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previous >>181554
I know it's fiction, But Kyokushin guys can move this fluidly instead of just pushing forward with punches?
>Kyokushin guys can move this fluidly instead of just pushing forward with punches?
No. (but Max Dedik in one interview said rules of IKO1 changed recently and fights became more maneuverable, but IDK)
met this guy personally at a state championship while he was taking a MASSIVE shit in the full-contact fighters bathroom
Lol, you talking about Eddie Emin or Max Dedik?
based as fuck
I remember how I travelled to Japan and got lost in forest at night on my way to the inn, found some road and met the bell with sign "In case of bear attack ring the bell". Damn that was scary. It was like 10 km from the inn and I walked this road, cheked mail (because previously I emailed inn owner that I will be very late because I'm walking along a path through the forest) and inn owner mailed me back something like "Be careful because there are bears in the forests" and it scared me again. Finally I found bigger highway and a car stopped and some kind woman offered to give me a ride to the nearest city. I used some mix of japanese and english and said something like "kuma no mori, scary!" and she laughed and started nodding. It was near Nagiso
>kuma no mori, scary!

On that day mankind received a grim reminder
Karate peaked in the K-1 years when kyokushin tried it's best to be kickboxing
Does anyone else compete, or want to compete? I train at the dojo three times a week, but my Shihan says to get truly in fighting shape, I need to train much more often, I already do weights and bodyweight exercises at lunch time in my work gym, but he says I need to find some more time on the heavy bag, even if it means training until late at night.

I was at this tournament last year, but in a different category, here are some highlights.
It depends on the ruleset, the problem is with the timelimit, the size of tournaments, and the nature of tournaments themselves. People like Valeri win tournaments because they favour very economical movements that minimise effort, are extremely efficient, and highly effective. Valeri is boring as hell to watch but he's a scientist of Kyokushin.
this fight is probably the most fluid kyokushin fight I can think of, but there are others. The last IKO tournament had some more springy fighters, but with the big tournaments very few early fights will go beyond the first round, so you have to get in there and go as hard and as fast as you can so the judges choose you. Perhaps one day there should be a more drawn out kyokushin tournament, no round limits, over a few days instead of just two.
Based Jap man
Kyokushin did that in the 1970s when Oyama opened up a Kickboxing gym that Terutomo Yamazaki (1st winner of the All Japan Kyokushin championship).

When K-1 debuted, it was already built on Ishii's Seidokaikan challenge matches against other styles. He envisioned K-1 as a promotion to bridge all the fighting disciplines (regardless of whatever organization they were champions in) to compete under rules that they could successively utilize their techniques. Early K-1 allowed more knees to the clinch/neck-wrestling so long as it was continuous attack and not jockeying around for several seconds to gain decisive leverage and angles like Muay Thai does. This got dropped later on.
There's still hundreds of Japanese kickboxers who come from kyokushin karate backgrounds even today.
So you can attack the spleen by kicking someone's calf
So THIS is the power of karate!

What's the best karate style to fight a bear?
Redpill me on hand conditioning
Waste of time or important?
Mostly a waste of time. Firstly the time you need to contition them you could have been training techniques or endurance. Secondly if you really go down the conditioning route full force you will have an enlarged hand that got so hard its not able to do fine motorskills anymore. Additionally you get athritis.
There is something to sometimes punching a sandbag to get a feeling for the correct bare nuckle technique, but more than that is just useless.
Kyokushin got canonised by Pride

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