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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Previous thread: >>973562
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i just had a repeated crash and then Blender stopped working altogether, was ok after a restart, have you tried restarting your PC yet?
Hello lads, I've rigged a char in blender with rigify but it's eventually going to end up in Houdini

Exporting as fbx works, animation and rig come through fine

But, I would like to retarget some mocap anims onto the rig inside Houdini (and also make minor tweaks when necessary)

Only problem is the exported rig seems to make no sense. The DEF bone that should be the root isn't the parent of a lot of stuff and similarly I can't find the DEF bone that the face rig is parented to. Is this a known issue when exporting rigify rigs and do I have to do something to make the exports work a bit more sensibly?
nvm ended up using game rig tools and this problem appears to have been solved.
i'd figure out what's actually being fixed here, but i don't have time and i'm not a rigger.
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Dog (prairie)
very nice fur shader

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "We're going back to our roots" Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>977313

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed) (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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State of War is close to that.
there are types of birds that will make nests in buildings like that under the roofs, they tend to carry all sorts of little debris everywhere as they fly in and out and around so i always see these tiny needles in crevices mixed with dirt and grime from peoples shoes
There's some cool ideas there I hadn't thought of so I'll include them. I was going to do a furnace or boiler, but I thought it might be too bulky. And I was going to do the pipes, but I wasn't sure what kind of pipes a basement actually has or which way they run.
I'll google unfinished basement and see what comes up.
I tried to use custom normals in maya scenes imported into unity, and it caused a lot of problems and was a pain in the ass to fix. If your project has to transfer from different platforms it can be unpredictable how normals survive.
take it as a compliment then

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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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I think the best way to get this running is to make a short animated feature first. Then when it gets viewers you should make a kickstarter or something like that and get money to make it. People usually fail with projects like this is because they start too big. Do something short that will get people hyped and talking.
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I absolutely agree with you, which is why i chose to recreate a 5-10 sec teaser. This will take a while because i am still trying to figure out how to properly render the 3D model in Maya.

I am going to be very honest - right now i am really struggling to figure out the right configuration for the best NPR. Currently i am experimenting heavily with Arnold and Psoft Pencil+ only with little to no success.

Does anyone have an idea of how to replicate the render settings of ZBrush in Maya?
ur stuff looks badass godspeed OP
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thanks, fren. Glad to hear that my work actually has substance.

So, we reached day 16 working on this project and with each day i think i am getting closer in recreating the artstyle.

Right now there are 2 things i need to get straight:
- making a texture map with the painterly effect of brushstrokes
- finding a way to produce a clean NPR render - using Maya

I am open to any ideas of how accomplish those tasks.

The greatest issue atm is to find the proper way to render the model. After 3 days of trial and error with Psoft Pencil+ i came to the conclusion that using Arnold aiToon shader is my best shot, although i am not even close in being satisfied with what i accomplished with my render-attempts.

>pic related
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But, before i will continue to figure out the proper render-settings, i will try to make the painterly effect.

My plan is to take the normalmap and rebrush it with a knife-brush in photoshop.

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its kinda crazy what blender is capable of in 2024
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I've never nutted before but I did try to have some sunk sprinkles as a normal map on my max-nut V1.0.

need to add that bulge around each individual sprinkle and make better sprinkles to replicate the delicious look of >>981595 but as a proof of concept I think it shows promise.
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I made low poly version.
this makes sense never thought of it before but yeah imo checks out.
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This is from Lethal Company. Whenever you're modelling/texturing/rigging/whatever and get hung up on stupid shit that nobody cares about, take a step back and remember that this game made $100m
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average unity user.
by looking at flawed models that made money

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I bought a 4090 to do 3D but apparently physics simulations use processor exclusively. What the hell man...
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Cris could not afford a 4090 in his lifetime
The problem is that modern graphics cards were never designed to do graphics. They were designed to mine crypto and for AI, so to use them to do graphics, it's really hard.
Cris' family could buy you.
Go away, Cris
Physics has nothing to do with graphics. What did you expect?

