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I found this work a while back and love the concept of a harem but it’s just one girl with D.I.D.


I started looking for anything with a similar concept but I don’t even know what tag I should be searching for assuming it even exists.

Anyone have any works that are similar or any tags that might be semi-relevant in looking for more?

Gonna storytime this while waiting for replies.
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I appreciate that someone finally attempted to answer the original OP question after a full month.
Hot as fuck. Anyone know about sny other doujin with DID?
This fetish is rare to find anon
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There are 3 chapters, "M" part 1-3 in OVER FLOW by Inoue Kiyoshirou, the girl created a second personality while being raped and switch to it whenever it happened again until that second personality takes over and take revenge.

Old thread: >>7936581

Fap Hero is hentai and rhythm based masturbation game that can be played for fun and challenge.

[How to play]
1: Watch a fap hero video
2: Stroke your dick one time each time a beat passes by on the beat bar
3: Do no pause the video, look away from the screen, or skip any beats
4: If you cum before the video says you can, you lose

Fap Hero videos can be found on most big porn sites, or downloaded from online communities (like this thread)
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So, to kick things off, what are the current rumored releases going to be? I remember the T-REXXX project, but I have forgotten about the rest.
Bastati and Pixel are working on new releases but I'm sure there are even more in the works.
So I downloaded RJ01113293, and the description on DLSite says


But I extracted the APK and the ejaculation scene is always the same. Thought there'd be some hidden condition by doing Hard, but nope.

Now I feel blueballed even more.
On top of those, there’s a Touhou FH in the works
Also I’d reckon Meliodas is still working on Oral Bliss 2.
Also apparently there’s a FH coming out from this new guy, HMVLOVERX3. He has a few previews on his iwara, I’ll link one.

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What's the best Fakku piracy methods?

I really really don't want to give the Jews by money for porn.
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you must be a turbo retard, a website that 1000 people use is not worth pursuing, a website that millions use are definitely worth pursuing. why do you think you can find nintendo roms on the web despite the company being very aggressive in their takedowns?
if you weren't a fakku shill aka a subhuman retard, you wouldn't be going full circle i.e. repeating the same debunked lies after every 3-4 posts in each thread

fakku doesn't care how popular a website is

>why do you think you can find nintendo roms on the web despite the company being very aggressive in their takedowns?

because they don't give a shit, you fucking retard. find a hammer and beat your head with it for each time you repeated this strawman fallacy
so fakku says hentai cafe and hentainexus had millions of views

unfortunately, because we are gentiles, fakku does not feel obligated to prove their claim

also, despite claiming to only go after websites with millions of views, fakku sends out TENS of MILLIONS of copyright takedown notices across a couple of months to anyone who as much as mentions fakku

like said before, we're gentiles, fakku can't be fraudsters

>Fakku's founder, Jacob Grady, studied computer science in Massachusetts at the time and used student loans to pay the server bills of a site that was essentially a pirate operation.
>Over the past few months, Fakku has repeatedly gone to court trying to unmask the operators of sites such as Hentai cafe and HentaiNexus. These two domains have since disappeared.
>At the same time, the publisher is sending millions of takedown notices to various online platforms. Google alone has received over 45 million takedown requests from the company since early this year. Unfortunately, not all of these are correct.
>A few days ago the company sent a DMCA notice to Google asking it to remove 1,110 URLs from its search results. Most of these point to pirated content, but TorrentFreak was listed among these sites as well.

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Look at that.

Fakku is trying to slide the thread because they got a little bit exposed.
So the reason these sites exist is because Fakku can’t take them down? Based

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Tall women get dominated by guys shorter than them

Pic is
My First Friend by Etuzan Jakusui
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[Tenkirin (Kanroame)] Onaho Ochishita Kikai Tenshi-sama to Boku no Natsuyasumi | My Summer Vacation with a Fallen Faphole Mech Angel
I was going to recomment more Fujoujoshi but his other art isn't on nhentai at all, anything from him fits this thread
this used to be on nhentai but i cant find it now

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If you told me this was AI, I would've believed you. Why the fuck is the cock drawn like that?

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Been a while without a thread.

Pastebin: rentryDOTco/249zu

Added stuff from the previous thread but still need to check if Slow Starter applies
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>The creator turned comments off
Must have been some seething
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Previous >>7970044
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Quickly Anon! As your country's birthrates have hit a critical low, you have been given the highest seat of power as an emergency measure, along with absolute power to push through any laws and legislation to ensure that people have babies at all costs. Foreign relations and societal consequences be damned! What do you do?
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That's it! Bless you, anon.
So is government sponsored sex service a punch in punch out type deal? Like you come in at 8am punch out at 5pm and it's like a sudden shift of personality. Like a complete "Morning, Sam. Morning, Ralph." type deal. Overtime? 401k? What kind of insurance? These are all important questions.
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Does Alien mandated sex count? Pretty decent quick doujin of Aliens who destroy Earth not knowing there was intelligent life on it and trying to rebuild the species.


