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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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I need to escape from ukraine, I can't say why but it's urgent and I can't wait for spring. What's my best option. I have considered swimming across a river choke point near reni, but I can't say where. I haven't been able to get to it to check it out because they have checkpoints on the bridge near the Zakota bridge. I also thought about hiking out in the carpati but I have zero clue how to and they might have drones and mines in the mountains. I have a friend that wants to join me but I have no plan yet. I found one example of a hike that's 1500m elevation and 10km long, I think I could do that in one day, then it's a 30m swim and we are safe. But if they have drones it's over. Also should I bring a rifle just in case?
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yeah I was doing research into other people that crossed, im glad I did because I forgot to mention use airplane mode on the phone
>A reasonable post
>"ermm dats reddit!!!"
Shut up faggot.
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ukraine does not have border guards on dniestr because of transnistia so swim down into moldova at night
I don't know about the story but this is pretty much exactly the MO of most illegal over land crossings.
If you're free to move in your own county you just camp in the most remote border region, and if it's a friendly border your extract does the same, because they're free to travel in their own country as well.

And if the area is demilitarised neither side wants to invest man power in particular in arresting deserters. They'll fuck up a few to make an example but are not going to be that invested in stopping individuals.

And it's also worth pointing out that it's far worse to desert the army itself than it is to just illegaly flee the county. As a civilian refugee you're not undermining the morale of your own army to nearly the same extent as a soldier who dumps their kit and runs away. And third counties are going to be far more willing to consider someone who's never engaged in military action as a civilian refugee, someone who's never seen a rifle isn't likely to become a terrorist. You didn't go to Turkey to assassinate Russians, your a civilian fleeing Ukrainians and don't give a shit if you see Ivan walking around.

Something like a million people have died in a war which having no outcome, at this point you would have to say it's a waste of lives and resources. Political leaders on both sides refuse to sign a ceasefire, yet neither want to sink enough resources in to win. If anything, western powers want to use ukranian men to attack Russia itself to punish Russia, which is of no value to Ukraine and will just get another 300,000 Ukrainians killed.

Putins forces are significantly diminished, to the point where I don't think anyone wants a Belarus, Georgian or finish front. Putin is licking wounds and if the war ended today he'd have nothing to show for it and would lose power. This is why putin won't quit, the kbg will have to shoot him at this point. NATO will continue using ukies as cannon fodder as long as they jew runs Ukraine
Dress as a Hasidic jew and they'll leave you alone.

I would flee to Poland.

Electing a drag queen as president is causus belli for any Conservative country to invade it and de-degeneratize it.
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>this is old so it’s irrelevant
kys nigger
Drag queen with bigger balls than superduper tradchad bear wrestler bunker hider kek
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Status of saving the white race?
It was untrue to begin with, now its untrue AND old, and you look like an idiot for regurgitating it.
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What are they doing?
They are preparing
to fuck ya
Generally, putting weight on the barrel is simulating fatigue. IE, can you hold a sight on target when your arms are exhausted? Sure you could get your guys to run 3 miles and do 40 push ups before the class, but organizing that is an indulgence that they cant afford when training at the tempo they do and with the number of people they have, and with the widely varying skill and fitness levels they're dealing with. So you put a weight on the barrel.
I can't find any other photos of weights, including improvised ones, intentionally hanging off a rifle barrel, or any training instructions which describe doing drills like that. I can some people discussing products which add a few ounces to the barrel to adjust the balance and inertia of a rifle, but nothing close to the 8lbs of an AK with magazine.

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Post Photos from the Ukraine war, especially volunteers
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>Post Photos from the ukraine war, especially volunteers
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Big boy packing
Lions of Avdiivka (unironically)
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I bet you're getting tired of seeing this gun edition

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous >>62891778
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I’m convinced people who want smaller, thinner handgun grips don’t know how to actually shoot
I’m a terminal handlet and even I need the additional backstrap on my glocks/walthers, because you can’t get enough support hand purchase without it
People who like the PDP-F grip don’t shoot it, and if they do, they don’t shoot it well
Handgun friends:

I picked up a PSA Dagger not that long ago, but it's a full-size so I don't think it's really a good option for a carry gun.

I saw PSA has a Black Friday deal on a SAR9 CX, with the whole kit for $250. I want to know what you guys think of it, whether it's worth it, since the gun itself has mounting screws but isn't optics cut, and while it seems to be a Glock clone-ish, I'm not sure if it takes aftermarket Glock parts/mags?
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Pls no
They have dagger compacts and G3Cs for around the same price
>I’m convinced people who want smaller, thinner handgun grips don’t know how to actually shoot
that is correct yes
Yeah, I actually struggle some times with how thin a 1911 is. I need to put fat grips on them.

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Does /k/ know anything about durr rifles? I’m going hunting for the first time since I was a teen, and I’d like to get a bolt-action and a scope. My LGS mostly has Mossberg, Ruger, Tikka, Savage, and Stoeger. I can order whatever else too. I’m not that worried about price, most are under $8-900. What I should I be looking for? Also should I get a .308, .30-06, or .270?
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Underrated bantz
maximize your buck for your buck, if you will?

100 YRDS? 50 YRDS?
>heavier barrel

It's the same barrel as the ctr, just stainless.

