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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage at most 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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>how the fuck are you hurting yourself?
Maybe we're just really stupid?
funny shaped track

tbf i do my "track" work on a 225m skating rink

dors thr job though
>First run in a month 2 days ago
>Hips feel stiff
>Garmin says I did aerobic of 5
Do I give it another day?
I'm scared
I did a medium roon and Garmin gave me a 4.9 "vo2max". Nigga, I didn't vo2max. Stupid app.

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Who is /fat/ for?
For Corpulent Chungus’ who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.

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You didn't have to come here just to announce you're retarded.
well then prove me wrong fatass
Old people have been taking Metamucil for 100 years, now suddenly it's a weight loss supplement lol.
Time to start experimenting with centrum silver and prune juice
I eat clean as fuck and still count calories and macros. And I always will. Takes five whole minutes out of my entire day.
increasing your risk of obesity and cancer by eating garbage


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Are you happy with your current weight?
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No. I wish I could be heavier but it impairs my running. Maybe one day I will break 200 lbs.
Of course. I’m perfect.

Btw she looks better on the left.
not entirely, but i'm on deca so i'm essentially 10 pounds heavier than i otherwise would be at any given time
Lol, the same.
t. 6'3"/186lbs, skinnyfat despite exercising 4 times a week
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What's the optimal weight for someone who's 5'10? I'm 175 pounds right now and look like shit (love handles and a gut, ACK!).

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previous: >>75454334
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Oh yeah I definitely use Chantal and Amber as FPH motivation. Too bad Chantal is gonna die in the next year or two and Amber isn't far off.
Sagittarius Shawty was my favorite but idk where she went.
the hypocrisy is hilarious with amber cuz she's just a bitch who likes to make other women feel worse unless they're her standard LMAO. it's the same with every other catty woman. I know as a person I don't wanna step down to that kind of shit at this point even if I feel an urge to cuz might as well just be better as a person, ya know? Yeah, people suck and sometimes you can tell they are shit from the start. Does that mean you gotta target their looks? Probably not.
I can hear it in their voice every time.
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Testing the new mp4 upload...
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THE NEW WHAT?? why doesn't it work for me

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Is /fit/ secure enough to have a fairy tea party with their son or daughter?
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And this is like the equivalent of some straight guy being "so secure in his sexuality" he starts wearing pink.
You are trying to one up me with "loving your daughter" but you are either trying pretend you don't know what I am talking about or you actually don't.
And the amount of cucked out shit I see from white married men on social media is pathetic af. It HAS to be the diet and political environment. Too much soi or estrogen or beer, naggy post-wall skinny-fat(at best) wife and feminized society has fucked up so many 40+ year old men.

So much internalised pain. Its legitimately sad
Is he naked under there?

Is she?
John Wayne literally played pretend for money. Is this a joke?
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>and brown
and your isnt? freak!

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How can you create motivation from nothing?
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Moo! Nigger. That is all. Moo!
Emo cow
Being autistic is literally a superpower. Use your RuneScape addict brain to gamify things and turn life into a grind, focus on boosting your stats and working toward your endgame goals.
If you really hit rock bottom and had nothing you would be pretty motivated from the suffering and desire to kill yourself, so you may as well just start now
by using discipline instead

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The devil is calling me to goon, but I will not heed

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Coming into the final stretch.
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>capital i with a dot over it
what the actual fuck
Sounds like you’re smoking some strong shit
I started late because I forgot about it. Turns out some bad shit has happened to me - I haven't missed whacking it one iota. Don't remember the last time I woke up with a boner, if ever, and I don't even miss it. Last year I felt like I was gonna explode. Maybe I'm dying.
Still alive. Only differences is I'm having sex dreams, wake up with a boner every day, and when I occasionally place my hand on my balls for comfort and occasional sniffs my dick gets excited
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Fellas.... I think its working
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I have a question for you bryan, what sin did you commit in this life that makes you so afraid of final judgement?

what are you running from that you would even turn yourself into a tranny faggot?
Not Bryan, but running from death because I'm like 90% sure heaven/hell/god = fake.
Leaving your cancer riddled wife destitute is pure evil.
Too fucking bad. She wouldn’t think twice about leaving an average husband for a multi millionaire that is good looking and not a betabuxxer.
Ooof the betamale doesn’t like that but doesn’t say shit when the men get divorced rape.

