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Not enough bmws edition!

>Motorcycle tips & tricks
>Motorcycle pics, webbys, streamies, and .mp4s
>tennyfren HQ
>cb500 leg legion associacion guild clan
>coping with vfr electrical issues
>truck guy and hotwing blog
>Motorcycle anime girls
>rip gn, indian, gaymoo, pink
>class, plug


STICKY: >>23526953
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/xu560p4q

>Tiwst Of The Wrist II

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prev thread >>28114875
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first for night rides
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nice cluster
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I have to go to bed I can't wait for people to come talk about motorcycles anymore
if you guys see onsa tell him I said hi.
Yamaha is fundamentally a tranny brand and I hope they fail.
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Tomorrow is going to be really nice and I'm all caught up on my projects at home.
I think I'll put the leather suit on and go hit some nice roads.
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Suzuki as a brand is unfathomably based.
Kawasaki is also based, but not quite as much as Suzuki.
Based on ghetto ass owners
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This a no bully thread, anon.
How fucked am i?
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Didn't realize last thread was dead, here's a repost.
Impatient lot aren't you?
Finally went on a bonafide ride. Here's a shitty pic I took. I'll post a side view should anyone be interested.
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It's already too cold to ride at night without bundling up here. Time to settle in and dream of next season, I guess.
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nightrides in summer best
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Are winglets on a street motorcycle factory rice, or do they have any purpose ?
I don't know, but Fortnine did a video where he shit on the idea of street bikes having winglets.
Cold season is road trip planning time!
Look ricey, but are usually there to homologate WSB bodywork, where wings definitely provide front end downforce for anti-wheelie, high speed braking stability etc.
cute k, although they look the best from the side
Took out my ttr250 today, she's making a noise that might be pinging, the fuel is 6-12 months old.
Should drop the fuel or just top it up with new? It's about 1/2 a tank full.
Weekend warriors love them
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well its a job
Fuel has gone bad. Drain the tank.
Demon, check your chain slack.
Suzuki keeping the gixxer unchanged wins again. Moustaches are gay.
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i just put a new chain when I need to stop more than 3 times per week to pop it back on
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That looks horrifying. Please don't die.
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>i just put a new chain when I need to stop more than 3 times per week to pop it back on

You could be a millionare if you didnt have to spend so much on new chains all the time kek

Are the tensioners fugged or something? be a lot cheaper in the long run to fix it anon
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rears don’t last long, more worried about the front now, its acking itself
i use dat dere unsealed chaintec
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Wonder id i should cancel my honda subscription streak
Honda and suzuki are the only based brands that make cages
Harley also sometimes made fords i guess too, but now that porche went completely homosex, kinda cancels out some of their former works with them as a brand too

Which suzuki / honda cage and honda / suzuki motorcycle is the best combo bros?
Mix n match or double down?
How much drop in temperatures warrants adjusting the carburetor? Is from 80f to 60f enough to make it idle shit?
Throw some moth balls inner
Thought so. I'm not even the hastune anon. You say people will mess with your luggage, but you ride a 125cc that Jose can pick up and chuck into the bed of a pickup or dump trailer for resale the next town over. I don't think the argument is that you lane split, I think the argument is that you're never going to be lane splitting at enough lean angle for a low profile case to hit before anything else on you does.

Enjoy your pizza bag though.
Tell him!
Probably not anon, ive started my shitter anywhere from 80f+ to 30f and it ran fine with out adjusting the carb (it did idle like shit until it warmed up in the very cold weather)

