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In honor of President Trump being sworn into office on this day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, henceforth from now on MLK Day will be renamed to President Trump Day.

Trump cleaning house. Many of the state department resign ahead of Trump’s inauguration as per President Trump’s demands.

Trump to declare a national emergency on the southern border—a move that would instantly free up funding to help pay for new border wall construction.

Trump plans to designate drug cartels as foreign terrorist organization, allowing cartel members and US citizens who do business with them to receive harsher punishments under stricter anti-terrorism laws.

First round of mass illegal immigrant deportation raids scheduled for Chicago on Trump’s second day in office.

Pope Francis whinges about Trump’s mass deportation plans. Also the Pope:

All this and more as Trump expected to sign over 200 executive orders day one. Focused on securing the boarder, expanding energy production, and undoing much of President Biden’s executive orders. Happy President Trump Day everyone. https://youtu.be/q9sirOQTPt4?si=am5DxrVy6KNYSDjA [Embed]
>>1375469 (OP)
its joever
Like all these tech bros, I really did like tRump all along, and all my friends have gotten over their TDS, so it's more socially acceptable to be a tRumpateer now. I even started using skin bronzer on my face.
>>1375428 →
>>1375469 (OP)
Dawn of an new Error
>>1375469 (OP)
>Trump cleaning house. Many of the state department resign ahead of Trump’s inauguration as per President Trump’s demands.
Good. Fuck propaganda officials.
>Trump to declare a national emergency on the southern border—a move that would instantly free up funding to help pay for new border wall construction.
Also good. Very good even.
>Trump plans to designate drug cartels as foreign terrorist organization, allowing cartel members and US citizens who do business with them to receive harsher punishments under stricter anti-terrorism laws.
Fucking great, actually
>First round of mass illegal immigrant deportation raids scheduled for Chicago on Trump’s second day in office.
Pretty sure they are reporting the ones with criminal records in these mass raids, yeah? Great.
>Pope Francis whinges about Trump’s mass deportation plans. Also the Pope:
>Happy President Trump Day everyone.
Happy President Trump Day, anon. Unironically.
Don of a new era
Hey, mods.
Make a sticky with an inauguration live stream
Just go to /pol/ where you belong in the first place.
Shut up faggot. You go there since you never stop thinking about it.
Tourist go home
>>1375469 (OP)
>Trump cleaning house. Many of the state department resign ahead of Trump’s inauguration as per President Trump’s demands.
Isn't this like, standard procedure? Biden did it too.
You really do have a mental illness don't you?
>Biden did it too.
Doesn't matter. OP is mentally ill
Does pol even have a sticky for the inauguration?
Trump to suspend security clearances of 51 intelligence officials who lied that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian fake
>>1375469 (OP)
130 minutes until trump starts to make America great again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3_kssNBvXU [Embed]
>130 minutes until trump starts to make America fail again
>look mom I posted it again
Nobody gives a fuck about your shill jewtube channel.
Project <-- (You) are here
Bro chillax.
In 1:45 he's going to be your president and whether you like it or not he's going to improve America.
You may as well sit back and enjoy the ride
1. Peace deal in Israel on Saturday (US time, but Sunday in Israel), Neo-Nazi socialists imploding
2. TikTok shuts down on Sunday, Neo-Nazi socialists imploding
3. Trump is inaugurated on Monday, Neo-Nazi socialists imploding <-- (You) are here
4. US debt ceiling will be breached on Tuesday, Neo-Nazi socialists imploding
5. Deportations expected to begin on Wednesday, Neo-Nazi socialists imploding
6. Neo-Nazi socialists imploding continues on a rolling daily basis for the foreseeable future.

Tards mad
43 minutes until trump is president, I don't see why trump supporters would be mad
>Got crypto scammed
>advocating for h1b1 visas
>filled white house with billionaire influence
>already started backtracking on inflation reduction, food price decrease, and 1/6 pardons
>left supporters who spent thousands to go to dc out in the cold
>musk in general
I can think of a few reasons, most of them being "we got fucking scammed" in some way or another.
There’s no need for a sticky when this board moves so slow
>I can think of a few reasons, most of them being "we got fucking scammed" in some way or another
I think you're being fed a false narrative about how people feel, probably as some sort of weird cope or something.
Trump currently has the highest popularity he's had in the last several years. Pretty sure I've read his popularities even higher than when he was elected into office last time.
There was a sticky for election night. I've noticed the board is moving rather quickly today, but I guess you're not wrong, most of the traffic will probably die down within a couple hours of the inauguration
Oh man lmao
Joe looks like he can't stay awake and Kamala has a resting bitch face on haha
>Trump backtracks on most of his promises
>"uh, actually if anything he's MORE popular now!"
We'll see in his end of year approval ratings how much of this is cope.
>>1375469 (OP)
>Second priest up literally just spends his entire passage sucking off Trump's ego and insisting God chose him
Can't wait for when he has to swear oath of office they remind us "President Trump is swearing on a Trump Presidential Bible, available in limited numbers now for only a few small downpayments"
Biden doesn't even look coherent
>2 more weeks!
>Also, headcanon!
Cope, faggots.
'America's decline is over'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3_kssNBvXU [Embed]
That has already aged well, barely a minute after you said that, o orange retard. It'll happen.
Donald Trump just declared January 20 2025 to be "Liberation Day"
Happy Liberation Day, faggot
'Drill, baby, drill'
So you're going to order Musk to only use internal combustion engines in his Tesla vehicles, Trumpy?
>my first act is to declare a national emergency at the southern border
>Entire fucking room gives standing ovation... Except Joe and Kamala
America is healing.
What the fuck type of cope is this, faggot?
Happy Liberation Day.
But not liberation from the financial fucking so many Trumptards are about to get with all those tariffs etc.
2 more weeks, sure. I'm sure you people would gladly blame 100 years of financial mismanagement on trump if you think it would make you feel better.

Hey, happy Liberation Day though anon. I'm at home relaxing with family enjoying the inauguration. What are you up to?
it all failed from 2017-2021
>America is failling
>declares the ERS
>right after saying we're going to become rich by selling oil
>tariffs that will literally make everything in the nation more expensive
>but we're going to become rich by selling oil
We're so fucked.
Trump is establishing the External Revenue Service and will be not just applying tariffs, but taxing foreign governments on imports.
>What are you up to?
I'm pointing and laughing at the retardation between 2025-2029. Thanks for the Lolcow-in-Chief, rightards.
You people are for sure. Wouldn't be surprised if you never win another federal election again
Yeah, that's definitely one way to cope, imagining things that haven't even happened that would make you feel better.

