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Scattered Pieces #1
>Sonic and his friends are forced to deal with the aftermath of Clutch's grand scheme!
>While some set out to seek justice, some stay behind to pick up the pieces.
>What unlikely pairs will join forces?
>Which bonds will be broken?
>Who can be trusted?
>A new chapter in the IDW Sonic the Hedgehog series begins here!
Lanolin's totally gonna turn out evil, or at the very least have a bitchfit and leave the Restoration. Good fucking riddance.
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He was regressed the entire game into a damsel in distress and Sonic’s shitty cheerleader. That whole sequence for all the characters only existed to jack off how Sonic “inspires” them to stop being such pathetic useless retards with his “boundless wisdom”, but not really because they still don’t do shit but cheer for Sonic. And it’s even more flagrant in the jap dub where Sage watches it all and narrates how amazing Sonic-sama is for inspiring such weak pathetic nothings with his genius words of deep philosophy.
And it’s 5x as worse because Ian tries to excuse Forces and say it’s normal and fine that Tails was painted as a coward because Tails is just a kid so he’s naturally “inconsistent”. It wasn’t normal or fine at all for Tails to be Sonic’s buttkisser just because he’s 8 and Sonic isn’t, it was dogshit, and Ian is a fat hack.
How would you react if they excused all that by saying she if was part of her mental problems. Would you be mad?
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Dam shame, Bass got cucked TWICE when it came to an Western produced Megaman show, since Ruby Spears wrapped up production just when Megaman 7 was coming state side.
Return to twitter, tasteless troon
It's like how Metal Sonic took until Sonic Boom to show up. Just a combination of bad timing and really, REALLY baffling creative decisions. Shame too, because Bass with a good VA would be so much fun in a cartoon

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The entire concept of "free will" is so ill defined it's best not to waste time thinking about it.
There is no facet of potentially interesting worldbuilding that Jeph will not accidentally discard for the purposes of making a joke. Maybe it's something along the lines of the Director absorbing the Morays to get direct sense data and a higher fidelity of data transfer than is available over robot wifi, but he can still talk over robot wifi.

But then why not talk to Yay directly? Questions abound.
Maybe the Director did it for the lulz.
oh he's definitely a shitposter and knew that an overly casual airgapped message of "hey quit your bullshit, you are the smallest fish in the biggest pond" was the single funniest maneuver possible

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Should I buy his Flash Omni?
>the man hwo made gotg
I mean look i know waid doesnt give a shit about it cause its not silver age but come on.
He probably coped that the Stop, My Invincible Son thing was just Pa Kent warning Clark not to expose who he is.
Just like I did.
I mean waid cares about very superficial stuff.
Did the cartoon and two video games stop existing?

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What makes V so perfect?
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How do you think the N clones would react to the original N being engaged with The Solver, seeing as how they're all most likely free wirh Uzi as their admin. Personally I think that they would see the original N as some sort of God to aspire to
Full image?
The original N is long fucking dead man. All that remains of N are the backups that the Solver endlessly respawned him through as a Disassembly Drone.

If anything the original Worker Drone N would be like N-Jesus for them. He died so they could live.
Who do the N clones get distributed to as colony mandated boyfriends?
>Next round of Ms /co/ is the swimsuit round
>Cyn is out so we won't get any swimsuit art of her
It's not fair bros

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>itt: powers that everyone forgets characters have
Venom can turn invisible, that's actually a base symbiote ability.
super-man's super vision
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Superman's entire powerset used to be that he was just flat out better at anything a base human could do

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How NOT to Draw Tater released yesterday, featuring Tater cosplaying as her cousin:
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ESPECIALLY HER. It's just the gremlin virus, you are close to Gwen too much and it infects you.
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She would prefer Lita and fight Alex for her.
>Tater's fucked
They will make sure it's literal.

What if we ship Ginger and Tater hahahah
Thanks! Would love all episodes to end on different songs like Lita's City of angels.

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Who's your favorite?
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we're just waiting for LCT to upload a new animation.
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not an excuse for not knowing desuarchive
seriously, wtf is wrong with you people? you don't know how to translate stuff, you don't know the most basic internet shit like what is a lolcow and you all act like you never heard any of these things despite you are fucking 4chan.
like, are you porpusely clueless or what?
>What's the point of reposting the same shit over and over?
You can ask the same thing about 70% of the threads here
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>are fucking 4chan
Are you that same guy who threw a tantrum when someone asked how to translate images using Chatgpt?

