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mega based
Paste the article text newfag. This isn't a clickfarm.
not in the rules, no dick
he's making threads again
He’s probably getting paid to make them, because he acts like he doesn’t belong here. Just another parasite, ignore his thread and let him post alone, except when he gets called a faggot, like always
nah, only lefties are shills here
Putting "sage" in the Options field before posting prevents OP's clickfarming post from being bumped

The more you know
>sorting /news/ by bump order
I want summer to be over already
This just in: impotent /pol/ppet is baited by people - immigrants - it doesn't like. And thinks they're in the room with it.
Film at 11.
global rule 7, jew
a. migrants aren't people
b. migrants aren't immigrants
The funniest thing is when he has a mental breakdown and starts thinking everyone to the left of Charlie Kirk is a single "shareblue shill" poster. Poor bastard is stuck in 2016 and it's hilarious.
t. retard baited by people: migrants
u. impotent /pol/ppet
see >>1304591
migrants aren't people
you sure are seething there, moshie
t. retard still baited by people superior to a subhuman impotent /pol/ppet: migrants
u. seething at reality it can do nothing about personally
global rule 69: suck my dick
lol you can't stop seething that the greeks are drowning your countrymen
you mad as fuck, faggot
Alright smart guy, what do (you) sort by? All options seem pretty awful
mad horny. Thought I told you to start sucking...
Sort by creation date and use the thread watcher if you care about the topic
>pajeetberg got bfto'd and now xe is trying to shit up the thread
Tried that for a while, but then the first page is all trash/bot threads that don't go anywhere. Using thread watcher nullifies the point of sorting my creation if you're just marking the ones you care about anyway.

I usually go the other route, hiding trash threads. Just felt like sharing some old knowledge since the newfags don't seem to realize they can reply without bumping. Sometimes OP just needs to be made aware that they are indeed a faggot, but without being rewarded with a bump.
Your tears only make me harder
>Reddit spacing
you aren't an oldfag, jew.
you are the one crying over your dick since your friends got drowned
That's fair, but the the point is it's almost impossible to use bump order or last reply because there are too many underage b&'s here who think they are winning some imaginary contest by bumping their trash threads to the top. You might miss stories happening now that way.

In keeping with the theme of "current news", it makes sense that creation date would be better. Also that way you can see when the real shitposters and spammers start switching IPs to make mass batches of threads at the same time.
Here he goes talking about dicks again
>samefagging with reddit spacing
take your meds
I've been here since 2001, just waiting for you to hurry up and suck my dick
moot didn't invent 4chan until 2003 you lying dickless jew
>he took the bait
Kek based
Haha! Murder. So cool.
its only murder if its people. drowning an invasive species isn't murder
>killing white people isn't murder
controversial but based take
migrants aren't white
ESL? Can't read? Just fucking dumb?
We're talking about invasive species, not migrants.
Very edgy. Very cool.
migrants are the invasive species. they are the ones trying to go to the US and yurope
poltards are an invasive species who should go back
/pol/ website, tranny. top 4 boards are /vg/ /pol/ /v/ /vt/
this is only because the great replacement happened, and the great replacement happened because they banned racism on reddit and literally all the refugees came to 4chan.
4chan was always racist and right wing
nobody has ever in any of 4chan's eras liked poltards. this is a fact
Correct. Ponyposters > Polfags
The steady downward spiral continues.
>and literally all the refugees came to 4chan
>denied their right to have opinions on r/The_Donald, and those in r/Physical_Removal thrown out of the helicopter that was Reddit
Indeed, they are... migrants.
Oh, the ironing.
The seething meds-needing invasive species that are the subhumans from those sunken subs imploding due to the depth charges of Cancel Culture used against them need to be thrown overboard like the evil trash they are. They aren't people.
No, 4chan is racist and leftwing
>racist and leftwing
Oxymoron or just a moron?
4chan has literally always been /pol/, cope tranny
lefties hate whites
4chan has never been left wing. there were always obongo hate threads
4chan was never jewish and left wing. there were obongo and commie hate threads over 15 years ago on here
/pol/ has always been ridiculed because it's full of faggots like yourself, sorry, you're unlikeable
you literally suck men's cocks
Here he goes talking about dicks again
4chan used to be edgy suburban teenagers who made nigga stole my bike memes who also thought republicans were complete retards.