Dirt/condensation in the ol carb probably
They have a purpose of making the bike fugly
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Bike is still here after 6 weeks. Probably another 4 weeks.
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I hate waiting for trip season to come back around again.
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Sold my drz. Rip sweet prince.
How should I buy my first bike?
Reason I ask is that the market where I live seems to be inflated like crazy. People are selling used Kawasaki Ninja 400s for more than MSRP.
do I just get an r3 and call it a day?
R1250RS anon, how do you like that bike? I keep forgetting that bike exsests and I've been thinking about upgrading my Tracer next year.
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Sold my 250 on Friday. Feels bad man.
Fuck Captcha.
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Did you replace that rear tire before you sold it?
its fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine dw about it (not my problem anymore)
F o7
How much did you get? Private party or dealership?
i no longer like riding on the road. there are too many niggers and beaners smoking weed that will kill you.
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just say ur scared and cant handle cars doing random shit lol
i am scared.
i feel more comfortable doing 160 on track days than i do sitting at a stop light next to Jesus Jaqnimus as he drops his McDonalds bag out his window. if i'm gonna die i want it to be quick, not run over a few times by Tyron and Angel
true, track is very safe enviroment. As for public road you really gotta learn how to predict the unpredictable
been riding since i was 17 when i got my license. i'm 37. drivers are getting so bad as the country gets browner.
cant relate, im european in white country, but people here drive like fucking monkeys as well
>t. im too scared to ride motorcycles because I’m scared of black people
Stupid people in SUVs and commercial trucks are a big fucking problem yeah. I hope Trump deports them all to Rwanda.
you literally cant ride lol
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you literally dont have a bike.
I put 16k kms on the R1 this season, u 0
16k miles and the tiers never got up to temp once kek. should have bought a scooter little crybaby faggot
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post bike
id mop your stupid ass up on a 400 kek, fucking loser
Not only that but added effects of a post funvaxx world are also eerie
Inb4 assuming direct control of not only the globohomo vwhicle but the internet of bodies as well
I hate the antichrist so much its unreal
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>carrying large pizzas and several bags of food in a thermal food bag is... le bad! u need a TOPCASE for that dude
>scared of black people
yes. that's why i carry a gun and keep a shovel in my truck.
>dont be scared of black people
kys you faggot, i bet you loved that new jaguar commercial diddnt you
Imagine buying a liter and then lowsiding like a bitch the first time you try to hit a corner kek. to top it off you take it to some other man to fix it ROMFLMAHAHAHAHA
thats second time ur begging for my attention, u okay buddy?
come back when you unlock that skinny bitch larping slow faggot
come back when u get bike pooron
supid ass motherfucker you crashed that piece of shit and you dont have the title so its not your bike. 6 months from now you will be selling it to the next sucker lol. larping, slowfaggot
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literally my bike bought for my own money lmfao, why do u act like $20k is a lot? Are you 16?
>retard posts the tag
wheres the title dumbass child, slowfaggot, larp, poor
u cant get license plate unless the bike is registered
>the pooron still havent posted his bike
A 2 cylinder can never be a sport tourer. A 3 or 4 cylinder can never be an adventure bike.
what motorcycle electrogadget would you like to see? infrared tire temp monitor? tell me so i can make it and start my own business.
i love how poorfag europeans simply dont understand the concept of ownership. they think if they just have the keys and a fucking license plate its theirs. dude literally has no clue what the fuck a title is LMAO
poorfag post bike
If you have a license plate that is registered to you then it means you have the proper paperwork to go with it. I don't know how it works in America but I would assume it's somewhat similar.
When you come back with a pic of your gfs unlocked asshole and a title i might, till then work on getting those tires up to temp, larp, slowfaggot, nu-male, poor
seethe anon is really on fire tonight
hes bikeless and ragebaiting in this thread, obviously the bike is registered in my name and I have the proper documents for it, he just cant accept the fact people actually have bikes
>it means you have the proper paperwork to go with it.
damn youre stupid as fuck
meant for >>28118125
Yeah? Explain how as soon as you got your boyfriends cock out of your mouth faggot. I'll be waiting.
>I have the proper documents for it,
what documents lol, fucking state mandated insurance so when you crash like a bitch the bank still gets their money? kys, unlock the bitch, warm your tires up once, and pay the shit off fucking larping, slowfaggot, numale
theres no point, youre too stupid and poor kek just a waste of time. Easier and more fun to just sit here ridiculing you thanking god i wasnt born as stupid as you.
fucking broke ass larping nu-male faggot i already know youre spamming that report button like you did last time
>what documents lol
its called vehicle registration, obviously have never went through this process since ur bikeless topjej
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man I was envious of your classic setup, now I feel sorry for u :^( plz tell me you at least are replacing it with something good
And he refuses to explain. Must be tough to be a gay retard. I guess aids rotted his brain.
New favorite girl just dropped

