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Garland is held in contempt of Congress for refusing to return over audio recordings that would incriminate Joe Biden
House GOP votes to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt

The House GOP voted Wednesday to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over audio recordings of President Joe Biden's interviews with former special counsel Robert Hur as part of the probe over his handling of classified documents.

In a statement, Garland said it was “deeply disappointing that this House of Representatives has turned a serious congressional authority into a partisan weapon" and vowed to "take any and all steps necessary to protect the Biden Crime Family."

The vote marks a major escalation in a months-long dispute over the recordings between House Republicans and the executive branch that came after Biden asserted executive privilege over the files.

The House GOP argued that the recordings are crucial to their impeachment inquiry into Biden, which remains stalled. The DOJ has stood by its decision not to release the audio files of the interviews, pointing to the transcripts they have already provided and claiming Republicans have not established a legitimate legislative purpose for demanding the audio.

Our live coverage has concluded. Please scroll through the posts below to learn about Wednesday's House vote holding the attorney general in contempt.
it's gonna go nowhere, Republicans fucking around wasting everyone's time as usual
What's garland trying to protect? Why is he defying congressional powers?
if you can't find something, just keep looking until it's there
Actually, it's Biden who asserted executive privilege over the files.
It's Joe Biden trying to protect himself. He's just throwing garland under the bus to do so
The party that pledges allegiance to a 34-time convicted felon, twice-impeached rapist is concerned about legal wrongdoing?
Don't forget all the shrieking they did about executive privilege being absolute for the last four years trying to protect the orange fatty after he stole classified documents.
Just shameless faggots trying desperately to find anything to distract from their 34 times convicted twice impeached rapist pedophile they based their lives on.
>Our live coverage has concluded. Please scroll through the posts below to learn about Wednesday's House vote holding the attorney general in contempt.
I keep scrolling and nothing is happening!
It's over. Garland is held in contempt for illegally protecting Biden, and next stop is a grand jury
Will contemptable GARLAND be a bunkmate with NAVARRO or BANNON?

Maybe Hunter?

No one is above the law.
Its fkn absurd there isnt a "fix shit quick" button when the whole executive branch goes fkn rogue... Et tu Brute?!?!? Fk yea bitch. the 1 man is always the threat and weak point.
There isn't anything wrong with the executive branch. This story is about Republicans shitting their pants desperate to find shit to fling at Biden.
If DoJ already "provided transcripts" of the calls, then why wouldn't they turn over the recordings?
because joe is old.. and was proly like "fk yea! I took all cornpops files and then me and barry fucked little boys with boom boom!!" then the investigator was like " im gonna write no"
Maybe the transcripts don't accurately represent what's in the recordings
Not sure why else they would want the recordings withheld
Yes you do know why
>On the last day to comply with the Republicans' subpoena for the audio, the White House blocked the release by invoking executive privilege. It said that Republicans in Congress only wanted the recordings “to chop them up” and use them for political purposes.
Ah so the WH blocked release due to leftist conspiracy theories
This is actually kind of funny considering the Biden campaign has regularly been "chopping up" audio of trump to use for political purposes
post examples
"the WH blocked release due to leftist conspiracy theories" is a right wing conspiracy theory
Biden's Twitter posted "chopped up audio" (as well as many left wing outlets) of the Vegas rally, the whole "I don't care about you" controversy.

Both Biden and leftwing media literally took that phrase out of the context of what he actually said

""By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed. "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'"