Trump had just declared that there are only two genders: male and female.
Weird that even needs to be declared.
I wouldn't be surprised if we enter a recession in the next few years. These tariffs are retarded anon, and we all get to pay the price.
>Wouldn't be surprised if you never win another federal election again
Revenge Voting. By those who'll be hit hard by this retard. And sane Americans will be laughing at them at their self-inflicted financial pain.
>I wouldn't be surprised if we enter a recession
It's already been predicted basically every month over the last two years. It's either happening or it's not.
Here's one from a year ago saying 2025 will be a recession https://www.businessinsider.com/recession-outlook-economy-inflation-covid-stimulus-cash-hard-landing-2024-9
>there are only two genders: male and female
The Log Cabin Republicans would like a word about that
Who are you to predict what sane Americans do when every post of yours has been imagining future scenarios playing out in a way that gives you personal validation as a way to cope over the fact you lost an election?
>>1375469 (OP)
>Trump says he's using the McKinley tariffs as example
>The McKinley tariffs that universally increased prices and lost Republicans the next election by a landslide
Local retard about to repeat history.
>>1375469 (OP)
When does the retribution start? When will the camps be built? That's why most of us voted for him.
Trump just announced a mission to Mars
>lost Republicans the next election by a landslide
>implying there will be elections
lol. just like in 30s germany and russia today the people have waken up to the democracy being a shitshow.
How did that work out for them anon?
>Trump was so afraid of the Inauguration Day crowd size he had if moved indoors because he knew it was going to be tiny
>MAGATS upset that they spent thousands of dollars on marked up rooms in DC for absolutely nothing
Why don’t they just storm the Capitol? They already know how to get in.
>just like in 30s germany and russia today
And Ukraine. And was it Argentina that virtually removed all crime from it's society? Is that dude still elected or what
>mission to mars
>when we haven't even been to the moon in like a decade
I'm starting to think most of his statements in this are hot air.
Keep bitching concern trolling, you don't actually care you're just trying to complain and nobody cares
Honestly I'm happy with settling for closing the border, deporting criminal illegals aliens, and having harsh penalties on drug dealers.
Sane Americans being those who aren't Trumptards. We're laughing at the pain their orange god will inflict on them. He doesn't care about his own voters. But they can admit their opinions were always wrong by voting against that which inflicts that financial pain on them. Just as a Trump voter turned to the Democrats after Charlottesville, those who Revenge Vote in the midterms will be forgiven of their sins. Like he who voted Republican months before Charlottesville then realized his mistake.
I bet he wasn't the only one. There'll be those like him two years from now.
It’s barely started and you’re already sensitive. Buckle up buttercup because you’re going to need to toughen up to survive the next 4 years of trolling and shitposting.
It's like Fuentez said, you can't have an ethnostate in a democracy. You need a strong father like figure to take control. That is the appeal of dictators, they're organized like a giant family with a patriarch taking care of the fatherland.
Lmao. You are imagining things to be upset about so you can personally validate yourself weirdo. I'm celebrating this lmao.
If you need to imagine scenarios where people are unhappy, you do you lmao
>I-Im n-n-not u-upset…
Sure bub
>>1375469 (OP)
You think biden's going to say anything?
Kek. Stay mad pal, I'm having a good time. You can keep on with your headcanon if that's how you prefer to cope
>It's like Fuentez said
When stopped by police and asked if he was one of those white supremacists Nickie said 'No, I'm Mexican. My name is Fuentes', what was left of his credibility ceased to exist.
Fuentes is now nothing more than Richard Spencer 2.0. It's now AF: America Fails for him and the Gro(y)per pedos.
>>1375469 (OP)
>Trump pledges to EO away birthright citizenship
>Which he literally can't do because birthright citizenship is a constitutional right that can only be challenged via a constitutional change
Genuinely curious how much of what he just said is actually going to happen.
>anon A is seething about trumps inauguration
>anon B is happy about it
>anon A tells anon B he's mad like it means anything to anyone
What did he mean by this
>t. soft cuckboy who is still mad
>>1375469 (OP)
>First row of the inauguration is Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerberg
>Second row is actual cabinet
oh we're FUCKED fucked.
Lorenzo killed it
Bro, most people voted for Trump this go around not because he's going to make their lives better, but because they think he's going to punish and/or kill people who disgust them. Most of my family on my dad's side are Trumpists, to the point that they've broken off contact with sons for taking Latino and Asian wives because of the Great Replacement theory, and they've given up on the idea that federal government can improve living conditions. What it can be is a big weapon aimed at the people they hate. Basically, just so long as Trump builds the death camps, they'll tolerate whatever else he does. Is Trump going to build death camps? Probably not.
Oh yeah man. I'm super mad that trump is the president. You totally caught me and you aren't crazy at all
Might be a challenge, but if Biden can just declare into being a new 28th amendment before he leaves office then I guess Trump is allowed to do whatever he wants the the constitution too.
This sounds a lot like a standard liberals perception of the standard trump supporter, and it's quite far removed from reality.
I watched a video on YouTube of some foreign exchange student from China wanting to go to both a Harris and a trump rally to see what they are like. He described everyone at the Harris rally as saying more or less what you said. They claimed if you went to a trump rally he would be beat up and shot.
Anyways, he went to the Trump rally and concluded it was just a bunch of normal people who were welcome to have him there and he observed that the Harris rally just talked about trump and trump supporters for several hours while the Trump rally talked about a dozen or so issues
Did I hear that right? Did black preacher just use the word negro on stage?
Yes. He was quoting Martin Luther King. How did you not realize that
Ah, of course! Silly me.
>This sounds a lot like a standard liberals perception of the standard trump supporter, and it's quite far removed from reality.
That's what (((they))) want you to think. Reality is that we are on the rise. Most whites think like /pol/ they are just to shamed to admit it. We can only improve as a country once we put the pain on the degenerates.
My family is about 50/50 Dem/Repub and the Democrat side constantly complains about trump supporters with nearly the same perception of them as what you posted in your post. I have yet to meet a single Republican like that. All of the Trump supporters in my family care about issues like crime and illegal immigration.
Nice shitpost
They were sending shit sourced from the daily stormer back before I blocked them.
Then I don't know what to tell you I guess you just have weird family
We've tolerated you leftists fucks for too long. You shit up our lives with your dysgenic existence. Just seeing one of you fucks marching around in public like you belong is enough to ruin any sane man's day.
Biden was metaphorical. Trump is being literal.
happy Liberation Day, /news/!
so uh, you still gonna be celebrating in a year when your groceries are up 50% and we're in a massive employment shortage?
Because that's how it went last time, right?
>trump orders a hit on all the biden voting criminals and then trump pardoning the hitmen can all be done in secret as well if necessary.
Tadaa i solved it.

if they dem they aint family they enemy
This was from late 2016. It's even more relevant now, especially as George Dumbya Bush was responsible for the worldwide recession before then. The rest is history. There'll be another landslide, but not a Republican one in late 2028. Buckle up me MAGAtard buckos, shit's about to get (JD) Weird. As the equally senile Repubican Ronnie Raygun said 'You ain't seen nothing yet'. Well, we've seen an orange bag of Alzheimer's make Raygun's (mental) case look like nothing.
Nice headcanon tho anon. I'm sure you have a thousand more hypotheticals and I don't really care
>George Dumbya Bush was responsible for the worldwide recession before then
It was the repeal of the glas-steagal act before he was elected tho. That's what allowed banks to trade high risk financial assets like what caused the recession

You can't just rewrite history like you're doing, nobody educated believes it
You got to break it to fix it. As Elon said, 2 years of pain, but no pain, no gain. We're going to see a revitalized economy once the cuts go through and nature takes care of the underperforming. Look at Milei's economy. It's booming. Russia is doing great as well for how many sanctions they have on them. You repeal all the onerous work laws like no child labor or 40 hour work week and all the socialist programs like medicare, and prosperity soars.
So many lefties having melties in here.
So are eggs and gas more affordable now or was that all just a lie?
Where will we get our fix of libtard tears when Trump builds the camps?
And when is Mexico going to pay for the wall?
Go cry some more.
Happy Liberation Day, anon. Relax, he hasn't even had time to sign a single EO yet lmao.
More like a reality cannon. A 155mm shell of financial pain fired from an M-777 'Joke's On You' howitzer.
...and UK's BAe Systems say 'You're Welcome', US Army & Marines. Who else uses the M-777? Ukraine. BAe is one of the biggest suppliers to the Department of Defense. So you're going to impose tariffs on imports via a company from a country that is a close ally, 'Bone Spurs' Trump? That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for you.
Biden was not being metaphorical, he literally tried to change the constitution and said it was ratified law, and if the courts don’t tell him no and let it slide then I guess we’re doing whatever with the constitution these days.
I’m just asking because that’s what we were promised. Trump wouldn’t lie to us would he? By the way I had a massive head injury and don’t remember 2016 to 2020.
>Which he literally can't do because birthright citizenship is a constitutional right that can only be challenged via a constitutional change
The 14th Amendment includes a caveat -- "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" -- which is intended to exclude people like the children of ambassadors who are guests within the bounds of the country but are not subjects of the nation. The question would be whether someone who enters illegally into our nation is subject to its jurisdiction or is still a citizen of another country -- a question which has not been heard in the courts.
In short, his EO could simply read, "Those who have entered unlawfully within the borders of the United States, being subjects of the nations of which they are citizens, their children shall not be deemed subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and shall not be granted citizenship."
He could also put out an EO that states that since illegal aliens are not free persons within the nation and that they are the citizens of other nations in the same way that the Indian Tribes were recognized in Article I, Section 2, that any person illegally within the nation shall be excluded from the Census for apportionment.
It's fun because Congress, which per the Constitution has the power to create naturalization and immigration laws, has through that power created categories which aren't really mentioned in the Constitution, which means it's all up to interpretation. Most likely, nobody ever expected that we'd have millions of illegal entrants trying to weigh anchor to get on the dole.
Yeah, I'm sure the price of my "groceries" are directly related to the import cost of a British M-777
>the joke flies over his head like a 155mm round
Metaphors must be a new concept to you
We also need to consider revoking citizenship for those who have it and have at least one immigrant parent. You are only American if both your parents were born American.
Don't give a fuck. Cry some more leftist.
America will be made great again even if every Biden and Harris voter are kicking and screaming and doom posting the entire journey
It will be made great again once we establish permanent republican rule.
>a certain African-American
Was Col. Tom Parker - Elvis's manager - an American?
>You are only American if both your parents were born American
There's Ted Cruz fucked, then.
>permanent republican rule
>Trumptards' wallets hurting via higher prices
>two years from now
'Permanent' meaning four years at most
No, that’s a step to far. Ending birthright citizenship should be enough to stop the bleeding, and I have the right to import a qtpie Ukrainian wife and breed her all night long.
Too much of a security issue. Citizenship should not be automatic unless both your parents are of the soil.
>Elol wanting millions of Indians with H1B visas in US. Trump agrees, don't bother him about it
That aged well
>midterms coming up
>place contentious districts under martial law
>postpone the election there
You will be outwitted once again, like always.
Then two years later >>1375683 awoke, raising his head from his drool-destroyed keyboard at his computer in his mother's basement and realized his opinion was just a mere dream where reality proved that opinion of his wrong. And he cried.
I disagree, we allow legal immigration and have a naturalization process for them. A spouse can become naturalized by being married to an American. And if you’re worried about that being taken advantage of then maybe we can have some sort of caveat where if they divorce the man immediately on gaining entry then they can go back, like how H1Bs have to hold down a job to stay here. H1B marriages.
cocaine is one hell of a drug
He literally kept saying he wanted to do this first term and didn't, precisely because every single advisor pointed out it was unconstitutional.