little bikeless child needs the concept of vehicle registration explained to him lmfao aint no shot
>monthly payments
Well you obviously don't understand it so now you're throwing a gay little tantrum.
you never had shit, you dont even have enough dick to unlock that little slut you keep posting kek. larping poorfaggot
i dont get how euroids think because they got a license plate that the vehicle is theirs kek. they really have no concept of ownership fucking apartment dwelling subhuman filth
Been almost half a year since my second zx12r engine broke and finally took it apart last night. It is confirmed kill. Pistons destroyed, cylinders tore up. It's indeed all over. It was a waste of over $2k, at that cost I should have just bought another running zx12r.
why do u think $20k is a lot of money? Financing motorcycle is the dumbest thing anyone would do (you probably would since ur dirt poor thirdworlder)
>Pistons destroyed, cylinders tore up.
so what, piston to valve contact? sounds like whoever installed the shit for you, i know you diddnt, couldnt give a fuck less about inspecting the cam timing system.
>Financing motorcycle is the dumbest thing anyone would do
so post the r1 title proving you own it. you might gain a little respect around here, larping, poorfaggot
if you just prove you own it at least as you can larp as a slowfag exclusively and not a poor slowfag who cant even unlock his GF.
>16k miles and the tires never got up to temp
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I installed it. The engine I bought ended up having oil mix with the cooland and vice versa, no mention of this or any issues from the seller though. Anons and 90% of anyone who has seen this before assumed it was just a bad head gasket, so I replaced that. One ride later and it happened again and exploded before I could even complete the ride home.
Pic related. It has more damage than my first engine.
stupid pooron we dont have titles in EU, we have vehicle registration lists and even if I would post it, you would move the goalpost since ur a retard nobike crying ragebaiting faggot
>we dont have titles in EU
of course you dont, dumbass larping poorfaggot, slow
nice double post newfag
>pistons clearly damaged
>he thinks its a coolant issue
youre cooked
kys you retarded nu-male
raged irl, still didnt post bike jej
kys you shook faggot
Look at him go.
Coolant and oil mixture doesn't seem like good lubrication for the engine, I assume it also made it overheat in the process, as the piston damage is almost exactly the same as my 1st engine that died due to oil starvation.
>wont post bike in bike thread because has none
sad! many such cases!
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My auto enricher is fucking up. Of ALL things to make electric why this? Has thre ever been issues with cable chokes? No. You know why? Because they just werk.

Fuck this gay chinese electrical world.
Wow he's been going nonstop for the past hour. Who revved him this time?
My R1 keeps him up at night
>as the piston damage is
you have no clue what you're looking at because your mind is compromised from too much tranime. If an engine overheats or loses oil pressure it fucks the bores up, you literally have piston to valve contact. What's that mean? Lol they don't talk about that in your faggots cartoons huh
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Makes sense. Little guy gets super mad if someone on here has an expensive bike. He's really poor. Really worthless too.
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>e-cuck here to rescue some poor euro tranny
kek, fucking retard dropped 20k to top out at 85 LAMMAHAHAHAHA
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100% rice, no one buying a factory spec bike is going to need that negligible amount of downforce
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he gets super mad all the time, epitome of being bikeless in bike thread I suppose
imagine dropping 20k on this
>why do u think $20k is a lot of money?
That's how poor he is.
motherfucker could have got a r1 ROMFLAMAHAHAHA
Bro post that photoshopped ass please, I wan't to buss!
Gonna take my chick for a 2up ride and get a late breakfast.
What bike is this?
try some marvel mystery oil and put some new gas in there
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you could too if you werent poor
come back when you warm that tire up dumbass larping nu-male
I do not have much of a clue what I'm talking about, no, I'm learning as I destroy.
Regardless of what you're telling me, my perfectly fine engine that I've maintained and rode for over 10k miles died when oil ran low and the top of the piston indeed looks destroyed like this one.
zero sr, top speed 85
Please wear two helmets. I just dealt with a motorcycle accident a few days ago and the guy got royally fucked up because he gave the chick his helmet. He did have a pretty hefty chick on a sportster though so he might have been askin for it.

t. Incident responder
>lack of oil dented my pistons and bent some valves
kek, WHENS THE NEXT EPISODE OF MOTORCYCLE CARTOONS COMING ON i bet you know that shit little tranner
I'm sure you could just adjust the choke to make up for any temperature difference
What's wrong with you?
who the fuck is he even talking to now?
Nta but could the issue he describes cause overheating and drop a valve seat instead of valve contact?
Just get an older used bike, bonus points if it doesn't run. Fix 'er up and get riding.
Simple as.
What did I do?
>Please wear two helmets [reddit talk]
>cringe larp
>t. cringe larp
i guess its possible, i think his timing chain tensioner went slack and the valves hit the pistons. all sportbikes are hard on the chain and guides.
>Please wear two helmets
sage advice
Hows 'bout I fuck ya mudda?
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It's what happened, it's what the mechanics I've spoken and taken it to originally said what happened, and it's what anons and people on forums have said will happen.
I don't know what else to tell you besides post bike
>i think his timing chain tensioner went slack and the valves hit the pistons
I wouldn't throw that out the realm of possiblity as the chain tensioner was having issues for a bit on this new engine, though it resolved itself and when I just took the engine apart, it wasn't slack at all.
My original engine never had any issue, just went too long without oil.
Little guy tries really hard to participate. He needs to feel like he fits in with the cool motorcycle guys.
Come on post the risitas reaction pics I love when you do that
>reddit talk
If caring about my friends on /dbt/ is reddit then I am the biggest redditor.
It is an auto enricher and I think that is messing up. I got a maual one on the way.
That would actually be pretty cool. It already exists for cars (RaceLogic) but a system that was easily fitted to bikes would be nice.
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can we do a secret santa with /dbt/?

