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Inheritor edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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what's in the box?
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Nintendo Switch OLED Mario Kart bundle
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...can I play?
That box isn't the right shape for that. Get lost Elsa. You're a shit cancer of a character and you attracted a brain dead waifu fag who doesn't even care about the quality of the show so long as OMG CUTE DOG GIRL! Fuck you.

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I am glad that we finally got a good Gundam show again. UC wank, G-Reco, and IBO almost made me quit but G-Witch brought me back in! I am hopeful for the future.
this is plastic walmart levels of bait
It is true tho. Only people who hate on G-Witch are newfags who got into Gundam through the dreadful 2010s UCwankfests who's writting is bottom of the barrel, or IBO aka the worst Gundam series ever conceived.
The irony
>I am glad that we finally got a good Gundam show again
Pic unrelated? Its pretty fucking garbage

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New AoZ thread, let's hope MS Girls pics turn out to be a good luck charm for new content.
--useful links--
>official Reboot illustration list, missing first few entries
>scans of some of the earlier entires
>samples of the ongoing manga
>weibo page of Watership 4.5, a fan circle that makes 3d models of many AoZ designs. Good insight into how they function.
>another page with their stuff
>internet archive has scans of The Flag of Titans compiled in 6 volumes, this is the first one
>last thread

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nice touch to give the early GM Quel GM II's faceplate
also an interesting example how different artstyles of ostensibly same designs can result in other changes. Can't exactly imagine putting anime GM II's faceplate on anime GM Quel.
Doesn't the quel predate the GM II?
By maybe only a year or two at most.
But the Quel is Titans while the GM2 is Anaheim right? Why would they share parts? Unless Anaheim somehow got their hands on Quel early type and based the GM II off that
>But the Quel is Titans while the GM2 is Anaheim right?
AE shouldn't have much to do with both the GM Quel and GM II as those were in-house Federation designs. At most maybe AE made some parts for them, but they weren't the primary manufacturers, the Federation is the one who built both.

>Why would they share parts?
Well, they're both GMs so they might not be too far off from each other. Federation MS design is still not as varied as Zeek MS design where they barely had stuff working on the same standards and the various companies like Zeonic and Zimmad were making proprietary decisions and designs on their own.

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I get UC purists have to defend their timeline but why do you guys give the AU entries such unrelenting shit? Every English corner of the Gundam fandom has the same old "UC good all others bad, worst of UC beats best of AU". I actually want to see UC purists' point of view on this.
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Did you just wake up from a coma or something? It's not 2005 anymore. People you are talking about barely exist these days.
Kill yourself

Serious Answer: In the early 2000s, accessing the UC shows was hard because licensor would only release shows they deemed "popular" and "marketable" in the US. UC shows were deemed less marketable because they were older (and when they did try airing 0079 TV, it clearly didn't do as well as Wing did before it), which led to resentment about the sheer difficulty of watching them with any official translation.

This led to a lot of frustration and pissing about "casuals" ruining the market. It took 17 years for every gundam show to be officially released in the US after they began, and even now, not everyone was given modern staples like a full, consistent cast dub like most popular titles get.

It's all pointless and stupid now, and it was always stupid, but there was a history that led to this mentality.
Kinda based? But naw..
Fuck (you) >>22615978
& Fuck (you).
>Posts Mentally Discarded

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Second batch. Done in joint with /m/subs, as always, read their writeup as well.



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Off the top of my head Rena pulled out the Akatsuki blade in the last episode.
The original 2000 website is still up, amazingly.

Most old Sunrise anime websites are still up. I'm pretty sure the Wings of Rean website is still up.
>Fukudas didn't like working on Dendoh
>it's by far the best thing either of them did
This is the first time I have heard Fukuda disliked working on it, but some years ago I went to SunFes where Furusato and Fukuda talked about how regulations for kids anime at the time were very strict following the Pokemon Shock incident.. They gave an example how Vega had to wear helmet all the times.

So is the Gundam Mark II superior to the 0083 Gundams?
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>The Marasai lost an arm because Jerid was facing an entire squad of enemy mobile suits who were shooting at him while he was boosting in the air
The nemos next to Kamille ran off before Kamille shoots the Marasai's arm off. Jerid even comments
>he's empty
right after his arm gets shot off while looking at Kamille

>The fall actually gave Mark 2 more time and space to boost recover
No, it didn't. It crashes hard through the stagalmite and into the chasm below. In fact it crashes into the rocks and then slams onto the ground just like the marasai, then it falls into an abyss.

These guys get it.

It's like the fact that we've had modified cars that could go 200mph easily since the 1970's (but not the first car ever to do it). Do all sports cards go over 200mph today? No. Because it's not needed.

The GP01FB is that old modified car that got a 1000hp, 200+mph upgrade on a jacked up old classic engine.