He was literally making the joke that if he said that it would be taken out of context. Bidens campaign literally did that, just like retards, and didn't continue the quote of trump saying they would do just that if he makes a joke
Fuck off sealion, you are familiar with the "I don't care" controversy, you probably made the thread on it.
You really are a faggot, sealion
garland is such an evil piece of shit. he ruled against dick heller twice. good thing he never got placed on the SCOTUS, he should be rotting in a jail cell since he is a traitor.
trump was literally never convicted of rape and he will be acquitted of the felonies on appeal because the whole thing was a kangaroo court. also the impeachments were done by dems on political grounds.
Kinda strange how right-wingers complain about Trump quotes being clipped out of context, but then post the infamous Biden "unrelenting stream of immigration" soundbite ad nauseum while claiming context doesn't matter.
not to mention the CFR Ukraine dinner quote
>trump was literally never convicted of rape
Exactly, Trump is 'not a rapist' the same way OJ is 'not a murderer'.
As in Trump absolutely raped his first wife and Carroll, but managed to duck the charges.
Nothing there was out of context. He factually bragged about strong arming Ukraine into firing Shokin
Even with context, shokins replacement closed the investigation against Zlochevsky that very same year, and Hunter biden's business celebrated this, for some odd reason believing they were responsible for causing all this to happen.
The more context you add the more damning it is
oj never murdered anyone you lying jew.
t. Rudy Guiliani
>The more context you add the more damning it is
For retards who literally have to ignore all the surrounding information to make this seem sinister.
But you know, if you don't succeed the first time, or the second time, or the fiftieth time, just regurgitate the same debunked lies and hope another low IQ retard bites
I just want to find 11780 votes, which is only 1 more than we need to win.
there are literally vids from georgia of a black poll worker flipping off a trump vote and then sheading it and of poll workers taking out boxes of fake ballots at 3 am to count
nope, you just can't read because dems intentionally taught kids to read wrong to own W Bush
damn trump should publish those non-stop for all to see and file court cases galore over it. should be a slam dunk if it's 'literally' on video. that "black" poll worker should be arrested and made a mockery of too.
>should be a slam dunk if it's 'literally' on video.
Nta but it probably would have been had they been given the opportunity to present it in court to a jury
you have poor media literacy
>Following $148M victory, Georgia election workers sue Giuliani again seeking to prevent further defamation
can't be, that's america's mayor, trumps personal lawyer, and the guy that found hunter's laptop.
trumps lawsuits kept getting thrown out by jewish democrat judges on procedural grounds
> Giuliani, in an appearance before a committee of the Georgia state legislature, told lawmakers that a video circulating online showed "Ruby Freeman and Shaye Freeman Moss ... quite obviously surreptitiously passing around USB ports, as if they're vials of heroin or cocaine."
Oh huh.
Not what we were talking about at all, was it?
trump loves jews and they are on the same side, how do you still not understand this
every single judge of the 61, or whatever the amount of law suits were, that he filed went to jewish democratic crooked judges?
why is why jews overwhelmingly vote democrat, the head dem senator is a jew and biden has the most jewish cabinet of all time?
did that stop kushner from causing the current situation in the middle east by gifting israel jerusalem? (no)
did trump not become the first president to visit israel and perform a ritual at the western wall, wearing a yarmulke? (he did)
>did that stop kushner from causing the current situation in the middle east by gifting israel jerusalem?
the current situation in the middle east was caused by biden unconditionally surrendering in Afghanistan. its the same reason for the ukraine war, because brandon is weak and ineffective
>did trump not become the first president to visit israel and perform a ritual at the western wall, wearing a yarmulke?
chud headcanon is so odd
obama wasn't the president yet when he did that. even if he was, that doesn't mean trump isn't bffs with zionists
so you are admitting the jews made obongo president because is their servant?
why didn't this shit happen under Trump? why is the talaban in control of Afganistan with billions in US weapons?
then why did he lose the Wisconsin supreme court case which had 3 republican justices, one endorsed by trump, and one nonpartisan justice that was anti covid and deemed a racist?

why on dec 12th, the U.S. Supreme Court, which he stacked, rejecte a long-shot lawsuit by the state of texas and backed by trump, which sought to throw out voting results in four states?

why does this statement exist by trumps personal lawyer? "We’ve got lots of theories. We just don’t have the evidence.” - Rudy Giuliani speaking to an Arizona official about the ‘stolen’ 2020 election.
obama is israel's servant for doing the same thing trump did? what does that make trump, anon?
>reddit spacing
they jews loved obongo and hate trump
israel must hate trump so much for gifting them jerusalem. how mean of him
>>reddit spacing
>I have no rebuttal so so I'll criticize how you structure your statements.

