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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

Welcome to the Auto Vidya General, the thread for discussion of racing and driving games. Join the series. It's free.

Previous thread >>27963920

IP: mumble.get-good.net
Port: 64738
Password: 4ch
>Equipment Guide

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>asuka langley soryu of jdm
Probably the galant AMG.
Has xenia fixed the weird issue with the motion blur not applying underneath cars?
i put this into google translater and it didnt clarify anything at all..what the fuck did you just write????
Nothing beats FH1 vibes
Not yet. I also have that issue where the car selection thumbnails are all sorts of fucked up. 'least the game works.

Some guy offered me $14500 for my car
Am I a retard for turning down the offer?
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it's just shy of 100k
Nvm what I said, it's not above market, it's definitely just a spot on average price for that mileage, based on Autotrader results.
I don't think it's a mistake to accept or refuse that offer.
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Keep it and give it some love!

just pretend she's your hot femdom gf and she's findomming you, it makes paying bills a lot more fun

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22 male, and recently an uncle of mine recommened me to try reprograming car keys as a side gig. Is it true? And where or how can I learn more about this?

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Hyper edition

>Motorcycle pics, webms, gifs, streamies
>RIP Gay, GN, Indian, horny
>Cb500 leg legion association guild clan
>Tennyfren HQ
>(open) and [Embed] posting
>VFR wrenchlet discussion thread
>Dual Sports! posting
>r7 vs cb650 vs sv650 vs zx4rr discussion
>Scooters are kino
>R7 needs a Deltabox

>(New map! Email dbtmap3@gmail.com with pic of bike (hosted) and location to be added):

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>photographer takes a picture of the same corner from the same angle at the same point in the season as 3 years ago
>zero improvement
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It will also break your bones 100x faster though
Physics is physics, independent on how knobby your tires are.
having alowside at 20mph on dust/sand/gravel will hurt less than on pavement.
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Does financing count as owning a car?
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That's like saying "I'm going to die someday so I might as well just jump off a bridge today".
/o/ is embarrassingly bad at finance
what's worse is pulling it by the tie rods. this car is fucked.
black repo men are like black cops. You're victimizing your own people lmao
Are all repo men black? It's actually a genius play, because they can pretend that it's legal theft to fuel their natural urge to steal shit.

Retail Price: $13,949

Retail Price$21,300.00Our Price$16,999.00Savings$4,301.00

Any other suggestions?
Im open to the fastest naked bikes and fastest retro bikes
Cvo street glide with knobbies
stunted grom
those are all very different bikes retard. don't buy an excf unless you are really serious about off road/enduro riding and have a truck and want to commit to engine rebuilds every 100 hours of riding and enjoy physically exhausting yourself pushing your shit around on the side of hills. you sound like a brand new rider so this is a bad idea or just disgustingly rich.

this shit is the only thing that bottlenecked the whole ev industry
are we at the limit of chemical battery?
is there any other viable alternative?
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>random numbers
Post your figures if they're so easily accessible to you
Lot's of money is being put into researching better batteries.
A lot of people are in a rat race to be the first to make a viable battery breakthrough.
So I just checked the actual up to date price for hydrogen at a station in California and it is actually significantly more than I'd assumed from past data. The price is moving the wrong direction if you want hydrogen to catch on.
$33 a kg now. Where for reference, a kilogram of hydrogen has about the same energy as a gallon of gasoline.

Filling up a 12kg hydrogen tank for a hydrogen ICE car would cost about $400.
Filling up the 5.6kg tanks in a Mirai would cost $185.

Meanwhile the cost of filling up a EV is still about the same.
why didn’t compressed air hybrids take off? Were they too good, so O&G pressured auto makers to kill the project?
More moving parts, more complexity, and less stored energy, all for a higher cost.

Hybrid electric vehicles ideally eliminate parts, and make it easier to store more energy for longer.

