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Those always look fucking weird and uncanny to me.
It sounds like you'd get a prolapse or hemorrhoids or have to wear a diaper for the rest of your life in place of them
They make me want to stick my penor in them or lick them like a glazed donut
nah they look like ciswomen to me (- the vagina)
Stop watching porn

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why do lateshits even bother trying to transition? after 20 ur just better off repressing
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>trooned at 23
>t. bdd passoid
Why the prolonged doubt, misery ,suffering, sadness & turmoil?
you.are so funny with ur rick and morty posts ahaha kys faggot

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>be me
>in my 20s
>totally flat chest
>built like astolfo from FGO
>wish for nothing more than to be a femboy
>"just stay a woman"
>no dick
Built like astolfo

Soooo… you’re a woman that’s built like.. a woman??
short people are so scary. im genuinely terrified of short people.
may I never have dreams? </3
I promise I'm not scary </3
Do u actually have no dick or just a limp dick.

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Why are you like this? Are you not embarrassed?
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being embarrassed about it doesn't fix it
XXY chromosomes, elevated estrogen exposure in the womb, childhood trauma, ADHD/Autism, soul in the wrong body etc.
Take your pick really.
Damn I just got bingo
We never had a chance desu.
endocrine disrupting pesticides in the fields my mom slept in while she was pregnant with me

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QOTT: Your bottom looks at you like picrel, wyd?
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how fem are you exactly bi guy?
have a body pic we can consult for reference?
Texas. It’s not even freezing I’m just a skinny fragile soft top
No it is cold in Tx, I have family members there. I'm from California and 64° right now, and I'm wearing a hoodie. brrr
iktf my top bf moved away last month and now i have to face this frigid chicago winter alone :(
only 64? it's 33 here and windy as hell atm lol
Growing up here ruins your ability to handle real cold. We're pussays basically

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Why don't transbian polycules start businesses where they let chasers watch during "playtime"? They could probably make loadsa money.
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good idea, lets start one
Because the venn-diagram cross-section between Transbian Polycules and OF Marketable is like the fucking Panama Canal
Many transbians hate men. Even if there was a large amount of money to be made, I do not think most transbians would be down for it.
This is a much better question.
Given the massive amount of transbians with barista training, I'm actually kinda shocked that transbian cafe co-ops are not a relatively common sight in the more progressive cities of the world.
I'm not trans and not really into them but theres a lot of chasers here who would empty their pockets for a sniff of your panties. I have business acumen though so maybe I should approach a bunch of trannies about it.
>inb4 they stab me or something

I don't mean OF I mean at their tranny crackhouses, with 1 way glass or booths or something.
Do you understand what I mean tho. Have you ever actually seen a tranny polycule?

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why do boys like trans girl bulge so much? our pp is not for show :(
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Tranime sharts
are you afab on some sort of mental gymnastics trip?
its the only reason we like u
There are three reasons to date a tranny:
1. You are a rapper
2. You are severely autistic
3. You are androphilic

So chances are when someone decides to date you, that they solely do it for your penis

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How do i get a bigger penis

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I’m fucking done, y’all. There is just no possible way this many MTFs keep appearing in the world. When are we going to admit that the trutranners were right and that the majority of MTFs are incels, grifters, mentally ill, sociopaths, lost in fantasy, and generally vain/deceitful? I’m fucking tired y’all. Tired of being associated with these people. Tired of having to question if I’m one of them, deep down. Fucking tired.
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No but Thailand does, and that’s not the point. The point is that the gene pool and culture all fetishize and glorify femininity to the point that even males are extremely feminine by western standards. Same with Confucius, Taoist and Buddhist philosophies would all be considered fembrained when compared to western ones. And diet, it’s encouraged to eat like a bird in most East Asian countries and extremely low bmi is lauded
Stop caring idiot
Different people have different tolerances for pain. The same feeling that made you feel like you needed to transition to survive, a much stronger person could probably endure for longer.
The problem is that these feelings only ever get stronger and when you wait until you can't bear it anymore, and the only option is to honmode because you decided to wait until the mid 30s, they missed their chance to ever be happy
That doesn’t stop cis men from finding happiness. It’s honestly based. They want what they cant have so they play the cards they’re given instead of trying to delude themselves that they can reverse time, bad genes or bad socialization. What’s the fucking point. Like I said. MOST men want to be women. Maybe the top 1% with their harems of women, trannies and femboys genuinely don’t but everyone else does. Its not unique or rare.
stop ban evading/trip filter evading