>there were always obongo hate threads
when did this "always" of yours begin and on what boards
>lefties hate white righties
...ftfy. Also, good.
lefties hate all whites
>4chan used to be edgy suburban teenagers who made nigga stole my bike memes who also thought republicans were complete retards.
there were literally obongo hate threads back in 2008 and 2009
>when did this "always" of yours begin and on what boards
2008/2009 on /b/ and constantly on /sp/ when there was no mod
>lefties hate all right whites
...ftfy. Also, better.
it was obabo you fucking newfag. go back to nu pol with your other 3rd world friends
>2008/2009 on /b/ and constantly on /sp/ when there was no mod
/sp/ will post gay porn when there's no mod, it doesn't mean shit.

anyway i'm not gonna dispute you there because i didn't use /b/ at the time (and /b/ has always been considered retarded by all of 4chan including /b/) but i can definitely say it wasn't a site-wide attitude as far as /a/ or /tg/ went.
>lefties hate all whites
So many white supremacist sites brought down after Charlottesville: by Anonymous.
They can't hate the white person murdered by a white person, but hate the latter enough to hate all white rightists, so enjoy your paradox.
Does Anonymous - and you know which board they originate from - consist solely of white right antisemites, >>1304912 ...?!
As a certain prince of Denmark would say of your opinions: 'To be or not to be...?'
nah all whites, you jewish faggot
unlike you and obongo I'm American
you're wrong 100% of the time
nah, there wasn't gay porn, there was obongo hate. the gay porn is posted by left wing jewish shills. there were tons of obongo hate and liberalism is a mental disorder threads
the group that calls themselves anonymous is like a dozen jews who work for the JIDF and have no affiliation with 4chan
I've never been wrong, you've always been jewish
102% of the time you're wrong.
>like a
...thus not. Either Anonymous ARE Jews or they're not.
...and there are whites like me who hate white rightists.
>Kevin Day: member of neo-Nazi National Front now a very much left wing commentator & writer
>what happened to Atomwaffen-linked National Action by Scotland Yard Anti-Terror section, linked to GCHQ
>All this by a Conservative government: even applauded by right-leaning newspapers
Seems >>1304921 is wrong: >>1304912
>>1304920 >>1304922 is wrong 1000% of the time.
>...thus not. Either Anonymous ARE Jews or they're not.
ESL that means, about, like a dozen means about a dozen
>...and there are whites like me who hate white rightists.
you aren't white you are jewish
>Kevin Day:
is a jew and you are samefagging
Paste article text bbc shill
>nah, there wasn't gay porn
/sp/ used to so wholly shit when no mod that people would cry to IRC about it, which is the only place i ever saw them.
>...thus not. Either Anonymous ARE Jews or they're not.
>EASILY that means you're 1000% wrong, >>1304926
>you aren't white you are jewish
>I still have my foreskin
>I eat bacon sandwiches
>I'm white: >>1304926 can't prove otherwise with forensic evidence - other than 'My source is I made it the fuck up' - and is reduced to being a retard
...now keep entertaining us by proving you're 1001% wrong by continuing with your replies. But that's all you're reduced to: Lies.
get raped
there was no gay porn on no mod /sp/. no mod /sp/ was mega based and the best board ever
you write like an autistic schizo. the anonymous hackers are JIDF jews and you are also a jew and not white
>there was no gay porn on no mod /sp/. no mod /sp/ was mega based and the best board ever
this is an opinion so retarded that only a /b/tard could possibly have it, which lines up, because it's just the usual retards trying to turn other boards into /b/ event. fuck off to /bant/ or something.
>you write like an autistic schizo
I accept your concession. Certainly with you proving you're 1001% wrong by continuing with your replies: which are nothing but lies when confronted with facts you can never prove wrong.
>you write like an autistic schizo
>everything >>1304931 posts here
there is no fucking reason why /sp/ has to be on topic when there are no live sports on
you write like an autistic schizo. you are jewish. you were proven jewish, you don't know english. you got btfo'd
The only thing in /news/ that writes like an autistic schizo is >>1304938:
