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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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>another day
>another trugger trying to kill me

i thought professional drivers were supposed to be good
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Whenever I see a shitty trucker on the road I call police and anonymously report that he pointed a gun at me.
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Nigger you caused it. Go back to driving school Piece of shit.
>pull 70 hour weeks, first year, very retarded and scared
>34 in empty truckstop just outside Colby, KS
>parked away from everyone in a dirt lot where you can literally park anywhere because no one lives in KS
>got a little acoustic guitar I'd been learning an admittedly repetive Misfits tune on
Didn't some fucking Boomer park right next to me and report me for buying a beer? Safety had to callme and give a wink wink please don't do that. This is the same company that ahd to pay out cause the male trainers kept raping the female trainees, so nothing happened, but god damn, it'd be so easy to call a company, tell them a driver did literally anything, and make them pay for it. It's a shit industry that everyone benifits from and would shit their pants without, but gives no resprtct to
Kinda looks like that homosexual that posts on /o/ a lot with his gutter pig of a wife he uses for cover. Not surprised he can't drive.
I've seen too many chinese liveleak webms to drive side by side with a fully laden semitrailer

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Kang Edition™

>Are Harleys the best motorcycle ever produced?
>Is the Sportster harleys best 'blank canvas?'
>Will we see more liquid cooling soon?
>Best place to put your gun on your harley
>Brain bucket Discussion
>HYB posting
>nigger hatin
>tranny hatin
>Suicidal suzuki riders
>yamaha riders upgrading to a harley
>road kang 'mirin
>klx250 wheelies

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>> I do all my own tires
I was implying the exact opposite, anon. If I had experience changing my own tires I wouldn't been looking at youtube videos for it.
while I don't have a 90s sport bike I know about how much space that is, so definitely useful. a little too big to jam into my integrated toolbox but I think I can figure something out to keep it on-bike. thanks!
How good/bad is FortNine shipping?
Pretty quick in canada, and I live in an area that usually gets fucked on shipping
Sucks. Took me 3 weeks to get the shit I ordered.

>here's your sedan replacement, bro
kek, do truckolds really?
Look at those horrid rear seats
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Just about the same amount of rear legroom as my Crown Victoria. I'd still rather have the vic tho.
First time ever seeing this take in my life, bragging about putting all your groceries in the trunk, kek. You tell me if you make a quick trip to the store for a bag of stuff, you won't just put it in your passenger seat or backseat?
Trucks aren’t a sedan replacement.
They are a dick and balls replacement.
it's for them to LARP as if they're gonna throw their family in prison, it blends witheir the vibes
look at all that space to fugg

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>not cool or maneuverable like a bike
>not safe or dry like a car
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Its easy to hate and make fun of these and I wouldn’t have one, but if you think about it you can see the positives. Think of it more like an extreme miata and it makes a bit more sense

Also in my experience, the riders (drivers? Pilots?) are what makes these things super gay, not the vehicle itself. They always have a massive chip on their shoulder even if they have a disability or genuinely like the machine
>2 wheels up front
Yeah, I'm just being an ass.
>open cockpit feel
>no need for balance

Bikes are superior but I understand trikes. You just wanna feel that wind.
these are for guys who got injured riding and cant cope with their injuries to ride 2 wheel again.

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>electric garage door opener

Is this the single greatest invention for aut/o/ enjoyers ever? i fucking love my electric garage door opener. i tinted my car windows too so now i basically have 100% anonymity when leaving/entering my house. I can bring in transvestite hookers and none of my neighbhors will ever find out. i can go out butt naked and get mcdonalds from the drive thru.
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Because they are more complex and difficult to repair. If the mechanism of a roll-up fails it can prevent the door from opening or closing. A normal residential garage door is literally just a chain connected to the top that pulls it, if it breaks you just disconnect the chain and lift it by hand.
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Idk, mine has a mechanical fallback option with a long hand crank. The electronics did break once (the control board fried, the motor was fine), and I used that crank both to open and to close the gate.
Is that some sort of material to stop cameras that see through walls so cops can't see the nigger running a chop shop or drug factory from his garage?
The white man SHOULD tint his windows to avoid harmful Jew rays
Post nose

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Is there a truck like this that has a back (the part where the rear window is) that opens up and then lets you fold the rear seats down so you have a longer bed?
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This should be standard on all trucks, and all SUVs should have removable rear roofs like the Wrangler so they can be converted into trucks. The loss of convertible utilitarian vehicles was a mistake.
A bit old, and is "technically" an SUV, but the gmc envoy xuv has that. Full plastic "bed" with rear seats that fold down. Rear roof retracts too so you have a built in camper top
I wish they could come up with a way to have an inner divider (maybe slide the whole back wall of the cab?) so you could still be comfy in a sealed cab when using this.
Oh no, this is actually a thread for the OP to talk to himself about the exploding vehicles.
Who would've known...

