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Previous Thread: >>103254675
if i have to listen to my midwit goober middle manager boss ramble about AI in a teams meeting one more time I might freak the fuck out and do nothing because I am an impotent wagie.
Why the fuck does the CEO think each developer needs to create a Copilot Studio demo for the annual company meeting?? I'm a SWE not a fucking 365 administrator.
Among other things, that has pushed me over the edge. Putting my resume out there starting tomorrow.
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Something I 100% agree with him on
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might not have internships or experience, but I refuse to give up or kill myself.
Killing yourself is for fools.
twitter is gayer than even linkedin
I want to find some short term data warehousing contract stuff. Maintenance, setting up etl pipelines. All that stupid shit. Contractor ideally.
Currently employed, I just want a side gig because the day job is boring.
Is Upwork my only solution or what?
how do i find happiness in life

also should i buy a workbench
stay busy
with what? i dont have any personal projects because I already have everything I could want, and what few small business ideas I have are untenable and not IT related anyway
>how do i find happiness in life
A workbench
>also should i buy a workbench
>get a cs degree with good grades
>still have no idea what any of the job descriptions mean
it's so over. I've no idea what postings to even apply to
What if you killed yourself in a work meeting with the camera on
lots of people have killed themselves at work, but i feel like on zoom or teams or w/e they would make the excuse that they didnt know your address off-hand to even call 911 and would just mute you.
>how do i find happiness in life
if I had balls I would quit my tech job and move into a monastery
don't worry. they're all just corporate-ese nonsense that means basically nothing. they're written by HR rats that don't know what you do either.

why do you think the only thing that's ever clear is "u gotta kno salesforce bro" and everything else is nonsense? they don't understand anything else. they literally cannot express what they need.
testing moves from Tekken in real life on the HR manager
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try Virtua Fighter instead. Akira has moves designed to permanently cripple any normal man in a single strike (he uses bajiquan).
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broken clock
>Can you explain this two year gap on your resume, anon?

How do you answer this in the IT job interview?
do I have a better chance of getting hired if I wear a wedding ring?
it's a 50/50 on whether the HR stacey wants to jump your bones and having a ring or not also has an impact. if we karnaugh map it

>if they do, ring is gud because "ooohhhh hes so dishyyyy and le forbidden fruit uohhhh other woman says he gud so he must be gud"

>if they don't, ring is bad because "omg he has other obligations in life we cannot possibly hire a """""man""""" who won't be a 100% slave to the company"

>if they do, no ring is bad because "ooohhhh hes so dishyyyy but hes not married, wtf must be wrong with him???"

>if they don't, no ring is bad because "but hes not married, wtf must be wrong with him???"

so we have a 3/4 chance of you being binned

note: because it is current year, "HR stacey" can be a HR stacey(male) and does not significantly change the dynamic

note2: you do not have to actually be dishy. the assumption is made on the part of the hr stacey that you must be if you were able to get married. it is a rationalization based on seeing the ring, even if you're a slovenly neckbeard it gets reframed as being "cute"
I just threw up really violently from drinking on a saturday before the sun has even come up. This is what being in IT does to people
>>if they don't, ring is bad because "omg he has other obligations in life we cannot possibly hire a """""man""""" who won't be a 100% slave to the company"
Married employees can't leave or act out because they have families relying on their paycheck, they're actually much better for the slave role.
In asian countries it actually prevents men from climbing into management roles because they'd be considered too 'unstable'/have too much freedom
in the west however, families are perceived to be stronger (even though they aren't) and managers loathe the married because it means that while they still have to provide for their family and will be unwilling to quit, they might also ask for a day off ever to attend a little league game or have an anniversary dinner or something, or god forbid, ask for pat leave someday
Secret santa at work, what are you guys giving?
I was thinking between a
>ugreen charger with the emojis (little out of budget)
>wallet or keychain multitool (ehhh giving a "knife" as a gift may be kinda not kosher so may stray from it)
are you guys going trick or treating
it's already passed no?
how come no one has done it before? so many have livestreamed their suicides on facebook/ig
>senior started malding that some file used both " and ' for strings
>its not according to le hecking conventions
the project has had at least 15 contractors in the last 3 years, I dont know how anyone can muster the willpower to give a shit about this
it probably has happened and was just swept under the rug, and if it's only happened a statistically insignificant number of times it's probably because if you're willing to kill yourself you will be likely unconcerned with shitty zoom calls but if you are willing to do it at work to make a point you'd do it right in the office
realpost: it's probably because it breaks compatibility with something stupid

