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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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It's the start of the week again, take a deep breath in, hold it and exhale

Were you thinking of giving up today? No you weren't. You made it through last week, you'll make it through this one as well

What are your goals for this week? What do you plan to achieve? List it all down.

Take a deep breath, hold it and exhale, move at your own pace

We're ALL gonna make it

The motivation thread is open
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In the time we did a difficult 20’ section (20 hours) this fat bitch did two of our 5’ sections this week. She takes her time and texts/ takes personal calls. This fucks us up because we have other stores to go to. We also don’t get paid past 40 hours and this can at times hold us past our leave time if we’re mid shelf
Oh, and she and her bosses will come over to us and randomly bitch that we have to hurry up and that we need to get other sections done. Even though everyone else, even customers, have mentioned this is supposed to be a 5 person job. They’re literally supposed to be helping us on big sections like this. The job isn’t hard aside from sore back and knees from kneeling and instantly standing and bending over. it just takes time to get it done. Like an easy 5 foot section takes 1 person 3 hours. Easy = not much has to change. Hard = everything changes on that section and it’s a 10 shelf section + have to adjust the shelves, can have thousands of items to go through and reorganize.

The management at that store is also late often up to an hour or more which means we will start late. It’s like they fuck up and get mad at us because of how their own fuck ups impact us. It’s one thing to be a lazy faggot and not want to do work, but this is crazy. They make all these mistakes, bitch at us for it, and then on top of it keep trying to hand off their other work to us.

I think they’re doing all this because past employees from other companies didn’t show up for 2 weeks. I just started, this store is also one our company just started partnering with a week ago. That has nothing to do with me or my company.

The only true upside I see is the company owner told me off record he dgaf if we actually do good as long as we just show up because it makes him money.

Sorry this is such a long post I didn’t know how to be concise about it. Idk how to deal with this
How do I get over wanting to be loved by a woman?
By loving yourself first.

My problem is idk what I want and idk how much of that confusion is due to nihilism and anger and how much is due to selfishness. On one hand, yeah I want a woman who loves me.
On the other I don’t believe women truly love men the way we love women.

Doesn’t help that the first relationship I had at 20 years old was this BPD chick who love bombed me with crazy amounts of affection so if I meet a more normal chick who doesn’t do that shit, doesn’t literally cling onto my arm and jump into my arms hugging me and refuse to let me go I feel like she’s not interested. There’s a lot of confusion there.

So, I focus on loving myself and you should do the same.
Stay strong anons!
thank you for the encouragement anon.

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Uhm guys?? Our response?????
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Cringe yet based.
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>Uhm guys?? Our response?????
I wish I had time to play video games. It would be so nice
You fuckin nerds need some swirlies
why would that gook monstrosity NOT want to escape reality?

What are some tips for youth maxxing?
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If you look at crime statistics he should be black or latino. Weird how the news is only comfortable reporting white crimes.
>Dude who looks like a kid fucks a bunch of hoes who would have gotten railed by random other dudes anyway
>Gets life in prison
America is epic
In America on the porn jews are allowed to fuck prime teen women. Anyone else who tries to muscle in on the game gets whacked with life in jail. Even if you try to do it by the book you'll still get fucked over if you don't have the magic book and the funny hat, as the GDP guys found out the hard way.
>Pint-sized man
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This is the guy giving you the advice seen here btw

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Dat Y I'd never wurk
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Should I have gay sex?
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Do women have to tell you about their past whorings, that time they got drunk and blew that hot guy outside the nightclub? Or when they did cocaine and fingered their girlfriend?
No, they don't, and even if you did find out you have to accept them for who you are. So I strongly recommend you DO have gay sex (or at least pretend to) and keep it with you for years. Like 30 years. Get married, have kids. Drop it on her when she's comfortable. You're having dinner with friends over, the kids are upstairs playing. Everyone is getting a bit tipsy, and you drop one very subtle hint that you fucked a guy. She won't say anything immediately, but she'll dwell on it for a while. Good. Let it sit there and fester in her mind for a while. She'll ask eventually. She has to.
>Stay straight
diddy party
Keep your diseases to yourself , cockroach
I've been tempted from time to time but I don't want HIV. Wages of sin is death and all that.