I workout for one reason, I want a top tier girlfriend. Maybe I'll MMA or boxing one day but I'm not in a position for that right now. I've made a lot of progress over the last couple of years. I've lost a significant amount of fat. I have muscle to the point where people for the past 3 days (including today) where other men have been pointing out how big I am and how much I lift. But all I ever wanted was to increase my chances of getting with women. All I ever wanted was that Tall, slim, brunette with the perfect eyes to like me back. I appreciate you kings for hyping me up, but I just wish getting fitter helped me with women.
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Says more about you then you realize.
Of course it's to get my dick wet. I honestly would've quit this shit a long time ago if it didn't help me get laid. All of the other health benefits are just a nice side effect that I don't really notice on a conscious level.
I like men, I love men.

Just not you. Or 85% of all of you. You're broke, short, say the wrong things.

If you want a gf, you need to make her feel special and treat her like a princess

t. Bf is a bodybuilder and i will marry him
No retard, it's because if you reject mw you'll probably attack me or kill me
They actually want to see how you approach a thing you like (them) as a man, which also gives clues to how you approach things you want in life in general. If you are a bitch that waits to be approached (like a literal woman) they get turned off by that

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You -DO- put the weights back where you got them, right /fit/?

You're don't leave them lying around like some Pajeet right?
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Very good
Hey in my defense if I added more plates her face in the mirror would have been obscured bro, and it's not what the client would have wanted!
Based and Vigilance-Pilled
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my dad told me not to. fuck u guys.
not my problem
the only “people” in my gym that dont rerack weights or wipe off the benches are brown. every single time.
Why are they like this?

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Everyone says it's simply CICO and I do believe that.
But, I've always wondered like, does your body take in 100% of the calories from the food?
Or does some of it go to waste and come out as well... Shit.
Surely it also depends on the type of food. Like maybe carbs are bad for you because your body is very efficient at taking calories from it?
Am I on to something or just stupid
Your intuition is right. Carbs are really efficient to digest compared to fat and protein. Your body spend more energy to break down fat and protein.
Your intestines come close enough to absorbing all of the nutrients to not matter. Your body will slow down intestinal transit to give it time to absorb. Different nutrients (glucose, fructose, fats, amino acids, etc) have different absorption rates.
If you binge so much the slower motility still can't keep up and you "cap" the absorption rates, then some of it will pass. You'll know it though. Unabsorbed proteins and fats in your shit smell awful, and the fat looks like you dropped oil in the toilet. Unabsorbed sugars in your shit give it a sort of sweet smell.
But that's the thing, you'd have to eat a ton to get to that point. You can eat more than enough to get fat without ever exceeding your body's ability to absorb it all.
Length of intestine matters too. Part of gastric bypass surgery is removing a length of the small intestine. Less time in the tube (because its shorter), less that can be absorbed.

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I have a herniated L4-5. 3 different back surgeons think I can heal it with PT. My plan is to do the PT, run TB500 and BPC157 for 3-4 months, do deep tissue massage, and see a chiropractor. Anyone have any other suggestions?
Welcome to a lifelong struggle brother. Try not to kill yourself. Move somewhere where theres no winter, sit hunched over and just try to survive. I just tell myself god has a plan for me.

>honestly thought someone shooped a gaping asshole onto the stomach
I think it's time for another break from the chinz
>op doesn't like steroids

It is, it's one of those AI images where if you look at it from a distance, you see an asshole, up close it's a dyel with a needle.

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