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Thread for all other lolita topics and releases. Last thread fell off the board.

Angelic Pretty General >>10910824
Buy/Sell/Trade >>10899556
Ouji General >>10868636
Handmade Lolita >>10935785
Kumya General >>10929865
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BTSSB re-released Elizabeth and the Ribbon Heart bag, including a darker pink called Cherry Pink: www.babyssb.co.jp/series/20241206_elizabeth_dress_and_head_dress_set_ribbon_heart_bag/
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BTSSB and Volks released new Super Dollfie clothes: https://dollfie.volks.co.jp/sd/special/babyssb/sp2412.html
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AP is re-releasing their Hello Kitty collab with Sanrio, plus Little Twin Stars and Cinnamoroll: https://angelicpretty.com/Page/Feature/SANRIO.aspx
Go keep the AP thread alive >>10910824
VM released... this thing. As usual the model looks mildly ill in her yellow eyeshadow. https://www.victorianmaiden.com/collections/all
Moitie released a few things, but this was the most interesting. https://www.wunderwelt.jp/en/collections/fleur/products/a-00468?from=itemAll_10

That's all I have for brand news. Ursa Major also happened. Discuss.
any highlights from ursa major?
>"Sponsored" by babysf, VIPs got some postcards and appointment priority.
>Gothic Lolita Market's second time in US.
>Various western indie brand debuts, some of which were actually good.
>Haenuli was there, but no brand guests otherwise.
>Panel lineup mainly consisting of "How to be a youtuber" and "How to use lolibrary", rendering the convention more of a 3-day shopping event than anything. Dance event turnouts were bleak. Coord contest was unremarkable.
>Doll museum was actually fairly active, panel host gave out doll-sized badges and ribbons.
>Massive turnout for photo shoots.
>Massive swap meet turnout.
>Ursa Major 2025 is confirmed

All in all, not bad for a second year convention, but besides the VIP shopping pass and swap meet, there's not a lot of incentive to buy a badge. Hopefully next year they flesh out the panel lineup a bit more. I'm not sure the convention can sustain itself if it's essentially just a weekend pop-up j-fashion mall.
Not a fan...
what the hell
The gloves
thanks for the writeup, i was also curious.
how did the popular vendor's stock hold up? i saw multiple people describe the day as frustrating or exhausting so was wondering if everyone sold out, or maybe it was just crowded
The GLM sold out of anything good fairly quickly. The VIP line was huge, so there wasn't much left by the time regular badge holders got in. They also did not bring as much stock as they did last year.

The Ursa market vendors varied more. Some of the new indie brands sold out of everything but necklaces within the first 20 minutes or so. I regretted not going there first, because I ended up only buying one thing the entire weekend.

It was pretty crowded, too, but the stock issues were definitely a major issue. I feel sorry for anyone who bought the VIP badge but ended up at the end of the line. People were lining up over an hour before the doors opened, so if anyone who didn't show up early probably didn't get anything.
>The VIP line was huge, so there wasn't much left by the time regular badge holders got in.
didn't this happen last year, too? (i didn't go, so only secondhand info.) i wonder how UM can prevent this from happening in the future. the entire event is about shopping, so i'd be pretty frustrated if i had VIP but everything was sold out.
VIP costs extra, too.
Last year stock held up through the VIP line, but there were either less VIP badge holders, or they all showed up late. I know some non VIPs who managed to buy some things, and there were plenty of leftovers that were posted to the online shop. This year I was one of the first in the door, so I could see there was just less stock, and the online shop only had a couple of items.

I'm not sure what they could do about it. They would either need to have vendors bring more stock, or sell less VIP passes.
Does anyone know what the deal is with lady sloth? I thought they were closing, but they never did
>trash indie brand for has the only seamstress that graded for patterns for their core fan base (fatties) quit
>slavic bestiary releases with same hem size for normal and plus size
>fatties try to complain
>LS tells them to suck it and that they aren't even going to make Lolita anymore, just casual wear
>this gets announced on social media
>over the next 2 years LS is constantly having "going out of business" and sample sales
>really just milking the sympathy and money out of gullible lolitas since their casual wear wasn't getting any traction
>Finally an update comes that they are just scaling down their studio because they can't get away from the quitting Lolita lie any longer
>trash indie brand for has the only
you wanna try that again gull?
No. You can use context clues to find the missing word.
Thank you. I was wondering that was the case. It felt like a constant "going out of business" gimmick. And was confused when I kept seeing them release more new items.
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It's 2025!
>What was your favourite purchase of last year?
>What releases/re-releases are you looking forward to or hoping for this year?

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