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>mogs you
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mama mia!
I have no idea what it is about her. She clearly passes but she's not pretty, yet I want to hold, cuddle and kiss that face so hard
think you forgot to attach the right picrel
She has the most FUCKED UP nose I've ever seen. The way it attaches to her forehead is so freakish and FUCKED UP
Her dad is rich and this is what all that $$ bought lol. Cursed genetics

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What does AGP and HSTS mean exactly? Help an ex/pol/ who is giving the rainbow community a chance understand this.
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Trannies are way less socially accepted than gays are u fkn crazy?
Not the effeminate, lispy, twink types who'd end up in that situation. I remember them being the posterchild for gay people and how straight people used them to mock gay people. They're also usually the people who get attacked whenever violence against gays occurs.
Fem gay men are far less accepted than straight trans women because straight trans women demonstrate they are ashamed to be gay with their outer appearance - an act of deliberate contrition towards the ruling hetero elites
AGPs make up the majority of the troon community because it has since been taken over as some leftist progressive fad where anyone can just be a woman if they feel like it. You ever heard of the meme of a trannie being a 200lb man with stubble and a dress, that’s AGP. Degenerates in the most literal sense. These are the particular kind that deny biological reality

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Are service tops the most oppressed minority?
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>No. "Service top" is a meme, because if you were GOOD at being a service top
A proper service top will have the necessary skills to do the job well. Bottoms thrive best with services tailored to their specific needs. What a bottom thinks they want isn't always what they actually need.
Memes aside, I think being a really good lover involves elements of domination and submission when the moment calls for either. But topping naturally lends itself to dominance, whether it's soft dom or hard dom, you're fucking them, you're conquering their body, and if you're doing it well they're gonna melt into an incoherent little mess, so you gotta be able to take full control over the moment

Sometimes my bottom bf gets all assertive, sometimes he rides me, and it's hot. But it's hard to imagine being a full-time "submissive top," not trying to hate on anybody but it just seems like a major limitation to having a good time

As implied in my first post, I delight in my bf's pleasure and take pride in delivering a good time, and 95% of the time that means dominating the hell out of him and making his body my personal plaything
no, they like being oppressed :3
wtf is a service top

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>Boymoderology gets into a stupid twitter argument with Liv Agar
>Liv Agar is a popular passoid on twitter who looks good in photos, so has a big following from that
>Boymoderology who has a big head and not much of a body, ends up making 4chan tgirls look retarded
>4chan's /tttt/ put on blast AGAIN

Great, thanks to our amazing tripfag our whole board has been publicly shamed
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"the 4chan girls are poisonous. best thing i ever did was block them"
fuck. that is so hot to me.
Liv is a delusional hon who needs a dox like taftaj
then why do so many people find her hot
i'm an incel btw

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Why does god hate me so much?
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its not even that over for you. shave your 5 oclock shadow, get good at eyeliner and foundation and you'll look pretty good. also get a haircut you have hon hair.
>eyeliner and foundation
Hon advice, likely transbian
Yeah but he was a loose cunt raised by Danes and couldn't understand anglo-saxon rules. He's not meant to be perfect, that's what I love about the show the people are not 2D.

You really are her.
genuinely so retarded i dont know if this is bait or not
It's not bait, I hate myself and feel cursed

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>a tranny wearing these
it literally doesnt get better
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I don't even have black dolphin shorts just pink and grey
It’s november
That'll do pig
send me $ and I'll post

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