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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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The rich are finally going to have to pay their fair share. Huge W for the people. Fat cats absolutely seething.
its doa for sure, but it'd be nice if it became law
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The government cannot create anything of value. The government cannot build anything that pays for itself. The government cannot make reasonable investments. Because of this, they instead steal from other people. This will adversely impact only common folk because the ultra rich have the time and resources to exploit tax loopholes whereas the average person does not.
So bullish for physical gold it's unreal
>implying the rich don't just borrow money on their assets instead of paying a single cent in capital gains taxes
delusional retarded goy
>hey look votes, i did it! ***they*** just didn't pass it. vote for me. not for them. thank you. god bless.

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holy zased
the reality is im almost 30 and im still not a millionaire despite being 1 of the first people in the entire world to invest in the greatest asset of the 21st century
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Day 1007 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
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i am with you mumen rider

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Asahi Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)

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Buy or wait?

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Already have bitcoin, jasmy, datamine, neurai. Maybe i should buy some meme coins?
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>BOBO at 130mil mcap
>MUMU at 8mil mcap
Did you mean SUPRA Tge? It's going to melt faces.
i'd rather get more Nai tokens. Ai be bossing it out there.
memes are way too risky. i remember losing aroung 2k on a meme. no more! i'd rather go for low caps with good utilities. long term holders will definately get rewarded
Hydro is a good one to watch out for. i think it's one of the promising gems on Sui ecosystem

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Imagine fomoing in with $220k and closing out for a loss of $89k. Brutal.
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Forgot pic.
seriously, a shitcoin I was in started mooning and a couple retards fomoing in and then starting selling at a loss at the first dip which fucked up the chart and the volume
it's like these guys burn money to fuck up pumps
Maybe he's rich and has a gambling addiction. More likely he has a gambling addiction and isn't rich but had a lucky shitcoin moon. Now he believes he knows how to play the scam casino and failed. Many such cases even in normal option trading where people make thousands of dollars and hold over the selling point because of greed getting burned badly.
He could have just invested 180k in a non shitcoin and pull out after gaining 10% which would be 18k dollars for not doing anything. Instead he pumps a shitcoin and pajeet bots dump on him in an instant. Unless he was just pumping the price to exit with his other wallets and ultimately made money on the PnD.
That's the issue with shitcoins. Once the volume drops off after a single viral twitter post it's dead in the water. Many such cases! Captcha: PYPT
Poor newton got dumped on.

HBAR full retrace

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So I suppose those really are real people instead of bots. That’s so fucking sad bros.
Generals are just reddit colonies, started with /ptg/, they never leave but they can’t function without consensus and groupthink, so they just enforce it here through generals.
it's 5 redditors having multiple schizophrenic episodes because cryptobros hop in to talk shit
there's also 1 dude from the "meltdown" reddit whatever that drops by to post the same things and gaslight them into thinking they're "under attack by hedge funds"
SMG is fucking dead.

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How do you guys sleep easy with the market crabbing, work more than 6 hours and even have a life? the halving didn't do much and at this point I just fear for my retardio
I can no longer sleep for more than 4 hours, has using sleeping pills helped anyone?
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dont waste your words bro, this is natural selection. Op is gonna rope anytime
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>that's what I've been doing with $ssnc
that shit it's been a roller coaster I would have shorted at the first low
its a new coin, doing baby steps. What actually happens in the next bullrun defines its potential
I used to care about money, so i couldnt sleep.

After losing thousands and gaining it back i stopped caring. Just let it sit and watch from time to time. Set up some sell/buy orders and dont bother, otherwise its just mentally draining.
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I have a good career, a small business, and investments in other things. So my entire life and wellbeing isn’t riding on some dog coin like I’m 14 or something.

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based biden
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>printing infinite money
Started from Trump's admit
>low interest rates
It's highest it's ever been in the last 20 years right now
>infinite government deficits
Except it's the opposite under Biden. Trump deficit spend like a motherfucker during his adminstration in the best economy ever that he inherited from Obama.
>sky high taxation
You have to. When you have the past adminstration that deficit spend like a motherfucker almost to bankrupcy, you have to do surplus spend so you don't absolutely bankrupt the entire country.

