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Why do people use these?
Is it just a cultural cope?
I feel like as a species we kind of nailed it with the spork so why all of this pageantry?

>inb4 it forces you to slow down

Yeah, so does a disability.
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No it's not!
It was said that
>Chopsticks are better for asian food because asian food is bite-sized

But then
>Yeah bro just bite the meat in ramen incrementally

So which is it?
The meat in ramen is bite sized. What are you talking about?
Based Diogenes
Because the customers see biting into meat as part of the experience of that dish. Because the customers don't find it inconvenient, and actually enjoy it. Because part of the presentation is the nice spiral shape. Because it's fast food and it saves some time not to cut it up.
>it's inconsistent
It's one fucking dish. Jesus wept.
If it was bite-sized then you would not have to bite more than once. It's BITE-sized not BITES-sized
see: >>20430950

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>I think I'd be a good dad though
Probably not. These sorts of insecurities that preclude one from creating and maintaining a healthy intimate relationship tend to get passed on and imprinted into raised children.
CHONK for chanko
You can still bitch to door dash and they will shitcan the bad waggie
Its from my ck folder
looks pretty good, might not eat as much as sumo wrestler tho

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My steak scrunches up in the pan. It goes from flat and large surface almost to a ball. What could cause this?

I take it out of the fridge and pat it dry. It's cold, so I put it in a plastic bag sealed tight, and soak it in warm water for about 20 minutes. Almost like a quit sous vide.

I pat it down again. Pepper it, and place it in a pre-heated pan with a small amount of oil. Maybe not piping hot, but quite hot. It gets browned really well, but it just balls up.

What cut?

I want to get my brother a knife sharpener for his birthday, but there are so many different types. He already has spent some money on a really nice knife, so I'd like to help him keep it sharp.
What's the best kind of knife sharpener? Is simpler better in this case?
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I use pic related, but if bro splurged on his knife then he'll probably want a whetstone or electric sharpener.
bruh why complicate things? The honing rod is used to maintain your knives assuming they're already sharp. If your knives cut fine, they don't need sharpening. But forget about all of that, I'll give you the best advice: Just get picrel and never look back. Just slide your knives in there a few times before each use and you'll never have to worry about blunt knives ever again. Fuck honing steels and fuck whetstones.
Yes, for a while. Professional sharpening is a lot cheaper than buying a sharpener. But eventually you'll get to a point where you're sick of doing it and it's 9 at night and your knife is dull and you really want to be able to take care of it yourself. Then the $200-ish bucks for a good sharpener doesn't seem so bad.
Hm but don't these oversharpen & ruin knives?
DMT stone fine/extra fine.

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Food connoisseurs you follow.
For me it's Bob from Food Use (formerly Food Dip).
Cult leader. Innovator. Novelty chef. Food engineer/artist.
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I am not Bob
this fag's still alive?
He posted a video yesterday
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What's the middest of all pastries and why is it pain au chocolat
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You just got ones from a shitty place.
When they're caramelized on the outside and juicy and mushy on the inside, they're delicious.
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The king and it's not even close
Cannoli are disgusting about you ought to be ashamed.

I don't eat soups usually but I want to try things out
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Also, I had some Polish coworkers and one of them introduced me to a bunch of stuff I'd never heard of before. He shared food that his mom made at holidays. One of the dishes was "żurek", a rye soup with meat and chopped eggs.

Like the pasta e fagioli, there's no single recipe, every family has its variation. His family used chopped kielbasa and ham, and they grated over some fresh horseradish. He assembled a whole kit for me to take home and heat up. Great stuff and I'm glad I've gotten to try it.
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>We call them green onions here.
Um, only if you're dumb.
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I like beans soup. Not just because it's simple and easy to make, I just really like beans.
because this >>20431069

thanks anon, I rent but I make the best of it and it's comƒy
Tomato with parmesan. You literally just blend the shit out of the most flavorful tomatoes you can find with a TINY bit of water, season how you want and bring to a boil. Then mix in a bit of grated parmesan.

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Remember these days? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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You stupid fag, you were "talking" to my donkey.
Now you can fuck off.
That's horrible looking, people really stand in line for that? Talk to this donkey at the post above.
Crazy what a difference 90 minutes makes. Peoria has fantastic Mexican and Tex-Mex.
That really is sad that some people have become so controlled that they stand around like cattle going from pens to a slaughter house. They'll breed like cockroaches with no consideration of anything but themselves.
Wouldn’t have thought that a chipotle nostalgia thread of all things would’ve kicked off a bunch of borderline schizoposting but here we are

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I always see people on this site shit on IPA, what is wrong with it? Why am I a soyboy for drinking it?
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Millenial here, this guy is right. Also IPAs test like shit.
Don't call me shirley
Pedo art
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Anime Website.
It SHOULD remind you of nationalists.
'If you don't like Germany, you don't belong in Germany'.