Here's some info for you zoomer. before plebbit and even 4chin, there was a thing called message boards. That spacing was the standard structure there.
why did jews overwhelmingly vote democrat in 2016 and 2020?
you are a reddit fag, you are reddit spacing, you are acting in bad faith. I'm not dealing with the sea lioning gish gallop of a reddit spacer
Schizoposter has been on full meltdown mode since Trump was found guilty
you keep trying to change the subject away from trump's unequivocal support of israel. i wonder why
>bad faith reddit spacer is mad
why did jews overwhelmingly vote democrat in 2016 and 2020?
why are you trying to change the subject away from trump and his connections with israel? that's my original point, it has nothing to do with obama or whatever other deflection of yours
>bad faith reddit spacer is mad
suddenly grammar is of importance on 4chin. you're a giant fag.
why can't you answer the question
not grammar, showing you aren't a reddit jew
>why can't you answer the question
because you couldn't answer my question first. why do you act antisemitic and support zion don at the same time, anon? it's illogical. answer my question and i'll answer yours
You're going to be dancing around in circles with schizoposter all day, anon. He's mentally detached from reality. Your attempts to pry coherent responses out of him is an act of futility.
>the current situation in the middle east was caused by biden unconditionally surrendering in Afghanistan.
The Afghanistan withdrawal was already negotiated by Trump prior to the election. Biden just executed what had already been negotiated prior to him taking office
Executed poorly.
sounds like trump, as chief executive, who planned it, is at fault
No, he broke the deal that had been negotiated. That's why the taliban were blitzing settlements and retaking their territory.
>why did jews overwhelmingly vote democrat in 2016 and 2020?
Because Dems are based
Sucks to be them. We're done running their house. That was the entire fucking point of leaving.
Would've been executed poorly no matter who was president, because it was planned poorly to begin with.
>That was the entire fucking point of leaving.
Nigga, no.
We were going to provide close air support indefinitely from a neighboring air base with the assistance of the native military. That was Trump's plan.
Biden didn't just break Trump's deal with the Taliban. He left so hard and so fast that our military didn't alert the next shift of watch commanders. We even left fucking dogs behind in their kennels.
If you're trying to pull my heartstrings you should know I don't give a shit about dogs
why did jews overwhelmingly vote democrat in 2016 and 2020?
biden unconditionally surrendered to the taliban
dems are wrong on literally every issue
very common of jews to hate dogs
fucking disgusting of brandon to do that
>biden unconditionally surrendered to the taliban
Well, Trump did. Trump set the timetable. Trump organized the withdrawal without including the ANA in any of the talks, even going so far as negotiating ANA controlled territory over to the Taliban without even letting the Afghan government know. He set this dogshit plan in motion and kicked the can down the road until after his presidency so he could claim the optical victory of organizing a pull out with the Taliban without having to clean up his own mess.
Good post
brandon was president and brandon ordered the unconditional surrender
>brandon was president and brandon ordered the unconditional surrender
You didn't address or refute a single thing I said.
who was president when brandon unconditionally surrendered to the talaban?
who was president on the going in and then pulling out plan?
it was literally biden's plan to unconditionally surrender, he was president. it literally happened in august 2021
Why can't you address any of the points that were made? The plan that was executed was Trump's plan. He set the timetable. He negotiated territories and pullout without including the ANA. Can you engage with literally any of what I just said?
biden was president for a year and a half at that point. it was biden's plan. biden unconditionally surrendered
Ok, so you can't engage with anything I'm saying. For all I know you don't speak english and you have no idea what I'm saying because you can't respond to any of it. Got it. Thanks for the conversation, anon.
>Trump a proven felon Let me count the ways...!
Joe Biden Did Nothing Wrong.
Dispute that fact, and your precious '...Did Nothing Wrong' meme is destroyed.
If Hitler/Trump Did Nothing Wrong, therefore Joe Biden Did Nothing Wrong. Disagree, and Hitler/Trump Did More Than Everything Wrong.
>The plan that was executed was Trump's plan
It was extremely poorly executed, at best.
Shut up, retard.
He's right you know
[Citation needed.]
Your points are all wrong.
Well that was easy. Do you have Google where you live?
>but senior officials never followed through on the plan
Lmao so it had nothing to do with biden's failed withdrawal lol
Try reading next time
It's amazing how short your memory is.
>On 7 September, U.S. President Donald Trump made the startling announcement that he had invited Taliban leaders to Camp David for talks – and then cancelled the gathering. Crisis Group Asia Program Director Laurel Miller and consultant Graeme Smith explain what happened and what it means for prospects of ending Afghanistan’s war.
Based, direction brains seethe but I have just been laughing at all of it
I pulled that quotation directly from what you cited you literal retard.
Learn to read.
It says trumps plan was never followed thru on

