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Proud Democrat voter, Ryan Routh, is going to be charged by the state of Florida for the attempted murder of a 6 year old girl as the FBI stymies any co-operation with Florida State as they work to sabotage the investigation into Proud Democrat Ryan Routh
Like most Democrats, Ryan is clinically insane, but unlike most Democrats, he's willing to admit it publicly
Florida hits alleged would-be Trump assassin with state charges
The charges were related to a traffic accident during the police pursuit against Ryan Routh.

Florida filed the first state charges against the man accused of attempting to assassinate President-elect Donald Trump, as state leaders criticize the federal investigation into the incident at his golf course in West Palm Beach September.

The charges against the defendant, Ryan Routh, aren’t for the acts on the perimeter of Trump’s golf course, where Routh was allegedly posted with his weapon and a Secret Service agent fired several shots in his direction before he fled. Instead, state law enforcement alleges he is responsible for a traffic accident that arose due to him fleeing the scene, which they say significantly injured a six-year-old girl. He was charged with attempted felony murder.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody announced the charges Wednesday during a press conference in Stuart, Florida, near where Ryan Routh is being held.

“We felt compelled to seek justice on her behalf and her family,” Moody said.

Routh has already faced numerous federal charges, including attempted assassination of a presidential candidate, possessing a firearm in furtherance of a violent crime and assault of a federal officer. He’s in federal custody and his attorneys recently said they were considering an insanity defense.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis kicked off a state investigation into the matter in September with Trump’s blessing. DeSantis was scheduled to appear with Moody at a press conference announcing the charges, alongside Dave Kerner, the director of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, but both got grounded in Tallahassee because of the foggy weather.

DeSantis has said it was common for federal and state law enforcement to pair up in such cases, but he also made clear that elected officials in Florida were skeptical that the FBI could be neutral in their investigation against Routh, given that it was investigating Trump in two cases that led to felony charges against the once and future president.

The pile on against federal law enforcement continued during Wednesday, with Moody decrying federal agents as uncooperative and unwilling to provide state investigators with evidence.

“We offered to be a partner not only to vindicate those crimes that occurred here in our state under our own state laws, but to also provide an assurance, an accountability that a trusted independent partner was part of the process,” she said.

Representatives for the Department of Justice and FBI did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Moody sued Attorney General Merrick Garland in October, asking a federal judge to stop the agency from blocking the state’s investigation into Routh.

Moody alleged that the Justice Department indicated in a letter that Florida had to suspend its investigation, citing a federal law governing the prosecution of crimes against major public figures, which has a section about federal officials superseding local or state investigations until federal action is terminated. The law also says that federal officials can ask state officials for assistance.
“It was made known that they intended to shut down our investigation and invoke federal jurisdiction in doing so,” Moody said Wednesday. “We didn’t believe it should be interpreted in the way that they suggested.”

Kerner somewhat previewed the state’s actions in a recent interview with POLITICO, saying that the findings would go “beyond what’s obvious to us as regular, everyday citizens in the news.” The injury of the six-year-old girl had not been previously reported publicly.
>some guy did a thing
This guy tried to assassinate an American president.
Typical leftist behavior, actually
I don't really care because the guy is already going away and he's a nut job, but ... I understand the justification for felony murder, or accidentally killing someone while in the commission of a crime, regardless of your intent. I cannot understand the application of 'attempted' felony murder here for someone who didn't die and who he didn't intentionally harm.

While in zealous pursuit of 'justice' I think the actual law should be preserved and upheld, regardless of who is on trial or especially what their political views are.

