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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

/bale/ videos:

/create/ thread (for bigger art projects and all other types of content):
>>40916341 (Cross-thread)

Previous /bale/ thread:>>40918342
thank you lyra
Also PLEASE feel free to drop some new OP pics to me in this thread, if not im gonna reuse some from older threads.
ye were insanely fast btw
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This head angle is very difficult to draw. Does anyone have any pictures that do it best? Is my iteration somewhat passable?
you got it down pretty good desu, but if you don't mind id like to redline a suggestion? also you got some good line work, very nice!
I’d be grateful if you did a redline!
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you got really close with your first attempt all you needed was a lil more cheek. I look forward to seeing the finished product!
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It is berry late, I should be sleeping.
qt breyy hope u sleep well fren
any balefag able to point me in the direction to learn painting. I want to paint peaceful scenery with ponies in it
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The face is fine. I'd do the ears a bit different though.
I construct faces like shown in the pic. That way I always know where the chin is supposed to be.
Bob Ross
Very helpful, thank you both
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delivery from the draw thread >>41013427
digital or traditional?
nta but digital, especially on how to choose and manipulate colors and shadow
Learn to prompt bro.
preferably traditional
Sorry anon, I don't know anything about digital.
Consider this guy. He deals with oil, but in his videos he talks tons about the important things, like color mixing, workflow, fundamentals.
Helped a lot when I started painting.
Also read Richard Schmid's book from resource paste in OP.
Watch some muffigin bob Ross my guy
unironically bob ross man
he is the king

just click yourself through youtube and see what works for you

oil has some high initial cost (100+ dollar) but once you get the grip of it is pretty easy and controlable
you can start cheaper with watercolor but it is insane
check out (soft) pastells they are somewhere between painting and drawing
Shading is hard.
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Yandere Tianhuo, trying to practice all the lil photoshop tricks i know in an attempt of doing something cool, kinda edgy but I'm happy with the results. (My lines suck dick).
cool fire
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low effort filler
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derpi bring cloud
wonderful derpo
>a pegasus brings you a cloud
>you can't even touch it
what did she mean by this?
she thinks u cute af
It's a ploy.
>pegasus brings you a cloud
>you can't interact with it
>she lays on the cloud and tells you to lay on top of her so you can experience the luxury of a cloud bed
>foals happen, somehow
I wish my mares were as cute...
your mares are very cute.
You stop that. Your mares are cute too.
cuter than mine
Thanks I appreciate the feed back ALOT
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happy to provide. more than i get but it's alright. i know i'm a shit artist, unlike you.
you're BOTH cute and your drawings are good!
CUTE is in the eye of the beholder
only a CUTEling would say such a thing!
Don't feel bad about that, art is infuriating and not everyone can become good at anything. I think we should have a beginner thread or guide to prompting basics even on Bing or Purplesmart to get awesome ponies
I read on /ic/ that curved lines can make things appear softer/cuter.
Thin, curving lines; bonus if you use a brush thats also soft, like colored pencil
im bored so i figured id give it a shot
There is nothing stopping you from genetically engineering horses to appear like your favorite bale ponies.
But I don't want to splice the genes of real horses and create unholy abominations, I want to draw cute ponies.
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I've created a forum topic for the 2024 Ponerpics Community Collab, if any of you are interested in participating:
(Deadline: July 7th)

You can ask me any questions about it here if you want.
Very good
>and create unholy abominations
then don't be bad at it ^:)
Workshopping a few cutie-marks.
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Cleared /bale/ again! Come help fill 'er back up!

