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>“What is Biden doing?”

>— Republican National Committee social media post, 1:01 p.m., June 13

>“Biden wanders away at G-7 summit before being pulled back by Italian PM”

>— headline of New York Post article, posted less than two hours later

>“Meander in Chief: Biden embarrasses U.S. with confused wanderings at world conference.”

>— front page of New York Post, posted June 14
A particularly effective attack on a political candidate can come in the form of a video snippet that appears to reinforce an existing stereotype. The social media feed of the RNC regularly churns out misleading clips of President Biden, 81, intended to show that he is too old for the job.

Biden’s Republican opponent, former president Donald Trump, turned 78 on Friday, but polls show there is less concern about his physical and mental fitness for office. In a recent Pew Research poll released in April, fewer than a quarter of voters expressed a high degree of confidence in Biden’s mental fitness (21 percent) and physical fitness (15 percent). By contrast, about four in ten voters were extremely or very confident about Trump’s mental and physical fitness. So there is an incentive for the Republicans to keep hammering away at a perceived vulnerability for Biden.

This past week, the RNC feed has misleadingly called attention to two video clips of Biden. One was so distorted that it resulted in a “community note” on the X platform calling out its dishonesty. But the RNC’s dismal track record — which we have highlighted on multiple occasions — has not stopped right-leaning outfits from echoing the RNC’s framing and reinforcing its narrative that Biden has lost a step.
The ‘meandering’ clip

On June 13, at about 1 p.m., the RNC posted a clip it captioned, “What is Biden doing?” The post has been viewed more than 3 million times. Biden is seen with other Group of Seven leaders watching skydivers in Italy, carrying the flags of the nations. Biden turns and walks a few steps to chat with one of the parachutists, the only leader to do so. Then Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni turns him back to the other leaders. In one feed distributed by news services — the one used by the RNC — it’s not entirely clear who Biden is talking to, but an alternative feed, also distributed by news services, makes it clear that Biden is having a conversation.

The New York Post jumped on the RNC clip, posting a story less than two hours later and embedding the RNC post. When the White House cried foul, saying the video had been taken out of context, the newspaper buried that comment in the bottom of the story, while noting that the video feed had been distributed by news services. (None characterized it as the RNC did. C-SPAN, for instance, titled its video: “President Biden & G-7 Leaders Watch Skydiving Demonstration.”)

The New York Post went on to make the fake story the cover of its print edition.

The New York Post video on social media was a vertical edit, which further removed the context of Biden’s conversation — nothing of the panoramic view to the right and left can be seen. This is a good example of how cutting a viral “moment” vertically, without taking into account what’s going on in the rest of the frame, can alter perception.

An X community note was added to the video clip, saying: “Biden didn’t ‘wander off’. After viewing a skydiving demo with the other G-7 leaders, Biden stepped aside to speak with one of the other skydivers who is kneeling on the ground packing away his chute. The video in the above post has been digitally altered to remove the skydiver.”
A few hours later, for undisclosed reasons, the community note was changed to simply say “the video was cropped,” with a link to a 14-minute clip on the YouTube channel of Sinclair Broadcasting, another conservative outlet. The new note does little to combat the framing of the post: “President Biden appeared to wander off at the G-7 summit in Italy, with officials needing to pull him back to focus.”

Another news organization that regularly follows the signals of the RNC feed is the Telegraph newspaper in Britain. It published an article that accepted the RNC’s framing even as it quoted the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, as saying the story was bunk. “Sunak defends Biden after he ‘wandered off’ at G-7 event: Video shows U.S. president drifting away from leaders during a photo op with parachutists,” the headline said.

The Telegraph’s YouTube channel framed the clip this way: “Joe Biden appears to walk off during G-7 flag ceremony.”

Jake Schneider, the RNC’s rapid response director, defended the use of the clip, saying it “came straight from the official G-7 feed.” He added: “Joe Biden is not only lost and confused, but he is also weak, failed, and dishonest.”

Representatives of the New York Post and the Telegraph did not respond to requests for comment. (Robert Winnett, a deputy editor of the Telegraph, will become editor of The Washington Post in November.)

The ‘freezing’ clip

Earlier in the week, the Telegraph ran another article based on a misleading RNC clip: “Watch: Biden appears to freeze at White House concert.” The article was based entirely on speculation, advanced by the RNC, that Biden had some sort of episode that caused him to freeze. The article suggested that the person next to him “seemed to notice something was amiss, putting his arm around Mr. Biden before the pair bumped fists.”
In a post on June 10 that had 3.3 million views, the RNC asked: “Why isn’t Biden moving?” In the clip, Biden is standing still while people around him are dancing at a Juneteenth celebration. The full video, when it pans, shows other people similarly standing still at the right end of the screen.