/k/ does it yearly
Let's do faggiest anon of the year like /tv/ does or something.
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30 IQ joke. Congrats u win the dumbest
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You're big mad and I'm lmaoing so hard rn frfr cuh
/k/ secret santa is successful but there's a lot of subcategories of gun stuff and militaria to buy from, in many price points. what would we do? gear? fluids? stickers maybe? half the people here don't even have a bike
maintenance fluids
milk crates
Shit aspect ratio, but beautiful pic nonetheless.
Cheers, fellow beemer bro
I love doing the little fist bump thing with other riders at lights, I chase after other riders specifically so I can give them a fist bump at the lights
Please post more stories if you have any, I love to hear them.
(also pics if you can sneak any)
>auto enricher
Please chuck that into the sun and I will consider never mentioning it again.
I think the point is that /k/ can gift affordable, useful knick knacks while /dbt/ can either gift insanely expensive gear or tacky novelty items.
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My spot, get out, cagers.
Btw I’m trans not sure if that matters
Happy for you anon
valve/piston contact on two of the three pistons visible. Could be as simple as cam chain tensioner failure.
coolent in the oil though, gonna have to inspect every bearing closely.
Do you have a good set of pistons between the two engines? You might be able to get a good engine together out of the two (and a manual cam chain tensioner.)
>bought my first bike on Halloween
>had to store it immediately since winter is coming
>couple weeks later neighbors get 2 ATVs and a bike
heh jealous motherfuckers
Such nice little bikes, I still miss mine sometimes.
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I almost became pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes last night. There was a disabled vehicle in a middle lane that I stopped for and one of my co workers (A) pulls up behind me to help. Just as I am setting up my cones I am now outside in between his and my truck. JUST as I get back to the tail gate of mine some puerto rican on the phone slams into A's truck and sends it rolling towards me. If I was just a few seconds behind I would have been fucked. I want to try and get the dash cam footage from my boss.

Pic semi related. Another accident I went to.
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Open enrollment time for Amerifat wagecucks like me who have to rely on employer-sponsered health insurance because the richest country on the planet can't take care of it's citizens.
I bought half a million USD worth of employer-sponsered accidental deth kill insurance for the benefit of my wife and kid should I make a terrible mistake on the touge. Would have bought more if they were selling it.
Or if A never showed up at all I would not be posting right now.
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The roads around here are shit. I've been coping and dilating for 2 weeks in a row, going out thinking I'm going to find something close but it doesn't exist. Guess I'll just have to make the trek to the good FM road 2 hours away if I want twisty roads.
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To be honest I've been riding less recently because my wife has become disabled and I know if I bite it she won't be able to support herself and the kid. On the other hand, people who ride daily seem to have a lot less accidents because they're skills stay sharp. I know that the most skillful I've ever felt on a bike was after two years of daily motorcycle commutes. Before the 'Rona.
I should probably figure out a daily ride that's not too far from home but is also enjoyable, somehow.
I spend two hours a day commuting on my bike, and the only skills I picked up were lane filtering and dodging Indians.
That's why I'm never leaving where I live. I can go all twisties just going to the mall.
>On the other hand, people who ride daily seem to have a lot less accidents because they're skills stay sharp.
Everyday I have several close calls.
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I had an awesome day today. The local dealer was having a ride-out. I show up and there were guys who looked like they were riding 50 years in leather cuts with do-rags with the american flag, and I showed up with my XT250 tiny dual sport dressed head-to-toe in beginner ride gear. I wish I had a picture of me in the line-up with this bike next to 1000cc harleys twice its size and thrice its weight.

The harley guys were super cool with it. Someone showed up with a Ninja 300 and some 80's Honda sportster. It was a blast and everyone was peak hooligan on the road. 10/10. Harley guys are awesome.

I should have took some pictures instead of just continuing to post the same 4-5 pictures I took weeks ago at this point.
Where do you live?
None of them have killed you yet.
nice! The shop near me that was sponsoring rides went out of business last year because his insurance doubled (and he couldn't keep techs for some reason)
The obvious answer is getting a side car.
not him but I ride daily on east coast US and I at least see a situation that would be deadly had I not been as vigilant/paranoid every day. the cagers have the neuron activation of someone on the couch with their phone when they're on the road right next to you
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it's at least a half hour ride to a road worth travelling for me. Fucking urban living.
That sucks, I know insurance is eating people alive if they do test rides.
Dealership offered to let me test ride, but I'm a new rider and I'm comfortable on my little 250, so I should at least master that before trying other things (also I don't want to scratch it)

