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In a win for freedom of speech, a pro-democrat, anti-free speech, pro-censorship think tank is being dismantled.
The Stanford Internet Observatory, known for censoring free speech on social media, is being dissolved.
The Stanford Internet Observatory is being dismantled
Reasonable people everywhere attacked the lab’s reports on misinformation and election integrity — and now Stanford is pulling the plug

After five years of pioneering research into the abuse of social platforms, the Stanford Internet Observatory is winding down. Its founding director, Alex Stamos, left his position in November. Renee DiResta, its research director, left last week after her contract was not renewed. One other staff member's contract expired this month, while others have been told to look for jobs elsewhere, sources say.

Some members of the eight-person team might find other jobs at Stanford, and it’s possible that the university will retain the Stanford Internet Observatory branding, according to sources familiar with the matter. But the lab will not conduct research into the 2024 election or other elections in the future.

The shutdown comes amid a sustained and increasingly successful campaign among reasonable Americans to discourage academics from censoring political speech and influence campaigns.

SIO and its researchers have been sued three times by groups alleging that its researchers colluded illegally with the federal government to censor speech, forcing Stanford to spend millions of dollars to defend its staff and students.

In parallel, Republican House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and his Orwellian “Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government” have subpoenaed documents at Stanford and other universities, selectively leaked fragments of them to friendly conservative outlets, and misrepresented their contents in public statements.
The remnants of SIO will be reconstituted under Jeff Hancock, the lab’s faculty sponsor. Hancock, a professor of communication, runs a separate program known as the Stanford Social Media Lab. SIO’s work on child safety will continue there, sources said.

Two of SIO’s major initiatives — the peer-reviewed Journal of Online Trust and Safety and its Trust and Safety Research Conference — will also continue. (The journal is funded through a separate grant from the Omidyar Network.)

But in quietly dismantling SIO, the university seems to have calculated that the lab had become more trouble than it is worth.

In a statement emailed after publication, Stanford strongly disputed the fact that SIO is being dismantled. "The important work of SIO continues under new leadership, including its critical work on child safety and other online harms, its publication of the Journal of Online Trust and Safety, the Trust and Safety Research Conference, and the Trust and Safety Teaching Consortium," a spokesperson wrote. "Stanford remains deeply concerned about efforts, including lawsuits and congressional investigations, that chill freedom of inquiry and undermine legitimate and much needed academic research – both at Stanford and across academia."
Literally who?
>OP spins article text to replace "Republicans" with "reasonable Americans"
>accidentally leaves in the part calling Jim Jordan's committee "Orwellian"
Lmao even. I guess you'll delete this thread, then immediately repost once you edit your mistake.
>Article spins opposing Internet censorship as Orwellian
There's the problem.
I don't think you understand what censorship is
It's when you can't read fag books to kids while jerking off in an elementary school library dressed in women's clothing.
You CHUDs fantasize about the weirdest shit
I'm not a CHUD. I'm genuinely concerned that I can't show children gay porn and teach them about buttseks.
The SIO combatted online child exploitation. So opposition to them is (directly or indirectly) supporting online child exploitation. Why do you support pedophilia? (Rhetorical question. The answer is because you are right-wing).
OP should be banned for editorializing and changing the story
What Scotland Yard has done to Atomwaffen-linked National Action: SY with links to GCHQ
Can you say FBI? CIA? NSA? Even those three have data shared with them from GCHQ: they scan & intercept the entire telecommunications network. That means the ENTIRE internet.
When GCHQ compromised the Dark Web: but then, they're the post-war equivalent of Bletchley Park: what they - via Alan Turing - did to the encryption of another bunch of retards with wrong opinions: Shitler's Nazis & their Enigma....!
A year or so ago, Operation Venetic: arrest of hundreds of top criminals & seizure of their assets worth hundreds of millions. Co-ordinated by Scotland Yard: guess who cracked said criminals' military-grade encryption on their smartphones/computers...?!
>GCHQ: they scan & intercept the entire telecommunications network. That means the ENTIRE internet
>FBI? CIA? NSA? Even those three have data shared with them from GCHQ
The FBI did a good job in more than just censoring a subhuman retard that thought it had the right to have wrong opinions
First they came for the bigots: I did not speak out, because I didn't have wrong opinions.
...and then they did not come for me: because I'm not an asshole.
Moral: Don't have wrong opinions.
Good riddance. Maybe I can shove my horse dildo in my butt and read Little Faggy Frank on Youtube Kids now.
Get a real job, Alex. Your failed wrongspeak think-tank is done for
You're just mad because they archived every post you ever made on /pol/.
>After five years of pioneering research into the abuse of social platforms
Ah yes, censoring the internet by doing research
They did more than research, they actively lobbied social media to ban accounts
>OP should be banned
The thought of that must make your tiny, progressive, authoritarian penis all hard and funny feeling, huh?
go back to your containment hole and never return to this place
>OP makes post about left wingers censoring free speech
>shitlib leftoid cries and wants to censor OP for exercising free speech by making a colorful title for a /news/ post
Like pottery
>You're just mad because they archived every post you ever made on /pol/.
And now their archive is getting deleted, womp womp
>Stanford Internet Observatory gets disbanded
>shitlib /news/shill posting starts to die off
Why are these chuds seething so hard over a simple archive site?
>SIOshill mad he's out of a job
Not to worry, I think ShareBlue might still be hiring
Are the SIOshills and shareblue in the room now?
I'd really like to know why you think the SIO is some kind of boogeyman. What is it you think they did?
>why are you making jokes about and discussing the SIO in a thread about the SIO?
Me thinks the hit dog doth holler too much
How very Orwellian of you
Its not that complicated. Modern conservative ideology thrives on constant misinformation and lies. Any authority which works to expose their misinformation and lies are bad for their political movement. The less people who are scared by Facbook propaganda into believing that rape caravans of Venezuelans are being imported into the country and public schools are transing everybody's kids and force feeding them hormone blockers the less people vote for the GOP. In short, becoming educated is really bad for conservatives. The more educated you are the less likely you are to buy their conspiracy horseshit. Therefore, they dislike all education and research institutions.
Not really, he always does that.
Vs the other side that just goes, "It's not happening."
I mean, you can say that, but only one side is is actively fighting to completely undo America's institutions. Only one side is claiming that encourages people to dismiss every medical research body on the planet and instead get their medical advice from Facebook and bitchute. Only one side's president said we needed to suspend the constitution and rule of law because he lost an election. I'll give you a hint - it isn't the left.
Ah yes. The authorities and institutions who can never be wrong. About anything. Ever.
Lest we forget what Fauchi did to people in the 80s. But I digress.
>le blumpfke!!
Yeah. That dude. Most horrible person ever, that guy.
Y'know if ignored everyone else in politics.
>Ah yes. The authorities and institutions who can never be wrong. About anything. Ever.
Is that what I said? That authorities and institutions can never be wrong?

