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>Sending troops to our country to attack our people = act of war
>Doing so without declaring hostilities first = war crime
>Doing so perfidiously out of uniform and lacking insignia = war crime
>Targeting civilians = war crime
The United States Congress is obligated to destroy Tel Aviv and to bring these people to justice.

Israeli soldiers attacked US citizens on the night of April 30th and the morning of May 1st. They attacked unarmed protestors with; baseball bats, metal pipes, plywood, 2x4s, bear spray, skunk spray, frozen water bottles, and of course their fists causing SERIOUS BODILY INJURY and almost killing one 4th Year UCLA student.

The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements since Visa Requirements were changed for Israel on October 19th, 2023 (https://archive.is/sH00c). HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJURE OR KILL THEM.

To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every L.E.O is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There is no ongoing investigation. The media is refusing to talk about it! DO NOT LET THIS BE MEMORY HOLED.

Eliran Bismuts victims WANT TO press charges but the LAPD, CHP, DA, FBI, among other law enforcement agencies are REFUSING to open an investigation and issue a warrant for the arrest of Eliran Bismut.

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uss liberty wasn't a false flag
they simply attacked their enemy (US) and took credit for it
not one kike denied the killing of dozens of american troops
They don't have to be that good. They just have to convince the retards on both spectrums that Jews could never be this evil.

They do it in different ways for both sides.
They are sure covering it up. And Bismut is only important in as far as who he leads to if brought to justice.

Sure but how many people will click those links, though. There are important things in these. Better to have them out in the open. It's not like I post them more than once.

oh for sure. Well, if this story dies, we deserve it.
This is the form it should take. Post it everywhere.

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My family is chalk full of glowies and I was a part of GATE from a young age.

/pol/ sucked me in and turned me into a nazi within a week of lurking because it gave me the missing pieces of the puzzle to make sense of what I've seen and heard.
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I came up before GATE.
Oldfag in the extreme.
Lots of glows and glow adjacents in my family.
They die early or go nuts and then retire.
Shit must be harsh.
>Eli Cobtberg
>Eli Cobtberg
>Eli Cobtberg
Dumbass retard

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Why are they like this?
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Kind of like this thread, lmao none of this is real
>i can tell asians apart after 5 minutes of seeing their face
lol you are kind of making my point there pizza man
Koreans mad Japan assblasted them and made their women serve the superior species.

WWII: Japanese be like.
>Incel nip absolutely seething over his women gushing on white cock
I bet this guy is in tears every night.

It would be cucked if Russia didn't try to get all of this back.

There is nothing wrong with retrieving your possessions.
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Ya'll might as well just take Haiti again at this point.
Like playing video games is a bad thing. Playing WIDE is so much better than playing tall, it’s not even close
France ain’t taking shit, some Russian mercy already pushed them out of Africa and let’s say that the people over there aren’t too eager on her to be Frenchies back. Russias offer was better
Only after the 3 Russian nations reunite can Russia look to reintegrate the central asian countries.
There would most likely be resistance in the caucasus, countries there should remain on the map while being in Russian sphere of influence
hahaha no
since we’re on the subject of funny maps

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Muh "Palestenians" are brown streetshiteroid, they are not indigenous NEGROID like the ANCIENT JVDAIC NEGROS.

Palestenians need to be ethnically cleansed and sent to another Arab country

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Can someone send me the original?
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Working for the system is wage slavery. I’ll eat humans when the system collapses.
it is hard to do, but not impossible

again, it requires the people to have the best interest of the people in mind and not their own, and on top of that that their collective goals also align
>Individualism is great until you realize that you get conquered by anyone who is collectivist, and so individualism only works if, ironically, everyone does it.

What individualists also fail to comprehend that families and communities are also collectives and like all collectives they do require sacrifice on the part of the individual members to function correctly. Ancaps are the worst and are still struggling with the idea of children as property.
>Democratically elected
It wasn't and you know that already. He won a vote, after becoming chancellor mind you, but not a fair vote by any stretch of the word. See:
>Reichstag building burned down in false flag attack, propaganda to reduce the KPD's popularity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichstag_fire
>50,000 police in prussia whose sole purpose was to 'monitor the vote'(i.e. intimidation) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilfspolizei
>In spite of this intimidation and violence, nazis did not gain a parliamentary majority
>They got around this by using the reichstag fire to arrest all 81 communists to keep them out of the vote for the Enabling Act
>This violent crackdown allowed the enabling act to pass without much resistance
>Immediately following the enabling act, all non-nazi political parties were dissolved and made illegal.
>Most of the opposition vote ran away or was executed.