plenty of languages/programs accept only " or ' to imply a string, or have different meanings for " and ' (for example, it's an important distinction in powershell)
please keep yourself safe, anon
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anons my resume has two innacuracies and I'm afraid of not passing the background check
>wrong degree listed (CS vs CIS), honest mistake cuz thirdie translating shit and I had it set to an intermediate degree that doesn't seem to exist outside my country
>HR from latest job wont know who I am cuz I was working directly for the founder as a consultant across a bunch of different companies and I just listed my job as the one I did the most work for (but I can get recommendation letters from a bunch of different people)
be honest is it joever did I fumble
both of these were honest retard mistakes and they've been corrected on my recent resumes its just that I applied for the job like half a year ago and only finished the process now
It's a JS web app, I think it's just autism. He can't get over some project he did 8 years ago where every line had to have correct indentation or else it wouldn't get merged.
I mean I understand the commitment to quality but if you're going to get upset over code quality of random people who drop in and out of projects once a year, you're just going to waste your energy and still end up with 0 results.
It's also the same dude who insists on rewriting everything he can get his hands on even when there's a deadline just around the corner. It's like the concept of time sensitivity is unknown to him.
I've stopped caring a while ago, now I'm just seeing how far I can take it.
>time sensitivity
no new software, especially anything written in js, needs to come into the world. if some retard needs some new cancerware, they can get it when its done
I absolutely agree, now try explaining this to the 60 year old manager at any bigger firm whose biggest tech competency is using the SUM function in excel.
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God I wish.
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let me tell you something that might be a bit dangerous. jews fear the responsible heroin user.
im glad im not the only person who wonders how funny everyones reactions would be to explode my head with a shotgun during a meeting.

the other intrusive thought i get is spamming the nword in teams and quitting.
Minor mistakes just claim retard disability and they will demote your position to IT like the rest of us who failed at math.
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Everyday fren everyday
I don't agree with the grandiose, sorta mystical language in this video but I agree with the background, because I've been there many times.
this is also why I hate when people say that you need to work hard, build a routine or have discipline instead of waiting for motivation to come to you. my best moments for learning and doing shit have almost always been those in which I was motivated and inspired to do something. and isolated, too. which is also why I blame my environment for my worst moments.
start doing shit by yourself. you know companies mostly use open source or easily available stuff these days, right?

I suspect this might motivate other people to do the same lmao

"I was freelancing"
Make shit up.
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>coworker has absolute bitch of a supervisor
>didn't realize how bad he had it until she absolutely flayed his ass in front of everyone in a staff meeting one day
>he tells me she's even worse behind closed doors
>tell him he should quit because losing a staff member would really fuck her over
>he agrees and starts putting in apps to transfer
>nothing happens after a bit
>he's paranoid that she's blocking him from leaving
>he finds his balls and starts applying outside the company
>gets a decent offer
>tells me he can't wait to throw it in her face
>the day comes
>apparently her attitude 180'd and she took his resignation letter to her boss
>he gets fucking promoted
>is now one of the highest paid employees in the office
>tells me he was honestly surprised with the outcome and didn't expect any of this to happen
is it really this easy for some people? I feel like if I tried some bullshit like that I'd get told to kill myself and don't bother coming into work tomorrow
maybe she likes him :o !
>that pic
have kids

she strikes me as a hoe and he's an autist
anyways, is this a common occurrence in office "politics"? ngl I'm kinda jealous that he gets paid more than me now though I'm also a lazy ass
you really think management is setting him up for failure?
did /twg/ lie to me or what? i thought you weren't supposed to accept counteroffers
probably lol
I'm not /twg/ as fuck or anything but I don't see why wouldn't accept a counteroffer unless you just hate your job
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weekends suck
you would seriously rather be at work?
>new guy doesn't know the difference between web server and application server
I know 20 year experience boomers that can't tell the difference between NGINX, Apache HTTP, Apache Tomcat, Quarkus and Wildfly.
What do I say here /twg/?
competitive or $150k or something like that
apparently it's because now your company "knows" they're on a timer with you, and will try to replace you as soon as they can
I would tell the coworker to have other jobs lined up just in case
considering that he got a promotion and a pay rise, it could be a great opportunity for him to get a new job with the same role and even better pay/conditions/benefits.
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1 million dollars
having nice indentation is important to me as well
but i dont care about quotation characters, i'll even use both in the same file if autocomplete picks one or the other because im too lazy to change it
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Last month, the consulting firm Cognizant which is the largest issuer of H1B visas lost a discrimination suit. The suit was filed by NON-INDIAN employees stating the Indians continuously discriminated them in the workforce.
you think they will stop doing it just because of a lawsuit?
no but this is a step in the right direction to eventually push for restriction on H1Bs. it also fully vindicates the people who for years said that once you get Indian managers in the company the whole company becomes Indian
>another perfect fit job I spent a lot of hours writing a serious application for
>instant ambiguous rejection within 3 hours of them waking up
>ready to rope
>go low effort spam my resume at a bunch of random jobs on linkedin
>get multiple interview invitations almost immediately
>one physical interview less than 24 hours after applying
>dream job in every metric
can't believe I have better odds applying for languages I've never used than what I'm specialized in (C#)
NTA, call me a naive optimist but the fact that liberal Canada has turned staunchly anti-immigration in under 2 years means there's a chance something gets done about it in tech. Literally everybody knows it's happening and not just at consulting firms - once an Indian takes control of a team, it's not long before the team is full of Indians and non-Indians have either been forced out or quit because they were sick of the bullshit.

