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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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a thread to post your daily sculpts and sculpting in general
previous thread >>995861
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smug pal
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nice shoes
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nice, that sounds like a good challenge, I think pals designs are more complicated than pokemon designs on average
very hot
maybe if i were high i´d think it looks good. Still need to do the ears and hair at least

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When starting out in 3D, is it better to finish as many models as you can (or projects if you'd like to call them that way) and keep adding more sophisticated technologies and techniques as you learn them or is it better to just polish one model and keep adding stuff to it as you learn? I come from a 2D background and when it comes to drawing quantity is king, you should be drawing every day as much as you can. Is it the same for 3D? I would've posted this in a SQTDDTOT but there's no such thread at the moment (you can use this thread for that, if you'd like)
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i never learn how to draw, but drawing help you learn anatomy and stuff assuming you want to learn how to make character
what am i doing wrong? it's a xps model. why that piece of the leg got stuck?9you can see the bones are right) i don't have this issue when i try to rotate the legs or arms of other dff models like characters from gta sa. im using 3d max 2012

this is the model(himiko toga):
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I want to learn to 3D sculpt STLs to print that look like this
Do I just sculpt a generic body with a skeleton? How can I do this with blender?
Btw do I need some kind of tablet for this?
it's much easier edit models, you can find a lot free models at rigmodels.com and at deviant art(look for xps models). your autism is the limit.

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i have a scan of my teeth, upper and lower.
the initial purpose was to print a copy of them and vacuum form a mold over them as a retainer, because i grind my teeth and tear up my retainers really fast, and they're 200$ to get replaced.

a secondary goal is to slightly pivot my teeth to undo the shifting they've experienced since i got my braces off. DIY invisalign.
the same idea as what this guy did:

my question is, what program should i work in to manipulate these scans? i've got .obj files. i know fusion360 but it's not really built for stuff like this. i've done the blender donut but that's about all of my blender experience. can i do this sort of parametric work in blender? like, sectioning off a tooth and rotating it, or setting a distance to keep between certain features?
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>blender 2.x
wtf is wrong with you
you cn select faces, seperate them into seperate objects then adjust them any way you want
get newer blender, fusion fucking sucks ass for shit like this, all cad software is for mechanical shit, not organic

get blender 4.3, or at lest 3.6
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well, if you look at pic related, i need to sort of take the edge of the gums and drag them down to a flat plane.
so i can print with the gums against the print bed, and the teeth facing up.
like in >>1007517
that's not my work, that's from this guy:

i didn't realize that was old blender, like >>1007557
said. the guy was able to do it, so that means i should be able to do it too.

that's all i'd need to get it printable. if that worked fine, i'd later on want to shift the teeth around. if you look in the OP picture, the front left tooth (which is my actual front right tooth) is sort of in front of the front tooth right next to it, i'd want to drag the "behind" tooth more forward to fix that.

>you cn select faces, seperate them into seperate objects then adjust them any way you want

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I thought this was a repost. An anon did this exact thing a long time ago. Using a 3d printer and teeth scans to make some kind of invisalign retainer. If i remember it went a little viral and there was some mainstream coverage. Maybe you can find that information. Pretty sure he detailed what he did in the thread
how about finding why you grind your teeth instead?

Previous: >>1002436
Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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I happened to watch a video on YouTube about Daz 4.23 and it seems that there are some interesting new features regarding the application of physics to hair and clothes, does anyone know if this is true? I'm using 4.22 and I don't intend to update to see what's new (I'm afraid of breaking something).
Also, there's that Filatoon characters, for genesis 9. I think an anon experimented with it a few threads ago. What do you think of Filatoon? It seems like a decent way to render characters for creating sprites for games. And you don't need to render anything, filatoon is made to work directly in the filament render, so it's basically real-time rendering.
are there any good long elf ear morphs
I am still on old 4.22 and dreading the upgrade. Usually it breaks all my scripts and such. So unless there are some serious new stuff I will kinda avoid it.
Dont know about the new physics? Sounds interesting
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I thought most of the upgrades required the daz subscription tier? Either way, I have both the latest public and beta as well as the sub. Point out something specific and I'll try my best to explain it or show some shots in this thread.
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Copy pasting from the previous thread since I didn't notice it's old
Ok, anons I know absolutely nothing about 3d modeling, can I start with daz, and these tutorials I can find in this thread and daz site, or do I need to start with something more basic?
I'm not gonna lie, I was thinking about making some porn as a hoby, since I enjoy the same.
And what kind of pc do I need, since my current one is kinda shitty.