>He wasn't much of a dictator.
After 1933 they never had another election and gave him full power. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933

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You would think they have an armed escort, so I doubt wolves will be a problem. Also, a loud crash and fire and shit would probably keep them away.
I have dji mini 2 drone, I can help them find him, 50% in advance cash only
Thanks, Chattie!
It's possible.

Yeah except the Jews got them from the Greys through backward engineering and possibly a deal in helping them on abductions.
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Hate Speech is destroying the Software Development community!
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Who still uses javascript, even for web dev, in 2024?
Can't you store the object inside a variable or just import specifically which part of the namespace you want?
based diego jewstein
Front end devs. React native uses typescript which is a form of Javascript. Front end devs are so fucking lazy.

Hey, in case anyone was wondering, all of the fucking modern programs on your computer are actually websites. If you open up 100x programs and scan the ports on, you'll notice a fuckload of open ports. Reason being is that modern front end devs refuse to use older frameworks like QT, because they think old == bad. Instead they turn everything into a fucking website and then bounce data around from one program to another through a retarded pubsub server. Thats why everything is so slow these days too.
Can thank google for starting that trend when they forced all sites to have a "mobile friendly" soulless version to show up in their search results. From that day forward it only got worse, to where we are now where "apps" are just mini web browsers talking to a billion backends

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If you hate America so much, why don't you leave? You are free to go anywhere else in the world. Why do you choose to live in a country infested with niggers and Jews and run by Zionists? Oh that's right because other countries are shitholes and this one is rather nice and you like living here.

Christ is King you retarded incel.
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This will go unanswered. The fact of the matter is that you cannot have a 'representative government' and a private central at the same time. The bank has effectively infinite money to corrupt the government, which is what we see now.

i can only hope that they fuck up things so much that they get eaten by their own monster, as in, get overthrown by pajeets if things continue as they are right now
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picrel; this is a slide thread

/pol/ is waking up, OP. Does it frighten you?
Jesus is a faggot and I look forward to killing you and your family.
Because I am not an illegal. I have to pay an expatriation fee, if I was an immigrant the fee would get waved. I'm just fine with leaving your failed bitch ass, snitch ass society of endless red tape, gotchas and gutless pussies such as yourself. I really hope they replace me with some stinky nigger cannibal immigrant and they ass rape your mother in front of you. You stand for nothing. Never did.

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It's getting warm out there. How are we holding up, /pol/?
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I have asthma so I get to sit and watch in the comfort of my home while waving little flags
motorcycle fags are more cringe than vegans. but if it's your only hope for getting pussy then I guess by all means, take your helmet everywhere and keep talking about your iron horsey 24/7
Pretty nice weather. I'm hyped for the solarium to open, so I can start sunmaxxing every day.
I want to be as dark as a gypsy by the end of June. That's my goal every year.
27 with nothing to show for it, but at least there will be a war on this island
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Azbro here ready for summer can’t wait for my car to turn into a oven, I love it when everything in my car burns my skin, greatest feeling in the world.

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Previous: >>468533209

▶Day: 816 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukrainian Navy destroyed the Russian sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" - General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
>For the first time during the war, the AFU has enough artillery shells - Zelenskyy
>"We didn't need Kharkiv" - Vladimir Putin
>Denmark's new military aid package to Ukraine valued at 5.6 billion DKK (€750 million)
>Sevastopol hit by drones
>Novorossiysk port hit by drones
>Tuapse refinery hit by drones
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea. Again
>Putin begs for peace after realizing he can't get the entirety of Ukraine - RT
>Explosions at Belbek airfield, Crimea

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>1945 - 2024
So who did Russia fight all these years? Itself?
>In the town
>Where Pidors roam
>Lived a man, ex-VDV
>And he told us of his life
>Stealing ukie toilet seats
>We all live in a turquoise submarine
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>>>/pol/chug/ is this way pedophile
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>>approaching a half million dead
>It's 6 million actually, you pidor shill. Stop lowering the numbers.
Projecting another one of your fairytales?
Here nigger, catch!

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If this is the Big One, I want to see all that supposed super-duper shit Uncle Sam and everyone else has popping off. Hidden UFOs, alien weaponry, all that shit. If I'm about to become toast, at least let me see the toasters I've paid for.
israelis are dancing somewhere in the world right now.
Globalist Jews run the entire US government
But they hate Israel
im only asking yo to tongue my anus like the nigger you are
Absolutely lit.