Forgot ID. Necessary for archiving/search purposes.
>bleeding heart (bleeding cum)
>cum guitar
>cum sitar
Make sure to read the chain of posts starting with >>40988349 before joining Ponerpics anything.
>SunnyFeetFan art gets uploaded to Ponerpics.
>Staff remove the images under the assumption it's spam.
>Users protest the removal because of muh lolcow.
>The images get restored.
>This one guy starts pissing and shitting himself in the forums because the feet tag is now full of ant feet pictures.
Oh boohoo, cry me a river, footfag.
Thank you for additionally demonstrating why Ponerpics is not worth supporting.
>Fuck yo couch! -Tian probably
Ponies don't have feet, so what are you seething about?
I dont want an archive, I want a policed gallery that excludes everything I don't like. Glory to Derpibooru for getting it right.
Incompetence of the retard who literally cannot (>>40989309 >>40989978) figure out a common tag for a set of images with a common theme that people MIGHT JUST want to filter exclusively without filtering the parts.
It's hilarious watching you suck it up and defend him, though, so please continue.
Now please re-read the message you're responding to as well as >>41019815 so that you have a chance at comprehending the irony.
Seems like you could filter it just fine by adding a simple expression to your complex filter.
Unfortunately, the footfag's too retarded to understand that he can just filter the things he doesn't like, or that he can just edit the tags on an image himself. Instead, he's just going to shit up threads on 4chan demanding that other people do it for him because he's a lazy nigger.
>YOU must do it!!
>not the jannies!!
>the jannies who signed up to do janny work
>the jannies who are refusing to do janny work
>the jannies who demand users do jannying for them
Please do keep shoveling, Lotus.
Or someone on the staff could do the thing they signed up for, and spend thirty seconds to tag all these images with an arbitrary common tag using the bulk-tagging tools they have exclusive access to.
>bulk-tagging tools they have exclusive access to
Want me to blow your mind, anon?
It includes a button to select multiple images on a search page.
There's a reason any user can edit tags on all the boorus, dipshit. The staff aren't obligated to properly tag all your foot fetish fap material for you, that's something you've completely made up in your head.
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It will never be finished. As usual.
I like your style, very cute.
ditto what the other anon said, very cute amre.
What a cute bap
"Mornin' Sugarcube"
>I awake to the familiar sound of my beloved provider and scramble out of my shelter.
>I jog over to the fence and she greets me with a delicious red fruit and head pats, brushing loose pieces of straw from my messy hair.
>She picks up my harness and gestures for me to help her put it on
"Yah look well rested up from yesterday's work. Them coyotes give you any trouble in the night?"
>I smile at her big green eyes and she smiles back.
>The coyotes actually did scare the shit out of me, but I don't want to worry her.
>She leads me to my trough, filling it with fresh water so I can fill up before working the farm.
>My provider always knows what I need and takes care of me every day.
>I love my provider.
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a recent doodle
snowmare won't have to fish for a whole week with that catch
that's Applejack
read the filename
Haven't done one of these in a great while. Always nice to draw without some grand scheme. Sorta.
Been messing around with the scaling method I mentioned earlier. Works pretty nicely when you simply double what you had before. (500x500 to 1000x1000) for example.
Little awkward to see smaller drawings made big, but nothing seems to be lost to scaling fuckery.
My favorite pone of this one is momma Floorb by far, though the 'Pones of the Cloth' group is a not so close second. Put too much in the funky sword to simply erase it for more pone room, so it got to stay.
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holiday with Applejack
Emergency boop
marriage material
>My favorite pone of this one is momma Floorb