>you are jewish. you were proven jewish, you don't know english
QED. Thus >>1304938 btfo.
nah, it is you jewboi. you are the schizo
Keep entertaining us with your schizo writing, >>1304942
Racists love socialism! Free enterprise is way too inclusive due to its incentive to maximize market share.
> 4chan has never been left wing. there were always obongo hate threads
Where? I’ve never seen any and I’ve been on 4chan since 2006
You'd have to have visited boards other than r9k and a
keep seething there, faggot
you haven't and they were constantly on /b/ /sp/ /v/ and the older version of /news/ that got deleted and then /pol/ got made. the original news board literally got deleted because all the threads were obongo hate
the original /news/ was deleted because it attracted the lowest quality schizophrenic posters such as yourself. and the current /news/ should be as well
Why would you hate obummer though? He was better than GWB and McCain at least
he wasn't. obongo was an evil anti gun piece of shit who intentionally fucked up the economy and tried to ban guns while arming the cartels, opened the boarders and shipped American jobs overseas
Gwb and McCain were literally the same
you're arguing with a broken record. just call him a faggot and move on
>evil anti gun
Oxymoron detected
Guns aren't and will never be a human right, no matter how much you rage against it on an anonymous board.
You know this, despite your howling. If the government wanted to take your guns, you would not be able to resist. They would have your guns at the end of the day.
no they literally weren't. W and mccain were cucks, but obongo is a communist who actively hates the US
>Oxymoron detected
all anti gunners are evil, seethe more faggot
>Guns aren't and will never be a human right, no matter how much you rage against it on an anonymous board.
they literally always have been and always will be, seethe more
>You know this, despite your howling. If the government wanted to take your guns, you would not be able to resist. They would have your guns at the end of the day.
the government literally almost got BTFO'd by like 2,000 unarmed boomers. most blue state sheriffs outright said they won't go door to door for guns and would only enforce gun laws if it was part of another crime. anti gun ny has like a 5% compliance rate on registration. anti gun illinois has like a 11% compliance rate on registration. this is just registration, not even confiscation. anti gun NJ had ZERO mag above 10 rounds turned in after the ban and ZERO bumpstocks turned in after the ban. it was a ZERO percent compliance rate. Besides, who would take the guns? the cops who stood outside and pissed their pants at uvalde or the army who unconditionally surrendered to illiterate inbred goat fuckers in vietnam and afghanistan?
What’s something onegro did that GWB and McCain didn’t or wouldn’t do
How the fuck did you guys let gun nut schizo hijack another thread
it's his occupation, i just come here when i'm bored
>get thoroughly bfto'd
In the U.S. you can buy guns but you can’t use them to defend yourself from violent niggers
kyle rittenhouse literally did just that. so did zimmerman
Kyle rittenhouse literally didn’t shoot any niggers, he shot some pedos that were attacking him and there were 5 k different videos from different angles showing that he was defending himself. You’re not going to have that when a crazed nigger gets into your house and decides it’s time to rape and kill your whole family
>You’re not going to have that when a crazed nigger gets into your house and decides it’s time to rape and kill your whole family
chud head cannon is fucking deranged. you people fantasize about the weirdest shit.
Oh yeah good point, I forgot people don’t like blacks because of socioeconomic factors
You fantasize about black people breaking into your house and raping your family because you're a paranoid schizophrenic
No one worries about a white or a chinaman raping anyone.
No pasted article, no read. End of.
Most non-paranoid schizophrenics walk around having racially based rape fantasies. That's your thing.
Well why exactly do you think people buy guns in the first place? It’s not to protect themselves from whites and yellows
4chan rules are like speed limits. They only matter if a mod is around and if they actually feel like enforcing it.
nice english, shill

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