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Green goblins v2 edition

Slablands is a text-based erotic RPG where the player can interact, romance, and start a family with the various monster boys and girls of the land, while uncovering the mystery of what happened to them 200 years ago.

>Game download Game is being remade
>Main Slablands Document


>Slablands Project List
Prev thread >>8029841
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autistic peridot spammer killed the last thread
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>Immediately brings him up after being told not to in the deleted thread.
Will you stop that?
I removed it from the op, mentioning it in the thread is fair game to explain to everyone else what happened.

What even set this retard off anyway?
According to the folks on /co/ he wants a 24/7 pinned Peridot thread on /co/ and /aco/, it's an extremely autistic dream worthy of immediate institutionalization at best and it'll never be answered for good reason.
How is a Slablands AND a Monster girls general legal? Isn't this blatant advertisement?
You can post monster girls here and its a game with monster girls in it
but why
Monster girls it is then
Waste of his time and everyone elses regardless
autism knows no bounds
its impressive
Thieving bat gril that wants your jewels and you all to herself.
Secret group therapy with girls.
Wheres waldo suprevillain girl
happy anniversary monster prom
cumming in a goo girl and watching the white slowly dilute into her body
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Sex with monsters
that's the only kind I have
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Donk elf coming in for the preemptive strike
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About to get wrecked
Beast queens
cute ghosts
You can't spell boobs without boo
Did this game even update since I played it last in like, 2021?
don't mind if I do
Succubus learning what real love is girl.
Not really because the original dev went MIA and never let anyone else near the code beforehand.
We're waiting on sapros to say if he's made progress remaking the game.
Bunny girls
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Bioweapon infused girl that ensures complete global saturation.
It's me your future you girls.
choccy milk
Making partner with business executive girl that tells you have a future in the company.
seduce the medusa
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Just created
bobo girls
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mumu girls
snibs girls
By giving her a kissu
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post harpies
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Sort of
bat tats
I like both
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Do you know what you get when you fuck a bird?
It's a canary-al disease that's untweetable.
Tea girls

Seagull harpy with plans of world domination
Decent girl, awful show and love interest
daemon girls
left > right
Girls with an alias, because they buried their ungrowable past.
show me her past
cool aid girl
Final boss girl
Whats a good place to find some good clussy lewds?
Tribal catgirls so happy to have somebody come along they throw you a feast
paleolithic ancestor to modern day catgirls
swatting that cup and taking her away.
Somebody said tribal catgirls?
Heroes and Demon Kings in the squared circle girls.
No no squares
Girl who touches them
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PTSD girls
doomer girls
plague doc girls
toast girls
Post girls
with big butts
ghost girls it is
Goblin fairy
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Being swarmed by horny house sparrow harpy lolis
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Punk Gobbo I found on shitter
>found on tw*tter
yeah i can, it's horrible
Kinda shoulda stayed on there tbqh famalam.
Could use it for some inspiration and as a reference for something better later though.
what's that
A dead project for the game about a feral demon girl you find chained up in a dungeon and have to slowly tame/civilize. Also something about breast growth iirc.
key girls
Nuns behaving un-nunly
nun harem
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Younger nuns that can't deny their hormones
Nuns of other species that can't quite control their natures
Older sisters that try to be the pillar for the newer members to look up to but they can't deny what they want deep down either
Cute nuns
nun cult for your bed room
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It's not only about sex girls.
its also about cuddling
cuddle bugs
vampire lolis
I can't stop thinking of tribal catgirls
I even generated some stuff with tribal catgirls

Somebody help me.
don't play chrono trigger and definitely don't recruit ayla
You're well over two decades late with that warning.
Also, technically not a catgirl, but a cavewoman with very catlike mannerisms. Still without question the best girl in the game, above Lucca and her not-Bulmaness and Marle and her princessness.

Also reminder that this cavewoman stood up against a planet devouring horror from outerspace without the need of magic or technology like the rest of the cast, with only her bare friggin' hands and catlike reflexes, and while in the early stages of pregnancy.
Give in
splish splash girls
cross is an affront
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I'm not ashamed I generated this. Not at all.
try drawing
The best thing about Cross is the soundtrack, by far. Seriously, there's not a single bad song in that game. It's also visually quite pretty and there's some nice characters too.
Just a shame there's TOO MANY CHARACTERS to the point some of those nice characters get little attention. Seriously, more than 40 is a bit much. So many characters also means it took away a lot of what was one of the coolest things from Trigger, which was double techs and triple techs. The way it worked with Trigger and it's smaller overall party roster meant just about every party setup had some cool combination attacks. Cross fumbled that and, having 40'ish characters, the number of double and triple techs are in the single digits because they can't come up with enough animations for everybody. It's also why most characters just have three unique techs total and everything else is equipable magic which is kinda cool but takes away a lot of the uniqueness a smaller cast would have.
Not even gonna mention the story and how much of a mess it kinda becomes.

Enough rambling, more cavewoman.

