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Previous thread: >>7953176

NEWCOMERS! Make sure you read through the guide carefully, it'll likely answer most of your questions.

>Latest H-Voice Thread News/Updates
It’s been two years since we lost 愛枝今日子…

>Voice Work Illustration for the Thread
RJ291638 is a fun voice work about living with a lazy maid. The highlight of this work is the gap between her laziness and her overwhelming love towards her master, which without Momoka’s stellar performance, I think would’ve been difficult to sell the character. While most of the work is R18 content, my favorite tracks are definitely the first track where she brazenly asks you to order pizza delivery instead of wanting to cook, and the bonus final track in which you get to observe her acting seriously as your caretaker when you’ve gotten sick. As for the circle behind this work, +Dream is actually one of Momoka’s many personal circles (each circle has their own theme/focus). In my experience, the works that she produce tend to be at least somewhat creative/unique or experimental, so if you come across a work by her that seems interesting, you should definitely support her by trying it out.
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I've bought


All because I thought the art was hot and wanted to support the artists. The first title with Cut's art, weirded me out since I could see how it can get addicting. Then I caved to Masami Chie's art. Despite not knowing the language, I've used it as background noise when I read manga.

Yeah, I'll get to learning the language. Just giving out some thoughts.
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Extremely COOM work, love type of girl that is kinda shy and pure but ends up excited seeing your manly dick anyway.

My only turn off that the 'You' portrayed on this work a disgusting pervert. Hate when they do impressions of 'your thoughts' on it.
>not being a disgusting pervert
Why are you even here?
LOL It's given I'm a digusting pervert but in this work it's more about they constantly doing impressions of you all the time.
Example: https://files.catbox.moe/h03lic.mp3

Still very hot

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Been a while without a thread.

Pastebin: rentryDOTco/249zu

Added stuff from the previous thread but still need to check if Slow Starter applies
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Well, in the latest comic, they go to a public house and get openly leered on by a random kid while they are undressing and he even shows off his erect cock to them. Later that night, Emma fucks Chizuru's brains out while telling her to imagine is the kid fucking her instead.
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I love handsome dykes with really big titties.
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Mei dickings

Mom NTR bread
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This guy's work would be fine to fap to if he didn't make the dicks and men so fucking weird and disgusting

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“Girls taking vanilla creampies. No Cheating/NTR*.
Human on Human** interactions only

*For the purposes of applying the rules, cheating corresponds to any and all sexual activity outside an estabilished romantic relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancées, marriage, or anything else). Sex between people who don’t have romantic partners constitutes the sole exception of this definition.

**By human on human, understand the characters gotta look 100% human, even if not human in their lore. The only exception is if the girl, specifically, has one unusual characteristic and everything else is normal, or if she is a -mimi girl. In the latter case, use the Nekopara cat-girls as a border of what is acceptable ─ anything less human looking is no longer acceptable (no girl from Monster Musume would count, for example; nor would Albedo from Overlord).

Thank you.”
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pretty tame compared to hentai in general..
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300 posts in less than 3 months challenge edition

Honey Select 2 latest version: HoneySelect2 DX BetterRepack R14

AI Shoujo latest version: AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl BetterRepack R15

HS2 Guide:

AIS Guide:

Latest Patch/Updates

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Shortstack Fairy
Not very good a posing but I tried
In game is pretty good too
>Stole one of my scenes, edited it slightly and published it without even crediting me
He can go fuck himself for all I care.
im still on HS2DX BR9, what am i missing out on?

Previous: >>7865782

>"And thus, DLSite committed AI suicide" Edition

Check out >>>/aco/ Western 3D Animation General if it's even alive, which rarely is the case anymore.

Check out >>>/h/mmd Sex Dance & MMD General.

DL links shared by Anons:

Multi part free:

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With a paywall tho
new pasta please
Someone has the full ver plz?
You're a god. Thought I would have to wait until the faggotry in F95's MMD thread ended, but here it is.

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I would like another dedicated Asuka thread.
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It's cool because 13-14yo characters are like hardcore child pornography.

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I found this work a while back and love the concept of a harem but it’s just one girl with D.I.D.


I started looking for anything with a similar concept but I don’t even know what tag I should be searching for assuming it even exists.

Anyone have any works that are similar or any tags that might be semi-relevant in looking for more?