Biden, as he did in this 2009 Associated Press interview, has often said he doesn’t dance. “Joe Biden wants to make one thing clear: He can’t dance,” the article said, quoting him as saying “the reason I want to keep talking is because I can’t dance.” The article noted that at an inaugural ball he danced “stiffly” with his wife, Jill. “I may not be able to dance, but I sure like holding her,” Biden said.

“Unfortunately, some of President Biden’s right-wing critics don’t respect their readers or themselves and resort to misinformation and cheap fakes because his performance in office — fueling the strongest economic growth in the world, bringing violent crime to historic lows, and advancing our national security in the world — is so threatening to them that they feel a need to make things up,” deputy White House press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement. “It’s also telling that President Biden’s critics believe that giving a thumbs up to a skydiver or taking the time to thank veterans in Normandy is somehow negative.”
The Pinocchio Test

The use of these clips is an especially pernicious couple of examples of manipulated video — what we label “isolation” under our guide to manipulated video — because it’s intended to create a false narrative that doesn’t reflect the event as it occurred. The RNC and its avid followers in the conservative media earn Four Pinocchios.
>An X community note was added to the video clip, saying: “Biden didn’t ‘wander off’. After viewing a skydiving demo with the other G-7 leaders, Biden stepped aside to speak with one of the other skydivers who is kneeling on the ground packing away his chute. The video in the above post has been digitally altered to remove the skydiver.”
When fucking Twitter calls out your lies.
>A few hours later, for undisclosed reasons, the community note was changed to simply say “the video was cropped,” with a link to a 14-minute clip on the YouTube channel of Sinclair Broadcasting, another conservative outlet. The new note does little to combat the framing of the post: “President Biden appeared to wander off at the G-7 summit in Italy, with officials needing to pull him back to focus.”
Nevermind, right wing propaganda going right wing propaganda.
It's amazing how willing Bezos is to go to bat for Biden.
next time don't make your false narratives so easy to debunk
>Someone got Biden's attention while he was staring at paratroopers
>Someone got Trump's attention while he was staring into the sun
Fuck anyone that ran this story with a dirty rake.
Pretty sure the uncropped footage doesn't look much better.
Of course you're pretty sure because you're the board shill.
Bezos and the DNC shillbots literally line up to give Biden sloppy toppies
>Russians shills caught red handed making doctored footage.
>Whine about being caught.
he's still trying >>1304353
everyone point and laugh
/pol/ never sends their best to /news/
It's why /news/ will never fall to them.
Is /pol/ in the room with us right now?
Shut the fuck up boomer
Found the enraptured but misled right wingers
Literal Cockroach
>‘Cheapfake’ Biden videos enrapture right-wing media, but deeply mislead
The retarded are easily fooled
>Amazon ensures Hazbin Hotel exists more than just as a pilot on YouTube: two series - available on stream at any time - induces perma-butthurt in the seething subhuman bigots. Good
>Bezos is pro-Biden
Further proof that Bezos can do no wrong
Bezos doesn't have creative control over the Post
>Bezos has more control than >>1304381
...and he's anti-Trump. That's good enough for me.
Most of the world is anti-Trump.
>This is the best /pol/ can come up with when they don't have the Russians to spoonfed them.
Is the uncropped version supposed to make him look good? He wandered off from the others to show thumbs up to someone and then had to be reminded by Meloni where he is supposed to be all while looking confused.
Yeah that's how it goes. Video resurfaces making a democrat look bad. WaPo writes a sensationalist headline about how they refuted viral right wing misinformation while posting a different angle form the same video that doesn't change anything and idiots will just eat it up.
Can you samefag any harder?
The undoctored footage shows him talking to one of the skydivers.
He didn't "wander off" anywhere. He was literally 3 feet from Macron.
Holy fuck just take the L and try better next time for once. The NYpost got caught lying again like they did with Hunter's external hard drive.
>Oh they cropped this video of Biden wandering away to do something random, that means we don't literally have dozens of other videos of Biden wandering off like a moth to a light source
>There isn't another thread on this board right now an OP image of with Biden staring into colorful lights like said moth

Boy this election season is already hard on shitlibs and Demoshills and it's not even July lmao
>>The NYpost got caught lying again like they did with Hunter's external hard drive.