This is not supposed to be how any of this works.
Actual leftist assassin thread is over here >>1368980
This is just a psyop shill thread for low intel faggots who get fooled by someone putting a Biden sticker on the back of a truck.
How many times have you been diagnosed with a mental illness by a mental health professional?
We need to solve the mental illness problem and the only thing that will work is a massive trepanation campaign: mandatory for any and all democrat and neocon voters and politicians.
>no, you're supposed to deep throat the psyop!
Democrats are extremely mentally ill and will commit every crime under the sun and destroy this country every step of the way so they should be shunned every step of the way too
Trump is going to deport anyone who did not vote for him, and we all know deport doesn't mean ship them out of the country lol.
we all know you're not american
I'm not American so I don't have a horse in this race but if you don't see the problem with your post, I'm sorry for you.
Seeing your political opponents as enemies is not healthy
>inb4 but they do it too
say, OP, tell all about mental illnesses.
He's not wrong. People who are trying to destroy where they live should be shunned by those who live around them
He is wrong and so are you.
Well according to the chart, mental illness afflicts a majority of white male liberal voters between the ages of 18 and 29
>he believes /pol/ infographics
It says more about you than it dos about white male liberal voters between the ages of 18 and 29.
Well lucky for you, you mentally ill retard, you can download your own copy yourself https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/dataset/american-trends-panel-wave-64/
Or I can upload the PDF to catbox for you, I have a copy.

The fact that you are mentally ill is very real, and blaming all your problems on a 4chan board isn't a healthy way to address your illness, anon
It doesn't say what you're pretending it says.
Ok retard. Go see a psychologist
I'm not the one lying on an obscure 4chan board.
Why are leftists like this though?
I'm not american either but one side is clearly more mentally ill then the other, I'm sorry you're so retarded you think far-leftists are normal people please just kill yourself.>>1369277
>I'm not american either
Sounds legit.
See, this is exactly what I mean. You see your political opponents as enemies. Instead of people who are misguided in their attempt to build a better future you think they are out to get you and destroy everything you love just because.
And this gets even worse when paired with the belief that "all Democrats" or "all Trump voters" are this and that. This is a very counterproductive way of doing politics
See above
are nazis evil, are americans evil.
I'm sick of your one sided slander when you have democrats literally telling people they should abandon family members and let fellow citizens they could've helped die in front of them and mock them because of their political affiliations.
and yes that's a purely democrat stance its happened in academia for the past decade and now I have to listen to some retard tell me muh don't be mean both sides are bad. One side has much more violent rhetoric then the other.
Its hilarious people try to blame both sides on this crap when the vitriol is entirely as retaliation for being harassed and badgered by pampered pissbaby far-leftist for the past decade.
Which is bloody hilarious when they're the ones preaching about TRUMP is dividing the nation.
>gets even worse when paired with the belief that "all Democrats" or "all Trump voters" are this and that.
I'm guilty of this I shall confess. But in my defence, when I say things like "all people that voted for trump are idiots and deserve what happens next" this is a stance built on evidence

>I'm sick of your one sided slander
I'm not who you was aiming at - you might see 'one sided' but I'll slate any fucknuckle I see doing something stupid. I don't have a 'red/blue' thing to leverage, they're all knuckledicks to me. If you're seeing me poke fun at the stupid things, and they consistently are manifested by the same entitie(s) then mayhaps it is the entitie(s) doing the stupid things that needs more of your attentions.

>Which is bloody hilarious when they're the ones preaching about TRUMP is dividing the nation.
Trump is a *symptom* of this, not a cause. The cause far predates his entry into the political sphere. It far predates his advisory to bush on nuclear arms deployment. It even predates his uncle helping the US navy rifle thru tesla's shit. It's something that's baked into the very system.
you remind me of the type of teacher who preaches about zero tolerance, then demeans and verbally assaults victims trying to defend themselves.
You also talk too much and try too hard to pretend you're unbiased but the tone gets through its gross. Pretend to be unbias when ur losing then screech about the evils of the otherside when you aren't. Bleh
Ryan Routh is mentally ill and he is a democrat voter. These are facts.
>one sided slander
Since you seem to be lacking the reading comprehension, I'll put it plain and simple for you: People on both sides of the isle engage in this politics of enemies mindset and I'm sick and tired of seeing it.
And the lack of self awareness by anyone who does it is baffling.
>Trump is a *symptom* of this, not a cause
well put. People who oppose Trump need to realize that the issues are deeply rooted and dismissing the people who vote for him won't make them go away.
If anything it'll eventually lead to someone much more politically competent than Trump picking up his playbook
why are democrats such lunatics?
>Pretend to be unbias when ur losing then screech about the evils of the otherside when you aren't
Which part of "I don't have a 'red/blue' thing to leverage" did you have problems understanding? Mayhaps you would like to find an adult to assist you with the longer words?