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>this made millennials and boomers piss their pants laughing in the 90s

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How far does Brainiac get in 40k?
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R8 and make your rematch tier lists
Blanka vs Pikachu I could kind of get, but why do we need to see a rematch of Shang vs Akuma? Also Bayo vs Dante should've been an option.
Shang vs Akuma is solely because it's the 2nd fight and I think it'd be cool to see it redone with new animation Samus vs Boba Fett style

Also yeah I don't know how I forgot Dante vs Bayo, especially since the team admitted it was wrong. But they'd need to get Torian for that anyways

That being said, my preferred rematch of the ones that weren't on the poll is Sol vs Ragna because the first match had dogshit research and animation, and both characters have gotten so much shit since then (and had their stories conclude), so it's practically tailor made for a redo
Rematch due to conflicting outcome or due to good ep but remade fight would be nice? DS vs MC males sense on both accounts, but does anyone really give a shit about Yang vs Tifa, esp when RT has stated numerous times that Tifa would mop now due to their FFVII scaling? I would expect either Gaara/Toph or Scout/Tracer to replace Yang/Tifa in all honesty, they feel like the bigger calls on people's gripes with RT
Eh, I want Yang vs Tifa for both reasons. Updated result is the big one, but also a shiny new fight with two hot bitches throwing hands appeals to my gorilla brain

Scout/Tracer I'll admit is me not giving a shit about either, and Toph/Gaara should realistically be in top tier, but it just appeals less to me personally

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It is that day of the week where we have an on-topic, board appropriate, non-rule breaking thread to discuss our favorite /co/ characters who also happen to be fluffy.
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Lol what?
If you look at some cute Kat pics and immediately spray out "UZED GUDS" it sounds like a (you) problem if people perceive you having a fixation with the topic
I want to kidnap Gumball and fatten him up.
I can ignore or shame them, and there's plenty of non-fart art.
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Nicest cgi legs in a show, furry or not.

Shit. Outrage sells, I guess.
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>this photo
You never made an edit of this one anon..
.com or raw.com
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for me it's drainers.com
Good pick
Wanna take it you know where?
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i gotta go
but im hoping this thread treats my hotwife well in my absence
just make sure to edit this one, you know the word or any really...>>145515006

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Just wondering. They use celebrity faces quite a lot in comics as models for characters. Tom Cruise was the model artists used for Tony stark for a few years for example

Samuel L Jackson was literally Ultimate Nick fury way back in the start of the ultimate universe.

Synergy often just means making characters look more similar visually to whoever is playing them currently. Or is famous as them. Christopher Reeve superman for example to this day has his face almost traced to still be superman

So my question is… why did no artists ever draw wolverines face to look more like Hugh Jackman?

He looks VERY different to Jackman in comics in all the appearances I’ve seen him in. Even though he made the character so much more popular

I’m not talking about making him taller, just seems bizarre they didn’t give him Jackmans facial features. He just looks like a rugged square jawed man usually instead
terrible art
How do they get away with so clearly profiting off of the celeb's likeness? Aren't there laws about that?

The rumor/joke I heard for years is Sam Jackson let them based Ultimate Fury on him in exchange for being guaranteed the role in a movie

medieval Edition

previous >>14546250
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What's that
Raven claw, she's not ambitious enough for Slytherin.
Passionate, but not goal oriented.
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can I see this version of the prompt please?
slop is just the nickname for AI art
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Reminder Dipper is a little kid who is around bad and worse people, and girls flock to him for moral guidance and strength.
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There even a bunch of Loud House VN games, where's a Dipper game so I can fuck all the GF girls?????
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Is the live-action Hercules movie even happening anymore now that the Russos have gone back to Marvel?
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You expect /co/ to be up to date on celebrity news outside cape flix let alone be Dua Lipa listeners?
Why not? /co/ might as well be a facebook comments section nowadays
>Hercules live-action adaptation
>No James Woods
wtf do you mean "oh no" anon? It's social mores to assume everyone here here jacks it to everything.
I feel like plans for MCU Hercules might have been scuppered

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