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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which emma model is this? custom job?
I like how it's bad enough to net get sued.
Just the right amount of mediocre.
I'm looking fort suggestions for content creators that do behind the scenes stuff. I love seeing WIPs and the UI and tools involved. Please advise, as I love seeing people's workflows.
I like how it's bad enough to net get sued.
Just the right amount of mediocre.
yeah, its my custom

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We have this over in /ic. I'd like to see anons portfolios and works. Post your socials.
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Reminder to not associate yourself with the Nazi website if you want to get a /3/ job

Shitty little animations I make for fun
Name three examples where this has ever happened.
views kinda tanked after I stopped making gaming shorts but algorithm seems to be liking my blender vids a little more lately. why anyone would sub to a retard posting his /beg/s is beyond me, but growth has actually gone up since abandoning gaming despite the fewer views. if I wasn't creatively bankrupt maybe I'd be able to make something worth watching
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boomers need to know if you have experience in windows 7, windows 8, AND Mac OSX

anything else is secondary and for dumb goyim who will continue to pay rent to boomer while boomer mows lawn


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Missing features and lacks artistic improvement to match with Unreal and Unity
All marketing PR talk, no real experience in using Blender. Knows nothing about the real reason.
>Open source
Open source projects doing dumb things like glTF animation implementation, dead software, not documenting important stuff, heavy relaying on Blender instead of other 3D software
>Unity and Unreal
They have a monopoly in 3D games, not a single open source can export to console. Open source projects limits artists like you and me with dumb ideas like TIFF format. Heavy restrictions to Windows only. Dumb downloads for developers like Microsoft Visual Studio. None of that matters with Unity or Unreal.

Never trust YouTubers
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Never really liked Brackey's tutorials.
>he never goes over the basics while pedaling to people who understand nothing about coding.

like, to understand Brackey's tutorials you must already have the coding knowledge to understand the tutorial and therefore you could just do it yourself without the tutorial.

I fell into the trap of watching all his videos and just mindlessly copy and pasting them while learning nothing, I only came to understand wtf I was actually doing when I learned C# monoscript in uni years later
>MaKe tHe CamRa thE PlAyeR
Do you know how stupid that sounds to everyone.
That's how it works.
No, the camera is not the player, the camera is the camera. It’s like saying you’re an alien in a alien spaceship filled with aliens. No, you are still a dumb human without alien special powers.

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I made product renderings for a client and it went great but now the client is asking for an animation like vid related.

I tried the (newly updated) particle simulation in C4D to try to create a body of liquid and also tried xParticles but both runs like shit on my M1 MacBook. I tried my best to optimize the simulations following multiple tutorials online but I cant get semirealistic results.

Now that I am thinking about it I might be vastly overcomplicating things since I basically just need to raise the product from a plane that somewhat sticks to the object.

Does anyone have an idea for a method I could use to achieve the effect in a much simpler way? I must be missing something.
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OP here, thank you guys a lot!

I'll be honest, I didnt understand how to use a zdepth render as displacement and couldnt find tutorials on it.

Was on a tight deadline so I just tried to find any possible way and while searching I found a tut that showed a similar effect using a vertexmap:


Adapted it like pic related (random rock as a replacement for the product, also actual 'liquid' the client wanted is chrome).

However, could you still give me maybe a pointer towards how to do your technique? I don't get what you guys mean by vfx layer and it seems like a really powerful workflow.
It's really simple
Just render a zdepth pass of the object from the top, use it as a displacement texture and animate the strength of the displacement from 0 to how much you need to show the object.
or you could just do sdf booleans and never have to render a pass and maintain more control over the geo with less friction

thanks for the essays and the 1980's techniques though
VFX just means you do it as compositing in a videoediting software. You render out your mesh and a depth pass and inside your video editing software you'd set up layers to blend it all together to make a transition between your CGI and your other layer using your Z-depth.

I work real-time stuff so I haven't touch any videoeditor in years but 'adobe premiere' and 'after effects' was what I used back in the day and it was really easy to just jump in and use those as it's basically a photoshop for videos and I already knew my way around photoshop inside out.