I am literally uninfected wtih that nonsense because I exist outside of your political nonsense. It has zero bearing on me. I cannot "lose" because I do not have any skin in this game.

Each individual and each individual act is weighed on it's own merit. I screech about evils. Their political beliefs are a secondary consideration if at all.
Yes. Both sides are found wanting. But one side does seem to like to shout loudly about how retarded they are being, commonly accompanied by some pretty epic delusions so naturally this attracts substantial and deserved mockery.
Ahh yes the zero tolerance both sides are evil policy. You'd make a fine cabinet member for the fuck ups in politics, fuck everything up and say we're a team we need to unite together this isn't the time to put blame on either side.
Fuck off with that bullshit, I'm saying it objectively happens more on the democrat side up to and including mainstream outlets openly saying to gun down and disown family members who are opposed to you.
You didn't stop them back then, you were complicit so now you should die.
please just kys you're an ignorant AF cunt who loves to pretend both sides are bad when its convenient and omg that side is worst then hitler when you can.
hypocrisy has ran rampant for the past decade and you're enabling it right now.
Also fuck off no one wants to read your paragraphs of retardation
>happens more on the democrat side up to and including mainstream outlets openly saying to gun down and disown family members
Honestly, I get this sentiment from "your camp" more frequently. I can count the 'dems' I've interacted with sporting this attitude on one hand. I've lost count of the 'republicans' calling for 'democrats' to be rounded up and executed.

>You didn't stop them back then
And what is it you expect *me* to do, precisely? Anything stronger than leaving an entry in their comments section will be unlawful and should I leverage something serious against your systems it'll be branded an act of terrorism, and considering the borders, possibly war if they wanna get funny about it.

>you were complicit so now you should die.
By that logic, this act of complicity also extends to yourself, as does the appropriate punishment.
>I've lost count of the 'republicans' calling for 'democrats' to be rounded up and executed.
but did they do this on tv is the real question I don't care about your anecdote about some asshole in a town i'll never visit doing it. I care about it being endorsed on national TV.

When i say you I mean as a collective did nothing back then, the concensus was to allow it to happen then and so you all deserve the retaliation now.

You can say that to me in 5years after i've supported the trump nazi camps and open slaughter of political rivals.
it aint fair man it aint fair they got to be the unhinged lunatics for the last decade its my turn now. Communism is so passe, I get to call everyone and anyone a misogynist racist and treasonous bastard child with a fat ugly head whose likely a child predator.
Every democrat is a child rapist if they aren't they will. that's why they hate lewd anime they're jealous of people having an outlet that they can't enjoy because they're 3d sex freaks.
A leftist assassinating a world leader is what caused world war 1. And arguably world war 2 as well.
>both sides are evil policy
I didn't say that. I pointed out a specific thing that I can't stand when people do it no matter what the political opinions of those people are?
>we need to unite together
Again, that's not my point. I'm talking about how we should treat our political opponents as opponents, not enemies
>it objectively happens more on the democrat side
you keep saying that, but I'm starting to suspect that's just anecdotal evidence
>You didn't stop them back then, you were complicit so now you should die.
how can you be so sure? Do you know me?
>you keep saying that, but I'm starting to suspect that's just anecdotal evidence
find me an equivalent national tv show similar to "the view" that is openly telling people to disown and let your political rivals die. I've sent you a clip that show is watched by millions on television and its hardly the worst of it. the worst you have on the "right" is alex jones an independent grifter whose most offensive takes aren't even political they're just conspiracy theories.

