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File: iafw5c.jpg (87 KB, 886x474)
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In a scene straight out of Nightcrawler, CBS WUSA9 Anchor pressures man seeking information about his (assumed-dead) wife to show his wife's last text to the camera. The woman (assumedly) died yesterday when her flight, Flight 5342, collided with a Black Hawk military helicopter.

The insensitive thug-shaker's faux pas has thus sparked quite the outrage online, with the video having been deleted from WUSA9's website & YouTube channel.
>>1378969 (OP)
I would've been more sensitive and asked the bereaved what hid wife last message said. I'M Guessing it was, " oh my god, there's 2 laughing white guys in a helicopter outside my window, and they look drunk!" >>1379041 →
Any non-sociopath knows people in shock are not in their right mind and should not be used to advance your own career. This unfeeling faggot should be fired.
>Voted most musical in middle school
>>1378969 (OP)
her last text was probably "on the plane, taking off soon. see you soon."
>We're landing in 20

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