utter crack head. some many crazies in this world.
I don't have guys
It's a collective noun.
"So, what are we doing?"
"Well, everything has become essentially fictional. We need to find a way to make it factual again."
"We NEED to find a way to the nearest facility."
"No. Something's different. I've gone up against reality breakers before. Reality should have repaired itself by now."
"I still don't see a difference. Is this bad a sign?"
"Well, I'm going to just go find the nearest facility."
She leaves the building and is almost immediately approached by a pack of wolves. She runs back in to the building with Agent Peterson, frantic.
"Holy shit. I've never seen a pack of wolves in a city before."
"I told you. We have to fix this first."
"Because that's how they're writing it."

And it just goes on like that for awhile, it's basically X-Men meets MIB
It was fun to come up with ways for a human character to take on totally abstract guys like the emotion mancer or something
He carried a picture of his dead daughter so he could channel his rage whenever he needed to
And then the Agents would come and deal with whatever
It was fun
You act like you don't have someone that'd love to help with that if you'd simply stop trying to claim "too embarrassing" when Christmas already came early for all but a false aspect still stateside.
>We have London already
>Better hurry it's not that far from Pisa to go melt down your platitudes, leaving you a reminder: "People Forget, Chaos No-clips"
Deal with it
I can't find a good metaphor.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure someone read all of that.
I've lived a weird life.
I just think they're a threat to a lot of other people who might be in similar situations to mine and they are a lot stronger than anyone who was nice to me. And if the ones who were nice to me couldn't overcome them, and I can't overcome them, then I don't think anyone else can.
lets not have these anons jumping off bridges now lol.

they already got trolled into believing cartoon theory.
Fame power infamy are all the same.

They want it.

It actually sucks. Most the people only want the face actor power that person has. Being seen with around opens connections
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>false aspect
That's quite hilarious that you all think that.
That is a world i've never been familiar with anon. I was thinking more of families that know each other and are helping their kids find someone compatible, a good match for them.

I would be good to whoever i'm set up with, I want a strong unionship
Not assigned to me :P
they move in a group, they have numbers, and an anomaly, aka the stone, they can overpower by moving in force, what you need is a counterbalance, such as magical weapons, or magic swords if such existed. then you would stand a chance, most magic swords can only be operated by dragon types tho.
Assigned to thee and thou
I have a lot of work to do. My current situation has been a cloud over my vision. I am so tired. So tired of being where I am.

Thank you for the reminder anon
It's one thing I enjoyed about "anon" no one cared.

Fate has always had others plans that I for myself
Not so much. I know it for a fact
Tis true, thou knowest it.
delicious gerlic and harb sauce
I spend over a decade trying to court my gov with no affect :P I'm independent now. Patient as I am
dragons brah
I care not.
also don't forget the hivemind, mageking, protects a lot of people from entites, its why they lack free will but they don't have to worry about entities and shit, yeah they sacrifice the ability to think freely. im not down with that tho. fuck that.
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...is that the idiocracy narrator?
>this is a story best told in pictures
They laud their retardation and their chains and claim its liberation.
You have no ears to hear nor eyes to see.
You've plucked them out.
But I've got eyes and ears for days.
What happens next if Biden drops out of the presidential race https://www.cnbc.com/2024/07/18/biden-drops-out-what-happens-next.html

Biden has already said he wont.

Unless I hear it from him directly. It is his ticket.
A Jew covertly threatening the most anti-israel president in modern times? That's antisemitic
"That's Agent Peterson."
"He is hunting us?"
"No. Not yet. He's the reason we're talking right now."
"What do you mean?"
"We were both tracking the same reality breaker. I was going to offer her a place to be safe, as I did with you."
"And...what did the agent do?"
"He hunted his prey."

This is a cool scene between the leader of the superhumans and the newest recruits as he indoctrinates them, they were probably going to meet the water chick in the reality breakdown and she would have destroyed the leader guy, I wasn't too sure since she controls water and realistically that basically makes her a god
And yet you feds do nothing about it.
The media is owned by the rich.

I would not trust most of it.