I'm not talking about the quality of work (spaghetti code isn't illegal), I mean some big tech company is going to get hit with discrimination charges because some high up Indian's emails will get leaked revealing his organization tosses most non-Indian resumes and it'll blow the whole thing up.
>indians so obnoxious that they turn the tides on immigration worldwide simply by existing
The whole thing is so random they hardly seem to care about what you actually know.
I curse the British every day for teaching them our language.
dang so the .NET market is not looking good right now? what was the new language?
HAHAHA didnt know we have comedians on twg

remember this post when trump leaves office and literally 0 changes to h1b visas occurs. or it may even increase.
the whole careful application is complete bullshit
it's entirely a number's/luck game
if the hr roastie thinks the numerology in your phone number aligns with her chakras or whatever you'll get in
or maybe she woke up pissed or your linkedin photo is giving her the ick

just mass apply to absolutely everything
Go and Python
>.NET market
your guess is as good as mine, I don't I'll ever understand the tech sector

I believe it
people waking up to the sql server and azure scam
I have a BS in Computer Science and don't know what any of these are...
Supposedly python is the most popular language now.
It makes sense. If you really don't care about compute efficiency it's probably the single most reasonable and ergonomic language out there.
What's an extra second of CPU time in your app cost? Maybe half a mil for a second server every 5 years or so *if* you have an insane amount of traffic. What does a team of good C++ devs cost? 5-10 mil a year and they're way harder to wrangle.

The choice is obvious.
It's insane it took so long. I used to do C# consulting in college and was blown away by what people were paying to run IIS and MS SQL in the cloud.
don't mind her, .net is still solid and growing every year
>dang so the .NET market is not looking good right now?
How's it doing in Australia?
Starting a firmware engineer job working on controllers in a couple weeks. What are some things I can do to prepare before I start?
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>was doing basic training sessions with several other team members recently
>training period ended for everyone but me as they want me to undergo more advanced training sessions with their proprietary tools
Oh boy here we fucking go.
Any fellow Cloud Engineers? I'm moving from OpenShift to Azure, would love some tips and tricks from more seasoned anons.
>an Indian consulting firm is the largest issuer of H1Bs
Why are they even permitted to issue so many H1Bs if they're Indian? Why can't they hire Indians in India? Why do they even need to open an office in another country if they're just going to hire workers from their home country? Why isn't anyone issuing these visas asking these questions?
the answer to "why is this thing retarded and nonsensical?" is always money
It's intended to work that way.
Im bad at my job. I took the "fake it til you make it" advise and am balls deep in faking it. How often do people get fired for incompetence?
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>World Economic Forum
imagine the orgies
ive never seen anyone be fired for incompetence and worked with plenty of incompetent people
Thanks anon thats reassuring. Im still new, just hoping I make it instead of getting shitcanned
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rarely ever. the overwhelming majority of the workforce is like you.
I want to live in a world where I don't have to worry about Indo-phobia or Hindu-phobia from my Western coworkers
maybe go back to India?
Good news! Unlike your "Western coworkers" you still have a nation state and can go there to not be around us.
Generally, you need to REALLY fuck up hard once or have a constant string of fuckups before you are outright fired. Basically, a complete refusal to learn from mistakes.
If you're just mediocre, you'll probably be fine but you'll be among the first on the chopping block if there's layoffs.
try not being indian
lie and say you still work at your most recent company and reflect that in your resume.