He's surrounded himself with yes men this time who will convince him surely it'll go through, except nope, constitution is pretty fucking plain about it.
America's Most Prominent Abortion Defender Dies on Trump Inauguration Day
Published Jan 20, 2025 at 1:47 PM EST
And why shouldn't you select advisors based off loyalty? Trump is here to uproot the deepstate and wrest control from the tyrants in the beauracracy. He is a nuclear bomb that will eradicate every single government department and return power to our hands. When it suits him, he will ignore the obstructionist congress to pass laws that Americans want, like abolishing birthright citizenship and amending bloodright citizenship so only the children of TWO Americans is a citizen. And if anyone says you can't, he'll say stop me and they will cower and whimper like the whipped sons of bitches they are.
news emerging on social media that the CBP mobile app provided by the Biden administration to illegal immigrants for facilitate their entry into the country has been shut down. Illegal immigrants are now staring at a blank error page on their apps, left holding an empty bag, as now any appointments they might have had or are in the process of getting are now canceled, and the threat of deportation looms
We don't want foreign goods from foreigners. We don't want foreign workers in our country. We don't want foreigners. Trump is just doing what we want.
Here’s the reaction on the ground
>Trump is here to uproot the deepstate
Trump literally had three of the richest men in the world with front row seats to him being sworn in. He IS the deepstate now.

>We don't want foreign workers in our country.
Trump disagrees lol. Enjoy your H1b1 replacements.
>Trump literally had three of the richest men in the world with front row seats to him being sworn in. He IS the deepstate now.
I don't think you actually understand what "deepstate" is referring to, do you?
>Trump literally had three of the richest men in the world with front row seats to him being sworn in. He IS the deepstate now.
>thinking rich means you have any power
these are not the deepstate elite. deepstate elite are beuracrats, scintists and professors, and hollywood media shits and jews. they have control over this country and wolrd. they will be what trump moves again.
lol. I love watching these fucks in tears. I hope they allow camera footage of the camps. I will be drowning in leftist tears.
How soon until Trump starts signing EOs? I want to see the freakout from the coomers when pornography is finally banned.
Most excited for the end of BR citizenship, death penalty for drug sellers and drug users, and ban of vax poison. Make America Clean Again!
>death penalty for drug sellers
In all honesty if he does this it will probably massively reduce crime rate, homelessness and addiction across the US
>end of BR citizenship
Not happening without a constitutional change.
>death penalty for drug sellers and drug users
Not happening without trampling on individual state law. Drug trafficking is a federal and state law violation but 90% of the time it's only state charges that get filed unless it's a massive case. Even if he makes death penalty for drugs a federal law, it won't affect most drug arrests because they're usually only given state charges.
>ban of vax poison
What even is this? banning all vaccines? banning only untested vaccines? Trump literally funded the covid vax you retards keep complaining about. The most he'll do is try to get refunds for people who got fired because they wouldn't take the shot, and even that's a massive legal uphill battle to do on mass scale.
He's doing it now. Shock and awe baby. We're getting an ocean of lefty tears soon. I have my fingers crossed for more restrictive porn laws as well. There is simply too much of it online. Even on 4chan, a fucking politics and hobbyist site, half of our boards are pornographic. That is just unacceptable and one of the many diseases infecting society.

>muh constitution
Like >>1375668 said, he can interpret however he needs. Even if not, I would like to see anyone tell him no. As Jackson once said, you have made your laws now enforce them. And federal law trumps state law. Finally, there is no safe or effective vaccine. They're all just placebos that don't treat the disease but put all sorts of nasty shit in your system. As RFK says, the only treatment to diseases is your body naturally fighting them off. Anything you put will inhibit this which means your recovery is worse.
>He's doing it now
Is there a live stream?
>he can interpret however he needs
No he can't retard. Learn the system of government.
As soon as the tariff money starts rolling in.
But Mexico doesn't pay the tariffs. The supplier/buyer pays the tariff.
All you leftist have are bullshit lying talking points. You're like a bunch of robots who can only repeat what MSNBC told you (but not for long since Trump will close them down soon). Not a brain among you, just literal lines of code like an NPC.
>nou.exe bot
happy meth binge day, shill
>Random lady starts crying in line
>5 people hold out their smart phones and begin live streaming it
Ok who the fuck does this if it's not staged or planned.
Has any one of you *ever* in your life seen someone on the streets crying or distressed or whatever with a crowd of people surrounding them live streaming it?
Serious question here.
External Revenue Service.
It's going to be taxed.
>anon doesn't understand how tariffs work
Ok anon, let's say you're selling lemonade on the street corner. You decide one day "I'm gonna charge everyone 50 more cents for lemonade, so I can buy that bike I want faster!". You do so, and everyone grumbles when they have to shell out a little bit more for some lemonade.

Later, you go in to buy the bike. You recognize the man at the counter as someone you sell lemonade. But when you go to buy the bike, he says it'll cost you 50 more bucks!

He explains that because you started charging him more for lemonade, he has to start charging you more for the bike to break even. So now you increased the cost of the bike for yourself, even more than the extra money you got from lemonade. And you can't even start charging more for lemonade, because then he'll just charge more for the bicycle.

Anyways, think back to this vague metaphor when you're wondering why the prices at the grocery store seems to have multiplied next year.
I couldn't help but read your example and think that it's analogous to the examples that people providers arguments against minimum wage
The difference is when you increase minimum wage, you're not charging the same guy you're buying things from more money to buy things from you.
You’re right, some NGO probably staged this to win sympathy points for illegals. Doesn’t matter though, the Left’s gonna run with it and say “see!? Look at the consequences of your actions!” and the Right’s gonna to see it and go “lol, good. More of this plz.” So what’s your point?
This shit is like porn for me.
Go back there
Plus you’re underestimating the depravity of journos. They’ll stick a camera in your face while your bleeding out on the ground instead of helping just to get a news story of your death. So I can see journo-activists whipping out their phones to capture this moment.
Wtf I love Hitler now
/pol/ is so back:

