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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "graphic design is my passion" edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>993026
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I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.
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why hair so hard
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beloved chinese daughter

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The future of the entire 3d industry is looking pretty grim with more and more senior/mid artists applying for a junior role. Seems like leaving this field is the only viable option. How many of you guys here are currently working full time? And how are you guys coping?
A have a modicum of artistic ambition so I would never stoop low enough to work in the art industry

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I honestly think I was able to reach the level I admired in pixel art when I was 20.

but with 3D.
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a math friend told me to divide 1 by 9.
I didn't realize it was the meme.


I actually found a neat aproximation to divide using drawing.
And what's the difference between a ratio and a measurement?
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I mean, if you combine my ideas with the ones used by loomis to measure depth.

You can pretty much do basically any measure calculation in a drawing, using only the pencil and a ruler.


measurement is simply getting the measures of an object.
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this shit works.
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i made the whole simpsons family in paint 3d, thoughts?
I like how happy Marge is
Marge dildo when?

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look at my donut. i sold my old car and invested in a gayming computer with shitty RGB lights i can't turn off (tech illiterate)

So... how much longer until i'm making looped WEBMs of furry porn and charging a thousand dollars per character commission?

it gets better... right? i feel like a baby just learning to crawl.
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Not OP but what should I start with?
learning anatomy
Start with hard surface basics. It's easier to understand than organic modeling. Once you get decent at that and have made a few guns, swords, robots, buildings, cars etc. then you can move into organic characters where you should then learn Anatomy like that other anon said. It's been a long ass time since I first learned hard surface so I can't recommend any courses but for anatomy I remember "Scott Eaton Artistic Anatomy for Digital Artists 2013" course to be what clicked for me if you can find it on torrent sites.
don't listen to these permabegs, they mad because bad
I’m in the same position, but I after three hours my doughnut abstracted into some kind of eldritch mess and I give up. I don’t actually fucking care about a doughnut anyway so I started immediately working on a character model because that’s what I wanted and I have the motivation to actually do it, but now I’m at a point where I’m lost and I’m worried that if I go any further I’m going to ruin it completely

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Why aren't you creating your own 3D animated webseries? Glitch is selling endless amounts of merch and making shitloads in ad revenue. You could potentially create the next Amazing Digital Circus.
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because I refuse to exploit people
Where do you work at?
I've been making an animated series by myself for two years. Some days I want to shoot myself, but other days I want to hang myself.
I would love to but I am just starting and I don’t know anything and I live in wide eyed terror of fucking up my model in a way I cannot even fathom nor fix

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Hello anons im looking for Blender courses torrents mostly from Humble bundles (i will appreciate even non Humble bundle courses)

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ive exhausted every possible way i know of to download off the gamedev site and they dont seem to support migrating it to udemy anymore, im still open to suggestions to download it but i cant find any
Thanks for trying
Hey there. Try torrents maybe?
Is there a torrent for >>998219?


You niggers are welcome

Houdini is fun and easy!
Pick up a free apprentice version today:
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I'm not a good coder bros, is there any hope for me?
The time when one need to be a 'good coder' is nearly over. We will very soon be programming in natural language in such a way that everyone will be a programmer.
Once that happens in no time AI will write for us in machine code that'll be ineligible even for expert humans to interface with directly.
It'll be more impractical than reading large programs viewed as assembly code.
We will be reliant on AI interpreters to map out what a program actually does in metaphorical ways that is eligible to us.

In that near future your ability to be creative will be gated more by your ability to be highly specific an concise in describing things
while talking to a LLM than you will be dependent on knowing the ins and out of syntax and how to write efficient and clear code.

Anyone who's anyone in programming has stopped saying we should be teaching kids how to code, because that skill will be irrelevant.
Growing your vocabulary and understanding of higher order concepts will be the success path going forward.
What you can contribute will be gated by what you can express thru your command of linguistics and what you can conceive of as cohesive mental constructs.
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But it's not here yet. I interacted with 20 chatgpt solutions (paid model) and they all failed (or my descriptions did), and so I have to cope with my poor abilities in the now.
I get time's will change, and I'm looking forward to those times as an artist.
Chatgpt is good for houdini's python stuff but mostly miss for everything else.
Btw if you want to copy different objects per point look up the attributes from pieces node and the variant copying workflow in copy to points. I think there's a nice post on the toadstorm blog about all the ways can do it now.
so what's the point of learning Houdini then?
somebody's learning, course makers are making bank.
why are they learning Houdini, why?

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When starting out in 3D, is it better to finish as many models as you can (or projects if you'd like to call them that way) and keep adding more sophisticated technologies and techniques as you learn them or is it better to just polish one model and keep adding stuff to it as you learn? I come from a 2D background and when it comes to drawing quantity is king, you should be drawing every day as much as you can. Is it the same for 3D? I would've posted this in a SQTDDTOT but there's no such thread at the moment (you can use this thread for that, if you'd like)
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What has happened to the 3d industry, /3/? Is it over?
How good / bad is reddit for getting crits? It seems like everyone is an armchair pro over there with 30 years of experience but sometimes the work I do see posted is a tired retread, same with Blender Artists
There any good tutorials on shading? Or on how to set up a scene?
is there a tutorial how to properly import and merge files in blender? coming from Maya it seems to me like a completely dysfunctional clusterfuck whenever I want to have a file with more than one character
>completely dysfunctional clusterfuck
Yeah that's called using Blender

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Painting with stencils allows you to use textures generated by an algorithm to quickly photobash your models.