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>tfw the black guy at the gym daps you up and calls you his nigga
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>get to gym
>gym crush walks out
>tfw high school boys walk up to you and complement how much you can squat
why the fuck would you tip a receptionist
wassup my nigga

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Finally found a local farmer’s grocery store that carries a lot of raw dairy products (milk, butter, keifer, etc). I’ve heard a lot of good things about raw milk so what can I expect by only drinking raw milk now instead of the pasteurized stuff?

Can anyone give their testimony on how it’s improved their diet/health?
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I think you should be able to buy and drink raw milk. I also think it's stupid to buy and drink raw milk because there's absolutely no reason to do that, and when the scientific consensus is that pasteurised milk has everything that raw milk has except pathogens it makes perfect practical sense to just ban it from supermarket shelves. It's literally just logistics. Can you not just go buy raw milk from your local farmer? I imagine most don't want to be sued by some moron that gets ill 2 weeks later and holds them accountable.
No, people have been drinking raw milk for millennia WITH issues. You idiot.
> I've been drinking raw milk for over 2 years and haven't had any issues.
Personal anecdotes are not evidence of general safety. You may have been lucky, or your raw milk source might be clean, but that doesn’t eliminate the broader risk.
You're literally appealing to tradition and survivorship bias.
>Personal anecdotes are not evidence
>posts anecdotes of supposed people having issues for a millennia
oh my god your stupidity is palpable
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Oy vey, and will still drink raw milk while you seethe and post fear propaganda goldberg

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Could not lifting have saved him?

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Anyone notice that their sexual tastes changed since they started working out? The more muscly I have gotten, the more I have found myself lusting after fatter and fatter women.
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based bimbo enjoyer
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What I noticed after working out, I got a lot hornier more so after leg days.
Which is really annoying because I keep getting a hardon the moment I smell a female near me
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Yes and it happened over the span of many years, can't be sure if exercising was the reason, but I definitely can't rule it out. I was sure I'm into this shit when I started getting laid with a fat (but well shaped) girl, it felt so much better and stronger than any girl before her, I couldn't deny my sexual preferences after that.
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When you're punching, do you always try to go as hard as you can monkey style? Or do you strike at like 50-75% punching power most of the time?
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Wouldn't you still be slow though in a streetfight? Assuming you're fighting someone with basic fighting skills and not some fat drunk guy.
Most people who actually know how to fight avoid fighting.
No, once you have untrained fighter on the defensive it's over for them. Anything they throw at that point will be a mistake.
Pick your targets
A good jab can be like a hundred different things
>double or treble
And probably more

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I go for perfect form. Maximum cover, maximum "snap" and immediate return to the base position. Feels like it's well below 10% of my maximum strength, since there's just nothing to push against other han the weight of my fist, but delivers plenty of energy on impact.
As I got more used to striking with proper form, I also stopped making a difference between jabs and leading straights. The amount of movement you need in the shoulder and hip to deliver energy is so miniscule that you can do it every time without getting slower.

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Humans are carnivorous apex predators.
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>Humans are omnivorous apex predators.
You exchange money for goyslop.
>including bone
I guess that’s why hyenas developed strong enough jaws to crush bones that other carnivores leave behind
Because those carnivores are actually vegetarians that confused a zebra with a tomato, you moron
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>apex predators
i think we’re more so apex engineers. we can’t go toe to toe with a gorilla, but we are devils at engineering tools to trap, stab, crush, and shoot our prey. this does not take away from the fact that vegans and other virgintarians are massively GAY.
>Anime fag is crab
Same as it ever was.

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What is the GOAT carb source /fit/?
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your parents are ketoschizos too?
never, ever eat any kind of seed
apples and other similar fruit I suppose
Endogenously made carbs via gluconeogenesis. No plants required.
my ancestors weren't striving to squat and deadlift 300kg+ like I am

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When I walk past a pretty girl, I take a good whiff to get her scent inside my nose to give me a boost

But I can never smell their natural body odor, only perfume or deodorant
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Kay why ess
they stink more from their pussies instead
Consider the following :)
You should not smell at the gym even if you are sweating a bunch. The smell is from bacteria growing in old sweat, not just sweat itself.
Most of them aren't doing strenuous exercise

>170 lbs

We are all gonna make it.
In fact, some of us already have…
205 replies and 61 images omitted. Click here to view.
is this fucking drake
>top surgery scars
82.5 kg 175 cm
It’s pretty amusing picturing you homosexual ghouls sitting at a desktop posting on 4chan. Definitely too gay to function.

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