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Has anyone here set up a gangbang group before? I will use fetlife.
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They should try this on her to see if it jump starts her brain activity
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DAAAAAMNNNN. thats savage bro
Never set up a gangbang before but i have been to a handful of them in Portland Oregon which has a fairly active kink community. Basically they are fucking disgusting, Ive seen bitches at gangbangs wanting to get dicked down that literally look like they could be cast on TLC’s “my 600 pound life”. And the majority of the men there are mexican construction workers, normie-looking bookstore perverts, or guys that it’s obvious that they cannot get laid unless it’s with an open call litteral cum dumpster. Last gangbang I went to earlier this year there was this black guy there with lips that looked like they had been stung by 100 hornets, his lips were enormous, they looked like tubes for bicycle wheels. Also no surprise these events attract a fair amount of skinny indian dudes that just stare and look creepy as fuck, sometimes they get out of hand and will start touching some woman and have to get kicked out.

Also, an observation on most of the women younger women that go to these kink/ sex party events alone, they are fucking overweight and ugly, and so no doubt got zero attention in high school and college. Basically femcels. But at sex clubs for one night at least they can feel what its like to be “the hot chick” since the guys that go alone, they will pretty much fuck anything and so they fawn after the one fatty that might be DTF. Im not hating, ive been there, ive porked my fair share of big boned bitches at these parties. Got the best head ever from a really oddly shaped white trash whore with several teeth missing.

For sure any gangbang that is worth being apart of is set up privately or spontaneously.

Tl;dr theyre not worth going to

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perfect lil race traitor
Daddy's evil racetraitor <3
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never seen this one
That's the one she gets fucked at a house party

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Its kinda crazy how the switch just flipped with her. she has a quarter of a million followers and was posting normal egirl shit, then just randomly decided to announce she gets really turned on by all the BBC edits shes tagged in and started retweeting and encouraging BNWO content. I thought she was hacked initially.

She 100% has a black bf now and is waiting for the right moment to release a fuck vid.
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She's ovulating
BNWO is real
You spend a lot of time staring at shit do ya
seems like Shes bait posting for simps because i seen nothing on her insta just on x which is faggot site anyway

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new thread
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Holy fuck, the Queen has come back!
Got any Bree Daniels? Not the one where she's on a leash, I already have that one.
How is that a BBC? Pathetic
It's because no one wants music during the scenes anymore and everyone always complains if someone actually tries to do it. It's one of the major complaints, so studios have dropped it altogether.
She's one of the few new girls who'd be pretty enough for the old Blacked.

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What a low IQ post!
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She made me love nipple piercing. I still have a huge thing for the
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Stoya at the Hotel Elk, NYC. You’d think she could afford someplace nicer
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>tfw you will see Kendra slurpin dick on blackpayback or dickdrainers in your lifetime
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little demonic whore that everyone forgets about
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It's obvious her stepdad had been grooming her for years
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Gabbie apparently knew her step-dad since she was only 1 year old. She didn't grow up as some kind of trailer trash either, she frequented golf courses and country clubs as a young girl. She gave some crazy logic for fucking him for cash to "prove he was a creep" to her mother.
>nothing I could prove
Does this imply she recorded herself having sex with her stepdad?

Is that a solo pic or is it from a set?
that could not have been enjoyable for him

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Viola bailey
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Any More?

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forgot webm again
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>>2485256 is kittykazuhira on twitter, its a tranny

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Weight gain, boob jobs, getting bogged, whatever
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Most people in general never mature beyond that high school mentality. It's frustrating as fuck dealing with a 40 year old woman in a supposedly professional situation who'd rather gossip about pointless catty shit than do her fucking job.

So she got plastic surgery but she’s still a nigger.. What’s the point?
hesus fucking krist
dumbest bitch in the porn industry
you really can't comprehend how dumb these twats are(and twats who bogg themselves in general).
you can't reason with them. there is no common sense in those brains.
and they're argument is
>because I wanted it. I don't care
the best part is when they realise how much they fucked up. but they will never ever admit it.
I have 3 acquaintances. one did minor lip job but wants to have huge tits.

the second one done browse lips and chin and keeps adding tiny bits every year. but by the time she's 40 she'll probably look like bogdanoffs

and the third one...ooooffff fucked up her lips so bad that right now they look like infected baboon's ass that survived fire.

ALL women are fucking retarded.

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I know I saw a thread about her here, but didn't dl - anyone have the rest?
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amazing thank you so much this is new stuff finally , please tell me you have more .
I'm weirdly drawn - strongly - to her...

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The redhead big titted Goon Goddess
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nooo anon that how u get pragnet
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Can she tan?
yo post the genital wart pics for the bros
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Just try to think of her vagina as a pirate ship, the warts are the pirates. If you stick your dick in you are Long John Silver.

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Favorite PornStars Thread
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Lily LaBeau

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They know jewish men with their tiny dicks can't compete, so they don't even try
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Holy shit, Jennifer White is a Jew(ess)??? That makes her even hotter!

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