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uhh... and now I'm gonna throw in extra butter cuz IM a BAD boy and I like me some butters
dont worry this recipe is gluten free guys
hey whats up
here's a pizza recipe
Why is this wannabe woman?
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>Add a squizzle of oil
>10 times in a recipe
No, I'm not adding 1000 calories of oil to my food and I'm not buying your meme squeeze bottle olive oil
Damn he cute (no homo)

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Are there "carnivore diet" faggots out there who genuinely believe it's a healthy lifestyle choice? It seems like every self-proclaimed carnivore I've ever seen only participates in it to make other people mad - usually complete strangers.
I just can't imagine giving up fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese etc. for the sake of trolling somebody else. To be honest, it seems like one big collective larp. Most meals with meat in them are still predominantly made from grains and vegetables. Is there anyone who can vouch that this is a real thing, or is it all made up?
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Is the old man in the leather supposed to mean something? When someone says..... and?
Where's the rest? Is this a video?
>only participates in it to make other people mad

You can't possibly actually believe that.
You're an absolutist retard. There are many diets which ban bread and pasta. Do you think they are all extreme, meat-only diets? Who is "grifting" and what are they after? What's to be gained by promoting fewer carbohydrates? Keep eating stupid sugar, faggot. You don't understand anything.
In your rage you failed to address anything I said.
That weight is just water/liquids you've lost. Every single fad diet in existence promising fast results rely on it by having first timers saying they lost 1-3 pounds in a week when they started. You'd be extremely pressed to lose that in terms of fat if all you did was change your diet.
I'm not telling you to stop but don't expect anything near those results later on.

How is it possible to have wings as bad as Dominos serve? Rubbery, small, disgusting.
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I was doing the opposite of defending it, retard.
You have no fucking clue
I don't I'm talking about sitting down at a restaurant. Extremely rare to have crispy wings. Unacceptable.
I'd assume they are precooked and frozen then shipped to the local third worlders to avoid liability.
It's pretty dificult to fuck up wings with an actual fryer.
Protip: any chicken is crispy when you deep fry it

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>Drink coffee
>Start going schizo
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>be drunk and sick on a cruise ship
>go to bed
>have incest-themed fever dream
Same. Happens with tea and too but something in coffee seems to cause it to be a lot worse.
thats why coffee is based, cleans me out in the morning
I feel like coffee doesnt do anything to me besides make me fidget maybe 2% more.

I think coffee stimulent is a psy-op.
I drink 3 cups of coffee (REAL cups, mugs) and have to take a nap. Right around that amount of caffeine and I get very, very sleepy. I had a similar paradoxical reaction to modafinil.

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>ctrl + f
>no webm thread
Time to fix that
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I want to go home now
This webm always makes me simultaneously extremely horny and extremely voracious, so it's probably rewiring my brain to turn me into some kind of cannibal rapist

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i want to go back
fuck off stupid old cunt
what song do you want playing in the background?
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Shitting on the modern corpo fast food aesthetic becoming as mainstream as it is combined with the way all these big businesses seem to feel obligated to change their aesthetics and designs every now and then in the name of 'feeling fresh' makes me think that before long we will see all these chains start a shift back to a more classic aesthetic if just to chase that nostalgia impulse
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i don't know those aesthetics were cozy because they were geared around families and kids which in the developed world people have stopped having. just look at that mcdonalds the idea of family and even love and happiness more generally are completely absent from it. its like we just forgot what that was actually like

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Birds are reptiles, so why are they good and tasty to eat and lizards are gross to eat? Is it because of the warm blood?
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trump won okay can you just fucking shut up for the next 4 years and be satisfied for once in your lives
I am generally more conservative as well as into spiritualism (though not organized religion) and you can't just deny science lol, it's fuckin' retarded room temp IQ behavior. I understand how science worshipping atheists are obnoxious, but the reverse extreme is just as much so and a little dumber too

These are the same people who probably post threads on here thinking literally all food is poison though on some /x/ tier shit so whatever.
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>trump won okay can you just fucking shut up for the next 4 years and be satisfied for once in your lives
love it or hate it, these are your people.
ignorant brainlet proud of his ignorance

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This was my first time buying monster and it tastes horrible.
Like cough medicine but with a worse after taste.
Why do people buy this??
This was my first meal because I skipped breakfast btw
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6-7 AM
>Filtered tap water, 2 moka pots
>Gummy Vitamin
8-9 AM work grind
>Cheese Puffs
10-11 AM
>Sneak to car for weed edible
>Leftover beef
>Check stocks
>Sparkling Water
>Watch porn on my phone in my car

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Breakfast: Cup of tea and a tub of strawberry yoghurt
Lunch: Two beef sausages in a bread roll with lettuce, onions and El Yucateco green sauce, and a cup of tea
Dinner: Fried chicken thighs, gravy and steamed vegetables, with a glass of apple and blackcurrant juice
Dessert: Haven't had yet but probably an ice cream cone
May God bless you, anon.