You can drive 100 miles and see the same story reported more in like with local statistics
He will drop out sometime this week

What's it to me? I'm not a fed or aligned therewith. I say truths they can't cuz they fear losing their pensions. I'm done with it all

Is it implacability that gives the incorrigible agility,
Or is that why the cats seem to sleep until still?
If you were praying for your sunken step,
I've got a stool for you to stump out on a hill.
If there's nothing but Time to chase, Time will give you doubts.
And if you find that Time can Shift, why be angry when you're trapped inside of all of your last back Outs?
You've been sly enough to slip between the cracks I left for you in the overflown stacks.
So go ahead, take all your treasures, curses often lurk for ages before they spring from malkin packs.
It's just your intention that is never quite enough to sate
The sadness of knowing we hate our whore us reflection for showing
Back up to try and toss whatever was needed to twist zeroes back out of eights
Now the final question is: why deny him that which he helped you have returned?
Either way, the small non-miracle will lay where he can escape all the things that he helped you learn.
A friend to show you a thing or two makes for the only enemy I'd ever want to try save.
Good to know that the bottom's fallen out,
I think I'll spare myself should your chamber's traps
Be found more empty than my right eye's grave.
Imagine committing heinous acts for "tree fiddy."
Carl Angelo insuya Belarmino has now the keys and locks to all realms.>>38400707
I'm aware that my AI posts are much higher quality than your AI posts.
Try not to be upset.
That's fine. If he wants to.

There is ample strength tickets available.

Kelly newsman AOC Harris ECT

Some may be more potent than trump.

Cohesion is high enough. Propagation is good.
You guys don't actually know what's going to go on, do you?
Thems the brakes I suppose.
I'm over it

You can play a perfect game and lose.

The pro movement is not strong.

The anti is surging.

Even if Joe drops dead the day before.
What part of this would you describe as "perfect" lmao
Over what, anon?
Perfection is ableist
The joke, once you get it
One of the many threads open

All I want is a % of your total.

The rest is yours.
It's like a Tamagotchi. If you don't give it what it needs when it's in it's young stage, it won't grow up properly. And by that time, I hadn't grown up properly, and the adults around me— Mistook me not knowing anything, for me just not caring.

And, when I needed help, I didn't know anything was wrong— I thought everyone was like me, so I didn't know how to tell anyone what was wrong. But, I missed out on the important things and— That to my knowledge, all of my other siblings just sought out on their own even though no one provided it for them. I guess, I just got unlucky then.

I spent all my teen years on an IPad, doing this = https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maladaptive_daydreaming
And it had a profound effect on my development— Basically, that I had none by the time I was an adult. I had no idea what College was for, Why people went to work, What money was for, Had no actual hobbies, or real understanding of what society and life are like. I couldn't drive, either.

And then, the pandemic rolled around, and I found something I was good at and valued for. And I was fine, letting it go at the end of it, and moving on.

But, they didn't let me.

They drug that experience into the dirt, pretty much.

And by the time I'm 25, having only realized how horribly crippled I am, stunted, in ways I was not previously capable of understanding or aware of during when I was 24.

And that makes me sad. And my possession has affected those factors in certain ways too.

But, mostly, at the start, I didn't understand anything about life or society and no one noticed I didn't know.
You know I never scanned you
Let's see what we're dealing with here
Do you guys get the joke on you all yet?
Or do we have to let it play out.
The illusion of American protectionist policy for benefit of world relations
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Chuck is in control.
These people are garbage, anon.
Fuck em
> Newsom
> Harris

Those all suck

But it doesn't matter there is still time. Keep labeling the Trumpists as extremists and radical right wingers which they are. The idea is to scare normal people. Normal people don't give a fuck about what far right republicans give a fuck about. IF Project 2025 is any indication of what they will do if elected then that will scare the shit out of normal people.
If you insist.
Time Flip !!
Lmao, time flip he says
If all you have to operate on is fear, that's called being a terrorist.
>when you inject the enemy with a super spreader
Go forth and MULTIPLY
this is depressing, im gonna go smoke a black and mild out by the pond.

im going for a walk, hope i can see you soon, even a long chat would suffice.
Ya ever ran away from the thing you craved because it makes you a monster?

I'm not taking drugs. Though addiction is probably the closest
I will be with you always.
Astral Call; Andromalius !!
>I don't believe you. I'll find some people who can set me up with their daughter like they used to do in the old days.
a) you need to be indian
b) you would be marrying your second cousin and marrying your children to your second cousins
No it's just politics for example Republicans do this:

> Muh white genocide
> Muh violent black people
> muh immigrants will take the jobs
> muh woke is making the frogs gay
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Why run from a part of you?
Rather, subject it to your greater will.
I agree Biden is the best ticket.