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Where should I go for 3D character modeling service? I've just being scammed on Upwork for $10!!
All I want is a 3D model of picrel so that I can 3D print him for my personal satisfaction. There's free Pepe 3D model but the face doesn't look like this one. Aaarghhh! It feels like shit that this is the first time I'm being scammed. Fucking indonesian.
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Not physically possible to get all angles correct on 1 model
Not physically possible
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did it at least

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CAD thread? CAD thread.
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>3DP: there used to be some best practice guides for FDM available from Stratasys, particularly "FDM for end use parts".

it's definitely on purpose to force you to look at the picture and reckon what the correct answer is yourself. you can't get wrong values when making such technical drawings out of a cad program unless you manually/deliberately override the text of the dimensions
I made my first complex model lads. What do you reckon?
Looks cool anon. I suppose you used an IRL helmet for the dimensions.
In which program did you model the helmet? Any good tutorials for the animation?
NTA, but many CAD softwares allow to configure an exploded model of your assembly, and to record an animation of course.

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Therefore, I do not charge for the assets that I make
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>doesnt make assets anyone wants, even for free.
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My side chicks husband doesn't charge for the assets he makes. So I put those assets in my game which I sell, maximizing my profit margins. What a dork. (Nice guy though)
Go away faggot.
Surrounding yourself with beautiful things maximizes happiness and minimizes depression. Thus distributing good-looking assets into as many products as possible is a public service that benefits us all.

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Are you supposed to sculpt or box model organic things like human characters and monsters?
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Yes you can, this is retarded, how do you think it was made in the past. Nobody was asking about efficiency here. By your same logic we don't sculpt, we clean 3d scans because is more efficient,and we don't sculpt folds in clothes, because it's simulations.
We also don't sculpt details, we paint them using displacement textures.
If the question was, what is the industry standards for a production ready character? you have a point
You haven't made a single 3D model, you just read two things on the internet and decided to start a jihad over a contradiction that only you are stupid enough to believe exists.
Ad hominem
Yea but even hobbyists want to be time efficient, and you can sculpt with a mouse just fine. There is no need to throw newbies for a loop with non-answers like "both are fine". One is obviously better for no cost.
>May I see a professional production that box models their characters?
Guilty Gear does

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Gott evenink todey wehr goren to törk aßaout ze Blender Reich addon

Jast keeding, todey wehr discussing Kryptowährung, wirtschaftlich und investment strategies.

I start by opening ze gas valve inside the box, and finish by watching them die.

Danke fur watching. Don't forget to subscribe, und leave your suggestions in the comments, und I will catch you, in the next video. :)
>returns after his stock channel flopped

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - Bolts edition

A thread for work in progress of your projects, for recently finished projects or things you'd like critiqued.

Previous >>1003386
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>You should go much more low poly
yeah, probably i will try it once i finish with this one, thought my edge loop is pretty low for a car
>using booleans
huh, i need to do clean up for that right? what about using bevel and then delete the face?
also fuck me for choosing car without roof, guess i'll finish the body and skip the interior this time
>use triangle
currently i'm trying to avoid triangle, but i guess it's impossible if i don't add more edge loop to shape the edge one by one huh
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>huh, i need to do clean up for that right?
Yeah, once you're happy with the body panels you apply the subsurf and then the booleans. Do copies of your file before commuting though, cause it never works 1rst try
>what about using bevel and then delete the face?
You can try, but from experience the reflections will have a break around the shut lines (pic related) that you don't get with a clean high poly + booleans
But it's details at this point, your model looks good already, keep going but remember that if you have issues with the panels
>currently i'm trying to avoid triangle,
Why? It's not a good idea, look at good 3D cars on Sketchfab, they all have triangles and Ngons in some places. Yes Quads are mostly better but they're not always the answer