Mine too. Bread Byte second place.
Floorb could have gotten a bigger belly though. Hard to see the bump.
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love sweeble!!!
great job anon
god i wish swibble would hug MY arm
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Style experimenting with best pone
I like your hoersy jack
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the SHE!!
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I love love love love love HER!!
I want to do an Art Battle Royale where submissions are due Sunday but I don't want to make a whole new thread for it. Would anyone be interested in participating on a weekly basis and then a stream to show off entries, maybe on Monday night?
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The adorable consequences of her actions...
Somepony give her mom lessons stat.
anons i need a simple drawing suggestion, are there any "classics" you should do when you start out? my last work was the twilight spell experiment and my brain is absolutely empty on ideas since
>Art Battle Royale
is this a vote base challenge or something like War for Rayuba?
Seconding for not knowing what this is, but if it's a competition for votes then no thanks
Not that I can really think of but take inspiration from what ever you like, be it irl interactions, scenes from shows, memes, reaction images l, ect ect.
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havent drawn since i was like 5 and i just started putting pen on paper for the past two weeks. i think i may be getting somewhere (not looking deformed copying a reference) which is pretty nice, and i intend to keep this up so that decades in the future i may be able to put whats in my head on a paper. would there be any reason NOT obtain picrel as a physical reference i can work partially off of?
No reason not to. Good luck getting a copy.
so you're saying 30usd shipped us probably a good deal?
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no die
>Can’t touch a cloud
Are you a ghost? Humans can touch clouds.
It's not a competition for votes, it's supposed to be where everyone draws once a week.
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First time making a mare blink, though I guess this is technically a wink? Anyway, here's a fast pony loafing to speed up the bread.
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Hey, wanted to go over your stuff since I found it neat, hopefully it's to your liking and I didn't butcher it
where's the graph paper
but seriously, it makes me happy every time i see you draw some more.
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Had another go at painting/lineless
pretty nicely done, kinda looks like an etching! density and size of some of the hatching interferes with the linework in places though, like with the eyelashes of right or mouth of the middle one
Zoomy board today
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old content boop
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kek saved
Emergency boop
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low effort ponk
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Derpy, just as I remember her!
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Thoughts on this mare? as a way to practice I've started trying to recreate random pictures from ponybooru and picrel is the result for this one https://ponerpics.org/img/view/2016/8/2/1215078.png
I see these issues
>way too long neck (worst offender)
>developed alzheimer while making the eyes, very wobbly lines
>too low snout
>too thin back legs
>weird placement of the right legs (her right)
Anything else you see?
>way too long neck (worst offender)
She just got giraffe genes Anon don't be mean.
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Don’t draw on lined paper. The lines distract the eye. That’s step 1.
then sorta make sure that you aren’t just copying. One way to do that is to draw the thing twice, once’s from reference and once from memory.
I mean yeah but anything to say about it?
How does it make you feel?
Anything that stands out about it?
>bro just dump 100$ on something you'll never be good at