Trump UNIRONICALLY destroyed the country. Every bad effect we see right now is due to the mishandling of the past adminstration that the Dems once again have to fix.
holy shit ur retarded. gb2redit midwit
>muh blue team red team jewish brainrot
stfu mutt golem, you're embarrassing
flush yourself down the toilet

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Watching people lose money edition:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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Its weird. Honk Kong Dollar signals bottom for correction, and that indicator has worked like a charm forever
companies that miss earnings should receive large forgivable 0% interest rate loans from the fed so we can all make money permanently and never lose money
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Thoughts on LLY?

Sounds like overhyped fat people / diabetes drugs with a >100 p/e. Should I sell credit spreads? Anyone else shorting?

Other consideraions are Nvidia and SMCI call credit spreads.
How many of you fans caught the knife?

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>just now realizing that trader joe devs are scammers that incentivize people to lock in their shitcoins while they can freely dump on them
about 3 years too late innit
Yes the volume drop was immediate. This was such a brainlet move from the foundation/marketing team considering the only thing avax miss against other overvalued trashy l1/l2s is the consistent volume, And when it started gaining traction (Was practically only ranked below ETH and Solana as far as L1s go) they killed it kek
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the idea for Meme rush comes from Ava Labs not from Trader Joe.
also TJ is still the best DEX on Avalanche. nobody comes even close.
Like Pangolin for example doesnt even have half the volume of what TJ is getting now during the "memerush".
They should have made it a Trading competition or something like that.
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>Its le Ava Labs' idea but it was implemented on TJ killing all volume because... they just want YOU to make money!!111 they care about your incestment!!!!11
>cannot comprehend TJ works alongside Ava Fags
>something about how pangolin lives rent free in your head
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>something about how pangolin
its the only other "competing" DEX and if you compare the metrics with TJ you will notice that Trader joe is far more popular, has more TVL, better tokenomics, more Users and is just the best dapp on Avalanche.
Thats what makes it so surprising that they crippled themselves like this with the Memerush.

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i dreamed about being extremely wealthy when i was a kid. i am now 27 and dream of owning a shoebox apartment one day
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not at all
wagie cope. 400k is nothing. you need 2 million to live a decent live. 1 million for income, 1 million for house. commuting is bad for health and for your spirit.
>Can no longer afford anti depressants
Try ordering in bulk from India. I used to get my generics from India at about the same price as the US (after shipping costs) but I the benefit was that I didn't have to keep visiting the psychiatrist every 6 months at a cost of $100+ per visit.
Any good websites
Aren't you a europoor? What do you need 2M for?
Everyone has dreams of being extremely rich as a kid. Welcome to the real world.

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$2.5 Waiting Room Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)

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20 LMU 20 Franc(ish) pieces, avg cost $353.35. Actual cost varied from $380 to $339. All from eBay with a cashback card at 3.3% for online purchases. iirc they're 17 from Liberty Coin, and the other 3 from other big bullion dealers
Generall 1 oz is better butt I'm going to second>>58426150

If your selective you can find fractional gold at a fair value. I have a 20 corona austrian coin .19076 oz of gold, or 6.0976 grams of gold or 5 coins to get about a troy ounce.

Currently selling for $487 on JM bullion if you do ewire or 2,486 for an ounce vs 2350 for a 1 oz gold bar so not that bad a debta all things considered how inflated fractional eagles are.
Nice anon. It's truly something feeling that weight in your hand isn't it?
Hold an ounce of gold, you'll feel something primal in your being.
I hope no one has a shellfish allergy, because I'm looking forward to crab.

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What's the point of recieving dividends?
The higher the yield, the faster your main investment dilutes. Look at JEPI. High yield, but you are lossing long term, probably doesn't even beat inflation. All payments need to be taxed in order to reinvest. If you are in an accumulation fund, it reinvests automatically and you dont pay taxes, only when you sell. So why not just liquidate 3%yearly/12=0,25% monthly so you get a monthly payment and still grow your investment long term? (not sure how much, but I assume 3% liquidation yearly on the sp500 will still allow some growth). Same shit applies to SCHD, sure less dilution than JEPI, but why the fuck do you need to get the dividend payd if you can just manage it yourself manually and get paid what you will spend instead of get paid too much, and have to reinvest this again in order to not lose it to inflation inmediately thus paying taxes? Inb4 I beat the sp500 long term with muh stock picking, no you don't.
I can see the point for retirees that need cashflow, dividend payouts are usually more resilient than the share price. For example, a dividend stock or etf may tank 50% in share price, but this doesn't mean the dividend payout will also tank 50%, in many cases it either stays the same or decreases just a bit.
fair enough, but if you are in your 30's 40's and make it from holding something that does a 3x or so and you have enough that you dont want to wagecuck, you still have to take into consideration that you cannot dillute your stack in exchange of higher yield, so my point is, i see all these young investors buying SCHD and getting dividends which they reinvest again which is retarded when you can just buy the sp500