>oh it wasn't real?
>No it was real
>oh the info on it was fake?
>No the info was correct
>Oh the info was a nothingburger?
>No it helped secure a criminal conviction against him and helped fuel further investigations
>On then what were they lying about
>they said it was a laptop and not an external HDD
>Thats not a lie, thats just a slight correction... didn't you guys claim it was fake russian disinfo
>Yeah but who cares if we lied to cover up his criminal actions, their "lie" is worse because it literally was an HDD and not a laptop

Kill yourself my man, seriously
>doesn't know the difference between a laptop and an external hard drive
This is why no one listens to you.
>doesn't understand why that doesn't matter
Remember when you said it was Russian disinfo? Pepperridge Farm remembers
Remember when you whined about Ukrainians firing a corrupt pro Russian official and blamed biden? Oh wait, you still do that
Your Russian talking points usually are
Being Rudy Guiliani's disinfo is even worse than being Russian disinfo
>uses whataboutism
>cries about whataboutisms
Shocker: it's yet another whataboutism

You keep using that word, I'm not sure you understand what it means in the context that the info from the laptop/HDD is... being used as criminal evidence against Ol' Cracky Hunter
Except it's a gun charge, not the bombshell you were wishing for, which was nothing but Russian/Republican talking points
>the guy who takes the word of a blind chud laptop repairman is telling me I don't understand what happened
>Except it's a gun charge, not the bombshell you were wishing for
There are three gun charges that he was convicted on and they carry up to 25 years in prison anon

>, which was nothing but Russian/Republican talking points
You're referring to the tax crimes the IRS was investigating him for, yes?
Thats because the DOJ helped cover it up and ran interference by running the clock out on the statute of limitations.

The FBI validated the blind chud laptop repairman's testimony, sorry kiddo
i read those fox news headlines too anon
>fox news
Now this is cope
>The Post reported that the email was found in a cache of data extracted from the external hard drive of a laptop computer that belonged to Hunter Biden. The Post reported that the repair shop owner had made a copy of the external hard drive before it was seized by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and that the copy was later provided to the Post by Donald Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani. The subpoena to seize the laptop was issued by a grand jury on behalf of the US attorney's office in Wilmington, which was later reported to have been investigating Hunter Biden about lobbying and financial matters since at least 2018.

>The veracity of the Post's reporting was strongly questioned by many mainstream media outlets and analysts due to the initially unclear origin and chain of custody of the laptop and the provenance of its contents. Due to prior Russian influence campaigns during the 2016 election, particularly the release of documents obtained by Russian cyber attacks targeting John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee, media outlets and intelligence officials also became suspicious of a possible disinformation campaign by Russian intelligence or its proxies. Adding to concerns, Giuliani had met with Andrii Derkach, later confirmed to be a Russian agent,[29][30] while conducting opposition research against Joe Biden in Ukraine in 2019.
>a republican committee, headed by jim jordan
>pretending it's unrelated to right wing media
you need to get better at playing this game
>NYPost and the laptop repairman are the same person
>pretending it's unrelated to right wing media
Here's your [citation needed]
>The Post reported that the repair shop owner had made a copy of the external hard drive before it was seized by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and that the copy was later provided to the Post by Donald Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani.
>In parallel, Republican House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and his Orwellian “Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government” have subpoenaed documents at Stanford and other universities, selectively leaked fragments of them to friendly conservative outlets, and misrepresented their contents in public statements.
taken directly from one of your other shill threads
>the FBI has both the original HDD and the image copy
>they corroborated the info and it is... being used in a criminal investigation against Hunter
Anon reality is simply not lining up with your conspiracy, I'm sorry

[citation still needed]
If the wikipedia page is wrong go ahead and try to change it, Anon ;)
>[citation still needed]
The page doesn't say a citation is needed.
Welp, thread successfully derailed again.
But the last "alternate angle" is the shot that's the most misrepresenting and falsified.
Am I crazy or do you retards really propagandize yourselves this hard that you believe Biden and the man to the left here are actually looking at each other after seeing the first two images.
Tell you what, you find someone that was on site looking at Biden in real life that confirms this story, and maybe you'll be taken seriously.
Its a bunch of people that weren't there shouting about this
Watch the AP video in the OP WaPo link. Cant post avif's here.
This honestly reminds me of the time Biden spoke for some union and then turns around to shake hands with someone, and nobody is there, he turned to the right, nobody was there, turned to the left, nobody was there, and then he put his hand down and walk away.
*But* when he had turned to the left there was someone about 15 feet away in that direction in the bleachers and democrats tried to make it sound like Biden was standing directly in front of him trying to shake his hand
>just watch the deceptively edited video
lmao, you have nothing

