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RTO edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://github.com/petermekhaeil/salary-negotiating
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>103276408
>implying i didnt steal a chair when everything went remote
even when i switched jobs they never asked for it back
>get laid off
>return laptop
>never return the mouse
If you don't already have a desk and chair even outside of a job that sounds like a (You) problem
Guys, I want a career change
What can I do with a masters in econ? Also should I do econ or finance?
you could become an economist :)
I personally keep my computer next to my bed on top of a table, but that's a choice I made because I prefer it. It's still a pretty moot point. Everyone owns a desktop and/or laptop computer, and presumably has a place to put that desktop or laptop computer. If you don't own a desktop or laptop outside of work... I don't even know what to say about you. I bought my first laptop at 16 before I even had a smartphone.
>early thread hijacked by pajeetcode and his grifters again
wew, starting off the week the wrong way I see
AI will kill us ALL
holy shit this image summed up my whole email adult daycare job
My career is failing. How do I pivot to a tech career. Only experience coding is taking a java course like 7 years ago, some C for a semester and some python
what do i do when left applies to me working at the office
Feels like this is either Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk posting this thread to make at-work work sound cool.
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i wasted 2 years of my life and money getting certs and my precious time studying just so i can get rejection emails and now there's no jobs left i can apply too in my state, fuck this over saturated "career"
>inb4 do helpdesk
i applied to anything entry level and stuff thats im not qualified for and used multiple job websites
anyways goodbye fuck any tech career, i will pretend it doesn't exist and do something else that's ACTUALLY going to give me a DAMN JOB

now all my certs are just paper, i did IT btw not whatever dev or programming you guys are always talking about
RECOVERY in 2025
Trust the Trump
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>my dad’s whole office goes remote
>brings me to office to help pack his stuff
>shows me epic closet full of monitors and desktops and keyboards and mice
>says i can have whatever i can carry
yep. based.
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do coding interviewers really ask baby-tier stuff like this?
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You have no idea the kind of retards that apply to jobs
$10,000 invested in 1984 would be worth $452,000 today (following a generous 10%/year gain), and when adjusted for inflation the total gain is $158,000
Yeah it's a big gain but it also takes a lifetime
Can you post this again in English
uberchad remote viewing hermit
>yep, they worked today
quit rn or trust the trump? i pick quiting and doing something that WILL GIVE ME A DAMN JOB
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anyone here do more work in excel than they do in an actual programming language?
I'm a former programmer who wants to get better at excel, what should I be doing besides just translating programming problems into spreadsheets?
Pivot tables
>no air conditioning
uh maybe for europoors, most americans have ac in their home
>no excuse for missing zoom meetings
can make up any excuse you want because nobody can confirm if you're telling the truth
>has to track progress online
had to fill out time cards for billable time at all of my onsite jobs, this has nothing to do with remote vs onsite

was this meme made by management shills pushing for RTO?
anything I could do in excel i can do way faster in pandas
Learn how to make and write array formulas
Learn how to set up good conditional formatting
Learn how to use VLOOKUP (or XLOOKUP if you have a newer version)
Normies are super excited about Trump which is how you know he's just another special interest shill and has been for years.
If normies are every excited about something it's a guaranteed sign that it's dogshit and that they're at minimum 10 years late to it.
Normies are the dumbest and most destructive force on planet Earth they're just like a swarm of locust they only exist to spread cringe, desolation, and death.
Accessories don't go back. I've got a monitor, desk, monitor arm, headphones, and chair all from the company wfh benefit. They're not getting a thing but the laptop back if I ever leave.
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what is "pandas"?
>Learn how to make and write array formulas
okay, looking this up, is it kind of like using "safe programming practices" but for excel?
>Learn how to set up good conditional formatting
is this like using IF statements and cell value rules such?
>Learn how to use VLOOKUP (or XLOOKUP if you have a newer version)
I'm already a pro at this ;)
>VLOOKUP (or XLOOKUP if you have a newer version)
As if you don't use INDEX MATCH on older versions
>apply to advert on job board like Linkedin
>get automated email saying thanks, but to 'progress' your application, you actually need to set up an account on this other job board

