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Why didn’t you guys tell me how good these things are? I’ve been taking pictures for a year without one and I was blown away in the first few shots using a ceiling bounce. It’s night and day. Thing definitely has its uses. So many people say you don’t need a flash but I’d say it just as essential as a tripod. Wish I got it way earlier.

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>>4400355 (OP)
which body/flash combo you rolling with? i am a bit paranoid about nikon Z flash compatibility
>>4400355 (OP)
>I’d say it just as essential as a tripod
what year is it
NTA, but I use Z8 with a TT685N and X2T-N trigger. A bit buky, but works. Considering an AD200 in addition.
Do I need one if I mostly shoot outdoors
TTL or no TTL?

If I buy a TTL flash I've still got to use full manual right? or is it usable on P mode
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You must be a streetfag. Scared of angering the local yobos with your big girthy off-camera flash?
Fighting against unfavorable sunlight / natural lighting is a core hallmark of a strong speedlite. The concept of Fill Flash is important for portraits especially.
TTL makes shit pretty easy. Basically an auto exposure setting that you adjust with 1/3rd stops. TTL is just extra options; you *can* use full manual whenever you like, but if you get a non-TTL flash you will never have the option to go automatic TTL mode. These facts are completely irrelevent for what camera mode you use. If you use P mode, the camera may or may not be smart enough to know it will have extra lighting available. If it does, you can keep it on P, as it will likely just turn the ISO down to base, and narrow the aperture to give you a better DoF.

However, trusting the camera to combine its normal shutter speed, aperture, and ISO settings (P mode), then ALSO trust it to know how much light you'll get from your flash (How far away is the subject? Are you trying to overpower backlighting? What's the GN of your flash? Are you trying to bounce flash?) is a recipe for shit photos. If you're going to get a proper speedlite,
rent free lmao. new topo/post doc
>>4400355 (OP)
A tripod isn't essential at all. Even a 2019 snoy can pull of 1s handheld exposures. If you need more, leave the waterfalls alone gramps! Ultra long exposure daytime and nighttime photography are both boring overdone niches from the days when every DSLR dweeb had a tripod strapped to him
>oooh, stars
>oooh, blurry clouds/water
Don't forget your 14-30mm f2.8 old man

actually, shooting backlit portraits outdoors is what they're best at, indoor flash usually looks unnatural and bad unless you have 2-3+ lights and modifiers.

the tough part is flashes need gelled to match the ambient light, which isn't always 5600k even outdoors. The color temperature of the sun varies by season, reflective surroundings, and cloud cover. Sometimes outdoor light can even cast a green tint if bright sun reflects off shiny grass onto white skin/fur. Yellow tint if you're in a wheat field which is why people love taking photos in wheat fields.

for indoors, just go godox so your little fill flash can act as a strobe trigger in a pinch and their dedicated trigger if you buy it is very small. the only reason pros don't use godox lights is because most rental houses don't contract with godox and carry them and there's an image issue the same as using a panasonic to shoot for LV. people have even shot snoys for LV, but they had to tape over the logo so they models didn't scowl.
Nah you can definitely bounce flash from the side for portraits indoors and get good results. Soft, natural evening lighting will always be better, but you gotta work with what you have.
>>4400355 (OP)
every time there's a poor fool asking for the best compact camera for low-light and fastest lens to shoot handheld in the dark, i recommend they just get a regular camera and lens and add a flash. this will be way cheaper and have no noise issues to boot
>i want a good compact camera that can handle low light ISOs like 3200 and 6400 without being worse than my phone
>>No, moron, that costs money. Spending money is bad. Be an annoying light flasher with a much larger setup instead. OM-5 and a godox tt350, wow there ya go consoomer. If you pixel peep you can appreciate the lower ISO. It's more signal for your money. Muh equivalence. Muh shekels. Muh value. *FLASHSNAP* *gets kicked out of the concert venue*
>wow what a retard that guy was *buys a7c/r8/xt5 and cheap ff f1.8/dx f1.4 prime like a sane person*
many such cases
>>4400355 (OP)
Just ordered an SB-600 (20 usd) and an SB-800 (50 usd).
Looking forward trying some real flash photography
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>>4400355 (OP)
you can solve so many problems in your life by just blasting a speedlite into ceiling I'm in awe. best $60 I ever invested. from my experience, if there's so little light that my camera runs out of usable iso, the light itself is usually very pool quality and not attractive on subject either, so might as well make it more directional and interesting (doesn't apply to concerts or extremely candid scenesof course)

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Mental illness.
>>4400355 (OP)
King of the impossible!
How important is TTL?