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Post pokegirls.
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>entire fucking novel in a massive ugly square
Fucking w*stoids
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The credit card company rejected DLsite's compromise request. It seems that DLsite will either completely surrender like Getchu and delete various "incorrect" works, or it will be completely unable to use Western credit cards. With Getchu's surrender, I am worried that DLsite will do the same.
I hope that DLsite will ban American users in the future, just like PIXIV, the Japanese should not be made to suffer from domestic problems in the United States.
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That is the concern or the factor to think and worry about. As schizo paranoid or exaggerated as it is. And that COULD happen over petty beef/drama amongst social media artists, which then becomes the catalyst for what is described at >>8014727

Worst and tragic of all. If the unholy alliance composed of the big media corpos, publishers, game devs, sfw vanilla-fag artists and IP holders or estates do come together and create a new official law or set of rules that basically criminalizes Rule 34. So many other artists and Normies; many of whom who aren't complete puritans or left-leaning people, might or WILL vote for and support such a new set of rules and standards. Especially if it means kids and minors in general getting less access to porn. Severe or harsh punishments to NSFW artists who MIGHT BE predators or groomers in hiding. And many, MANY more vanilla-fag artists or any other artists and creators who frown upon Rule 34 can rejoice that coomers and porn addicts can longer make porn of their creations and horny jackassess being unable to even privately commission such porn and lewds of people's OCs and creations. Even if it means less artistic freedom and expression and more overreaching control by big media corpos, publishers and IP holders. Plus, Nintendo Lawyers now even having more reasons and excuses to sue and DMCA'ing more people than ever before. Now the corpos, publishers, IP holders and vanilla-fag artists can go around forcing NSFW artists everywhere to takedown whatever porn and even private commissions of whatever non-porn IPs and media they've ever drawn or animated.
Maybe these new set of puritanical laws can be some enhanced and modified form of Copyright rule, defamation law and "anti-vandalism" law to protect an artist's work of art from degrading and criminal sexualization, and such. The vanilla-fag artists and overwhelming Normies might or will support and vote for such a thing to pass for good hearted (and absolutely naive) intentions, reasoning and justification because; porn is Le Bad.
And who's going to end up looking bad? The vanilla-fag artists and creators or who're making romantic, wholesome and safe for work light hearted love stories who also make it absolutely clear they do not want their wholesome vanilla characters and story to be sexualized and do not want porn or any NSFW made of it? Or the porn and NSFW artists who do not honor the wishes of the vanilla-fag artists and make degenerate, unwholesome, not-safe-for-work NTR, rape, BLACK'D, Scat and Guro artwork of such characters and a story/series/setting that is never pornographic? INCLUDING, the Horny Jackoffs who'll also commission degenerate nasty NSFW and porn of such characters from the vanilla that is non-pornographic, because they found some of the certain female characters to be "so sexy, cute and rapable."
Think about it like that. For it all serves as monopolization, Shadow Banning certain individuals, artists and creators. More overreach from big media corpos, publishers and possibly game devs. And a newer form cancel culture, this time with possible support, approval and praise from vanilla-fag artists and Normies who frown upon Rule 34.

And the catalyst and reason why it might happen is because of petty beef and drama between vanilla-fag artists and rule 34 porn artists and Horny Jackoff Art Commissioners.
go back to physical material and sell in cons or circle events or admit crypto,at this rate nsfw its going to become an "fuck the system thing" thing
Paypal was allegedly banned, but how come Im getting more subs than ever on pixiv fanbox?

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Misa-nee supremacy.
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It's my favorite.
Where can i find this image? Saucenao shows no results.
it's probably AI
Definitely not ai, I've seen anons post it at least a decade before ai took off. I don't know what the original source is though. Might have been raita's old geocities page.
i found it, so its an official product that had raita commissioned to make art for it.

as a manga reader, one of the best things about the adaptation is getting more porn. Can't wait for izutsumi
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Couldn't find any straight stuff with Thistle, and I'm not interested in m/m or m/fu(I'm not really into f/f either, but that's an unpopular opinion around here apparently).
Ngl i hate the yuri shipping and more or less ruinned it for me.
Can't girls just be friends without people going "omg yuri"
100 percent aggred and the same goes for the yaoi but tb honest they are not as loud as the yurifags

Previous thread >>7768404
Older threads https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7631305

Guilty (Nightmare/Dash) Catalogs
https://vndb.org/p115 (https://vndb.org/p10006 / https://vndb.org/p12551)

DLC patches, Resources and FAQ (under construction): https://textbin.net/gamfrzax7k
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/guilty---toriko-nightmare-heroines--626031

Recent releases:
Toriko no Chikai ~Nakama No Tame Ni Shintai O Kakeru Shojo No Jingi ~
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=71492
Shizuka Athlete DLC (just drop into Chikai folder): https://files.catbox.moe/qrjyi0.rar

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Nope, Guilty's full attention is on the upcoming Toriko game so I doubt we will get any new info about the next nightmare game, until at least the Toriko no Urara is released.
Sorry to bother everyone but does anyone have 「雨月梨那・夏の豪華客船で穢される女子大生モデルムービー」Toriko no Yugami DLC? I can't seem to find a working link to it.
They are just some video clips, so no game to run on

Planning to put some up on Mega since most links are dead (rip anonfiles)
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Considering that Urara's setting is an all boy's school.

How many males do you think should be present in the girls 'welcoming party' ?

Imo 6 at least, but I definitely would like it better if it reached double digits at least (for example 12) so that the girls would be left in a similar messed up state as the girls from the Wana series.

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crabs in a bucket ass mentality
I'm not gonna pull anyone down, do whatever the hell you want, dont care. I just personally think socializing is cringe and I hate it and I love being by myself. Everyone dies one day, just enjoy it while it lasts
right on, bro
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She doesn't fuck him but I think it's worth a read
Shindol, Derenai Family

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Post you favourite panels/pages involving Delicious ASSES
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no him but can you give both?

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