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Would a late model 300 be a decent purchase at this point? You'd think it's reliable at this point for how long it's been in production
There's like 6 people on here with 300s, myself being one. They last a while with most of the hemis they were offered with (5.7 eagle, 6.1, 6.4). Pre eagle 5.7s arent quite as reliable. Also they had 3 different v6s, only good one being the pentastar. Also europe got a diesel variant that can be tuned to be fairly quick. I'm nearing 150k miles on mine, only issues were bad ecu at 100k due to short in the alternator, around 140k, water pump started leaking, as did power steering rack, also radiator fans gave out. All fairly easy fixes, still runs great now

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>EVs aren't dyin-ACK!
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If they were switching back to ICE vehicles would the auto market still suffer? Being this dumb is why you’re poor.
>german sales
learn how to read
>the government is trying to force these EVs on me, but they're gay and i don't want them, so i think i'll just hold onto my current car a bit longer
car sales in general dropped you dumb niggers because you get jewed every turn.
rent increased, food prices doubled, wages stayed almost the same.
interest rates for car loans at 6-8%

obviously your average kraut will put buying a new car , EV or not, aside and drive his car for a few more years or buy used (thus not "create" 1 nu-sale for statistics)

disclose is always stating half-truths that fit their MAGAturd worldview
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ITT: we pretend to be in a traffic jam
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Until someone jumps in the space you are leaving in front, then it's back to clutch brake clutch neutral clutch 1st hell.
Think I'll open my car door to empty the piss jug
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don't stop
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If everybody's gonna dunk on me and my fellow double digit IQ poorfags, how do we stop being poor?
ITT: post the most povertaneous, sub 3k shitboxes
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you can be broke as fuck and never suffer in your life if you just act consistently and stop doing stupid shit, cut out cancer - especially family - live in a bum fuck town with $500 rent and work at lowes or home depot or somewhere karens dont shop that gets you a discount on a wide variety of useful shit
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Sub $3k shitboxes are objectively the most fun vehicles to own and operate no matter your skill level.
If you are not autistic and/or ADHD stay in your punishment cube, carpet dweller. We dont want your soft hands anywhere near our worksite
Just because my truck bed has a carpet liner in it don't mean I don't know my way around a jobsite, rookie.
i would feel safer about that fuel cell if i saw ratchet straps

Kino sound systems
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4chan's /o/ board presents: Offroad General

A place for gentleman to discuss their 4x4 trucks/SUVs. No side-by-sides, ATVs, AWD vehicles, or dirt bikes allowed.

Previous: >>27963536
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Interesting jeep on my local CL. Seems reasonably priced too.
that seems like a steal, considering it's also allegedly completely rust free
on the one hand, it's a highly modded project with discontinued parts and nigger wheels for almost 10k

on the other, the seller knows the word "litany"
Why oh why did they go through all that trouble and then put basketball wheels on that thing...

Nice Jeep though. Buy it, sell those wheels to a pajeet, and put some proper 15" steelies on there.
2004 was a tough time for offroad wheels

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/qtddtot/ - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread
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Are these still cop magnets or more expensive to insure?
I know they look faster than they are and many end in accidents because young and/or irresponsible drivers.
Is it because of the coolant cost or the effort of connecting everything?
If it's the cost, how about putting water first? You should later flush it and replace it with the relevant coolant.
Not in my experience. Insurance for mine hovered around $20/mo and I've never been pulled over in my life.
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This is what I'm talking about. The game's logic uses that default position in-between the wheel well when there's all that space behind the seats where a bigger, wider engine could go. Same reason why making transverse engines feels like a waste a lot of time in the game. Sure advanced trim features let you move the engine but that's just cosmetic. And the exhausts never actually poke out far enough from the body paneling.
Oh and like you show with the cross-reference picture the intake manifold's actual intake should be facing somewhere near the vents in the back of the boxster instead of pointed directly at the back of the seats but all things considered that's one of the smaller issues.

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