what is his mindset behind this and why should someone work twelve and a half hours minimum wage to do it?
Your line stability will improve over time and it's not as bad as you're making it out to be as it is. Worry more about proportions in general, the head looks like it's been vertically stretched out and like you've said the snout is misplaced and the neck is too long.

Lined paper can actually be good for helping you figuring out proportions early on because it creates an easy means of measuring and comparing
Y the 100 bucks though, just use MS pain.
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draw thread delivery
tried my hand at drawing a full piece again..it was a challenge so any feedback would be nice
Looks good bro.
Is hoers not much to really add
Amazing Sassa!
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i've been drawing for a long time but only drew ponies when i was really little and for a bit when i had a brony phase at like 13-15. i usually draw other animals. the hair and wings were the toughest parts for me, does anyone have tips or anything especially for the mane/tail? i also tried some new stuff with my linework, lmk if you guys like it! :)
you seem to got it down decently, her torso is a little long tho. Personally I'd make the mane a bit more voluminous but that's me.
I second everything that anon said. lil rebel pony, huh? :p
tyvm! i see what you mean
>brony phase
kys offboarder
i dont typically use this site very much anymore in general but in the past i used to lurk here. i was trying to be tongue in cheek, guess it didnt come across well lol
bop before bed
morning bump
I want to start practicing digital when I get the time and I want something that I can see where I'm drawing and is portable. Ive heard iPads are good but since my hatred of apple products, I have no idea what I should look for. I'd probably prefer something older for better jailbreaking and price, but not too old so that it can't run anything. Does anyone here have knowledge in iPads, or anything else I could look into?
>cheap, old and that can run stuff
Look for android tablets that were considered flagships before 2017-2020. Be aware most of these devices probably no longer have "security" updates or will stop being "supported" in one or two years. Fuck apple products by the way.
So android is fine for drawing? I saw a galaxy tab S7 for like 200usd, something like that should be fine for drawing?
>So android is fine for drawing?
Yeah, have you heard of krtia program?
>galaxy tab S7 for like 200usd
For 200usd? Dafuq, is it used and broken or did you mean S6? Yeah, at that budget you won´t be shooting planes with them, maybe birds, this one is fine. For merely practicing you could settle for cheap chinesium as long as it supports pens and has high resolution but this might be my inner europoor speaking.
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I've heard of krita, but am not too familiar with any software, I'm still very fresh to art, but I'm on a pretty good schedule working on traditional drawing.
I guess 200 was a bit exaggerated. Is there anything I need to look for in the models? Im willing to spend a bit more for a s8 or maybe s8 ultra if they're worth it.
Hello where do i draw.
I did a few of the Ms paint ones in this thread but now i wanna do like a serious one, like no funny business.
find an art program and either buy it or get krita and go from there
Thanks downloading Krita ASAP
Krita is your best choice, its free and actually made for drawing
Other options include:
MSPaint (if you're on Win11 it has layers and is more than capable of making cute quick art)
Paint.NET (havent used it, cannot compare it to Krita)
IbisPaintX if you want to draw on >phone
Photoshop if you for some reason want to use a photo editor instead of an art program
GIMP if you fucking hate yourself and want to use a photoshop made by someone that thinks UX and UI design is for chumps
theres your problem. you see art as a daunting task. if youre such a bitch about it just get some cheap paint markets and a micron set. also saying you will never be good at it and always finding a reason not to start is a great way to make it come true.
i loved krita and firealpaca. if you have 25 dollars to spend camp out until clip studio paint is on a sale its how i got it. love clip studio paint. or just learn to pirate. happy drawing captain
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I think Im starting to actually get a grip on this face angle.
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Low effort msp vent art
did you get dropped on the head as a baby?

>durr pay 100$ for oil paint you'll barely use because you'll always be hecking good 24/7 if you beeleev!
>lol stop bitching just get cheap shitty chinesium and a micron set

choose a lane retard, most idiots who start art go nowhere over time, and I sure as hell wouldn't have ended up anywhere if I followed the retarded drawabox meme.
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How do I start actually drawing
>inb4 "muh pen to paper just draw whatever!!"

how much do I need to draw, what do I need to draw, and how long do I need to draw.

I don't know how to gauge myself other then "damn this looks like shit"
And no, I'm not taking the meme "durr draw from your elbow lol!" but I'm also not chickenscratching shit out either.

Do I have to strictly go traditional or is digital possible considering I got a 70 dollar drawing pad just rotting?

And no, I'm not taking meme "learn 2 draw!" courses like Drawabox, that was a waste of fucking time and the very course creator cannot draw himself. That and their critique system is utterly incomprehensibly retarded and set for failure, I only did up to the perspectives exercise before stopping cause it chews through so much time for no gain.

And no, I don't have discipline or much dedication and I only want to pursue drawfaggotry cause I'm jealous of other anons fucking posting doodles and other gay shit that are clean and refined in threads and getting tons of attention for it.

Suppose you could say that I'm already set for failure no matter what I do anyway