There's probably better suites available, all the VFX tryhards used different software back then too but I can't recall their name.

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blender idiot here

I'm making a model for a vrchat avatar and for some reason some bones are moving around on their own after I export as an FBX then reimport. I've searched all over the internet for a solution and a lot of the threads on various websites talk about animations and making sure that the armature is set to the correct frame of the animation, but I've never touched any of that. I may have fatfingered some hotkey during the whole process, but I have no idea if this is a bug or if I'm just retarded. I've applied all the scales and rotations etc too, so I don't think it's that.
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No idea, maybe the other anon can see your file and find out.
Having a quick look the weights seem fine?

You have some zero weight bones which can be removed but other than that can you explain the issue your having fully?

Is the issue in Unity or in VRChats Engine?
also are you trying to modify the model? as if this is


then it should have came with a unity package that makes importing it much easier, and you don't need to reimport the model if you added clothing just rig the clothing and then export the clothing to unity and add the clothing there if that is easier for you.
can you upload the whole thing to pixeldrain?

rather than your blend file? as I'm guessing you have made edits to it.

also yeah some reason it had a password

pixeldrain /u/9pvA6hEh

this is the one i bought, it had a bunch of shit on it that i didnt like so ive been going through the process of learning blender and unity to "fix" all of it


the weights arent the problem, the issue im having is that some of the bones in the armature keep moving on their own after i export as fbx then reimport, and i have no idea why. pixeldrain wouldnt let me upload for some reason so i put it here: https://file.io/fcwsu4eq03h2

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>Pirate Maya3D
>Search "How to do [ ] in Maya3D
>90% of tutorials are how to do it in Blender

WTF? I thought the shit posting on /3 was a joke. Blender has taken over.

Best I could find is Mike Hermes and Academic Phoenix Plus, but there are a load of special effects they don't cover.
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Strange how there are loads of tutorials spoon feeding Blender how tos but modlers are few and far between. On top pf that, the ones ypu find are either really good pro level or absolute beg tier. Theres little to no inbetween.
There's nothing strange about that at all.
The middle ground is the area where you're kind of just expected to know what you're doing.
Beginner shit is for beginners, pro level shit is mostly theory and workflow shit to augment and enhance what you're already doing. The in-between is that "just right" section where you're not a beginner, and you know how to model well enough to get by without much help. In the case you do need help, it's usually enough to just check how other people have solved similar problems. Then you slowly just shift into that "pro level" theory territory where it's all about optimizing your workflow, or seeing new tricks to model things in a different way.

It's like riding a bike.
There's that wobbly stage where you're just starting out on 2 wheels and you're not all that skilled and can still fall over.
The middle point where you can clearly ride a bike, people expect you to know how to ride a bike, and you have confidence riding a bike.
Then that final stage where you achieve complete mastery over normal riding and you start doing BMX tricks and shit.
Maya is for professionals only, you should already know what you're doing when using Maya.
>you should already know how to use a program you never touched.
12yos should have 0 access to the internet.
>12yos should have 0 access to the internet.
They really shouldn't though.

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I am now much stronger, and now have mastered AI as well as 3D and 2D.
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>he's gone back to Godot again
It's so tiring.
It took me a day to make this.
Pls rate.

forgot to add my link.
If you are beginner i think it's okay but if you already did some programming it's way too long but still cool keep working on it.
Cris, check out this Godot tutorial:

so imagine that i got good at 3d modeling, how do i realistically make money? is porn the fastest and easy route? how do you build a fanbase or do you make videos for pornhub and cash on views?

i dont want to work in a studio or with other people, want to fly solo here
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I agree with you anon, the op looks like a flab monster. Zero appeal
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Pixiv? I have never used it before but I want to expand my reach. It's mainly used by japanese people?
don't bother they're systematically eliminating nsfw from the platform
were you trying to recreate those jewish goblinas from that weg everyone posts?
and any new account on twitter gets instantly auto banned in order to force you to put in a phone number. other than that flag your shit as nsfw or the algorithm will crush you when it detects you're posting nsfw
What about fetish but clothed art?

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