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What's the most "lethal", hardest hitting gun I can buy for under $800? Are shoulderable cannons a thing?
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45-70 is a perfectly adequate cartridge but it's not a magnum. I'm sure you can hot-rod 577 Snider to 6000 ft-lbs if you build a screw-breech squeeze bore miniature field gun to fire it, that doesn't count either.
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hmm, I wonder what they meant by this? why don't they just call it .45-70?
yes, even push it beyond its SAAMI specification, 45-70 is far weaker than 458WM and even less relatively powerful when compared to .458 Lott.
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>hurr durr im big recoil man post gun
>gets btfo
>akshually i have nods so neener neener

you better post a massive firearm asap or ur ghey
I'm guess a dedicated rifled slug gun with suped up fagot obliterator slugs such as>>62891995

Lot of people saying 45-70 rifle ITT but I don't think you'll get a decent one for less than $1000.

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What was it like working on the railway gun?
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>Harsh, but it was good for morale.
Yeah, the vets even do some historical reenactments of those events during their annual meetings. Now it's just for laughs of course and they even skip the whole crawling through the barrel phase.
They needed double crews, as at least half of the people were jerking off while looking at it fire.
Anon. Please don't....derail the track.
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extremely hot

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I want to chop my PC Carbine's barrel, get a suppressor, and put an Ultradot Pan-AV and magnifier on it purely for the aesthetic. Convince me this is a gigantic waste of 1700 dollars
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I've spent more on worse ideas and that's honestly a pretty baller idea
dishwashers get hot enough to potentially warp any plastic on a gun
I think the original Pan-AV looks really cool on carbines/PDWs. It has that squished, angular aesthetic, plus the original is made to be an actual good optic
because it'll be tumbled around and beat up and be beaten up by the inside of your washing machine. Scrubbing it out is nice if something stupid has happened like a case dump powder inside your gun.
Why does your dishwasher tumble the dishes around?

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I would like to announce it is officially Day 1000 of the 3 Day Special Military Operation
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What a bunch of retards. Do they not understand what 1 years old means?
>a man with money skills up the fucking ass
He bankrupted three casinos.
lol what
It's still November 20th here so it ain't late

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Resistance Surp Edition

Post what you want as long as its Halal.

>What's a milsurp.
Military Surplus is a catch all term for all ex-military equipment that is retired from service and sold to civilians. Most of the milsurp discussed here are pre-select fire infantry arms, but feel free to try to talk about whatever.

>What's a good cheap surplus rifle to buy.
Spanish, South American, Yugo Mausers

>How much should I pay for X?
Extremely common question that may get ignored so instead go on Gunbroker and search for completed auctions to get a good general price range.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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take the best parts of both of them and put them into one rifle, then you sell off the extra rifle
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How much can i sell one of them for?
Is LSB schizophrenic when they say its worth $1500?
idk they are pretty uncommon though so maybe
shoot both, at the same time.
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2-groove barrels are WW2 replacements, and $1K is $300 too much IMO for a WW2 refurb M1917.

Pay for them.

>Is LSB schizophrenic when they say its worth $1500?
That's a completed listing, so someone really did pay $1501 for one. I personally wouldn't.

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Even after US allowed long range strikes, the krauts are still cucking out and blocking Taurus according to https://www.politico.eu/article/olaf-scholz-germany-no-missiles-ukraine-volodymyr-zelenskyy-russia-war/ and other news.
What other options does Ukraine have to take down a couple of spans of the bridge, which is what it would take for it to be not repairable during wartime (vs mere holes through the surface that ATACMS and SCALP/StormShadow can accomplish)?
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Spain and South Korea also operate the missile. Are they also incapable of operating it independently because only Berlin knows how to program the VCR?
>Are they also incapable of operating it independently because only Berlin knows how to program the VCR?
depends does spain and shit korea have the terrain mapping satellites, guidance sattellites to provide mission waypoints and target solutions for their own strikes?
So it's OK to give X, Y, Z weapon to Ukraine to kill Russians, but God forbid you give them MAPS that would be far too escalatory!!!

(BTW I guess Google Maps is deeply implicated in Ukranian aggression and can expect a robust response from the bear).
how are youre MAPS going?
500 km

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Vietnamese don't get the respect they deserve, these guys somehow managed to build a more competent economy than the north while literal armed terrorists were roaming the cities and countryside
AND they managed to field an army on top of it. They could have picked right off from the US withdrawal and we would have south korea 2 if ARVN was supported a little bit more by its government and america
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>The 3rd (3e Tabor Marocain) occupied an area between Stuttgart and Tübingen from about April 20, 1945. When they got to Waldenbuch, they entered every house and raped and plundered. Some women were badly injured. Pastor Pfäfflin managed to get them to the Hospital in Tübingen. The pastor wrote a protest note to the International Red Cross. After the total surrender of Germany on 8 May 1945, a military government was established in Stuttgart. This ended the rape and pillaging.[24]
Why do I feel like gook shill has a schizo split personalities episode and is now LARPing as some random ethnic minorities nobody cares about in this thread? Or did he pick up a Khmer protege or something?
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>LARPing as some random ethnic minorities nobody cares about
Methinks he's a bamboo network diaspora Chink, probably from Singapore or Thailand.
>thread concerning geographical location east of the Ural
>chink shills and good shills chimping out
kek, why are they like this?
>why are they like this?

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