https://youtu.be/zMtdDm02Ce0?t=50 [Embed]
>We don't want foreign goods from foreigners. We don't want foreign workers in our country. We don't want foreigners. Trump is just doing what we want.
>Musk wants millions of Indians with H1B visas in US: Trump agrees, don't bother him about it
>Even products that say 'Made in USA' - if those who make such expect to make any kind of profit - rely mostly on raw materials imported, usually from China
Are the batteries in Tesla Cybertrucks made in USA? The raw materials?
If he was 'doing what you want', he would - immediately after that speech - have ordered Musk to reverse on what he wants doing re. all those Indian immigrants and have batteries for his vehicles made & the raw materials sourced from within the US and immediately close that Gigafactory in China. And Musk would only have the right to agree with him. US jobs for US-born citizens. US products only made in the US. And no 'Elites' allowed: he only has the best interests of his voters.
Why only politicians and billionaires for Trump's second inauguration? Why not the common (sense) voters who ensured that second inauguration happened? Just politicians and billionaires in that warm rotunda while those who voted for that orange thing froze in sub-zero temperatures outside. Well, MAGAtards, it's now a proven fact that it's all one club for elitists and you're not part of it, useful idiots. Funny how Trump was previously for the 'Poorly Educated' he once claimed to 'Love' and like them was anti-'Elite'. You've been used by a conman. He doesn't care about you.
>>1375469 (OP)
Fat bastard is probably going to die in office given his age and obesity.
>Jared Holt of the Institute for ISDGlobal, which researches extremism, hate and disinformation, said: "I am incredibly sceptical that this was on purpose. (Also that's not quite how you do a Nazi salute!) Musk wants to stay cosy in this administration and this would be an incredibly dumb and pointless act of self-sabotage. Not convinced."
You people have been saying that for like a decade now. 2 more weeks, right?
Donald Trump has access to the best presidential healthcare in the world, the likes of which cheated the grim reaper out Joe Biden soul for four more years. If anything Biden’s about to die soon now that he’s not entitled to the healthcare resources of the presidency and no one cares to keep him alive.
He's probably ketamine'd up like mad. I saw another vid of him chilling in the crowd, and dude looked higher than one of his satellites.
As a person with a *strong* track record of criticizing Elon Musk, I feel extremely confident asserting that this was not a Nazi salute. Elon Musk is a friend to the Jews. This is a drugged up man with Aspergers exuberantly throwing his heart to the crowd. We don't need to invent outrage
>We don't want foreign goods from foreigners
So foreign goods made by foreigners, even made before today, shouldn't be allowed in America?
Isn't a Nazi salute standing upright and extending the arm up and forward, rather than angling your torso backwards and lifting your arm 60 degrees to the side?
Elon Musk should have done a dab to tie it all together. Missed opportunity right there.
>Joe Biden
Not that hard to hide what isn't there.
youre seriously critiquing his form?
Because it obviously wasn't a Nazi salute and that's why.
He almost did honestly
His family still has all that cash from their government corruption schemes. Granted, Hunter's home was burned to the ground last week so that'll take a good chunk of their change
dude, turn on your monitor. the entire internet disagrees with you.
>a single still frame
Hunter will blow through all of their money on blow and leave Joe in a nursing home.
Several people don't think it's s Nazi salute. Even people paid to track antisemitism.

Example according to mirror, Jared Holt of the Institute for ISDGlobal, which researches extremism, hate and disinformation. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/breaking-elon-musks-odd-gesture-34430558
But I'm sure your entire echo chamber is shouting it in your ear so loud it's drowning out the last vestiges of sanity you have left.
facts dont matter fuck your feelings we maga now
>Just politicians and billionaires in that warm rotunda while those who voted for that orange thing froze in sub-zero temperatures outside
His supporters are nice and cozy inside Capital One arena being treated to live music and events right now you faggot
Thanks, jussie smolet
But why not before in that rotunda? Or Trump to have had that inauguration outside with those he cares for if he's the uber-chad 'Strong Man' he's supposed to be and not a pussy?
Why is it so bad to be a nazi? We shame nazis in a way that we shame no other movement. I'm tired of having to hide my power level in public. Elon is /ourguy/.
>muh H1B
Slave labor is based and redpilled.
>But why not before in that rotunda
Probably because not everyone would fit and leftists have made it a habit of trying to assassinate Trump every time he's in an open area.
Trump was chosen by God to guide the faithful to Heaven's Kingdom. The Time of Revelations is upon us. The false prophet walks among us. In these times of tribulation, we must unite around God's chosen to burn the evil that festers at the roots of this world.
>Why is it so bad to be a nazi?
Why isn't it good to be anti-Nazi? A certain someone killed five Luftwaffe pilots in just one day. Killed more when he was with the Resistance in France.
Was Gen. Chuck Yeager - a Republican voter and who fought against communists in Korea & Vietnam - Antifa?
...oh, and he refused to endorse 'Bone Spurs' Trump. Gee, I wonder why?
>It would be nice to have just a minimum wage for the whole country, but it wouldn’t work because you have places where it’s very inexpensive to live, where a minimum wage which is at $8 or $9 might be, you know, might have very little effect because the cost of living in certain places is really low.

Trump is right. Minimum wage is largely irrelevant nowadays as only around 1% actually work at that wage, but prepare for the crybabies when he EOs it out of existence. Let the markets dictate wages.
>The inferior God was chosen by Trump
...or he wouldn't have a cult, and MAGAtards would criticize that thing. The fact they don't or daren't proves they worship that with hair of clay as God.
It's like Chuck Norris destroyed the memes when he became a Christain: wasn't he supposed to be inferior to nobody: not even God?
Good post
>>1375469 (OP)
Trump killed it on his acceptance speech at Capitol one arena
>largely irrelevant nowadays as only around 1%

Interesting take coming from a party obsessed with trans people (1.6%), drag show readings, and inflation under 3% being too high.
...and he killed his worldwide credibility with his inauguration speech
lol the world is terrified of us. look at how they scramble around like headless lizards when trump starts talking about expanding the US living space.
More "oh great this retard is in charge of a nuclear arsenal".

Our allies shouldn't be afraid of what we're about to do.
Trump is signing executive orders live right now
Just signed the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Treaty
It was a great speech, is Europe kvetching or something?
>lol the world is laughing at us
Are MAGAtards insecure or something?
Friendly reminder

1. Peace deal in Israel on Saturday (US time, but Sunday in Israel), Neo-Nazi socialists imploding
2. TikTok shuts down on Sunday, Neo-Nazi socialists imploding
3. Trump is inaugurated on Monday, Neo-Nazi socialists imploding
4. US debt ceiling will be breached on Tuesday, Neo-Nazi socialists imploding
5. Deportations expected to begin on Wednesday, Neo-Nazi socialists imploding
6. Neo-Nazi socialists imploding continues on a rolling daily basis for the foreseeable future.
It's funny how the tolerant gang always are the most intolerant. Hitler loved black people, jews, trannies, etc. like a good socialist progressive just like today. They will be imploding extra hard when Trump builds the camps and starts the roundup.
>Nazis being the tolerant leftists
Yeah, say that to any actual nazi or wannabe nazi and see how they'd react.
Where did this meme of nazis being rightwing come from?
>>1375469 (OP)
>Just withdrew from the WHO
I can't wait for the next pandemic when we're left completely fucked with no support and a gutted FDA.
The part where swastikas tend to show up exclusively in republican circles.
Because historically, they try to ally with or co-opt the right to kill leftists. Culturally and socially, though not necessarily economically, they find themselves in good company on the right. While they are collectivists to the core, but it runs contrary to leftists collectivism. Lefty collectivism believes in absolute equality of wealth and power distributions (even if in practice it ends in disaster), while Nazi collectivism believes in an inherently unequal hierarchy where each citizen is like a cell in a vast organism that must be directed for the good of the body politic by an absolute ruler. During their heyday, Nazis were described as machine men with machine hearts for this very reason.
Whatever, the World Health Organization is compromised by China. Why should America be funding it when China buys off all its leaders so they can cover up covid. America should just build its own better WHO.
where does the money you get paid to lie on the internet come from
>muh demics
viruses don't exist retard but keep guzzling that globohomo cocksucker.
Go start a stealth nazi bait thread on /tv/, /v/, or /pol/, and chat up some of the anons. Which side do they align with culturally? Which side are they most outraged about? The answer may surprise you.
>Bait used to be believable
Sadly, germ theory denialism has been seeing a lot of growth over the past couple of years.
>Bait this weak.
Nazis are the poster child for far right movements.
good thing this problem is self solving though.
>according to one retard's opinion, >>1375850 is a liar, and is paid to do so, despite the retard not showing any proof, thus its opinions are wrong
>>1375867 does it for free
quite defensive there bud
Says that defensive about its own lies and accusing others of being liars, but has no court-admissible proof, therefore it doesn't have the right to accuse others of lying thus it itself is a liar
The prosecution rests
The bad thing is that they usually take a lot of other people with them. If disease weren't a public issue, I would be fine with them believing whatever and ingesting all the contaminated milk and eggs they want.
>>1375469 (OP)
Fuck it, I'm riding this ship to the ground with the rest of ya. I hope the landing won't be too rough.
you sound like you have ptsd from shilling here so much
>it can only dream of being paid shillings to lie
>>1375885 does it for free
at least you admit you're a shill
You act like you won't be rounded up for "deportation" with everyone else who doesn't throat the trump.
>the joke goes over the lying retard's head
At least you admit you're a retard. And you lie about being a human with reading comprehension abilities, or you would have gotten the joke
i get that you're a joke, but not a very funny one
TRUMP JUST PARDONED MY UNCLE AND BROTHER! Fuck yeah, America is going to be great now that true PATRIOTS will be out and about.
>and >>1375890 doesn't get it
That's why the only joke here is you,>>1375890. Retards are pointed and laughed at
WHOOOO WHEEEE BRUDA! My hats off to you and your kin. If they were in my town wed be flying ol Dixie high for them.
Proof or GTFO
don't quit your day job faggot
>>1375896 will never be able to quit its job of being a retard
So when is Ross Ulbricht getting released from jail?
>And above all China is operating the Panama Canal and we didn't give it to China we gave it to Panama and we're taking it back!

