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File: balls.gif (346 KB, 500x506)
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346 KB GIF
/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

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>When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat. -George Carlin
22 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
best he can do is run them over! then claim heart attack.

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Exactly what I said in the subject. Feel free to post anything even remotely connected. The more the merrier!
47 replies and 34 images omitted. Click here to view.
just beat off & shut up man. you talk abt kikes on the toilet too? embarrassing
shut up retard.
What scene is this?

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108 replies and 35 images omitted. Click here to view.
Holy shit.... What in the absolute fuck did I jus watched!!!!!
After extensive research I am confident that this is Amyrae. I don't think she's active anymore. Hopefully she got her life together because goofy nerdy girls like her being whores online really depresses me.
Fuck this is extremely sad. She acts like she's still 18 years old it's really weird.
This thread is depressing but good.
The amount of coping these whore are doing, the mental gymnastics to justify their existence. The sad, disgusting, meaningless lives they live. The shame they have but playoff. They all look dead inside, even the ones laughing.
Not to be a moralizing faggot (too late, I know), but why do some of you anons want source on some of these webms? Surely it's not to masturbate to these losers? I feel like there are a million better porn videos to jerk off to than these. Or is it precisely because they're so broken and gross and that's what does it for you? Either way, there sure are a lot of low quality, fucked up people out there.

Post anything new and old with bwc white men with any woman and raceplay etc
202 replies and 115 images omitted. Click here to view.
"Tell me you ______ without telling me." Please adopt this format. Thank you.
>acting like black men are the most desirable
Internationally, the Aryan Ubermensch type and African American men trade 1st and 2nd most desirable man slots every year or so.
>truth is, you need to do everything you can to keep black dudes down out of fear they would do to you what your forefathers did to them
>or more, do to your daughters
>who is the girl
Some girl that used to frequent the BLM tag on omegle, I know because I bumped into her a few times (she's a massive whore).
you know if you actually go outside, basically everyone agrees and behaves as if black men are the least desirable out of anyone by far? its only men who have fetishised their insecurity about blacks and the women who play on that who act like they're the most desireable. i.e only the biggest and most insecure coombrains
the cope is too strong with this post

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>Even chinese don't try this.
thats funny, westoid. The Chinese are the smartest race. Communist China has the most advanced productive forces. Americans have facebook
why are pajeets so fucking retarded
I got you covered mate
I used to think his eyeball popped out.
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You post a tranny, and the next tranny that gets posted is your bride, you will have to show her to your family.
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Ive seen her posted here before, who is she
i do
You do realize that everyone is here to jerk off and leave, right? You're not accomplishing anything by dropping your impotent rage in the trans porn thread, dude. Its funny, the spikes in blood pressure you get whenever you see these threads is probably impacting your physical and mental health, which is funny because thats what you're trying to do to others here. What a pathetic fucking life you lead.
little bird or something, some numbers as well but I also forgot
hope this helps

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Post stuff that makes you say
>uhmm, BASED? and also REDPILLED?!?!?!?!??!?
66 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
Come on man. Biden din do nuffin.
this is the difference between white and niggers right there.
If a nigger drops their opponent they will keep beating them, killing them preferably. whites have self control, because brain works, niggers = just savages
He literally didn't in that video. You're so fucking retarded
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The difference between blacks and whites is obvious
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Post any kind of animated porn you like vanilla degen, it doesnt matter. this isnt the thread to complain about seeing what you dont like, I wanna see all kinds of things.
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Still one of the GOATS. I hoped Red would inspire some copycats but nope. Still no solid Tink stuff
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222 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
how did the connection come to be? what was the prime piece of evidence that made everyone realize it was the same person
Anybody got her stuff from her old account
what does that mean?
>225 posts
>only 36 files
come on
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>what was the prime piece of evidence that made everyone realize it was the same person
She showed enough of her face in her old vids + there was enough of her voice + she shot vids at work in her work clothes, not impossible for one of her porn prone students to come across her vids and figure it out (she was pretty popular even before she was outed).
There was some rumor at the time that she got her full face snapped at an AVN expo, but I've never seen the proof of that.

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Post some actual technical fights in /fight/ where the fighters use legitimate technique to either win in competition or on the street. For once,
>sucker punching is not a fight
>videos like Big Billy where it's just only a full Mortal Kombat finisher aren't technically fights
>shootings aren't fights unless they use cqc
>people getting run over by bulls, while incredibly entertaining, also does count as a fight lol
>animals killing humans or each other also counts as a fight
>human killing animal has to be an actual fight not torture, like the nigga defending himself from pit bulls vs the monke torture lunatics
>black people and white people are the same 1v1, depending how they train
>try to include a diversity of people fighting
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he's probably literally a tubby 14 year old just talking out his ass coping over the fact that he would be as helpless a baby against someone throwing kicks. in his mind he can pretend and imagine he can throw a punch but he knows he cant throw a kick. thats my guess anyway
Literally do this in his webm >>27113641. Stick to the basics. You see him going for a kick, you move in and knock him out instead. Gee I wonder what's scarier, getting kicked in the leg, or getting punched with a bare knuckle in your face. If you tell an inexperienced fighter to try checking leg kicks in the streets you are the biggest, cringiest, nerdiest, most obese, pizza faced, greasiest, pyjama gym larper.
looks like you were right
I would be hilarious if this happened, but I really, really hope you never end up in a street fight against an experienced fighter. Your goofy ballerina ass would lose teeth within a second.
>Nobody said anything about getting your leg broke, illiterate ape.
>Fall on your neck or get your shins/knee snapped in half then

looks like we got a genuine retard over here boys. life must be hard for you eh

Just asian girls showing their bodies


(Lesbian stuff welcome)
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Women trying to talk about/explain something yet your eyes keep wandering
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It won't be 200 years until 2038.
>Women and Infant's Act was 1838
they argued for it before they got it. but yeah great pedantic autistic nitpicking and everything but no one cares
GodI'd love too fuck her while calling her "tits" and telling her that she's a pair of tits and that her tits make her better than other women saying stuff like "thank you for being such a great pair of tits" while she cries and says "no" but can't stop herself from cumming.

she needs to learn to enjoy it.
She's going to pass on the same genes to her children anyway
That episode aired closer to 10 years ago iirc she's more like a young millennial
But this trend dooes seem to be worse among zoomers due to tiktok
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Post webm in which you want to be the girl.
Get webm reaction to that --> you have been made that girl.
Announce challenges,
maybe deploy rules
(Usually: 0-4 you are bottom, 5-9 you are top)
Or something like this.
Have fun!
27 replies and 16 images omitted. Click here to view.
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196 replies and 58 images omitted. Click here to view.
why even bother trying to spare it's life
So you were the weird one at school, huh
Feel-good video
Didn't Ethan react to the original? What was his name?

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