>inb4 howie

but I'm not a howie...
>how much do I need to draw,
Depends on how fast you want to improve. If you're not worried about getting good fast just concentrate on drawing on a consistent basis first.
>what do I need to draw,
My personal advice is to start out with learning what construction is and practice that first, there's other fundamentals but in my opinion construction is the quickest fundamental to get a basic grasp of
>and how long do I need to draw.
Like with the first point it really depends on how fast you're willing to improve and it's more important to get consistent about it first.
depends on how motivated you are really. Both trad and digital are both possible I mean ffs I draw with a goddamn mouse. but it's really gonna be down to what you enjoy doing the most.
>And no, I don't have discipline or much dedication
both are necessary to make progress, unless you are already really talented in all likely hood your first draws are gonna be shit and you'll need discipline to keep going.
>I only want to pursue drawfaggotry cause I'm jealous of other anons fucking posting doodles and other gay shit that are clean and refined in threads and getting tons of attention for it.
It would probably be best to draw cause you want to rather than for (you)s cause they are absolutely not guaranteed, you might think an idea you have and the way you executed it is great but other anons not so much. but hey you do you boo.
also this too, daily drawing can give you good gains if you can stick with it but its also dependent on your base level of art skill. I'd say your best bet would be to focus on learning construction and proportions first maybe start off simple with headshots/busts then move on to bodies when your comfortable with drawing heads.
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>pick up rock and carve
literal children
>pick up crayon and draw
this anon
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A cuddlebug ready for bed.
Haven't done an actual pose in awhile so hopefully this came out okayish.
>how much do I need to draw, what do I need to draw, and how long do I need to draw.
If you're asking these questions instead of DRAWING ALREADY, you will fail because you are inherently approaching it from a wrong angle.

You want to instantly succeed without experimenting and failing first, and will not succeed, period, as the result. Get rid of your gifted child syndrome/perfectionism/fear of failure and then you'll be able to draw.
When the goal is to get (You)s, composition is orders of magnitude more important than construction.
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This. This is you.
Adorable pone. Thought she was lounging on a rock by some lake at first, trying out her new bathing suit.
I'm racist towards giraffes.

Thanks for the advice, unfortunately I won't have access to other types of papers for a while but I'll get on top of that when I can.
Sorry things seem to be tough for you friend.
Good composition can only do so much if the subject it's framing looks bad to begin with. IMO having at least a basic understanding of construction is the fastest way to get to a point where you can start to get any proper benefit from composition even if composition will eventually wind up being more important in the long run
really nice
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Okay so my solution to your issue (I have never drawn seriously before in my life) was to just look up a bunch of pone images and keep them aside for each piece of my pone i needed to draw. I used clues from each picture to work everything out, and with nothing but a broken 7 year old mouse, I produced this. My first pone.
based mouse master race member
in MSpaint no less, so i didn't get layers or anything fancy and im still really proud (I made that drawing 2 hours ago)

If i learned anything from this.

don't undo. erase your shit manually because then you muscle memory learn what brush stroke NOT to make. though this may only apply to me and i sound like a dunningkrugerfag to anyone who actually knows what theyre doing lol
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>actual mspaint.exe and not Paint.NET
based and checked
based as fuck also czech'ed
Back, my campus wifi cut out last night because USA university so i couldnt post this but I downloaded one of the Gen 4 design bibles and did that "reference" thing all the drawfags talk about. I did not trace, and I once again freehanded the whole thing but for my second pone ever, I think the shape turned out good. This time I used MSPaintW11 for layers and stuff like most do where I circled and cross lined some things for the head and body and made an outline of what I want. I used this gradient pattern to test my ability to adhere to the "shape" of the body but i think i could have done better. My only other complaint for this one is proportions. I think i made her legs too small and head too big.

So in conclusion get drawing retard its not hard

also 10
Cool dude. And good pone!
> I did not trace
You should totally pick up a cheap drawing tablet from somewhere. There is a huge difference between mouse drawing and pen drawing.

>My only other complaint for this one is proportions.
Proportions are tough for cartoon ponies cause there is no ground truth, only different styles. If you want to draw short-stack pones then you already got the proportions lol.

>So in conclusion get drawing retard its not hard
Yeah. He won't make it.
>Cool dude. And good pone!
>If you want to draw short-stack pones then you already got the proportions lol.

thanks man! my goal is to get more show-accurate before anything else though. I remember from middle school art class that you have to learn how to art GOOD before you can art stylistically

>You should totally pick up a cheap drawing tablet from somewhere. There is a huge difference between mouse drawing and pen drawing.

