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Want to learn something new?

The /int/ Wiki is a language learning guide created by /int/ users like you.

Cultural resources:
Cross-cultural etiquette guide
Flags of the world

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Brappende Ausgabe
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Um was für eine Bruderschaft handelt es sich den so?
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>konnte keiner ahnen, dass der Spion ist
okay, lmao, der war gut kök
Lolenrespektierer Patapmon wird im Knast abgestochen
muss jedes mal lachen wenn ich dieses hohle sinnverzerrte wort höre oder sehe

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Lincoln edish
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prison and stone
Most islands in the world
Those were mostly Danes and Norwegians
You don't hear about too many Swedish raiders tbqh
They were kino during the Thirty Years War though
buying some ephedrine online
Swedes were vikings too but they mostly went east.

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Fuck, Slovakia... why do you exist? No one really knows and cares about you, you've never acheived anything significant, your language is just a copycat Czech, your capital is a poor-ass district of Vienna, you constantly get confused with Slovenia, you'll be completely overrun by gypsies by the next century and you separate us from the great nation of Hungarians.
>Slovakia gdp per capita 25,935
>Poland gdp per capita 23,014
They're just smaller. Easier to maintain shit.
Slovakia > Slovenia
I just looked it up, this statistics is bullshit, no way Hungary's GDP per capita is higher than that of Poland

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Americans have an entire state filled with a weird post-christian cult that dictates everyone's lives there.
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the church is collapsing and has gotten undermined over the last 15 years, it isnt so bad

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hilo anime
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>Mierda ni siquiera sé la diferencia entre una universidad y un curso de internet porque no sirvo para ninguno de los dos mejor le digo indio
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tengo que recordar la crisis de la academia por todas las universidades de garaje de china e India?
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Ésta mujer Mexicana te invita a comer pastel y café a su hogar.

¿Vosotros aceptaríais?

A veces te rechaza si le pones nombres de artistas, cosas del copyright supongo
tiene demasiado gordas las piernas o es por el ángulo nomas?

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Are people mentally well in your country?
I feel like the general mental health is steadily decreasing
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>It's better than self medicating with alcohol or drugs like people used to.
Alcohol moggs shill pills.
Lmao yeah drink more! Very smart solution.
I met a legitimate soyjak that takes soyface selfies, collects toys and goes to a psychotherapist as a precaution and 'mental training'. He literally swallowed the hook, line and sinker on mental health and thinks all of it is real.
I've been vaporizing tobacco to aid with suicidal thoughts. Nicotine helps. A different kind of anxiety settles in. A better one. Breathing is unaffected. Can exercise normally. Heart rate seems faster.
I refuse to believe this shit isn't satire

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ödemfötterna asg
>21g protoin
Va, hur är det något att avundas?
kan bättare svenska än dig
Har inte gått till tandläkaren.
Så kan det gå.
hatar dig

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Literally happened to me today
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good but just coom already so you can go back to normal
Ok, post pic of barefoot Italian woman and then I'll leave and coom.
just find it online and leave
The 35 year old big booby black woman said that if she was younger she would date me
Do I have your Italian permission?

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edizione a tavola
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leggi la seconda frase TESTA DI MINCHIA
>usano la mano come i povery
Io uso tua madre
triple battono doppie spiaz
Le doppie di cristo vincono sempre

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The food bank jeet was fired LMAO
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Gypsies are much worse, at least some Jeets are educated
Kinda agree. Like, in such invaded societies with such... diversity of value systems, the racist groups should have banks just for white families with children instead of just being chuds on the internet for example.
There is only an anti-racist reflex because racism is so out of control these days
Are you really gonna be here and tell me racism against indians is not at an insane level right now?
Would you genuinly tell me right now that you are not racist against Indians in general?
Ten nukes and a joint sea and border blockade to shoot any survivors on sight.
Why do they love to put their phone on speakerphone? Worse than boomers at this point.

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What's the medical term for this condition?
homo erectus
Hahaha made me laugh
Is that guy sleeping?
Usually means a spinal cord injury. EMTs/paramedics will do a "sweep" when doing a physical exam because presence of a priapism let's them know there may be a neck injury and they need to stabilize it
t. former combat medic

Rorke getting his weak jaw tested edish
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Pretty sure a mothers' instinct is to make sure their offspring is nourished and not if their chebs look peng
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they gassed me up proper
they're* my brother's. The shoes are plural

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DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

Archive of older threads: https://desuarchive.org/int/search/subject/Daily%20Japanese%20Thread/

Translation requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust, learning method / eceleb discussions: >>>/jp/djt

Previous Thread: >>196280797
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I don't know why it happened again.
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Why are latinxs like this?
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Swastika needs to be tilted.
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>AYOOO….so u b sayin that…we wuz germin n shieeeeet???????
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Good to see he started his own business.
>bottom left
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