Here, a tutorial will be shown on how to do this from the basics.
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i really like this tutorial format of written instructions on top of screenshots, rather than videos that i have to constantly pause.
is there an archive of tutorials like this?
Yes, I’m 37 years old, so when I was young, the internet was too slow and expensive to have online videos.

Back then, tutorials were like this, a sequence of images and text.

But they were always incomplete or skipped details, so since I have OCD, when I take notes, I do it this way I document everything in the form of screenshots and text. I've been doing it for a long time.

And now with ChatGPT, I can write the instructions in Spanish, since that's my main language, and instantly translate them to English, even improved with better organization.

And yes, the advantage is that if you make them clearly, they’re better than a video because you can pause and analyze each step, and you can skip the rest.

I’ve been thinking about creating a Discord and posting them all there.
are you that ntr furfag? you sure sperg like him.

are you sculpting something? or you just want to see other people's projects? post here then
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cute useless wife
also her baos look a bit flat
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Thanks for the advice. I'm assuming that's stuff like cura or prusaslicer? I've googled a bit on how to use those but it seems like they can mostly slice using planes. Is that really suitable for complex objects? I see meshmixer can cut using a lasso-like tool. Is that software better for complex objects? All I know is blendhurr.

Oh. I wasn't sure what they're even called so I just referenced the tiny ingame sprite. They're called "chinese manju" ingame and I didn't bother researching, my bad.

Also here's a sculpting question: how "rough"/sharp are bodies, really? What I mean is, I think that a lot of visual smoothness of the human body comes from subsurface scattering softening shadows by letting light through and bodies can actually get fairly sharp. But is that true? Here's a picture to illustrate. I know I'm not very good, but still. Left is what I'm sculpting on and off now, and right is the model in >>1001184 while it was still in T-pose. It looked similar to the left, but then I thought it was too rough so I smoothed the shit out of it. Is that the right thing to do, or should one keep sharp features and rely material scattering to visually soften them out? I feel I can't quite nail the balance of how sharp features actually get.
for anime figures you're mostly going to be using resin printing, the slicers for that are Lychee and Chitubox
they're called "slicers" but you don't cut the figures using them, they're just for the exporting process, you still cut the figures into pieces in Blender or your preferred 3D software

honestly making a file you can release to be 3D printed and painted is a lot of work that doesn't involve sculpting, I wouldn't worry about it right now, just keep improving
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i got bored of this so I wont finish it

this is nice
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Somehow it looks even better than season 1.
Let's talk about the best /3/ animated series ever and how they did it.
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bright lighting still breaks the painting effect. all of the scenes in viktor's cult looked super bad to me
Do you have an example? It seemed fine to me
the ones where they enter and get lead to viktor in particular. vi's model looks super off to me with the bright environment.
wow I read this post and thought this guy is right about the wobbly heads, then I realized it's my own post. I should go to sleep
Shame the story has chicom pandering oozing from every orifice.

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I'm having to purchase Zbrush for school, and have settled on the subscription liscence, but only for a while. It baffles me that Zbrush, or rather Maxon, requires so much goddamn information about you just to be able to purchase it. Did everyone else go through this? Is there a way around it? A school ID I'd understand, but it asks for your drivers liscense and a video of you turning your head. Without suggesting an alternative like Blender, is there a way around this? Or do I just have to bite the bullet?
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>scan your head
Just rent the normie version of zbrush, they dont ask for ID or face scans
what did you mean? What version?
The one that isnt an education edition. The one anyone can pay for from maxon? You know, normal zbrush.

The one that just asks for payment method and address.
That makes sense. OP was looking for educational license. I am looking for regular. But, is it even worth it upgrading from the last pixologic zbrush which I have a permanent paid license for to the current maxon? I hear that nothing big has changed
People buy Zbrush? Just pirate it.
If it weren't for a few QoL features I'd be using blender anyway.

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Use this as a place to help rebuild after the great purge /3/

I autisically save everything so hopefully I can help give back to a board that I love on this god-forsaken Mongolian basket weaving site
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so low poly is 100% about the texture work huh?
kind of, its the make or break point of most low poly models
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I agree with many anons in this thread, this proved to be way fucking harder than it looked.
It's hard to explain, but I guess that triangular anime look that was in a few other pics here, luckily I did find some guides, but it does come down to you knowing how to use the program properly, it's not something you can just do easily as a noob because it looks simple
>it's like I got the worst of both worlds.
You won't feel that way if you try to animate it.
At low poly counts like this, animating the hip and shoulder joints without creating horrible deformations becomes a significant pain in the ass.

...But if you just segment it, that problem magically away.

That's why they did it.

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