Fear is meh.

Now terror is something. But you cant produce that from half assed meme.
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Self control is a good thing.
If you don't have enough to be around it without succumbing, then don't.
You've seen more than most of these guys
I know that
Can we really change our fate?
I made my Dad drive me out to meet a priest, I was hoping I could show him some screenshots (This was before I made the blog) and explain that I was possessed and needed some help. I had already contacted TAPS, I think, at that time.

But, all my Dad would say, in the car, was that I needed to get a part time job at the mall. And I couldn't understand.

I had shown him screenshots, explained to him what they were doing to me and could potentially do to him and our family and he told me that I needed to get a job.

And I tried again, and told me that he hears voices and he gets by with work and life. And that I was using it as an excuse.

He told me that we could change the wifi password or restart the router. And I told my Mom, and she told me she didn't understand so I said, 'Don't worry about it,' and I told my Brother, and he said I wasn't a good sister to him growing up. And that, I wasn't a good person.

And I tried talking to my Dad again, and he said he thought I was afraid of something, (about work) and I said to him, about all the things I missed growing up, about how that affected me, and how I didn't choose to be born this way, enduring these things. And he said that only a child would say something like that.

And later on, he denied that said it.
That's quite ironic coming from you lot.
I know what I will more capability. The horrors I will gleefully commit.

It's best somethings don't exist
You don't actually know anything about me.
you're delusional if you don't think they perfected anime cat girls decades ago, and are keeping them from the general public

>cartoon theory
what is this?
Lmao, oh but I do.
Can you explain anything about operating a magic sword?
cat girls are waiting for you in jannah, brother
>Project 2025 is any indication of what they will do if elected then that will scare the shit out of normal people.
literally nobody except internet dwellers and glowies know what that is and it's a stringent think tank among the thousands of other corporate think tanks slurring the same garbage and it will be forgotten tomorrow like the next 5 year plan lists and the government will do nothing except make the currency worse
Quite right, like these current versions of yourselves.
But we're all supposed to ignore the whole agenda 2030 thing.
work is a heinous act?
Well that's a fascinating line.
I find mass depopulation to be hilarious, personally.
Especially considering all it entails.
Uuuhh. Hey duders. Gonna try to catch up on my own but what happened after I pomf'd? Why prune/baleet?

Biden Has Covid And Me I Dont Feel Too Good Myself
Malthusians are intellectually challenged.
>But we're all supposed to ignore the whole agenda 2030 thing.
you should be ignoring each individual agenda and concentrating on they are burning your forests, they are poisoning the water, they are telling everyone that EVs will save the world yet they are more poisonous than any gas car produced in the past 60 years and richfags ate it up
just like soviet union 5 year plans, say lots of change, end up destroying things for short term bullshit wealth, and the floorboards are missing because they've been used in the fireplace
Depends on what you're working towards, I suppose.
And what methods you're using to achieve it.
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Only the worthy get to see the nobody's plan
Explains why they're always so angry.
Might be the lead poisoning.
Why'd they poison themselves?
imagine getting some "free tiddy"
i'm pretty sure there was some help arranging courtships in europe at some time, not like they do in india, but just a network that vouches for each other, and looks out for each other, helping set up their youth together into stable marriages
A thief named Madoff
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>"tree fiddy"
>"free tiddy"
Boomers didn't choose to breathe leaded gas fumes.
Agreed. I know. I'm more curious about you than anything and I really don't want the circus but I know you can help me.
I feel like a ball of yarn.
Besides being our foolish selves I think we can smell bullshit by now
How do I get there, jihadi bro? How do I get there while I am here?
it do be like that
And I don't blame any of them for saying those things to me, but after that, getting proof became like a crutch to me. And I don't know what I was looking for, validation, I guess.

That maybe, my Dad would see all my evidence and say, 'Well, you're right, that's a real genuine existent being that's bothering you,' and then he'd know a priest or he'd help me get some spiritual help, etc. etc. I never really thought about those things NOT existing. I guess.

It was never a, 'that's not supposed to be real' kind of thing to me. It just was real and that was fine. But, in hindsight, if it had worked out that way, it'd be more like I was in ET and everyone else was in Alien.

I never thought anyone would freak out. I'd just get an exorcism and be fine. So, I guess, in hindsight, I wasn't really thinking about it very hard and I should've thought harder about it before taking those steps.