I can totally see it. I'm in pretty perilous situations on the road in my cage
Why the fuck have prices of used DRZ gone up in shitting UK
>YWN jerk it at a stop light by hiding it in the step-through of your 150cc scooter.
maybe scooty boys have a point
The DRZ-4 is coming soon and people are jumping on the DRZ hype train, thinking prices will crater before we get the fuel injected variants. It will actually crater when the thing is actually on store floors.
>Jealous of someone who can't ride in the winter.
Yeah buddy, I'm sure.
I can't even find an empty parking lot to moto-g in. Everything's full, all the time. The local park turned their parking lot into a tiny-home village for the homeless. The local Korean Megachurch built a fence around their lot and have the gate locked for the 90% of the week they have nothing going on.
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Portugal, I ride for a living
The 17:30-18:30 part of the shift is the worse
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you done goofed
>8-year-old Bajaj 373 Duke
Well, K is creeping up on 2016. Brakes still seem stuck in the 1990s tho
There won't be a carb version.
That's what the auto clutch is for. Duh.
>still wanna ride a dirt bike
>still don’t have friend that ride dirtbikes
>the cagers have the neuron activation of someone on the couch with their phone when they're on the road right next to you
There was a guy saying that cars are too safe now and I completely agree. I cannot drive with the windows up because I feel like I'm in this little bubble completely disconnected from earth itself. They are too quiet and the road lines only further hypnotize you along with the tire noise.
me but with street bikes
Night rides are the best
What I do like about them is that they have this little light in the mirrors that warns someone is close to them, so that might help activate some neurons.
>Vigilant/paranoid everyday.
That is riding 101 which is really sad when you think about.
I wish you sold it to me.
I also think this is why cagers get so pissed at bikes flying around them. They've been conditioned to live in a comfy cocoon on the road and when you fly by it breaks their "reality".
>Portugal, I ride for a living

How do you make a living riding? Is it enjoyable? Sounds like fun.
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I kneel bumpbro
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This is why I support mass transit, walkable cities, self driving EVs, etc. It gets people who don't like driving for its own sake off the road.
I once had a black guy show up on a bicycle and fist bump me before running a red light straight into heavy traffic. He had a backpack with a branch strapped sideways to it, that was easily a metre long. I sometimes wonder what he's getting up to.
Thanks bumpbro
Need to get some proper footie of it someday, I’ll take a u-ie like this and chase down people I see to give them bumps. Today I chased down a dude on a triumph neo cafe racer of some sort, ohlins dual shock, brembos on the front, everything was so shiny and gold with a cute mono headlight. Very worth chasing
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>pick stuff up and up and drop it off
>elon musk boss
>work when I want
>where I want
>race with jeets
>cagies hate him
>late night hustle
>ponder by the beach
Yeah I enjoy it bro
It does come with a certain stigma

That looks like a beautiful place bro
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> That looks like a beautiful place bro
thanks bro I fucking love it here and I try to never take it for granted
Everyday is a viable riding day and there’s always something beautiful to see
Also post more cool splits mr based cbr nightrider
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>late night hustle
>ponder by the beach

Sounds like fun. Give us a music track you listen to set the scene.
Probably yes. So it might be worth waiting for December or Jan to lower some prices due to cold weather, but I don't want to wait too long for the new one to come in so prices can go down, I want to start riding
>get a kickstand down CEL that prevents me from starting
>key cycle it every time it happens
>it’s been completely gone for three days now
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Need winter gloves. Don't want to deal with heated grips.
What do you use? I've been using my summer mesh gloves.
How do I reduce fatigue in my throttle hand? Getting smaller gloves has reduced how tightly I need to grip the throttle but I still get cramps. Assist levers like https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4507110 help but they get in the way a bit when cornering
Storing at an offsite storage unit is the most anxiety producing thing I've done regarding a bike in a while.
based public transport enthusiast
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Chad spotted
>rolls back a little to avoid awkward silence
>What do you use?
Heated grips. And bark busters that double as wind deflectors. And fondling the bike at every stop.
replace the side stand switch....easy fix
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You can get heated gloves, but it will pretty much warm only the backside of your hands. I've been using some gauntlet alpinestar gloves with a visor wiper on the left thumb for my winters. (I just recently bought heated grips though and will be installing them soon.)

