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Now hold up just a second. I don't remember the north pole being just Greenland. I remember clearly there was a giant ice cap up there. It's even been in the news how this giant ice cap is melting. It was never just Greenland, it was always a huge ice cap a little smaller than Antarctica. Do you also remember it?
I remember
Nice. So it's another Mandela effect.
>north pole
Yes. Except there was a giant ice cap there smaller than Antarctica but still big, around the same size as Greenland or a little bigger. I remember it vividly. It was even in the news.
Yes, that exists. I used to have a globe. I could swear that landmass was on it. What makes you think anything's changed?
>OP got his geography from Polar Express
It wasn’t a bit smaller than Antarctica it was a lot smaller.

It also never had solid ground under it but Antarctica did.

It also used to exist but now they don’t even put it on maps.

I too like to pretend to be retarded
>This just in: Amerimutt fails at geography
No. It is not land. It is pure ice. Look at the new pics. They don't show the pure ice. They only show the land of Greenland.>>38401893
Yes, it had no solid ground under it. It was pure ice. I don't know how big Antarctica is so maybe I got that wrong.
Nice try. I have witnessed another Mandela effect which was verifiable, like I just listened to a song and listened to it again one minute later and it changed the lyrics. You are atheists though so you wouldn't even believe your brain is real if science didn't tell you.
I do. I remember seeing a huge icecap on the north pole on Google Earth
>screeches autistically
Sounds like you have an emotional reaction here. Nice try again but others remember it too. Nice try.
>autistic screeching intensifies
Ya, there used to be ice up there, but we melted it, so it's just more ocean. They call it climate change. It's been in the news.
Jewish science, nice.
The north pole entirely freezes over ever winter and melts every summer. Now never think about this ever again
It used to be permanent. Most will not remember the original thing when a Mandela effect happens but some like me will.
Did you know there are three different poles, depending on what you are measuring?
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Why are their faces ai generated??
Earth is flat. This is a bullshit satanic hoax.
Did you know if you actually go out and look at your flat earth, the physical exact center is not the same spot as where the compasses point?
Of course not - you've never been interested in exploring the world you live in.
I know exactly how much it makes people seethe to just say the holy words earth is flat. There must be something to it. There is. Something is up. Earth is flat. You think they lie about Chemtrails, someone admitted it, and then won't lie about the flat earth? No.
I find it pitiable you determine truth based on what other people think of you, rather than through direct observations.
It's probably why you have zero interest in actually seeing what your flat world is like.

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