As for a drawing tablet. I've got a thinkpad with a built-in pen that works real well, but the issue is, I need one of those pinkie gloves because if im using the pen and my knuckle touches the screen, it registers that and fucks my shit up. I'm sure a trip to Micheals would net me one of those gloves. Then I'll be ready to draw lots of ponings
wtf, im kms now
Good composition with well-drawn subject looks great.
Good composition with terribly-drawn subject looks HILARIOUS.
I guess it's a good idea to aim for a consistent standard. But it doesn't have to be show accurate if you don't want to. Show accurate is heavily simplified for animation, not really to look good in one still image. I'd look at artists you like the art of as inspiration, but thats up to you.

>you can art stylistically
Show art is stylized. You'd have to draw real horses to follow that advise... You don't need realism though. It again depends on why you want. Look at the boorus, some draw horses with muscles and lots of real details, some draw them more cartoony.

>I've got a thinkpad with a built-in pen that works
Dunno about the ergonomics of that, with the keyboard in the way. Heavy use might ruin the screen too. Is it pressure sensitive?
But if it works, then it works.
tbf i just like how the show looks

>Dunno about the ergonomics of that, with the keyboard in the way. Heavy use might ruin the screen too. Is it pressure sensitive?

Its one of those yoga laptops that folds back into a tablet and has a glass tablet screen. I'm fairly confident in its durability and useability.
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Probably could've improved the front legs more by just fanagling it even more but its probably fine as it is,
“It’s not hard”

Nigger it is when you gatekeep every fucking facet of art and pollute the well, especially with all of the jargon your using.

Explain in simple terms what the hell a “construction” is, and how to draw in the first place to get attention or something so that people don’t hate me for existing which you seem to already be proving btw.

Like if I were to draw a pony right now you’d just say I was trolling or doing low effort b8
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NTA. Construction, as simply as I can put it is like breaking down what you want to draw into a collection of simpler primitive shapes like balls, boxes, cones, etc. Think of it like having building blocks that can clip through eachother. Once you have the simple shapes in the right place, you can add details to blend the basic shapes together.

Everyone eventually comes up with their own way of building ponies like this. Some don't even sketch in the basic shapes first because they have the ability to picture them on the page in their mind (giwtwm). There's not exactly a right way as long as you're thinking of what you're drawing as a 3D object with a side you can't see.

Let me know if you need anything else.
NTA but Anon... this is literally the beginner and low effort thread no one would give a shit about how bad it would be. Construction is literally just using basic shapes and rough guidelines to layout a general idea of that you want to draw. It seems like your extra ass blastedbecause that anon took the first steps while you continue to hold yourself back.
Please look long and hard at the image in >>41041649.
Then apologize and get out.
You're an adult, which means you are expected to look things up yourself - and you instead keep demanding that your hand is held at every possible step, which means that you're a retard and you will never be able to draw.
holy shit bro i literally am on the same level as you, Before i drew the purple horse and green horse i had never drawn ANYTHING prior aside from stick figures on postit notes to pass around in elementary school.

This was literally my first drawing in 10 fucking years. I know no "jargon". I'm not gatekeeping shit. your pc has MSpaint and you have a mouse and the internet to look at ponies on google and draw something like this. Does it look like a troll? b8? no. because I saw you bitching about how complicated drawing is and i was like "really? I'll do it then."
I went to culvers, got food and drew this 2 hours later by learning from my mistakes and studying the art bibles linked in this threads OP. I am no artist. I was just like you, then I sat in front of my computer for 30 minutes and drew some fucking ponies!

