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Odd choice of image for an action thread.
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Does vidya count?
I think it should.
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Lake Absegami, Bass River State Park, NJ (sunset).
maybe the only good place in the whole state.
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The Pine Barrens make up almost 30%, I think its around 28-29% of NJ's land. It is a cool place to camp in and experience nature. Lake Absegami was a man-made lake under the WPA...If I remember my history correctly.
PicRel: Sunset Bass River, Lake Absegami, Pine Barrens NJ.
So that is why it smells like a swamp there!
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Pretty sure these are lakes!

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from any decade
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Does this count?

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random hi-res.
mods please create /cel/ already so we can have this board back.
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>mods please create /cel/ already so we can have this board back.
been saying this for 12 years since the war on waifu-threads from /tv/ started right after all the /sp/eddit tards moved in, right before bane happened (astrotured by them mostly too)
how was that taken?
It's a photo taken by Voyager 1 in 1990 at, I think, the request of Carl Sagan.
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Maybe another 10 years is all it will take.

Starting with some Bill Henson
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I think it is time to accept AI can make fine art.
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Fine art or merely a really nice picture?

I post. You decide.
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She might be flawless
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>I wouldn't post my top 10 in this thread. I don't have an actual list

hahahah shut the fuck up you attention seeking faggot
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>my top 10
Wasn't my idea. Complain to
>So do you think Olivia Wilde is THE prefect women
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Now now I haven't said anything about YOUR TOP 10, Those are your own words, but if you think Alison is that unimpressive you should just probably keep it to yourself and not post here, won't be replying to anymore of your post

Have a nice day
I did not want to have to explain any other post also was not an example of perfection.

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Ancient Egypt
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I think I have some but I don't have it in an Egypt folder so it is not easy to find.
Thank you for sharing this, all of us were wondering about your absence.
It is embarrassing to be sure and I am proud of my courage to share.
So he started this gender fluid nonsense?

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hand holding
>hand holding
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So shitty it took the most industrial and scientific undertaking ever performed by man to get them to chill? Sounds like an odd cope.
>no flag board
>attribute everything you don't like to Americans and constantly complain/seethe
Every time
that only proves they couldn't scientifically keep up with their enemies, nigger. No wonder their nation is now a haven for western incels and pedos drawn to drawings of young girls while their own women fuck dogs. And a suicide capital.
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No, you nigger monkey zipperhead. They were a shit empire because they had a shit army, a shit navy, a shit economy, and shit territorial holdings. Didn't even last a decade. The nukes are just funny. At least post a fucking image before you choke on Jap cock.
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Stinky brown hands typed this message. Fuck the Germs, fuck Israel, fuck Japan, God Bless America.

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The abstracter the better.

Colors and shapes to amaze.
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Um. Why did I come to this pic? I was stroking my cock for 39 minutes with the aid of the Scarjo thread. Moments before I squirted I moved to this thread.

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she fucking stinks
She is seeing a boomer, an Englishman who lives in the south-west of France. I saw her brother last summer. He went canoeing.
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Emma watson looked attractive--nipples protruding--in her white heels before /hr/. Very very respectful.

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I want to get a boat!
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my good fellow, I do believe these are ships
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All (water) ships are boats though not all boats are ships.
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Isn't it a case that ships have boats but boats can't have ships?

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Upload some cute pics of Hapa girls, ideally ones you know personally, so that they look more like real women and less like instathots.
Pic related is a girl I went on a couple of dates and made-out with but unfortunately she ghosted me afterwards.
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You know her?
No I'm completely ignoring that part of the thread.

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