>tfw might live to see return of empire building
>tfw military will be renewed and world will fear us again
>tfw zoomers will be drafted and turned into chads
Why is this man so great? We don't deserve him.
The Panamanians owe us their entire country, they only exist because Columbia wouldn't play ball and let us build the canal. We We should just annex the whole thing.
>We We
You pissants can't personally do shit to anyone. Unless you join up to the armed forces your new Commnander-in-Chief now leads. You know what you'll be admitting when you say anything else other than 'Fuck 4chan! I'm going to join up to our Glorious Leader's Annexation Force immediately'.
But then you won't need to reply if you're going to do so right this second. If you do reply in 4chan now or ever, you won't be doing so, now or ever. Panama doesn't owe you >>1375910 or anyone else shit, or you yourself can go there and make them do so. Go go ahead. The only one stopping you, is you.
>Panama Canal
he didn't care about it from '16-'20. not a word.

so start a war.
Panama owes me personally exactly 1 canal in exchange for me personally causing them to exist
I didn't read the rest of your post, I started to but it felt kind of unhinged.
Why did we ever give it back to them on the first place?
>Panama owes me personally exactly
...less than nothing. Didn't need to read any more than that. Because a retard such as you is unhinged.
Well Trump did said that military action was not off the table when that journalist asked him about it and Greenland, so he might just start a war. Nothing too serious though, probably just a limited three day special military operation. Panama’s military is lacking and I can’t imagine anyone wanting to ally with them and go against the US.
So apparently we gave them control of one of the world's most important shipping transits because some brown Panamen were upset that they didn't get to love lives as nice as the people who loved in the American controlled part around the canal, so Carter was like "oh no, we wouldn't want anyone's feelings to be hurt". This feels like a very dumb decision, and it's a good thing Carter is dead because otherwise Donald would have torn him to shreds over it. What a fucking boner.
i see you've never heard of the atlantic charter
ah yeah another big gaudy thing for trump to put his name on that he didn't directly pay for. like his helicopter, plane, building, casino, college, steaks, shoes, watches, crypto, nfts, stock ticker, bible, hotels, mortgage company, shuttle company, and failed attempt of the border wall that mexico was going to pay for. Greenland and the panama canal are just another big fucking thing he wants to put his name on.
The Atlantic Charter was an agreement between America and Britain. What does that have to do with Panama?
oh and i forgot renaming the gulf of mexico, because thats very fucking important, but for decades now people can argue over the name of it and TRUMP will be attached to it.
How is the charter relevant? We already had it by that point, and it was never a territory, it was just property. Not to mention the fact that even if some term of the charter did apply : it's just words, it's not even an agreement, it has less weight than a mission statement.
>what does the postwar world have to do with the postwar world
>not explaining myself because I realize what I posted was a non sequitur and I have no way of defending it.
i gave you the answers, just look at the wikipedia page for the atlantic charter and look up postwar. how are you so dumb that you need me to do your research for you?
I do have it pulled up, because I’m trying to understand your stupid argument, and no mention of Panama anywhere. Unless I missed it.
Nah we know what it says. The canal zone wasn't a colony, the people there weren't deprived of self-determination. Continued US governance of it under the trend from 1903 in no way contravened either the word or spirit of the charter.
listen kid, if you want to talk about geopolitics you need to have a base of knowledge first. maybe you should stop posting and go do a lot of reading.

>The joint statement, later dubbed the Atlantic Charter, outlined the aims of the United States and the United Kingdom for the postwar world as follows:
>no territorial aggrandizement
>no territorial changes made against the wishes of the people (self-determination)
Is this one of those "leftists just make up shit to support their arguments and then can't actually tell you why their argument proves anything" scenarios?
I think I'm going to name this "reverse sealioning".
>no territorial aggrandizement
Nobody is talking about annexing panama or any portion of it, are they? I'm assuming your going to follow with an argument along the lines of "if America takes control of the canal they've annexed it"... If that's the case I'll stop you now and ask if you think China has annexed panama? Because of so, we have some problems
>Nobody is talking about annexing panama or any portion of it, are they?
Other than Trump talking about taking control of the Canal from Panema. Or did you miss that part of his speech?

How the fuck else are we supposed to take that?
i can't even tell what you psychos are talking about anymore, i'm just here for the ride i guess. here's to the regression of humanity
This is a dumb conversation because even if that nigger could prove that continued US administration of the canal violated the charter, which to be absolutely clear it doesn't in any way shape or form: so what? It's not a treaty, it's not a pact, it's not a deal. It's not legally or morally binding in any way.
cope. we be putting trump face up on mount rushmore!
>Other than Trump talking about taking control of the Canal from Panema. Or did you miss that part of his speech?
I think your purposefully confusing territorial rule versus administering a facility.

Hey I was totally right though with what I predicted you would say. So I guess you think China has annexed the canal huh? Doesn't that concern you? Oh wait no you probably realize they're just administering the facility
of course, the legacy of the most famous president and credo of the un is completely pointless. let's implement hooverian policy instead
Will just force them to go back to pre-1977 conditions. Panama land on long term lease to the US.
>anons getting caught up in lines in the sand despite not knowing that Trump won't give a fuck and take it anyways
Many such cases.
Except we already gave them the land. You can't just play takesy-backsies with one of the most vital trade routes in the world.

Trump will either need to perform military intervention (which risks major response from other countries and goes against his "pro-peace" statements) or fuck off.
It's 80 years old dude, we're allowed change outlook. We don't live in the period of time referred to as postwar, we left that a long time ago.
Listen libtard, you wanna talk about geopolitics, you need to understand that words on paper only mean anything if there’s power behind it to back it up. So if we want Panama, Britain or any other power can do little about it. Did the US criticize Britain for going to war against Argentina in the Falklands Wars? Was that violating the Atlantic Charter? Who cares, so long as Britain didn’t step on our toes while doing it. Same goes for Panama. The Atlantic Charter is just a relic of an old age, and you’re stupid if you think anyone seriously clings to it like it’s governing law.
There is nothing more glorious or righteous than the reclamation of stolen land by your Fatherland.
We never owned the land in the first place. We didn't give them back the land because we never owned it, we gave them back the rights to administrate the land that we had been paying them for.

>You can't just play takesy-backsies with one of the most vital trade routes in the world.
Apparently you can, we did it in 1977/1998, just the other way around.

Panama will see reason and will be richly rewarded for their cooperation. It will be fine.
Ok, now go on the ground and do it. We'll see your gung ho attitude vanish real fucking fast when you see the actual cost of your retardation.
Panema will see blatent disrespect of their sovereignty and side with fucking china against us. We're literally driving them into the CCP's arms.
>He’s right, so now I’ll change the subject.
that's pretty much all there is to look forward to, american dumbfucks hurting themselves in their confusion
What did you mean by this?
Anonie, are you aware that Panama hasn't had a standing army since 1990, and the reason for that is because we invaded them and toppled their government in just over a month?
yeah, and I'm sure there's no outside forces that'll try to intervene on their behalf.

Oh yeah wait, who were we mad about using the canal again?
Well they fucking can't. By the terms of the treaty that gave them control of the canal. If they decided to deal preferentially with China Trump would have all the grounds he needs to declare the treaty void and turn the whole canal zone into a military base.
>turn the whole canal zone into a military base
Something that I'm sure will go great with everyone, both in terms of native US reaction and foreign reaction. Remember how this motherfucker really had the audacity to claim pro-peace and then in the next sentence say he's taking the canal back?
wow quality post.
The idea of China putting boots on the ground in Panama to keep the canal out of US hands is fucking insane man, I don't even know how to begin to explain it to you, I don't know words short enough to articulate it in a way you would understand.
>They'll just roll over and take it
Because this worked so well for Russia in Ukraine didn't it?

Face it anon. Any military intervention on one of the world's biggest trade routes will be met with an immediate reaction. If not through likewise intervention (which panema themselves may very well allow) through massive penalties on the US. If the tariffs weren't going to spiral us into a recession, this will.
>If the tariffs weren't going to spiral us into a recession, this will.
it's just a few days to go all the way around.
A few days in terms of trade routes is absolutely massive anon. There's a good reason we went through all that effort to make the damn thing in the first place.
This manner you have of embedding a sarcastic rhetorical question in every post is extremely grating, I hope you don't do this in speech.

>Because this worked so well for Russia in Ukraine didn't it?
Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but I must have missed when everyone went to war with Russia after they invaded. Russia is under sanctions because its invasion was illegal. A US operation in Panama wouldn't be.