Do you know how pathetic it is people are trying to pretend Joe rogan is a republican, the guy whose a diehard liberal and now how they lost because they don't have a left wing joe rogan.
I cannot confess to wasting my time with our television, let alone yours. So I'm poorly equipped to debate the matter. It does speak volumes as to the quality of your national TV however.

>the concensus was to allow it to happen then and so you all deserve the retaliation now.
Again. By that evaluation, you also allowed that to happen. And are also due the appropriate punishment. BTW, over here, I'm safely insulated from all but the most epic of your stupidity.

>You can say that to me in 5years after i've supported the trump nazi camps and open slaughter of political rivals.
This is again a sentiment I've seen commin' from your 'far-right'. The thing is, this could well be about to happen. I'm serious, fire up the contract the for the hugo boss uniforms. The variables in place are only a few minor tweaks away from legitimate 'trump nazi camps' specifically for political rivals - surely to be the envy of every other third world dictator.

>it aint fair man it aint fair
Hmm. What is the common 'red' response to such an attitude?
I didn't say none o it was 'fair'.
>they got to be the unhinged lunatics for the last decade its my turn now.
This is clearly how progression works... MAGA - Murrica Aint Gonna Advance.

>Communism is so passe
Yet you're more than happy to make use of communistic systems, in some cases, daily. A great example here is: roads. I strongly suspect all your 'issues' with communism are actually issues with the implimentation.

>I get to call everyone and anyone a misogynist racist and treasonous bastard child with a fat ugly head whose likely a child predator.
You got evidence to back that up? Go forrit. Elseways you'll rapidly lose credability. I would instead suggest formulating your arguments on logic, reason, and evidence.

>Every democrat is a child rapist if they aren't they will.
I see this coming from 'your camp'
>it objectively happens more on the democrat side
I don't know who said this or in what context, but I likely agree with their sentiment
sir this is a wendy, I actually live in a socialist country.
>You got evidence to back that up? Go forrit. Elseways you'll rapidly lose credability. I would instead suggest formulating your arguments on logic, reason, and evidence.
did they prove i'm a racist when i'm not white? they didn't? oh no i guess burden of proof no longer exists.
meh americans are too disgusting for sex slaving. I'd be ok with them being shipped to some middle eastern oil baron's home but not here.

>I cannot confess to wasting my time with our television, let alone yours. So I'm poorly equipped to debate the matter. It does speak volumes as to the quality of your national TV however.

I mean you're literally ignoring my point that it's being endorsed on NATIONAL TELEVISION. I don't give a damn if you watch tv or online videos about it fact of the matter is they're a publically endorsed show with a viewership in the millions saying this shit publically vs some twat in a bar telling you about it.
>, this could well be about to happen. I'm serious,
ya and at this rate i hope they throw you into it too as fuel. if you seriously think that.
>here is this one example
sounds pretty anecdotal to me
as I said, I'm not American so I don't even know any national TV shows, I was just curious what you have to back your statement up
a 2.7million viewership tv show that says this thing on the regular is anecdotal, but some cunt on 4chan saying "I see it more from right wingers tbh" isn't huh.
I'm sorry but i think you're a bit lacking in the common sense department.
>some cunt on 4chan saying "I see it more from right wingers tbh"
I've never said that nor referred to anyone who did.
The only thing that's lacking here is your reading comprehension and/or trying to keep track of who you're talking to
I reply to you under the assumption you're the person i was talking to from the start. Is it my fault you impersonate the person i'm having a conversation with mid way and start acting like a sealion about "anecdotes"
No that's your problem for being a twat
The first ½ of your post made that little sense I'll do you the favour of pretending I didn't see it instead of tearing it to shreds.

>I mean you're literally ignoring my point
>I don't give a damn if you watch tv or online videos about it
And you're ignoring mine. If I don't waste my time watching on TV, why would I waste my time watching it on my computer? I can obtain tangible information and skip the bullshit.
And again, my point is this says a lot more about the state of your society as a whole and your television networks' stewardship than it does about the discrepancies in a particular political ethos.

