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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

>the perfect daily doesn't exis-ACKK
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>giving him attention
its time to learn
once you've taken the used luxury sedan pill, it's hard to ever go back
>t. 2007 E320 CDI
What a wrenchlet, slowfaglet.
Nah, he's just an annoying shitskin.
That's his fucking mom's car you jerk.

DUDE! The left lane is the fast lane. You'll get in trouble and tick people off if you drive the speed limit while in that lane. It's for people who want to speed! Even though speeding is illegal! Well actually, it's the passing lane and nobody should be using that lane at all except to pass slower traffic that's abiding by the speed limit! HUH?
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I usually will cruise at about 5 over in the left lane on the highway. I check my mirrors frequently and if I notice a car approaching from behind, I'll oblige them by moving over, if it's safe to do so. I'll return to the leftmost lane again if it's clear.
Just commit you pussy. Live a little and be a nuisance to society.
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Of course you can act like a monumental nigger in California, because you don't have to worry about people rightly sending some lead your way.
In my town, there is a particular intersection of a state highway and another state road that has a very long red light. People usually pull out phones during this time, since the light takes about 3 minutes total to cycle each direction/ all the protected turns. There is a small hill in one corner, with a parking lot for some businesses. The highway patrol has started camping there with 4-6 motorcycles, since you can see into cars when they are at the light but drivers don't really notice motorcycles up on the hill. As soon as the light changes, half of them turn on the blue lights and pull someone over for hands-free law violations. They do this all day long. They got me, and I asked the trooper who stopped me how many they were getting there. He said the team he was on expected to issue 1000-1500 citations that week, or 200-300 a day. Basically 15-20 a day per officer. The tickets are $100 each for a first offense, so his team was, at minimum, expected to pull in $100k that week. And that was just a small team in a small town. I can only imagine the revenue a program like that in a big city would bring in.

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ITT: we pretend to be in a traffic jam
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>Roll down window and hang my arm outside
>Not to relax but to yell at any retard trying to do something stupid
>Hear loud shitty rap or latino music
>Blast 90's grunge rock to drown it out
keep a pee bottle in the car, or a cup that u can pour out the window, did that once in front of a woman in a traffic jam, she knew what it was, she was grossed out
>*hits vape*
>*lowers passenger window*
>*watches smoke swirls filter out*
Every single person on the planet, man, woman, and tranny alike, thinks you're a faggot

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Car guys be like
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Smash in the head with a shovel.
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She's most welcome in my Chally Wally.
Who's THIS feminine woman? I'd love to put my penis in her woman's vagina and impregnate her so she can grow a baby in her womb and give birth to it.
there are so many tranny car youtube microchannels
I’m thinking about starting a motorcycle channel where I pretend to be a girl

Long hair and voice training + male iq should be enough to trick thirsty retards into giving me money, right?

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/qtddtot/ - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread
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Not a dumb plan. It's pretty much your only option
I’m sure I can figure it out myself, but I’m going to call it a night after installing my new window regulator after work, and either take a look at it tomorrow or later this week.
So, I’m pretty sure I’ve secured all mounting bolts for the motor and regulator, however, I did have to use one of the phillips screws from the old motor to secure the lower mounting hole (that might be the culprit), as I noticed the glass wasn’t lowering properly when I first tested the regulator with the door panel off; everything seemed to be working fine after I have completely secured the regulator with the phillips screw.
After I have secured the door panel back into place, I tested the window again and while it will lower just fine most of the way down, the glass wants to go off track 90% of the way down and I noticed the door panel will bulge out. That’s when I decided to give up on it, for now.
The window regulator is supposed to have four 10mm bolts holding it into place, but I only had three, and I used a phillips screw to secure the lower end of the regulator. The same goes for the window motor, where there’s supposed to be four 10mm fasteners securing it to the door, but I only had three. I’m not sure if getting the proper fasteners will solve the issue, but then again, that may be it.
I’m also going to need to check the fasteners securing the window tracks.

Got any other ideas for me to check?
2001 Civic
Why are CVT transmissions expensive to repair or not serviceable at all? You would expect a simpler design to be easier to repair.
Basically I mean the whole idea was to make something like a Boxster. I love Boxsters, and the primary reason I love them is because they use the Boxer engine economically so that you have a generous frunk and moderately okay trunk, making it probably the most practical day-to-day mid-engine car on that alone.

Thing is, I have no idea how to get it working like that in Automation. Main issues I see being:
-Even if I'm trying to use a wide, short engine like a boxer, for some reason the game uses the inside of the rear wheel wells as it's width limit even if I'm trying to fit the engine totally in front of the wheel well. Kind of defeats the point of using a wide engine layout compared to a long one when mid-engine
-I have no idea how to organize all the engine bay components to make at least an empty space in where I can at least pretend the trunk goes.
How long can you run an engine without coolant ?
I'm putting a build back together and I just wanted to check shit before I get all the coolant lines back on. It's a simple iron block 4 cylinder + aluminum head engine.