The only way it comes to a military presence is if Panama violate the terms of the 1977 treaty. In which case the US is perfectly entitled by international law to take whatever steps necessary to defend the canal, and any state attempting to stop them would themselves be in breach of international law. China might protest, they might even go as far as punitive tariffs or restricting trade, but that's it.

But it won't come to that. Panama will be made to see reason,one way or the other.
1977 treaty also gives them control of the canal. We're literally the ones breaking it if we try to seize the canal by force.

Like anon the whole reason Trump says we need to reacquire the canal is because they're afraid of China getting influence over it. But this shit seems prime to give China a massive amount of influence if they come to their defense.
Go back to the wiki and read it again, specifically the bit about neutrality and our right to defend it
>After the termination of the Panama Canal Treaty, only the Republic of Panama shall operate the Canal and maintain military forces, defense sites and military installations within its national territory.
Treaty terminated in 2000 anon.
>>1375469 (OP)
well, midnight. Where's my peace in Ukraine?
He hasn't even started on that issue yet.
Next is the burning garbage fire of the debt ceiling that hits tomorrow.
24 hour clock starts ticking once he starts addressing the issue.
He got Israel done in 24 hours and he wasn't even president yet.
the quality of your lies sure has degraded precipitously
All right, I'm done for the night, you're too stupid and this is painful for me. I'll leave with this. And the explanation, because apparently one is necessary, that when the treaty feeding control of the canal to Panama went into effect, it didn't stop the neutrality treaty being in effect,that's kind of the whole point.

>```Under the Treaty Concerning the Permanent Neutrality and Operation of the Panama Canal (the Neutrality Treaty), Panama and the United States have the responsibility to assure that the Panama Canal will remain open and secure to ships of all nations. The correct interpretation of this principle is that each of the two countries shall, in accordance with their respective constitutional processes, defend the Canal against any threat to the regime of neutrality, and consequently shall have the right to act against any aggression or threat directed against the Canal or against the peaceful transit of vessels through the Canal.
>The agreement `to maintain the regime of neutrality established in this Treaty' in Article IV of the Treaty means that either of the two Parties to the Treaty may, in accordance with its constitutional processes, take unilateral action to defend the Panama Canal against any threat, as determined by the Party taking such action.
You expect trump to fix all of biden's problems in 1 day. It's not realistic. I'm damn sure once trump focuses his attention on Ukraine there will actually be peace negotiations, something Biden failed to do over an entire 4 fucking years of time

Keep coping, anon. Whatever helps you sleep better at night while trump fixes the country
What part of "And if we try to take control of it, we violate it" do you not understand?
i eagerly await your excuses for your orange god's continued failures and shortcomings
>Prices already going up
>Retard tariffs about to go into effect
>Musk just humiliated us on the world stage via nazi salute within 10 minutes of Trump coming into power
Yeah he's really fixing things. See you in, hmmm, let's give it a month or two before you start noticing your prices going up.
Yeah sure. Whatever pal.
I'm sure every time trump succeeds at something you'll just come up with some new cope to help you deal with it

Happy Liberation Day, anon
His 200 executive orders are more than enough accomplishment for his first 12 hours.
Happy Liberation Day, anon. Stay mad.
you're a dumb faggot. if that makes you happy, more power to you
America is a retarded pig nation full of retarded pig people. Good luck everyone.
You sound scared? Maybe you shouldn't have cheated us because now we're coming. First Panama, then Greenland, then Canada and Mexico, then the world.
I’m so excited for tomorrow when they start raiding illegals in Chicago to deport. It’s like waiting for presents on Christmas eve.
When you have nothing to live for, the suffering of others will make do. This is the mindset of a demon.
That kid in PA should've had better aim. He could've saved us a lot of embarrassment and chaos in these next four years.
>He typed smugly amid a lake of aborted fetuses
>>1375469 (OP)
I think it's really funny how he made this big legal declaration about "There are only 2 genders" and then accidentally made it so the legal definition is there's actually only 1.

The executive order passed about gender says it has to be determined via if you have eggs or sperm at birth; except it's physically impossible for a human being to have sperm at birth, so now the only possible gender is female. It's like he made a fucking programming oversight into law.
Did reddit tell you this? It reads like a reddit pseudofact that would get a lot of updoots while being completely wrong

per the text of the order
>(d) “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.
>(e) “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.

It doesn't mean you have to be producing those reproductive cells at the time lmoa
First of all, his own announcement says it in the same language I used.

Secondly, this language is vague enough it can be interpreted in a lot of wacky ways. I can still make the argument that male sex does not actually produce the small reproductive cell at birth, and therefore no one is covered under the second. Or at least you're not considered a male until you prove able to produce the small reproductive cell, which means all male children are considered genderless until puberty.

I could argue that any infertile people are automatically genderless under this law. I could argue that intersex people are genderless under this law. I can also argue this law does nothing due to gender expression being different from biological sex being something decided by the supreme court under law, therefore this entire EO is Trump overstepping the bounds of his position and is thus invalid.

Seriously the EO effectively says the Supreme Court's decision on this is being "misapplied", which is a massive fucking overstep. This is getting challenged in court so fast that even if it does go through
>First of all, his own announcement says it in the same language I used.
OK well I pasted that directly out of the text of the order found here
where were you reading about it

The language isn't vague or ambiguous. There is a sex associated with producing sperms and having balls with sperms in them, this is called male. If at conception you are associated with that sex, then you are male. You don't have to be currently producing sperm to be associated with that sex, in the same way that a carnivore doesn't stop being a carnivore if they're not currently eating some meat. If man is a featherless biped, do you propose he ceases to be a man if he loses a leg?

> I can still make the argument that male sex does not actually produce the small reproductive cell at birth
You could argue this, and it would be true. And it wouldn't in any way prevent someone from being covered under the definition above, because it doesn't say "Male means a person who produces the small reproductive cell at conception".

>I could argue that any infertile people are automatically genderless under this law
You couldn't, because they are chromosomally associated with the male sex at conception, regardless of how effectively their sperms work
>(g) “Gender identity” reflects a fully internal and subjective sense of self, disconnected from biological reality and sex and existing on an infinite continuum, that does not provide a meaningful basis for identification and cannot be recognized as a replacement for sex
The fact that leftists are so far gone that this needed to be he spelled out in an executive order by the fucking president is beyond me
>There is no subjective internal sense of self!
Who are you quoting?
"that does not provide a meaningful basis for identification and cannot be recognized as a replacement for sex
>If man is a featherless biped, do you propose he ceases to be a man if he loses a leg?
If a man is born without a leg, does this mean he not a human?

>because it doesn't say "Male means a person who produces the small reproductive cell at conception".
I can read it as "the male sex is defined as producing the small reproductive cell", as can any lawyer. I can make the argument that because of this definition, a male who cannot produce sperm is considered a different sex from one who can (and similarly for females) thus meaning there's actually 4 biological sexes. The law says nothing about chromosomes or XY vs XX, meaning it's definition of sex is purely on the ability to make reproductive cells. Therefore any individual who cannot produce said cells for whatever reason is not covered under it and thus the order itself is invalid due to only recognizing two sexes but creating situations where one can fall under neither.
>I can read it as "the male sex is defined as producing the small reproductive cell", as can any lawyer.
A massive improvement over "you are whatever the fuck sex or gender you feel like you are at any given time", wouldn't you agree?
Even in the cases of medical abnormalities it's been narrowed down to 99.99% of the population falling into one of two sexes, and then ~00.01% falling into a potentially vague third area
>If a man is born without a leg, does this mean he not a human?
Uh no it doesn't mean that, that's MY point bro

>I can read it as "the male sex is defined as producing the small reproductive cell", as can any lawyer.
You can't, actually. Do you speak english as a second language? Not producing male gametes right now doesn't mean you don't belong to the sex responsible for creating male gametes.
There's a layer of abstraction at play here which I think might be tripping you up.
>Not producing male gametes right now doesn't mean you don't belong to the sex responsible for creating male gametes.
Good point. Implicitly the "sex responsible for ..." Is referring to chromosomes.
I guess it's lacking a definition of which combination of chromosomes determine which sex, but I'm sure the Democrats, the party of science and facts, can figure this out on their own...
>There's a layer of abstraction at play here which I think might be tripping you up.
I agree, he is an idiot. But you mustn't be too harsh on retards. They have feelings too
Sorry anon but the only definition of sex on here revolves around production of reproductive cells. Nothing about chromosomes or genetics. Therefore if a man lacks the ability to produce sperm, he is not a man.