If jeets can get away with it so can you.
Maybe you're the one who should go back to...
Oh wait, you don't have anywhere to go back to anymore. Lol.
>Non-technical teamleads tell non-technical HR what to put in resulting in filtering of people with the actual skills they need
IT is a weird branch
linkedin has some high quality stuff. just gotta follow the right people.

check out caleb melas, hes a eng manager who gives good advice
>the project has had at least 15 contractors in the last 3 years, I dont know how anyone can muster the willpower to give a shit about this
I hate contractors so much, they write the most bloated, untested code that exists. had a job where the entire frontend was made by them. surprise: it was buggy
watch him get stacked in a couple months once they have him finish what hes working on
what state/country and how many yoe
hold your 9 key down until it hits the character limit
indian boss
you mean sacked?
those are outside of C#. you can use nginx and postgres.
woops, yup
if there's a discrepancy they'll just ask you about it so you can clarify.
just move to the jew sa
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>remove employment month from resume
>start applying for somewhere else in january
>if it ever comes up in an interview just say i've been at my last job for "coming up on a year now"
>specifics won't come up until background check and i already have the job at that point
give me 1 reason why this won't work
my current job fucking blows i can't spend 10 more months here
my resume is nothing but lies and i keep getting fired every 6 months. ive been doing this for 5 years and have lied my up into my country's 90th percentile in salary. everytime i get fired, i take 6 months off and say ive been working the whole time lol. i even lied about having a college degree, it's all lies and nobody checks lmfao
And yet you keep getting fired.
With a pay rise each time.
what do you claim for employment between that time?
i got fired from my last job and just feigned still being employed with them whenever it came up
i have gotten thorough background checks for every place ive worked though, and i can tell what they see because i ask for a receipt every time i go through them. don't know how to get around this outside of claiming self employment doing gigs
oh, nvm.
>i take 6 months off and say ive been working the whole time lol.
i just add another 6 months to my last job. e-z as. i typically make friends with ppl who are visible on linkedin who still work at the company. they'll "confirm" what a great guy i am.
nah hes gonna have some big honkin bewbs after this one
>check out caleb melas, hes a eng manager who gives good advice
No results when searching for him
background checks don't actually look into where you were employed. they run your name through equifax and google you to see if youve murdered anybody, thats about it. it would "work" but if a few months of experience is so make-or-break you're either a shitty candidate or in a shitty market (or both) and it doesnt actually matter
i am a microsoft engineer advocate. i advocate for engineering. level 2! haha yeah, can i work at ur shitty consultancy firm? salary u say? heh... 200 bucks, cash..
didn't read the rest
>200 bucks, cash
at this time we can only offer you exposure
is this the kind of exposure u pay?
Holy based
honestly it strikes me as bizarre. if it's effectively an indian company, owned by indians, importing indians, why don't they just work out of india where land is cheap and tech companies get tons of tax breaks and bonuses and labor laws are nonexistent?

in canada it's not only in tech. blue collar workers are pissed off too because the larger companies are also importing jeets, and independent contracting is all fucked up because as usual it's high caste jeets importing low caste literal retards, getting them certified through shady means, and now people are getting hit with semi trucks in the street and buildings never get built on time and then fall over in the first windstorm that happens because their high caste overlords cheap out on everything and the guys doing the work are massively incompetent. at least the retarded somalians and nigerians from yesteryear knew how to swing a hammer. indians can't even make fast food goyslop properly.
Some places are starting to wisen up to the "lying zoomer narcissist" trend. I've had places confirm that I have a college degree by asking my university, and I've also had places check that my stated work history was accurate by providing them paystubs.
case in point. they dont have spies running around. "background checks" are a meme and they usually ask you for relevant details and evidence yourself. they dont even call references anymore.
>I've had places confirm that I have a college degree by asking my university
>get list of legit universities that have shutdown
>graduate before the period they had shutdown
no one to call nigga.
but then you will get auto-binned because you didn't go to MIT
Yes and the thing that happens when you are unable to provide that evidence is the job offer is rescinded.
I've noticed that 99% of the "real life hackz" that you retards thump your chest about on here exist entirely in the realm of your imagination anyways.
the companies that are hiring me dont give a fuck haha, they can't afford someone who went to MIT. they're all making 500k in silicon valley.
what is "evidence" anyway? what's stopping you from just making up shit lol
i left my last job while they were mildly dissatisfied with my performance
will they fuck me if i put them as a reference?
If they're asking for a specific person as reference, there's a possibility. If they're just asking for the HR department to confirm you worked there, then no.
yes. get one of your mates. always get people who are guaranteed to give u a good reference, even if they didnt work there lmao.
>If they're asking for a specific person as reference, there's a possibility.
get some old guy to roleplay as ur boss. give him some bullet points to talk about and let him go off.
one the grey hairs on our team needed help with something so he was sharing his desktop. he happened to be an emacs user. after the meeting one of the new junior developers (young asian female) says to me "why does he use that editor? it's so OLD" and the look of disgust on her face made me rip into laughter. the brightest point in another shitty week.
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why does everyone on linkedin who talks about leetcode look like this
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this is 4chan. 90% of the posts itt are from NEETs making shit up to try to fit in or are entry level people trolling thinking they're "protecting" their position because they are legitimately retarded psychopaths