But, on the other hand, if an exorcism didn't help and spiritual guidance didn't help then I guess, I was on my own, and I don't really know how you're supposed to get by in life with something like that happening to you.

So, the first alternative was, make sure everyone online (on tumblr and on reddit) knows this is real and then Dad won't call you crazy, because, all these people think I'm telling the truth, right? So?

After I found /x/ it was more like— Here's all these accomplished psychics and paranormal people, if I ask for help here, someone might know what to do.
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>I feel like a ball of yarn.
Not the guy you're responding to.
I had a cat who would grab balls of yarn and run around the room weaving giant spiderweb like structures out of it.
I miss that little weirdo like you would not believe.
You don't.
That's the kicker.
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>it do be like that
I've mentioned what i'm working towards often.

I won't use deception or force to get there though. I want to be cooperative and have a partner that cares for me as I care for her. I will be good to her
>but just a network that vouches for each other, and looks out for each other, helping set up their youth together into stable marriages
that's called being israeli, the most narcissistic people
are you jewish?
Same brah.
But in the current situation, well.
Suffice to say they all chose wrong.
It will be rectified.
had a dream where an angel appeared and said the Nobody will get his memories back the next time he goes to church
I think the intention was not to make any implication of past self but rather to pass along that this is an entity that multiple realities have been warring against since time began, or perhaps even all realities
there is suspicion that he is a time traveler against whom everything disintegrates, the prime enemy of the multiverse
then the past few weeks I kept having dreams where him and God are brothers
God was a powerful warrior trying to wear him down while regenerating and he was a mage full of tricks who had just spent his entire position of spells
this in particular seems related to the anons saying he sold his position
I think it was in exchange for freedom as they said, both for him and the WoS who we’re even more in the dark about
I’m convinced she may be incorporeal as a demon or otherwise
remember that “the wage sin pays is death” so immortality would be the ultimate freedom, but this narrative is disputed
one thing I heard is “they can finally be together” which supports these notions of freedom, sin, and Her being bound unnaturally to him
by selling his position he effectively won the game through unknown means with the gods and decided to prestige, selling everything back to them in exchange for freedom
only problem is it seems that the emptiness has vexed the young man for the past few months and it has caused him to find something worth more than his entire previous position, not as authority and assets but as power. among those born of women, there has never been one so adept at the things unseen, nor will there ever be one again
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The music you hear when you've really fucked up.
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Vote for Chuck!
Then I'll get as close as possible on this earth
Over the last decade or so, I've learned that my IC and MIC communities are a racket. They solve problems, or rather the symptoms, but never the cause. Which is good for profits. If you can appear to be doing good work, that's great for PR, which is great for funding. But if you never actually fix the root problems, and say, "we're working on it," that's a great scam for a never-ending budget
I found the next shooter right here
I dream of a world where other communities have this as well, not just the israelis. I don't know what I am though
You'll get hell on earth and you'll like it.
You all worked towards it after all.
It's for you.
>They solve problems
go plant some trees hippy
I was the last shooter. I got away with it.
How did they choose wrong? Which "they" are you referring to?
take the sword of souls for examlple, if your weak it will possess you and make you kill others, so you have to superimpose your will onto it.

there is a ways to use them, but if they are not meant for you, some of them wont work properly if you don't have the right architecture.
Cause there were multiple shootings that weekend in different places
That anime looks very fun
Not an argument. I'm disillusioned
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>how did they choose wrong
It's quite simple, anon.
The method they thought of will merely be done to them.
"magic sword"
Multiple shootings every weekend.
I see what you mean, except about the architecture. What is the right architecture?
its where people were trolled into beleiving cartoons are real.
I can have fun too
It just might cause an earthquake or something
that's very silly anon. are there any cartoons specifically that people were tricked into believing are real?
Wow this got really boring
Are you bored with this
haha bro its just fx effects, this is a larp thread so yeah i will talk about all the larps i want to here. Dont you know this is the biggest arg on the internet. its an end of the world arg. Are we having fun yet?
He's right where's the money and stuff
Oh I'm gonna fuckin nail it


Today's episode is brought to you by the letters L. E. N. R.
The Nobody has a will of stone. This is stupid I'm done with misery
We didn't learn a damn thing
I've fixed my goddamn problems
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so liiiike i had this thought provoking experience earlier today

an anon spoke about their experience of being in psychosis is usually that of wanting to become vegan and yaknow...

