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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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How true is this?
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>That said though Pavel looks like shit and isn't doing himself any favors.
Pavel did a great job reintroducing the kettlebell to its place of origin but kettlebell sport mogs the shit out of any of that hardstyle shit he pushes.
>no mention of Mark Wildman
Dude's the GOAT currently, learned so much from him
Tom Cruise staying jacked in his old days
lol the sunglasses do give him that Top Gun chic

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Connor Murphy attacks gf with golf club
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reminds me of jack
He got that Jack Nicholson vibe going
he was also on steroids and he was taking tren. Bet he was also on coke
and now he's dead
>give me the golf club, Wendy..

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>ozempic costs $1000 a month if you dont have diabetes
fuck me i guess lol
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Really? Is it because of the caffeine??
Also, is it normal that I despise obese people, especially ones that make excuses since I've worked hard for my body?
Eating less and moving more costs zero dollars
You can buy it online for about 60$/10mg which is about a months worth supply at the max dosage
suicide is a lot cheaper!
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Take the apple cider vinegar pill instead anons

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Hey there anon, it's been a long week, the bar is open. How've your lifts been going? You lose weight this week? You gain?
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I would date a girl who’s 18-25, but if it was an 18 year old she’d have to remain just my gf until she was 25 so I could make that decision. Granted a 25 year old would also have to wait like 5 years anyways.
And it doesn’t have to be a virgin literally just not totally ran through I was exaggerating. A virgin is better obviously but I wouldn’t mind if she had like 5 before me.
hell yeah dude
So as long as she’s lean and has the right personality she’s ideal, hey it’s good that you’ve got it sorted out. A lot of people who say they just can’t find a good partner don’t actually know what they’re looking for, or refuse to concede anything at all.
Probably an autistic morose retard

I'm at uni and it's fucking miserable here. Every black girl I meet is a they/them, single mom, obese, or some combination of the three.

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Isn't upper body pretty much solved my picrel?
What's stopping me from dropping barbell workout in favor of more calisthenics volume? What muscles am I even missing here?
The sensation of having full control over your body is crazy good.
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>Isn't upper body pretty much solved my picrel?

>no shoulders
>no direct pec work
>no direct biceps work

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Why would you use bands instead of just using a barbell? The resistance curve is shit, there's no proper progressive overload, and they'll never allow you to attain the strength of which especially your posterior chain is capable. Better than nothing, sure, but nothing's "solved" here.
I made nearly 0 progress with calisthenics for the better part of a year, how do people even try hard past like 8 reps? It feels stupid.
Is there a way to get a wider back with just callisthenics? I've been doing chinups, pullups and pushups for more than a year, and while the rest of my muscles have somewhat developed, I just can't get a bigger back.
Why are calisthenicsfags so afraid of using weights and machines?
Unless you're a poorfag there's no reason to only do calisthenics. I love weighted pull ups and dips but using dumbbells and made my arms grow much faster than adding 5kg to my weighted chin up.

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channel for "watch party"
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Yup they're definitely more al-round athletes now, not in a Pudz way sprinter way, Mitch broke the numbers down and they're all statically lifting beast numbers. Deadlifts have dropped off and overhead since Big Z but not by much. I mean Thor wasn't even close at the Arnolds with all his experience.
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right but without a lot of the strongest guys present, more of a local comp in terms of field.
>thought Trey Mitchell would become a podium contender over time like Zydrunas but I'm not sure he has that same potential.

That achilles heal happened at the worse time for him and BZ was building and competing constantly in lower-mid comps wherea's Trey is, yeah it's hard to compare those two. Still think Trey will WSM twice.
Seems like everyone except Mitch or Tom is perma injured and cant build any momentum
I'm old, remember some random guy on bull roids would do well one year and then disappear all the time. Like Jaco Schoonwinkel last year, only he came back this year.

