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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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Is it accurate?
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>this means every park is filled with a hoard of retards
I have yet to find a camp ground where this isn't the case.
it's simple
it doesn't exist
in texas at least
there's a lot wrong if you look at the fine details but the big picture it paints is accurate.

my fixes:
hawaii increased to 6.5
california decreased to 7.5
washington and oregon increased to 8
montana increased to 8.5
alaska increased to 9
michigan might deserve to be bumped up slightly
florida deserves a bump the hiking isn't great but the other /out/ shit to do there is being under valued
most of california is mids but it also has some of the best /out/ in the country. big state.
What are the best small to medium size towns in appalachia to be centrally located to a lot of great out stuff?

#516- “Spooky!” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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I gotta find me more sloot fishin pics, only have a few fresh ones left in the folder for the next maybe 10 threads.
I'm at the newly constructed, not quite finished family cabin at the moment. I have had heat and electricity, and just got running water but not hot water. Next week should be high speed internet. I'm 5 minutes away from the nearest trout stream. I was too lazy and tired to get up here yesterday, and today, I made a very, very late start in the newly frigid weather. There's significant drought in this region, but there was supposedly 1.25 inches of rain in 24 hours a couple days ago and who knows how much when I wasn't checking. The water has been very clear and is known to be resistant to getting muddy. On my way up here, I saw some muddiness, which should be a good sign for my chances tomorrow.
Good luck anon
The one on the right has very fake tits. The one on the left has more realistic-looking ones, but I can see a scar on her left rbreast, which leads me to believe they may also be fake.
She looks good overall, but those are definitely fake.
Fake tits are always bad. Who wants to be squeezing hard, gravity-defying silicone bags? Not me.
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You can always post pictures of Femboy Fishing

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>Tara Dower completed the Appalachian trail in just 40 days becoming the fastest person to finish it
Male bros it's over, how are we coping?
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No lads, he's right.
Women are faster than men in distances over 195 miles.
Imagine the smell
She accomplished a great physical feat. Can you stop being a huge bitch and just acknowledge it?
its an impressive running feat but i don't give a single fuck about running in the first place.
the only category that actually would actually matter to me for appalachian trail would be solo hiking with caches but no support.

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>big biceps
>yeeppp... thatll be what makes the difference
>not having a JHP with a pitbulls name on it.
I miss this lilnigga like nothing else
He's back boys!
>threat display
She doesn't want to eat you.
You're in her territory and she wants you to fuck off.
The asshole instagrammer was pulling out his camera to video her cubs because he needed some bullshit to post online

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Why do people think you need to go somewhere far away for "real out"? I go to random suburban parks near me that are just undeveloped forests or swamps and I have seen literally nobody in these places.
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I think those areas are great. I'm not a camper. I like to fish and walk. When I'm in an undeveloped suburb, I get great reception, which is nice. Sadly, my area is getting developed at record speed. It used to be a nice small city, but now, with the same amount of utilities, it has way more people.
It's full of trash and dog walkers (redundant, I know).
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So I went to the edge of my metro area (about 40 minutes from work) to buy my house. It's not "the wilderness," but there is undeveloped forest behind my subdivision and, aside from my neighborhood, which is about a hundred basic $200-250k-range houses on 1/3 acre lots, the majority of the housing nearby are on 6-60 acre lots. Some are high-end homes, while others are prefabs. There are pros and cons to this. Main con is I'm so far from my work, so my commute sucks.

very close to "nature"
still need to go to state parks to go hiking, since all the nearby nature is private property

in my county, if you have enough land, you can shoot guns on your property
the houses that have enough land to shoot on start at around $350k, which I couldn't afford, although there are good shooting clubs within 5 minutes

my back yard is undeveloped and backs to undeveloped forest

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>I go to random suburban parks near me that are just undeveloped forests or swamps and I have seen literally nobody in these places.
do you happen to live in western washington or oregon? the rest of the planet isn't like that.

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What are the good reasons to not just use these things when crossing rivers? I know the corporations want you to buy expensive waterproof boots and whatnot but why not just slip the plastic sleeve over your leg and walk thru the river like that?
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So my feet don’t get wet in the cold
welcome to /out/ where spending $5 is a waste of money but $355 on one piece if clothing isnt
best rule of river crossing is how fast you can make a fire on the other side
They'll rip instantly against rocks in the stream
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looks unnecessarily heavy and overbuilt. the bread bags trick works just fine.

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Why is almost everyone in Washington state an obese liberal crackhead tranny? Oh, and don’t forget the rampant crime rates…

I’m a transplant and am taken aback by how everything is run here. I moved here a few weeks ago for the nature but am disappointed by the community. How could such a beautiful piece of land be occupied by filth?
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This ain't true. Most of my friends here are all Seattle locals, lots of great folks. You just can't be what they expect out of a "transplant".