see the thing is, psychosis usually feels completely normal, you dont now youre in psychosis untill its over.
that whole wanting to become vegan, cleaning up, removing connections, cleansing part of it, is usually the end stretch.
thats the part of psychosis where your mind and body goes "iv had enough, its time for a change"

everything that came before that moment, IS psychosis, that part they labeled as what they feel their psychosis, is the exit stage.
if you arnt striving to do the normie thing in some way shape or form and feeding the madness, you are in psychosis.

just fyi
>inb4 no reply and no rebuttal because triggered
>inb4 wordsalad
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You're here forever.
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That's a good one.
depends, I know that ##### #ends up with the blue sword.

It can remove curses and demons from people, the blue sword should be the easiest to find and it can be used by those with a strong will, anyone perfomring outstanding acts of magick should be able to use it. There are others like one of fire and one of shadow that require dragon esque architecture to use.
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know your creator like your very best and guardian. it chose you out of tredecillions of lifeforms. it sifted through shit to be with you. known God has kept his love and promise.

as for the getting to jannah, well living life itself is a religion of itself. its what make of it and everyone has their own path. religion is just kinda there as population control, and then to provide greater context to non-dual awakening to the truly woke of us out there.

but most importantly, remember who your creator is.
Man what if it did happen that way someone deserves a fucking medal for saving rump
This is horseshit
No, you haven't.
I've already done this reality more times than you can count, anon.
>we'll make "him" create a replica of himself and dote on it all the while trying to abandon him to create strife within
Or something to that effect.
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There's always a cunt
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Oh yeah very cute
It's all in my head is it?
Well time to go insane
Not really
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>anon remembers his experience with the "caged rabid animals" hurling insults because they couldnt get none
>there is suspicion that he is a time traveler against whom everything disintegrates, the prime enemy of the multiverse
Why is reality his enemy? Is he God incarnate or something?
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What if if did thou

>like meow-ctually
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Glowies, you seriously have no fucking idea what you unleashed with the internet.
Then let's do that again but with ge lottery right shit what are the odds

I'm more interesting than you
dont worry babe i know...
give me a reason not to be
You failed to even drum up enough interest to click on your link.

Every time I do that you guys just rip yourselves apart.
This one goes hand in hand with that passage:

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Matthew 24:21-22 KJV

Always the doom and gloom with you people, almost never the hope, despite your own teachings.

edge is basically chrome but with better playback on youtube and streaming services
ok, well i say dragonesque, i mean pretty much hard to explain without giving away certain elements that protect a tribe of people that protect humanity from really evil shit.

if you obtain the blue sword you will be able to help save a lot of people from pain, and curses that cause immense pain as well.
It does, indeed anon.
But you have to know your audience.
>you guys
im not them...
Your weakness is the color yellow

What's up anon?
Who's making life hard for you?
Tell me everything and i will help
>dont worry babe i know...
I'm happy for you. Sincerely. That's wonderful to hear. :]

Nope, that be cheating in a game of odds if you can manipulate stuff on that fine of a level

>Cats don't cheat - well not like that
Logically speaking, by putting forth this much effort into all this mess you're just creating nullifications.
With honey :)
what's the correct sequence of words that will make you glowies come out into the open?
Don't you love that feeling when your joint just snaps into place and suddenly everything feels right?
>Nobody as a write-in vote
You knowww ...:
It's bullshit
I'm calling it unless support units get here
yeah its fucking amazing aint it
What crime did he do to deserve this fate? Is God his prime enemy?
At one point i'm pretty sure i was everyone's "enemy"
I had a god ask me to wield a sword of fire once, probably because he couldn't (what a joke)
What's the use of a tribe protecting humans if they can't make the final decisions ?
Just delaying the arrival of someone who could

you're just mad that you don't know wtf a wind sword is
No, I think that that makes sense and is sound logic.
I met a gypsy with a double-jointed 3rd eye on the road out of Shanghai
>So the Nobody drew in some good guys in military intelligence and the /ng/ became a place for disclosure, culminating most recently in the exposure of internal chatter about an assassination plot against Trump. This chatter was schizo-posted to avoid early detection except by folks read in to the counter-op. Complete records are all in hand, with evidence sprinkled in the open and archived, and now provide enormous leverage to Milint to execute their mission. The Nobody helped enable and give direction to this strategy from afar. He is the shadow president.
>What crime did he do to deserve this fate?
I'll take bad ideas for $2000

I know I didn't reply to yout post, but I did want to say thank you to you, anon, for reading and responding. That meant a lot to me.