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At what point did you know the Miata was gonna be a classic? Feels like yesterday when they were a few thousand dollars.
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Sorry C1 Corvette boomers! It's fucking over for you!
I would exclude the 150hp '96-'98 V6 personally. The SPI 3.8 has 40hp more and it makes a big difference.
schizo moment
is this Miata in the room with us now?
they are good starter cars, thats it. they are no longer cheap, so there are better options.
Car reviewers love a miata, but dont own one. Starter car, yes, keeper, no.
Meme-atas are basic bitch cars.

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How do you guys feel about Toyota's move to force people onto Hybrids and not even offer Gas anymore?
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>Does it have to be a new hybrid?
it can be old, but Chevrolet stopped selling cars here a decade ago and only some models were sold here
Gas is gay anyway. Only acceptable drivetrains are
Gas electric hybrid
Turbo diesel
Full electric
And most based
Turbo diesel electric hybrid (MB chads can't stop winning)
I'm a bit disappointed at the decline of non-hybrid options for their BOF and sports vehicles, but Toyota's HSD is close to a golden standard for commuter appliances for efficiency and reliability.

The Camry has been a quintessential appliance car since the beginning of its nameplate, so I don't feel particularly bothered by it going hybrid-only for a powertrain.
This move by Toyota will cause the prices of hybrids to come down. Hybrids save you money at the pump, so I'm all for it. There is the higher MSRP that you have to pay but you will make that back in fuel savings.
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What about importing?
There are also few decent hybrid options from Toyota: LS with V8, GS with V6, both longitudinal. The newest are like 5-7 year old. Personally I'd go with the Toyota, their hybrid system has proven to be reliable and has been produced in far greater numbers.

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will running over a dog damage my bumper?

My neighbhor has this big agressive dog that always chases my car when i pass by. i have a cat that i sometimes let out and im worried this fucking dog will attack my cat so i want to run it over and kill it but i dont want to damage my front bumper
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I didn't say I wasn't filled with rage at selfish outdoor cat cunts, I said I don't feel bad for eliminating the problems as they present themselves, and I do not
>I don't get angry any more
>I didn't say I wasn't filled with rage
He's losing it over a furry little critter.
lol I did say that huh
No losing it over the selfish humans who cause property damage via their invasive pet
You're like niggers who pull shit on the road then get mad when you get mad at them. It's like paying chess with a pigeon

>For Classics made from 1979 or older, with few exceptions. (it doesn't really fucking matter you faggots)
>Everybody has their own taste, but some tastes are wrong. If you aren't sure if your car is classic or not, it's not.
>Your Honda Miata doesn't belong here.
>US, Euro, Jap, or whatever.
>Post your classic, your work on it, your hackery, and get advice.
>Any and all discussion about classics welcome, but may not necessarily generate responses; don't get butthurt.
>Period correct performance > cosmetics.
>Metal > plastic.
>Classic shitbox > modern shitbox.
>JBweld and RTV can fix anything
>If you see rust there is more.
>Rust and bodywork are the most difficult thing to repair.
>Electrical work is difficult until you stop reading forum posts and buy a multimeter.
>Low oil pressure? Worn mains and rod bearings. Use lucas and 15W40 until you afford a rebuild.
>Do NOT buy a classic and plan to pay someone to work on it. You need to be able to do 90% or more of the work or you will go broke.

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Bought some hardware from a guy off eBay….
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insane that my car lacks rear legroom. laughable, really.
also, gun.
Was looking at used luxury cars and a lot have a lwb package, usually only available to fleets. Max comfy mode
See >>27644300
And /marketplace/item/1130950244901819

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Will the apple partnership save them?
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>retarded suburban white woman
Yes, apple users with monewy/credit. Why are you surprised that someone is trying to appeal to them?
They only lose money because they don't operate at scale
>They're the one EV startup that is consistently doing everything right and showing successes everywhere.
they are only losing 38k per vehicle sold, they'll make it up in volume
Hybrid? No? Then no.
Absolutely soulless.