Also lots of "BASED" folks hiding in the city and they only come out in the right environments. Seattle is full of a lot of cool people.
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I too have been a victim of the “landlord special”. They will not admit their units have mold and will put paint, caulking or wallpaper over all the mold
HOH Rainforest
these types of fuckers are lucky they don't try to pull that shit on me if i had kids in that house i would put a gun in that faggot's throat
thanks for deporting yourself transplant scum

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What would you use in case you come across one of our furry friends? I currently have a Remington 870 in 12 gauge and I'm saving up for a 44 magnum of some sort, not sure which one yet. Also not sure if this was more of a /k/ thing but I figured I'd try it here since it has to do with defending against beasts while /out/ting.
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I've got the brass addition
Snap caps and Ben Stoeger videos helped me a lot. Reading about target focus and dryfiring is really the best you can do.

The worst thing you could do in many areas is buy ammo locally. You end up shooting less and paying 2.5x for the same shit. Save a few hundred bucks, hop on ammoseek and buy in 500-1000 round chunks.

Dryfire trainers (like the Mantis that every guntuber shilled for a while) are gay and retarded. It's cool that it racks the slide for you, but the recoil impulse is different and the apps are more or less useless. That money is better spent elsewhere.

Nothing replaces actually running drills, but I understand having other stuff going on. Not trying to be a dick but I never got anywhere with marksmanship or hunting until I made them serious priorities, and not everyone is willing to sacrafice their lifestyles to do that.

Bear spray is cheap and relatively effective.
Sure I can try that once I have access to my guns. Thanks!
>>2782786 (OP)
these threads are always hilarious. i love picturing some autistic dork walking around the woods in camo with a rifle because he's afraid of black bears. those things live in my back yard i get a couple feet from them all the time. if its not emaciated or diseased you have little to worry about.

none of you guys live in grizzly country i do and you don't need a gun rofl. for polar bears you do. grizzlies? hell no rofl have you ever even been around them before?
you especially don't a rifle like i see anons posting saying they do on here. that's jokes and there's a good chance it wouldn't even help you in most grizzly attack situations, which usually take place in your tent at night. bear mace or a sidearm would be more effective in a realistic scenario.

skurka didn't bother taking a gun when he circumnavigated the yukon.
his gear list:
i'm very very pro 2a and guns. i just think you're a clown for thinking you need a gun in the woods in washington. there's only one tiny patch of woods in the very very northern side of washington with 54 grizzly bears living in it.

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>post pic of recent /out/ing
>take turns guessing where anons pictures are from
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Croatia, the southern tail of it?
why would you lie on the internet?
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dont care about your argument just here to say hiroshifaggotmoot sucks
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my porch view is the selkirks
should i learn romanian to get a qt /out/ gf?

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Which is better for tying two ropes together, the Flemish Bend, or the Double Fisherman's Bend? I've been trying to learn one knot for every purpose, which necessitates identifying the best knot for every purpose, but I can't seem to find a straight answer for this one online. The Double Fisherman's Bend seems simpler to tie, since I already know the Fisherman's Knot, but if it's significantly inferior/less safe than the Flemish Bend, then I'd have to learn that one.
>good thread
>0 replies

have a bump op
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>the Flemish Bend, or the Double Fisherman's Bend?
Do both at the same time.
don't overthink it, i don't know what he flemish bend is but double fishermans is as good as it gets. it can't break or slip, what more do you want

in any case you shouldn't learn just one, you should know many and use whichever depending on the situation
knot-autism is cringe. just do a granny knot

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anyone else agree it's the best time of year for /out/? it's 3-6C right now and all I wanna do is go on hikes because it's comfy, quiet and you sweat less, but it's not so frigid you need special gear.
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do you know any online places off the top of your head that sell merino wool clothes in small? specifically pants?
i'm a tiny guy, so finding fitting clothes is hard, and finding pants that aren't made for children or women is also hard
usually everything is cheapshit / purely stylish, having no pockets, purposeful holes, stupid designs, etc when its small too, and the rise of pants is always too short since most is made for kids/women
i know theres plenty of stores online, but i've gone through a few before, and a lot of the clothes they had didn't even have small on the list, and when they did, they were out, so i just gave up
not sure if it's american or just canadian but there are 2 sites called the last hunt and altitude that have discount and last season technical clothing of very good brands, and usually small is what's left too because most people get medium/large
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First snow just hit lads, Truels best season
-2 Celsius today, dipping to -5 tomorrow, been snowing most of the day yesterday

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It seems like nowadays people don't even buy dedicated water bottles anymore and just buy regular off the shelf 1qt tall boys and re-use and re-fill them. For those of us that do this, what's your favorite brand and size of off the shelf water bottles to re-use and do you make any cap modifications/use a bottle cap from a different bottle? And how long do you re-use the same bottle for?
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Next time I camp I want to try using 1L tonic water bottles, a bit stouter than smart water.
SmartWater bottles are in between Gatorade and Dasani in terms of ruggedness. I like the shape; the taller, smooth bottle is easier to slide in and out of front entry side pockets on a backpack.