I can get a Yongnuo YN560-IV or a Godox TT520 for like $40 or pay 2x that for one that's TTL compatible.
Makes life easier so you don't have to guess exposure or do the math with Guide Numbers / distance and such. You still might need to make adjustments, but it's similar to auto exposure adjustments in a camera. If you buy a fully manual flash then realise it's fucky, you'll have to spend for the TTL anyway. I advise you to just save the money up because a decent flash will last you many years.
if I want to start dicking around with flash should I just get a godox v1 and l2bounce or something like an AD100 and start with off camera?
A couple flashes, umbrellas, and tripods is a good start. Yongnuo is pretty decent and cheap. They have a slave system where the flashes activate off detecting a flash so you can use them all together.
what smol flash to trigger strobes would you recommend?
>Went to my first wedding shoot after getting the SB-600
>Promptly drop it on the stone floor, killing it
Fucking hell, I panicked. Luckily I had some sunlight to work with on that day.
Kind of surprised it died that easily.
Consider bubble wrapping your flash next time. I hear it can double as an interesting flash modifier.:D
Lol, might actually do that
>photography is based on light and its shape
>situation where there is little light probably also has shit shit lighting
I just bought a Godox V1pro and a X3 transmitter. I was using my camera maker dedicated flash (a DMC-FL360LE) and it was so unreliable yesterday with an unacceptable recycle time I decided to throw it in the bin.
there is a transistor or mosfet or something (can't remember) on the control board that sometimes breaks loose during impact.
strobes can make a huge difference depending on what you're trying to shoot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-L2CHK8kvA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS4dyp6Hm04 [Embed]
Based flashman and his silicon wife.
>>4401775 →
flash is 0% socially acceptable. everyone knows this. maybe people who stopped going outside in 2008 don't. for a period it was explicitly stated during the transition to most everyone having a camera that got passable results without flash, but now it's an implicit social convention that only press photographers can use any flash larger than the really dim ones on phones.

you will be asked to stop and then you will be forced to stop if you have that shit going off in public
Index QR mistake meant for >>4401430
seriously flash is fun for private shoots but it's not appropriate or allowed anywhere else, just leave the baby sensor at home and get a real camera. even phones have better night shooting than crap sensors now.
I love his videos, even the shorter ones like these. Has made me start researching what flash I should get soon
Don't care. Still going to burst all over your face in public and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Lmao.
i love this guy, he seems to be like an independently rich dude who just buys all his gear, so i don't really get shill vibes from him like other youtubers. plus his 90s era bimbo hot gilf wife.
>option 1: finds out how easily hot shoe accessories break (by “accident”)
>option 2: doesnt even leave the house (most likely)
You forgot option 3. :D

>the size of the sensor magically changes the quality of the light
holy shit you are retarded lmao
The madman made me buy a new diffuser, lol.

No shill vibes and he essentially says that gear doesn't matter, but your light setup does.

Orange mush with razor-thin depth of field must be what he digs.
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I just received it ; it's a pleasure to use. A bit bulky, but It packs a punch. TTL is on point and the front lamp is a real plus to get that catchlight.
Expensive, but I don't regret getting it.

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I bought my first flash >>4400381 it's a TTL godox but I struggle using it. Pic related my first attempt after a couple test shots

youtuber "pros" told me to shoot manual with desired aperture and just adjust the ISO until the EVF background lighting looks acceptable for correct exposure. Then TTL should work out the distance and do everything else with fill flash.

In reality my preflash was kind of stuttering 3-4 times before the main flash, is that normal?

Also my flash has a "zoom" setting even on TTL, I imagine this is referring to focal length?

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>Also my flash has a "zoom" setting even on TTL, I imagine this is referring to focal length?
What is your model? Did you check if your problem was common on forums?
Godox TT350
>then TTL should work out the distance and do everything else with fill flash
in theory yes, but for me usually it takes couple trial and error shots to figure out the correct TTL +- adjustment for the enviroment and distance. this is especially useful when bouncing flash since the auto metering tends to be not as reliable.
for the picture you posted i'd crank up +1-1,5 to get the exposure right, close up apreture some more (her eyes are in focus but her neclace isn't, it grabs attention and looks awful) and look for background that's less busy for this kind of portrait
You should be using shutter speed to control for ambient exposure. ISO should just be as low as you can for the given flash output.
Controlling with ISO is the same as controlling with aperture in that you're changing both the flash and non-flashed exposure. If you are changing shutter speed, you only affect the non-flashed part of the exposure, and what gets flashed remains unaffected.
NTA. Ah I have the same one. It's a bit weak in terms of total power, so outdoors it can be underwhelming. Depends on subject distance, but for portraits at 85-150mm it should be plenty. Fuck the youtuber PRO*s off and do TTL +/-. If your subject is fine with you retaking shots you can dial it in within 3 or 4 attempts, but if not, I suggest learning a bit more about GN, fill flash, subject distances etc.

Remember, aperture won't help you unless you're reaching max/min flash power, because TTL will fight you. ISO will also work the same.
Shutter Speed will control your background / foreground exposure balance. Dont' be afraid to get slower shutter speeds like 1/60th for portraits, as the flash itself will help freeze motion.

I know the TT350 is useful because it's small, but a bigger one might serve you better depending on if you're doing portraits constantly.
I would not have said it better. Great explanation, anon.
>>4400355 (OP)
Can anyone tell me what I should look for in a flash for wedding photography?
You want to get a back mounted 48 inch softbox with at least 2400w/s of power. The back mount should have space for the charger and a large battery.
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You gotta get one of these bad boys
I used to do that. Good times.
I have the 21st century version : Godox flash and wireless trigger.

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