Gonna storytime this while waiting for replies.
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And it’s hot as fuck.
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>suddenly, British Asuka comes in

You gotta be shitting me
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An absolute travesty.
Yeah the author seemed to be going for the Eva nods with the sister's "colder" personality being teh Rei, guy is Shinji and the half British cousin is Asuka

This is also one of his relatively few works that aren't milf, I like his style but it's too bad
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Drop ur favs full nelson, anal, DP... All of them
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Ur sis
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Discuss all forms of NTS-themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc EXCEPT:
-Content/Discussions about IRL cuckolding / Larping. This thread is only intended for 2D NTS.
-Content/Discussions about straight NTR or NTS --> NTR. (This belongs in the NTR thread)
NTS with NTR elements is okay as long as it stays NTS.

Also: long discussions are okay but make sure your post has an NTS-related image.

NTS works/illustrations:
- https://anchira.to/?s=tag:%5Enetorase%24
- https://exhentai.org/tag/female:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/?f_search=female%3Anetorare%24+female%3Aswinging%24 (replace x with minus if you're a newfag)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E5%AF%9D%E5%8F%96%E3%82%89%E3%81%9B

Popular NTS Artists: https://pastebin.com/KhVhhGMK
NTS Games: https://pastebin.com/Pw97kzWb

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My husband is really into a cuckolding stuff , I personally would never cuck him with other guy , but the thought of seeing him squirming in pain turn me on so much .We are practicing chastity cage https://files.catbox.moe/gicw66.jpeg and I must say being the dominant one feel kind of good . Anyway , I am looking for dirty talk material, any good doujin recommendation with a bit of femdom ?
Are you sure you want your dirty talk to sound like it's coming from a virgin NEET scanlator who's proofreading Google Translate outputs
Anything from Terasu had pretty good dirty talk. There's lots of his stuff that has femdom in it whenever the heroine interacts with the cuck. I'd specifically recommend twintail or his FGO stuff as that has a fair amount of femdom in them.


Also his Love Plus doujin has great dirty talk, minding the somewhat awkward translation.


Just remember that >>8046889 is correct in the fact that you'll need to adapt it to not sound like straight up bad translation doujin writing. But those works are bound to make any masocuck putty in your hands. Hope it works out for you two.
Well they STILL didn't have raw sex so surely there's more to this
Pretty obvious that the latest video he sent Yuichi will have kissing and creampie sex

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To discussing anything from e-hentai and exhentai.
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I have a hard time believing you're not new yourself.
You belong in an asylum, you fucking retard
Feeling called out?
nexus just did a mass upload of iridori. Get them while they're hot

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>DLsite page of the DLC with the PV:
>DLsite page of the base game:
>Seismic's twitter
>Seismic's blog

"Sexy AND cute and she knows it!" edition.

Magipoka turned 18 years old a little over a month ago! So if Liru was 15/16 years old then, she would be 33/34 years old now!

"The Liru Project" (The name of the original threads) never ends. Liru is eternal and will always be with us. I believe that even after all of our lives have passed, Liru will still be remembered, discussed and content created in her name. The Liru Project goes on.

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Nine, almost 10 months for the last one. That's pretty good! Let's make this one even better!
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WGWY hits 50000 sales
since everyone else is too lazy ya'll are just gonna have to put up with my slow as balls internet

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I'm sorry my internet is too fucking shit to seed
Liru marches on...


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Aw, is your 4chan experience ruined? Try killing yourself. That will make it better
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Anytime specific measurements are mentioned. Cup size, bust size, ass size, cock size, etc.

I'm not talking about adjectives like "big", "huge", "small", or "long". Cup letters, centimeters, inches.

Starting off with Koukou/Pure by Tanishi
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It's the same company anon, SQUEEZ rebranded.
I know. They're worse.
Very nice. Seeing the titjob tally going from N/A in part 1 to her second or third most performed sex act in 3 is pretty sexo.

I see you smitty
>67 orgasms
>74 masturbations
extreme female skill issue

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Previous Thread: >>7865663

- Respect /h/ and global rules.
- You must supply a reference for the characters or at least directions for coloring in every part of their body or related objects.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- Keep your requests to one at a time.
- Be patient, some images can take a great deal of time.
- Be kind to the artists, they're giving their time to do this for you.
- Constructive criticism is fine.
- No trolling/derailing the thread
- Remember to thank whomever fulfilled your request.
Requesters, Feel free to ask for revisions of the works, it isn't an insult.
Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already fulfilled, feel free to do your own take.

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Good enough I suppose.
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This good?
That Blanc edit is spectacular. Can I ask you to make them bigger? At the same size as the head
If that doesn't bother either of you
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requesting decensor

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