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I think a while back someone made a thread about specifically girthy dicks. Anyone who's actually had sex knows girth matters more than length so i felt like bringing it back. Post involving big dicks that have to do moreso with their girth instead of their length.

no futa, gay allowed if one is trap or femboy, no gross kinks(scat/piss/vore/etc.)
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.

For the hot wakfu girls
>No futa shit
>No gay shit but lesbians are okay
>No drama
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ENA thread because

ENA DAY 2024: https://youtu.be/YtZ8OxFUYSQ?si=YODLfa2j5LF0Rx9V

Patreon Leaker: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/4689529

ENA Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF3O-TXURX4&list=PLhPaJURyApsoMQDaoft5t0l0iAwUOLtlM

ENA Site: https://joelgc.com/
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I asked for a pose not the cosplay content :/
sorry anon, I read the post wrong. I'm assuming you want a image/pose while ain't sure if it needs to have ena in said image too
whether it has her or not doesn't matter
course though the pose has to be pin-up standing style : P
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When did they add in dark elves and draenei to TLOU?
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They seem average to me
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that dick would kill her
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She'll go from gold star lesbian, to a black hole one.
you're not fooling anyone cobson

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This is a Western-style /d/ drawthread for "alternative" requests (futanari, bondage, tentacles, etc.). Everything else belongs in the General Drawthread.

>Do not make posts breaking /aco/ rules or global ones.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Post a sample of your art when "taking X requests".
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.
>Requesters, provide references and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /aco/ related and keep them concise.
>Eastern requests belong on >>>/d/
>Edit requests belong in the Color/Edit threads.
>Be patient and take it easy!
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>No begging.

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Requesting futa Kuvira holding out her dick and saying
>Think you can handle *this* energy cannon, Avatar?
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Requesting Princess Bubblegum pegging her aunt Lolly.
Whether it be strap on or futanari, your choice.
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Purple kryptonite!
Thanks, anon! This is top tier.
Anchoring this delivery >>8098309

Time for more alien sluts and jedi whores

Last thread: >>8036930
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You can't resist the nabooty

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Haven't seen one of these threads in a bit, so let's post some simple lewds. OC is encouraged, but remember that simple doesn't necessarily mean low quality.
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How about Stacy & the skater girl >>8132818 making out with and undressing each other on the bed?
does anyone have that like 2 page comic where a wndow cleaner fucks a girl flashing her tits on her window?
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Aw, look at her, she's starting to behave!
Great work.
I like how she's being told that's how she *likes* her coffee now instead of how she *drinks* her coffee now. Subtle mind reprogramming

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/csdg/ - Cartoon Stable Diffusion General
Previous thread >>8121665
Realistic thread >>8122572

New ForgeUI (Optimized WebUI): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
General: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd
Hires Fix: https://rentry.org/hiresfixjan23
Inpainting/Outpainting: https://rentry.org/drfar | https://rentry.org/inpainting-guide-SD
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon
Create LoRAs, TIs: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/simplified-embed-training
List of models/LoRAs:
Run on low VRAM: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1ajxus6/stablediffusionwebuiforge_for_low_vram_machines/

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isabele and elsa can hang out its fine
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anon, you know full well they will get into trouble that way.
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LMAO good point

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Final Fantasy 14 male focus porn.

All males welcome.
No females/futa.


>Straight Thread
>Futa/trans Thread
>Main Thread

>Previous Thread

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I took a long break but yeah, I'm back now and yes I do.
Do you like other male viera

Naked Spring Edition

Hello everyone, welcome to the next edition of the Casual Nudity and Nudism thread. As usual, post pictures and stories of people being casually naked and enjoying it, whether alone or with others, indoors or in public. Like always, don't be afraid to contribute new material, but above all else, be naked and have fun

Previous Thread: >>7931758

Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/nudism/
Stories and Fanfics colletion: https://controlc.com/abf74bab (dead)
Nudist Avatar AU discussion: https://nuavatardiscussion.chatango.com/
OP Template: https://controlc.com/41d5e3a8

>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety (No single series/artist spamming)

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Looks like it was originally vector based in creation.
Pretty uncommon.
In image creation you have the more common raster based images and editors.
Then you have vector based image creation and editors.
Personally I prefer working with vectors but it's extremely uncommon for them to be used for erotic art.
Plus the thread needed a bump to not die.
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Good to know

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Cute girls giving someone a face full of booty, she's tired and needs a place to sit down. No futa, no fags, no male on top.
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Stuff you wouldn't mind happening to most of (if not all) the female population in a fantasy scenario.