>i hope they throw you into it too as fuel. if you seriously think that.
Again. Insulated from your stupidities. But I suppose you're right, that couldn't possibly happen unless he installed a circle jerk of yesmen who'll scramble over each other to lick his ringpiece into key positions, made heavy adjustments to the structure of government and by extension how it operates. That'd help him make a few little tweaks to teh constitution that just get in his way generally, then a touch more - because all animals are equal but some are more equal than others - and then Emporor trump can make sure no-one sit in that chair and 'keep america great again' ... Until he brown bread and makes way for the heavily indoctrinated prodigy.

And some of your citizens rejoice the concept, others are apathetic enough to allow it.
because you're literally a meaningless nobody whose argument is "isee it more from right wingers" meanwhile I have a tv show broadcast on national television to millions openly calling for naming shaming and disowning relatives and friends of dissenting political affiliations.
I don't give a fuck you're a retard who has no common sense shut up and stop preaching you fucking moron if you can't understand that. I'm not going to indulge if your fucking orange man sex fantasy after a decade of your type coming up with gay putin/trump sex scenarios
>because you're literally a meaningless nobody
In our mind. What is meaningless is your opinion.

>whose argument is "isee it more from right wingers"
That's all you wanted to read. Try again, you will notice there is more there. That entire paradigm is a reactionary consequence to the initial fingerpointing, and is intended to assist you to in viewing the issue from outside of the blinkered 'us/them' mindset caused by your demented political infections.

>I don't give a fuck you're a retard who has no common sense shut up and stop preaching you fucking moron if you can't understand that.
The only thing I'm "preaching" is sense. But as you seem determined to demonstrate, there is little common about this. At least, in your parts.

>after a decade of your type coming up with gay putin/trump sex scenarios
Really not me. Will confess to a gigglesnort or two here n there - the best one I heard tho was a phet head last time he came in, he proclaimed that hair 'just has to be a wig' and that the russians had infiltrated it - like they did with that listening device in the presidential seal in the oval office generally known as "the thing" - and are using it as a form of elabourate remote control.
that was literally YOUR response which i responded by showing a national tv show showing it. I'm still waiting for you to find me a right-wing equivalent where people say you should disown and distance yourself from family members who voted for Kamala.
I'm tired of reading some twat rant in paragraphs man too tired you just talk bullshit after bullshit and expect me to read you don't even have any real arguments.
Dunno what to tell you man, I can follow this reply chain all the way up to my original post >>1369268 and I can't find what you're referring to when you say
>but some cunt on 4chan saying "I see it more from right wingers tbh" isn't huh in >>1369415
Because who does it more often is kinda irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make that's why it was just a little tangent in >>1369403 that you decided to hop onto.
>I'm still waiting for you to find me a right-wing equivalent
As previously mentioned, I'm too poorly equipped on the subject of 'television' to debate the matter effectively.
What I have experienced is direct and indirect interaction with large numbers in places that are not 'political' in nature.
When their politics are inevitably injected into the discourse it's commonly your far right to do so, and frequently when the facts of the matter do not support their standpoint. Even more so, it is these voices that tend to call for the violent erradication of dissenting viewpoints.

>you just talk bullshit after bullshit and expect me to read you don't even have any real arguments.
You may consider this 'bullshit' if you wish. Have no illusion that I treat your inputs as less. However there are arguments there. If you fail to grok them isn't my responsibility.
Not that anon but lmao the left wing media reaction was because right wingers were already doing it without any prompting. If I could list every fuckin parent who fell for fox news "groomer" bullshit and disowned their kids for being gay, I'd exceed the post limit. You can find whole graveyards filled with people who's family had to slowly distance themselves from them because they became so radicalized by fox and the like they were unrecognizable.

