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Welcome to the North Park OC thread, a place to draw, create and discuss original characters for North Park, a South Park spin off. Feel free to read through the wiki for more information on the characters so far. Otherwise, draw characters and have fun!

Fantasy monsters edition

Previous thread:
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North park collectively agrees to drop him off there on the weekends since South Park has shared custody of him
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>Dorothy's hat
Cute and practical for her kind at the beach
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Heyo! Welcome to the OC Thread. Feel free to post about your Original Characters.
This thread's theme is: powerscaling. How strong is your OC? Do they low dif Goku? Can they blow up a universe? Or are they just a lil guy? Talk about their powers, abilities, special techniques, etc. Remember, the theme of the thread is just for fun. If you just wanna sperg about your normal people OCs, that's cool too!
We have a server as well hehehe gg.3XjNhEwKdv
Annnd without further ado... Let's get drawing, oekaki!
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i guess their power is lucid dreaming, which they do to fight monsters that cause nightmares.
>how strong
they're skinny girls
>can they beat goku
in their dreams haha
She was raised by pious dwarves, so maybe. Her main racial trait is that if her head is otherwise destroyed or decapitated her mind is backed up in her snake tail so she can keep fighting until treated with the proper healing spells.
I don't know a Mr. Crawler, I'm just a simple man that likes big women of the non-human persuasion. Also thanks for the doodle. It's the first time anyone else has done art of my OC.
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avnas in a bunny suit :3
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I'm actually working on part three of fred gets dehumanized. Gonna finish it this thursday.
Pic semi related the thumbnail to the comic on tapas.

>lizard like
I very much like it! Reminds me of the avg mexician. What if you cut her tail off? Those she suffer negative effects from lacking her tail, or does her tail only really activate after her head gets cut.
What are her nightmares/dreams? Btw interesting designs

I like this.
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The only things Koxasy can do while sober is spraying your eyes with mace and run away. If she drank any alcohol, even if the ABV (alcohol by volume) is dangerously high, she became belligerent and start using the bottle or anything that she can reach to throw at you. If she’s not threatened, curls up into a ball and starts crying in a puddle of her own vomit until she knocks herself to sleep. She might wakes up confused with a throbbing headache with no memory of what happened.

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This is just where I'll post random characters I make such as this one named synthwave :)
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Lidle epik
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Older Roblox avatar
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His name will be Tru for now till I figure out a name :)
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Trevor now

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Oekaki Post (Time: 25m, Replay: View)
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This looks awesome!!
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 15m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)

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H/i/ everybody! I'm Lenny from /trash/, and I'll be hosting a Hungry Game for you today.
>huuuuuuuh? what's that?
Well I'll need as many of your board's finest artists (as well as some of ours) to compete in the ultimate drawn battle royale! 24 of you go into the simulation, and through a combination of homemade art and interactivity, you'll fight it out through my ridiculous events until only one of you is left standing! If you don't feel like interacting and only want to be a 'filler' entry that's fine too, so long as your entry is drawn by you I will accept it. MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE A GENDER if it's not immediately obvious!
Today's code is the Dragon Ball one. I have NO knowledge of this series so the activity of the thread is to tell me why I should watch or read it in 10 words or less.

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
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Tell Albert to fuck off because nobody cares.
wrong this is fake news it was me who infiltrated his family and i can attest he is actually an obese pakistani migrant living in the UK an is also married to his first cousin
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>sonic with a big ass witch hat
There was only room for one tribute with blue spiky hair, and this time you were it! Congratulations (and sorry for the delay)!
This doesn't appear to have worked especially well, in hindsight
Is /i/ HG dead forever?
>fred drama
>little to no particpants

Yep. I wonder if fred will come back as booji boy oe mr pink and try to gaslight us that he isn't them lmfao

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Join artists from all over the world in the Drawpile, the Premiere Cross-Board Collaborative Drawing Event. A 9500 x 9500 pixel shared canvas awaits!

Drawpile Software: drawpile.net/download
Session URL: sigmatelier.asperger.pro

Server is accessible 24/7

A growing amount of sporadic activity can be found throughout most weekdays, official meetup starts Sundays at 5pm CST. Hope to see you there!

Be conscious of the canvas size and considerate of others with the size of your own drawings, read the room; let's try and get the most out of each theme!

-2.2 Beta Users: Exercise caution when using the new brushes, until we can get the server updated your work could be altered after a cache reset

-for high quality, raw .png canvas files, use the MEGA archive here: https://mega.nz/folder/hbAURDBB#htWRoOsPOG30XnMmKV_zNA

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I decided to make a second thread because it actually gives me motivation to draw more and that it's good for my mind
You can also post your stuff if you want, I might or might not draw your OC depending on how easy is for me to do it.
Don't expect anything but cheesy anime girls stuff in here
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lol I can´t upload more images because my IP range has been blocked.
I guess I will just let this thread die :^(
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Oekaki Post (Time: 41s, Replay: View)
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Straight-up hypnotizing. Time well spent
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first time posting, how'd I do?

Oekaki Post (Time: 21m, Replay: View)
Boobs and dicks my favorite
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 58m, Replay: View)

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im bored af so ill draw your requests!! req me anything lol
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ough the cring
WHOA! thank you, anon! this is wonderful.
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draw Snoop Dogg signing the tits of her two biggest fans
yw anon!!!!!
why her hat so big??
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heres ur answer

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There are more of these personal threads on here than last time I checked.
Others are free to join this one. Perhaps it will motivate us all to draw something.
Post your stuff... now...
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I'm out of art ideas within my grasp...
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No idea what technique you used to get this effect, but I really like it. All of your art is cool.

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Containment thread for myself
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Draw Konata from Lucky Star
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are cosplayers allowed?

Oekaki Post (Time: 21m, Replay: View)
I appreciate their :3 effort
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>spend 20 minutes drawing something
>ready to post
>accidentally hit the wrong button and deletes my entire drawing
>no way to get it back

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)
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that sucks bro
You even drew a nice portrait of OP, how kind :)

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I decided to post some of my drawings here just for the fun of it

I only do traditional because I am too poor to have a tablet
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Thanks :)

But I kinda screwed up the coloring process
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Sketch from 1 year ago
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(sorry for the Bad quality)
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Previous: https://archived.moe/i/thread/749521

Oekaki Post (Time: 2h 14m, Replay: View)
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Time is huge because i stepped away

Oekaki Post (Time: 4h 51m, Replay: View)
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draw domo kun
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Oekaki Post (Time: 32s, Replay: View)
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domokun my beloved
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I miss seeing this guy everywhere. No idea why, but I was inspired to try shading.

Oekaki Post (Time: 25m, Replay: View)

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