Breakfast: I made 2 scrambled eggs with homemade belly and loin bacon. As a side I had homemade yogurt with foraged huckle and salal berries. Lunch was take out leftovers, and an apple and banana.
Dinner was homemade shrimp curry over rice. I don't normally eat dessert as I don't have a sweet tooth. Finished my night by doing dishes and then playing with my kids.
Thai red curry on rice
2 bowls of cereal
Later I'll probably have a yoghurt and some brie with jam on toast
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Deer meatballs with brandy sauce.

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Which Way do you do your Skyline Chili?

3-Way, 4-Way, 5-Way?
Spaghetti, Coneys, Burrito?

I can't wait to make a special trip Cincinnati for the first time to try Skyline Chili, unfortunately I have not been able to convince anyone to come with me. Is it worth a solo mission?
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>t. Kentuckian
Macedonian. Enjoy your frito pie.
Just fuck off tranny. Nobody wants to read your little dickhead words
chili for people who wear baseball hats backwards.
Wendy's canned chili is the best shelf chili you can buy, but it's expensive, just like canned Skyline, I'd rather get the ticket and get the real stuff and maybe a 5-Way.

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* contains nig
Jelly donuts? Anon, dessert is not a meal
Have you ever been around people? That picture is a perfect example of how everyone acts except pokemon are people they saw once or someone they know knows that bought a thing.
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You are such a faggot. Of course you live at home. They are disappointed in your weird anime fetish and they don't understand how you turned out like such a weirdo pussy.

And they don't appreciate your 'Nipponese' cultural dinners from your faggot little schoolgirl cartoons. They drink for a reason and you are it.

I fucking love soup, what are your favorite soups?
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I like a simple egg drop soup lately, made from a quick ginger and scallion broth
I like flicking snot balls into buffets

Made pea soup tonight, with ham, onion, garlic, carrots, shallots, and lots and lots of ginger. 10/10 as always.
it's weird that most lentil soups I see are chunky. where I'm from the lentils/vegetables are always blended after cooking, then topped with butter. super smooth.
then again I think I like smooth soups better in general.
Egg soup.

>boil water
>crack open two eggs in water
>stir it around
>add salt
>add some spices of your choice
And if you want more, add some green veggies, ramen, etc.

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>they're bringing back Jolt!
>it's a faggy zero sugar drink

Enjoy sterilizing you're gut biome niggers
Jokes on you I have a 401k so I'm not black.
black people have 401k's that they dont even know about unless they pay for an iphone app
Buy precious metals and firearms. I remember the Dollar General Jolt Cola.
Better yet buy firearms made of precious
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>drinking soda and energy drinks

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Is it wrong to eat eggs and bacon for dinner? Idc if it is, it's delicious
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>is it wrong...?
...a thread died for this shit tier thread

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No. I'm having those myself later. Like 4 strips of thick bacon and 4 eggs cooked in the grease and topped with cheese and Tabasco. It's perfect for any time of day.
It’s good but doesn’t that board get really messy?

>When you're an adult you can eat anything you want anytime of day
This is what I tell myself when I have uncrustables for the third time in a day.
>Food police officer detected
Don't listen to him, OP, he's trying to entrap you!
I just had it for 2 weeks straight because I got a bunch of free bacon. Now the culinary world has opened itself up again and I'm lost.

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What is ceekay's favorite cut of cow? I'll start:

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Go fuck yourself, faggot.
the rectum
That's no one's favorite, liar.
Love stewed oxtail. Hanger steak is one of my favorites. Easy to cook and works really well as tartare.
Inner skirt steak.

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Which of these pre-determined pizzas would you choose?
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Pineapple with pineapple and pineapple on the side.

Also the pizza slice should fall in half when picked up.
Veggie (I'm vegetarian)
I used to work there 9 years ago and this still works as of last week
Do the 3 topping deal and choose chicken, bacon, and red onion. Then swap the sauce for bbq (I sometimes do half bbq and half buffalo)
Its the bbq chicken pizza only way cheaper then the "specialty" version. Well done is also mandatory here. I used to par-bake the crust to get the top less gummy when I worked there
Also their ranch is god tier, made with extra heavy mayonaisse
Aloha BBQ. No hesitation or sharing.
all meaty because i love meat in my mouth

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