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>The nemos next to Kamille ran off before Kamille shoots the Marasai's arm off. Jerid even comments
STOP LYING. Marasai's arm get shot off in the cross fire while boosting in the air.
I think the Marasai and Mk2 are close enough in performance that you could argue either way. Jerid at that point was a worse pilot than Kamille but not by much, and there were a lot of circumstances surrounding the battle leading up to that fight that could have influenced the outcome too. I think the Marasai is very underrated regardless, at least on par with the Rick Dias. Though I don't think any of the Zeta grunts compare to the Unit 1 or 2, it's only once you get to the slightly more advanced units that I feel like Zeta overtakes 0083

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Belated Birthday Edition

>KimiNozo Kickstarter Server
https://twitter.com/age_soft/status/1640550456203300864 (embed)

>Magazines on Steam
>JP version gallery
>english (can whoever hosts the mega archive upload these?)

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shame, re-reading Alt for the Umpteenth with my friend and we just finished Sado-arc, and I'm feeling that same pain deep in my chest like I always do knowing whats ahead. Wanted something to distract me from that
I see people complaining about those scenes and it just makes me think their attention span is trash because I was completely immersed during them, it didn't even feel like an hour to me.
You know love is blind because at first I thought she looked good here, until I did a retake and yeah they really did my waifu dirty here.
I had this as my wallpaper for a while but it made my room have some serious bad mojo so I took it off.
the tsf 3dcg was pretty good

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>normie faggot being forced to watch gundam seed and gundam seed destiny in preparation for the movie
>seed is pretty ok
>starts gundam seed destiny recap movies
>minerva is constantly getting attacked by earth forces
>kira: athrun pls stop fighting you cant
>kira decides to just fucking fight minerva even though everything so far seems like self defense?
i truly don't know if i'm missing something. what the fuck does kira want to happen? "athrun pls just let them kill you guys, cagalli's crying." clearly the dumb bitch isn't getting through to orb, how the fuck are they going to stop orb and the earth forces from attacking minerva? i don't understand why he's only fucking lecturing zaft when they're the ones getting attacked?? is there something in the show that's missing in the movies or am i crazy?
>is kira fucking retarded?
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I dont think anyone fan or otherwise has ever called Destiny complex. Where are you getting this from?
Gotta love how Destiny keeps making nigger faggots seethe.
Oh, so you're the shit-stirring troll.
>being forced to watch gundam seed
which country do you live in that allows torture?
>Everyone sees the bait
>"Haw-haw u mad! I was only pretending to be retarded!"

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Oh fuck the Trade Federation has invaded Earth! However you have access the the main protagonist robot of the last mecha title you finished (auxillary included), how well would you fair against them?
>Protagonist robot
Nah fuck that. I'm gonna live the hard life of a warrior!

The fuck is the Zaku II's shield supposed to protect? It's right elbow isn't connected to it so ir's just stuck on the right shoulder. Did the Zeon mechanics think that the feddies were only capable of shooting shit from the right flank?
>90% of Zaku II's die from cockpit shots
maybe should just put the shield over the torso then. Pilots never eject anyway they don't need that shit able to conveniently open.

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What's everyone watching or reading or building? Looking forward to anything this year?
Let's keep it /m/-related.
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That's... actually very sweet. We didn't get much of that in Seed Vanilla.
May we watch Seed Destiny soon..
Currently watching Fukuda's first directed series, Cyber Formula (episode 18) and you still have the promise of those other shows to fulfill.
I don't know what that is nor knew it was you, but I hope you're enjoying it.
I'm doing my best on the other shows but it was a bit depressing seeing qt blondes just episodically hopping around 24/7 but also get personally tormented by a demented crow, I'm really really sorry for picking up Tylor and I never checked /a/ for Sailor Moon threads because I love /m/ too much
I beg of you to pick up Mazinger Zero though, after the "is this a fucking edgefest" hurdle, it's a positive and charming story full of hope. I think you'd be able to most appreciate it after having consumed I think all known prior Mazinger material.
As a racing series, Cyber Formula is a solid ride so far. Episodes 11-12 were the notable ones as they showed that the main character, Hayato, wasn't invincible and had to learn and grow from his hotheaded cockiness and crushing defeat.
>Cyber Formula is a solid ride so far
Was this intentional
It's often a Hayato, not that I mind. The name is associated with speed in my mind for some reason.
>crushing defeat
I hope it wasn't literal or drastic, the cheery cast looks like the kind that would break your heart with their tears.
>there's even a Char
Literally just paint your tires red if you want to go faster, I don't know why cars have never done this.

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When you think of /m/ what is the very first mecha that comes to mind?
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A golfcart with a gun in the cup holder
A Trashed Zaku
Bump, I wanna see where this goes.
Optimus Prime is my favorite Gundam followed by Cowboy Bebop at his computer.

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Lost Stories 2nd anni on 5/17.

Previous thread: >>22553086
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The KMF from the Weiss side are all shooting oriented, while the Schwarz side are all melee oriented.

Not counting the Foulbout which is probably the final boss.

ATX Team confirmed for Neo Brittanian special forces.
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I miss Eiji Nakada.
Very good episode. I still like it lot.

Minmay sex
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brain damage from oxygen deprivation in ep 4
Nah, I like having life force thanks.
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She doesn't seem like the type who takes no for an answer.
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Post mechs with wings.
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So is the new spamming and flooding meta just putting an m on the end of an image the shitposter saves, and making a shitty new low effort thread?


I can point to three instances of this shit just from today.
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