You be a shithead, people don't want to associate with you. And repubs tend to be massive shitheads. Now stop bitching and blaming the media because your family wants nothing to do with your pathetic ass.
>What I have experienced is direct and indirect interaction with large numbers in places that are not 'political' in nature.
a dozen or so people from your person experience vs a national televsion.
Fox news was biased towards trump sure but it never asked for people to disown their family members ad it definitely didn't endorse antifa the way CNN did with "their hearts are in the right place" bullshit.

>You be a shithead, people don't want to associate with you. And repubs tend to be massive shitheads.
far-leftists have no self-awareness maybe you should stop bitching now that the popular vote has deemed your obsolete and you should executed. the majority of the country want you destroyed and you should fucking accept your fate you fucking losers.

But ya i wasn't blaming the media just saying political violence was definitely more pushed by the left. especially since most legacy media outlets are left leaning.
>the majority of the country want you destroyed and you should fucking accept your fate you fucking losers.
>49% votes to 48% votes

Lmao repubs are in for a rude awakening when they realize, whoops, the Dems weren't actually exaggerating and Trump actually is that bad. Bro won purely because he went so outlandish people convinced themselves he wasn't serious. But we're already seeing him openly declare corrupt bargains with Musk and company and embrace shit like project 2025 that he denied he'd do pre-election. Oh, while also taking back the "we'll lower prices!" promise bit by bit that was determined to be the deciding factor.

And this is all assuming those russian bomb threats didn't result in any shenanigans. I'm sure it isn't suspect at all there was record turnout and registration but Trump barely gained any votes compared to 2020, not to mention the unusual amount of split votes. But I digress.

BTW Republicans literally had "We are all domestic terrorists" as a slogan. I think that should put any debate to bed on which side is more eager to use violence.
>repubs are in for a rude awakening when they realize, whoops, the Dems weren't actually exaggerating and Trump actually is that bad.
right you've been saying that for like 8 years now. Maybe you should wake up from your delusions already.
But i guess biden pardoning federal criminals who imprison kids for a kickback means nothing to brainwashed scum like you.
>should put any debate to bed on which side is more eager to use violence.
ya objectively leftists.
the party of violence and child predation.
>a dozen or so people from your person experience
No. Some places can be as low as dozens. Some can be thousands. Per place. I have my fingers in a lot of pies. Few of them is political in nature. Almost all are infected by your little 'red/blue' spats. There's a wide exposure to a variety of geographics and background circumstances. Across the totality, other cultures too.
Yes, this is from my experiences. No, this is not without merit.
>Yes, this is from my experiences. No, this is not without merit.
it is literally without merit because you're a nobody in the grand scheme of things.
Keep telling yourself that. You're too dumb to notice which ripples are mine. You just move in teh currents like the flotsam you are.
I can't wait for people like you to die off so chat gpt can replace you it'd be more coherent and smarter
Good luck with that.
>Bro won purely because he went so outlandish people convinced themselves he wasn't serious.
"Bro" won because he actually had a campaign based around issues and readily spoke publicly about these issues and his desired policy outcomes rather than vague feelings like Harris's campaign
Oh you mean like the immigrants eating cats (proven to be complete bullshit), the tariffs that'll lower prices (they're literally already increasing them), or the department of government efficiency (already blatantly a way to funnel musk and vivek government contracts while eliminating their competition)
Maybe Harris would have done better if she had her own policy stances to argue rather than just running as the candidate that's not the other guy
>(proven to be complete bullshit)
Haitians practice voodoo. They believe in animal sacrifice, and eating stray animals is completely normal for their culture. Don't be a bigot, you piece of shit.
Except the only actual story of someone eating a cat in the whole state wound up being a native crackhead 100 miles away.
Here's a hot take. Trump repeats things he sees on social media without verifying their accuracy. Mainstream media verified the accuracy of a story and then twists it and purposefully omits details or misrepresents truths in order to purposefully deceive the public.

Which one would you prefer to support?
>the tariffs that'll lower prices (they're literally already increasing them)
If prices are increasing thats because of Bidenomics, given Biden is still in office.