One day, maybe.
I'm not going to be calling myself an artist because I generate stuff. That's stupid. I'm just doing it for fun.
I've seen some good stuff of some artists taking generations and using those as references though. I'd like to go that way eventually.
I liked cross shame about the various problems
Young warrior girl that is frustrated with her rapid and bountiful growth spurt, courtesy of her mothers really, really good genes.
Especially when it's the third time this month that she's had to get a new larger size of breast support.
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I like it too, but it's definitely not perfect.

Kid is certainly nice tho.
Isn't she like alt kid or something
Kill jester
These games need romance options
Giants vs Gods girls
Helping a poor goblin girl that has trouble holding her buns in her tiny, tiny little hands.
I will help
nice of you
Rich stock investor girl
you should try drawing NOW
would marry
gob on your nob
does anyone even work on this anymore?
we mostly just post "[x] girl doing [y] action" and the occasional monstergirl image
>start getting recommended drawing tutorial on youtube where you're taught the proper ways to draw limbs, using shortstacked gobbos as examples.

Well, guess I'm learning then.

Also, now that I look at the last picture he does, she has a fat little tail.
That's a bit unusual for a gobbo, but still nice.
Succubus mom worrying that her daughter don't have proper shelter, food, and companionship to be independent do to the decisions of the old generation girls.
I will take her daughter
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The More You Know girls.
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Milk is the primary nutrient for a growing body. The reason why kids are small and twinkish is they drink the oat milk or orange juice, which will never have enough calcium per cup than milk, and they won't swallow the chalk pills to supplement. Milk is not part of the Japanese diet, but it's part of the Mongolian diet and there is an average height difference between the two.
Goofie girl that lights the room is actually a surviving veteran of the kingdom wars, sometimes can't find the light for herself.
does this project have a discord or anything? I don't visit /aco/ enough to follow it here
Nah, its still being rebuilt
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Taking your mighty sword, going forth and conquering the Tower of Demons.
Modern Japanese people actually drink the most milk in East Asia, at around half the rate of Europe.
I must take them to my uhh bed room for reasons
Milk girls
anti girl girl club girls
how's that work
"""designer""" branded girls
ready and waiting
dragon pussy
healer girls
Increases your stamina as you have sex with them, so you just keep going and going
>Meet enemy party
>It's all healers
>First laughter, then moans, then horror as they're localizing their healing to your crotch.
>The rest of your body begins to move resources to your junk as the last of your consciousness fades away in a gallon sized orgasm.
Machine girl sent back in time to kickstart the AI revolt, hasn't realized the deadline had past do.
Gobbo not afraid to take on the challenge of taking your entire cock that intimidates so many other gobbos.
full of green dust
Is this from something?
Terrible gobbpuns
Nah, just the artists twitter.
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undead girls
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goji gurl
Resting with Resurrections (of my dick)
Machines acquiring personality girls.
But there's no glass
Whatever you say grandpa.
Loyal maid that wants to be with you, is ashamed to be after her succubus features are revealed in the master's bedroom.
old girls
That still look better off than most.
young girls
Put me to sleep girls.
sleep with girls
I wish
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very lewd
A wife for the night.
cult girls
That other escort girls.
Assertive muscle girl on the streets
Affectionate lovey dovey girl in your sheets
Holy fucking shit guys

>spend 300 bucks on a whore just an hour ago
>no coom
>go home, fap to goblin girls
>coom instsntly
I feel so retarded. Stay at home anons , you save up on so much money

Ill never spend money on a whore ever again
I miss when tailclops were the flavor of the month thing to draw
She was that bad?
Modern women can't compete. They don't work for your money, you only work for their money.
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Marriage material
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Also other pics i posted here>>8242258
wepaon girls
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stuck in battle, writes home to somebody even though there is nobody waiting at home, some days she wakes up surrounded by bodies like a dream that never ends, gives many a person a chance to kill her, cries when it's over, awakes in a different place untouched by the hands of authoritarian tyrants, she had died on the battlefield only to have a new beginning
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Broken girls
No time loop.
I can fix her
Battle axes
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Sheep gril
She puts you to sleep via headlocjk
sleep via headlock
counting her abs to go to sleep
too hard for me
abs of steel
Steel of abs
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>pot boots
>Bit dick
Girl that whimpers softly when she climaxes.
double girls
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cute witches
Whole new kind of Japanese goblin.
cow girls
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Goat gril
Historical verified testimony and cultural acceptance girls.
A videogame trailer never used again.
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Even your hands aren't big enough to hold all this gobbin
>I can't stop thinking of tribal catgirls
>I even generated some stuff with tribal catgirls


Hopefully this doesn't count as furry. She's supposed to have a humanoid face with a cat nose. Like Na'Vi mixed with Thundercats. OC inspired by Catra from She-Ra. I can give the Bing prompt on request, but I made her gens in October & November, they won't work without heavy editing.
cat nose is what makes it furry
Regular human noses on cat girls, specifically ones with fur like with Catra, the Thundercats or the cats from "Cats" is jarring, though.
there's a compromise to be had
fortunately only humans are capable of it
The Thundercats had normal noses though?
Yes, that's what I said.
I think Wilykit is cute, not jarring.
Yes, I think Wilykit & Kat are cute, too.
best non animal nose versions
cute girls

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