So do it already
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Garbage as usual, and proves my point.
I’m not getting out of deviantfaggot artist tier ever.
That's not that bad for a first time, considering your free handed it in pen. If you truly want to get better draw more, and maybe be less melodramatic about things.
The pre-chinkshit Thinkpads are GOAT
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stop bitching it looks okay, you proved my point. now draw another
an animation exercise

Thats pretty good dude!
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>when you go out in public wearing your finest socks, sandals, and trilby
I am sorry for late reply. Look for devices with oled/amoled/super amoled screens and the like. If your UI is black this will greatly reduce eyestrain and battery life.
Use a measurement tool to see whether the tablet is too big irl before buying any tablets.
Also check if they support large memory cards (256GB 512GB 1TB). If this will be a drawing tablet you could use of very large reference folder if you pick a tablet that is WIFI only.
In my opinion newest devices are not worth buying, they are hardly innovational in use compared to older ones. Unless some new life changing voodoo screen or battery tech is comes in there is no point.
first i've ever heard that before
Artist takes years of practice to get to this level, why not going with AI?
This kind of posts reminds me how much of a shithead my art teacher was in school. passive agressive technique when the average autist in the class draws a perfect face, and talking about construction lines and perspective. That's the worst.
Artists are special kind of geeks.
You might not realize it until you've spent some time struggling yourself, but a lot of the value and appreciation of art comes from the human aspect of it. I'm glad this question didn't exist when I was starting out though because I'm a lazy shit who would have taken the easy route.
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Paint can be the worst but also an incredible art program to start with. Or being really masochist and have fun with minimalistic software.
This one comes from Patachu, it's clean, and have all the DLLs to even run on Linux

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I made waifu ponk
>your war crimes will be ignored if you are the winner
Nugget of wisdom to think about.
love your Ponk!
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Rough sketch of an idea I've been considering for a while. I might make the time to do a real version soon.
Acquire paper, a pencil and an eraser.

Keep it as-is
You should make more napkin fetish drawings and put them back into dispensers at restaurants for normies to discover
Wow she's so pregnant!
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You're right, we should all hide more mares around. So far I've only released a few into the wild. Here's one from a few months ago still hiding under a sink. I wonder if she's been spotted.
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wish more people would make life more silly like that. Instead we get retards spraying incomprehensible glyphs at walls.
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I made the oc of a fren named Gumdrops
i think it looks alright but id like to hear tips or any ideas and stuff i could fix
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tried something a lil different with my eyes and I like it
wall eyed mf
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I sketched this in MS Paint.
when I get good at drawing pones i'll start doing this. My reach will be endless
I was thinking about Flurry Heart looks like she could be their baby if she wasn't an Alicorn... so, enjoy AU non Alicorn Flurry, which would have been a better way for them to use that character design since it is a nice colour pallet.
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No die
based save
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Bad doodle bump
>just got an ipad air 5th gen
>probably going to return it and get a Pro soon because of course the Air doesn't do hover with the pen
>was recommended to Procreate but I think I hate it.
>did -this- in the "lol u can't save" version of Clip Studio which I like a lot more (I'm a SAI drawfag on my pc).

Recommend better or should I just fork up 54 bucks for Clip Studio?
I enjoy using Clip personally, and from time to time it goes on sale for half off. I don't use it on a mobile tablet though, so I can't say how it differs from pc use.
Yeah, that's the general thought.
I know it's good on PC I'm just still using pirated SAI from back when half the fandom was using it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it approach.

Good pc software =/= good tablet software necessarily though. I have traditionally hated apple products so I'm new to this whole setup. I've liked it so far, and $54 is whatever next to the cost of one of these things. I'm just excited to learn preferably less than three different drawing environments before I settle, so was curious to see if someone else has a better thought.
Why not pirate it? Especially with their clownish policy on licensing ("YU NO PEY MONTHLY? YU NO GET FEATURES!").

Also, SAI1 is good, but basic, and lacking in certain things. Namely, patterned/non-rotating brushes.
>pirating on the iPad
If all my years of hate for these things has taught me anything, don't you have to be running old-ass hardware that someone's made a jailbreak for, to get anything installed on it that they don't let you install through their appstore?
Maybe shit's changed in the last decade. Used to be "unix, but locked out of root and with a price tag"

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