the remaining 9% are people like me with genuine experience, but the experience is bizarre and irrelevant to normal people

and 1% people who got lost on their way to reddit in 2012
u sound like a victim
based junior dev. cringe anon.
just another clueless faggot, too pathetic to be tragic
yeah its pretty gay. lie to your employer and leechmax. no one cares about "genuine experience" in this CRUD depraved fuckscape.
it's a dog eat dog world
here's a news flash for you, in case there's people new to the industry here. if you're an American you will not get a job programming. you can get a job. you can get a job as a programmer. but you will not be programming. i have a tech job that pays decent but i do all my programming in my free time. the job is just to pay bills.
i meant more as in "life experience", in the context of posting in the thread about whatever. not in getting hired.
don't know what background checks are used in your cunt but all of mine have been thorough work history checks as well, for the past 8yoe i've been working
i can tell pretty easily cause first place i worked at got acquired by another company but i list them separately so it looks better on my resume, but on my bg check it shows just one solid block of employment at the latter company cause that's technically "officially correct"
fuck i'm cringe
at least i'm still better than a lot of people
at least i have that
background checks are not real, or at least not standardized and require a PI look into you, which companies are not willing to pay for. mostly they just run your name through equifax and ask that you supply your own proof that you're not a felon (some police departments offer this as a service but not all of them and it's generally done at the prospective employee's expense)

there's security clearances but those serve an entirely different purpose
They sent all your PII to Filipino contractors who can barely speak English. They look you up in all the local courts to see if you've done anything. That's why they ask you where you lived for the past ten years.
have you tried killing yourself?
>one of the new junior developers (young asian female)
is she hot?
in the tech world, yes. in the real world, kind of.
Fuck I hope so, I hate microsoft
I've heard there's an entire hindu state somewhere, I wonder if you can find it.
>That's why they ask you where you lived for the past ten years.
i dont respond to job ads with that level of kikery/cuckery
india is so fucked up it now has a sikh separatist party, and the smelly hindu jeets will literally kill you over it now that they control all the western nations' economies
software for everything anyone could want already exists. what's there left to develop?
Software that derives from other software. The easiest (and highly profitable) example I can think of is vidya cheat development
Unfortunately yes. Late stage capitalism and all that. Become a coom modder for a big game and you will make more bank than you ever would from a highly skilled tech job. The demand for cooming, and cheating for clout posturing is so insanely high. I'd do lewd shit online full time if it didn't drain my soul.

au PROOOOMPTing doesnt count btw
You can't even speak English
This is retarded lol
>au PROOOOMPTing doesnt count btw
Ever seen how much money AI coom prompters make on Patreon? They rake in close to 6 figures for 5 minutes of work a day
nta but it's probably true. I downloaded a mod menu for gta5 and dropped kids money, I did it for free and people paypal'd me anyways. I got $60 in just 2 days
this is only true of a few of them. for every furfag making 7 figs on a 10 year old flash game, there's a million on welfare because they didnt know art school was a bad way to make money
I make about 300 bucks for a 6 hour workday doing far less so that's not exactly promising
I feel like as long as you're consistent in your uploads and plug yourself on rule34 and twitter and shit it can't be hard. It took me no effort at all to get into the ERP porn mommy twitter scene
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I'm not Indian but I'm not on linkedin either.
I had a problem straight out of leet code in my recent coding interview and I almost bungled it. I'm glad I did the grinding since I instantly knew how to solve it, but I was extremely nervous and make silly mistakes along the way.
so basically do a 24/7 job for 60$ a day
>has to do theoretical problem grinding to be able to do his work
sounds like a miserable existence, did you know midwits can simply solve problems on the fly using critical thinking? we can conjure solutions out of thin air. does that make you feel bad?
[spoiler]I make $60/half hour and I'm small time[/spoiler]
Bullshit. I bet you couldn't derive djikstra's on the spot.
I've never gotten used to any form of public speaking and I'm prone to panic.
You'd shit yourself if you ever looked up the origin story of Dijkstra's

