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Amid high temperatures at Donald Trump's campaign rally in Las Vegas on Sunday, the former president made a quip about the heat affecting his attendees by stating that he needed their votes, adding, "I don't care about you."

Trump and President Joe Biden became the presumptive 2024 Republican and Democratic presidential nominees respectively in March as both continue to campaign ahead of November's election. On Sunday, the former president took to the stage at his Sunset Park outdoor rally to speak to his supporters.

However, temperatures began to rise with a forecast of over 100 degrees during the event. At his rally, Trump spoke about the heat affecting his attendees as he made a joke about needing their votes.

"By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."

In response to Trump's comments, some took to X, formerly Twitter, to criticize him on Sunday.

Democrat and X user Harry Sisson wrote ,"WOW! Trump just went MASK OFF and said 'We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care.' You hear that, America? Trump doesn't care about you at all. He just wants you to vote for him. Disgraceful."

Was this taken out of context?
I'm sure Trump's damage control team will pretend it was a 'joke'.

But he's clearly not there mentally with his rant on Batteries and his unhealthy hate of sharks. So he was telling his attendees the truth that he doesn't give a shit about them.
His comment was along the lines of its hot don’t drop because we need every last one of you. I don’t care about you I just want your votes. I don’t care.
When did Newsweek become Rawstory-tier?
keep diggin your graves morons.
Yeah it seems so
Gee anon. After 9 years of this, you would think it would have been an automatic response by now, don't ya think?
Have these miserable cocksuckers, for nearly a decade now, ever reported on him honestly?
Good boomer post
Oh no! I was called the boogyman word! Negative association! I'd better stop having deviant opinions now!
Yes, you better, or you will end up dying alone and in pain.
Oh no! The threat! The treat of disassociation with the world for having deviant thoughts! Noooooooo! Anything but thaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!
Not a threat it's a forecast. Boomers like you die alone and in pain. I didn't make the rules.
about 6 years ago when a billionaire bought them
Oh nooooo! Not a boomer! Noooo!!!!! Call me anything but something I'm not!!!!!!!! I'd better start having the right opinions now!!!!!!!!
What's it like being wrong all the time?
You tell me.
This is what it's like being wrong all the time.
There. You're told.
When you're capable of having a debate or discussion without resorting to shouting people down with negative associations, and insults, then you can say that someone else is 'wrong.'

All you do is prove to everyone around you that being disagreed with makes you upset.
>forgets where it is: a backwater part of the internet containing so-called... 'opinions' by those that know only too well their 'opinions' will never bend reality to their will: because reality has a liberal bias
>reality has a liberal bias that certain so-called 'opinions' - least of all here - will never have any effect upon
...and that is why I'll never be upset: but those with so-called 'opinions' that will never affect reality will be upset eternally.
Your bubble has a liberal bias. Your preferred media outlets have a liberal bias. You have a liberal bias. Reality has no bias. It doesn't care about your stupid ideological bent.
In the mean time the reality is that anyone who slightly disagrees with you is met with insults and other assorted vitriol, because you cannot handle being disagreed with, spoiled brat that you are.
ok boomer
I accept your concession, zoomer.
Your bubble has a right wing bias. Your preferred media outlets have a right wing bias. You have a right wing bias. Reality always has a liberal bias, otherwise the world would be exactly as you would wish it to be: so why isn't it? It doesn't care about your stupid ideological bent.
In the mean time the reality is that anyone who slightly disagrees with you is met with insults and other assorted vitriol, because you cannot handle being disagreed with, spoiled brat that you are
>anyone who slightly disagrees with you is met with insults and other assorted vitriol, because you cannot handle being disagreed with, spoiled brat that you are
anyone who slightly disagrees with you is met with insults and other assorted vitriol, because you cannot handle being disagreed with, spoiled brat that you are
>calls someone 'immature'. says the following:
>puddle of piss
...Q.E. and D. Also, hypocrisy. It's hardwired into the DNA of right wingers.
Yes and we go through the same song and dance of:
He didn’t say it
Okay he did say it and it was a joke
Okay it wasn’t a joke but it’s out of context
Okay it’s in context but that’s not what he meant
Okay it is what he meant, but who cares
Ok but in all seriousness guys. You can watch a full unedited video of trump saying he doesn’t care about his supporters and he just wants their vote. It’s not opinion or taken out of context it just is the reality of what he said. Out loud. To a crowd of his followers.
Donald J. Trump
I don't believe you
Well watch the video that is just the dude saying the words. He says the quiet part out loud. The thing we all know. Trump shits in a golden toilet and thinks everyone is stupid dupes. He thinks his followers are fucking fools. The emperor has no clothes but his cultists will never tell him.

get a room, faggots
get a load of these faggots

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