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Learn this ONE SIMPLE TRICK to LEGALLY avoid all red lights!

Traffic jannies seething!
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the camera on top of the signal post isn't for surveillance or ticketing, those are a type of detection method when loopwire or radar isn't feasible. sometimes you can flash your high beams at those if they aren't detecting you and they'll suddenly detect you and give you a green.
red-light camera enforcement intersections must be marked with a "photo enforced" sign
>and the detection circuits only work like 20% of the time.
I had the one just outside my neighborhood go bad like that. It would randomly decide to skip the green for the direction I have to approach it from for 2 cycles or so. Not always a big deal since I usually turn right, but then I'd get stuck behind the people that want to go forward. They fixed it eventually, but now the pedestrian crosswalk timers are fucked up and out of sync. One starts at 40 something and counts down, while the one on the other side starts at 15. When the one at 15 hits 0, the other one abruptly goes from 25 or whatever to 0 to match it. I don't even know how you fuck that up.
yea i've been seeing more and more of those pedestrian signals making no sense in the last few years. I think whoever sets the programming updates the timings for the light but then forgets the pedestrian signals. The pedestrian signals, admittedly, are more of an afterthought for a lot of jurisdictions. They're there for compliance but they would skip them if they legally could.
If you live in a southern state where pedestrian signals are kind of rare, I can definitely see the the guy who set the lights up just forgetting about them.
Red light technicians are usually just some brokie tradie who happens to have some electrician skills.
>next thing you gonna feel is a gun in your chest
Not when I've already got my gun in hand watching them walk up to the car.
he's in front of you, and that all that matters.

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Hyper edition

>Motorcycle pics, webms, gifs, streamies
>RIP Gay, GN, Indian, horny
>Cb500 leg legion association guild clan
>Tennyfren HQ
>(open) and [Embed] posting
>VFR wrenchlet discussion thread
>Dual Sports! posting
>r7 vs cb650 vs sv650 vs zx4rr discussion
>Scooters are kino
>R7 needs a Deltabox

>(New map! Email dbtmap3@gmail.com with pic of bike (hosted) and location to be added):

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Depends on what communist shithole you live in.
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I haven't killed myself on my VF700F yet, be proud of me /dbt/
NC, theft and retarded riding makes anything tangentially related to sportbikes tripple dipped by insurance and I want to finance if I am buying new.
I'm having a problem with a dealer. The problem is that they have a bike I want, at a price I want, I cannot stand dealing or talking with them for more than like 10 minutes because of the dealership manipulation they try to do to upsell the bigger bikes. how the fuck do I fix this? This is a huge corporate powersports dealer doing this, btw. Not a mom and pop shop. If they were just straightforward the first time, I would have bought the bike already.
I want a Hayabusa and I’m having my bisexual midlife crisis (23)

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Has a cute girl ever sat in your car?
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The fag known as "Francis"(not his real name, btw), is just a caricature. He's actually a bourgeois limey, so no wonder he has a qt GF.
Yes, the previous owner was one.
I thought they were siblings too, so are they?
>At first they appear almost related, like brother and sister
Kek this amerimutt sees two white people together and immediately thinks that it must be a horrible case of incest
Let me guess, the girl should be with a nigger and the guy should be with a chinkess

I'm too stupid for it
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>How do I stop at a light without stalling?
worst case you can do like I did in my 85 shitbox iroc camaro I bought for $500 in high school. The clutch just hung there dangling (didn't even think about working properly). I would have to turn the car off at stop lights, put it in 1st, then hit the gas and turn it on when the light turned green. From there I just powershifted through the gears. Not sure how long I could have gone on doing that but I ramped it over some railroad tracks and sent her into a pole which put it out of its misery
>put it neutral and unclutch
wait do people just sit there with the clutch in the whole time?
>wait do people just sit there with the clutch in the whole time?
Yes. Eventually you'll be able to identify them by the "In Sink Garbage Disposal full of ball bearings" sound their throwout bearing makes.
Go to a lower gear and eventually to neutral when ur slow enough
>let the NPCs honk their horns, you won't lose 'aura'
If there's anything good compared to living in a big city, it's that you can embarrass yourself completely for 10 minutes straight on a public road and literally no one at that intersection would ever recognize you again.
Applies to more than just driving.

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you guys watch throttle house?
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Nah they don’t look like reddit-tier NPCs like the soipipes. Maybe just a little bit.
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Yep, I appreciate them for the same reason. The reviews are entirely milquetoast with just a sprinkle of normie-tier humor, but the production overall feels like something I'd expect to see on TV so it's not surprising that they keep their reviews "safe for work", which is where I usually watch anyway. Even my boomer parents watch their stuff if it gets recommended, which says something I think.