20 min coffee break? pfffft, could've done it in 10.
Dijkstra wasn't a midwit though.
Well imagine someone watching Dijkstra over his shoulder and expecting to get a general approach within 15 seconds, meanwhile Dijkstra is desperately trying to find a better paying job.
The story is famous precisely because midwits can't conjure solutions like this out of this air. Now it's a common leetcode medium.
Oops I meant non midwits in my previous post
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>doesn't practice on principle
>instantly makes an egregious error
I only slept 4 hours thanks to a socioeconomic problem involving fireworks and melanin. But you're right they wouldn't care about that in my code review either
Corporate software development is plumbing, plagiarism, error checking and bikeshedding over names. It's brain damaging.
Wherever you are anon, whomever you are, you got my applauses and in this moment I sincerely wish the absolute best upon you. Shits hard out there but never lose hope because that’s the only thing that will keep you moving forward until you reach your goal.
Tell me more…
Anyone from Norway here? My company is laying off… people who got laid off a year and a half ago can’t find jobs… It seems like the market here is fucked. I feel like the company wont make it pass the summer before they beginning to layoff people again..So I have like 6 months to prepare myself, is there any sector which is doing ok? And will be doing ok for the next 2-3 years?
When I was in college I could, it's not really hard. I've completely forgotten how it works but the only annoying part was modelling a graph correctly.
Thats been America for the past few years, welcome to the shitty party.
I really don't know if this industry will ever come back. If/when it does the skill ceiling will be permanently raised.
>is there any sector which is doing ok?
Construction to build pod buildings for all the native Europeans to live in while they give free real housing and money to the endless refugees. Place your bets on which country is gonna get American'd next so they can "displace" the population into Europe
It's looking like it might be Egypt

we're all gonna make it, anon
There is no way a coder can't find work these days. If you are white, every company will welcome you with open arms.
pakistan or sri lanka. the west has to secure its strategic jeet reserves. possibly a "peacekeeping operation" in india itself to suppress sikhs and support hindus
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Getting a nice job is much harder due to the systematic racism against whites in the IT sector. You'd have to be willing to settle with something far below your level. It's impressive how jeets have managed to gaslight the entire industry into giving them the jobs whites are supposed to have, and then forced whites to take the shitty jobs that they had instead.
>have a time-sensitive question in the morning, only two senior colleagues have the authority to answer
>ask one, no reply after 15 minutes
>ask second, we chat for 5 minutes and I get an answer
>never get a reply from the first
>second colleague calls me in the afternoon, annoyed at me and confused that I would ask both of them, stating I wasted first colleague's time because they "started working on the answer" after I had asked, despite never replying to me
What the fuck
Was this an e-mail exchange or instant messaging?
Thoughts on working for a company based in Russia, but with offices around the globe? Remote and pays really well, but is it career suicide from geopolitics?
So why didn't he let you know that he was looking into it at least
Why indeed
These two are the top of the totem pole, so instead of pointing out fault I just apologised
A good choice for avoiding office politics but if he causes more situations where he's blocking your work, and you value your job, you need to preemptively document these things and notify the person who's in charge of you having a job that he's causing your bad performance

Or the alternative is taking it like a little bitch and accept being thrown under the bus by him. Be sure to get another job lined up in that case
are those job sites where you upload a CV and the site companies call you back a scam? Feels kinda like a cheap knockoff of tinder...
Accepting it goes wrong later, not right away (if at all).

Only time passing will tell if the promotion is genuine or for temporary retention while they find a replacement wagie.
if you mean the ycombinator one that got shilled hard like ten years back, it's not a scam, but actual employers do not use it

iirc it was called WeWork or HelloWork or something, right
I have my first technical interview tomorrow (first application in the IT sector). I started with the leetcode "top interview 150" and the problems are super easy? I get most of them correct right away. Sometimes, there's an off-by-one or rare corner case that lets me fail test 567/630, but I can fix it immediately.
Please tell me that this is not all there is to it.
are you doing naive solutions for every problem? if so of course they're pretty easy
>Sometimes, there's an off-by-one or rare corner case that lets me fail test 567/630, but I can fix it immediately.
you don't get to do this in interviews btw, not figuring out edge cases is a reject
off by ones are fine tho
I have a little under 2 years of experience and a 6 month gap from being on holiday.
Didn't get a single interview from around 100 applications last week.

Probably wont find anything until January with December hiring freezes
So I'll have an 8 month gap by then. Is my career over? Should I just lie and say the last position is still current? I'm confident I can pull off the technical interviews but I wont pass a background or reference check because my old boss was a scrooge for doing things 'honestly'.
It's more about "oh, I didn't know that the strings were allowed to have numbers as well, in that case, I need isalnum() instead of isalpha()"
The interview will be done via Teams. Is it common to do the tasks on a similar web interface, or will I share my screen and run the code on my PC?
its German site idk if it is credible or nor just wondering if uploading CV is ever worth it instead of searching for a job and then submitting it directly. Don't like social media so can't be hit up by recruiters.
>It's more about "oh, I didn't know that the strings were allowed to have numbers as well, in that case, I need isalnum() instead of isalpha()"
yeah that's a reject tier
you never want to silently give the wrong answer if you get into this sort of scenario, learn to assert your assumptions about the input
>The interview will be done via Teams. Is it common to do the tasks on a similar web interface, or will I share my screen and run the code on my PC?
depends on the company but it's really not common at all that you'll have access to a test bank to compare against
most of the time you have to develop your own tests
a few sites tried that model after that first big one was a mild success, but these days no one uses them. it's unlikely that they're any bigger scam than Indeed or Monster but like I said, it's unlikely you'll find a job using them.