If there are only only 2 options but a third case can exist, even as an edge case, it throws the legality of this entire statement into question.
Implicitly isn't good enough. It's possible for a male to have genetics that prevent him from producing sperm, same for a women with eggs. And that's not even getting into intersex cases.

This order creates scenarios where it doesn't apply... and again, also oversteps on rights enshrined in state constitution and previous federal law. Trump can't just override those.
>Sorry anon but the only definition of sex on here revolves around production of reproductive cells
Yes, but the language is carefully constructed specifically to avoid the confusion you're currently labouring under. Trump tried his best to accommodate your idiocy, but I think he just overestimated you.
I ain't seeing no chromosomal or genetic definition. But I guess we'll have to see the first court case... which will probably throw this out on the grounds it goes against multiple first amendment rulings in the first place.
It doesn't define "person", either. Or "conception". Or "reproductive cell" What about an egg that's smaller than usual, that's a small reproductive cell.
>the only definition of sex on here revolves around production of reproductive cells. Nothing about chromosomes or genetics
Even if we take it your way and ignore the statement "the sex which is responsible for..." then the definition is still accurate to about 99.99% which is still a huge improvement over the previous "build your own adventure" policy
>as >>1376061 replied at >>1376053, the latter smug in the knowledge that those who think otherwise worship a retarded god that ordered abortions to happen in Hosea 13:16, thus the christains' deity is a hypocrite and that retarded deity's worshipers never had the right to think abortion is wrong, because their god thought there was nothing wrong with murdering the unborn
Hypocrites don't have the right to have opinions.
They don't believe government can help normal people, it can only harm, and they'll be pointing it at the people who they view as fucking up their lives. Not the rich industrialists, bankers, and CEOs (unless they're Jews), but the elites in media and academia, and the obnoxious weirdos who shit all over God.
>They don't know all human embryos start as female during conception
We're all women now anons.
That's one of them uhhhhhhhh things everyone thinks is true but isn't. What actually happens is you have what are called bipotential gonads and both Mullerian and Wolffian ducts, then around week 8 the SRY gene either activates or doesn't.

If it does, the gonads become testes which produce testosterone and anti-Mullerian hormone, which prevents the Mullerian ducts from developing. The Wolffian ducts develop as normal and become the various plumbing of the male genital system

If it doesn't, the gonads become ovaries and the resultant hormones work the opposite way, repressing development of the Wolffian ducts and allowing the Mullerian ducts to become the fallopian tubes etc.

The originator for the myth that we're all female until we become male stems from the idea that the SRY gene has to activate to make us male, whereas it doesn't have to do anything for us to become female, and so there's this conception of "Oh, well something has to happen to make you male, i.e. !female, therefore you must be female beforehand". But in fact beforehand structurally you're neither/both. That's how you get freaky-deaky hermaphrodites, the equipment for both was always there, the SRY gene just get mislocated so it doesn't correctly prevent either one from being repressed.
You are in-fact correct anon. The problem is, the law specifies "at conception".

Since the only genetic marker we can possibly use at conception is chromosomes, and the Y chromosome required to be a male on that level has yet to form, by default we have to consider all fetuses at conception female by the standards of this law. Since gender can't be changed and is now defined by sex at conception, we are all legally women.
Oh well no, the XX/XY chromosomes are present from conception. At the moment of fertilization there is either one or the other. The SRY gene is on the Y chromosome, and it doesn't activate until weeks 7-8 but the chromosome is always there the whole time, from the moment the zygote forms.
>eliminating the disastrous EVs
>unleashing the housing and rental markets by removing regulations
>pardoning all the Jan 6 hostages
>banning killer wind mills and wasteful solar
>banning "climate" bills
>government funding/hiring freezes on wasteful institutions like veteran administration and department of education
>outlawing trannies
>withdrawing from WHO
>ending birthright citizenship
>25% tarriffs on ALL foreign goods by end of month
>elimination of CDC
>eliminating Ukraine aid
>DOGE now an official Executive Office
>prioritize annexation of Greenland and Panama
Just day 2 and he's already the greatest president in history. How does he do it? He might be the best leader we've produced since Adolf Hitler.
>Oh well no, the XX/XY chromosomes are present from conception. At the moment of fertilization there is either one or the other. The SRY gene is on the Y chromosome, and it doesn't activate until weeks 7-8 but the chromosome is always there the whole time, from the moment the zygote forms.
At conception, you are considered a female. You have exclusively female genitalia. If we had to define any sex, we would have to go with female because of the complete lack of male traits.

Sorry anon, by the law, unless you have the ability to produce sperm at conception, you are considered to be of the female sex. No mention is made of genetics or chromosomes. Since female genitalia produces the large reproductive cell, and that's the closest thing you have at conception, by this decree we are all considered female.
What is this weird fucking cope? The sex is determined at conception, it doesn't matter what the embryo looks like or how far in development it is you fucking retard.

This is the problem with you people, you always try some sort of pedantic or absurdly reductionist argument as some sort of lame gotcha but they repeatedly fall flat as everyone else realizes the arguments amount to no more than tryhard coping
Should've told your boy to specify this then. Per the executive order:
>Sex is determined by your capability to produce either large or small reproductive cells at conception
>Technically speaking, you belong to neither sex at conception due to any traits relating to sperm/egg production being absent
>However, the only genitalia present corresponds to female genitalia
>Therefore, by legal definition, they would need to assume you are female within the first 8 weeks (since there's only two options now)
>Among many executive orders signed Monday by incoming President Donald Trump was an order reversing an initiative signed by former President Joe Biden directing Medicare and Medicaid agencies to test models that could both lower prescription drug prices and make cell and gene therapy treatments more accessible to Medicaid recipients.

>Alabama was among numerous states that opted into the Cell and Gene Therapy Access Model, which was accepting applications for the program through February.

>Cell and gene therapies have shown great promise in treating a number of diseases and have proven to be particularly effective in treating a number of types of cancer and sickle cell. However, the therapies are expensive and were thus unavailable to most Medicaid recipients prior to the implementation of the pilot program. The program created multi-state purchasing agreements that made the treatments more affordable for states, thus allowing Medicaid recipients – most of whom are children and/or live well below the poverty line – access to the life-saving treatments.


Fucking based. The left will not ever recover. I'll be drinking their tears for the rest of their lives.
>healthcare is now more expensive
>"haha, owned the libs"
>Per the executive order:
None of that is in the executive order you fucking braindead retard https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/defending-women-from-gender-ideology-extremism-and-restoring-biological-truth-to-the-federal-government/
You just made up shit off the top of your head to support your misguided beliefs.

Retarded faggot.
The amount of lying and misinformation leftists are currently having to resort to in order to reinforce their cope and world views is fucking unprecedented
I will always laugh at leftists suffering. If you can't afford what the market will charge you for a good, you don't deserve that good. Simple as.
>At conception, you are considered a female.
If you only have X chromosomes, yes. If you have a Y chromosome you're male.

>You have exclusively female genitalia.
No, you don't have any genitalia. You don't have anything, at the moment of conception you are cells dividing.

>If we had to define any sex, we would have to go with female because of the complete lack of male traits.
We wouldn't, because as I explained with the ducts both sets of traits are equally present/absent until the SRY gene activates (or doesn't), which is contingent on it being present and functional, which is contingent on the correct presence of the Y chromosome, which is present from the moment of conception.
>(d) “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.
>(e) “Male” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell.
At conception you can only belong to the female sex, since you can only have female genitalia. This makes no reference to chromosomes or further development, only what someone has at conception.

Should've told Trump to specify lol.
It's the same thing Hitler faced back in his day. Leftists just go hysterical whenever one of us gets anywhere near power.
>only what someone has at conception.
You don't have genitals at conception. You have chromosomes at conception, that's pretty much all you have.
Sex isn't defined by chromosomes under this EO. Only by what sex one belongs to at conception. Since it's impossible to tell which sex one belongs to at conception, the EO is inherently contradictory, but if we were say, going off of genitalia, we'd have to go with female.
Then this EO doesn't work. By it's own wording, it defines sex by one's biological classification at conception. At conception it is impossible to determine the presence of the chromosomes. Therefore, we cannot determine the sex at conception, and thus we cannot determine sex at all.
>Sex isn't defined by chromosomes under this EO
What the fuck do you think "biological identity" means?
>under this EO
I mean the EO doesn't say the sky is blue or grass is green either. It doesn't specify that it applies to human beings, or that it applies at this present time instead of in the past or the distant future.

>Since it's impossible to tell which sex one belongs to at conception
Untrue, as explained. It's just too invasive for us to gather the necessary genetic material to run the tests that would indicate which genes are present at that stage.