The only valid argument i've seen is, "but if you liquidate shares, you are lossing shares, on a long enough timeline you would have 0". But if the sp500 goes up 10% annually long term as expected, then you would in theory never run out of shares, you would liquidate a smaller amount from that 3% yearly as the price goes up. So this seems like a psychological thing, they would rather have dividends paid so they can have the same shares or more if they reinvest, but at the cost of lossing actual purchasing power on your stack. SO whats the fucking point.
yield trannies are retarded, what matters is growth and equity unless you're 70 years old
Some investors may think tech is very overpriced and due for a major correction. The SPX at this point is a tech etf, so investors may veer towards dividend stocks/etfs because dividend companies also tend to be more boring reliable industries such as oil, healthcare, consumer products etc...so basically orphan stocks. Also take into account that dividend etfs like SCHD also have pretty good capital appreciation, it's not like the share price is a flat line...far from it actually, although the past year was a bit lackluster; however, during covid, SCHD massively outperformed SPX etfs because during an actual societal crisis, reliable and boring companies that also tend to be dividend paying companies will always be needed and desired.
but you can find products that have the same type of portfolio as SCHD or similar that is accumulation, im pretty sure there is an ETF or index fund that can meet whatever needs, and have it compound the interest instead of recieving divididends and then have to pay taxes on this dividend to reinvest again

still see no point, unless like you are indeed old enough that you will not see any impact on your capital so it may be worth the dillution vs the short term benefits of getting an higher yield, but then again, if you are old you can also just withdraw higher than this 3-4% and not go bankrupt so whats the point. and you also control when you get paid instead of depending on some quarterly or whatever dividend payment, you liquidate whatever you need. still no point to dividends that I can see so far.

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>want to buy stuff online
>$10-15 fee to send it
this has to be a joke. I ended up buying it with litecoin and lost a few cents for the transaction.
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I remember just a week ago the popular altfag fud narrative was that bitcoin hashrate would plummet after the halving as miners switched to shitcoins like btrash. Instead it continues its steady climb, and the one-off trune squad event which spiked fees has already mostly evaporated. Altfags will always jump from one goalpost to the next and make arguments that appeal only to the ignorance of other normie newfags in a pathetic attempt to find a greater fool who just started looking into crypto the week before. Keep at it pajeets! It'll continue to entertain me to watch shit like litecoin flatline. More seethe threads on mostly dead /biz/ will surely undo bitcoin's snowballing network effect dominance.
Cope. Bitcoin has been deprecated.
it's an iq test, do not bother, and newfags from this cycle are probably more tech illiterate than before
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>"new all time highs"
You're really going to say other coins are "flatlining" while the btc graph looks like this?
This shit doesn't even beat the s&p 500 if you bought at the last ath lmao. The days of x10000 returns are over enjoy your 5-10% over a few years just like any another boomer stock
ASSUMING it doesn't just crash to 1/3 of its price like it likes to do.

This shit is a waste of time to speculate on

Is btc the only crypto you need to hodl? Are people still hodling?
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Saylor is a poorfag?
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poor bobos having crazy entitlement
huge fan of the chain with hydro being of those i'm keeping tabs with
yes because he doesn't hold shitcoins and memes recommended by biz
sui, starknet, sei all have the "S" curse

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I’m thinking of turning my back yard into a pond and let all the ducks fuck.
$2k would pay my rent
Any anons have experience raising fowl?
No but I heard your mom has experience in raising cocks
What happened to shrimp farming? I thought they struck the most fear into the jew as shrimps aren't kosher.

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