even look at it from the employer's side of things -- do you want to comb through a giant repo of resumes, or wait on prospective employees to beg and grovel and hand you a CV tailored to the position you're looking for?

all that said, recruiters do trawl LinkedIn ofc, and Indeed at least has a feature where employers can just look through resumes or automatically send spam to anyone applying to similar jobs etc. but the sites that try to be explicitly Bumble But For Jobs were a passing fad that's already long ded
recruiter call gave me 3 topics that the coding assesment will cover
>largest sum of weights
>word split
word split is pretty obvious, largest sum of weights is either Kadane's algorithm or a dp problem
No idea what wordbuilder would be though
So it's just me and my terminal? That's good to know.
linkedin has gone from having legitimate recruiters occasionally contacting me with offers to just a daily spam of indians spamming me with their web development requests. what happened in 2 years
unrestricted warfare
Entirely his problem.
He did tell you he was working on it, and you never asked him to do it, just to have help.
unironic realpost wrt the overabundance of jeets and jeet companies in tech

india offers incredibly cheap schooling, and while 90% of their schools are degree mills, for a time most indians were not going to those schools and instead taking advantage of gubberment gibs to concentrate in mumbai and go to half-decent schools that are accredited in the west. additionally, the schools themselves were well-funded and offered modern curriculae, especially in tech industry nonsense because it is both cheap to modernize and easy to teach.

likewise, everyone and their poo-stained brother has a "startup" over there for the same reason that "tech" just has an incredibly low barrier to entry in terms of initial capital requirements and the indian government subsidizes that sector heavily (or at least used to so there's lots of mature companies now) and doesn't have much going on for export. their economy appears to be kept afloat by oil, coal, gold, and 419 scams. oh and alternating between begging china for gibs and then going to war with it.

also linkedin legit lets you buy bots. those "sponsored" recruiters that seem to message you as soon as you log in? it's a bot. 100%. and not a cleverly written bot that uses some API, making that happen is just a service linkedin offers and is done on their side with pre-written copy. given how much of india is working in lazy borderline scam "tech industry" garbage, of course lazily written ad copy from recruiter bots is mostly coming from indians. western techbros scout more precisely since they're LARPing as sports team owners and the big companies know you will just go to their careers page if you want a job and don't need to shotgun out recruitment messages the same way job seekers shotgun out applications.
possibly not your terminal
last interview I did for fagman was on a live editor, no test suite or anything problem specific, just general text editor and I had to comment down the problem statement myself
>what happened in 2 years
The last of the boomers finally realized how fucked it is and checked out like we did 10 years ago.
I'd jump on it. It would make residency easy and Russia sounds like a nice place to live. I've been casually looking for jobs at Russian companies off and on for a few years now.
You just think about the set of edges in the spanning tree so far out and keep adding to the set and capturing distances to the node.

When I was in college everyone cheated off this one guy who actually got it wrong. His program generated spanning trees but not minimum spanning trees. I had overheard it and was using his algorithm and didn't catch it until I did the Windows port with mingw (because I thought I'd be extra and have it run on Linux and windows.) I only had a few minutes until the deadline at that point and was actually able to figure it out in time.
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what's the shortest time you've lasted in a job?
2 months because the company didn't pay my relocation as promised and my first paycheck was late too.
I was offered a position after interviewing and turned it down because my university schedule changed. Does that count? If not, five months doing data entry for a staffing firm in 2007.
>but is it career suicide from geopolitics
Unless you want to get top secret clearance.
I took the 36 hour workweek pill and am NEVER going back to 40
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Considering doing the same, Israel in my case
Will it jeopardize my chances at getting a security clearance if I've called three letter agencies "faggots" on 4chan for over a decade?
no but typing "SHOOT EVERY FEDERAL AGENT YOU SEE" over 50 times probably has you on a list somewhere
I've never posted that but I've pretended to be a CCP shill on /int/ many times. Will they accept my explanation that I was only joking?
typo, mellas:
which country and industry
you work
you don't
Fagman uses Coderpad.
i'm at 3 weeks now and crashing out
the guy im supposed to be shadowing has taken 1.5 weeks off already and whenever he's here he either drip feeds me 1 hour of work for the day or has me doing some meaningless side task busywork
i have 5yoe and being treated like im a high school grad or some shit