Set your ergonomics. Adjust your handle bar and levers appropriately. Check your grip style.
Heated jacket liner that plugs into the bike and a traditional set of leather winter riding gloves are what you want. Anyone who suggests heated gloves over the jacket liner is objectively wrong and doesn’t understand basic physics
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>from 4th to 1st rear kicking out
>hope I don't get a stinky after opening the bag
I hear fast black grind stuff, like this
Sometimes some 80s stuff for a more chill night or breakbeats / goa for when I go experience the hustle and bustle of the city's downtown on a busy friday night
Don't know how to answer your question because I've driven for 18 hours straight, mix of express ways and twisties, and only my back and right leg hurt. Right leg is because I need to adjust my rear brake, with boots on I always feel the need to lift my foot up.
Hands completely fine.
As to how I survived that ride, I'm not always twisting the throttle, not aggressive with it, once I'm at a comfortable speed I just cruise. Sames goes with front brakes, I rely on engine braking a lot, and I play a little game called "only use front brakes if I really have to".
I do very little with my right hand, maybe this is why I don't feel fatigued.

>And fondling the bike at every stop.
Yes, I look like I'm molesting my bike all the time. One step away from putting a tenga on the exhaust and fucking my baby girl, or just skip the tenga and rev it with my cock inside the exhaust. Feel the resonance, be one with the bike.

>bark busters
I'm an idiot and I like my bar end mirrors. I should just suck it up during winter and get rid of them.

>anything that plugs into the bike
If it means having to wire into the battery, no for me.
If I can plug it to a USB port, then all right I guess.
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>he’s afraid to hard wire heated gear into the battery
>If it means having to wire into the battery, no for me.
As long as its fused, there's nothing to really worry about, As long as you wire it well, it's perfectly fine
I use heated grips and comfy thick gloves. That's my bike with heated grips in the OP image. I just got back from a ride, works fucking great.
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Fuckin tripcodes reeeeee

RIP kawasucky, never buying any raimus except for an h2 used super bike
Also bro im afraid for my cam chain tensioners, my mechanic bro try to convince me the crf450rl DOESNT need a manual cam chain tensioner and insists if the oem hydraulic(?) One is shittin the bed then its probably another issue, but i feel like
A) being the guy who rides the shit and knows from another bikes cct rattle with 3 extra cylinders
And B) various forums of previous baikus and the general supersport asian mid 2000s bikes having these issues to begin with for their cct
Leads me to conclude that maybe im more correct
But fuck his mechanic expertise casting doubts on something so simple, i just want to swap for a manual cct and prolong the life until i need to check other components like he is suggesting, i think theres more to it and more life in those parts if i just swap this one NOW
as far as other things for the crf450rl, im only at the replace a fuel filter stage, and everything else is inconsequential or upgrades that id like to do
Based choker, destroyer of chynesium
I love my little yellow knob- no im not a chynese i mean my crf choke is YELLOW

Based engine knower and baiku healer encyclopedia
Travel to get what you need
I bet majority of anons here who arent ngmi poors but even still slightly poors will commit to travelling 500km+ or 2,500miles of freedom units to acquire their dream used shitbike for their first bike
Be not afraid

That has to be the coolest photo dbt posted in a long time

This lanesplitter, are you the r3 uberjeets?
Youre runnin out of luck with all these videos, be careful bros
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I have a ktm 890 i ride more.
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Chain looking minty.
Inside of fairing, not so minty.
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I got more :D
$5k private party. Guy got a great deal bike was pimped out.
not him but how do you stop it from draining your battery? is there something you can wire to make it shut off when you shut the bike off? I've had it on different bikes but have had that issue before and know nothing
>Right leg is because I need to adjust my rear brake, with boots on I always feel the need to lift my foot up.
Shit, same here
How do I ride without the urge to take my foot off of the rear brake in the off-chance I'm dragging it?
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>are you the r3 uberjeets
nah bro i only have 13.4 hp
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You can set it up with relays or wiring into your ignition switch. If you do hardwire to your battery, and you are plugging in wearables if there is no complete circuit (You unplugged your gear) your battery wont drain.
That lift looks super sketchy, especially on a tilted driveway.
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Last time I did something to the battery (added drive recorders), I ended up grounding it and was unable to figure shit out.
Not touching the battery ever again.