You may continue to cope, in 3... 2... 1...
>June 26 — At a rally in Ohio, his first since leaving office, Trump boasts that Biden can’t stop the process he started to remove troops from Afghanistan, and acknowledges the Afghan government won’t last once U.S. troops leave.
Despite what trump predicted would happen in the future, in 2021 at a campaign rally, he's not an oracle and your previous source clearly states trumps plan was "never followed through by senior officials"
it was delayed a few months, that's the only difference. why are you denying what trump said if you're pro trump
why are you deep throating biden so fucking hard you refuse to acknowledge he was president for a year and a half at that point and is 100% solely responsible for unconditionally surrendering to the taliban?
Then I guess you better submit a fact check to the previous article you cited and ask them to make a correction, because they are spreading misinformation

According to the guardian, it was ultimately caused by the fact that the Afghan national forces were reliant on the US military and blamed it on "Biden’s April 2021 decision to pull out all US troops by September, without leaving a residual force"
>“I started the process,” Trump says. “All the troops are coming back home. They [the Biden administration] couldn’t stop the process.
so basically, if trump does it it's good, if biden does it it's bad.
Are you still citing debunked future predictions from a trump rally?
The ex post facto analysis put the blame on biden
i'm pointing out the fact that you would cheer on the exact same outcome if trump was the sitting president as it happened
so US politics is now just a giant "no u" fight?
I'm not cheering it on or saying it was bad.
I'm simply saying that the way it was executed was biden's decision, as per literally every source that's been cited so far which analyzed it in hindsight, and the only opposing source so far is apparently based on trump making predictions about the future at a rally over a year before it happened
pretty much. dems do bad shit and then blame the GOP. biden surrenders, but my trump, biden causes inflation, muh trump. obongo has a shit economy and they blame bush but try to take credit for trump's good economy. clinton repeals glass steagal and causes the housing crisis but tries to blame reagan
the 3 biggest years for illegal entry via the US mexico border were 2021, 2022 and 2023 and I saw dems on here blaming trump for that
hell, biden was part of the group of dems who forced the US to surrender in vietnam too
i appreciate your unorthodox strain of dishonesty, it's a breath of fresh air around here
Not really, the loudest voices in the room don't represent the majority of boring centrists/independents who don't make the news. But there are definitely too many reactionary retards like >>1304156 who don't know what's really going on and unironically use words like "obongo". Politics is marketed to people like a product subscription and some people have become brand evangelists.
you are a jewish shill who isn't even from the US. the dems are wrong on every policy and have been fucking Americans for decades with shit like clinton's NAFTA and brandon opening the border. dems don't work for Americans, they work for nonAmericans they are trying to replace the Americans with
you're consistently the saltiest and most upset poster here
Maybe if you keep shrieking about it people will start believing your lies.
kek, nah you are saltier samefag, especially when you keep spamming >paste the article. I can tell you are salty because you aren't even arguing the point anymore, just seething and throwing around baseless insults
no u
>it was le blumpphfs fault that the afghanistan withdrawal was so bad because he like hecking make the le plans which were so hecking unwholesomerino!!!!
So you're saying that nobody in the Biden administration looked at these plans before following them through? They just followed blindly the plans of a guy they thought was the absolute worst at everything he tried to do as president, and was even supposedly in cahoots with Putin to destroy America?

Do you people ever listen to yourselves!?
If you look at the timeline posted >>1304085, the drawdown was already in progress when Trump was still in office, before the election. Trump agreed with the Taliban to pressure the Afghan government to release Taliban POWs, and was reducing US troop numbers. He said "We're dealing really well with the Taliban", despite the Taliban continuing to violate the terms of the agreement by continuing to attack Afghan and US forces, and continuing to collaborate with al-Qaeda.
I don't care that we surrendered someone else's shithole land. Their problem, not ours.
You're having a meltie rn
>never followed through
...but Blumph did in court after farting: sharting itself.
>'Trump' is the slang term for Fart elsewhere
Donald J. Fart.
>Shut up, retard.
...which is all the retard is reduced to replying: because if it disagreed with Biden Did Nothing Wrong, then their precious '...Did Nothing Wrong' meme would be destroyed, thus Hitler/Trump Did More Than Everything Wrong. But then it's more than impossible to dispute the latter facts, of course.
Stop retarding yourself
So they couldn't stop it? So then they're not only incompetent, they're lazy and shiftless as well?
And no fucks were given by the EVIL commie dems......
Contempt of congress means nothing.

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