Anything to distract from Trumps brain going to mush, huh?
I don't know if that felon is going to be able to speak english by November
That photo wasn't cropped by the NYpost to make it look like a cell phone video, but it's still cropped to make it seem like he was alone on stage when he wasn't.
>15 feet away
He was less than 5 feet away.
Oh yeah here's the video https://youtu.be/_59agcnLAj4
Sure, chuddie, the Washington Post is actually the one lying and not the NyPost. Everyone believes you.
>but it's still cropped to make it seem like he was alone on stage when he wasn't
No, you are just hopelessly propagandized.
He's about 15 feet away from the nearest person. Watch the video. He's not even trying to shake hands with him. He keeps turning in different directions looking for someone and then gives up and wanders off stage
The video shows the stage is much less than 10 feet long, dumbass.
>he was alone on stage when he wasn't
Another democrat lie.
>don't believe your own eyes
He is less than 5 feet away from the nearest person. He's in the middle of a 10 foot stage ffs.
It's hilarious desperate that you people are even trying to damage control with this.
So where's the guy he was trying to shake hands with? The random dude sitting in the bleachers off to the side of stage left? Why didn't they shake hands if they were right next to each other? Oh yeah, because nobody has arms that are 15 feet long
>He is less than 5 feet away from the nearest person.
Then why didn't they shake the presidents hand if they were so close?
Lying faggot.
5 feet away from him to his left, as the video clearly shows.
What do you hope to gain by lying about something so easily disprovable?
There is no way any reasonable person would believe your lies
>doesn't know you're supposed to clap after the President gives a speech
I really am arguing with foreign shills, aren't I.
Reread the op title again because it applies to you
Lmao so now your pivoting to "Biden trying to shake hands with the air is the audiences queue to clap"
Lmao, you really do enjoy giving him thos sloppy toppies, don't you?
Your argument is shit
I'm not the one who used the whataboutism of another cropped photo. This thread is about the NYpost and the RNC lying to the American public.
The only people lying are you faggots. This is demonstrably a pattern of behavior Biden has repeatedly exhibited

I'm sorry previous instances of biden's senility ruin you little Biden knob polishing fetish
>This past week, the RNC feed has misleadingly called attention to two video clips of Biden. One was so distorted that it resulted in a “community note” on the X platform calling out its dishonesty. But the RNC’s dismal track record — which we have highlighted on multiple occasions — has not stopped right-leaning outfits from echoing the RNC’s framing and reinforcing its narrative that Biden has lost a step.
lol you are a gullible idiot
don't get mad, just learn how to doctor media better
So, number 1 I just clicked on the wapo op and viewed the video. He's literally trying to shake hands with nobody again
Number 2, I literally don't care about a wapo staffers opinion that the video isn't exactly what it looks like it is. This tactic is literally the definition of gaslighting. I believe the video they posted in the article more than a wapo staffers opinion, and the video literally shows Biden trying to shake hands with nobody again until Jill turns him around and has him face forward.
Even the "alternate angle" shows this. The "widely distributed feed" is the best at showing biden's senility tho
I'm sorry reality has an "Biden is senile" bias
>indisputable video evidence is "a wapo staffers opinion" now
Just take the L and admit your side got caught this time. It isn't the end of the world and not worth dying on that hill.
After viewing the video posted in the wapo article, this is pretty humorous. The "widely reported feed" shows Biden acting senile, and they had to use a selective "alternate angle" using a narrow field, over-the-shoulder pov which makes it appear that people in the background are closer to Biden than they actually are,

The "widely distributed feed" is by far the most objective angle here as it is zoomed out and you can clearly see the surroundings, as well as clearly see Biden walk up to nobody and extend his hand for a handshake
This wapo article is shit propaganda and you should feel ashamed that you believe their selectively chosen cropped "alternate angle" feed over the "widely distributed feed" which clearly shows everything happening
we've already been through this >>1304561
Yeah we have, and you have thoroughly convinced everyone here that your sole purpose in this thread is to polish biden's knob and distribute propaganda.

Literally nobody believes this horse shit, they even posted the widely distributed feed debunking their edited "alternate angle" bs thats been cropped and you can't see the surroundings in
Why does the NYpost and the RNC getting caught in a lie make you so angry? Do you work for them?
>don't believe your lying eyes!
I'm an objective, reasonable person who has examined all three videos and drawn my own conclusions.

I believe my eyes more than a wapo staffer providing a cropped editing video as evidence that another video is cropped or edited, since I also see the original widely distributed feed which aligns less with the wapo damage control and more with the nyp video
Anyone with eyes clearly can tell that this is dnc damage control, and a poor attempt at it as well
Trumpfags seething that their orange felon is going senile and Biden isn't
Much more people in America believe Biden has more problems with his mental facilities than trump. I guess most of us just see it how it is, and propagandized bots like yourself simply can't get objective.

Many such cases
you're a schizophrenic spammer on a dead board who gets caught lying all the time
It was. The one time the media does the right thing and you cry.
You're confusing magafags with people.
Subhumans don't count.
Nothing says a winner like accusing your opponent of being senile, and then immediately proving you're senile.
Trump's diet would be making him senile even if he wasn't that old.
my ass
t. Donald J. Trump
They really are seething
I hope you kill yourself.
It actually boggles my mind how a bootlicker could lick the boots of a dementia ridden corrupt politician. I guess since he wears blue you have to go to bat for him. I can't wait for civil war.
It's easy. He's the better candidate.
I'm hoping he steals the election again. I can't fucking wait.
He didn't steal the election last time.
of course not, he discovered it.
>don't believe your lying eyes, comrade

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