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How come the mainstream media was pretty much running infomercials about how amazing this truck is and then it turned out to be a bricked piece of shit?
Actually, it’s a pretty amazing truck and if you believe in free speech you should order one and support Elon Musk
>The media stands for their owners, not against them
what's so bad about it? it's an electric car aren't those things pretty hassle free with little moving parts?
EVs barely work for transportation in cities. This vehicle banked on its looks and not the ability to do anything real good especially trucky things.
It's bad because musk is a literal Nazi white supremacist

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you dont get it, they will go home and take another 8 years to reorganize and get infiltrated. in the meantime they have 2-3 election cycles to do more irrecoverable damage.
this time from Porto to Vladivostok
Anon, they have been doing irrecoverable damage since after WW2.
I'm from Russia, working in Germany as an IT cuck.

For me, the scary part about the german state media situation is that unlike russians, german people seem to be clueless about the intentions behind government affiliated media calling out political enemies as "nazis".

So my question is - do germans realise that something is off or they are as clueless as the media treats them?
some do, some dont, a lot of people do not want to believe that government and media is outright hostile towards them. They see the evidence, they acknowledge it but they do not want their "weltbild" shattered, propably thinking voting cuckservative can fix it lol.
but im biased, my dad is based, my mom refuses to open her eyes and 75% of my coworkers would vote nsdap if they were on the balllot

Do you also feel a deep bond with Poland in your country?
Big Polish Titties
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Yes, whenever I need the toilet

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>this movie was satire 20 years ago
Now it's just the average male experience. Something is fundamentally wrong with the increasing and unrealistic female standards.
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EVERY attractive woman that goes into public has a boyfriend or is married though. I try too tell people they can go for it anyway, don't be a party too cheating but you're allowed too attract the attention of a woman who has boyfriend (not married though). Most of the guys with girlfriends really took her attention from somebody else whether they know it or not. It's just the way it really works but people on her tell me I'm wrong, bunch of romantics or cucks too think that is the truth.
Lmao, none of that shit you white incel losers obsess over even matters
>the average male experience
What bullshit.
The average male is out there having sex and getting married.
Hyperbole is for the left. This is not a left wing board.
sorry I mistakenly thought we were all white people discussing here. fucking brownoid

Lol you vastly overestimate what "average" is then or are considering a different age range like 40+. The average guy 16 - 25 is absolutely not having sex let alone getting married. The guys that are "above average" are sure but they are all competing with each other and Chads too so if they are unlucky even above average dudes aren't getting laid

zoomers think 1985 was 100 years ago
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stupid fucks 1985 was 70 years ago
I'm GenX and say 2010 was 100 years ago
1985 was 1945 years ago you dumb fucks
1984 was 5000 B.C. years ago
If you weren’t alive in the 80’s you fucking missed out.
To me the 80s is still 20 years ago

Stimulants are incredible for this.
Despite the fact that it's probably a bad idea, I want to try to get an adderall knockoff prescription again so I can write dumb shit at lightspeed again.
Adderal needs to unironically be legalized to meet the mental demands of society.
Like caffeine was responsible for the renaissance

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Jews are innocent. The Romans kill Jesu---
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Seethe, mutoïd. Seethe. And cope, while you're at it.
I love you, Sarah. Please love me too and live happily forever
2000 years of making their DNA more and more parasitic with each generation of torturing an innocent man to death who just wanted to teach love (and also resurrected dead people and rose from the dead because he was better than the useless jews and they hate not feeling superior — which they never were nor will be, to Europeans at least)
Who the fuck gave you permission to get out of the ashtray? No wait scrap that, that would be a joke if only the holocaust actually ever happened.
You know how it is with people and their sacred cows: they are determined to take offence, like with that satirical Israeli show which featured the (sexy) host in a bikini which people make out to be a recording of the meeting of the elders of Zion. Very much like the Jewish authorities and their "conservative Christian moralist" neurotics ("the Pharisees") of yesteryear, the accuse Sarah Silverman of "blasphemy" and her "having a devil!" The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?
Sarah Silverman says the words "I would kill Christ", but the people frothing at the mouth at her would actually kill Jesus if they met him.

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>Pakistani apes rape a a girl in Kyrgyzstan
>Locals don't take kindly to it and attack Pakistanis
>Pakistanis flee the country
>Pakistanis are crying on Twitter declaring war on the "Ummah" because Pakistan first saar
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Kys midget camel fucker
I was wondering about race war between Kyrgyzstan vs pakis, but it turn out just jeets vs pakis.
Thank Allah (SWT) for Magnificent Century whitening Pakistan!
>Also as Muslim I support Ummah
Ummah is complete horseshit
Because why not? Find me a line in quran that forbids vodka?

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