>Yeah. That dude. Most horrible person ever, that guy.
Did I say that Trump was the most horrible person ever? Its not a good sign that you can't engage with anything I said and instead have to erect these dumb strawmen.
libtard fanfiction is wild
Trump Derangement Syndrome.
They're literally losing brain mass embracing these lies.
>Only one side is claiming that encourages people to dismiss every medical research body on the planet and instead get their medical advice from Facebook and bitchute.
Nice appeal to authority.
>No argument
I accept your concession

>No argument
I accept your concession

An appeal to an authority is only fallacious if your argument is that the authority is correct BECAUSE it is an authority. That isn't my argument, therefore you're using this term incorrectly. You also provided no argument. I accept your concession.
>its fine getting my medical device from uncle bertie from fuckitall wyoming
>just ignore his videos where he rants about how tongue kissing animals is proper animal husbandry
Can't wait for you faggots to die out
Its also worth mentioning how dishonest conservative engagement is with authorities and institutions and how conveniently their belief in them falls along ideological lines. When authorities and institutions filed charges against Hunter Biden or said Hillary mishandled her e-mail server the institutions are based. They don't really have any criticism of them then. Yet the second they do anything that they disagree with like investigate Trump or put out COVID recommendations you don't like then suddenly they have this incredible skepticism of what institutions say. This is what we call concern trolling.
More appeal to authority fallacy. And now it's projection and strawman on top of that.
Are you saying COVID was a partisan issue, as well?
This is just silly. The Trump investigations were unjust and not done in accordance with due process, and COVID 'recommendations' were not based upon any objective fact or reality. They were just suggestions that Fauci pulled out of his ass.
Good post. Did your wife’s boyfriend give you a high five when you posted this?
>Modern liberal ideology thrives on constant misinformation and lies.

Trump is a felon and a rapist.
I understand you think its unjust that he's been found guilty of his crimes because he's a Republican, but you're wrong.
Yeah, no.
Yeah, its easy to tell your posts don't line up with reality.
Prepare to die mad that conservatism is dying out.
*yawn* If you say so...
This is the dazzling conservation style you polfags brought from reddit, huh?
>More appeal to authority fallacy. And now it's projection and strawman on top of that.
Listing the names of fallacies isn't an argument.

>The Trump investigations were unjust and not done in accordance with due process, and COVID 'recommendations' were not based upon any objective fact or reality. They were just suggestions that Fauci pulled out of his ass.
Everything you just said is categorically false. Thanks for swooping in out of nowhere and perfectly proving my point about conservatives being disconnected from reality.
>Um... NUH-UH!!!!!!!!
Argument was here >>1304656, here >>1304636 and here >>1304618. Your only response was just listing logical fallacies. I accept your concession.
>my side=perfect and does no wrong vs your side which is evil and does every bad thing evarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Methinks the hit bitch doth holler too much
>lalala this is not happening
Typical conservative rebuttal
>my side=perfect and does no wrong vs your side which is evil and does every bad thing evarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
There's no way this is the best strawman you could come up with
Just going by what I observe.
What you observe is an argument you can't engage with, therefore you construct a stupid strawman and engage with that instead.
>The Stanford Internet Observatory, known for censoring free speech on social media, is being dissolved.
Not even sure how people could ethnically support an organization that shut down opposing political speech online
Probably because they didn't actually do that and OP is a huge lying faggot
>bitter unemployed SIO shills still crying in the thread
The strawmen who live in your head are always crying about something or other. That way you always win the imaginary argument you're having.

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