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I used to try 7-80s porns and always wonder what are they doing now. I googled several top guys and it seems that almost all of them disappeared even without a trace

I beg sb here may even has some personal contact
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Makes sense. I've heard there's a lot of female real estate agents who flirt with and promise to fuck male clients to seal the deal. It's worth it for the commission.
This one is much more recent, but it's a curious one all the same:

> real estate agent

It's what Taylor Rain did and apparently she's pretty successful at it, she was even interviewed by a local news channel about the housing market a few years back.

good thread, post more
HIGH rate of early deaths in the industry, but most are simply retired and living anonymously.

Pornstars in the pre-internet era did not expect anyone other than guys that frequented porn rental stores to ever see them. So "fame" was not part of their expectations when they entered the industry. It wasn't like it is now where everyone knows they're going to be all over the internet and everyone is going to see it and know they were in porn for the rest of their lives, so they know what they're getting into beforehand and wouldn't have gotten in in the first place if they hadn't accepted that.

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Femdom General thread. Keep male chastidy to a minimum until the other thread goes down.
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>That look when her captor tells her there are 100 guys waiting for her
Did this for lulz in the myspace days with our friend who was a one-of-the-boys type of girl and we thought nothing of it. Her parents called the cops on us after seeing the posts and we all got questioned lol
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This one is just fucking stupid

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Send me WhatsApp's :D

+54 9 263 438-7461

xD xD
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I think it's a Jack&Jill video, also known as partyplayers?
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HOT Caption!

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People used as ashtrasys
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Why do this?
And I thought the BBC threads were fucking dumb.

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Do you have pack with her?
Anon, I....
My father used to go there when we lived the next town over in Lake Village
Your Mother
>On April 3, 2024 , all 34 criminal counts were dismissed per 1385 PC: "California Penal Code 1385 permits courts to dismiss a criminal charge in the furtherance of justice."[80] Therefore, he neither pled guilty; nor was ever convicted of any crimes.

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Girl drinking cum from glass, cup, container etc
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Their little tummies distended from all the cum ingested.
Any one have any old swallowingsluts pics. So mad that site went down. It was the sister site to facialhumiliation. Some of the first porn sites when the web started.

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The bigger the better! not super into fake bolt on tits, but I also don't mind them either
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Anon stole the show and single handedly made this a great thread.


Thank you for your service!
I think I get off to this lady more than my own partner
I appreciate the dump
who is she ? sauce pls

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I have a strong preference for white, but sometimes a huge black butt is the greatest thing in the world.

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holes from behind
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where is this from? I want more
Goddamn, you are a lucky man, I’d love to have that collection!
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Adorable, look at that cute expression!

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Because the contrast makes it hotter.

Also a question: Why is it so hard to find hot black girls taking loads? Even searching gets surprisingly few results. And the ones you do get are often uggos.
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L'Wanda done PAID her rent : the thread
They were raised? And you're mind broken about white people.
>Why is it so hard to find hot black girls taking loads?
Because most aren't good enough actresses to pretend like they love cum. Even more rare to get cum in their mouth.
I think it's just you, kid.

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As the title says, anything chastity
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caged cocks only get feet imo
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I have that same cage. It’s so fun to cum in when my girlfriend uses her vibrator on it.
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nice. i need the smaller one. im going to start locktober with the one that fits my lock, but i'm pretty sure im going to buy a kink3d during locktober and i'm going to make my gf pick between pink and black :p i doubt she has the balls to pink pink, she likes to talka bout making me a sissy faggot, but isnt dominant enough to do it so my lockups are short and she's fucked often which is just fine for now. im old enough to only get more "degen" if my partner is also onboard.

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This is my wife. I dated her since I was 15 and I was the first man she fucked. We ended the relationship last year and got back together recently. I was able to access her chats and found out that this bitch was fucked by so many men and even a black guy, probably with a giant dick because he is huge. I had already fucked a Lot her slut asshole, but I think the guy fucked her even more agressivo than i! We started talking About Double penetration and about calling another male to break the bitch in! She is enjoying showing off her pussy And asshole in web but is not ready for two cocks, according to her. But I believe that the damage that I did it to the slut for 17 years fucking her ass and now with this black guy ruining her ass once and for all, the slut is ready. But for now the slut prefers to show off her photos. She made me show her photos to my friends saying that was some random prostitute that I fucked and she came really severelly on my dick while I was talking about my looser friends' comments
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I’m very sorry to hear that Nick. At least you still have your law channel
Nice pussy and little strip that looks super hot. Would tongue that perfect little asshole
Her cute slit and her gaping holes are very arousing. Thnaks for sharing. Would love to see a nude picture of her standing and facing the camera.

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nobody goes through the trouble of changing their gender just so they can sneak into a public bathroom
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I probably would have waited for them to finish, but you are abolutely correct. drunk women are nothing but a disaster waiting to happen. Even if she is YOUR woman, beware once she gets too many drinks in her.
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>all those women sitting directly on the urinal
Yuk I can feel the STDs on my skin just watching at these pics

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