> if we were say, going off of genitalia, we'd have to go with female.
Well actually as I've been explaining since the EO refers to the moment of conception, and the genitalia won't even begin to form until 7-8 weeks after that, we definitively cannot "go off genitalia".
ffs this entire thread is leftists theorizing novel legal theories so that they can continue to troon out. The entire world understands what "biological identity" means except these retards.
You're getting Russian style kekistocracy where you can't even run the trains because everyone is defrauding everyone else, not based and redpilled "build the camps, we're invading Canada" ultraethnonationalism.
I don't know. He doesn't specify.

>It's just too invasive for us to gather the necessary genetic material to run the tests that would indicate which genes are present at that stage.
Unfortunately the EO specifically states "At conception". If we cannot determine at conception, then sex cannot be determined at all.
Shouldn't have said "at conception" in the EO then retard. Legally, you're either sexless or a woman right now in the eyes of the US government.
>I don't know
That's quite obvious by now, or you are just plain stupid. Even second graders understand this, but I wouldn't put it past you to be dumber than a second grader
Sex at a further developmental stage whereby it can be determined is the same as sex at the moment of conception, that's axiomatic, there is no mechanism for it to change.
>at conception
Retard, sex is determined *at conception*
What the hell is so hard for you to understand about this?
A fetus has a sex. You have got to be the dumbest retard on this board
>that's axiomatic, there is no mechanism for it to change.
This. Literally this.
The retard is purposefully conflating outward physical characteristics with internal biological characteristics.

hey, it makes sense tho. This is the type of person that thinks if you cut off your cock, you are a woman. No wonder they think sex is determined by how you look at some given point in time
Unfortunately assumption doesn't work in law. And even your if we go with your assumption, the addition of "at conception" means your sex must now be determined by characteristics given at conception... which is impossible.
I just realized. This thread is like what I see in the YouTube videos where someone walks up to a random leftist or troon and ask them to define what a woman is, and they end up breaking down into a fit of rage as they are unable to define it.
>>elimination of CDC
>>withdrawing from WHO
These two are the most exciting. We finally have an admin who sees through the lies of germ theory. Germans and viruses do not exist. What happens is that everyone is vibrating on a wave form, and when somebodies wave form is out of balance, it causes others wave forms to become out of balance as well, leading to an imbalance in humors and sickness. This is why medicine and vax are so disastrous and do nothing but give you a placebo of goodness.
You realize characteristic means more than just something you can see with your eyeballs, right? For example if I were to use this in a sentence, "XY chromosomes are characteristics of the male sex"

A human doesn't need to have a cock to he a male, I know this is really hard for you to understand but please try your best
There won't be any leftists online soon. It only took Hitler 100 days to purge the left out of media and politics. Trump is moving much quicker. He really is the greatest leader in history.
Unfortunately, law only says "at conception". Reading as written, I have to assume it means that it means in the moment.

Let this be a lesson to why you can't just do your ruling on subjects through executive orders drafted in a few months at most. The wording on this document is ass and can be interpreted so many ways we'll probably see actual implementation delayed for years as different lawyers drag it across different circuit courts. And that's assuming ti doesn't get shot down on constitutional discrimination grounds lmao.
>law only says "at conception"
And fetuses have a biological characteristic at conception known as chromosomes which determine sex.

Try again faggot.
You can be my guest to be the first person to take this to court arguing that nobody has a sex at conception. Go ahead and give me heads up so I can get the popcorn popped before I laugh at you
>The wording on this document is ass and can be interpreted so many ways
But we've explained to you so many times in so many ways that actually it's not and it can't.

I think the problem here has arisen because anonie made a realisation and thought he had found a "gotcha", which made him feel clever. And so it became personally important for him to defend it regardless of how often he was logically and practically proven wrong, because for him now it's not a simple matter of right or wrong, the dependence his ego has on it being right has complicated the matter. He can't accept that he's wrong because he can't let go of this thing that he thought indicated his intelligence. Many such cases!
Can you determine a fetus' sex the moment they're conceived? No? Then under this law, they have no sex either way.

Reading as written, if sex cannot be determined in the moment of conception, it cannot be determined at all.
Yes. But you'd have to extract it, which would kill it, and WE don't do that.
>Can you determine a fetus' sex the moment they're conceived? No?
What the fuck anon, are you really this stupid? Your trolling, right??? Fetuses have a complete set of all their genetic material at conception. How do you know this?
>Can you determine a fetus' sex the moment they're conceived
Wait, this has got to be some sort of epistemological argument right? Your claiming that the moment of conception is an exact point in time that rests between the stages of pre-conception and conception, and thus at that point in time the fetus has yet to be created, right?
I think he literally believes that sex is determined by how you look and not by genetic makeup
EO says that male and female sexes have to be determined "at conception". Therefore the only valid time to determine one's sex would be the moment they are conceived.
So it is an absurdly reductionist epistemological argument then
Tell Trump he should've accounted for that making such a far reaching EO with language that can be interpreted like this. Literally could've avoided it by leaving out the "at conception" part but nope.
Nobody can account for how retards interpret plain english. You're lack of understanding of a literal eli5 level of eo places you into an extreme minority
Unfortunately for you, the court battles over this for the next 4 years will say otherwise. Enjoy all that sovereign citizen bullshit being turned back on you.
>Unfortunately for you, the court battles over this for the next 4 years will say otherwise
>4 more years, and you'll see!


Donald Trump pardons Silk Road founder, Ross Ulbrich, fulfilling a campaign promise to the Libertarian party who’s votes he had courted during his campaign earlier last year. Ross Ulbrich was serving two consecutive life sentences until Trump pardoned him.
He served already 10 years and paid a fine of 180 million dollars already
So trumps fulfilled something like what, 200 campaign promises so far?
No, he’s signed 200 executive orders. I’ll let you know when another campaign promise is fulfilled.
>he’s signed 200 executive orders
Thats what I said. He's fulfilled 200 campaign promises.
Fulfilling "I'll pass these EOs day 1!" promises are easy. The real challenge is anything that isn't just "I will change x law", or even those executive orders actually having the intended long term effects.

Or hell, those executive orders not getting shot down in court. I already see problems for the sex, birthright citizenship, and renaming ones (especially the birthright citizenship one as it's directly contradictory to the 14th amendment).
See >>1376317

See if they get obliterated in court first before jumping on his dick. A genuine portion of Trump's orders that aren't just pardons or executive branch hiring decisions stand a good chance of getting struck down in the courts.
>The real challenge is anything that isn't just "I will change x law"
But he doesn't have the power to change any law tho.
Are you aware an executive order is not a law?
I mean anything that is just submitting an EO or something of the like, Stuff he can do with the flick of a pen when in-office.
>Or hell, those executive orders not getting shot down in court. I already see problems for the sex, birthright citizenship, and renaming ones (especially the birthright citizenship one as it's directly contradictory to the 14th amendment).
Honestly, let them go to court. People elected him to do certain things, he's trying to do them, and if some get initially blocked then he can attempt them through some other means.

You act like it's a bad thing he's fulfilled campaign promises to his voters.
Can you imagine the butthurt that would ensue if Trump pardoned Derek Chauvin next? That would be hilarious.
>>1375469 (OP) on MLK day is diabolical
lol, teflon don. Most clever pun I've seen today.
>>withdrawing from WHO
Not enough. He needs to withdraw from the UN. We don't need the world holding us back. If they want to tell us what we can and cannot do, they can eat nuclear pie. We'll go where we want, take what we want, say what we want, and no europoor or chinaman will tell us otherwise.
>If they want to tell us what we can and cannot do, they can eat nuclear pie.
>Ends the world because you don't like being told what to do
>>1375469 (OP)
>48 hours after inauguration
>Finally makes statement on Ukraine
>His peace plan is to threaten Russia with fucking tariffs unless they agree to stop
Oh my fucking god.
Russia has tried to make a peace deal for years and the USA + brits blocked them every time.
>The entire world understands what "biological identity" means
exceptrightards who have never wondered why men are born with nipples
No MAGAtards, you are the womens
And then Trumptards were troon zombies
>His peace plan is to threaten Russia with fucking tariffs unless they agree to stop
>the USA + brits blocked them every time
How's it feel having your orange god agreeing with Boris Johnson and Sir Keir Starmer? The latter's already smug with how things are going: Trump agrees with what he's already been doing, don't bother him about it..
But then, NATO didn't annex Crimea. NATO didn't invade Ukraine.
Gee, I wonder why Vietnam vets from the US are welcome in Vietnam, with no ill will? Why another member of the Trillion Dollar Company Club NVidia are investing in Vietnam? So what's your excuse in you having what is your own 21st century Vietnam, Putin?

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