How do women react to your random whim being inflicted upon them against their will? Are women even aware that a change in reality has even happened? Is it permanent or just temporary? What are the long-term effects of your change to the world?
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1: Yeah, that works as well, but at least a 3 cup minimum if above a DD, and as many cups minimum if below that since AA to DD is a 5 cup jump. While growth would be fairly random, there would still be a strong genetic link, so mothers and daughters and sisters would still be fairly close in size in general.

2: Exactly, dont want it to be creepy young, ick. also don't want it to be gilfs either, ick.

3: For the body horror element, the second sounds interesting. I'd also add in any attempts to reduce breasts below a DD cup will backfire, and result in their breasts growing even larger and with a higher milk production than previously. The most any woman can get away with is a few cup sizes smaller.

4: I'd change it so that while some women would enjoy it, others ambivalent, or others horrified by it. But over time, the pleasure of being milked will make all women eventually love the change, to the point that a woman's first milking becomes almost like a rite of passage and like a religious experience.

In roughly 1960, during the Cold War, a manufactured virus was accidentally released into the world and quickly spreads, infecting practically the entire planet within a year or so but slowly changed humanity over two decades. No one knew about this virus until it was too late.

The first sign was when pregnancies becoming more and more female. Within 20 years, the ratio went from roughly 1:1 male:female to 1:20 male:female.

The second effect was an overall increase in the average beauty of women, by Stabilization Date, the "average" was a solid 8/10 with no one under a 6/10.

The third effect was an increase in breast size. By SD, the it was almost unheard of a woman born after that point having breasts smaller than a DD cup.

The fourth effect was an increase in female libido and sensitivity in various erogenous zones such as the breasts, thighs, etc.

The fifth effect was a requirement for adult women from the end of puberty to menopause requiring semen to survive.

The sisxt effect was that men saw a large increase in cock sizes, and a massive jump in testicle size and cumshot size, with said cum becoming highly nutritional for women

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Considering this would’ve happened just in time to change me and everyone I know, yeah, I’d be down with this.

My idea is that, for a randomly-chosen 24-hour period every month, every woman is transformed into a piece of furniture or a part of the home of a male she knows.

She can’t see or hear in her humiliating transformed state but can feel anything that’s done to her, so if you want to take advantage of the fact that your friend just turned into a plush chair in your living room with her brass ass be pussy in the air and exposed for everyone to see, she won’t know exactly who it is that took advantage of that situation unless she recognizes the feel of your hands or body on her cold immobile self.
biotechnological breaktroughs make it possible for young feminised males to get pregnant with other males and have healthy offsprig

At first the procedures are risky and the outcomes uncertain, there are many 'casulties' ranging from abortions to total systemc organ failures resulting in death of the mother and child

Nevertheless, the drive to reproduce is strnger, in spite of massive controversy and cultural/political backlash males arround the world strive and risk to make the dream true

A radical male separatist movement arises globaly, discrimination and pogroms follow, societal conflicts bordering on civil war insue in some places, the movement congregates in certain areas of the globe

Finally three viable 'ways' establish
First, based on transplantation of artificial tissues and organs, the most conservative form, mostly used by rich old guys on theyr not so young lovers
Second based on the growing of new organs trough longterm stemcel absorption and genetic therapy, practiced by the more radical high end of the male separatist elite
Third, trough biochemical and genetic modification of existing organs, resulting in the intestines transforming int a sort of 'cloaca', available cheaply to the population in general, basicaly, the intestines themselves function as the placenta of the womb, various portions of the tissue generating fertilisable cells, so that any anal creampie can and will result in not one but multiple 'intestinal ptregnancies', as the fertile intestinal mucus absorbs the sperm, which develop similarly to how eggs develop in chickens, as fertilised cells turn into 'pseudo ulcers' which travel down towards the anus as the fetus grows -results vary, but assbaby birthrates rise exponentially

you extrapolate the rest
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Whatever results in all women being forced to wear collars against their will.

I don’t even care much about what kind of collars or how they’ve forced upon women (maybe they all just magically appear around women’s necks in the blink of an eye, maybe women are forced at gunpoint to be rounded up and collared en masse, who knows), just that all women are now forced to bear a symbol of their weakness and subjugation at the hands of men or some higher power.

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The rules are simple.
Post pictures that have subject matter that goes with the next letter in alphabetical order. (Q, X, Z are extra hard mode)

Try to get creative with your reasoning, let's see how many times we can do this

A is for April
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>Can't read the text for shit
D is for Drow Priestess of Eilistraee
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E is for Exposed Gape
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F is for Fuck Machine
G is for Gungan

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