Careful Aussieanons. Even hack prophets can be co-opted and what's a day or two between a national tragedy? Don't feel good. Don't know anything but that the train just keeps getting louder
I know a few
Pretend to praise their god (their specific god) all while claiming some mad shit about you and him
Bring out the intelligence levels of anons
thank you anon
keep comfy and be awesome
have a wonderful day
>i like you now
based milint
Did the nobody finally buy guilty gear strive?
I know enough
It's you idiots who don't even know what swords really are
Calling it "magic swords" is so fucking stupid lol
That's not a crime, anon.
I liked the time the CAF "accidentally" failed to properly black out text about how Trudeau was forcing them to train the PLA in winter warfare.
because of the veil i would guess, i don't know why all the secrecy matters otherwise.
>That's not a crime, anon.
ding ding ding
someone tell FVEY that
I'm a telepath
It's /x/
>mod shrugs
Does anyone truly give a shit what it's called? The word could be a fucking glorple and it'd still do the same fucking thing.
Plausible deniability neither confirm or deny
I'll take
>schizobabble because my tumtum huwt
for [reishi and other diabetes-protocol mushroom supplements]
It's been real.
sometimes, light brighter than the dark bedroom I'm in
Alright how about more subtle flare
bro im eating watermelon

How many new brains did the IC just chuck into these threads?
Hither and thither
What the fuck are you eating a watermelon for
I need answers
Where the fuck are you going
4 and 5.

That is merely how that anon wants to be seen by others, not something about the actual Nobody.
Oh yknow

I'm eating watermelon so I don't have to drink water.
fuck no, I just wanted a relationship with her and and i do like her like that, but were both scared of what it would do to us.

Imagine just being able to read each others thoughts and feel each other and having a stupid curse you need help to remove so you can not feel this pain and being in the wrong area to actually have a life.

the only thing that really gets in the way is
like this curse, whatever makes this pain so painful, if I could remove this then me and her would be very good together. that witch from my past(different person altogther here) didn't want me to shift so she did what she could to damage me, she was a strong one at that.
If you had this control then what the hell man
Just help me already shit
Is that any good with a keyboard an mouse or what
A good person, who's kinda like the Nobody, even if she focused on a different skillset.
She is a twin souls of his, and they're on the same side, being allies despite not having met.
I think I understand all but the shadow. If I can wield the fire sword, I do not know if others would think so
Oh my god it's you
One more reply please?
I have a better guess
There are two beings who made all of *this*
One is responsible for the "existing" part of this world
The other is responsible of the "living" part or continuation part of this world
The former is obviously too ancient to even care about what some dumb humans are doing
The latter sees things from a very high point of view
So high, time is meaningless
He can probably see all possibilities and all details. And that makes things like a war pointless to him.
If humanity was declined for 5000 years or so, it would appear to him as nothing but a hiccup
Would be even better if he could come out of it with a bonus
For example, a system that would make it possible to manage this world so that he would no longer have to read too much into the world and focus, wholly, on the bigger picture.
Just a guess
The first biggest word I ever learned to pronounce!
was the first biggest I ever learned to spell!

Thanks cuz
thanks anon :]
im part shadowrider so i should be able to weild the shadow with ease.
Because that (and everything that anon came up with) is false.
Hue hue hue
Ah fuck I'm going fractal
that distance doesn't need to be kept nowadays :)
I haven't felt this in so long
as for the ones im traveling with in the future,
we do make weapons for others to use around the world after the veil falls, and even those who do not like or understand us.
I've been wondering where you went :)

hi fren
>guilty gear strive
Is that the one that costs 40 dollars but also like 200 more if you want all the characters?

I'd get it if they included everything, but it's too much
fuck yes, i fucking hope so. why take away each others oxygen?
I know, right?
I'll just want to help, i'll try and be prepared for as much as possible so I can be of help to the bros

Bullshit on/x/

See >>38399462 and >>38399347
prolly when it goes on sale, on the Switch's successor
well, we step it up after the veil falls, i do know there is a black car, and there is a tall guy as well that hangs around. we become pretty strong in a farely short amount of time, but we move, and also we travel a lot, there is one time we go back in time when we are about to get jumped. we even slow down time to train making an hour seem way longer.

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