How do these people stay in business?
Conditional formatting is right there in the style tab my brother
>literally don't leave bed
>heating and AC can be set to whatever I want instead of making a service ticket with the office janny
>miss meetings all the time, people just assume you have a doctor's appointment or are taking your kids to school
>do nothing all day
but I'm using [spoiler]Google Sheets[/spoiler]
Multiple times every week, I fall asleep in meetings.
I'm not even sure if they notice or not. Just I wake up an hour later and I'm the only one still in the teams meeting.
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>is it kind of like using "safe programming practices" but for excel?
What? No, array formulas are special. They let you perform operations on each item in a range. You have to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make an array function (which shows the {}). Pic related is an etremely simple example. Normally you can't add to a range, but with an array formula you can.
Then it's under Format
Array formulas require caution
Sounds grim
Which action does one take when the left portion of the original poster's image is applicable to my own person while working at my employers designated real estate?
oh, I understand that, I meant like are these used because they are "safer" than just doing a formula and pulling it down?
No need to be cautious ,array formulas are fun, here's one I wrote
...safer than what? Array formulas let you perform operations in one formula that would normally require multiple intermediate cells and formulas. Like the one I posted above:
There are five numbers (1-5) and the cell directly below sums them. The one that's highlighted takes the range, adds 1 to each, and then sums those results. There's no other way to do that in one formula (without doing some kind of fake cheating). If you wanted to do it without an array formula, you would need a second column in E that adds 1 to its neighbor in D, and then sum those.
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Oh forgot to add the pic of my array formula.
I know what it does, but idk how it works anymore. I wrote it months ago.
It would be a good filter for fresh grads if it wasn't so common. You'd be surprised how many people freeze up when you ask them to do simple stuff like fizzbuzz, printing a string in reverse, etc.
why is reversing a string excel so fucking complicated?
Do you hate structured references or something
Anon I hate everything
?detacilpmoc gnikcuf os lecxe gnirts a gnisrever si yhw
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I dun ged id
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Also I can't really use structured references because I use that formula in every column, and thus most of the cell references change each column.
Brother you have a table of values, of course you can use structured references
i feel like a retard all the time. will this feeling ever go away?
Once you become knowledgeable enough to feel like a smug faggot, that's the time you're going to be humbled back into a gay retard. It works in cycles.
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i'm starting to code some cool software for my curriculum, what type of license should i put? GPL or BSD?
Trump's going all in on H1Bs so have fun with that lmao
You really think he's gonna turn the USA into Canada 2.0?
No that's not a caps lock error
He literally said he wanted to copy their immigration policy during his campaign.
I'm not racist, but whenever I answer the phone and hear a slight delay followed by an Indian voice I hang up immediately
Indian telemarketing has been a global disaster for the perception of Indians
They're already talking about it. With any luck we can just flush our punjabis straight across the border and let America deal with them.
nah you can keep your sars
kek, that sounds crazy but I've seen some bad resumes.
lmao trumpniggers literally don't even fucking listen to what he says
>ENTRY level
>durr why dont dey have one plus two yeersofexbeerence in de rezoome >:^(
The 'recruiter' is the retard here, would fire him and hire Bateman instead
>nah you can keep your sars
Yeah we want fresh saars, not the ones civilised (even if only 0.1%) by the leafs
Entry level doesn't mean no experience dumbass. No wonder you don't have a job saaars
Entry level doesn't mean no qualifications whatsoever
>Have 3 internships
>Only offer is from a WITCH company
It is over bros? I already accepted it because the market doesn't seem to get any better. I know I should keep trying but it seems so pointless DESU.
>no qualifications
Almost everything listed was about job history, with the exception of the last two.
would you all rather work for an Israeli tech company, or a Palestinian tech company?
All tech companies are israeli tech companies.
If you work for an israeli tech company you make more money, and you can make even more by selling its secrets to Palestinian tech companies.
$1 is $1.
>Palestinian tech companies
which Palestinian tech companies?

I work remotely and I aint going to an office.

Any who tries can suck my dick.
Somehow I feel the guys he listed weren't grads or geniuses with awesome dev projects listed elsewhere on their resume
Not him, but if you're not applying through networking/nepotism you're getting thrown in an automated system that filters for the best possible qualificationsfor said position. It's a massive problem because you could have a good resume, but not have 1 thing, and get filtered out.

At my current job all of the people who got hired through in-person interviews or referrals are great. The people who just had their resume loaded with "experience" are walking liabilities or waste of a payroll, and contribute far les work.
Why is it a massive problem that the people with the best qualifications are being selected for interviews
>with awesome dev projects
I don't think anyone cares about your projects.
nta but i assume because what the filter ends up leaving behind is lying jeets that pretend to have everything the job wants but dont actually know shit
It incentivizes tailoring your resume per application (lying).
The people with the "best" resumes get selecte. Not best qualifications. You don't know what a person is capable of until you are able to meet them face to face.
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You'll know what I'm capable of long before we meet
Absolutely nothing.
I know this because you're on 4chan.

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