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I’ve been craving something disgustingly delicious post your favorite pasta salads
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Now, if you want to get real fancy, add some garlic powder chili flakes and flambeau (flame thrower that shit) with some Pam’s cooking spray
This requires a gas stove top though to do properly though and preferable you semi cover the noods pan with a lid to capture the flame so it doesn’t disperse and to close the flame off so you get all that smoke to infuse
this is the kind i like to make. a little tang from the vinegar and pepper and olives and mustard and the grease from the salami and evoo. i like to add some chopped up sundried tomatoes as well

i'm not above a nice dirty sweet mayo pasta salad with frozen peas and carrots too though. i like a nice honey mustard penne pasta or thai peanut/ginger soy one too. you can go all sorts of directions with pasta salad
A man of refined taste I see gg anon gg
I Fucks Wit the Pesto Chicken Sundried Tomato Pasta Salad.
Throw Some Pine Nuts or Pistachios On That Bitch
Throw Some D's on that Bitch
Chef John’s recipe. I get compliments every time I make it, and haven’t found better. https://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2015/06/classic-macaroni-salad-delicious-is-in.html?m=1

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>USDA Prime New York strip
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>halal cow
I also would have accepted "colal"
Looks great, would eat
>Perfectly rare.
For me, the fattier the steak, the more I like it cooked. Lean cuts like tenderloin are great rare-ish, strips and such are best medium rare and fattier cuts like ribeye I like cooked all the way up to medium-ish to render the internal fat and give me a juicy, delicious steak.
It's called depth of field and it's a normal photography thing that just happens.

enjoy your worms and rubbery texture

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Why does my tikka always taste like tomato/onion sludge with curry powder in it instead of tikka?
I usually have good luck reproducing restaurant stuff. But This dish is impossible. Store bought shit is also uniquely bad at replicating the restaurant quality sauce, and youtubers don't seem to have the right consistency either.
Because one or more of the following has happened:
1) you used old spices.
2) you didn't use enough spice
3) you didn't simmer the sauce long enough
4) you didn't have any rats in the kitchen.
My missus is Indian and while this isn't a dish she cooks, she's noticed the vast majority of wypipo curry recipes lack neem (without which, they just don't taste right, she says).
I don't know if this is just a Central/South Indian thing or what but she cooks the food on its own with low fat then absolutely smothers that shit in oil or ghee that she's fried the spices in just before serving, so maybe it's a technique issue, too. I've never had tikka from a restaurant but she makes this thing that sounds similar to what you're describing (tomato onion sludge) that she doesn't call tikka and I can tell you that she adds onion twice and tomato three times. She cooks thinly sliced onion down with crushed tomato until it's practically nothing (first time for both) then adds the meat and tomato paste (second addition of tomato) and cooks it a bit then adds water and vegetable stock cube, simmers it a bit and, finally, heats up some ghee and adds spices, aromatics (neem, onion, garlic etc) and chopped tomato (second addition of onion, third of tomato) and stirs it into the pot with the stewed meat.
This is all done in a wok except for the ghee which is done in a tiny ceramic frying pan.
Does that sound like tikka?
Sort of. Basically all curries start with cooking down tomato, onions, and ginger into sludge. The problem is the creaminess balance is never right in wypipo food, including mine. By the time you get to the right consistency the sauce is diluted to shit, and you can't just dump spice in there to fix it.
>and you can't just dump spice in there to fix it.
Maybe that's why she does the whole "frying spices in oil" thing.

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20389604 (OP)
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Tea made from plants that contain camphor.
Camphor is a constituent.
"The water quality attributes should be within this range: Hardness: 40-120 ppm is ideal (4-8 dH). Hard water can flatten taste. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): 100–300 ppm. PH: Neutral (between 6–8) (Note: Your brewed tea will be slightly more acidic, with a pH of 4.5–6). Chlorine: As close to 0 as possible."
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Found this documentary. Worth watching? Any other kino tea content you can recommend?
W2t hot brandy tastes kind of like an Arnold Palmer. Very refreshing. Anyone try the higher priced hot brandy 'reserva'?

I have a limited list of groceries to operate on. Could I have some ideas or recipes that use nearly exclusively these ingredients?
>Captcha: TANGWV

scrambled eggs
glass of milk
Make slop.
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What do my fellow wagecagers bring for lunch when all that's available is a fridge and microwave?
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I just brought in frozen dinners. Not about to go full Michelin in a place that pays minimum wage.
Beware, some nigger might hock a loogie in the tuna salad sandwich on that ciabatta roll.
just leftovers. We cook 3-4 times a week, so leftovers at home too.
I wagie from home. So usually leftovers or I make something quick like a quesedilla or ramen.
Normally I bang threw lunch. But if I don't it's usually hot dogs. Anywhere from 1 to 4.

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