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Questions that don't deserve their own thread
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You're mixing 2 concepts.
Having enough nitrogen in your body (total protein intake), and having a well balanced, 'high quality' mix of amminoacids.
As long as the animal sources make up the majority of your protein, you're fine, and can count the extra veg protein you're getting here and there too.
Unless you want not to include it, to get just that bit more protein. IDK maybe it makes you feel safer.
What snacks commonly available in stores are OK to eat on a cut? Some type of nuts? Inb4 dees nutz. What snack reduces snack cravings without being calorie dense and full of bad shit?
Am I actually supposed to cycle creatine? I just take one scoop before my workout but someone at the gym today told me I shouldn't take it for more than a few weeks at a time before coming off of it for a few months.
Oh fuck yeah I just remembered celery stalks are part of the cum recipe, I'll just get some celery stalks and carrots and maybe make hummus to go with that. I might end up buying a bag of almonds though. In part because the store with the good deal on chickpeas just closed.

Is she right?
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Holy fuck. This delusion
>plus size
nice way to say FAT
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>uhhh I’m stronger than that weak shredded guy! He had no fat! My bingo wings are way bigger!
If Beth saw Picrel she’d claim that that WAS a fit woman because she has huge biceps and quads.
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>hates people for stereotyping her because she’s fat
>stereotypes men who she can’t get based on strawmen she made up in her own head
>also my ‘biceps’ are bigger therefore they aren’t really that manly
She's both fat and a female, so if she said grass is green I would look outside to check

Gomad edition
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5'8" 172lbs
i feel like i need to diet
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I just don't fucking understand how I weigh as little as I do. You're as skinny as I am, you're more or less just as muscular as I am, and I have fucking 5 and a half inches on you.

And you weigh 10 lbs less than I do. 9 months of lifting.

The girly bed is not mine.
i have no fucking idea anymore my guy
i'm not interested in the symptoms, i'm interested in the cause
bro where's your muscles at
Wait I just did the math I think 10 lbs checks out nvm

attached to my skeletal structure via various tendons. What are you fucking retarded

Have any of you guys tried this bullshit? Is it really a cult with nothing to offer? Or is it something with limited benefit that is locked by their paywall? Os is it really the holy grail solution for all of your problems like they say?
Does anyone have a /t/orrent of their course or book?
Captcha: VAX2
Wtf is the point of doing 'functional fitness' if you don't play sports? A 3 day split and rooning is all you need
When Naudi explains Functional Patterns, it sounds smart: get functionally fit by improving gait (how walk/run), your ability to throw and your ability to jump. He claims he's analyzed hours upon hours of footage of pro athletes, his entire system is based on mimicking their "functional patterns" and he promises that (you) can achieve similar greatness by following it.

The problem as anyone with two brain cells can see is that this logic is backwards. None of these pro athletes He studied would be better for doing any of the retarded shit Naudi pushes. In fact, Naudi did train a pro fighter and guess what? He got WORSE! But what does he push anyway? Nobody outside his cult knows the specifics anymore because he got memed on way too hard in the last decade and now he has to hide in his little bitch corner where nobody can make fun of him anymore. If you want a taste of what might be behind this pay wall, refer to the infamous ankle punch webm that someone will inevitably post.

Keep in mind you might have to pay your gym extra after you destroy their cable station doing this high amplitude tard swinging

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Should the kings be manlets to uplift the lesser ones or Chads to represent what every man should admire and strife for?
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yet useful
just say you like men
I like the man in the mirror, that's for sure

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previous: >>74188085
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Is she… insinuating that that’s her whole day? Or just coffee and lunch?
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this disgusting creature deserves a heart attack
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the smell of those poor pink shorts would kill a man

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>open catalog
>mfw no /fit/ humor

provide entertainment for my workout, I'll start
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same, near muenster
I missed German fest this year because of the rain :(
I don't get it
Pickles make pussies smell yum

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No source talk
Read the Reddit wiki
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ideally you want 3x a week. Half life is shorter, and it's non suicidal. I'd pick up some Aromasin next time desu.
tren is lighter yellow powder, that's definitely DNP.

The best smelling raw is NPP, it smells so good. The absolute worst smelling one is Test Cyp, which makes sense because most people who use Cyp are faggots.
Redpill me on tendon growth peptides.
It's over.
Can I run Anavar 2 month on 2 month off forever
>most people who use cyp are faggots
? (I don’t use cyp)

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