What does everyone complaining here watch anyway? Doug Dekike? Regular Furfaggot Car Reviews? TheLyingTire? Throw some channels out there, I'd love to find something "better" that at least matches the production value instead of watching a close up of someone's face or a "POV drive".
You can only watch so many classic Bud Lindemann, Motorweek and Top Gear reviews before you've seen everything, after all.
>What does everyone complaining here watch anyway?
the only channels the bitter autists here will admit to watching are some obscure eastern european guy with 350 subscribers who takes apart vintage fiat carburetors in a dimly lit shed or something. anything less obscure than that is "normie goyslop"

fwiw, apart from throttle house i like jayemm, zygrene, harry's garage, driving 4 answers, motorweek, bigcar, tedward, number 27 and jason camissa's channels
>some obscure eastern european guy with 350 subscribers who takes apart vintage fiat carburetors in a dimly lit shed or something
not defending the tidal waves of contrarian faggots here, but any time I'm trying to find a decent repair vid it will be some fucker in a dimly lit shed speaking poorly that actually covers what I need. the big production vids always miss several crucial steps or obfuscate a critical issue you'll hit that this cunt with the handicam will curse at, then show the workaround they found

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Lowered cars look ghetto and stupid.

Black wheels look ghetto and stupid.
i know, im wiggermaxing

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What is your attainable dream family car?
>no coupe allowed
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Yes, the Mustang Mach-E. They are, atleast in BC, I see far too many.
What's the thing in the center? Never seen it before
I think it'll do well because the charger got put out of production and the new one is a TT6 and not a v8. Plus it weighs like 5k lbs.
>My cousin had a baby at 43
That baby's gonna be retarded

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Are Nissan trucks good? There's one available for $1 and Ima thinking of picking it up.
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>starting to become a fucking money pit
Anything specific? Mine is 2019, what's the worst part?
My truck has been having insanely fucking retarded electrical issues causing this crank no start that ive been trying to pinpoint for a few days. Every frontiers gonna be kind of different in my experience atleast. For me, the cam sensors and crank sensors went out, then the alternator, then the ECU, then the battery, then the alternator again. I wouldn't wish the U1000 code on my worst enemy. I honestly dont have much to complain about other than this 2 month time window of owning this truck. I dont really feel like the situation with my truck is very common, other than the nightmare U1000 code.
One incredibly important thing you SHOULD do that I DONT do is buy OEM parts ONLY!!! Change your oil on time with good quality oil, VQs gotta be well fed with minerals.
Okay, after thinking again.. actually the worst part is nissans electrical system, specifically the CAN system or whatever. Basically these fucking trucks and nissans in general are VERY finicky about how much voltage they are getting. Theyre so fucking sensitive to changes in voltage. Thats probably the biggest thing I can think of to look out for. Other than the obvious, oil changes, timing chain, routine maintenance, etc.
How bad is the hydraulic steering and turn radius? I always hear complaints from reviewers but I’ve also heard hydraulics are easier to work on, but I’m still a wrenchlet.
They do have a surprisingly not good turning radius for such a small pickup. But I mean it’s not terrible and you adjust.

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Thanks i advance? I'm stuck between the Honda Civic Type R and the Subaru WRX GT. I'm go to university so I'd like to pick something that looks good to women, but also has superior speed/performance.

I was also looking at 90s cars like the Mitsubishi 3000gt vr4. This is my first car, and I'd like something that won't get laughed at, say, my first car meet.

I'm open to any other car suggestions, my price range is around 30 - 40k USD. Thank again!
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oops this was meant for : >>27984753
Also, what does CPO VA stand for? Sorry, I just started delving into learning about cars.
Certified Pre-Owned
VA is the chassis code for WRXs from 2015-2021
VB is the current WRX
WRX GT is auto only

The used value of Subies has drastically fallen the last year. Low miles VBs are upwards of 10k off their original sticker. Non-modded VA models can be had with under 30,000 miles for the low 20s
Nice, you've given me a lot of think of. I think I'm gonna get the wrx limited or TR. What do you think about the type r Honda Civic?
Stock? Not much. It didn't leave any impression on me when I test drove the last gen one and I don't think they changed much for the current one. I did like the Gundam look it had.
I didn't care for my time with my 2020 WRX either. That was mostly to do with having an unrealistic expectation in my head after 15+ years of wanting one. I barely put 10,000 miles on it after 3.5 years of ownership. I had a 2019 WRX base blow its timing system because a cam sprocket skipped a gear before it hit 5,000 miles. The dealer bought it back in full and gave me a discount on the 2020. That experience didn't give me a lot of confidence but in reality it was just a lemon, just one of the 1% of anything that fails.
If you do get a VA / VB it REQUIRES 93 octane. It will say you can use 91 but it won't be happy. At all.
And don't buy new for a first car. Most women don't care what car you have, just that its in good condition.
Okay, thanks for your great advice, I appreciate all that knowledge. I'll be sure to get a great condition used car. Have a great weekend fren

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