i don't fucking get it desu, it was pretty clear i was brought on to support cause he's overloaded but the guy is hoarding everything like he's afraid im gonna take his job
he's doing like 11 hour work days and im just here collecting checks, losing my mind doomscrolling
He might just be struggling to delegate. That's a difficult skill. Familiarize yourself with the codebase/problem space and see if you can leapfrog it. If he's behaving in good faith you'll be his best friend.
>annoyed at me and confused that I would ask both of them
is he liberal by any chance
its only a 4h difference

u a basedjack?
3 months cuz i got fired by some start-up R.I.P.
why should he care and leapfrog in? why not just collect paychecks until he’s eventually fired and try again at the next company?
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>chick at work keeps passing near me and occasionally looks at me, smiling
>she isn't even from the same department
>I keep ignoring her
Is this common among tech workers in general?
Because job hunting sucks balls and he probably has expenses. If he puts just a tiny bit of effort in he could avoid that and maybe get a nice promotion.

He could even end up being put in charge of some part of the code which can actually be very relaxing.
the only time ive ever got a promotion is when the company fucked up so hard they made somebody quit.
>if he puts in the effort he will be rewarded
you are in for a trip, summerboy
This is a situation where he would be though.
how old are you btw
I've been programming for money for 6 years and started programming when I was 14. You will never be competent, sorry.
langchain is horrible. do not try it.
I don't even know what that is.
industrial control, automation and monitoring. i usually just tell non-tech people robotics
that's good
it's not competency issue. you keep exposing your naivety. in fact the smarter you are the less like you are you be a code monkey. it's one of the symptoms of the broken system.
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I've got a big week of doing zero work planned.
What is this gay shit
4 months.
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I'm about to get $8000 for this web contract that's complete next week. I really really want to get the fuck out of Reno and go back to living WFH unabomber lifestyle.

Part of me wants to just take that money and pay for 6 months of rent. Another part of me wants to trade some stock option at 6AM and double that money or lose that money.

Please talk me out of it.
Speculating is gambling. Think of how foolish you would feel if you spent all of that money on scratch-off lottery tickets. What makes you think day trading is any different?
nta, I made 6k betting on a state election in Aus. I'm not pushing a point, I'm just here to brag.
Well done, retard.
Thanks, you stupid povo motherfucker.
It's either 4 days or 5 days of work
Your rent is $300 a week?
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These gave me a tummy ache :<
you aren't a loser, are you?
I usually get a headache from these. Too much sodium. But I love them.
no... 1350* 6 is 8100 anon...
Take home tests are mind numbing. These people cannot give clear instructions.
give me one reason why you aren't just using claude to do it anyways
I am using Claude (paid for by my current workplace lmao)
Look here motherfucker
Divide 8000 by 26
>Uh actually it's $307 a week, not $300
how long was the contract
stop eating slop. why u think they make the slop slop sound when u eat em?
The thing is $8k isn't really enough to do anything meaningful so you might as well just gamble it in the hopes of doubling
I'm tired of the saver thing. Ok I'll work and save and finally be ready to start living my life when I'm 60 and too old to even get a girl. Great.
>Another part of me wants to trade some stock option at 6AM and double that money or lose that money.
You can expect that not to work. Watch some benjamen videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm55pm_ZIdI
>didn't buy bitcoin at 40k because it was surely the top
>didn't buy at 60k because it was definitely the top
>didn't buy at 70k because it was definitely the top
>didn't buy at 90k because it was definitely the top
go shill crypto on /biz/ faggot
Make up for it by YOLOing OTM MSTR LEAPS.
Just lamenting that I "missed the top" and never got in and now it's up 150% YTD.
At least I got 4% from my "high yield" savings account though, so that takes a little bit of the sting off.
once its big, the gainz are over

find another shitcoin to rugpull
I thought 40k was big.
You could be me: I used to trade it on IRC back when it was like $2. I forgot about it and lost my wallet passphrase.

I would never have to go to another scrum ever again if I hadn't done that.
>$8k isn't really enough to do anything meaningful so you might as well just gamble it in the hopes of doubling
so true, just throw away money sports betting
there is and always will be "something big you missed out on"
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A $10,000 investment in an index fund 40 years ago would have been worth half a million dollars today.

If you're not a millionaire when you retire, shame on you.
>40 years
Who cares
kill yourself pajeetcode
Drink more water, Anon.
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still got time to buy
Anon i think that image means she put in 10k a year for 40 years. She made a gain of €188,022

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