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Cuddling Edition

Last time on /degen/: >>924658380

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The time has come to ban loli/shota from here, it reduces the quality of the board, there are no good reasons to look at it, pedophilia is illegal, etc
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>reduces the quality of the board,


This is the cesspool of the web, there is nothing of quality or value to be found here, loli or no loli.
American politics if im being honest. There is a board for it and we dont need 20+ near identical blatant psyop threads a day thread.
>it increases the quality of the board

Twice thread!
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> I hecking miss OLD Atlanta, Georgia my frens...
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just lurk bro and enjoy
This Nu-Atlanta is just a hecking desolate heckscape!

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dey see me bum pulsate and take me fi a joke
boy ya guan dead from a poop down ye throte
dey see me bum pulsate and take me fi a joke
ya guan dead
from loggy down ye throoote
188 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
>eustace can’t refute this
Now watch him pivot to a different subject .
Wow, with an achievement like this, one would think you'd have thousands of followers but they never seem to be here.
Not even anyone defending you from the humiliation you've received. Kinda hard to understand why there's no adoring fans here. What do you think,shiteater?
Have you at least consulted with a psychiatrist to get meds E?

old: >>924652762
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Cum face
no this ones prefers jenna and andrea
Not gonna say who but I post my twitchfu here alot and talk about how she makes me hard but I can't get hard for her anymore without bbc babecocks

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Taco Tuesday on Wednesday Edition
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Built for Niggers (BBC)

Continued from
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Nigger property
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Socials 7
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Not just OP obviously

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trap/femboy/trans/twink thread.
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>zoomer nigger speak
Fett, fish, cowie, and chaste were right to leave when they did
oh great, it's one of these threads
no oc tonight then :/

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Post your favorite things and fondest memories from the last Mayan cycle (aka the Historic Era)
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One of the only HD views of life in the 1990s there is.

Everything Bumps, well everything buuuuUUuumps, everything bumps.

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Drawthread: number 1 mom edition

Previous: >>924650806
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Payfagging bad
what if exiling isnt real
what are her prices? where do I com?

Stories, OC, memes, whatever
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just wondering but do you intend to take part, watch or let her hook up then tell you about it later ?
Let her do it on her own, then listen about it later, with the possible occasional pic of something.

I kinda get the feeling that she would enjoy it the most if she develops some sort of a relationship with a guy.
That makes me very horny and jelaous too.
I’m currently in an ldr and have always fantasized about my gf being with another man. We have done some skype sex and while at it I told her about me thinking it was hot for her to show around and guys looking at her, she came pretty hard to that. Any suggestions on how to move from there to maybe she fucking someone and telling me about it? Any advise on the situation?

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Say who you want and roll for a pic
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tit teases and ass flashes oh my!

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Hunger Games Thread
To play post an image or gif of a tribute and give them a name.
First 12/24
Code: Ballroom
Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV9tJJ4m6ig
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Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix
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