Only way I can think of is if there's a way to make that lever harder to press. Hard enough where you need to use actual force to trigger it. Doesn't matter how far down it is from the pegs, I never feel comfortable resting my foot on the brake pedals.
Only have this issue when I'm wearing riding boots, normal shoes and it's easy to tell that I'm not dragging it.
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Cat's not wrong.
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I own one and it's amazing. You can actually sit on the bike while its lifted. You can can lift it level, front up, or rear up. Makes working on the bike super easy.
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Shit, yeah that looks great. What's the maximum weight capacity? My sport tourers are chonkybois.
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They make battery powered heated gloves
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Looks like it can lift your bike. Just choose the manufacturer and model. You buy the fitment kits per bike and they have a tool on the website to let you know which ones are compatible or if you need a new set depending on the bike.
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Sure, yours looks great. The other one looks like it's about to take off to outer space.
Looks like they have adapters for 6th gen viffers... but the system isn't compatible with my R1250RS at all. Guess I'm locked into the stealerships for that one.
>Pablo speeding off after hitting him
I'm gonna buy a CB125F
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Shaniqua was late getting her nails done
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It's so nice I don't have to convert mp4 videos anymore, it sucks I have to remove the audio still
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It feels so fucking good being a hasbike, spent the last 3 hours gunnin down my favorite local roads and exploring new ones
When I turned in to a gas station to get a rebbull a guy on a ratty cb650F struck up a conversation about how his roommate runs the local mini mondays and they've got an entire half functioning CNC mill in their living room.
I love being a hasbike, I love that the motorcycle does the socializing for me and I just get to listen to cool people share their neat little stories.
>mp4 allowed now
>still no audio
whats the point
I like Harleys
>whats the point
iToddler phones can hardware-decode mp4 so doomscrolling 4chan doesn't hurt their battery life as much.
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This is probably one of the most underrated bikes out there
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I love jewish women, bros
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idk which anon posted this but I can't stop thinking about it, god it's so fucking good
It is. Sport tourers are in general, but people sleep on the RS in particular, probably because the stock exhaust note sounds like a tractor. My bike in the OP has this exhaust on it:

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someone said my bike was cool today
got dang, that's pretty good.
can a fatass like me get an azn gf like this??
only if you're white with a bike
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>only if you're white
it's over...
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>no K75 support
people say my bike is cool any time I ride
Literally having flashbacks seeing that picture… god those bikes are such huge pieces of shit

it's probably a really cool bike
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>I love being a hasbike, I love that the motorcycle does the socializing for me and I just get to listen to cool people share their neat little stories.
It's what social scientists call an unforgeable signal. You put thousands of dollars, weeks of training, and your own life on the line to ride motorcycles on public roads, which means you're a pretty cool guy and have certain interests in common with other motorcyclists.
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My road exploring today sucked ass. Hopefully it goes better next time. I've been putting my leather on when I go explore so I can get it broken in better.

Glad you had fun though, you have such nice roads.
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I posted it recently, how can you foeget im a tripfag namefag KAPLAN AMERICAS COAST TO COAST NEW VEGAS TENDIE RUN endorser and organizer and the filming director and producer of /dbt/'s in house cinema full length feature mockumentary film; TWIST OF THE WRIST 3: FORGETTING WHATS BEHIND US IS THE NATURE OF SPEEDING SHOOMS

but its ok, i forgove you because i also forget the guy who posted it for me to save many moons ago ._.
Thank you nameless anon, whoever you are

>unforgable signal
What do these (((social scientists))) call men who delete their porn history from the browser?

Speaking of
I just had a few hour long convo with old neighbour who i let have few rides piggyback on my old shooms way back when, and he really wana get a used bike to learn to ride on, 50 so hes up there in years
I just try an be a fren sometimes bros, heartbreaking to hear some thing aboit family this and that and the finances being in shambles on his end
Prayin this guy gets a bike one day, i wana help him in that i always send him affordable shitbikes
Love your neighbour as you would thyself and love your enemies hotwing bros

I wish i was rich bros
Not because i want the super pasta rocket that costs 100k mrsp, but because id buy bikes for the nobikes, its literally that easy to bring someone joy
Like imagine when you were a nobike, you just given a bike and become a REAL AMERICAN MC 1%er, just like that
How based would that have been instead of putting handlebars where clippons should be, or a front fairing with matching paint, or having not JUST a garage and several vehicles and bikes BUT also bunkbeds for your canadian bros
Fuck idk even how many trauma kits to order guys, let alone what baiku id buy all of you- even gnanon i woulsve boughted him a better bike with bigger displacement

BROS, please accept Jesus for the sins so we can shoom next life, pls just do it for peace of mind; both myself and God appreciate your salvation
>What do these (((social scientists))) call men who delete their porn history from the browser?
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>unforgeable signal
really really interesting thought, I've never looked at it that way before, I wonder if that sort of universal kinship is present in most extreme sports
>My road exploring today sucked ass. Hopefully it goes better next time.
you should look for a neat looking road on a map app and then head in the general direction until you find it
I can't imagine road exploration in rural texas would be all that fun unless you were getting up to dual sport hijinks
>Glad you had fun though, you have such nice roads.
And I'll never forget it, the fact that I have a loop basically next to my house that I can hit whenever I want is never lost on me. I go and hit it whenever I need to clear my mind or just wanna make my day that much better
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>>28119122 (dubs)
You could always sign him up for the motorcycle class. New rider boomers are the most at risk group there is lol
I have the Autodata login details again. Post bike you want the technical specs sheet from, and I'll throw it in the google drive. I'll need exact model and year. Not 100% guaranteed I'll find it, and it's not going to be any different from the information you'll find from the workshop manual.

