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saw someone else do this, would like to try the same. taking requests of this char, open with most stuff
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what's the point? vy is primarily a /b/ drawfag and he hasn't been to even that board in about 9 months now
just let it die, he said it's alright a long while ago
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Oekaki Post (Time: 27m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 7m, Replay: View)

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my gf and i drew.... whatever this is... for cirno day (9/9)

am a newfig to /i/ lole

Oekaki Post (Time: 24m, Replay: View)
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Happy 9/9! Cute art you two.
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Forgot that most important part of the dress mb.
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Rape all fairies
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 51m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 38m, Replay: View)

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gonna be drawing this character constantly until I get bored of it, I don't wanna shit up all the other threads doing it, and the thread I'm killing is someone begging for art so

Oekaki Post (Time: 49m, Replay: View)
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Good luck in keeping the thread alive, drawing the same thing over gets tiring
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one of the twitter artists I follow drew nothing but ash crimson for probably two years.

in a few years since they've expanded all the way out to luke and one other guy whom I don't know, but still mostly ash crimson

i aspire to that level of obsession with one blorbo.

your ivies are spectacular i must try harder

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 0m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 26m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 39m, Replay: View)

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How does /i/ feel about being relegated to doodles at the expense of higher art? I used to put actual effort into what I created. Ten years ago I could do penciled photorealism and was starting to get pretty good with paint as well. I let my skills wither away and now the most I can force myself to do is a halfassed cartoon style without any elements of perspective, contrast, anatomy, all that good shit I used to master. Anyone else in the same boat?
Post what you can do now and tell me how good you used to be.

Oekaki Post (Time: 3m, Replay: View)

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Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 10m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 29m, Replay: View)
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Drew this with a PS3 controller

Oekaki Post (Time: 11m, Replay: View)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 14m, Replay: View)
I only draw with mouse and trackpad, unfortunately.
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Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Source: >>732384)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Source: >>747440)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 12m, Source: >>791301)
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Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
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Hi anonies, it's me again
This thread will be composed of drawings along with your thoughts of the day so we can share ideas, feelings or generally have a fun interaction!
I'm also going to use it to post practice drawings.
Feel free to participate, take care!
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you might be right, bd anon. not having dreams does not really sound like a good thing either...
i can relate to your envy, my siblings are people that are very passionate and have worked hard to reach their goals. it's like if their lives had a meaning from the very start. it appears like some of us struggle finding it for a long time, huh?
>Thought of the day #11
street musicians can be nice! they're pretty common at my place - i get to see two or three everyday. some days ago i heard a guy play the guitar, and i was astonished. he was awesome, i wish i had 1/1000th of his skills.... he must have worked hard to be that nice, i felt really happy for him.
for the most part, i think i love silence.
this is very soothing and nice. i didn't understand a word, but i'll buy it.

a little thought... today i petted a lot of cats. i wonder, should i have kids one day? what if my kids become criminals? i have always thought cats will be my companion, as life has taught me other people do not really enjoy my presence.
Chase your dreams, dorks. You only live once, make the most of it. If you were a ghost looking back on your life, you'd see very quickly how silly your fears actually are.
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Thank you for being so nice to me anony, it's my broken Japanese. Today I had a dream that I saw a girl at a music performance, when I got home two giant heads appeared to me and I confessed that I wanted to make music. They asked me what kind and for some reason I remarked jazz. Then they asked me if I was looking for a specific subgenre, it seemed like they were looking to help me but I woke up.

>what if my kids become criminals?
uhh I feel you. I have this need to be a mother but I'm terrified that I won't be good enough or that my children will simply decide to be mean.

Thought of the day #12:
Thank you so much! you couldn't have picked a better timing to say this!
Things have happened. I don't want to live in fear anymore! working on a comic right now. I am researching zine events in my city. I want my ideas, my drawings and my heart to come out of this pc. I don't want them to die in this little box hidden from the world. I want someone to feel them!
You're welcome friend. Best of luck to you
hi, bdanon. that's such a weird dream... i would have freaked out at the sight of two giant heads haha
>uhh I feel you. I have this need to be a mother but I'm terrified that I won't be good enough or that my children will simply decide to be mean.
yeah... that's a solid fear. you could be the most perfect, kindest mom ever, but your children will be genetic lottery. sometimes i think about having kids; but even if i found a person that would tolerate my presence, are my kids gonna be born with my same fears, insecurities and lack of self confidence? i really wouldn't like them to go through the things i did.
you'd make a good mom, you sound like a sweet person.
> I don't want to live in fear anymore!
this is awesome! please don't let your amazing creations die. it would be really nice to see your comic one day.
by the way, i wanted to draw something to attach to this reply, but i have been doing awfully bad and i can't really draw anything right now. i'm sorry.

So I made this rough background from the level Full Metal Rabbit
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i miss lbp alot

Oekaki Post (Time: 18m, Replay: View)

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Just a fun draw thread for Kiki, /vt/'s lolibaba rabbit /here/chuuba. Draw or doodle your best Kiki!

Oekaki Post (Time: 1h 34m, Replay: View)
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Did they get in touch with you?
Do they still need to?
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Kiki drink

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I challenge myself to draw something from these boards/other boards for 1 year starting now.
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>> POV: This is now a speedrun thread and the following rules subjectify them self.

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sketch i have made a long time ago. the idea to color and render this only came to me just now
what about your other thread OP? It's still up
oh right. didn't feel like going back to that. I'll continue posting on this thread as i sketch more.
could you delete it so it doesn’t clog the catalog please

hi. im thinking if i should draw them more .. the captcha is really pissing me off but I'll bear with it
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he already did, right here >>793310
lets all be supportive as he fills up the catalog
i think they are a /b/ poster, so op probably thinks this board is fast or just too ignorant to realize how slow it was.
no, he posted on /ic/ saying he 'doesnt know how this website works' and they sent him here. he didnt lurk at all before posting so he's not only a newfaggot but also a retard
damn it /ic/
lurk moar
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Any ocs? Also discord

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I will totally do requests of her!

Art work of my oc! Her name is Praskovya and she is 18 and a freshman in community college. She spends her free time reading manga and vaping nicotine. She has never tried to quit vaping. Praskovya is lazy in the extreme but hides her laziness behind a depression and adhd diagnosis. Her fave music genres are breakcore and 4th wave emo.
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And again
Draw her having a picnic.
Draw her sitting in a bean bag next to anon
Draw her having sex
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