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any retarded shit you've done on the road that haunts you?
>ran a stop sign in a neighborhood last year
>almost ran another that i didn't even see because it was unusually far from the absurdly wide ass road
>firetruck sees me about to run the stop sign and honks from the other street at the intersection
>police just a few blocks down on the same road miraculously didn't see me almost run the sign
I've also didn't use blinkers a few times when turning into a business with a car behind me angrily honking. I've also caught myself cruising in the left lane a bit in Texas because "left lane for passing" isn't a thing in my state. i was going 10 mph over he speed limit, but still. i pissed off a toyota 4runner driver who flashed me and gave me the bird for sitting in the left lane.

plz forgive my road sins.
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i'm embarrassed to mention.
>any retarded shit you've done on the road that haunts you?

The other day I was leaving the gas station and I drove over a curb going about 30mph...thank god I drive a panther platform car and my tire/wheel wasn't damaged
So yeah it was raining real hard and we were hoofing it on the 2-lane highway but after a bit the highway changed, 2-lanes became one on each side of the line going opposite ways (aka a regular road) so anyways I passed someone on a long downhill with a super long dashed line allowing passing, due to the rain the yellow line looked more white, and there were no other cars after the initial pass I’m alone hoofing it now going up the hill, still in the on-coming traffic lane because my brain was fried apparently and I forgot the road had changed so I thought I’m in the left lane of a 2-lane highway with white dashed lines when suddenly my wife pipes up “I think that’s enough” ZANG I immediately realize my mistake and get back into the proper lane right before a car comes flying by from over the hill… on the way back home that evening everyone in the car was asleep other than me driving and I kept thinking how fucked we would have been if I had screwed up like that and nobody had been awake to catch me
I didn't really put any thought into it. I saw other people occasionally doing it so if they're doing it why shouldn't I? Afterall I can get home a bit faster. I would hop back into traffic with the mindset of "they'll either hit me or let me in". I never got hit. I just stopped doing it one day, I saw others doing it and instead of hoping behind them I thought "that's dumb, what if they get a flat or there's a cop" and I've never done it since. I've also tried to slow down a bit, sure speeding is great and all, but you don't really get anywhere quicker and getting into an accident and/or getting a ticket simply isn't worth the few seconds you could save. I'm also to the point now where I don't want to have to deal with extra shit and driving stupid means I may have to deal with extra shit, I can follow the speed limit, maybe go 5-10 over and I can just chill in the right lane and not have to worry about anything extra. I can get home and go back to doing nothing and being left alone which are my favorite things to do.

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How often do you wash your daily?
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Electric pressure washer. Good brands are Kränzle(best), Stihl, Makita, Bosch, Dewalt. Ok brands are Nilfisk, Karcher, Clen. 1740psi about 120bar is the lowest I would recommend for washing car, 1958psi about 135bar is so much pressure that it can easily remove cars paint if the spray is too narrow, it does damage wooden patio.

To prolong the lifespan of the pressure washer.
1. turn on the water faucet, then press trigger from the water gun so water and air comes out, then after this turn on the power supply and actually start the pressure washer. You dont want to turn on the pressure washer while its still full air or air bubbles because you put more strain for the pressure washer and cause premature wear motor/pump. The water is lubricant and coolant for the pressure washer motor/pump.
2. Then after you stop using pressure washer for one day, drain the water and pressure from the pressure washer by first turning power off then turn off water, then press the trigger of water gun. Then you are ready to put the pressure washer into storage at indoors. Indoors is the best to protect pressure washer from dirt, freezing.
>instructions on prolonging the lifespan of the pressure washer
based pressure washer preserver
I like it dirty.
Based. With all the money I've saved on car washes I could go buy another beater. I never wash my car either
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LOL, america can't compete with chinese EV's so they will tax the shit out of them. so much for it being about the environment
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> China directly cheats by funding their EV companies and covering the costs.
The US does the same and not just with EVs.
That’s why US automakers are utter garbage and can’t make anything good other than mediocre pickup trucks and half-assed cars with engines from said pickup trucks that they call “muscle” or “sport cars” or something.
>They wouldn't be allowed to sell in America anyway because of safety regulations.
Saftey regulation in America are, more like guidelines, look at Boeing...
>thinks aircraft regulations which are tied with the military industrial complex are the same as car regulations
Lol, lmao
I remember when they said Trump was evil for finally putting tariffs on Chinese goods
The truth is both parties wanted to do this, and demonized the other for going first. Same thing with the border where democrats in the past constantly talked about building up the border, then suddenly we're against it when Trump was in charge, or how Republicans praised Romney-care and attacked Obama-care. It's all a WWE style show to attack the other side when they are doing what (you) want to do

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