Not sure if my personal deets are visible for you lot so if it is, don't dox me. >https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1f36ahrGmF_e0zS7-x0hNx5VBRO58t1Xl?usp=drive_link
why am i so unhappy with my harley low rider s 117 ? it was my dream bike and its a harley, but i feel like i was sold a heavy, sluggish scooter
>I posted it again
Can you do a 2007 Honda CT110 please?
this bike fucking stinks, i had enough of harleys.

whats a good bike to get next?
It's already in there; it's the second bike I looked at after my own one. I love the postie bikes and really want one for myself. Look for the CT110_98-08.
Pissing rain, dark out, temps hovering around freezing. Still slap on the high viz and go for a night ride after a few beers lads
gay stock photo poster.
Not even a normal kind of gay, but full on freakshow pride parade in a blue state gay.
>encouraging people post the bikes of the exact same model as a stock photo except you can use it to dox the poster .... BECAUSE ITS COOL OK

Grow up you fucking faggot
Thanks brother, I hope you find one one day.
I’m trans btw not sure if that matters
>check electrics after changing the battery
>rear brake lever is on a hair trigger
no wonder cars were staying such a huge distance behind me
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For the longest time I thought my carb was the main issue, but it seems to be electrics causing extreme misfires at high RPM
I noticed when riding at night, the bike will go faster and misfire less if you turn off the headlight,
It also doesnt get spark when cranking so I always have to use kickstart
how do you fix that?
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If you're able to, the specs for a 2024 honda monkey Z125MA-N would be helpful thanks. I might fit a front rack for when I go camping on it so the torque values would be good to know.
Your bike is cursed.
Three day tour starts in the morning.
Sorry, all I have on here is the sheet for the 2018-2021 model. I've uploaded that one anyway if you're curious.
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It also will not idle with an air filter no matter what, so since the airbox has fallen off anyways im just running bare carburator now and it actually idles
Still trolling huh?
hurting it
Ah no worries, thanks anyway anon, appreciate it.
I have a 1990
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what can I do?
It just will not run right nor idle with an air filter
>CBR250RR MC22
Uploaded the 1990-1993 sheet for you. Cool bike.
how is it trolling if its the truth,
Post your motorcycle :)
Peninsula and island country, western Washington.
I refer you to >>28119215
Sooooo, you don't have a motorcycle. Ok
Sounds cool.
much love anon
Where's yours, head ass
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how bad is running without an airfilter on a carburated 2 stroke really?
can it clog up the carb?
It's OK. It's obvious you're trolling.
Suzuki says "the life of the engine depends largely on the air filter"
ill see what I can do
But it wont run right with an airfilter, so i am frustrated
The previous owner ran no air filter aswell
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you could nigger rig some sponge over the intake or an old sock, its still going to run like shit but wont clog up as quick
I tried that and it wont idle like that
You said you had electrical issues leading to insufficient spark, you may also have an incorrectly adjusted fuel mixture screw or incorrectly sized jets. When a filter is added, the engine will be pulling a stronger vacuum through the carb which gives you a richer fuel/air ratio
Seent a cool harley in Japan today. I'll post it in the next thread
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Saw a really sick suzuki with neon paintjob while my 50cc 2 stroke struggkes to go over 60kmh and stalls at red lights
Life is like that
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Have you considered slapping on a 70cc big bore kit and a nice power pipe?

Little scoot scoots really wake up with a bit of fucking around desu should get you up to around 80kmh+ and have much more usable torque
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Mach endlich deine scheiß Vergaser sauber
Unterer Text
Hättest halt ne Schwalbe kaufen sollen lol
Recently been looking at reviews for a bike I want and multiple of them are talking about how it won't go over 75mph and that's a downside for many people. As someone who's not from the US it's kinda funny because I don't think we even have a road where it's legal to go 75.
Sounds gay bro
The speed limit here is 70mph, however it is useful to be able to exceed it. For a start it's not great to be sitting at high revs in top gear, especially when usually bikes that struggle to do that speed are buzzy singles. Secondly when you want to overtake a slower vehicle the greater the speed difference the quicker you can get it done.
>I don't think we even have a road where it's legal to go 75.
Oh no , dont want to upset your eurocuck overlords
I guess there are plenty of reasons to want higher speed for people who ride for anything more than urban commute. I'm looking from perspective of someone who'll likely never go over 50 on one.
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Elektrik ist momentan das größere Problem merkt man deutlich
War das billigste und ich bin arm
New thread, migrate



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