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Previous thread : >>997198

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
Recommend Youtube Channel :
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Can someone help me? all the proportions are right but the head doesn't feel like her.
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Drawings aren't actually accurate 3d, so you shouldn't trace them. Much less from the profile view as it's the most unreliable in drawings. If I had to bandaid your model I'd start from giving her more of a cheek, reduce her jawline and make the head taper more toward the bottom (switch to "active element" for the pivot, select the tip of the nose and shear laterally a bit from the front view).
When trying to match drawn reference, it's best to eyeball it rather than trace it. The primary reason is that drawings are simply inaccurate enough for that, and the secondary one is that you can't really read shapes well on toon shaded drawings in the sense that you can see the outline, but that's really all, which isn't much information. When eyeballing give preference to 3/4 and front views in that order. Note landmarks that you can't compromise on and stubbornly keep them. For example, you simply can not have the outer edge of the eye be the edge of the model in a 3/4 view - there always needs to be a patch of skin in-between. The red lines on the attached pic are very important.
Here's my quick take on your reference, obj format for if you're paranoid: https://files.catbox.moe/bp1fxy.obj
Thanks man, I'll look at it tomorrow as its late right now. I very much appreciate you taking the time to do this.
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Face is too narrow, skull and neck too small, compare it to a real skull to get the right proportions
This anon has great advice but adding on, just looking at your reference picture it's pretty blatant your front view is incorrect compared to your ref, the jawline's angle should be much sharper. gambare

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Is there any Tutorial on now to create a Vagina or Anus on existing Model ??

Janny pls dont delete, this is for research.
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Backface masking, visibility groups (polygroups(Zbrush)), etc
monthly bump
I'm not doing black face, I'm not a racist
It will take a long time to build a good vulva + inner chamber (like this one, this is great >>1005322), but remember that this is a 3D model: you can reuse that model as much as you want, all you have to do is reshape it to match the character (from cunny to Arby's), preserving the topology.
Infinite girl parts for your characters.
my repeated problem is the lack of resolutionnin that area. if i add more edge loops they jave to go somewhere. ill have like this thick tape of edge loops going up and over the whole character mesh down the middle just so i have enough edges to make some details.
i made, >>1000858 and gor that whole character injust kinda let zbrush do whatever it wanted to. that mesh has problems beyond the pussy taking over all of the topology, so idk.

Got gifted a printer for xmas. Didn't ask for it but I'd feel really guilty if I didn't use it. What do I do?
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You build things
You make cosplay
You print 40k things
You make smut
This is pretty much it. Maybe make shit for around the house >>>/diy/ style
I hate how the OP pic instantly made me think of laser loli
We've been here too long.
Just use actually biodegradable filament. Yes, it's more expensive, but at least you're not giving yourself full body cancer and neurological issues from plastic. And it doesn't make anywhere near as harmful or as much fumes.

If you want to keep a lasting copy of your model, just keep a copy of the data backed up.

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Open weights AI generated text-to-3D and image-to-3D
also supports hybrid inputs (give it an image and text)

Try free online, no account needed:

download models for free:
*also includes a separate model called "Paint" for creating and texturing UV maps from a mesh input
*The output mesh is a trimesh object, which you could save to glb/obj (or other file format).
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Last one.
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If there were multiple image support, there could be more potential than a singular image.
>maybe animators in 10 years. Modeller and even rigger positions will be among the first
It's literally the opposite imo. Modelers will be the last to go as the need for high quality clean meshes will not go down. Animation and texturing will be the first to go, because it's the easier to replicate
It's a subpar blockout, and if this seems useful to you, you're not making anything worthwhile from the mesh you're getting. But once you get to that point that it's better than nothing - and you'll get to that point and easier quicker without it - it's not useful. So, why use it?

You can see it here pretty clearly >>1006344, all of the shapes are wrong, even if you can appreciate that an attempt was made, so why not make the attempt yourself a few dozen times, and quickly learn to be better than it?

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