Leftist hokum about right wing business owners jacking up prices because of possible future tarrifs is fake news and a fantastic way to get undercut by competition. This would be literal business suicide in Q4, but tell me more about how you've got "ears to the ground" Mr Economics expert leftoid.

>or the department of government efficiency (already blatantly a way to funnel musk and vivek government contracts while eliminating their competition)
Sounds like someone is butthurt all of the useless parasitic eaters in government are suddenly gonna have to learn to code lmao
>Leftist hokum about right wing business owners jacking up prices because of possible future tarrifs is fake news
My favorite leftist fake news along this vein was when people started noticing the devastating effects of Bidenomics in action, they came up with the conspiracy theory that every corporation across every industry secretly met and conspired to all raise prices at the same time
Does this fake narrative work on the Fox News viewers?
Naah there is nothing she could have done when Biden had been running so far to the right before she took over the campaign. The progressives stayed home because of shit like Biden's Israel policy.
Oh look it's the classic "Mainstream media" boogeyman. You'd think they were tired of it since the "media" includes Newsmax and Breitbart, but nope.
>You'd think they were tired of it since the "media" includes Newsmax and Breitbart, but nope.
Did I exclude them anywhere in my statement? No? Then shut up retard. I said mainstream media, not mainstream media except for x, y and z
>my 50 year old mainstream media boogeyman is still heckin valid
No it isn't. You either live in the past when there were 4 TV channels or you have no idea what you're talking about.
>You either live in the past when there were 4 TV channels
Idk grampa, are 2 of the 4 TV channels you are taking about newsmax and Breitbart?
Your argument is rambling all over the place with strawmen
The mainstream media hasn't existed in 30 years. You live in the past.
I wonder, will they bring back the old classics?
2 Scoops, the Second
Eating a Steak With Ketchup Part II
Nuclear Codes: He Still Has Them
Or will they be coherent enough to come up with something new?
Inb4 george groid 2.0
3 immigrant's kids murdered and killed a goose, you're actually full of shit if you think they didn't murder cats for food.>>1369618
nice pathetic muh its not even relevant why are you talking about it. Look at viewership for mainstream media shows its still got millions of braindead retards like you parroting it whether you directly watch that shit or from an article on twitter or reddit
I hope he throws you into a furnace
>The mainstream media hasn't existed in 30 years
Lmao, what?
Then who just paid trump $15 million for lying about him?
>3 immigrant's kids murdered and killed a goose
Source? Or are you gonna cite the out of context image of a guy holding a goose that turned out to be him disposing of roadkill?
>lying about him
You're in for such a rude awakening when the "apology" video comes out and they clarify he was found liable for sexual abuse instead of rape.
maybe you should learn to use google.
Fucking american scum you murdered andy the goose. the sooner you get hunted down and eaten the better. how many poor gooses must suffer because retards like you allow animals into the country.
Fuck you, its not enough for you to suffer you need to be treated the same way as the victims suffered from the culprits you've enabled. I hope you get bloody cannibalized
Why are you angry?
Who is "they" supposed to be this time?
This is
1. In New York, not Ohio.
2. The teens were from Burma, not Haiti.
3. A swan, not a goose.
and of course
4. An isolated incident from a year ago.
nice nitpicking did an immigrant's kid murder butcher and eat an innocent animal.
because you murdered an innocent bird. americans on americans i can deal with but ducks chickens and goose are offlimits you fatties. I hope someone makes Kentucky fried american franchise in the future and starts deep frying americans.
Yes, once. In a different state, a different bird, and they were from a different fucking country.

Oh, and let's not act like this is something unique to immigrants you pearl-clutching little bastard.
Remember: An isolated incident is only a sustained problem if a minority does it.
they should all face the death penalty, animal lives are sacred americunts aren't. I'm all for anyone murdering an animal outside of for necessity food to be rounded up and fed to crocodiles or hanged.

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