I use them for three seasons then toss them for winter. It doesn’t always get very cold here, but it can happen. I’ve had SmartWater bottles freeze solid once. I heard Nalgenes are less likely to do that, so I switch them in the “winter.”
>what's your favorite brand and size of off the shelf water bottles to re-use and do you make any cap modifications/use a bottle cap from a different bottle?
i like the life wtr sport cap on the smart water bottle.

>And how long do you re-use the same bottle for?
you're supposed to throw them out after around a month. that's when you start having problems with uv and plastic leeching.

gatorade bottles are way overkill but you can boil water in them over an open flame and the plastic won't melt.
>gatorade bottles are way overkill but you can boil water in them over an open flame and the plastic won't melt.

Oddly enough, gatorade is pasteurized so they bottle it while it's boiling hot. I still don't feel great about actually using them to boil water though. Won't that cause a bunch of toxic crap to be released if you actually put it over a flame as opposed to just putting the hot water in?
Yes, I use a smart water bottle. Wash with hydrogen peroxide and a brush on a drill.

In the West you have to carry way more shit because you can't rely on natural resources to improvise. For example, the only sleep pad you need in the East year-round is an ultralight closed cell cheapo pad, because you can just pile as many hemlock boughs underneath it as necessary for insulation and comfort. For shelter you can use a bivvy style tent and make a vestibule or other expanded living space from saplings and branches and bark. You can save tons of weight by just using a hammock tent. Dry firewood is absolutely everywhere and you don't need a stove. You don't need trekking poles because you can just make a walking stick. A folding saw and a sturdy fixed blade combined with some skill can replace almost half the shit people carry. Very hard to pull that off when you're in a place with very few trees that are all weak softwood and where touching them is banned. Lots of conventional backpacking gear and strategies considered basic and critical by others I just don't give a shit about because I've always just relied on bushcraft instead and see no reason to change. I don't even own a single inflatable sleep pad or fuel burning stove anymore, I would never carry such a thing.
It's true. In Arizona I use a closed cell pad because there are thorns and spines everywhere. I carry all my water, 6-8L for an overnight. Since I'm carrying water anyway I carry pre-hydrated food. Since I'm carrying pre-hydrated food I don't need a stove or fuel.
true some really good points but a few of those aren't super necessary or there's other ways for us to circumvent their importance:
>Dry firewood is absolutely everywhere and you don't need a stove.
can just go cookless and not even need a stove in the first place.
>You don't need trekking poles because you can just make a walking stick.
walking sticks provide stability but you can't really move the load of your hike from your back and legs to your arms like you can with trekking poles. and if your trekking poles integrate into your tent they're basically free weight anyways, they don't weigh a whole lot more than the tentpole they replace.
>A folding saw and a sturdy fixed blade combined with some skill can replace almost half the shit people carry.
wood's plentiful for me where i am on the west coast but honestly taking the time to booshcraft with it is a waste of time if you're trying to cover a lot of miles in a day.
>I don't even own a single inflatable sleep pad or fuel burning stove anymore, I would never carry such a thing.
me neither i only really use my stove on day hikes to cook goofy food at the summit and when i'm doing trail service. inflatable pads are kinda a meme as much as they're really good on paper they just can't be relied on. learning how to sleep on your back goes a long way towards tolerating less luxury.
>In the West
>t.never been
this is a very retarded thread but...its hard to generalize a place like "the west" with a bazillion different biomes ie; in the northern rockies none of what you claimed to be impossible in "the west" is accurate. Plenty of wood, plenty of water, plenty of boughs for sleeping lol

>where touching them is banned
oh its a b8 thread. sorry. my bad.

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Modern outdoor footwear with "waterproof, breathable membranes".

Never waterproof.

Never breathable.

Every fucking time.
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>if you are this fucking stupid hurrdurrrrrr
Do explain why I'm so wrong. You ever seen niggs and fat fucks in the backcountry or on the ski slopes? No, you have not. You're a retarded piece of shit from reddit who thinks anyone cares what you have to say.
brands who take DEI money do not prioritize making good gear. its the clearest way a brand can signal to you they don't give a single fuck about their customer and only care about revenue generation.

imagine buying mass market trash when 1 man cottage brands sell vastly superior gear for less without any advertising budget or nigger models.
timmermade megazip silpoly absolutely dumpsters every one of those jackets into the trash bin where they belong.

timbs are dog shit. imagine cheaping out on BOOTS. if you're even considering that your life is in shambles and you need to be doing less /out/ and more job applications before the woods becomes your permanent home.
i live right next to the flagship rei store and i have never once seen a negro enter the building.
i get using a lot of asian models and women models. that is actually rather reflective of their customer base.
>You ever seen niggs and fat fucks in the backcountry or on the ski slopes?
yes and yes. you are an ignorant fool.
>take DEI money
thanks for the confirmation of cuckery lol.

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