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Gay Harem scenes

Mega folder

Previous Thread
>>3067873 →
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Does anyone have Fighter Lewis scenes?
Next Legendary Contest guy
Next Double Penetration Guy
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Admiring Lunno
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Worshiping Lunno
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Alt. Gordon
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Next Path of Attraction guys
A year later for make anything of Dungeon Meshi?
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someone will have the affeccion scenes of the mythical lunar matsuo
They're Bleach characters on this game? I never noticed
Next Mythic
Next Mega guys
Am I confused?
Next Classic guys
By what?
By who are reference the last two links? Not the Classic ones.
I understand that mythical characters must be difficult to catch in order to be stronger. The ones that didn't need to be THAT difficult to get, especially with a limited number of shards. I really wanted to get this last one inspired by the Browser, but being an F2P player I didn't have much luck.
More Neo and Balthazar, nice!

The Mega guys are Maro(Suigetsu from Naruto) and Neo(Turo from Pokemon)

Yeah, it's hard to get Mythics as F2P if you haven't been playing for long. It gets much easier once you can do the normal/hard labyrinth and stockpile a good amount of fists.
I only need to spend kobans on perfumes to get Mythics since the hard labyrinth came out. The videos on the other hand...
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Folder updated.

Thanks and great job, anons.

Any mistakes, pray tell.

>Missing Guys List
Adventure- Alt. Vance, Alt. Ner, Alt. Zlatko, Alt. Demetrius, Alt. Mycroft, Alt. Kai, Alt. Lindir
LD- Liu Chen
PoA- Mathias, Dean, Fighter Lewis, Duran, Delicious Larson
PoV- Max

HA- Treasure Hunter Justin, Treasure Hunter Alban
SE- Solstice Winter, Flynn

Came to realize there are 2 videos in the mega shop and I'm not taking notes of videos at all. Anyone knows which ones are we missing?
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This is not funny
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Next Lively Scenes guy
Just another Selim.
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Next Legendary Contest guy

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